7 Things You SHOULDN'T Build In Survival Minecraft

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hello I'm a extra care and do you recall how a few months ago I bought a giant desert temple to prove how it's something you should never even attempt in minecraft survival well this absolute mad lad Kyle caster 101 decided to do precisely that they built the entire thing including the insides properly scaled it is incredible to look at and because they don't have their hub it even looks like they're just tiny in a real big Minecraft world this is beautiful and the best thing about this cuz when I saw this I was like wow this guy did something really cool parallel thinking and all that but actually turns out that he was inspired by my video on this exact same thing he said that was actually the inspiration behind this project I went the extra mile and did custom textures to show how it could be done and I loved seeing what the community can do in response these videos which is why I figured we would do for a sequel to things you shouldn't deal with survival but first I thought we're gonna have to finish off this desert temple because if Kyle caster 101 can do it you know what I can do so I spent an hour trying to get this thing to work and I'll be honest with you I don't think we've done that we have a few places where it looks reasonably acceptable but in the center here I just couldn't get a proper entrance there wasn't enough space so instead we have this it looks like a creeper man but he has no arms and only legs apparently it's ridiculous to look at I'll admit that I failed here but what I'm gonna be doing this video is talking about other things you shouldn't build in Minecraft Survival because that's what my entire goal is with these videos is to show you things that I'm really curious about and would love to make into a survival project but I really know I shouldn't try out in survival like my first thing here which is going to be going to the end because you know we have an end right here that we actually tried a few things with we've covered in ice it's a fun thing in my overall I've covered it in cloth by hand in survival one of the things I've always been most curious about when it comes to the end is what exactly would happen if you removed the end towers I mean then you end up with an end which is just and stone right but then what happens if once you remove the end towers you remove all of the end stone as well this is a project I'd really love to attempt in Minecraft Survival because you could redefine what the dimensions look like because once you remove this there should be nothing right but what exactly does that look like and we're gonna try and find out and creative today first of all we kill all the entities including the dragon wow look how good killing the Enderdragon that was so hard I know but now we've taken down all the towns as well now we want to remove the bedrock on top of each of them as well as of course the iron bars and the places that makes sense because two of these towers will always spawn with the bars around them which is usually a struggle if you don't have wonderful commands working your favor which again you know nice to be able to skip that part the process and then once we've done that we can remove the towers this is fairly easy to do we don't need to be particularly surgical about this all we need to do is relate a huge amount of area with air instead and just you know remove it like that because again usually we'd remove just the bright block that we're trying to go after but today we can just make these giant holes in the ground because we need to remove the end stone later anyway so step by step we remove each of these already you can see how the end looks so strange about its pillars but again the question I have is what is the end like without anything here in the dimension besides the portal except you know even this portal right here that takes you back to the overworld if you're in creative you can destroy that but again we're gonna talk about the survival side of this thing we're gonna be talking about what you can actually destroy in survival which is everything besides the bedrock blocks so let's talk about what it'd be like if you removed all of this instant so in survival this would take many many weeks of work just mining where efficiency five pickaxes which you have to you know break and open over again and it's something I would love to do it's something I've been so tempted to do on a regular basis but again we need to stop ourselves from getting into silly some other project on that level so instead what we do is we use this command right here to replace all of the end stone in a particular chunk or over a 20 by 20 area with some air which you know is a very huge operation we're removing thousands or tens of thousands of blocks with every single placement but it is necessary to remove the end stunt it's crazy to think that the amount of work that could be done in like an hour and a half is done in a second and a half using this command but again goes to show that you know if you just want to prove a point you can go for the effort you can do it and yet commands are quite powerful in Minecraft hooda for two the bigger question beyond just like what the end looks like with no end because you know you can probably imagine what a blank space looks like but the bigger question to me is like what