3 Phrasal Verbs with RUN: run around, run into, run out of 🔴

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and started all right so we're started are you there let's get started welcome back I think we've just started the broadcast it should be loading on YouTube and we're getting loaded on Facebook now - hello Oscar yes I am here you're the first person to say hello today hi yes I am here hello Hannah hello okay Facebook is coming YouTube is on welcome back welcome back everybody are you there rush rush Eid how am i doing I'm doing good it's a little soggy again here today from Dominican Republic hello I'm Nerissa Rosa welcome his facebook on I think Facebook's on Bernie hello Jennifer Silva hello yolo hello Mohammad hello Praveen Daniel hello Facebook is up too okay Facebook is up but we're just waiting to get the comments going all right so let's give people a few minutes to join and then we'll get started in just a few so yeah say hi when you join oh and don't forget as you join lots of people are coming especially on Facebook but on sorry especially on YouTube but to help your fellow classmates find the video make sure you like the video when you when you join too because it'll help other people find it so definitely hit like when you join - okay Facebook I see you great to Facebook is up now - oh let's see Manuel hello Harvey hello Wagner hello great okay so we have Facebook and YouTube up now fantastic Rena from the Philippines someone from Taiwan on YouTube hello and neuen from Vietnam hello um Rakesh Sebastiao oh my gosh Jews Sarah Maxon okay great lots of people on YouTube Alexis hello let's see Jo dong from China hi Alice hello okay uh Kareem hello on YouTube Facebook Rafael hi from Mexico Reginald oh hello and Gustavo as well from Mexico oh so Jose from Mexico maybe I don't know okay you like my accent her well that's good because you're going to hear my accent for about 30 minutes today great okay more people are joining will wait maybe one more minute but yeah as I mentioned just a minute or two ago as you join please make sure to LIKE the the livestream on Facebook or YouTube so we can help your classmates other people find the find the stream so make sure to hit the like button when you join it's helpful for for us and for the other people looking for the video okay Jean Kelly yes we learned about going to is there any difference between the sentence I'm going to go to LA and I'm going to LA a good question in terms of talking about your future plans no not really I'm going to LA next week I'm going to go to LA next week these really have the same meaning so last week I did not talk about the present progressive or the present continuous tense really but in general we use them in the same way for plans we are very certain about okay but as people are joining they're actually there were some really good questions from last week and I also have an example that for as I've been doing lately so my example sentence from our grammar point from last week I used this in an example sentence so I try to post it like where people can see if they want to check so I posted an example sentence on Twitter using the future tense so for example I said lots of people have asked questions about how to use present perfect tense this week so I'm going to make a video about it so last week we practiced using this I'm going to to talk about your future plans so I was explaining I'm going to make a video about the present perfect tense so in this way I actually used our grammar point from last week in my life okay also there were some good questions I wanted to address so one person last week asked can I use will in the third person so third person means to talk like he/she and so on and the answer is yes let's see so if you want to talk about will with the third person you can say exactly the same sort of sentence we talked about last week but just remember that the rules apply the same rules apply so if it's a decision you made like in a meeting like okay I'll call the event space and make a reservation you will make preparations with the caterers and then he'll send invitations to all the clients you can use we will will will in that way for decisions made at the moment of speaking so thank you for that question and then one more really good question from Ignacio Alya I don't know if you're watching right now he said when I travel how do I say that my family and I are going to go somewhere so if you want to talk about group travel plans please just use we as the subject of the sentence so we are going to go to France next month for example so yeah thank you very much for all the really good questions that's fantastic and if you have other questions please let me know all right so we're almost six minutes and lots of people have joined I see you in the chat from Tunisia Johnson from Brazil Miguel on Facebook and Maude on Facebook Judy chopper maybe on Facebook hi um so I think I want to start today's topic so today's topic as maybe you saw is a phrasal verb so a lot of you have talked about phrasal verbs and had questions about phrasal verbs so there are a lot of phrasal verbs and I think it's a really good topic to discuss but it's a little bit difficult to just teach about all phrasal verbs so I chose the verb run for today and I'm to talk about a few different ways that we can use the word run to with a preposition to make a few different meanings