13 Natural MEGA Projects For Your Minecraft World

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hello i'm mpxtoycat and every single minecraft world contains so much natural beauty that i don't think enough people fully ever appreciate and that's because most players work on buildings synthetically they build on top of their minecraft world which is great that is a style of playing that some people really do enjoy so much more but personally i think the natural beauty of a world is one of the most striking features one of the biggest points of the full world is to take advantage of that and today i feel like i can give you 13 ideas that will help you to build on top of that natural generation because although there are enough ideas to last a lifetime i feel like 13 is a catchy number and you know how lists work on youtube so let's go through and give you 13 such ways to work with a natural feature rather than against it and we're going to start right here with a ravine because a ravine is something everyone is familiar with they spawn all over your minecraft world if you're on bedrock they spawn very deep over your minecraft world and being able to take advantage of one of these things is kind of hard to do like some people just patch over it and then build something over and no one ever digs down some people just leave it and see the ground is unusable um but i think a great way to take advantage of it is to build on both sides and then to cover up with something semi-transparent i think glass is such a simple way to kind of leave this point but if you cover your ravine in glass like so um what you end up with is an easy way to walk across it but also a way to appreciate the real depth of this thing even if we go over here again doing this mildly scarily right now but you can see how there is a 64-ish block gap between me and the ground it's kind of scary but it's also very magnificent a few stacks of glass later and now not only is the ravine entirely neutered unless you get like exploded by a creeper but let's be honest you should be worrying about those issues otherwise they shouldn't be able to spawn on top of here so light up the area around it but also we've got this kind of cool feature where we can look down and see this it's really great in my opinion as a way to make a ravine into something a bit more interesting again rather than covering it up or rather than leaving it this is a great middle ground solution that allows you to keep your natural beauty off the ravine and allows you to maybe even appreciate it some more um we're actually doing very minimal effort especially because this one happens to go through a desert which we can easily mine to get ourselves some sand to get the glass so there's an easy way to take a ravine and make it something more interesting but we can also apply this to pretty much any structure in the game so for instance here is a mountain it's a very bizarrely shaped mountain as you can see i think it'd be perfect to build a base on top of and that's what most people think about they think of a beautiful minecraft base here well no longer do you have to imagine i mean look at this beauty took me a few hours to whip up but as you can see i'm really good at minecraft building uh you know this this took a few hours had to call up my mother of course and get some feedback workshop it with uh some of the best minecraft builders out there but uh you know what we end up with was really great in the end but the problem is a lot of people will make their base but then they won't think about how they can utilize the fact that this is in a very nice biome a savannah m uh for instance by the way this is from a seed sunday we'll link that down below if you want to get this particular seed but you can see how like oh yeah this is also really close to a couple of other mountains and you can get some really great views by utilizing the big gap between two pretty much equal sized mountains or we could link over to that one or we could link up to that one or we could do all three but for now let's just say uh say they're like yeah this little pathway that we've made why don't we link it to another mountain and even the saddest of pathways will still look good when you start working on it i mean look at this one for instance like it's literally just blocks floating over nothing but it's still a quite kind of cool feel to have this float over nothing but you know what you want to have something that feels a bit more thematic that fits going between these kind of jungly islands so how exactly do you do that okay so hear me out here i reckon a way better solution is to do something like this to use campfires as a way to get across and yeah i mean like admittedly having it be on fire maybe you can make some grand statement about how the amazon is burning and we're all watching you know that's that's entirely okay if that's what you're going for or you can just go through it with a shovel and you can distinguish them all which i'll admit is an oddly satisfying task you gotta give this away you know even if we take nothing from this video besides extinguisher campfires i i think this is a surprisingly fun thing to do but what you end up with is this kind of crossing where as you can see it looks mildly like a rope wrench that's kind of suspended or you can do anything like this having a bridge that looks like it is between remote little islands can be a lot of fun and you can utilize them not only because oh yeah use your building skills whatever but also because it's a great way to get between these islands much faster than alternative transport or you can just admit that like oh you're not for a distance this big even in survival at some point you're going to want to use ice so you could just go the lazy route or maybe depending on your perspective it's actually the high effort route because actually doing this does take a lot of effort but you're going for a lot of effort to save yourself a lot of effort is that being lazy i would argue that is kind of being lazy