Writing A Movie Script With AI [LIVE]

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yo and welcome to the very first world first AI Riders room boom what the heck is an AI Rider's room we're about to tell you but let's just wait for a few more people to join yes so who we got in the chat Harry who's in the writers we've got Matthias Medina a little microwave we've got powerful Drake Leon nakotra Kieran shout outs uh we're about to do something literally a world first Kurt tell him tell him why why we're here pretty much where we're filmmakers and um we have this little thing when we write films called writer's block and that has been destroyed thanks to Elon Musk Elon Musk has destroyed Rider's block there is a little thing called AI technology and we're going to show you how writer's block is completely destroyed through AI but the way we're going to do it is through a very cool game before we get into the game Let's explain what this AI thing is and how it works just pull it up this literally came out recently like very very recently yes so this is like all over Twitter this is going viral right now we're going to use it to write a film not just one film we're gonna write three films and then we're gonna let you guys choose which film's the best and you guys are going to help us actually write them yeah you guys are also the writers here what's something we should say if you're in high school you can use this to literally write yourself an essay write me an essay on uh 19 hundreds in USA okay just like that boom finish your homework it won't it doesn't stop it goes on for days this is crazy so okay so writing essay is one thing so you can just like never have to do homework again but what about if you're out of school and you want to start a business how about we say write me a business plan for what industry what's your favorite industry Harry um technology really yeah probably okay like it's almost interesting technology for Tech like for example like a tech company it's still good okay let's see if we can interrupt it okay now we have a full-on outline for a legit business plan so you can go and make money with this stuff no our faces are there oh yeah what's up if you're joining us we're about to write some short film scripts using AI oh yeah we're about to write short film scripts oh we need to turn that camera on okay yes if you're joining in the chat we're about to use this crazy AI technology which is just completely replaced the need for any screenwriters we're going to use it to write some short films with you guys you guys are going to help us write these scripts so just stick around we're gonna wait for a few people to roll in all right what else can we do with this AI thing well so like it's doing a lot of factual stuff right business plans and all that but the coolest thing about it probably is that it's starting to get a bit creative yeah these AIS so they can create eyes this is where it actually starts to take over kind of like human abilities and it's a little bit of a question mark if it is creativity because it's learning from other people so is it stealing from other people exactly yeah stealing from other art but that's fine for this um so what creative things should we do should we write a song okay all right what kind of song about Christmas a Christmas song oh yeah in the style of um okay in the chat tell us what style this song should be written in also in the chat tell us if this is the first time you're seeing this AI technology just blowing your mind the same way it's blowing out we only found out about this a few days ago so we're freaking out but um let us know if you're as excited as we are obviously we don't think it's gonna you know write better short films than us but if it can we want to see what it's capable they said Michael Buble or an r b Christmas song okay let's go damn just like that first one done chorus who wants to sing this out no I'm good but you get that you get the idea you can write the challenge what else can I do should we do a fake script okay let's do a fake script brought a three-page horror movie script right a three page horror movie script movie script with up to three characters we're up to this isn't the real thing my life this is just a test run they're showing you how it works just to get our page one page one page okay let's not do three page yeah right on one I got it guys who wants to be the best rapper but his mom is better than him a guy who wants to be the best rapper but his mum is better than him anything else in the writing style of Quentin Tarantino okay in the writing style of Quentin Tarantino so normally if this was us trying to make a horror movie script about this it would take us days it would take us click answer on that okay ready short film minute seconds wow it's formatting it properly as well okay so let's read this out I'll I'll read it out you guys play the roles let's play the music play that play that music okay yeah don't do it yeah okay this is just to set the mood a bit set the mood okay all right let's read it out all right let's go to the top the camera pans okay interior bedroom day the camera pans over to a poster of Jay-Z on the wall before focusing on Jimmy a young aspiring rapper I'm Jimmy a young aspiring rapper uh where we are sitting on his bed with a note notebook in his hands he