Screenwriting With Chat GPT AI Exploration: A Test Drive Of How It Can Help Screenplay Development

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hey today on create sci-fi we're living sci-fi I'm going to take a look at the potential of AI assisted filmmaking let's go [Music] hey how's it going Anthony pero here great sci-fi well the future is here today I'm going to explore AI assisted filmmaking and again I don't know this is all new that's what I'm calling it at the moment we'll figure this out right and it's very excited and I'm very interested to sort of dig in if you watch my videos this is one of my favorite types of videos to make right so this is not a how-to this is not me saying okay so you want to write with AI you want to do aiir this is how this is me figuring it out and sharing the experience the journey with you so what I want to do in this series not sure how many videos it's going to be but I want to do initial video of writing with AI assistants chat GPT and then we're going to take that script I'm going to go to Mid Journey AI art generating platform and come up with the costumes and the props then I'll do a couple videos of me making the costumes and props to see how I navigate using that Source material then maybe a behind the scenes video of like actually shooting whatever film it is we have and then it'll culminate in the film right and what I'm excited about is I can tell the the parameters to the program right so it's like to make this realistic I know it has to be like a five to ten minute film I should be able to shoot it one day ideally daylight exterior and I could do that on a budget and maybe make something nice right probably just two actors so I can put all those parameters in there and then see what we come up with and then also the same thing with the props and conscious streams I could be thinking about my budget so you know I'm not going to say like you know head to toe spacesuit right I want to say like dirty filthy clothes with some sort of tech Gadget or something we'll see we'll see how it unfolds but I'm excited but this is not going away and I believe with AI it's going to evolve to a place where there's going to be people that are better at using the tools than other and then that's the content that's the art that's the you know sort of the films that will gravitate to I have videos on my Channel about free writing right so that would have been the old days before AI so it's kind of similar to that it's just some crazy first draft but the the goal is to get to the end of it and a lot of people get stalled out writing films because they never make it to the end they have the idea they start it they get overwhelmed they never finish it and then you know I finished a lot of scripts and I can tell you you shouldn't get bogged down in that because once you finish you're gonna have to rewrite it 20 times anyway right so this is a great way to just get the ball rolling so we're just going to dive in I'm gonna let it rip see what it does we're going to work within it and then I won't Whatever story I end up doing I won't give away the whole thing so it is it'll be a little fun to watch the film at the end but I just want to take you through the process right so come on let's let's just get into this all right so we're in chat GPT right so it's pretty straightforward you know you just you just get started right so there's a chat box at the bottom here and what I've learned um by looking at other people's videos and reading is that it's all about the prompts right so I've gathered from different resources um some good prompts to get going on uh screenwriting right so this all makes sense in a minute so we're gonna get the the conversations started and we're going to ask it for a type of film and ask it to write a log line right then we're going to come up with some character names then this is sort of the special sauce and I got this oh geez I I'm gonna link to the fellows video who gave this because this is great information and I want to give him credit so the Dan Harmon story Circle I feel really good about this because I can link you here to one of my videos where I use this right so it's sort of making sense to me and then you get the detailed treatment and then the shot list and then this one I came up with we want to come up with descriptions of the characters right this will all make sense so like I said I'm in Southern California so for me just outdoor desert makes sense so we're going to start there one thing that I found out so far this just works really good when you're just conversational with it right so it's like hello we're going to be screenwriting Partners okay so I want to do a post-apocalyptic suspense film and I wanted to write an original log line and let's do two characters one man one woman right pretty basic and let's see what it comes up with okay sure so after a catastrophic event leaves Earth unstable alone woman roams The Scorch desert Wasteland search of life soon Encounters of rugger Drifter promises to help her find a safe haven okay good good valuable supplies they begin to suspect that their Alliance may be built on dangerous Secrets leading them to question whether the survival is worth sacrificing their Humanity this is good I like this I gotta tell you I've been doing this for a while now usually I make it rewrite it but this is