but it's the good type of lazy that helps you out in life because the less effort you expend doing things you don't need to do the better you'll probably be off but that is a topic for another video because this is just my guide that hey when you if you if you see a nice little item like this having your base be on top of it and then having that link to other islands is a great way to kind of have builds distributed around your world take advantage of mountain biomes of desert mountains or in particular my favorite savannah mountains and you can do precisely this but if there is one structure that you do need to bridge over and you know in the case of this one we can say it's not as much as it otherwise would have had to be this is the original river that notch wanted to make when rivers were first going to minecraft um a probably sad that it's not like that because there's not really any reason to bridge across current rivers i mean especially if swimming you just swim across but you know what you might want to bridge across the river anyway and what's a fun way to do that well i think one of the most fun things is to use water logging and you can make yourself a little bridge where the water still exists if you really want it to but you can still as you can see right here make a bridge across the water wow look at that it's a bridge made of leafs but the water is actually still flowing through it it's a very bizarre thing it means a lot of very weird things will happen but yeah you can make a bridge you could even if you want to weirdly enough kind of make it go all the way down so like if we have this go all the way through here it still won't stop the flow of water i mean not that it would regardless but the water is still technically in existence all the way through all of these blocks because these are water log leaf blocks you could also if you really wanted to do the same thing that we did the ravine where you cover the entire top layer of the river with leaves this would stop any you know like bad mobs from coming to the top let's say you really hate rounds you really hate drowns of tridents which are so op by the way can we complain about that here we totally can it's my youtube video drowns we've tried this is such an annoying thing that just again there's no real way to know they're coming until you get hit with a trident and most of your health bar is gone um so if you want to avoid that happening and even once you've got armor and you just want to you know save the world then you can perhaps cover the top of your water with leafs and then maybe you'd have something that looks like this it's a very bizarre idea very weird idea on that one but still you could totally cover the top of your river with leafs and it's got the same kind of effect as the ravine where you can see down below it except i would say far less in this case and also it just has a very weird effect but yeah if you want to walk on water then uh short of freezing it into ice this is perhaps the best way but also what you might want to do um this is a little bit of a project but it has very cool results in my opinion is dam up a minecraft river so sadly because rivers don't flow they are literally all water sitting still even if we take a cross section over right here and we fill it with say sand i think a far more fun block would be you know smooth stone as an example because you know it looks like a dam looks like that one uber damn i i went to it one time you know it's kind of cool that it's big but i don't get why it's a tourist attraction also it's named after one of the presidents that has generally seen there's not such a great president so it's like ah this is just a damn huh i guess it's i guess it's a big thing that is near las vegas that's that's cool i guess anyway so um what you want to do when you've got yourself a big dam is you'll realize that like oh water doesn't stop flowing through it because even though you know you can see how like it would flow through here um water is just a lot of different blocks which means what you have to do is pick a side of the river and yes this is a draining process a very draining training process um what you have to do is you have to then use some sponges which you can find right over here or in survival in a nice little ocean monument and then you gotta drain the entirety of this thing some very weird things happen sometimes i i'm not sure i understand what's going on right here but what is what is happening is there a glitch of sponges where they don't turn into wet sponges i think there might be you know honestly the idea i was originally going on about can we scrap that and say that this is the fourth thing you should do place some sponges near some flowing water in such a way that it always flows into them i'd be lying if i said i didn't like the result a little bit having this entirely drained river it is a very high effort thing to go through and there's always going to be some straggling bits of water that appear from nowhere um but yeah if you want to find yourself if you want to make yourself a little drained a river you can do that and you can also use this as a way to kind of reprogram your river because if you have the river go like in a downwards fashion you actually can make an effective dam because if we remove a few blocks right here you'll see how the water actually will start flowing and then if we have say a piston over here that activates these blocks we can actually make the water flow all the way through the river if we wanted to so if you want to have activatable water dams it's a fun done project it doesn't make any sense in terms of you would never want flowing water you would never go for this much effort just to have some but it's a cool project that matches the real world and you know it uses minecraft's natural beauty by destroying part of it to use the rest of it again kind of like in the real world we use the power of the river by removing some of the power of the river and that's cool or maybe you think that's dumb and you like the