I Made A Very Paranoid Minecraft House

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hello I'm a BX toy cat and I will admit right now that I'm a more paranoid person than most that's why when I designed the world's smallest house that works after the 1.14 update with all of its brand new blocks I designed it with a big fence a fire going on all sides of it so that if you wanted to get near my house you'd be set on fire before you could this is because I mean it's a bit weird sleeping in a free block white house it's it's not very safe especially all of the holes that you can see in it but it's something I designed is kind of like a paranoid security measure but today I wanted to make something that makes this look like a you know a house with an open door where with a sign saying please rob me because I wanted to make the most paranoid most defended house you can have in Minecraft a house that you can sleep in every night and know that you're a hundred percent safe because there's no chance mobs can get anywhere nearby and if somehow they did you would be notified along before that happened so let's dive straight into this episode of the update adventures so let's start by working out where we want a house because a big flat area like this is actually a pretty good place for a paranoid house because you can see for a long way around you however you know Plains biomes unless it's lit up it's somewhere where mobs will spawn at night because any non-transparent block including the never act that grass the stone etc is able to spawn mobs if the light level gets low enough my plan to get around this is to make the house out of glass which as you are hopefully aware is a transparent block in Minecraft and my plan is also to make it in an area which is surrounded by ice another transparent block where mobs cannot spawn even when it's dark because this is a novice security measure this area right here will actually do really nicely if you're lucky you'll find in your ocean biomes random little pots of it that are just made of small land areas small land areas but even with a modest number of torches even twenty torches you can light up the entire area to the level where none of these grass blocks whatsoever should spawn with any mobs and again we can confirm that pretty easily by just placing the torches here even if we didn't torch this up correctly and you can probably spawn an area where we haven't done it in the way you would like to do because we are standing on this island because this is where we'll be living while we are on the island no mobs can spawn this is because the minimum number of blocks our mob can spawn awaiting you is 60 by the way I thought I just made a horrible mistake there because there's a skeleton that's clearly spawned on the ice and ice is a transparent block so I was like oh no mobs can spawn and transparent blocks that isn't true and that's wife glasses such a clever block and why you can even use half slap sometime but it seems as though bedrock IVA has a bug or an exception that means that on ice mobs can spawn which is interesting in my opinion our location may be great in terms of the vantage point and safety by seeing but it does have a big issue on that front however that's when we can mitigate with our next level of defense because although our island is safe and mobs are most likely not going to be able to get anywhere near because it sufficiently lets up and when we're here they can't spawn anywhere closer than about there anyway they'd have to walk over if their own accord because they can't even see me from this distance you see that spider that spider doesn't have as good eyes as I can because he can't see me and therefore doesn't want to attack me so yeah let's go to one next layer of defense which is actually going to involve some of the leftover cakes that I made for the you know 400th episode of the let's play where I made a bunch of cakes it's it's a weird situation but cakes are genuinely a good defense implement as you're about to see so in case you curious about how Cakes can be used as a real defense mechanism because that does sound a bit crazy on the surface I will freely admit right now first of all let me show you the fact you can use cakes as a staircase if you so choose as long as you know which way the cake is facing because as you eat a little bit of the cake you make it possible to climb a very very very mild inclined bear ship and see you can slowly make a staircase which exists in just one block making it a very very steep staircase meaning we can have a staircase up into something that only takes one block it's kind of like a ladder but it's a ladder the mobs cannot use because mobs don't really know how to climb the cakes in general I mean not really built into their Iife but somewhat obvious reasons.i hope and the history ensuring thing about cakes is a staircase also they're not just safe because mobs don't know how to make this jump followed by this jump etc over and over and over again it's also safe because of the fact that cakes are breakable instantly with pistons meaning they're if we place a cake down on a block like I'm gonna show you right here and then we place a piston next to the block that can move said block then we activate the piston which will do with I guess the button because who doesn't love a good old stone button but yeah what you can actually do using a button right here is you can move the block but when you move the block the cake just breaks you don't get the cake back it just breaks it vanishes and this means let's say you have multiple cakes on a block this is a very wasteful way to prove a point say you had two cakes on a block let's say one of them even had a slicing outfit so this is a representation of the staircase as soon as the bottom cake has moved every cake on top it also breaks as well which is kind of tragic because it's a waste of cakes but as you can see the cakes just vanish meaning you can have a staircase which is immediately retractable if something dangerous happens or looks like it's about to say there's a pillager raid or there's a mob that looks like for some reason you know in a future update they can climb the cake staircase you can make a kind of backup mechanism just using pistons by the way I think once you place down a cake there's no way to get it back up I think if you break it you move silk touch yeah you don't get anything from it so here is a waste of some cakes that you now get to see and here is the most tempting button the Walter press to immediately remove the entire staircase or if you so chose to you could perhaps also use a bow from the top of this and you could shoot said button as long as it's a wooden button of course so this is now the decoys stone button that everyone's gonna think is a self-destruct switch but maybe it can play a noise or something instead and instead let me illustrate my point using this wooden button which means that as you can see as long as there is an arrow pressing down this button the piston is extended which in this case if it hits this one which we're not gonna have it hit right now but it would destroy the entire staircase which admittedly is a very wasteful thing to do but you know what things are wasteful in Minecraft sometimes that's a fact you just have to accept so the great thing about cake staircase is even though it's not properly sorted out yet we need to eat a lot more of it the cool thing is is while we build the rest of it we're going to get an appetite that we can slowly eat our way through and make the staircase work so that's wonderful next up we need to make a floor for our place and we want to make it entirely out of bottom slabs if possible because top slabs are like again they're like a solid block whereas bottom stats aren't solid so you can't stand on them but if you're high up above the ground it can be really tricky to work out is this a top or a bottom slab I mean it's not actually possible to tell because everything kind of looks together right and then you see it like