5 Less Obvious Things Every Player NEEDS To Build!

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hello I'm a px toy cat and minecraft is the game when no one can tell you what you can and cannot do and this of course applies most to the building within the game anyone can build anything they like to put all sorts of different reasons I have an insane sugarcane farm because I really like show you came farming I have a castle perched on flubber Mountain because I thought it would look ridiculous to have a frozen moat around a castle on top of a mountain that shouldn't support itself but yet it does because minecraft physics and I have this little cage as a reference to forms fortress in Super Mario 64 these are all things I built for various different reasons that no one else is probably ever going to build however despite that being true there are some things in Minecraft we all need to build at some point everyone knows that you need a Minecraft house everyone knows you need a cave everyone knows you need in every portal at some point but it's your choice but if your house is inside the cave or and supper Mountain or anything else you want to do you have freedom to decide within these bounds and that's why in today's video I think they talk about things that you probably should have in your Minecraft world that you almost need to have in that world that you can do however you like but you need to do somehow so that you can have some inspiration as to what to build because one of the biggest tragedies in Minecraft is a lot of people don't know exactly what to build many given point in time so here are five ideas that you can customize as much as you humanly want as long as you build them in some form in your Minecraft world so with that said let's dive strains this one and let's get started with the very first thing on this list which is not gonna be a beacon at the very origin of your world which i think is cool but it's definitely not necessary in any way the first thing I think everyone should have their minecraft worlds that not everyone does is going to be a never highway or and never pathway off some form you need to have some way to get between your various never portals because there never is a time scale to the oval so you can travel much faster here you need to have some way of doing that in relative safety whoever it's just for the purpose of traveling through the earth world or whether it's for the purpose of getting your never chords or any other valuable resources from here you need to do it safely from the gas and although you could light up all of the nether and you could try to stop them from spawning that way there are theoretically ways you can prevent gas spawning what's way easier is just to have a pathway built from a high loss resistance block that's right in Minecraft there are various different items of different blast resistances and as long as you pick one which has a blast resistance over about 15 or so from this list right here then it will be resistant from any explosions when the gas flies are pliable at you what will actually happen is the explosion will hit but it won't hurt you into a per minute her units latest it won't hurt your build in the slightest and this means you can build whatever you like here so I recommend having some for pathway in you're never so you can get between never portals without being bothered because again one of the easiest ways to conquer minecraft is to remove the danger of some of these ridiculous enemies that no one likes anyway and Goths are right up there on this list and here's the cool thing about this particular design which I like where you have the second block free you can't fall off but you can see at any point in time where in the never you are you can see what's out there say never quartz or gas and stuff and even if the Gauss uses to attack you they won't be able to because again the gas fireball will come through here will explode on the lip and won't be able to get you so yeah this is a great way to view the never without any risk from any angle which means that you can bring horses or you can bring dolphins or whatever else you want to bring through the never without any risk of them being harmed as well so yeah this goes for quite some distance and the never and the reason that you want to have a safe never is so you can do ridiculous things like do you want to have villages and you're never well you know not only do I have this nice little secure area with zombie pigman and stuff I also have a little miniature NPC village over here that does exist in my never with jungle villages as well how's that possible it's possible by having a safe never where gas can't attack you as you can see I made this whole area covered in stone this might be overkill but if it's what you want it's what you want also a little known fact that sounds like it shouldn't be true because glass is very exploitable it doesn't have the blast resistance required however Goths can't shoot you if they see you fruit gloss they won't destroy the glass to get to you because as far as the gas is concerned is it blocked between them and you they can't see you even though there's glass here so you can see the gas they can't see you and this means that what you can actually do is make a pathway out of cloth box if you want to because again if as long as you don't go outside of it and don't let go see from the inside of it what you can actually barely safely do is have a glass pathway going over you know the end of nothing where you can see everything that can't see you because you're surrounded by cloth and prove this point let's make ourselves a little