looks determined as he scribbles Down lyrics suddenly his mum Sandra burst into the room boom she's wearing a black a backwards baseball cap and a gold chain she looks like she means business Sandra oh we just we lost it okay have you guys have it again you get the idea cool all right let's cut back to let's let's keep all right before we get into it we need to lay some ground rules so we know that this game is legit the ground rules are as follows first rule each player will only have three minutes to produce their own movie Pitch to submit to the AI so we have three minutes each um you must use the chat for all ideas you can't put your own ideas you have to get all the ideas from the chat number three then we'll have a table read of each script for the chat to judge so that's where you guys get to you know see which script you like best we're going to read through it have a laugh and then after we finish the table read the fourth thing is the chat will vote for the favorite script and then after that we'll Crown the winner and whoever wins will receive an Oscar which we don't have we'll get we'll give the winner an Oscar you'd have to trust us and you never know we might turn the winning script into a film yeah you never know when I'm making any promises but we'll see all right does that make sense yeah let's let's paste the rules in the chat okay guys want to say what are you saying the baseball cap knives out vibes a festive holiday who done all right okay guys get your get your creative juices going because we're about to start asking you for all these ideas um think about if you ever had an idea for a movie and you're like I wish I could turn this into a movie get that festering in your brain and then we're going to Chuck it into the AI it's going to spit out a script in seconds I'll get a timer and then we're gonna it doesn't spit it out too long we had a fun time so who wants to go first you go first all right all right guys in the chat first thing for this new script oh you're about to start I'm about to start a timer oh okay three two one okay okay what genre guys give me a genre in the chat quickly genre genre genre I'll tell you what they say the first one or the first couple um I'll tell them yeah read them out as they come guys give me a genre is it horror is it comedy is it drama is it uh mystery is it not a mystery crime we've got this rhyme okay Primal comedy first two okay if we can get multiples for the same one I'll pick a genre write a three-page script with up to three characters um okay let me go write a three page okay let's go with Thriller Thriller script about what we need a character is it a guy um what is he what does this person want tell me a goal for a person how much do you get time on the clock we have two minutes left okay we're good we're good do we have a super quick character okay what does he what does he want he or she he or she if you're just joining in we're riding a short note Live covid-19 password so you need to help us ride it assistant a man wants to film okay let's make it more specifically Just Go With It yeah you're running outside all right about a man you have one minute who wants fulfillment what and money film it okay let's go who wants money a pet squirrel oh I like that okay a pet squirrel cool oh I don't can't spell um and what's stopping them from getting this squirrel why can't he get a squirrel we need an obstacle how much time do we have on the clock you don't have long you have literally Okay one minute a monkey is stopping him why can't he get this squirrel tell me what's what's in his way this girl is his dad okay first dad's a squirrel hater okay no I can't add an idea is it how much more time do we have his wife his wife has stopping yeah I'm getting a squirrel one minute left Okay one minute guys tell me a good reason okay his wife is allergic to squirrels his wife is okay there we go his wife is allergic to squirrel okay that's good um do we have a favorite uh filmmaker writer that we want to put this in the style of like Tarantino or is anyone that or like any kind of book or movie that you've watched so we can put it in the style of yeah but here's 40 seconds left by the way you could just go with that yeah I know I want to use my time okay in the Stephen King Christopher Nolan Spielberg the style of Hunger Games to for Nolan okay uh is that time anything okay ready 20 seconds left do you have any anything extras in the chat it's our story World twists I'm sorry guys I'm going with Christopher Nolan and I think we're going to submit this 15 seconds write a three registered script up to three characters about a man who wants to wants a pet squirrel uh but his wife is allergic to squirrels and stuff Christopher Noah all right oh no refresh your first half page coffee okay I said it oh what's going on this is not counted as my time okay cool all right there we go we need a screenshot this because it screws nothing so we don't want to read it right now as well so let's just get off here oh whoops okay you guys are good to see it yeah we'll just copy and paste screenshots while it's going I'll just scream so now you're just waiting patiently chat you're just waiting there's a music okay it's writing out my script this is the 10 songs Nathan the culture goes music making me constipated all right let's cut that music we're