a good one so let's stick with this if we didn't like this one you just ask it to regenerate response or what I like about this right is I can say instead of supplies let's say she trades water and the AI is like sure no problem we can do that so now we have our log line we're going to ask it come up with 20 first names mail first names and so certainly Max Rick Eli Wade Trevor let's use Enola and I like Rick Rick Mick that's Mick let's use for the names please add too long sure there's another a long moment right so now there it is great this is where the magic happens so first we're going to say using the Dan Harmon and what I like about this is it's going to give you your Beats you need to make the film and then boom so Nola is desperate to find a desolate desert wastelands she encounters the rugged Drifter what do they need she needs help to find the safe haven he needs the water we're doing great they said on their journey to find the safe haven facing various obstacles and challenges along the way so we still got to figure out what those obstacles and challenges are they search for Clues so this is all good but we're doing this on a budget right so we don't want Marauders and we can't build a set of the things so it's like oh okay but let's make it they found they find the Safe Haven but it's it's gone and there's nobody there right so that saves time so let's and then what I'm loving about this is you just simply just say it like I just said it in my pidgin English right I don't know what if it was like this and it and then it'll understand you right so let's go can we please I always say please and thank you you don't have to but I don't want to lose that habit in my life make the safe haven abandoned there is only scarce traces now why is there scarce traces because that's cheaper something bad happened here so let's see what it does with that sure you can modify this circle to kind of here are eight beats of drama anola alone woman desperate to find the desert she's Mick well alfers to help yep they search for Clues and signs learning more they find it but to discover that is something bad is happening there they discover they uncover the truth about what happened in the abandoned safe helmet it becomes clear that they are not alone in their search they must now fight to protect themselves and their resources from dangerous fractions cut the dangerous fractions instead they Ponder what it could mean to be alone okay updated concept let's see if we get closer offers a final thing all right so let's see they search for Clues they find scarce traces but something bad happened there they uncover the truth and it becomes clear that they are are truly alone in their search okay they Ponder what it means to be the last of people on Earth they could trust each other they confront each other's fears and harsh reality of the situation now we're more and just keeping it in a drama between two people the turning point they reach a turning point as they face the possibility of being truly alone forever so they have to decide do we stay together or do we part ways and be alone in their final decision they must face the consequences of their choice they're left to Grapple with what it means to be alone and the uncertain future that lies ahead right this is good so we got something here so we're going to go with that another thing that I love about this is when I first started using this I had a couple that I did that I was happy with and I was like oh I should have saved them or whatever but it keeps all the chats so you know just do a new chat for each idea and then that'll get you there so now we're saying write me an extremely detailed treatment for that movie and it says sure I could do that even gave me a title alone in the dust it's a good working title so now you can see now there's a detailed treatment telling me the you know it gives me ideas for visuals now I'm not going to torture you with reading this but I think you can see here that this gives you a lot to work with now to further sort of get your mind cooking we're going to ask it to write a shot list for this and it's going to say establishing shot vast desert Wasteland we know that close-up of her face medium shot they reach the Haven this helps you to start to see it what I like about it is lots of times the AI will give me ideas that I never would have thought of and it kind of helps me to sort of step outside my own limitations of like we tend to lean into what we know we're good at right or and keep repeating ourselves I'm comfortable with that but you know it's always good to just kind of like get a fresh idea so I started asking it to generate the character descriptions right so let's do anola all right young woman will say she's 30s late 20s late 20s athletic and then let's see what it gives us she has a strong determined Spirit despite the harshness of her surrounding so yeah this gives me a lot I would probably trim this down to 100 words but what's fun is you could say great please condense to 100 words that's always going to say no problem all right you get the idea all right so Mick Mick will make him late 30s then like let's make them you know I want to play this character right so we'll say heavy long hair bearded let's see if I was this character I'm grizzled as rough exterior is because I have a kind Compassionate Heart his rough