chamber right here let's look at the gas in the eye as you can see he's so close to us if we go outside of this here you can see gas wants to attack us because the gas can see us gas gets behind some blocks can't see us anymore gas comes out pass light those blocks and we'll start attacking again just like this the gas now has a very clear line of sight on us unless we build some gloss blocks in our way now when the gas comes back to us won't be able to hit us which means we can have a whole little pathway built that can keep us safe that's right a very real thing you can do in the nether is have a glass pathway where it looks like you should be destroyed at any second by ghasts but then not able to obviously blazes could get in there and you know cause you issues potentially but they can't destroy the class which means glass in the nether is safe as long as you fully coat yourself in a thing so that no gas can attack from any angle which is beautiful look at this distance the gases away from me look how close we've gone to the gas but the gas just does not care about us doesn't know we're here until we step immediately out and what you're gonna see you're gonna see the gas is following us ready for an explosion just like that however go back under the glass and everything's entirely fine if we are safe we are entirely invulnerable as long as there is glass between us and the gust glass and gas they've got a similar amount of Rai meanness to it and it's it's hard to say okay but yeah blast the gas Dawei glossed them if you want it and then they'll be safe so yeah this last technique is something I tend to use my never at some point for another pathway because stone bricks are something that's got like this kind of brutalist kind of feel to it however sometimes you want to build like a pretty low pathway and yeah that's why I'm gonna do have like a really nice floating above lava glass pathway because I think the way these never fortresses end and they just kind of like lead up into nothing with a giant pit of lava below them I think this is the perfect place to have like a glass pathway where you can see all times you are directly standing above love it's a really really fun vibe one that you could recreate yourself if you want to and one way you're entirely safe as long as you build again make sure you have side rails and make sure you have something up above you can make this as big or as small as you like you can make it two by two you can make it free by free you can make it ridiculously sized if you really want to as long as you're covered on all ankles just like we are right now so yeah you can expect to see something like this from me in these somewhat near future when I get some more glass again we've just gone through a lot of glass based not and sad i should say based on our end stuff that you probably know about already but with that said let's move into the second project every world should have and it doesn't involve looking directly into lava or like you're about to die no nice save right so the second thing everyone should have in their Minecraft world is a village but those naturally generate weather old if you have an old world like me however the new types of villages you're going to find villages with villages that's going to be something that happens regardless of all of this however the things you can do to the village is you can customise it you can fill a field near your village of beds if you want to have a lot off them for a lot of different trades you can build new buildings for them you can do less or stuff everyone knows about this already but one thing that's genuinely super useful that everyone should have in some form is a wall around their village that's right you need to build a wall and you need to make the villagers pay for it because you know this is a real problem for us that we can only fix with the walls I make the greatest walls by the way this is what this video is definitely gonna turn in to you right now but no more seriously a wall is going to be super useful because it gives you an area you can light up and keep safe in this case you know to protect the don't villagers from zombies and from jumping up in debt are they working out together if they are that's a really nice urge or an activity there but you know you can actually you know have this wonderful place where it's fully lit up as you can see with torches so no zombies will spawn here if a pillager rate happens all of the villages are safe because they're within the walls and the pillagers will spawn just outside of it if you design the wall boundaries just right that is and basically you can have a village which is an entirely safe zone so when you spend all this time getting a villager up to the max level giving them that diamond proficiency they're not gonna die in a pillager rate and waste all of your time admittedly poor villagers are quite easy to level up and they don't you know the best reward is like golden carrots free for free not the best trade in the world but the fact is that you can keep your villagers safe using a wall and something I've noticed is a lot of people have done this same thing if I show you on screen right now a bunch of way more artistic walls than one we've done because this doesn't I'd be pretty against ghwarri our village is an old square village I figured a great square wall around it would be great this was designed for the fascist village so it's like a perfect square it's a very nice geometric shape in my opinion it was basically designed to keep the villagers in as much as it was designed to keep other things out but it was a fun thing to build at the time