environment and stuff and if that's the case boy you're gonna love my next solution because if you like the environment you probably like books right which means you like bookshelves because they hold books am i onto a winner yet have i have i nailed you down as a person so anyway now that i know a fact about you i can tell you that yeah you know something you do in minecraft is enchanting but what if you made the stronghold room into an enchantment room and the great thing about this is most of the bookshelves you need to enchant tools at whatever level is going to be in here and that is the real power of the enchant of the you know library stronghold in my opinion you can place your thing uh you're kind of down here if you want to benefit from a corner you can you know like there's lots of places you can do stuff and with just a little bit of rearranging and a little bit of tidying up honestly you know this is my next idea tidy up a a stronghold library i'm just saying if you can't even clean up a library in minecraft how do you expect to change the world and fix the fix the environment you know the answer is you can't if you if you can't do the most basic of cleaning tasks then you can't do the most complex of um fixing things but yeah as you can see you just have to clean up this area and then you can just remove a few bookshelves and uh you know place a few in their place so let's just make a little area right here and all of a sudden we what we've got ourselves is a bonafide i don't know if that's the correct way to use that word uh in chapman room where as you can see there is now a full surrounding of bookshelves again this is this is actually excessive you don't need this many to get level 30. you don't even need half of this many honestly but it's a cool way to kind of take the library archetype and flip it on its head because it doesn't even look that different from the inside and if you just remove a few corner pillars and stuff you can make it look even better and also you can make multiple different types of enchantment table so you could have this one over here which is for level like three enchantments okay it's too close to the the things if you just place it like right here as you walk in this can be for like lowish level level eight you know like let's just say level one is the better thing if you wanna have something for in between you can do that too using the library room in a stronghold to actually represent something i think is a really great use of a room that is otherwise very underappreciated like this room literally even gives you enchanted books in the chest silk touch wadden and shaman people go off that all the time it's going to give me uh frost walker power and law and silk touch again you know it really wants me to have silky touches and you know what you can most people do is they just come through here they think oh it's not the end room and they move on but no at the very least take the books but at the most use this as your enchanting room if it's anywhere near your base that is if it's not i guess it'd be awkward to use but you could move villagers down here and you could trade them and get some experience that way so you know it's a great idea and you should totally do it if you value your lives and if you don't value your lives maybe what you do value is your end portal room so here is an idea that i'm sure no one's ever come up with it's a historic one on the internet so i want you to all brace yourselves for impact because something that i think not enough people know about is did you know if you put eye offenders inside the in portal there's this weird noise that happens and i don't know why but like you see this kind of space thing if you go through you probably die or something i don't know for sure never done it myself but you know this room is beautiful and i'm sure i feel like there's some reason to come through here so something i think is a great idea is normally to dig to the surface above your end portal to kind of make like an easy way to access it because fun fact you don't take full damage when falling through an end portal so you can fall all the way from down here into your end not take any damage pretty cool in my opinion um so yeah making like a big kind of portal up and down into your portal if you forgive the uh the the double use of words um you know that's kind of a great idea in my opinion but i think you could go a step further and although you could take that to mean just destroy the chunk above your end portal i think you could take this a step further than even this although i think this is kind of a cool thing to see by itself just a little slit hole into your portal uh from above the stronghold room but what if we took it a step further than this so i'm 20 minutes in and starting to realize what a daunting task this really is and this is with the creative magic abilities just spawning blocks obviously in survival this would be a huge uh challenge has to be said but let's uh keep on going so i accidentally let some water in while i was covering it and i wanna know what happens when water hits the end portal probably nothing but maybe something or suspense what's gonna happen is it gonna be nothing is it gonna break will the water go to the end huh it just you can cover up end portal with water and it breaks it like it seriously seriously breaks it to a level where i think you almost want to do this so i guess we'll be leaving that in place so this was actually surprisingly fun to do and obviously it's a huge project a huge project you might say well that's just impossible toy cat you're never going to be able to do something like this in survival just the amount of blocks that it requires to destroy this isn't a very good solo project and you might be thinking that until i say that you know actually this amount of end stone brick is not the hardest part of the project imagine it was something like say prismarine well then it'd be even harder and even more impossible well imagine if someone actually did that this is a you