happens if we respawn the dragon can the dragon respawn with nothing here do the pillars have to spawn us off the obsidian does this obsidian come back every time can you have floating obsidian in the end void of nothingness these are the things we need to know and these are the things we're good as soon as we're done removing the rest of these chunks and by the way it looks very surreal with the tiny little slivers that have been left over from you know accent to a wrong spacing and I kind of like that personally oh we forgot about the obsidian spawn platform honestly a part of me likes the end more when it's like this tell me if you disagree but I'm loving the the weird planes of existence just surrounded by nothing well you know there used to be a bunch of in stone but we have to remove it anyway so this is the end - everything there that isn't made of bedrock the single portal we got four can be dragged the first time and the way back home this is very surreal and the fact that you can do this in survival it's kind of wacky to me I have a few questions though such as if we actually can go for this portal which we'd have to fly to do of course what exactly happens when we come back so this is the end islands which reports we have destroyed although if you wanted to you can totally do that - okay here's the question one actually this is a really nice end portal - what happens when I fly through it and the answers back you spawn in the way to Memphis I need to do that in survival just to be sure wait no do you see that there's a little island that is formed below this okay so it will spawn you in the void of nothingness and kill you but it will create a brand new end island in your end I was just trying to do silly minecraft ideas but I think we've discovered that minecraft features that no one is ever going to need that your end will actually generate regenerate rather mildly naturally ah why don't we go to the overworld and then we come back to the end and the answers that question is there is a platform that spawns for you so yeah when you teleport via the you know the M gateways you end up back there with a random island which spawns below your portal but not where you should spawn so you have pulled into the void and died and if you go via this way you'll get a little platform made out of obsidian which you can spawn on and you can mine it again if you want to and get infinitive city in this way because you just fly from that up to your n portal and so on and so forth is this a good solution that's highly debatable I would say so this is one of the oddest things about the end but I still need to know if let's just say you grab some of the you know respawning the dragon abilities because fun fact the dragon never truly dies she just you know goes into an inanimate state she's the last of her kind but she can be revived way rid weird ritual which has these crazy cubes on top it doesn't make any sense in real terms but I want to see does it create new bullets because it does create apparently some end stone literally like ten blocks and it's also creating oh yes it creates a brand new bunch of obsidian pillars in the void of nothingness so there's not really even enough contrast to see what's happening here properly but we have ourselves a bunch of pillars which span all the way down to you know like pretty much the ground you know void itself because there's nothing from to spawn on if you want to see some player control I think this looks a lot better this is stunning to look at this is bizarre this is strange but it's a real thing you could do if you just mined out your entire end honestly this almost doesn't fit the video because this is something that's a bad idea to do in terms of time investment but in terms of the cool result it's like yeah this would be pretty great wouldn't it just saying if there's ever been a time to destroy your entire end now might be that time so if you kill the dragon over this portal all the XP goes flying usually and that means that if you kill her without any blocks there between you and the end it'll just fall into the void oh no it all fell perfectly in a straight line there that was very strange huh okay curiosity's getting the better of me again now I've got two of these and I've removed both of the islands will they both regenerate or will just one get a new end Island as a result so we're flying around looking for a nother end portal isn't the static background off the end beautiful when you have my vision it definitely is okay so this time we fly both of them just under the one we were coming back to you know it's odd I don't understand minecraft sometimes but we learned a bad brand you featured today and I guess that's more than we expected anyway the next thing we're gonna be diving into today is not going to presumably discover something brand new but you never know so yeah I was kind of wondering in a similar vein you know what would it be like if we went to the never and instead of replacing it with nothing what if instead we replaced it to make it entirely different for instance we could use snow to replace the never act and we could see well they never would look like if it was an entirely snowy dimension imagine how silly you'd have to be to attempt this in survival hahaha definitely haven't been working on this / you know the last few months or so hahahahaha but um yeah as you can see like it's a cool way