heading to add it back when we start the scene sorry okay thank you for letting us know Nate just working out the king that's just meant for the table reads all right who's having fun so far just like let us know in the chat stop using the chat you like it the squirrel dilemma Katie liked that one okay let me see if I can copy all this they can't see right no it's still going by the way guys I'm just gonna hope that it no just copy it oh go again place it again wait to refresh right yeah this whole page or maybe do a two-page script if it doesn't work no it's all right I'll just keep screenshotting it all right so we so we lost that first we had to go again but it's literally the same it's the same setting okay setting we had to restart it all right it's taking its time guys just copy everything you get at any any point okay foreign yeah I think it's how long would this part to get here without AI how long would this take oh this would literally take weeks yeah so it's almost second page is done um okay we've got a one-page script all right change someone's on Facebook it is the formatting correct yeah it looks like that too yeah it's actually really good all right why don't we let that run yeah and then just go to the next tab yeah just make sure you copy this one as well in case it's like times out okay all right guys this is really fun I'm really liking this Leroy said mom said I'm gonna have to talk to other people online come on you should get on get offline bro you should listen to your mama Katie said how will we ever know what future movies are actually created by Sticks now you will not know Katie you will not know if you're joining us we're writing movie scripts literally using Ai and chat so we just we just pasted something into the AI and it's spinning out it's currently moving out but we're not going to show you yet because we're going to do a table read in a bit yeah it's still going still going maybe we should do that's good how do you do copy just drag it off is AI on the payroll so then they're all created by stick still yes this is all our original Ip now now that we've written it and chat so you're all six employees now yeah you've all witnessed this because you're in the writer's room they are writer's room all right so we've got our first one done all right my turn yep some seats I'm up give me the timer oh that was hard work thanks chat Luke hopefully we win let's explain just because a few people who joined Lucas has wrote his script and now it's my turn to write a script in three minutes using you guys you guys gonna help me and Ai and we're gonna read it all at the end and then the best script that you guys like the most wins all right yeah cool so we're on the script too so try and get your ideas in for Kurt are you ready guys can you get your thumbs pumping all right do we need intense music um already okay sorry I got the timer all right ready oh doing a good dude um three minute timer starts Ready Set go all right guys we need a genre a genre to start with what genre should this short film be in there's some good ones last time but I'm not going to use those because those are for Lucas so tell me what genre should my short film be in and make sure mine is the best please make it hard for romance all right experiments we write a one-page script a one-page script in the romance genre someone said about global warming um uh we need a character the main thing is we need a character so we have a romance genre but what what are the characters two minutes 24 left three you're going good characters about who's out who's our main person guys a watermelon seed apocalypse who's our character is it is it a is it a is it a man is it a woman is it a young woman is it a young man what does he do for work what does he do for work what does she do what what do they want a little boy a little boy giving the craziest thing guys make it hard give an occupation what does he do for work we could go with a little boy yeah what are we doing for time I'm good yeah fine you got little boy a little boy a little a little boy a little boy having shrinks people a little boy crisis a midlife crisis okay so then crisis so we have right at one page script in the romance genre with up to three characters about a little boy having midlife crisis one minute 30. I think we're just gonna have to go with that uh there's a bit of an obstacle in there that's pretty good oh yeah what style any like any other things to spice this up do we want to like make it an interesting story world or do we want to have it like written in this style of like he's Quentin Tarantino he's a shrink a little boy's a shrink the little boy's the truth okay so we have rather one page script in the romance genre about a little boy but having a midlife crisis all right I think we're gonna go with that okay you've got 53 seconds left if you want to use the time are you ready guys all the rest of your ideas can be for Harry script but this is mine This Is My Juicy script clicking enter and the AI is writing the AI is producing a script screenshot that oh yeah we're not going to show you anymore we're going to get rid of it yeah yeah so we're just going to keep an eye on it while it's while it's working um that was pretty good I think that'll be pretty funny yeah it's that's really good you guys came up with some reason who are some