know something that gregor ban a reddit user actually has managed to do look at this thing that they did in survival by the way at least so they claim look at this the walls they've done around the outside look at the water flowing in from four directions apparently uh they look the water thing works for them too but it doesn't seem to glitch out there in portal because i guess they're on java but like look at the insanity going on with their thing and then this looks kind of sad by comparison i feel i feel sad that like my 40 minutes or so of like minecraft creative work is nothing compared to the the days of work that must have gone into that minecraft build and i wanted to show you as like you know sometimes uh there are things you can do that are so impressive using the the natural part of your world that even someone playing around creative can't match them without spending you know hours and whatever for their time and there's just something cool about uh this screenshot that i can't replicate with mine but uh just know this is a cool thing you can do to any scale even if you just go down here and you have it just be this size you know as you can see with my stairs i hate placing stairs but um you can see like if you did it this way it'd be like actually this is pretty cool too but the bigger the better and that's the true for any minecraft build which will bring us nicely into say a cave because who doesn't like caves right i mean uh they obviously could be better do we all agree perhaps uh an update to caves would be nice i don't know what you'd call that perhaps but you know caves could do with a little bit of uh you know some reworking maybe we could call uh these words and uh you know like when you find a cave you could do that yourself because most caves in minecraft won't take you all the way down to bedrock claire actually this this one might take me all the way down to diamonds though i was trying to prove a point by going into a random cave and saying how you can't go all the way down to diamond lure but this one's taking me down to y20 and i bet if we follow it even further yep it takes me right down to diamond layer and even slightly below it that's pretty cool you can mine diamonds straight from this cave at the surface which is pretty nutty but most caves aren't like this most minecraft caves will not take you down diamonds and let's be honest this one's kind of hard to navigate so what i recommend doing is finding a nice minecraft cave one that really speaks to you this one doesn't speak to me i mean if caves speak to you actually i recommend upping your medication first of all and then after you've got that medication on lockdown then find yourself a nice cave and i cannot stress this next bit enough make sure the cave isn't speaking to you if the cave is speaking to you that's probably a sign that you didn't get enough medication earlier and again always worth re-checking that one up because you know you just want to look after your own safety but once you find a cave that you like but sadly has a short dead end or it's just in the sort of style that you like because minecraft has a few different cave types um something i think is a really fun little project is to extend it because obviously most people when they make their caves they look something like this this bland just digging down to bedrock in a little bit of a you know up down up down etc and that's very efficient but you know you're here to work with the natural beauty and to extend it and that's why i recommend destroying and kind of extending the cave downwards by the way while i'm doing this do you want to know a fun fact destroying blocks and creative is actually slower than destroying blocks and survival for a healthy majority of blocks and especially for stone for nevrak etc and that sounds wacky because you know this is me destroying pretty much as fast as i can in creative now i'm tapping instead of holding it down and you can see i'm speeding up a little bit but you can actually mine even faster than this oh we actually found a cave pretend we didn't for the sake of this argument what just happened because if you have the haste to effect which you can get just by giving yourself a command like this or you can get via a beacon in survival which you know is like the way we're normally talking about this uh you can actually instantly mine blocks if you have efficiency five and a diamond or never right pickaxe which means that as you can see you can actually mine blocks way faster in survival than you can in creative which means if you want to make a very big cave you can do so just like this and personally i think the results you get when you make your own cave obviously there's a lot of very rough edges that you kind of have to work around and that's always like you know there's again there's some rough edges you've got to work around those uh but i think the end results are pretty cool because you get what seems like on the surface a very natural looking cave very few people want to come down there very few people like are interested in it but it makes a much more natural feeling minecraft base if the cave that attach is attached is very natural too alternatively you could go entirely the other way and make a cave look spooky spooky unnatural as a way to either have a never portal at the end or you know just for fun like never such a common block why not use it to replace the stone in your caves with some nevrak i mean does this cave not look way spookier right now i think it does that's why i said it that's why i say most things in these videos look at this cave over here same thing and it doesn't take much neveract replace all of the stone in a cave either um again it's just a few stacks and nevrak very easy to come by especially if you've got that good old efficiency pickaxe in survival i'd argue that nevrak is such an annoyingly common block in survival that it's easier to come by there than outside of it fight me if you disagree because you're probably right oh look at this i found the little