this and you realize oh those this is a bottom snap meaning this is a bottom snap too whereas if you have a block which looks something like this where you can see it's too slippery separate half slabs this is a bottom this is a top two half slabs will combine and make a block if they're on a in the block format whereas otherwise they will not which in other words means this is perfectly lined up do you have an inspire house made from bottom slabs and now we're gonna make a vaguely circular pattern on top of this which is easy enough to do in my experience the way I like try make circles in Minecraft because although it's like an easy enough formula once you understand that you're just trying to alter the angle of the curve always like once you understand the math behind it it makes sense but most people aren't super mathematically minded and sometimes even then you're gonna make mistakes the thing I always recommend is start with a quarter of the circle because then you're just kind of duplicating the same thing four times and if you get a quarter of the circle and it looks like a quarter circle you're great whereas if it looks like right now me I would say this is vaguely quarter of a circle right then you're in a good place right so yeah looking at this quarter circle you can see how it vaguely works except I've made one pretty crucial mistake and I've had a lot of my cake not line up with it so I have to shift everything a block that way but besides that we did a solid enough job by the way because the ice mechanic thing is counterintuitive and it's a bit scary seeing this number of creepers given what we're making our house sounds off something I'm gonna do real quick just to test this point is by the way it's dead like a phantom light here where's the light coming from but I'm ball going to do is we're gonna leave this area that we've made so far in fact we'll even make it a bit bigger and we're gonna confirm that no mobs will spawn anywhere around here by flying away because again right now I'm standing here so the mobs physically cannot spawn but if I stand a little bit further away then we should be able to truly test that because one of the things about Minecraft that is kind of problematic and I'll admit I've probably assisted towards once or twice about realizing is there are so many myths in the game that just start because someone says something they don't test it that it becomes widespread fact even at one point the Minecraft Wiki used to say that sugar cane would grow faster on sand than it does on dirt but that's something that I've tested millions of times and not found any proof for because it's just one of those things people say it doesn't make it true we all kind of intuitively have something inside of us where we believe things that matter what we say much more easily whereas I kind of have like this big I disagree what most people say most the time which partially I would say stems from the same paranoia if my minecraft house you know design skills but it's something that I feel like is probably better not to have in general because you can try most people most of the time it's just that that trust that intuitive trust is abused by a lot of people you know famously a lot of people in some amount of power but even without any amount of power even just people showing things amongst themselves some you know memes some pieces of knowledge will share that don't have a factual basis that can actually cause harm even sometimes that even goes against the desire of the person who created the thing in the first place which i think is wonderful I'd know I there's so many examples in the world of where someone has tried their best to create something and achieve the opposite the person who made the ak-47 is depressed as heck I think he's only died recently like he's the press that he created the most deadly device in the human history you might think that nukes have caused more deaths but no ak-47 hundreds of millions of them produced and most of them have seen some full affection so many people have died because of this one invention because even though you think of it as a Soviet weapon it's actually one which is seen again a lot of weapons were given by the Soviets to other countries and that's why that's a thing but even just beyond you know like the ak-47 the guy who created shopping malls hates the fact that they draw people away from cities even though that's kind of how they design a lot of people make things that are against their own ambitions and I think a lot of rumors kind of stop that way to where something feels right even though it intuitively isn't and it leads to some problems by the way you'll notice how there's not a single mob up here and part of that might be because of these weird phantom light sources which will just take advantage of for now but a lot of it is because this is the bomb half a half slab meaning even when we're not home mobs cannot spawn or every mob that exists in Minecraft to this date we should clarify but that's yet that's nice and wonderful right so now let's finish off this kind of circular base that's gonna be made entirely from non mob spawner blocks and let's talk the tiniest amount about paranoia I guess because this might be something that you know even might kind of make jokes about it in a bunch of places it is something that I would describe is like one of my defining personality traits whether I want it to be on not in fact I don't think anyone should ever want it I think it's one of those things that seen as inherently negative but it makes you realise that there are a lot of things about everyone that are inherently negative right but just because there's something about you which isn't inherently positive it doesn't mean you on a positive person because everyone is made from like different experiences and stuff and those different experiences different like biases most negative biases let's be honest most people suck more than they have things that are great about them but those you know inherent biases negative or positive other things that make you a unique person which give you unique perspectives on things and you know the point is is that you don't necessarily have to be defined by something that's bad or even better than that because I think like using something as a strengths there's kind of this way of saying hey if you have something that's unfixable work for it I think when it's like something that you could describe is like an inherent bias a trait something like that one of the easiest things you can do or one of the best things you could do that's not very easy I should say is to try and counteract those negative biases a lot of people who have another that's let's name something like who have traits that are described as OCD but actual people of OCD would not agree with that but like if you're a super ugly person to the degree where it hurts everyone your life try and be laid back in certain circumstances obviously you can't be laid back all the time for everything obviously there's gonna be a part of you that's not happy but try and work out you know one you know how you can be more not that but also how you can at the same time as doing that find people around you who are more okay with those things I one of the things that has helped me beyond anything is finding people who understand like hey yeah I get how you are and I'm okay with that we made a mistake somewhere because this doesn't line up with that and this is the worst thing in the world I think it's just we don't have enough actually wait how is this possible I'm really hungry and you know what that means it's time to eat a bunch of cakes cakes are a really terrible food by the way it like there's no good reason you should use them in survival solo at least however you better believe England for make a staircase is one of the best things about Minecraft but yeah let's call it you walk out what we've done wrong here this is a common problem I have when I make a lot of builds but spawn the problem early and fixing it from