Using CHATGPT To Generate Action Movie Screenplays and Ideas

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hello everyone my name is Sam Diaz and welcome to this video on how to use chat GPT to help generate ideas for your script for whether it's a short film or a feature film or an ND film whatever it is you're working on chat GPT I want to say is like a good you know like primary writer or screenplay writer for your films and such but it's a great co-writer and just a fantastic resource to bounce your ideas off of um and if you have writer's block or you're stuck on something like you have a general idea of what you want to do but you don't know exactly like how to get into details of it chai GPT is fantastic for that as well I've been using already for a couple of days and I'm actually in the middle of uh rewriting some parts to a script that I'm working on for a film called cobrazilla 2 which is a self-funded film that I'm making with my cousins and my siblings so I'm going to be recording it in my living room with a giant screen and just doing you know using chemtrak AR to do all the filming on my iPhone and it's in the style of like Sharknado you know those crap tacular or disaster films but you know there's a couple scenes where I do need some help I do need something to sort of inspire me because I'm again I have a general idea of what I want to do but I don't know exactly what it is I want to do or maybe I just need some help coming up with some interesting ideas to make it more interesting so for chai GPT um we're here in the main interface and I have a scene in the film where I want my sister's character named Athena Williams to do a speech in front of a classroom a college classroom about cobras okay so this movie is obviously it's centered around a gigantic Cobra and this is towards the beginning of the film and I have sort of a big idea of what I want to do but I don't know exactly um I don't know exactly how to fill it up the scene so let's see write me a a movie scene we can do that I bought a perpetologist I don't did they spell that right um professor teaching a college course on cobras in front of a large class room okay so that's sort of what I'm gonna go with let's see what it generates now up to this point I have a vague idea of what I want to do like just in general I want a teacher you know teaching up there kind of for like a person you know a presentation a giant screen you know about talking about cobras and such and by the way this term herpetology is not even know what that was I had to actually ask GPT what GPT what uh the study of reptiles and that stuff was and it kind of helped me which I could have Googled that as well but chai gbd is just faster for me so let's check that out okay so it's it defaulted to a man I should have put a female but it's fine I already have a name anyways hanging on his every word okay okay so as you're reading this it comes up with sort of a general idea and it's really cool I mean there's some cool stuff in uh around this so let me actually go ahead and maybe use that same copy paste that same that I was looking at I can regenerate response but write me a screenplay scene a screenplay screenplay I bought a herpetologist professor about a scene involving a female herpetologist Professor teaching Colorado cover in the front of the classroom in front of a large classroom and I can make it uh it's it's a powerful lecture kind of like a TED Talk okay so again it gives me this is a little bit better but I wanted to actually generate some lines Okay so let's see if we can do the same with dialogue [Applause] about a scene involving okay let's take off with the powerful lecture let's see what that generates so it kind of starts always the same I guess and if you actually regenerate it will kind of um do do some different things okay so now it's actually writing some lines there you go this is what I was looking for so to actually write me some lines I would probably just use this as a reference and it's giving me some great ideas and I can probably pretty much just copies like the Cobra population is facing many threats from habitat distraction to destruction to poaching stuff like that that I didn't even know which I can work into it now I'm gonna go into a uh a previous search that I did okay um and this one write me a script for a scene about a herpetologist college professor giving a lecture at a University at Alcoa so this is I actually like how this one generated it because what this one did was it it gave me some more dramatic scenery so for example picks up a large glass jar from the table at the front of the room inside the jars of Life Cobra coiled up and ready to strike I never would have thought of that even though it sounds pretty cliche and not thinking about it yeah it's kind of an obvious thing to work into a script I didn't think about that at the moment so now I'm going to incorporate into the script because it's a Cheesy um disaster film and it's supposed to be so it just makes sense to have that in there and it's super dramatic and over the top so again it's a great tool like I said just to bounce ideas off of and it's like it's like having a co-writer or a team of writers at your disposal um you know you can ask it like okay give me an idea about this give me an idea about that you don't have to have anyone else in the room it's just you by yourself so that's how I use it in the scenario another another scene in the film has to do with a couple of uh fighter jets right and I don't know how to write for that kind of stuff I don't know the slang that they use um I was having trouble coming up with some name for them because my mind just defaulted to sort of the ones that are like in the movie Maverick or Top Gun so um I went ahead and I generate I generated so I wrote list me some cool pilot names for fighter jet Pilots again I kind of Google this but I just love how it just does it really quick right here it actually generates some pretty cool ideas so I might use Viper I'm gonna use Phantom storm very cool ones uh and I can regenerate response and come up with different ones another thing I don't know how to do is and I was struggling with struggling with uh was the slang that fighter pilots use when they're like in combat when they're talking to each