exposed spider spawner in the midst of my nevrak see easy way to hide the way there no one goes to a spider spawner no none goes for another cave thinking you're not on the other end i might just find a spider spawner or if you do you've got bad decision making skills but that is another idea you could do turn your caves into never but you know i haven't really addressed the whole how do you mind diamond spinning because a lot of people still do like to mine diamonds and it's still an effective ish way if of getting diamond blocks and jukeboxes as i've covered in a recent video so if you want the things that you can't trade for or find or uh you get naturally um then you need to go mining for diamonds and how do i recommend that uh how do i turn that into a fun thing so everyone knows about abandoned mine shafts right they're mine shafts that are abandoned as it turns out and the interesting thing about these is they kind of have a very finite span even the biggest ones of these will span for a couple hundreds of blocks but they're a very interesting structure in my opinion because why are they so abandoned does it need to be this way well if you're in survival and if you're lucky enough to find one at just the right layer this one's about 17. so maybe a few blocks too high um or even if you don't find one the right layer let's be honest it's not too hard to move it down oh we found diamonds already you know it's really easy to find diamonds in minecraft just just gotta go down a few blocks from your mine shaft but yeah all you got to do is either find a mine shop which is at the right layer like this one just so happens to be perfectly at look at that y11 going in this direction and then you can start mining coincidentally you know not only you're going to be mining for diamonds in a semi-efficient manner again realistically making a 3x3 pathway isn't the most efficient way but also you can be extending your abandoned mine shaft so here is an abandoned mine shaft tunnel going literally as far as the eye can see let's ignore all the diamonds that we found along the way but the cool thing about this is not only the fact that you have this kind of surreal structure again it's just using a minecraft natural structure not even the best looking one this is one of the earliest things they did with caves you know you can tell that this is an old feature because it was back when minecraft actually thought the underground needed updating you know the old days of 2011 but yeah you can see how uh you know like once you do this once you do uh make a little tunnel out of these things uh it has this very weird characteristic of it and just in case you don't like this enough you actually can if you really want to take this a step further and then you can actually unabandon the mine shaft you can build rails along the ground and that way you actually have a reason you know like a reason for all this to exist a way to go very fast through it and i think that's really great personally to have a super fast abandoned mine shaft rail thing and uh if you agree build it and if you don't agree then i guess you're on the wrong video i don't know but yeah i think there's a i think extending an abandoned mine shaft to make it mega to make it go all the way underneath say your base your world from place to place it's a great idea and can you tell that i do too do you like my use of structure blocks by the way it led to this very weird little corner right there but let's remove that boom look how nice this looks but yeah there's a lot of fun ways you could do this in survival and in creative have you noticed this video isn't creative yet i feel like i've pointed out or someone's gonna be like toy cat you missed little she said these were survival ideas it's like the survival ideas that to sum up in anything less than 12 hours and actually not it's been a couple of hours in creative already i wonder how many hours this would take in survival find out by building all of these and let me know how long it takes you also could if you wanted to protect your wells you know you're very valuable resource everyone knows how great a desert will is everyone knows how useful it is to find water in the desert there's none of that anywhere else and therefore you want to protect them from pillagers and zombies and creepers and the best way to do that is to build a wall make your minecraft desert well great again let's be honest it was never great there was never a point in time where this was a valid idea how do they even get into the game i mean it makes the abandoned mine shot shaft look like a beautiful piece of uh art i guess but yeah look at that we built a wall and now only we can get into this beautiful oasis another great way to use the natural resources of minecraft while still kind of making it your own is to take a village which you know as we all know they exist but they're very fragile especially the villagers both to zombies overnight as it's always been and since 1.14 also the pillagers because pillager outposts in general or at least in my uh you know experiences will always spawn somewhere near a village which makes sense they need something to terrorize but these guys are just one little stray accident away from walking into your village and killing all of the village of progress that you worked so hard on so doesn't it make sense to build a wall i mean you want to make the village great again we all know how to do that now might be a good time to remind you all by the way the walls as a 1.16 will actually tile like a wall should you know i with no gaps in them it used to be very annoying like having huge uh things in there but now the only gaps in your wall are the one that you want to be in there which is pretty cool in my opinion because you can also effectively do stuff like this to have little other blocks hidden in your wall i don't know why you'd want to i don't think sandstone and red stance don't go too well together but you can do pretty much any wall in minecraft just in case you want to have like i don't