people that actually gave ideas to that so we had Nathan with a definite key uh input in that one Katie um good stuff Katie everyone of there was really good eve yeah Eve good stuff Eve uh it's almost finished writing I'm not gonna screenshots in case it loses whatever I think the one page works better yeah yeah oh there you go that's your time sweet I've copied that just in case we lose it fella Jennings everyone but me next time next time there's some better ideas bro no you said shrinks people and then and then Nathan says sweet all right I only see the notes as well yeah all right all right all right so do we need to change Lira said he's not creative he's only good for kicking okay all right guys get your creative juices working we're about to get started on our third and final script if you haven't inputted yet make sure you get your fingers ready to type the best one happens here Harry is about to let it unleash Curt you do the time yeah make sure you guys stick around for the table read where we read out these scripts by the way and vote the winner yes yeah all right stick around for the winner your timer starts in three two one good all right genre genre let's go give me something juicy something good okay let's go we haven't there was comedy before there was Thriller what we thinking what we thinking a coming of age it's a genre it's like it's like when young people go into adulthood okay um we've got a New Zealand comedy I didn't know that was a Style Oh Katie said in the style uh directing yourself sci-fi sci-fi what's that sci-fi could be here Nathan wants a doctor laughs a scripted dog I don't think that's possible sci-fi we have a genre okay you've picked sci-fi character character give me a character about who about a man woman boy girl alien dog a toy a toy fish David okay Edinburgh about David Adam Brock about about David Hudson Katie said a guy called Bruce David Attenborough and a goal what does he want what's his one dream what's his dream a guy who wants who walks on his hands um the friends of flamingo he wants to what's the time for him he wants to marry a flamingo he's halfway there he's one minute a priest who befriends a flamingo that talks wow um he wants to kill the animals David everyone wants to kill the animals oh I'm sorry David Attenborough if you're watching um okay what else we got but he's had enough why can't he do it why can't he kill the animals he wants to create world hunger who's stopping David Attenborough what's my time what's my time oh you've got one minute one minute who or what is stopping David Attenborough from killing obviously with this guys get juicy stockings this is your chance he wants to flip the food he wants to flip the future a guy named David a man who was cloned by Hitler who was he wants world domination who or what 30 seconds 30 seconds less than 30 seconds guys giving us prawns Gordon Ramsay and Ramsay Gordon Ramsay wants to stop him oh why does why does Gordon Ramsay want to stop him that's enough that's not who I think AI can figure out by Gordon Ramsay stones to stop stop him that's it yeah what's my time is it good it's done beautiful three two one send it all right we have the final script writing out right now as we speak um we are about to get into table read mode where we'll act out every script that we got written so we have three scripts to be honest this is the fun part this is the fun part so if you've stuck around for this bit um we're about to have fun if you haven't if you're not here you should be here if you want more people to be here share the link go crazy and we're about to go really funny we're reading a bit of this script that I just made oh it's good it's good and then we want you guys to vote at the end for the winner because guess what will we turn this will we turn one of these we might turn one of these into a film if they don't know all right we're actually ready to go we might need to reach out are we ready to go yeah they're all here can we afford to get David Attenborough and Gordon Ramsay into a film you've heard of AI deep fakes right it's true yeah I make the whole film yeah all right let's swap back to come out all right chat did you save them yeah but it could okay guys we're gonna we're gonna go straight into my script what's my script called oh mine is a squirrel one you can read it out read out what you had okay ready we want to show them the script a little bit Yeah you can show them a bit Yeah Yeah they can't read it it's fine so so we'll cut between the I'll cut between you guys Harry Harry and Kurt are acting in it I'm going to read it out okay so this is the squirrel script you can take it off again all right ready all right let's begin the man John Payson cut you can cut to those Dramatics oh yes yeah I want to see which one's fuse this is this camera that's so that's me that's good okay Kurt oh that one's off yeah see if we can turn it back on okay yeah okay we got it we got it all right ready let's begin sorry the man John Pace nervously I'm John you're John the man John paced nervously around his living room ringing his hands together he has he had always wanted a pet squirrel and yet he had finally found the perfect one no no sorry and he had finally found the perfect one at the pet store earlier that day but there was one problem his wife his wife Sarah was allergic to