to you know make the never icy for instance because it doesn't work for snow alone it works for anything else maybe you secretly love the fact that I spent literally mumps doing something in survival that I could have spent literally minutes doing hearing creative maybe that's fun but I figured you know why don't use an opportunities test something more unique because you know using the buffet format or minecraft Java you can actually usually never generation to test a whole bunch of things but something you can't do is test what would it be like if the never was made up of mostly water that's right we're gonna keep every block around here there isn't never act so there's gonna be a few you know weird edge cases if like oh yes so sand and gravel don't forget never courts etc but if we replace most of the blocks around here water what does the never look like then because a lesser known fact about Minecraft bedrock is it actually have a color for water in the never it's never used in the game itself because you can't get water here in survival by any non cheating means but you can place water in than ever using crater if you really want to so um yeah we can see an ever that's made up of this reddish you know never water it's beautiful and we can see what they never would be like if instead of being a hellish dimension it wasn't under water dimension what if instead of 1.16 being the never update it was instead the water update and there was a brand-new water dimension but the developers were lazy and made it out there that the never dimension instead you know like let's say that was a thing this is what it would look like and honestly I'm kind of sold on the idea right one the source and already kind of works as a way to create bubbles in the atmosphere and keep it being from being $2 I guess and two there's something just magical about flying around and seeing occasional bits of soft sand or obsidian cobblestone and you know like you know never caught saw it is something really beautiful that we could mock-up in literally three or four minutes and I really like the idea of like a water-filled never maybe you do too let me know maybe we should have a water dimension am i right I mean realistically Minecrafts gonna have three dimensions for a while Jebus said before they add anymore and why different dimensions they want to fix the dimensions they haven't make them a lot more interesting that's why we've got an ever update and that's why we're pretty sure there's a koa and update coming soon I almost said cave update we're not sure if a cave update but we should be damn it but you can see how right here like oh yeah the net you know like a new dimension could come in so many different forms river it's a dream dimension where it's a water dimension whether it's anything else like that and yeah I wish we had something new dimension wise fly floating around the water seeing what you find is a very cool feeling especially when it's differently colored water like here in the nether seriously it looks like it's only red because you're seeing never rock in the background but it really is super pretty water fun fact never water great water slide note but I just had the idea you know how I drained this entire lava lake accidentally covered a little bit water what if we turned it into a water lake by filling all of the air blocks we have here with you know the water blocks instead I feel like that's such a great idea we have to stick with it right so in case you've ever wondered what it would look like if we had regular lakes in the never here is what it would and there's something weird about this like too real to even imagine it being a real feature like it maybe it's partly because of the the weird way it's implemented maybe it's because you can see the magma directly below it but it's just a very strange overall thing to look at and yeah just in case you want to see the the sea wall between the water and the lava something about this is so beautiful I want to do it in the overworld I want to have a lava ocean in the overworld which I think would take a lot of love buckets but seems like a sacrifice worth making my opinion because yeah the beauty of this like water lava wall there's just something nice about it especially if the lava is flowing higher than the water or maybe vice versa but yeah definitely a thing we need to do by the way let's head through the you know lake and lean ever to head back to the earth world so melons are one of Minecrafts most interesting items one because they're not called water melons like they probably should be and two because they're one of the best trades you can make in Minecraft just for melons turns into an emerald we all love melons as a result but I've been questioning how else can we use melons as soon as the villagers say they'll trade my melons for me or for a great price you know you have to be wondering like am I being ripped off should I instead be my melons to do other things and that's one we'll be testing real quick today if we could use melons for more interesting things such as perhaps covering an island in melons I mean they're both green so it totally makes sense to me like for real I'm just saying this looks more like a tropical island than it did when it wasn't covered in melons but I was thinking like just replacing an island that's kind of boring what if we replaced something much more exciting like an iceberg