that also increased my villager population because of the doors but yeah was a fun thing to build at the time and it's something every village needs if you care about that village because if you're playing on normal harder difficulty odds are if you leave a village for long enough just within your render distance but not you know like while you're there a zombie raid will start the villagers will die and all of your progress will be reset and no one wants that so what do you do you build a wall you make your Minecraft world great again and that's why you need a wall and indeed that's why you need to have yourself easy says to an end portal or multiple end portals if you find multiple near different bills in your Minecraft world but you need to find the one that is most central to all of your builds and you need to make easy access to it because you know truth be told you can just have a ladder to climb up and down from the surface to this and that's a you know more adequate provision the most minecraft players actually do what you could also do if you want to get from the end portal to the surface easily is you can use one of these source and load ladders and you can climb up really fast but what I recommend for the of where round is to carve out the entire roof of your end this is something I did in a bow in our livestream I was surprised how fast this actually went it's a really easy thing to just destroy the roof of your stronghold then destroy all of the ground leading into it and because it's not actually a big you know like gap you can end up with really easy access to your end fort so plus I think it kind of looks cool just having this you know clear destruction plus in my case I love this I mentioned a billion times but it's because I love it that much and you're gonna listen to it damnit cuz that's what YouTube's all about it's about my passion and my passion includes this slip-and-slide right here but as you can see you slip your slide and Antle portal frame so luckily we only took three and a half lots of damage but let's show you that one again shall we as I was saying you glide in because you're in a hurry you do a little bit of a slip you do a little bit of a slide and then you land perfectly in the end portal and you'll notice how you don't take any full damage at least in Minecraft bedrock when you land in a end portal no matter what height you landed there from this sounds kind of unbelievable and unrealistic it sounds like it's fake but yet it's not we just got ourselves easy access to the end and we fell in there from a slip and slide if you find that dangerous if you think that's silly or if your portals just so low down that it's actually a genuine risk then what you can instead do is you could obviously you know like just you could have like it'd be a smaller thing or have a layer of water to protect yourself so nothing that you can do and I'll show you this in the end where it's actually surprisingly risky to do this we can have a bucket of water but instead of having the bucket of water go all the way out into the void or into your over your end portal which maybe you don't want what you can instead use and this one I think is a fun little alternative is a sign of some form or a ladder or anything that can block the flow but allow you to go past it because as soon as you place this there which is gonna drop the water by the way which is a big problem for us as we're floating in the end and this means that what you can actually do is you can safely land from any height into the water and then I'll stop you from the fall so just to show you the I'm working in action because that might sound confusing let's say we've got this nice little island down here that's a secret for some reason or maybe we actually live in the bottom of one of these end islands which i think is a great little idea but let's say we have a little secret place that you want to get to that you know you have to access from pretty high up because this is quite low down but dramatic effect I'm gonna deliberately build myself up all the way like 2030 blocks up this bull will kill me because look at my health bar look at Jorge the spoilers and but you see I'm gonna go through the water and just going through the water will reset your fault you know thing even though you're full speed is the same you're full you know damage that you should go through is reset by the water which means when you land from there to here it's a free block full no damage taken whatsoever despite the huge fool that we just went through you can use this for your n bottle if you want to just in case you're worried or you're playing on Java or whatever else and yet then you can get to your little secret underneath islands but yeah how do you get out here to the end islands where we're working on our silly projects you might sometimes wonder like oh yeah well you can get here by a giant blue ice pathway and actually I like this as a recommendation but for most people this isn't practical most people this is like you know nerve you know this is very scary it's it's not nice no one likes go along an endless pathway where if they slip one blocks the left or right they fall off forever and what you could do here is you could have some form of like side block so I mean we're gonna use stone bricks but today even though it's so ugly because what you could do you'd have some poor side block to stop you from falling off there or if it's a boat you need to place it like one other block out there you could do this if you really wanted to you know just guarantee that you're safe but again personally I don't like it so much the sideling thing it's awesome