know some bricks in the middle of your red sandstone wall you can totally do that i just wouldn't recommend it and now we have ourselves not only a wall going around the entire village which protects it from absent-minded uh pillagers as well as from the night if zombies are coming in if you like this entire area up but also you can have like an official entrance in and out and some people like that i'm not very good at making entrances have i mentioned uh that i'm not good at building in this video i don't know if that's come up i don't know if that comes up in any of my videos but you know here it is right now i don't make particularly great things for minecraft uh but the basic concept doing this but like actually good imagine that wouldn't that be great did you see right there literally a hole through there what how do i even remove did i just do that and pretend yep there we go look how good i am at building things i'm the best this is why they pay me the big bucks but speaking of being paid the big bucks do you know where you can do that actually probably a village you know this is a bad transition because we're talking about villagers but you know what building villages is not just a thing you can do here in the overworld because one of the parts of minecraft that i think really lacks natural beauty and maybe that you could consider being the beauty itself is the end islands these are a part of minecraft and honestly the voids in between them like which are huge in some cases are a part of minecraft which really get to the core of the game and tell you hey we're not even going to give you a basis on which to build on besides these ugly plants a world generation which is just spheroids and you know stuff like that and therefore the challenge is to make your own stuff on top of it and that's a challenge you might as well take right and do any insane thing you want out here including make some of that money honey does this look absolutely absurd yes but does it function as a village also yes you can do anything you want out here in the end islands and the cool thing about villagers is you can move them literally anywhere in the world so even though there are only uh you know by default six types of minecraft village there are eight types of villager and then there are an infinite number of places you can make one of these things and you can make it as true or as not true to the original village as you like you can theme it on the end or you cannot theme in the end at all and you can just make this place an extra of world but the fact is if you want to play minecraft building on hard mode if you want to play in a world with no natural structures the end is a great place to do that and it's kind of the anti-point of this video like oh yeah the world is filled with natural beauty until it isn't and then things are way harder right to finish this video let me talk about something that i've never been sure on how to use it it's always been my goal uh to do something like this but i've never quite succeeded but making cactuses into some form of like house maybe into making them into a wall i don't know like cactuses are this really weird block in minecraft that you can stack as high as you like they naturally spawn up to three blocks although sometimes as high as 18 the whole thing about that but like you know they usually spawn up to three or four blocks but then uh you know you can stack them as high as you want if you jump on top of them and because they can't be next to any other cactus blocks you get this really weird thing where you kind of build them diagonally i don't know you can make a wall outfit but it's a really weird wall uh you can make some natural beauty maybe i don't know cactuses they're beautiful and i wanted to say at some point in this video because we have to hit 13 because 12 that's a lame number 13 you want to watch this video for it i'll be honest i have bamboozled you the 13th thing it's not a real thing here because you're not maybe lists or arbitrary maybe making anything in minecraft is arbitrary i would argue that it actually is but the real beauty is the friends we make along the way you know it's not about what you build it's about how much fun you have doing it and obviously the point of this video is not that yeah again some videos will always claim like these are the best things you can do uh in minecraft that's always going to be subjective on some end uh the important thing is that if you wanted a building idea hopefully by the end this video you've got one or at the very least if somehow every one of these ideas suck to you you're like no i don't want to cover my ravine and glass i don't want to cover my river in leaf so or damn it up again i think this is a damn good river but um maybe if you disagree with that at least you have some ideas that you hate because personally uh the way that i like building stuff is i look at something i hate and i'm like how can i make this something i don't hate you know if you hate more things in the world than you like that's cool that's a natural way to be it sucks and you know what it means that you're not very likely to like this video when i tell you to um but that's okay because i hope that this video inspired you more than i hope you choose to like it or that you consider subscribing or whatever don't do those things just go out have some fun in minecraft and if you build something cool you're not share it on my subreddit reddit.com ibx toycat i do love seeing some stuff on there sometimes and maybe you do too that's where we find some of the cool things that inspire me or that inspire me to do the opposite it's great it's a wonderful time and if you had a wonderful time today then i'll see you there or maybe i'll see you never again if you didn't goodbye [Music] you
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 342,608
Rating: 4.8624849 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: sQIemseF6m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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