layer I'll be honest with you I think I like this a lot more than you expect that I would it's a lot of beauty in a relatively small place and you know it's gonna collect snow on it and that snow is gonna be collectible so if you want to have a more vibrant looking ice biome this is an option for that but you know what again it's just a little bit too easy for my liking so instead I figured why not take on Minecrafts mega Monument and turn it into a Mellon Monument I mean ocean monuments sure it's kind of catchy but you know it has way more alliteration a mega Mellon monument which is what we're gonna be making today so a useful pro tip if you ever want to do these same things in creative I mean you should be avoiding doing them in survival so if you are doing something like this Chris morena Ashley counts as one block in the Minecraft code this is press Mary this is Chris morena and so is dot press marine so we instead do is we use the ID you know block just like this and we use press marine one for dot press marine press marine zero for you know this person right here a McGee's press print to all the pristine bricks which might sound like nothing especially because Chris marine is a made-up word for minecraft I'm pretty sure but this means that I can simply just to show it this way we can replace you know say the you know like the press spring zeroes or actually I'm gonna replace between two with melons and what it should look like is this so again the regular press bring warm rain and we can pick a no block for that instead and yeah means we can do a little bit more detail than the last time we've played around the monument and we can make this beauty happen like for real here look at the absolute wonder that is this structure so far but we can go a little bit further I reckon so yeah that thing about the block IDs that you can put as the number off the block is something that helps me out immensely maybe it helps all of you as well however because you like to learn new by myself but maybe this is useful when one who's learn from these videos however let me show you what the ocean monument looks like because this is a true monument to melons as you can see every single prospering brick has been replaced by melons and they do a really good job at accenting the dirt which makes sense I mean melons graft dirt so there's a few dirt blocks they kind of grow on and then there's the few pumpkins just add a little bit accent to that I really love it and I'm hoping it looks just as good on the inside because again we replaced every single block in here which means that every single structure will look like this all the way for it you're gonna see how these three blocks combine to make this beautiful thing if we wanted to we could totally remove all the water and replace it with air and you're going on this but for now I kind of like that this is all underwater that there should be an outer Guardian here somewhere although it looks like I probably killed the other Guardian but yeah there should be you know some mobs around here somewhere all spawning around the melons which is ridiculous but very much a thing that uh okay look how silly this whole place is I love it a lot and maybe you do too but let's move into the next idea because do you know what I find interesting I find witch's Hut's to be interesting it's a really fascinating structure that sometimes protrudes all the way into the depths they spawn in places that are just strange to look at I mean in the case it's so far away from a swamp that it doesn't even look like it makes sense but it's a fascinating structure regardless so I'm going to do something crazy you're never going to expect okay so I'll admit I think I went a little bit overboard of this one I did something even crazier than we've ever done in these silly projects series it's something you shouldn't really ever attempt to do in survival at all because you know what we've done we've built ourselves a witch's Hut in a Plains biome gasps get this right we took the which hung up its natural biome and we placed it over here it's our place this can't spawn like this this is absolutely ridiculous the mad lad has done it he's outdone himself again he built the structure but in the wrong biome and you know what I don't think we can top this however just for fun I decided to build it a ten-time scale as well and as you can see the witch house looks ridiculous at this scale there is just too much which are going on right here and yeah this is the kind of base of the witch hut before we add in the little corners because again either doing the blocks 10 by 10 with the fail come on it's pretty easy but I'm gonna add some little you know like details this such as the fences and you know also I want to add a little flower pot so let's do that now because yeah this windowsill just looks so empty with nothing in it I need to do this just my own sanity honestly see yeah let's build ourselves a nice little I guess a little pop right here it's gonna be even honestly the fun thing about pots is they're so small compared to a regular block they even when you're building it a silly scale this the scale of the pot it's gonna look pretty ridiculously tiny like oh look how giant this pot is it's free by 4 by 4 but I'm hoping once we add it in there with some mushroom how'd you build a mushroom at 4 times scale I don't really know I guess we'll just have a little stem