6 ChatGPT Secrets to Transform Your Writing Overnight

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when I first tried chat GPT I thought it was completely over hyped but as it turns out I was just really bad at prompt writing now I use chat GPT to help me with things like personal projects essays articles content creation resumes cover letters you name it so here's my top six useful chat EBT tips that'll help you massively improve your writing with the help of this little AI tool let's get into it tip number one is to use this basic prompt structure now we want to avoid overly simplistic prompts and the more specific you can be in your request the better and the way we can look at this is not to treat chat gbt as this vending answer machine that she put tokens in and get answers spit out to you instead we want to treat it as our personal assistant so let me show you what I mean so here's the basic prompt structure we're going to use generally whenever we are creating a prompt so first we want to tell chatgpt what action we want it to perform whether that is to edit to write to critique that's the first part of our basic prompt we want to follow that up by telling it what format we want it to Output in so that could be an essay bullet points an outline or something else the third thing we want to do is give it a role or a style and the last thing to include depending on what you are asking of chat GPT is to provide the source if say you are getting it to edit or critique something so the four basic components of a good prompt are the action the format the roller style and then the source that you want it to look at so for example write an outline for an article about growing an audience on Tick Tock format it in bullet points write as if you are a tick tock marketing expert so the action here is to write an outline for an article about this topic on growing an audience on Tick Tock the format we want it in bullet points the role or style is to write as if you are a tick tock marketing expert and since we're not asking it to edit anything we're not providing a source so those three components are good alright so this is what Chachi PT spits out so we have an introduction create a strong profile okay it's pretty long I'm not going to go through all of it but because we were specific in what we asked it for in our prompt this is a lot more nuanced and specific to what we wanted compared to if we asked something more generic tip number two is to assign chat gbt a tone writing style or a target audience or a combination of these so to do this you would add to your prompt right in X tone so some ideas for tones you could ask it to write in are formal or casual serious or friendly optimistic or pessimistic professional scientific concise descriptive persuasive or informative depending on what kind of writing you're getting chat GPD to do for you some of these are going to work better than others so if you're writing a paper or an essay something like scientific or descriptive or informative might work really well but if you're writing a blog post or an article casual or friendly might be the better approach so for example explain how fractional Reserve banking works right in the friendly tone Android dpd is going to explain this in a simple in front manner so fractional Reserve banking is the way most banks works it's a system that allows Banks to lend out money more than they actually have in the reserves but don't worry it's not as complicated as it sounds so friendly and approachable manner right from the get-go if you want to assign chat gbda writing style here's some ideas so to do this you would add to your prompt write in the style of a public figure so basically you want to pick a public bigger or well-known writer or speaker that you want to have their style emulated in your writing so some examples you could try Barack Obama Alan Watts Stephen King Jane Austen Ernest Hemingway or Neil deGrasse Tyson again what you go for here is really going to be determined by the kind of writing you're getting chat gbt to go for so let's go with our example from before except write it in the style of Jane Austen so here's how Jane Austen would explain how fractional Reserve banking works so again this is definitely in her voice it is with great pleasure that I Endeavor to explain to you dereader the workings of the fractional Reserve banking system so Jane Austen right there completely different style than the first one so for me one thing I often get shot GPD to help me with is generating viral YouTube video titles and to help me get something that grabs attention and that has a potential to go viral I will usually ask it to write in the style of Mr Beast but if you want to Target your writing towards a specific audience you can ask strategy BT to do that as well so to do that you would add to your prompt right for an audience of X so depending on what that's for here's some ideas so you could say to explain like I'm five or write to an audience of fifth graders write it for a university level economics class write it for high school students write it for busy moms write it for retirees so getting chat gbt to tailor its writing towards one of these audiences is going to change the way things get output using our example again explain how fractional Reserve banking works write for an audience of fifth graders so fractional Reserve banking is a way that Banks can lend out more money than they actually have in their Bank when you put money into a bank that money becomes a part of the bank's reserves the bank that takes a portion of those lens out so this is explaining it in a much simpler way than we first got so asking cha gbd to explain it to a fifth grader or explain like I'm five these are both really good ways to get it to spit out really simplified easy to understand explanations of whatever you're after that's the one I keep in my back pocket and use all the time tip number three is to bring in the experts and the expert will be Chad gbt but you can decide what kind of expert you want it to be so the prompt you would use is you are a role and do the action you want it to take so specifically for writing I found the following roles really helpful to use depending on what you are writing for so a lawyer is good for writing legal or business emails even a literary editor if you want edits and critiques a publisher an English Professor or a science Communicator for example you are a creative writing professor at Harvard critique my writing and give me feedback on how I can improve it to make it stronger more concise here's my writing and I've pasted in an example piece of writing that I wanted to critique so it's gone and critiques my work it's not very long so it doesn't have a lot to offer it's telling me to fix some things with the grammar and paragraph structure it's suggesting I use more descriptive language and telling me to think about the audience I'm writing for and to improve it by being more clear on them so another example you are a lawyer someone has copied my Creator design templates and is selling it as if it is their own write a strongly worded and scary email to get them to stop and take down the copyrighted material so it's going to go into this so dear name of the infringer I'm writing you today as a legal representative of my name the owner and creator of the copyrighted Creative Design templates that you're currently selling on your website so if you go through and read this this is the kind of scary word of email that might cost you a lot of money to get an actual lawyer to send for you so chat GB can also be useful for things like this as well