it doesn't look great it doesn't add to the feel there's something beautiful about just a single pathway of blocks that I like so if you don't want to do this you don't have the side pathway you wanna have a more secure way to get to and from the end islands let me show you what that is because I'm sure everyone already knows about the end island gateways we have one just over here it's about fringe of blocks away so it's not that convenient so I don't really use it myself because I happen to put my hand on the way from it but as you can see right over here here's an end island gateway right if you fly into them then at just the right speed in just the right angle and you don't mess it up which you know everyone does all the time especially me and what you're gonna do is you gonna be upset a port to and promptly main end island okay just like that we finally got through and now you can see that's how you get through it's a whole mess that's how you're meant to do it even with an election by UPS all of an enderpearl both solutions I don't really like because you need precise end up all aiming not everyone has it so what I instead recommend is this little contraption right here you have a staircase to bring you up to it then what you do from here I don't know why this is like this but then what you do is you have some pearl of water leading into the end gateway and what you can actually do is you can swim into the one-way block you can dive if you want against the current go back into it I'll go into it and just like this it's much much easier to do that way because then then you can actually go into it guaranteed one hundreds of the time no fall damage no firework wastage no looking like an idiot etc god damn it so hard like I'm just trying to get back to prove my point for the video and it's still back for Keith because maybe this is just me maybe I just have the broken motor skills to everyone else it's an easy you know flight to do to me it definitely is not that this enema agrees with your point he is he is angry that I am flying into them rather than just making one of these swim blazing so let me show you how you can much easier do this you make a staircase like you can see right here you can even make it out actual stairs if you don't like King be a button or space every now and then then you can use some water place it right next to it and it's gonna be great I'll do this we right now actually just in case that looks confusing all you want to do is have the water go to this block right here so we'll have the water block be there surround the water so it can't escape this isn't even essential it's just you know for aesthetics which some people like and you know it's the point of this video that you can make anything the aesthetics that you like then we're gonna grab ourselves that water bucket Louie emptied out earlier for that point I know my inventory spool by the way it's a mess it's fine then we place the water over here and it's gonna float into there and then actually it's gonna flow off the side a bit too so let's look let's place a block over there and now what you can see is you can do the exact same thing you can dive against the current wait we're gonna make it one block wider so we actually have a proper current to right against like we've done over there but yeah you can right against it and once you do that you should be able to om even in this case we can swim into it so here you can see we've got two source blocks now this is enough for us to swim from one into the other why is it not letting us swim in this case so you want to make it like two blocks deep because minecraft swim mechanics have changed since I last made the last one see handy to show you these sorts of things just in case this sort of thing does come up then you want to remove this block over here and now just like that as easily as that we have ourselves a two block wide water where we can swim swim up into it and then using the same swimming mechanic we can get into the thing so now we have a two block deep water which we can drown in if we want to or you can swim those are your two choices drown or swim you know make up your mind but yeah you can use this to get yourself into the portal if you so choose I'll try that one again cuz I've messed it up but as you can see just like this actually let's remove this block over here so we can go straight into the the gap which is where we want to be but yeah we can just swim into the gap and then go Gateway and now we're in the end with a lot of Benjamin that are very mad at me this is actually where my old endless pathway started where it's just a line of nerve rack oh how we've changed oh how we've changed B I think it's kind of fun personally anyway though you can see for this particular one because it was gonna be my kind of hub for this sort of thing you can see how I've done the exact same thing on the return just to make it easy to do both ways again you just swim into it except this is the old something has to be too deep now for whatever reason so now we just have an extra block down there then we can swim into this or up the current I can say then we can swim up against it through there and just like that we have here this end in a very strange weird place with water flowing out for some reason I don't know why that float got broken but it seems like it did what a weird little mechanic right there so the fifth thing everyone needs to build in their Minecraft world is a giant blast statue that looks like an enema this is just required everyone needs one of the nutless this is not the thing that everyone should build their Minecraft world I mean I'd argue