coming out this and then we'll have a branch off to the side like with white blocks every now and then I really I really don't know what mushrooms looks like but hopefully this is a good approximation maybe sorta no this isn't this this isn't what mushrooms look like okay let's have the red B on top there and then a little weight around the outside there we go that is a mushroom and it makes the windowsill slightly less sad honestly given that I was just drawing a mushroom from memory it could be worse right it could be much worse honestly it's only now as I built these fence posts that I question why exactly do witches have fence posts that are on the side of the house like don't get me wrong I love the you know the accessibility the witches are clearly considering you know disabled access into their house except for the fact that you know like having a little rail there except for the fact that there's no way up and down even for the witch themselves so I mean I guess is it accessibility if you allow no one inside including yourself maybe not but um yeah they just seem really dumb and you don't think about it until you have to build one in ten times scale it really is ridiculous should we look it to the side just to make this make sense I mean I guess it looks mildly better still wildly confused though I guess we're just gonna go that I just can't work out why I have a scale problem with this cauldron and this crafting table it seems to look small by comparison and I can't work out why but yeah the last thing needs to do now is build the cauldron and build the crafting table which are never fun things but let's give it a well as another weird tip that might help you for some reason minecraft calls the terracotta colors stained hardened play and again they all have the exact same block color that will give you white by default so you have to know which color which number you're gonna use to work out which exact one we're gonna be on okay that's not it I'm really bad at picks lot but here is my closest approximation to the top of the crafting table if you ignore the squares of different sizes then I think it's going great but yeah you can see how the cauldron is actually just about possible as well so allow me to show you around my witch's Hut I think it's a pretty nice one and it definitely is the normal scale as you can see we don't have a hand and therefore it must be right yep that's just how this one works so as you can see witches huts I really have pretty plain interiors I didn't realize that I was building it there just like oh it really is they have a crafting table again perfectly accurate perfectly normal and they have a which is you know a cauldron I should say something you never really need to use yourself in survival but that when you do find in which you suck it's usually full of potion in this case ours is filled with this pink potion how delightful and yeah this there's a little mushroom on the windowsill a little Ben post on the back and then to fence posts at the front but that is literally it for this witch-hunt it is a surprisingly bare-bones structure and it just reminds me about how lazy certain minecraft structures have been over the time wow there's even a little truck missing there I definitely don't see anything now but yeah this is something that honestly took more time to cover in like blocks because making this whole thing stay lit is incredibly hard you wouldn't you know realize just how much effort is until you try to cover it up but yeah the light blocks for the harder part this compared to actually build again so if you want to build a giant minecraft structure in survival I would say which Hut is probably the way to go but you know isn't the way to go this way so I love Minecraft villages and I love that you can starve them pretty much anywhere you want in fact in survival I've actually made a miniature village in my neighbor and I've also started one in my end as well they're both pretty fun they're both pretty cool and you know if there's one place where you can't create village and that is the aether or heaven dimension you can't create a heavenly village because there is no dimension for it but I want to create the closest thing I can in survival and that's why I'm gonna be taking this village and take it right up here into the sky this is kind of cool by itself honestly the idea for sky village is a super great one in my opinion and you know if you want to steal it and just do this by itself I think it's cool enough to have a village which exists in the sky and yeah honestly just a village but without the stone and floating in the air it's kind of cool by itself I mean at least once a year to the water which will take quite some time this is a pretty fun concept by itself but now we remove the sandstone which one causes a huge amount of lag is all of the sand from the village falls on top of the first one really sorry to those guys down there didn't mean to mess with them this way it's just a sad resort what we're doing my god minecraft is not like what I've done to it today okay so now here comes the fun part in my opinion I want to replace all of the grass blocks that are left the kind of connecting blocks which are being bridged across by pathway box and indeed these wooden bridges I wanna replace those with some stained glass to make this a much more heavenly village so early looks pretty heavenly I think we're gonna