so again with roles you can get Chachi BT to do a number of things from being an editor a lawyer a scientific Communicator whatever you need it to be assigning roles to chat gbt is one of the most powerful things and you can get it to fill so many roles and do so many things for you just by giving it that role to play tip number four is to use chat GPT to get unstuck now writer's block is something we all struggle with from time to time whether you are a content creator or a fiction writer or you write for your job or for school this can be a problem but not anymore with chat GPT because chat gbt can help get you unstuck how you would do that is you would tell Chachi BT what you wanted to write and then ask it what points you should cover so for example I am writing a Blog essay or article on this topic can you write me an outline with what important points I should cover alternatively if you're in the middle of writing something and you're not sure what to say next where to go if you're getting that writer's block you could also simply paste in what you have written and then ask it to continue writing for you and see what it spits out that can help you generate new ideas well or it could even spit out ideas that are directly usable tip number five is to iterate iterate iterate because you probably will not get exactly what you want right out of the gate but that is okay we're not expecting Perfection right from the get-go so be prepared to ask chat gbd to rewrite things from a different perspective to make adjustments or you can simply redo your entire prompt and get something completely new from it but the key here is to collaborate with chat gbt to have a collaborative conversation that goes back and forth instead of just putting in one prompt and expecting one thing and then trying again so let me show you what this would look like so for example write me a five paragraph essay about starting a container garden so Chachi BT is going to take that it's going to spit out hopefully a five paragraph essay on the topic and that would be my first prompt we have to start somewhere if I look at this it's probably pretty generic and I want to make some changes based on what's there and what's not out there and based on what I know about the subject that I might want to add okay so for my next prompt say in the third paragraph It's about choosing the plants for your container garden so it gives me some examples of tomatoes peppers lettuce and strawberries that I could grow but maybe I want my article to be more focused on flowers you could grow in a container garden versus fruit and vegetables so I could say so I want paragraph three to focus more on flowers rewrite paragraph three with this new information so if I read what it says it says well vegetables and fruits are popular choices for container gardens you can also grow beautiful flowers to add color and vibrancy to your space consider planting marigolds petunias or pansies for a burst of color or fragrant herbs such as lavender or chamomile that is paragraph three Rewritten okay so I want to scroll back up and maybe okay maybe paragraph five is a little bit too vague this is about keeping an eye out for pests and diseases maybe I want a little more information on that so I can tell it to expand on that and provide some examples so paragraph five is too vague add in three examples of pest one my encounter and remember the paragraph with this information so as your plants begin to grow it's important to keep an eye out for potential pests and diseases that could harm your plants and if you scroll down a little bit farther these can include aphids which are tiny insects that feed on the sap of your plants spider mites which are common in hot dry conditions and snails or slugs which can quickly devour your plants so that has expanded that so if I was writing this as an article or an essay I would continue going through and tweaking each section of that piece of writing until I'm happy with it until I've gotten a piece of writing that I'm actually proud of that is interesting to read and by using this process and going back and forth with the AI I'm going to come up with a much better more compelling piece of writing than I would straight out of the gate tip number six is to put it all together and to be specific while you're doing that so all of these components we've talked about can be used on their own but you can also combine them into one big prompt to get the best piece of writing from the beginning that you can so by being more specific by including more of these things in your initial prompt you're gonna get a a better initial piece of writing out of Chachi PT so which a prompt might look like is this so write a short essay article or story about your topic then follow these instructions use an X tone write for an audience of Y give specific examples to back up each main point and specify your format so say you want a five paragraph essay with subheadings for each major section so here's an example of what that would look like so write a five paragraph essay about how fiction writers can use AI to improve their work follow these instructions use a casual friendly tone written for an audience of beginner writers give specific examples to back up each main point format include topic headings for each main section and make sure to cover idea generation getting AI to critique your work and different writing styles so if we go down and look at this it looks like Chachi BD has done a pretty good job of following my instructions it's in a casual friendly tone it has covered the three examples that I wanted to cover and it's done the heading format that I want in different paragraphs so it's been out a pretty good starting point that I am going to approach and probably do some back and forth with the AI to get this piece of writing to where I want it to be and that is how you get way better results from Jack gbt than like 99 of other people keeping these prompting tips handy and in mind when you are using chat DVD is going to help you really really improve your writing and to make that easier for you I've bundled all of the best prompts and examples into a cheat sheet that you can download and grab for free up here and have that with you whenever you are using chatgpt to do any form of writing and again that is completely free you can grab that at the link in the description below so those are the tips that I personally found were most helpful in getting me to write better using chat GPT I hope there was something in there that you found helpful if there was please make sure you give me a like hit subscribe and share it with a friend if you're interested in more tips on how to use AI like chat gbt and Bing to get the most out of your school your job your personal projects or whatever then check out one of these videos next this one covers specific tips for bang and this one for chat 2pt as always thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Brie Kirbyson
Views: 264,542
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Keywords: chatgpt writing, chatgpt for beginners, writing with chatgpt, improve your writing with chatgpt, improve writing with chatgpt, chatgpt for writers, write better with chatgpt, chatgpt essay, chatgpt work, chatgpt, chat gpt, chat gpt tips, chatgpt tips, chatgpt hacks, chat gpt hacks, best chatgpt prompts, chatgpt prompts, ai prompts, openai, chatgpt tricks, chat gpt tricks, tips for chatgpt, tips for chat gpt, chatgpt tutorial, how to use chatgpt, gpt4, brie kirbyson
Id: oGu1ui80ii8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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