exterior is because he has a kind Compassionate Heart that he laughs like a jackal all right and again it's like oh great let's make this 100 words this is a lot to go on so from this you can write your script but you can see it didn't write the script for me but you know this you know in less than a half an hour I have like a fully fleshed out idea that you know certain things like in life you know when I do this organically as you get into the process further further along and you start really committing to making this things are going to change and at a certain point it just becomes the thing right but this is getting you going right getting the motor running another thing that I found you could do is say like great thank you I love being polite to this thing again it'd be easy to not be polite from the detailed treatment I forgot I have ai to correct my spelling too write a detailed outline for a 10 page short film script or having it help us even more so what I can do now is take this I want it to be 10 pages it's about a minute a page so this detailed outline has about 20 points to it so what I'll say to myself is when I'm writing the script is act one anola and Mick arrive at the abandoned Safe Haven in the middle of desert Wasteland as they explore the runes they discover traces of violent struggle and realize that the safe haven was abandoned in a hurry right so that one and two I'm going to when I go into my screenwriting program final draft I'm going to cover those two points and I'm going to write one page right and then you know it's not exact maybe you go page and a half go two pages and then I'll go down the list and I would cover these 20 points right but it gives you a place to go and uh and you know how it ends and all that that that's really huge right that's a big deal now if you've never made a film and you just want to do it on a on a lark one thing I figured out is like so let's say what I just said right so you figure a page a script page is maybe I don't know 200 300 words probably so I could tell it right 200 to 300 words of action and dialogue about so now we have the action saying okay well Nola does this Mick does that so now you're getting action you're getting dialogue now I I haven't dialed this in yet because I'm kind of reluctant to do this but so you'll see here it just kind of spit it out like a like a novel so then you say please write the person's name in all caps before they speak all right so now we have our action they're looking around that didn't quite do what I wanted it to do but you can see it's like the the name then it's so you can see how you could bust this out into a script the thing that I would stress is if you went that route what the AI tends to do is it's grabbing from all these sources so a lot of stuff is very cliche very sort of like not inspired just sort of like uh okay but you have it in front of you as if you recognize like here she says you know do or die and you're like well that's stupid but it's like well how can I originally in my voice convey that sentiment through something she says or does right so you're like Off to the Races this is also a thing I like about it it's like it didn't do what I wanted to do so you just talk to it say like no I am sorry again you don't have to be polite I just choose to be not like that please write the name of who is speaking before they speak and I'm gonna try this live like in a screen play look at that interior Bay all right so I guess maybe that's it like and this oh goodness so there it is now it's doing it so just out of curiosity let's say please now I mean it's doing it now in dramatic dialogue and cinematic action in a screenplay format I mean it already did that but now I wanted to see how far I can um push it all right so let's see so now I'm just like write it like a screenplay so yeah let me just talk to you now while my friend is writing the screenplay so yeah I'm very excited about this whole process um hopefully if you were curious just seeing what it can do gave you some ideas if you're already doing it maybe I shared with you something you don't know if you are down the rabbit hole like me please comment where you're at what you're thinking I love to hear about it and I think you know this is going to be fun it's not going away let's lean into it let's have fun with it see um what doors it can open well as always I hope you found this video useful please like share subscribe leave a comment check out the merch shop we've got the hats this is me practicing what I preach this is from an organization that helps veterans called reorg buying merch always helps these organizations but remember I'm just here to help make sci-fi
Channel: createscifi
Views: 7,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Screenwriting, ChatGPT AI, Artificial Intelligence, Screenwriting Assistance, Writing Tips, Writing Skills, Creative Writing, Storytelling, Writing Process, Writing Techniques, Dialogue, Character Development, Plot Development, Writer's Block, Natural Language Processing, Demo, Tutorial, How-To, Screenwriting Tools, Writing Software, ChatGPT, AI tools, writing with AI, filmmaking, AI filmmaking, DIY AI, indy film, indy filmmaker, low budget, step by step, script writing
Id: sxvFT2R8FpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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