have to fill the rest by hand because we know how many blocks to replace but you can see how like already it looks like a very floaty village the gloss adds a whole kind of weight to it that makes it much more again like than before so now we just do this for a few more places such as in front of this person's doorway so they can get to and from their house okay so 30 minutes of goofing around block placements later and here we have it it is a heavenly village somehow adding more detail to it made it look less heavenly in my opinion like I added the river back and that kind of removed some of the effect maybe it'd be better without that but yeah you can have a village which exists mostly made out stained glass blocks as long as you have the fundamentals which we do are having beds of having job sites and of having food which you better believe all the way over here we've got a farm attending too you can in fact have a growing thriving successful minecraft village and I love that you know you gets not only just a surviving thing but a frightening thing that you can find all the way up here in the clouds or in fact way above the clouds this is a hundred eighty-four is the layer of this village the clouds are found all the way down at 130 so just saying above the clouds beautiful place for a village honestly I might have to break my arm real where and say this is a project that actually might be worth doing this whole videos about things you shouldn't try so we mock them up lazily and creative but this is the soap idea that actually won't have some real potential because you can hide a village especially one made out of stained glass quite easily above stuff like it's not plate and on looking down here where exactly you are you have to look way up in the sky to be able to see it and that means you might be have to hide your villages and indeed your your base if you want to write in plain sight so yeah there might be something to that in my opinion try to just hide so far above everything and made out glass the people can't see you anyway and place your bed up there and then you've got yourself a respawn point it's done but one of my favorite base ideas really is to just have a bed somewhere in the sky where people aren't imagining to look for it and then you can jump down to the ground and if you ever need to get back to that base in the sky you know most people have to stack up over a hundred blocks to get there who has time to do that but you because you have your respawn point you could instantly get up there from anywhere in the world by just setting yourself on fire or dying in a much more savory way and you can immediately respawn back up at the top which is a wonderful way to you know like teleport around basically in Minecraft and yeah the views from up here of pretty great as well sky base wonderful idea but add some villagers to your sky base is the take away from this that you might be able to actually use so yeah that's actually a fun idea that I really want to work on now but you know fun ideas we want to work on guess what it's also time for it's time for we have to make a mountain in every one of these silly project videos because I am trying to make a good mountain it is a little bit of a tradition in this series that we try to make a mountain every time and yeah the lazy method should start making convincing convincing mountains here's the same bit of terrain just smashed on itself over and over again as you can see there's a little bit of a difficulty believing that's a real mountain so I figured let's use the fill command and the fill command I mean it's not really perfect is it I mean no one's arguing this is great so then I tried to use mountains of a bit more for sophisticated stacking so it's not perfectly the same as it goes up and again it just doesn't look so great even my inverted Mountain which I was really believing in right there I mean it just isn't a very great mountain and this one took three hours so wasn't even a very fast mock-up Hiba because again we wouldn't we try to publicly invert every block in the mountain I don't know why I spent three hours on something that honestly just looks like a blow-up of T&C but that is a seriously inverted mountain what if instead of inverting it though we effectively doubled every single layer in this mountain so you see how we're at less sixty nine right now what if we doubled that up to a hundred and thirty eight what if we took every layer 70 block and we doubled it up to a hundred and forty and so on and so forth for every single block in the mountain again rather than copy pasting on the top what if we doubled every single block in the mountain how would that look so yeah this is what the mountain is looking like so far just the top half or so you know covered in the blocks and as you can see Ashley does have a look up and amplified mountain there's this funny like contrast between the bits we haven't done and the bits we have done so far it's a very weird one but I'm excited to see you know where this goes in the future because for the first time we have a mountain that is actually vaguely looking like a mountain off we're crazily amplifying it so that's good news but I'll get back to you in another couple of hours when we finish the rest go on so was actually successful look at it the mountain looks like a real enough mountain because we followed the original gradient doing it by