there is a good idea so I think all it is is we just need an extra block here and then there and then from there we have the four be here instead and that should line up perfectly oh no we still not lined up okay now I am just perplexed oh no I see it I'm an idiot okay and now we've got hopefully a pretty well centered thing always good to check from the middle before we properly finish this up so place a slab we'll place our scaffolding because you need to get a good view point scape awning is such a code block just for this reason like I used to trash it so badly but it's the block I've been most wrong about with Minecraft I'd say but yeah you can see how so far we're getting a pretty good circle vibe going on here okay we've made a lot of mistakes in a row here which is fine it's part of the building process better to spot them early oh no wait oh God everything is wrong okay I thought the last quarter or something would always be the easiest but I think like that kind of bias for thinking something's going to be easy means you might end up putting less effort into it might make it a lot harder so we're gonna try this one more time and we're gonna pray this just magically lines up and you know if you believe that something's going to work sometimes it just kind of magically does just like that okay the outlines done we just finished the last of the blocks in the middle now of course in the meantime we continue to work on the cake staircase of dreams very fun thing to work on and then we've got ourselves an all but finished base again I just about ran out of stone slabs I need to make some more using a stone cutter because it's the most efficient way but um now we can switch out to using glass and we're gonna make a little bit of gloss change around this because again one of the safest ways to be secure would be to have a house with no walls I mean this sounds counterintuitive but if you know you're in the sky where mobs can't get you anyway why would you have to worry about those things however there's two things one would be you know again in theory a spider could crawl up here or something along those lines and then also there are some mobs that come from the sky right now it's just the Phantom after three days of not sleeping which we're gonna trigger soon because I've not been sleeping while building this real life for Minecraft I guess and yeah basically we're gonna go ahead and make ourselves a big glass shield because the cool thing about gloss is mobs can't spawn on it it's got that same transparent property to it but also the transparency works the other way too in that it gives us like a secure way to look outside of our house while still being protected from the outside and yes so we're gonna make all of the walls and any form of ceiling out of glass so we can see what's going on out there again it seems like this would be the least secure house type because you might think I'll glass is super resistance to you know like to explosions and stuff but the truth is if creepers can't get to your house and even they could if creepers were directly outside you'd be able to see them and as long as a creeper you know I can see you but if it sees you for gloss it doesn't matter a creepy ass have direct physical line-of-sight to you to be able to attack you which it doesn't have if you have glass in your house so yeah a nice glass perimeter is actually gonna make this work out well for us we could dye the glass and I think a lot of people have a propensity towards a stained glass but personally I do have this strong belief that like regular glass especially new regular glass has this pretty clean look to it and it's like basic in a way but also it's beautiful because it's basic I think there are some things that definitely benefit from being not so complex and I think glass is definitely one of them so yeah things are coming along quite nicely here actually you can see the protection we're creating you can also see though one of the downsides is that we've got a very dark underneath here which doesn't matter when it's nighttime because it's dark anyway but during the day it's gonna create a higher propensity for mobs to spawn which means one of the things I think would be clever to avoid this happening again I don't mops anywhere near my stuff down on right there is to light up the underneath of it so ice ball mount whenever it gets up to a light level below 10 if you're if you've curious a light level of 14 as well torch has so this block is 13 this is 12 this is 11 this is 10 therefore the ice doesn't melt if I place a torch right here I mean I I'm sure you don't need to see that a torch next ice melts right do you need to just in case you do here's a torch in a little bit we'll have no ice so we can use this exact same logic of like okay so 14 to bright 10 is just the right level anything below 7 is mob spawning even during the daytime we can use this to work out how many things we should have below the base of this because this is a bottom slab it means we can she place blocks underneath it if we want to including the trusty sea lantern that's right it's been so long I'm not even moving around this isn't a custom text back it is literally still called the sea at its micro bedrock we can use the sea lantern which we'll just do right now yeah we can actually pretty place in a consistent pattern but if we place a sea lantern just over there you can see how it lights up not only the bottom which is kind of pleasing looking but also it will keep this thing well it's enough the mobs won't be able to spawn here - in fact it even works at night so just in case your parently about Fink spawning below your house you can also welcome that again floating houses great concept but they have the weakness of the underside especially if you make it no hourglass bottom because we could have the bottom be made up flask - but I think it's better aesthetically not - but if you want to cover that all you have to do is lightly underneath your house and the best thing about the bottom is because you know it's covered by a bottom slab which means it doesn't matter what you do under here because the topmost block which is the one that map matters is gonna be a half slab and unspun if you so want to so it's kind of wasteful to have a sea lantern up there because that is a 15 light level source meaning this is 14 this is 13 this is 12 11 10 and then this is 9 meaning it provides a light level of 8 to the surface down here meaning if you want to be really efficient with your sea lanterns or you can use glowstone it's the same level - what you do is you remove the block which is sad and then you place a couple of these instead and you hang the sea lanterns from those because it's very much called the sea lantern and this means that this light level down here is exactly 10 which is the perfect level in terms of not melting the ice by the way there's the torch notice how the ice next to it has has melted now which is not what you want in the game we can have to replace those ice blocks now you see the pain I go through few but you'll notice how just below here if I am not mistaken this block right here will not melt because it's perfectly light level of 10 well it also means that this level right here is light level 9 this is light level 8 this is light level 7 meaning that there is a little square around it where you know mobs cannot spawn which means we can use this efficiently and we can work out the gap between these therefore if this is 10 that's 9 that say that's 7 the lowest level where when it's B and then this can be 8 then 9 then 10 which means this should be where your next one should be although we don't have a ceiling to place it on right now but this would be the most efficient way to do it and that's what I'm gonna do in a second as soon as we finish those slabs which we really shoot it down a long time ago by the way oh no no I ate the cake at the wrong time but it's fine okay protip don't always crouch place when you're placing cakes so you don't eat them by accident