so if you have any questions please let me know in the chat on Facebook or YouTube and also if you just joined make sure and like the like the video so other people can can find it a little bit easier too but if you have questions let me know in the chat and I will try to catch them as I explain so with that said um let's get into the first the first sort of the first use of run I want to talk about the use of run plus bi so the word run plus bi there are actually two meanings for this so the first one that I want to mention oops hang on just a second computers doing something so the first one that I want to mention sorry sorry sorry okay is when we use run plus bi plus a place so run by for example a supermarket or run by my office run by the bank run by the swimming pool I don't know so this expression run by it has the nuance of like a place for example so or I'm sorry it has a nuance of like making a quick stop out of place so like you're on the way to work or you're on the way to school or something and you need to stop quickly at some place you can use run by that place so in an example sentence like I need to run by my house before I go to the office later or I need to run by my parents house before I go to the barbecue for example so it sounds like making a very very quick short stop somewhere run by a place so is there any place I don't know maybe many people are from like a lot of different time zones around the world but maybe there's some place you had to run by today or you're going to run by tomorrow so we can use run by plus a place a place to mean make a quick stop at this place usually on the way to someone else so yeah so I need to run oh nice one Raphael on Facebook says I need to run by my job before my boss gets mad okay be careful there let's see Aamir says is learning grammar important for speaking well yes I think so if you can learn grammar correctly it makes for a fewer miss communications with the person you're speaking with so proper grammar is very helpful and very important I think in communicating effectively okay Anderson says I'm going I'm going to run by my bathroom oh my gosh that works that works run by make a quick stop I have to run by the bathroom I suppose usually we use it for like a location a larger location but funny one Salma says I'm late so I have to run by the school great great I just have to run by a Wanderlei says I'll run by my house before I go back to my job perfect dissin said I had to run by the hardware store yeah on Facebook Ching Jenkins says how about run by the station sure you can for example to pick someone up I need to run by the station and pick up my friend nice great uh let's see Everton run by is a quick stop I just wrote it in my notes thank you cool yeah quick stop is run by a place ah let's see what else yes Denison what means run by some ideas yes we are going to talk about that in just a second for sure you today Caesar says run by my aunt's bakery yes very nice I had to run by combini on my way to school that's a very common one run by Kamini on my way to school nice ah great great okay so someone brought up the second use of run by which I want to talk about now so run by a place when we use it with a place it means to make a quick stop somewhere but there's another meaning for run by so we also use run by to talk about times when you want someone else's opinion or you want someone's feedback about an idea for example so we use this like in this pattern run an idea by a person so we need to use something here like run a plan or run an idea or run something new by a person so for example like at your work I want to run an idea by my boss means I want to ask my boss about this idea and get his or her feedback about it so run an idea by someone means check something with someone so I want to explain this idea and get your feedback on it let me run an idea by you hmm I'd like to run this plan by you or can I run my party idea by you so some idea you want to share with someone and get their feedback we can also use run and buy in this way run by person run something by a person yeah so there are two ways that we can use run and buy together and they make very different very different situation so please be careful quick stop and checking an idea these are different sentence patterns okay great all right yeah there is still some sentence patterns some quick stop sentence patterns run by Alexandria to get my work great great great okay yeah good so if you're just joining I think a lot of people maybe just joined so today's topic is phrasal verbs we're talking about phrasal verbs with the verb run run so we're talking we've just finished talking about how to use run and buy together so run by a place makes a quick stop and run an idea by someone means to check or to confirm and get in their opinion about your idea Victoria says nice yeah I want to run an idea by my mom for a new haircut nice one that's real good that's really good nice fun nice one okay yeah Karen galinha I run by my house so that means a quick stop at her house ah good good good Camille says I want to ask my wife to run by the coffee place perfect yeah perfect ask my wife to run by the coffee place nice one okay yeah Kareem nice one I didn't hear you please run that by me again or please run it by so we can all hear it so please run that by us so we can all hear it nice one really good really good Talia suji says I run my