hand and spending hours that it might seem silly but it does keep the original kind of mountain feel and that means that actually looks like a mountain there's even a heart right here which is formed by axon and isn't that nice and a plan from here because again there's just this problem where like it looks great until you zoom out and you see the gap to the the floor and the plan to fix that is like what if instead of just having it go all the way down from you know like a hundred and sixty blocks in the sky down to nothing what if we slowly stagger it down like ten blocks at a time so from 72 we'll go up to like sixty two blocks from 71 we'll go down to 51 and we should just slowly gradually manage that and actually just have a super-steep but an actual climb isn't fifty blocks then two blocks than two blocks and we'll see how that one looks after another couple of hours so I mean in conclusion what you can say pretty clearly here is that for the first time in stupid project history we have managed to make a mountain which actually somewhat looks like a mountain and in my opinion this is actually better than an amplified terrain thing too because amplify terrain just kind of like messes of everything on the same axis this keeps the same rough mountain cornets it's still pretty close at the top it just has it being a very high distance on the ground and I really love the end result here I think there's a a mild Beauty that you can see by looking at this mountain and yeah for the first time in torque at silly mountain creation time history we've actually made one but yeah so this is another survival project that you shouldn't try and survival and hopefully me trying here and creative has encouraged you to do obviously half the point this series is to show how like oh yeah there are some silly ideas I have that I have to think no don't try that in survival but the other half it is like hey did you know playing around and creative there's a lot of powerful tools you have at your disposal in Minecraft bedrock you don't have the same access to commands and outside programs as you do in Java but if you want to play around things you can still do some pretty interesting stuff if you're willing to put some time into it and hopefully this video shown you precisely that and if it hasn't then maybe it's shown you how hey isn't it real wacky when you make a village F+ like for real for every 10 ideas I have I'd say one of them is actually a good idea to do I mean I end up doing most of them anyway but you can see how like this floating village on you using glass to make it heavenly is a really great idea there's just something wonderful and whimsical about seeing the villagers you know spawn up here and also if you make the village yourself which you basically have - you can always choose to make it across a biome boundary which means that when villagers are born on this side those foreigners desert villages and when they when they spawn on this side they can spawn as Plains villagers or any to biomes off you're choosing you can go plains jungle jungle swamp you can pick any two biomes to build this above and it's such a cool idea that I'm just I'm just saying everything else here obviously kind of a joke this one is a solid idea that we just bought and created because it was easier and that you actually totally should try and survival against my best wishes by the way using these sorts of silly projects all the time is a great way to get a lot of stuff done even if it's not great stuff so for instance I tried to you know it's something I'm currently working on I want to make a recreation of the world maybe for something to do viruses but I wanted to make a square version of a sphere which doesn't make any sense but I figured let's try and do anyway and this is what we came up with and all it is is it's just filling in blocks of a slowly increasing radius like you would with a circle it was a lot of fun in my opinion and yeah it's something that you can do all by yourself in lots of different cases I hope this video inspires you and hopefully you make things that are better than this because you know this is pretty darn diorite it it doesn't look how I wanted it to but it will do the job just fine so upcoming video sneak peak at the end of of Noah video how nice basically just a youtuber promoting our YouTube videos so actually it's the opposite of nice what a fraud I am anyway thank you for watching I hope this inspires you in some way and if it doesn't then thank you for watching all this way anyway it helps out the channel just as much if you're uninterested as if you are which is why I guess some of the youtubers have tried to be such hateable people because if you watch them because you hate them it's just as good as if you watch them because you love them but with that said I hope you'll enjoyed this and I hope you did like it even though it doesn't take me matter if you do or done because I I tried my best to make Minecraft better videos that aren't the worst thing in the world and I hope you'll do enjoy and appreciate that but if you don't then have a nice - anyway cuz I'll see you all next time goodbye [Music] you
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 1,200,937
Rating: 4.8602781 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: oCC1pT10ZSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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