but yeah now we've got a pretty much functional staircase on one side we chiller do on the other side and we're golden so more cake eating my favorite task that I can do and technically be working a micro this is a bit of an uncomfortable place to rest the bed but for now all have to do and yeah we're gonna make like a little portable station up here so we can do things like craft the last of the stone slabs that we just need to finish this up okay so now we finished the ceiling we can actually work on these blocks a little bit better so let's explain how this one works we want to have a lot of overlapping light level 7s which again you can work out based on that's 15 every block it goes in any direction lowers it by one light level meaning that like we just mentioned before this is where we need another one again two blocks below the surface but you can work this out yourself depending on how high you make your thing mine just involved a cake staircase from a specific height right there but yeah we can have another one of these right here and this means that their light level 7s are going to overlap then we can have another one doing the exact same logic but going sideways so again using this as our midpoint of seven which a lot of lanterns gonna be covering this is seven this is eight this is 9 this is 10 and then five blocks up from here is where your lantern should be and then you should end up with perfect diagonal distances that are exactly the same between all your little posts and that can keep an area well lit from above it's actually a cool useful that C Lantern in my opinion again that's what this is called it's the sea Lantern guys don't try and correct me on it because the Cape itself calls it that but um yeah you can use this exact same pattern and once you get the hang of it you can just start following the pattern rather than thinking about the light levels or you shouldn't but you can and you know what doing things you shouldn't do basically my middle name right and yeah with relatively little effort you get something that looks like this it's a bit unbalanced I would say if you want it to be truly effective or like in terms of aesthetics you could do it everywhere but that's not my goal today so you know you can take your aesthetics and put them in a place that you think would look very good speaking of things that look good guess who gets to eat even more of the cake staircase it's just so satisfying seeing it finally come together although now's a good time to mention having a perfectly open door like we do right now not the best idea so what we need to do is we need to have at the very edge here some form of doorway mechanism so I'm gonna I think the iron doors a solid method I think having like a pre lobby area where any dangerous things can be screened is also a great idea again these are both ideas we're working with right now by the way I kind of realized this by accident because I've placed some glass in the place that shouldn't have been but let me show you something that I think is one of because instead of just using you know because the downside obviously to using the sea lanterns is you light it up but you don't fix the vision problem because I was just plugging in some gaps that I didn't previously have filled you can use glass and achieve the exact same thing it has this weird effect where it looks like a half Sabbath glass at least to me it does but yeah then you actually can see yourself down there as well which is fascinating to me so yeah you could also have a bunch of glass holes in your thing I think it probably also glass holes sounds like a funny insult but um you know not only is it like potentially the same in terms of effect because it lets light from the day but also it has the benefit of letting you see down there although you could probably combine both lighting and glass if you want to be really effective but that's a idea for another day my idea right now is just patch in these holes finally also when you place a glass book down there's a really weird rendering glitch effect watch out for it oh by the way I think the moment has finally come where we can finally eat enough cake to actually finish the cake staircase on both sides that's right we finally did it it's happened wicket can you place iron door on glass by the way oh you can so what we're gonna do as a workaround for this is have glass be this we can see people who are trying to climb the entranceway to and then also we've got this girl on the right here we have some four button system in place to open it but now we'll just have like some levers I guess oh this is a crazy one in a hundred chance but a spider has spawned of a skeletal moves back also known as a spider jockey this is a one in 100 chance it doesn't have any real benefits gameplay wise it's literally just a skeleton is on top of spider that's still so here's what we're looking at so far it already looks pretty darn secure right that bed is pretty much untouchable by mobs because of all the security layers but we've still got some problems we're gonna have to work out so next is gonna come the glass dome because right now you know I'm this is my third night without sleeping I've been working on the Minecraft build but this is um you know something I feel like we need to work on having a proper security above it and then we can welcome the security around the island which is the next point of vulnerability it's really sad to go back to eating just regular food you know I miss the days where we could eat cakes and work on our building skills at the same time as you know eating food very tragic very tragic so it's dark it's raining and all I've got to do now is place a bunch of glass and I feel like that's the perfect opportunity if there ever was one to tell you about what I've been up to this week you know it's a main stain in the let's play videos even the weirder let's play star videos like this one because in case curse about that lap by the way I guess we should address that as something honestly I like to bury up the content of the Let's Plays I'm really every series on this channel because there are some series where it feels like oh yeah you go through the motions you make something that's easy to make and I feel like I enjoy making those things a lot of the time but I often feel the least satisfied with the reaction to them it feels like making something that is very easy to work out before you've even watched it it almost defeats the point of having made a piece of content as opposed to having just made an idea right like an idea is interesting but an idea with an interesting like output is way more fun to do and that's why this thing which was not gonna be a let's play I figured you know let's do it in let's play stuff let's make it you know the the 40-ish minutes which is paler standard for let's play I don't know if they'll have hold up because it's been at least a couple of hours so far but like you know why don't we try and you know have something in a kind of a new newish format and that's what we kind of stying here today and that's kind of fun so yeah that's kind of specially a lot of the theme of what I've been up to this past week because yeah I am very very very busy I've been very very very broken with how my sleeping has been going again I I honestly I like a broken sleep schedules only bad if you unintentionally break it right I think there are lots of bad decisions you can make the honor should be bad if you know what you're doing in in general that's true at least like you know having an unhealthy meal or something along those lines it's not bad unless you keep having unhealthy meals even when you intend to have good ones if you literally don't care about your health and you've looked into the reasons why you should care and you think to yourself you know what honestly who wants to live past 40 honestly I don't want to be skinny because I want to be able to I don't know like what what can you do like I guess you can like whack into people way better like honestly