wedding plan by my wife great great okay all right so let's see we're about 14 minutes Wow into the broadcast so as always for today we also have as usual some free gifts for you guys to share this week the the free thing you can check it check the link at the below the video on youtube and above the video if you're on facebook our free thing for the month definitely go download this is just a bunch of free stuff this is all the stuff kind of a package of things from August so there's some cheat sheets we've talked about before it's useful little PDFs to download there's audiobooks there's a bunch of survival phrases so good if you're gonna be traveling somewhere definitely go download these so just yeah click the link in the description on YouTube below the video click the link there and download it or click the link above the video on Facebook and download it so definitely check that out so this is basically just a huge package of free things that we have kind of the the package from August so definitely take a look go download that and that can maybe help you as you continue studying English with us so that's yeah at English class 101.com but check the link in the description too okay good and also also if you're just joining to make sure I was mentioning also like make sure to like the the video as its broadcasting to help other people find it because sometimes people say they missed the broadcast or they're late or something so liking it helps other people find it do okay good so let's continue um all right great more and more people all lots of people are joining us from Brazil - okay oh and I'm just informed let's see ice our crew member who was in the room here last week she says um the free stuff that we just talked about the free PDFs that's only for this month so each month it changes so make sure to go download that now because it'll change it it'll be something something different it's going to be different next month so please download that now so definitely check it out okay great so let's continue on in our studies of phrasal verbs for today we're gonna change it up we talked about two different ways to use run with by so now we're gonna change we're gonna change things up a bit now I want to talk about how to use run out run out of something so first I want to talk about run out of a product or run out of an object run out of something run out of something so we use this for example in like sales situations or maybe in a restaurant for example so this one run out of a product means to sell out of something so no more supplies of something so like a couple weeks ago I went to an event at a bar and they said we've run out of ice so we stopped serving drinks so run out of something means no more it's finished it's done run out of ice yes okay or maybe when you're at home you can say I I have I've run out of milk I need to get more I've run out of soap I've run out of toothpaste I've run out of I don't freetime you could say for example so it means you don't have anything spring bed surabaya on YouTube asks run out of order maybe that's a little bit different so run out of usually it's a specific item this this this part right here is a specific item a specific product or food so run out of order would be something a little bit different in this case Holly's Fuji we're going to talk about run away a little later into on YouTube nice one they say I'm running out of battery yes that's super good on your phone I'm running out of battery that means your battery is slowly going away Ross and says I've run out of money on YouTube perfect perfect I've run out of money good one okay so almost as I have run out of bread great let's see Raphael on Facebook says I'm running out of time great yes I'm running out of time I use that at the end of these broadcasts actually I'm running out of time good let's see it Jefferson says run out of toilet paper run out of toilet paper nice good soup pocket on YouTube my order ran out of stock make sure to use past tense yeah we've studied past tense on a live stream a few weeks ago the past tense of run is ran ran so I ran out of money I ran out of food okay Caroline Silva run out of time yes good Jennifer says I ran out of pizza I need more good so past tense ran I ran out let's see someone on facebook says a harry says is it correct to say runned out in past tense no the past tense of run is ran I ran out I ran out or use the present perfect tense eyes I have run out of something I've run out of time I've run out of money I've run out of pizza I've run out of let's see ideas this person perfect rambling on YouTube says I've run out of ideas nice one really nice really nice Everton says I've run out of patience with my boss Oh No be careful good very nice job let's see all men on Facebook says I'm running out of emotion what does that mean gosh okay let's see good good so we have run out but make sure to use past tense today a great past tense practice ran out in past tense I've I've run out in present perfect tense or I ran out of I've run out of time I've run out of money and past tense I ran out of so also listen for that pronunciation point I've run out of something in present perfect tense in past tense I ran out of so please be careful of those two very small things okay but now we're going using the same run out of we're going to replace this part product or an item let's replace this with a place yeah run