it's kind of a nice idea it's not the best execution I was just kind of trying to add some mock up my end you know farmed which you know I I think we did a good enough job at but the fifth thing that I think everyone should have in their world somewhere is a furnace room I even have one in my Cape house as you can see the funny thing about furnace room is it's such an essential thing because sometimes you need to smelt lots of things at once maybe it's a lot of ores that you're currently smelting your way through maybe it's a bunch of sponges or gold or you know like whatever is that you're trying to work through people need to smelt things all the time and you're gonna need a furnace room for that because one furnace melts one item every eight seconds and we don't have time for that or you won't have time for that at some point and so therefore the idea if the furnace room does come up my first furnace room was just 15 furnaces in a row but like you might be able to guess in the fact that I mentioned this is my first one this is a type of room that I found so essential I've made four of them in my Minecraft world within a pretty close distance of each other too so I figured I'd show you all four iterations in order because here's my most simple one it's literally just 15 furnaces making a wool I have a bunch off there you know coal in a chest oh this not coal we have much of coal in a chest over here as well as coal ores and coal blocks we used to have some lava buckets also but still we keep all of the furnaces stacked and max cold so they can be smelting as much as I can up to 15 items at once but again having to individually stack and unstack every time you know it's it's it's a thing we can do but it was a lot of effort which is why instead back when baked potatoes were the go-to food in Minecraft and for a while you know like for me at least they kind of work it's very easy to come by I mean look out many potatoes we have all we have to do is grab a bunch of potatoes replant them if we wanted to and then once we've replant the potato up we all we had to do was harvest a bunch of potatoes replant the ones that we intended to buy all of them and then we would have ourselves a spare stack of potatoes within just a few seconds then we could do is we could throw the potatoes into my second little furnace idea because yeah I figured why not put eight burners next to the thing so this is again a really simple furnace it's just assigned for ease of use how do I tell my potatoes into baked potatoes really fast I had one chest that had two helpers going into two other chests then to hoppers going from both of those double chests going down into furnaces this means that we could smell four sets of potatoes at once and it's a relatively simple design I mean by relatively simple it's the most simple design but it's entirely effective for allowing you to divide one you know chest between four different sets of furnaces it means if you just have to throw four stacks or lesser placements in somewhere and just guaranteed that'll be cooked as fast as possible this is the way to do it it was really fast to set up the magic potato machine man it's fun seeing nostalgia from so many years ago that you built and decided to name apparently but um yeah it's fun but now all of these potatoes look how many we've cooked in this time compared to how many we could have cooked before it's pretty nice right and now we can eat baked potato for the rest of the video which is just a delight I I don't recommend baked potatoes unless you disagree with the killing of animals but if you disagree with the killing of animals then I recommend against most things in life so my third furnace room was this absolute work of art where I decided you know I need a lot of smelting to go down and therefore what better to do it with than with a furnace at you know furnace room made from furnaces the building is also the furnace room again its furnace shaped it was designed to look like a furnace although whether that succeeded is up to you so yeah the entire thing was a block of furnaces which means I have as many furnaces as I'd ever reasonably want to use just around the entrance it and I have used a fair number of these that I've just forgotten about if we're being entirely realistic we ourselves but then on the inside I decided later on down the line to actually change it so I have a bunch of these auto smelters going on here you place a bunch of whatever you want to snots up in the very top right here let's say for example some would if you know that's that makes us charcoal so we grab some wood we place it inside this then that goes in instinctively it's the top here and then we have lava buckets which are fed on ridiculous amounts although apparently these are real quite empty right now we have lava buckets the defendants there which means that there's eternal fuel eternal best fuel in the game by the way and then down here we get the you know the charcoal and we get the buckets or the you know the glass I think glass and charcoal the two major things we've melted here and yeah basically it means that we can get a huge amount of smelting done while I'm afk all I have to do is hide between these two doors nothing can get to me and then I come back an hour later almost melting no matter how many hundreds or thousands or in the case of the fifty thousand glass box tens of thousands of class blocks are done that was a silly project I will admit right now but yeah that is how we get these things done and that is why there's a giant chess room next to it because this is how much this is how many chests it took to store all of that sand very