5 Chat GPT Prompts for Screenwriting

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my name is knives Monroe I've been a filmmaker for almost 20 years I'm based out of Austin Texas and today on this video we're going to get into how to co-write a screenplay using chat GPT and more specifically using these prompts if you stay till prompt number three you will see the secret sauce that is the massive unlock that shows you how to write a screenplay using chat GPT this prompt is the secret it's the nucleus of the whole idea check it out without any further Ado let's get into it so this was a video that was basically begged for me to make uh based on my last video that you can find right here link is also in the description and people said wow you wrote a screenplay with chat gbt that's amazing um but what were the prompts how did you do it did it did it open up final draft and write the screenplay for you short answer no what it is it's a collaborator and so it feeds off of ideas and it feeds off of prompts so these are the prompts that I use to come up with a mock script that I'm not going to make I'm not going to show you the script that I wrote with the AI specific because I do plan on producing that in the future and it's extremely detailed so the first prompt first thing that I asked the AI was hello I want you to act as if you are my screenwriting partner I want to write a romantic comedy in the style of Herald and mod which is a great film if you haven't seen it check it out write me a completely original log line of a romantic comedy starring two female characters so off the bat I gave it very basic vague and general information but I gave it a log line that I was looking for the genre and two female characters so that's what it has to go off of lo and behold it comes with two rival pastry chefs one a traditionalist and the other a rebel are forced to work together to save their grandmother's Bakery but as they spend more time together they discover their differences might not just be or might just be the ingredients that they need for a recipe for love recipe for love wow AI has come such a long way so that was an interesting log line now you can tweak that using different prompts and say hey write me another prompt um instead of their grandmother make it uh one of the main characters stepmothers right because if these are our two romantic leads they both can't be they both can't have the same Grandma right so right off the bat you would want to fix something like that it's a collaboration but I think the structure works in and of itself so I also gave it come up with a list of two female leads that are taken from previous romantic comedies of the past it came up with Kate Julia Annie Holly Rachel Sally Emma Meg Amanda Elizabeth Sarah Mia Natalie I can also say give me names of women of color give me more diverse names give me the last names of characters from romantic comedies as well and this one is up to you to to use your creativity and figure out the names that you want to use I've also used in the past give me 20 names of Disney Princesses right and so you you'll see Anna and what's that other girl from Frozen and you'll see uh Ariel and Aurora and different names like that so you can feed it different genres feed at different contexts and it'll give you a name as well now this right here is the secret sauce using the Dan Harmon story Circle write me eight beats of drama that tell the story from beginning to end and it does it this is the part that writes the screenplay for you this is the massive unlock it gives you a beginning middle and end it gives you a First Act second act third act and even takes Liberties and puts characters in situations that maybe they wouldn't otherwise have been and it creates a dramatic story structure that you can go on later and then actually fill in the gaps and write the screenplay with this is the hard part of writing a story it's called breaking a story if you're able to get this part over if you're able to do this in the first place then you've actually succeeded and you've done the hard part congratulations you can go to sleep guilt-free today I asked it to write me an extremely detailed treatment for the movie and even comes up with the title of the picture which is titled Sugar and Spice and it comes up with a tremendous treatment that you can then use to shop around then use to tweak um secondly this is one of the most important things because this treatment you can use for a log line this treatment you can use for a synopsis this treatment you can go on and start uh figuring out what kind of motivations would like a character like this need you can then start figuring out the locations that you're going to build off of I love the treatment and it's really a huge unlock so I bet you didn't even know that you can do that on chat gbt didn't you so one of the last prompts that I have here is write me a shot list for this treatment ready for filming now open AI chat gbt will say I apologize as a text-based AI I'm not able to create visual content such as a shot list however I can provide a list of suggested scenes and shots that you can consider including in your shot list for the treatment of sugar and spice which is exactly what I asked for opening shot close-ups now you might say why would I need that that's not interesting to me some of you might not be writer directors but those of you that are writer directors this is interesting to you because I write my scripts with some stage stage directions in mind like drone of this drone of this particular location uh opening shot right there's an aerial shot of the bakery's busy kitchen showing Emma and Holly working together in harmony that's a great idea that's something that I probably wouldn't have thought of on the day but it's pretty cool to have a shot list of that so yeah those are my prompts that's what I came up with really on the Fly this took me less than three minutes to come up with what are some prompts that you would add how can you what can you do to make this a more engaging more interesting um story structure and dynamic please let me know in the comments below if you've made it this far I'd appreciate that and congratulations you've done the hard part for creating a screenplay the rest is opening up final draft or Celtics or whatever sort of screenwriting platform that you use to bring a screenplay to life and start writing this is an amazing advancement when it comes to a collaborator and for someone who's an army of one just like me I really appreciate this software and this technology and just wait till it's integrated with Google or Bing or Siri and you can just kind of pick up your phone and start prompting away it's going to it's just going to change our lives dramatically the question is do we give credit to chat GPT when it comes to writing that's going to be the the ethical dilemma that's neither here or there for me to say but without any further Ado I love you guys keep a force field around your heart like comment and subscribe share this video and and let's make the comments uh really really engaging down below I'd appreciate that thanks so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one take it easy
Channel: indie darlings
Views: 21,306
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Keywords: chat gpt, open ai, screenwriting, 5 chat gpt prompts for screenwriters
Id: 1IAK2YpnsJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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