other when they're up there right so again because I'm not a fighter pilot and I googled this and it was just I couldn't find a clear answer on this I went through some Reddit forums and I you know yeah there's some people throw stuff here and there but I wanted a very detailed list of you know some slang or some terms that they use um so this be some slang fighter pilots used during battle with enemy Jets I and this is what it generated Bogey and then not only does it give me the name but it also tells you exactly what it means and an identified aircraft that is potentially hostile so I kind of didn't know about that when I knew about Fox but there are other ones like I didn't know uh boom and zoom I had no idea that wasn't even a thing and then one of the other things I asked it just for funds is I already have the scene written was write me a scene about the three fighter pilots attacking this giant Cobra right um just out of curiosity to see what it comes up with so that's exactly what I wrote here write me a scene with three fighter pilots and f-18s trying to take down a giant Cobra in the city eventually each pilot gets killed one by one by the Cobra each has a unique cool pilot Alias that was kind of a spoiler alert now you know they all die but whatever it's it's kind of expected um no I wouldn't use Maverick but let's just say I wanted I can replace that with another name like storm or whatever Captain Pete Mitchell radio two is two wingman as they flew their f-18s through the cityscape hot on the tail of the giant Cobra that was wreaking havoc below uh Maria Viper Rodriguez so now it wrote me some Alias here gave me some names Lieutenant Viper Maria's is really cool so it's diverse uh locked and loaded added Lieutenant Bill Havoc so it gives me a full now please give me an alias it gives me a full name Bill Havoc Jenkins which is fascinating as the Cobra slurred through the street smashing buildings and tossing cars aside like toys and three pilots from the loose formation became began their attack run this is fantastic again I can use this and maybe rewrite sort of things in the script according to this again it could write some really cool scenes out for you and I can regenerate this regenerate and keep coming it'll come up with different ideas I can do something different now other uses that I have for this uh involve um some of the other things I do so I'm one of those jack of all trades I love doing different things I love writing music um I love making films I um I do ux UI uh professionally and then another thing that I like using it for is for generating lyrics so for example I write a lot of songs for up TV and homework films and I've been doing composition for many many years now and I can write melodic and harmonic stuff and doing arranging and orchestration fairly easily at this point it's like second nature to me because I've been doing it for so long but I cannot write lyrics for crap I just I'm not a Lyricist I'm it's not something that comes natural to me so I went ahead and I asked chai gbt to write me lyrics for romantic ballot about two former lovers who found each other after many years of being being apart which is a very sort of common thread in all these Hallmark movies it's a very popular kind of um uh plot for um Hallmark and up TV films so I I went ahead and actually generated some lyrics for me we were young and in love back when the world was ours but time and distance to us apart leaving only memories and scars became very generic and a lot of times that's actually what they want but I can go ahead and regenerate response and it'll give me different um results each time but it writes me the chorus the verse the bridge but it you know again it's something to bounce your ideas off of it's something again it's not going to give you everything but it's great because I can get some good ideas off of this and I can and I can sort of like tweak things here and there and really really use this to my advantage so guys I hope you found this video really useful if you're writing your first film animation or anything like that this is just a fantastic resource to have um again I would use in the capacity of like a co-writer or an idea uh D an idea generator and just remember to still just be creative with your ideas um you know again this is AI this is not human so us humans have something that's always going to be unique to what we bring to the table that AI cannot do at all um but this is a great resource and mid-journey is another one that I'm going to do another video in which I'm using to generate posters for this upcoming film and also some graphic ideas and these AI tools I just see it as an asset as an incredible asset that just makes things faster it speeds up my workflow it makes me more creative and I think for any of these use cases where there has to do with video music uh ux UI graphic design it's just fantastic I love it and I hope that you use it too and that it's an incredible asset to whatever you're creating so if you like this video and if you want to follow up more on this project that I'm working on for cobrazilla I'm going to be posting more videos on how I work in Unreal Engine to create the scenery to create the um the Landscapes and also how I'm going to be filming my you know my actors working with my actors and and directing them and then doing all the compositing and I'm going to be doing all the sound effects I'm gonna be doing all the music and showing you how I create the final product which will be launching next summer or being released next summer if you're really interested in that go ahead and hit that like And subscribe button so you can follow the process and I'll see you in the next one thanks
Channel: Sam Diaz Producer
Views: 12,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, action, cobrazilla, dddfilms, screenplay, movie, AI writing, screenplay ideas, creative writing, writing inspiration, writing tools, artificial intelligence, scriptwriting, story ideas, script development, sam, diaz, giant cobra, cobra attack, city attack, monster movie, sci-fi movie, action movie, disaster movie, creature feature, mockbuster, blockbuster, michael, bay
Id: 4bVpZayr06c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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