here's the deal I would lose a fight to anyone who weighs like 1.5 times my weight because more weight is just an advantage in the fighting realm maybe that's a big thing to you maybe who cares about the benefits and the health downsides and up sites and stuff then yeah you know why would you need to and there's lots of way more micro versions of that but my point is is like sleeping as long as you're sleeping the right amount it doesn't technically matter when you sleep it's just the down slides usually come from the social thing that comes with it but to me that's be non-existent because again I am I'm succeeding with the biggest part of my life which is the I guess let's call it work you know if you're down to call YouTube stuff work I've been you know like I've been making videos so it works just fine I've been just about eating okay realistically no because like most food places aren't open and the right times me to go like getting fruit has been a whole pain I've been trying to contact someone to feel like days but because I wake up after like business hours are over it's like oh god this is this is a whole thing so besides like a couple of downsides it's actually been kind of a good time and it means that I'm gonna avoid a lot more pain later like life is a series of like trade-offs really is what I'm trying to say right here and sometimes it seems weird when you watch someone make a really weird trade-off like the one between sleeping at weird times and other stuff like that but sometimes it's a worthwhile trade-off to make and you just go appreciate how people choose to do that some people focus on money above everything else you know I would say a lot of my life comes down to that sometimes some people focus on the pursuit of other things that bubble laughs and you just got to realize that like yep people people gonna make decisions like this oh I see what I've done wrong here it's cuz this is where the starters okay it got really confusing to me okay but yeah let's now have a second layer up on this same thing much is used to a second one although actually let's pick up the glass first which has this weird x-ray effect and pretty much every block it goes on you can see how glass the block behind glass the item causes really confusing things to happen I should totally take advantage of this something but besides that I would must be described this week as being one where I kind of organized how things should be for myself a little better I've kind of been in this aimless void where like one of the hardest things to do again I putting one of the most important things for a for me to feel functional is to have like some amount of future planned ahead of me like some structure for how things should be and to feel good about those structures those things I've got ahead of me there has been a while now in the channel I think I mentioned this briefly before like whenever things go downhill in the channel like things in my life I feel much less stable about life as a whole because you know I chose to work in one of the most unstable insecure bouncing around pretty much in the reason feels right like YouTube you know makes changes all the times which hugely you know can cost literally in some cases thousands of dollars or I mean if you're doing well enough on a month like thousands of dollars a month in just lost income for the same work because the system you're working on their changes and although that's like a part of life is a wider whole it's still something that's scary to work within and kind of seeing the number of channels who do go down that way like there are so many people you don't care about them now because guess what they're not promotes anymore there are so many people who once made a living from this and now do not because you know they were disfavored by some system here or there with that be advertising based or revenue based and that's something that you know feels like it's gonna happen all the time I don't know whoever it will with the particular recent wave but um yeah I don't know like I got to kind of counteract the insecurities of that it's been nice to have like things vaguely planned in my own head and for the first time like things are going bad on some surface level but I feel like they're good and the underlying thing I feel happy and confident in there my underlying life let's call it and that's I think that's a good thing that's a thing to be proud off on some level if nothing else so like yeah I'm feeling I'm doing a pretty good overall I've been really busy and mostly just like every waking moment has been like working on a thing or working on the systems by which I work on things which sounds like maybe to some people not great but again I I like what I do enough alright you know I like the things I've chosen to do enough that's a thing there's a lot of things I've chosen not to do actually like that yet last week I mentioned very briefly like hey there's some cool brand deals coming up this one of the things I decided not to do despite the huge offer in relation to it was like it would like to be honest it's it's rainshadow entrance i got a huge offer like let's just it's in the thousands to like do something but as soon as I read through it they're like oh here are the talking points you have to mention like you know like you have to say these exact words as like well no you've wanna put words in my mouth they even reopen it again with like a slightly you know better offer and it's like no as long as if you're if you know if you need me to say something about your game if it's not good enough to stand with my own words your my own positive opinions if they were going to be positive I haven't played it yet I'll be honest of you you know I would play it before obviously making a video of some form but you see the point in the like yeah in general that's a thing I've also turned down like texturepack review because some was like hey I'll pay you this amount just to show up my text back on YouTube but that was like hey my opinions not for sale I'll be honest about it I don't know if I'll like it yet and they're like no there's been a lot of things like being able to turn down that were like horrific decisions on some level but it makes me feel better on a creative level and it's kind of cool that I can make those decisions recently and it's uh something I guess I'm grateful for because it's been possible because of all the like streaming I guess we've gone into and all the the fact that you know like that that's like a direct source of revenue from you the viewers that means that I'm not so directly beholden to like take on extra deals and because you know right now most youtubers diversify their income pretty well mine is all on the each event of things so like taking steps on that like oh yeah there's the second channel and also having more things to kind of avoid that is good so that I can also choose not to be like well it's you know take the take the five grand or or so or you know just lose that forever it feels like oh yeah well I'm not I'm not just making a good decision or a bad decision there's like a nice in-between step as well by the way I think having this much glass about any other blocks in between it's gonna look a bit confusing as we go up but I think that's mostly a fine compromise in exchange for the pure vision we get in every single direction so that's kind of nice in that way so my week has been crazy focused on the the work fundamentals let's call it the the things that you see on this channel which is maybe cool to hear but I also worry that the thing I will always kind of make sure I try to avoid is eventually at some point like you need to be a person outside oh I broke the wrong block there you need to be a person outside of YouTube as well like I think interesting youtubers are people who spend all day on YouTube because you need to be a person to be a youtuber fun fact you know you might not know this but to be an interesting like you know a person any form of life where you have to relate to people