out of plus a place so the nuance here means to quickly leave run out of a location so run out of a burning building for example or run out of your house run out of the office it means to very quickly leave almost like you're escaping from somewhere like I am ouch let go that's the nuance of run out of someplace so when you're using a place here it means quickly leave when there's a product here it means like there's no more you there's it's just finished there's there's nothing left but here it means quickly leave a place quickly leave a place on Facebook someone Jinyoung hyung said I ran out of the cave nice yes ran in past tense I ran out of the cave nice one nice one Raphael on Facebook I'm running out of my office it's getting late good um let's see yeah lots of people said I've run out of my work every day good let's see Maria on YouTube says run out of school yes very nice andreas says run out of the hospital perfect kayo says I've run out of the forest be careful we this one it's a little strange to use the present perfect tense some of you are using I've run out of the forest that's a little bit strange instead use past tense because to run out you it's an action you are you have finished you're done with that action so for an action that starts and ends in the past use simple past tense not the present perfect tense so I ran out of the forest yeah koishi says I ran out of the haunted house perfect I ran out of class ozma Patrick I ran out of energy that's a different use the first use we talked about but it is correct is a correct sentence Kohei says we got a run out of here nice pronunciation point this out of becomes outta run outta here good Oda nice fun I ran out of my stepmothers house hold these interesting sentence nice one let's see I ran out of a haunted house good manual or on Facebook I ran out of home to see my girlfriend good okay great so those are our two uses of run out of something okay let's change it again so same for a run but we're gonna make a different phrasal verb this time now we're going to talk about into run into so there are two uses for run into the first one I'm going to talk about is run into an object so usually a very large object so this phrasal verb has the nuance of crash so for example I ran into a wall I ran into an elephant something something very very big you crash with that big thing so that's sorry so that's sort of the nuance of this run into with a large object so an object is very large and you crash into it so like he ran into a boat when he was riding his jet ski for example he crashed into a boat so run into something is a large object crashing with a large object car ran into a wall for example so these are a few ways we can use run into with an object to mean crash to crash something okay yes Andreea I'm going to talk about that use I run into Robert at the pub next okay so this is our first use of run into with an object it's like it mu asks on YouTube is it like bump yes kind of but it's more like you you collide there's a collision there's some kind of crash okay yeah very big bump our ice our producer says it's a very big bump really okay um so time's going quickly I'm running out of time so I want to go to the second use of run into so we use run into for a person or a situation a person or a situation so for example someone in the YouTube comments said I ran into my friend at the pub so this means encounter or meet something or a person so for example I ran into my friend shopping means I saw my friend we encountered surprise it doesn't mean I crashed into my friend but I ran into means I encountered my friend I met my friend kind of surprisingly so this one is really useful I think rent I ran into someone so nice example sentence is coming in I ran into a big tree good let's see Kareem's on YouTube says I ran into my ex-girlfriend and I ran away nice one ran away I'm going to talk about that next actually great okay uh Khalid says the bus ran into a tree very nice very nice Ali on Facebook says I run it I ran into a car very nice past tense be carefull past tense I ran into a car I ran into a car okay I hope some day I will run into Alicia in Tokyo maybe you never know sometimes I run into people sometimes I do it's kind of crazy alright good Christian says I ran into the door very nice that happens to me all the time I run into the door okay let's talk about our last one though some of you are already using the expression run away so there are a couple of different things I want to talk about with run away so we have run away from danger here run away from something dangerous right here so for example like run away from a bear run away from a strange person run away from a snake for example so run away from something dangerous this is what you can use run away from with so make sure this is from so it's the nuance is escaping escaping from something I'm going to run away from a bad situation alright so this is going to be one of one of our last topics for today run away from danger run away from a bear run away from myself Oh run into myself okay good okay oh nice on Facebook nabil says run away from Hurricane Emma yeah please be careful if you're close to that please take care yes please run away please run away and be safe from the hurricane nice example good okay Andrea says I ran away from a crazy man nice someone says I ran away from Alicia oh I'm sorry um run away from love run