ridiculous idea but this was just my third furnace room my fourth one is a bit more sophisticated I'd like to believe although we don't like to believe we're a bit more sophisticated than we were before but I really do think that this time we did a pretty good job I made a blast furnace out of Minecraft blocks and I think it looks pretty convincing you know here's what a blast furnace block looks like here's what my blast furnace is again it's not it's not too terrible right and then here's the clip thing about this the entrant like this kind of it works like a giant loss bonus all we do is we put any items we want to cook into the center here can you cook anything we have an arbitrary I don't think so we put any items we want to cook into this here and then there's an automatic item sorter this was again way over the top in terms of complexity we have an item sort of going on right here which works out what's an item is using these complex redstone materials basically what it's doing is it's checking to see if it's any of these things if it's gold it goes on the blast furnace if it's mine it goes in this blast furnace coal for this blast furnace redstone for this one then if it's any other item it goes into this furnace right here so you can see my smooth stone cooked here and then it if this furnace is full it'll go into the next one so then it'll smell from that furnace and then so on and so forth giving us four furnaces were folk cook beeps steak cooking apparently giving us four furnaces for regular items and fourth furnaces for fuel if we do have a bunch of materials like iron for instance that we pick up and we're just not like if we have a whole inventory full of stuff we want to smell but we don't we're putting into individual things and dealing with ourselves all we have to do is throw the iron into this and what you're gonna see is the automatic smelting system which again I I quite like it as a way over-the-top solution to a simple problem the simple furnace will look at this it will work out what it is and I'll throw it right here into the iron furnace or the iron blast furnace as you can see which melts at double the speed of a regular furnace and isn't that wonderful also then from there it then goes into another hopper into this barrel right here so look how much how much iron we have and how much coal and redstone and everything else that we apparently have filled here are we only have those ones up to the barrels next to them these ones we just didn't bother with okay reasons sure but yeah this is a very over-the-top solution because it also means the most effective way to cook meat is here you further meat on the things you don't waste any coal again arguably over the top this was a really cool room I think I think it's a really cool concept that I just didn't use enough and don't intend to use enough but if you want this is like four different levels of complexity you can go for a furnace you can have the lowest then one of just cooked potatoes of the magic potato machine you can have a furnace room in your house you can have a giant furnace building with Auto smelters or you can have a literal furnace building with multiple types of smelters in here for all of your smelting needs it just depends on how much you smelt your Minecraft well or how much you dislike you know you desire making a weird complex structure I love having my giant blast furnace here is a concept I think I put it in the wrong place like it's a kind of again you can see it squeeze them between two things but you might you know you might not love that or you might love having an even bigger one these are your decisions you get to make because minecraft is the game where no one can tell you what you can and cannot do and that is the thing I absolutely love about this and indeed you know about everything in the game you can do anything you want and no one could criticize you for it that's why my spawn building is a giant mushroom town for some reason that's why it took me literally years to finish the lighthouse up there but we finally did it everything in Minecraft you can do at your own pace in your own time that's why my Minecraft world is weird and wacky is because it's the combination of seven and a half years of just weird ideas that have kind of formed together at different points like at some point in time I for joint snatch up myself overlooking my area would be great I kind of like it now I I go back and forth of that and that's the pupil finkbat minecraft if you have a long-term survival world you might look at me cringe would be like oh this is awful I need to start again but the truth is kind of like the real world where you are aid continually evolving person where your past defines your future your minecraft balls past defines its future too and working with that is one of the fun challenges in the game that I really desire and that's why I play the same way in craft world and if you want to keep playing the same minecraft world remember to focus on these applied things and anything else that you want to build custom again the whole idea of this video is people have inspiration lacking sometimes because there's so much you can do in the game let its hard work out which individual thing you should do and maybe this was some good inspiration or maybe it wasn't I don't know I hope you'll enjoy the video cuz I'll see you all in the next one good bye [Music]
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 500,781
Rating: 4.8035254 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: NsiWhiYrNwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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