you have to also first be a person and most people cannot relate the struggle being youtuber which is why boys which is why I feel less bad about kind of like living my dream to some extent which is what right now as this video goes live I just enjoyed Thanksgiving in America the first time that's cool oh it might be cool I might die no car crash for all we know that'd be cool if this is my last video but um you know I always think that sadly these videos keep going up and I don't dine like automobile crashes I mean what a tragedy am i right but um you know there really is this kind of factor to me of like there is a certain degree to which you need to be a real person there's also a certain degree to which you needed to be the same YouTube face blue blood that you always are so you know like to always be on you there's a part of you that needs to be away strong away from YouTube in this part that waste needs going in and it's kind of fun that I feel like the first time I don't feel like it's balanced but I feel like I'm really happy with the balance we do have but also I want to do bigger better things which is what it's good right I want to want to do things while also knowing that they're not needed right now or I will starve it's a nice bounce I feel like that's like the dream for anyone in life right like there are so many so many people live some form in stable life I would describe it as so it's nice when that's not you at least for me so fandoms are definitely gonna spawn tonight if logic holds up at least which means I'm going to finish the roof of this real fast we're gonna have it most of you a flat roof again made up gloss because you want to be able to see pretty clearly what's directly above me but have like some point on there to make it more distinctive from a distance or maybe we won't actually maybe it looks better if we don't have a point on the roof because most people when they make roofs in Minecraft they make some forth curvature roof thing so who's to say that's even a good idea I'm not to say that's for sure but yeah I guess if there's if there's one kind of thing that make my god this is a hard thing to navigate if there's like one thing that I would like message from all of this it's that it's really easy to get trapped in the logic that you are just the things that you do and I don't think that should always be what you're thinking but I also think at the same time because there's lots people are like hey follow your dreams all the time for other don't even think about the practical ramifications of what that means for the world I actually don't agree of that one all the way either what I actually think is the right balance is like we live in a world that values you mostly for the things you do which isn't even directly a bad thing because that's what leads to so many people able to do what other things you want for you you know there's so many things that are only possible because other people have to work so hard on them so like 40 something weeks of the year or you know if you live in America 50 something weeks in the year you know like my dream no I guess I would still be 40 like nine weeks or something in the year like depending on where you live and what field of work you know whether you're if you're in some form of college right now it's - you're weeks than if you're in school which is few weeks than if you're at most workplaces the things you output the things that are you know that's the majority of what you are as a person and learning to enjoy that is important but also learning that like you know even if even if you don't in the any time being knowing how you can get back to enjoying it and knowing how knowing what makes that at least fun in some way because there's something there's something everyone enjoys about well even though it's like the worst thing it's like the best thing you know let me think that similar example you know it's go to if we go from health to work or something you know I really hate I know what like the super wide onion rings that are basically the size of an onion but I also love them you know I really hate literally just eating sugar but also when I make lemonade you better believe it's mostly that it hurts me but I like it you know and that's that's always been my attitude towards some things in the works fear because it's also I get the best out myself but like squeezing it out of me all in one and then because I realized somewhat early on like as well as having somewhat paranoid the personalities you might be able to tell from the the glasshouse we're building in Minecraft protect my bed but um as well as having a pretty I guess like again paranoid personality I would also say I've got a very addictive but like psychologically addictive personality I want it and then I want to do like I want to absorb all of something if I'm into it not just a little bit you know and yeah basically this is something that knowing about myself it makes me much able better to deal with about myself like oh yeah this is just a fact I want to do everything all at once when I enjoy when I travel I want to like fit it all into like four days if I can even if I'm going to the other side the planet I went to Australia for eight days then run gave me weird looks I was in New Zealand that six days last year everyone's like why would you even question mark because again condense things what why have a week for somewhere when you can have two days why why you know doing things faster I guess is efficiency is something that you can actually represent in Minecraft quite well all off the time but also on top of that fellow this is the perfect gaps will just have here like a last few blocks how nice is that now now just look at this from a distance up from there maybe the oil rig there's no real proper voltage point around here but we'll try our best by the way this isn't oil rig it's the worst or a wreck I know but as you can see now we've got a house it floats the only way on those cake staircases and it looks pretty good so far I think we need to work on the interior but things are things are going well there I'd say but yes so as well as liking surfing at once I mentioned like you know I'm it's no news 21 that like I Oh phantoms have finally started spawning try and get to me phantoms they might be able to use that hole in the wall actually but yeah you can see how I'm now safe from phantoms as well as being safe from all the other mobs because try and get to me skeleton you can't this is a safety dome from which I can see everything from a very decent distance by the way except underwater but again we can fix that with just making holes on this thing and they can't see me for some reason is it the light coming up from the lanterns it can't be it wouldn't make sense of that I guess the light must be coming up in the lanterns because it's on that side of the thing only but there's some over here there's definitely no Lantern right is their Lambton there's no oh it's the torch oh maybe actually maybe the torches because it's a half snap the light can go through that is fascinating see yeah maybe we've worked out a way to light things and very non-traditional ways to but Sir Eve way you can see phantoms are trying to get me they can't that's the coolest part of why I've done right here but now we have to work a little bit on the interior my actual opinion here is a bit more like do we really need to work on the interior but let's give it a try anyway so I've got some glass panes we're gonna use those walls because there's no point having internal walls to your house that oh maybe not start there there's no point having internal wars in your house that you can't see through if the whole point is being safe feeling secure because a lot of the feelings a lot of things that we call paranoia some of them come from like one of the most common sources is psychosis which is basically drugs that's why so many drugs have paranoia as one of the side effects or it's what it's the other way around I should say but um you know like