away from chocolate says Linda lo jay says run away from my homework you should do your homework it's good let's see Edom who says I'm running away from a stalker okay please be careful let's see Jorge says run away from a test nice very nice great examples okay uh let's see Qin says run away from the shark in that case because you're in water you should probably use swim away from the shark just to be specific swim away from the shark but a very nice example sentence good okay let's go to the next one though we're almost out of time next one is slightly different its run away with a person so run away with a person this sort of has the nuance of escape but to run away with someone it's usually kind of like like a relationship situation like he ran away with my best friend or she ran away with my roommate it sounds like something romantic is happening like some relationship thing they escape a situation together and then they they go to a new place together they run away from here together it's kind of escaping but with another person so let's see yeah they ran away together you can say or let's see do you want to run away with him for example someone says I run away with myself I met on Facebook I run away with myself okay let's see Raphael says I ran away with my girlfriend is okay but from the dogs in that case I would say my girlfriend and I ran away from the dogs just to make sure because the beginning of the sentence sounds like your girlfriend and you and your girlfriend are going to run away like escape to like in a nice way together but with from the dogs it's like there's danger there so the danger sounds most important in that sentence uh uh on YouTube I run away with my crazy girlfriend let's see run away with a lover yes that would be in a youth that's a very typical sentence for this uh run away with my grandma run away from the situation okay run away with my mother-in-law home interesting situation run away from run away from me oh my gosh okay great great and then I have to finish up I am i I've run out of time as usual so the last one for today or can I do my last one is it okay yes or no should I stop just the review okay well I have to I'll just I made of just a beautiful graphic which you'll see in just a moment to review all of today's topics Oh over here so I wanted to talk about one more run off with which means to steal something to steal something but maybe you can just sort of guess the meaning there so these are all of the phrasal verbs we talked about today with run so run by the supermarket quick stop an idea by you means check and get an opinion run out of an item means to have nothing left of something out of a burning building to quickly leave run into a wall is to crash run into a friend means to encounter away from something is to escape from danger run away with is like a romantic escape with someone and run off with means someone stole something and escaped run off with something of yours so these are all of the phrasal verbs we talked about today with run there are a lot these are just a few I had a really big list so I made I made a list I made a list and chose a few that I wanted to talk about today and unfortunately I didn't have time I ran out of time to talk to to talk to you about all of them but I hope that this was useful um so I have to go unfortunately I'm sorry I wish I could stay for longer but we have a few announcements I guess first next week's lesson next week's live stream I'm going to talk about prepositions I'm doing a preposition review so a lot of you have asked about like ads and in and on and so on I'm gonna talk about prepositions like those so how to use them with days and months and years and so on we're going to talk about prepositions so that's going to be next Wednesday night at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday night please join for prepositions at this at this time well thirty minutes ago at this time next week on Wednesday night we'll be talking about prepositions the date is September 13th September 13th so please check us out and then I think that you're going to see our free gifts so definitely download that if you haven't downloaded it already it's only for this month so please go download that right now because I'm going to go then let's see I think that's all for me umm I think let's see I should go I I have run out of time unfortunately but thank you very much I think if then let's see is there anything else I need to say uh let's see I need to run out of the studio I have to leave quickly the crew is yelling at me so I'm going to end my video today I like I've been ending all of my Instagram stories lately I'm just gonna cover it up and run away okay see you next time bye [Music] you you
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 58,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, englishclass101, past tense, what did you do, english conversation, teacher, school, how to learn english, english for beginners, learning english, english language, american english, how to speak, read, write, english, america, us, england, english topics, alisha, english grammar, english lesson, english phrases, english vocabulary, phrasal verbs, run, run around, run into, run out of, run away
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 35sec (2075 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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