that's that's the thing that is you know commonly ascribed I would say like the idea that you know there is a combination between those two things which doesn't have to come from drugs it's just a common side effect of the most common drug that people tend to do in their teenagers but um as well as that the the other kind of common thing is like if you're from a unstable background if you add you know if there was lots of distrust and whatnot amongst parents that can eventually lead into the same things and I think that's that's why I like therapy even for something is like minors like just a part of your personality that doesn't show off the world can be a really small thing because if you're not able to realize by yourself by the way I'm thinking like what it makes sense to put that under there what does that look a bit I actually like how this look I just don't know if this is then gonna spawn mobs because there's a glass pane in the block but it doesn't take up the entire block so we'd have to work this one out by practice which is kind of dangerous well I'm willing to take that risk although it's glass of a creeper spawns that messes up a lot I kind of like the floating glass thing it looks very futuristic but I think I might be alone in liking that so yeah we're gonna use these lost panes as like the determining factors of what goes where so this will be a large living room for example over here can be some form kitchen I guess that will separate along the wall oh man this is it's so hard to place blocks around a glass pane also they meant to have like invisible ends here is this a bug or is this just the new texture because it feels a bit weird either way does that make sense but yeah we'll have this go all the way to an end I really like how this looks I just don't know about the the efficiency of it but again for now we'll make that sacrifice and we can fix it later if it's a problem lots of things in Minecraft because again uh even if you have a block like I'd know let's say a flower even though the flower is transparent and therefore the mobs shouldn't spawn on the flower it can spawn on the block underneath the flower because the flower doesn't take up the whole block so that might be an issue with these things too but we'll see how that goes so here's our kitchen room we'll have like a furnace in there for now we'll represent that furnace with a piston because I mean Pistons going to kitchen oh we've got cakes even better we can have a nice little kitchen yeah cake chin is what we'll call this one right here so we'll just have four cakes in the corner this is what my kitchen looks like I don't know about you guys as well as a piston which we have nineteen off as it turns out so have a piston be over here that's that's my kitchen see what you know when people make Minecraft interiors and they have to really stretch they're like oh yeah this this staircase is totally you know like I know we'll make like a birch staircase this staircase is basically you know like a sofa which we'll do right now to entirely be hypocritical but like it always is a bit like you know you don't even need a sofa in Minecraft why'd you pretend so hard like let's make the sofa in here maybe well make this up in front of the wall like why why is this a thing and then we'll have like a TV over here - won't that be great oh yeah look how well it's gonna be a widescreen TV apparently I think we did it too close but like yeah look how realistic my TV looks in front of my sofa it's just like you know what you don't need to try so hard has always been my impression I think we need like iron bars around this or something to make this actually go anywhere real but no we'll leave it like that because it's the paranoia house I need to see the people as they watch my TV on their very real sofa by the way which they can't hop onto oh that's nice it's a real use for being a staircase now but you see my point that I'm mentioning right like a lot of people have nonsensical furniture the only furniture I want here is gonna be actually properly useful so we'll make sure that's the thing so right here is gonna be my very important very official bathroom you might think we have wolves for that but no you do your business and in public I think this will actually be the spot right here so you can see the kitchen and you can keep your eyes on that too also because I think it's really hygienic to keep your cakes next to your bathroom place so this is where you go to I don't know like dispose of the drugs before a drug test but then if you want the drugs later you can still go back and get them and you can sit here and look it's totally a Minecraft toilet you see how good my interior design skills are Wow so I cat I know what you're thinking you should design all the houses in Minecraft ever yeah I know I have the exact same for anyway so the key thing here is to make sure that the bedroom is going to be the maximal distance away from the door so if something studs somehow get past all the things we've gone through does somehow spawn get through that etc etc climb through the door press the bun to get in through the door which you know that's that's a tricky thing to do then they can walk through it it should be the longest walk possible for them to get from my bed so that if they do they won't blow it up killing me and resetting my spawn because that would be painful right so this is why the bed is going to be maximally you know located away from doors just over a cheffing like at the back here I think it's the best place just in case there's something on the other side the glass will go a bit away from it right here and around the bed because you better believe there's no such thing as just doing this one way around the bed we're gonna have some more glass panes with the basic idea here being that mobs can't you know correctly pause you know find over things like this so they won't be able to for example you know jump from here over there they can't make this ortho jump even though I can they just try to walk it and they won't be able to it's like mobs have Auto jump enabled but yeah we can use this jump on the bed to get over both ways do this sort of thing wonderful now we've got the most secure bed we can have in Minecraft the most secure house to go afk or to work on anything in Minecraft it's pretty nice we do need to work out the rest of the water so let's do precisely that now so first of all this is gonna go here it's gonna create a whole mess as it does actually we'll just we'll just link that in there say that that's perfectly what we even want right here yeah I don't know if you can tell by my extreme like disinterest in Minecraft build interiors it's just a sore thing that to me has never been interesting because there's no use for any of it the use for structure is you know principally to be defensive but it can kind of look good in that way interiors have never looked good to me they just look different degrees of bad and different degrees of dysfunctional in fact the more rooms you add to your house the less useful you make the few useful rooms because they'll be further apart this is why I live in a cave this is why I'm building this house but how often am i realistically going to be sleeping here because it's just another thing I have a huge amount of interest in and I don't mind telling you about that directly you know in a video where this is the main point because it's a fun project not because it's a wildly useful one but because it tests the point of like oh yeah how paranoid can you make a Minecraft house and the answer is very and doesn't matter if I have furnaces or smokers or whatever my kitchen or if I just have a piston does it matter if I have a sofa and a TV which no one is convinced by you can miss my my sofa though pretty legit looking right these are the sauce things that don't deeply and concern we matter which is why it's fun to take this to the next level anyway because here are some notebooks I just crafted it's actually a pretty easy recipe for note blocks it's just eight planks and a redstone I always think that it must involve a diamond but that's the jukebox but yeah oh we what we can do now is somewhat cleverly we can Oh No the shovel was too powerful oh my see what we can do somewhat not cleverly take that one back is we can place some note blocks directly around on the four sides off the thing except here apparently although really we could place it there and then move the piston whenever block maybe we should do that yeah we can move the piston to beyond the note block but um yeah as we are very wildly cleverly doing including note blocks just over here this these will be able to sound off if anything happens as I no doubt something eventually well and yeah we have to eat cakes the worst thing I know it's a good thing I have so many cakes because the recipe is a real pain to master but yes so here you can see we've got this kind of thing going on now we just surround these pressure plates and we make it impossible for any mob to get near here without making a noise because here you can see you make a noise the matter where you stand anywhere on any side of any of these is going to have that exactly the same effect you clap a fresh plate on the note blocks and have the same effect but still I mean this is pretty efficient as far as I am concerned any one of these things is gonna activate multiple in some cases like this one you hear that double note block sounds at the same time and yeah that's the goal there is to just kind of make some point a lot and yeah what we're gonna do because there are spots where multiple ones can go off we're gonna have these ones be super high-pitched like this have this won't be low pitch and that way it hits both bends if you register at the same time so you can hear this one right here for instance you hear that it's got like a weird xx sound it sounds like a lot like ah things that think bad things are happening which is what we want to believe which is what we need to believe rather and that's kind of good in my opinion so yeah let's eat some more cakes and then we can basically say we made a pretty good paranoia house right oh there's one more key detail sad actually we need to make it so that if we're in our house we should be able to see out from here so that we can see where that little arrow is and if we need to where that button is so we need to buy something at it and destroy the staircase because there's some great fret down there I don't want to deal with that's how we can do it also it should also function as an escape hatch so if we just wanna get out and avoid all of that it should do both those things although I should we can make it further away to make it a better escape hatch if that's one of our key design goals that's right you think the bathrooms useless but really it's a clever way to hit the bun and or to escape the house without being noticed that's right the bathroom might seem useless although every minecraft room is useless so you can't it wrong if you think that anyway but read it's a way to hit the bun or just to get out unharmed or quite harmed actually that's fine so this right here is a house that I think has a lot of really interesting parts to it obviously you're not gonna want to design this exact thing in this exact way but hopefully this video if nothing else even though you're not gonna want to replicate this exact thing because you probably hate my interiors if you like minecraft builds but something about this you might have learned about how to make your house safer from mobs Glaus is a surprisingly effective tool in doing so you know Glaus don't not only look makes it look like a modern skyscraper but also adds kind of this not every block needs to be classed that gives you 360 to view degree viewing windows but still it can really help you having some full of like sound based or light based thing like we have down here is also kind of useful right having some form of like you know redstone mostly fluff players for like if you want to be fun by yourself and have a self-destruct button why not add that as something kind of interesting right taking off light levels so you know that no mobs can spawn below you I've had no issues for the days minecraft days that is that hours in the real world but the hours Oakley minecraft days you start building this because we've hopefully protected this and even again the whole thing here is deliberately super stupid but hopefully it taught you some real lessons anyway because that's kind of what I like to do you know deliberately stupid but hopefully kind of useful so first of all we have the stopping mobs spawning near me in the first place it is impossible for a mob to spawn anywhere than a decent distance of my house wherever I'm in there or not if I'm in there then the protection radius works if I'm not in there all of this lighting will work because if it's daytime nothing should spawn anyway but even at nighttime I've got that covered with these lanterns right here and the cloth next to them so I've got you know like the light source is sorted on both sides offer this so no mobs should spawn there but because there's always the thing you can never light up your entire Minecraft world although it'd take a lot of torches that might be a fun mouth craft video you can never light up your entire Minecraft world right however because you're just gonna run into more distances where you can't but what you can do is you can write up a significant portion but even outside of that a mob point eventually spawn and then walk within your radius so how do you protect against that first of all noise protection if you're somewhat nearby you're just focusing on something else you heard this noise you're like what caused it was it a non hostile mob like this pig kill them just to get rid of them anyway was it something else you'll know for sure cuz you'll be able to see then have a staircase that mobs can't use but you know you can again you can use parkour for this I just like the cake staircase because I mean it's a staircase made from cake you get to eat it while you make it but that's that's a fun thing to me then have your interior have your bed be separate from the rest to make it creeper proof here you can see I can go to sleep it's gonna be a fine functional bed but also at the same time I'm protected from mobs on all sides although if you want to be extra protected I would again make it a bit trickier encase them up does somehow get in the door up spawns in here or some of those lines but yeah having a protected bed very important thing to do because if you're borrowing from spawn at least I would say and yeah in general have lots of viewing angles don't have dark corners of your house you can't see and that's the point I'm making this video this isn't a practical you should do this guide although maybe it'd be better views as I said no actually this is my new minecraft house I live in forever actually yeah let's just say that so remember subscribe to the video and my channel like my channel subscribe to the video so that you can see more videos in this house which I'm gonna be living in forever because it's very functional very useful I think actually like this is like a design thing like every corner has these things under them yeah I think we're gonna do that actually yeah love that just as I was doing my outro but um yeah I hope this video told you something it definitely wasn't about interior design but it was about how to keep yourself safe and if being safe isn't the most important thing the world I don't know what is so thank you very much watching this episode lemon are you fourth the slightly weirder format because I'm just I'm always trying slightly new things out which is part of why I feel happy with what we do here on this YouTube channel but yeah thank you so much watching cuz I'll see you all next time good bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 159,325
Rating: 4.9256196 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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