squirrels John knew that if he brought the squirrel home without telling Sarah your wife Sarah oh man your wife Sarah his actual wife's name is Sarah it would only be sorry his wife Sarah it would only be a matter of time before she found out and he would be in big trouble but he couldn't bear the thought of giving up his new fairy friend has he debated that's good right okay as he debated what to do the door to the living room burst open and Sarah stood in the doorway boom her eyes blazing with anger John oh this is your one John what's this she demanded holding up a squirrel-shaped chew toy that he had accidentally left on the kitchen counter John's heart sank he knew he would have to come clean Sarah I'm sorry he said his voice shaking I know you're allergic allergic quarrels but I just couldn't resist I bought a real squirrel at the pet store today you did what Sarah's face turned red with Fury just then the squirrel who had been hiding under the under the cushion uh wait where are we at just the just then the squirrel who had been hiding under a cushion on the couch jumped out and ran across the room Sarah let out a sneeze and grabbed for her allergy medicine John oh this is your line John get rid of that squirrel right now our marriage is over nice she said her voice trembling with emotion John knew he had to make a decision he could either give up his beloved pet and save his marriage or keep the squirrel and risk losing everything as the tension mounted this is a long story it's almost done it's almost done as the tension mounted the squirrel scampered up to the top of the bookshelf and looked down at the arguing couple with curiosity John and Sarah locked eyes with each other each waiting for the other to make a move in that moment John made his decision he would give up the squirrel and do whatever it took to make things right with Sarah wow with a heavy heart he's squirrel and carried it to the front door as he opened the door and stepped outside he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness but he knew that it was the right thing to do as he walked down the street he heard a loud sneeze the last knees coming from inside the house be okay and that was all that mattered wow okay beautiful first group that's called the squirrel story so keep that in mind we're gonna go through the next few scripts and you guys will be the judge if this script won make sure you vote later on all right we're gonna go to the next script my script yeah you can narrate your script you got your mine yeah so that was your script that was my script ah I didn't like it then oh what I'm joking oh yeah you liked it I did it he liked it that's why he's saying he didn't like it so I have to cut all right now we're on Curtis the script which is gonna obviously we're gonna activate the script uh try and keep a mental note that's the squirrel story is Lucas we've got people in the chat saying um what did you guys think yeah what did you guys think of that script leave a few thoughts wear the dog from up squirrel what a plot twist roll credits would you guys rather he called you a Sim me yeah bro this is actually it's based on a true story to be honest we just wrote that completely from what happened last week with me and Sarah in real life someone said the ASMR breathing I don't know who's is that is that Lucas one of us it's probably you because you're holding like that yeah it's just adds to the experience well guys I have a question before we go to the next scene is it better for you guys if you get to see the script or do you like seeing the angles yeah let us know quickly just quickly let us see the script read along as we're going or do you just want to be in the moment right read along and then the closer right read along in the chat if you want to read along or if you prefer to see read along or a bit about team chat no team AI the angles they like the angles all right they like the angles you guys you don't need to read it they're all like we're telling you the story did they know what they're talking about yeah why would you need to tell the story when you can show exactly that's true all right are you guys ready for the second script that's gonna be the definitely the best one this is my script we'll see this was based on let me get this up this one is write a one-page script in the romance genre with up to three characters about a little boy who is a shrink but having a midlife crisis are we ready let's get this music playing all right let's begin [Music] as the sun sets on a warm summer evening a 40 year old Dr John sits at his desk staring blankly at the photos of his wife and young son that adorned his office wall once a successful child psychologist John now finds himself in the midst of a midlife crisis feeling unfulfilled and unsure of his purpose his internal struggle is interrupted by the sound of a knock on the door John says Oh Come here sorry you have to say that come in John says forcing A Smile as he turns to face his next patient come in the door opens in and in walks a 10 year old Timmy a regular at John's practice Timmy hops up hops up onto the couch and begins talking excitedly about his day at school but as John listens he can't help but feel a sense of disconnection he used to love his work but now it just feels like a tedious routine as their session comes to an end Timmy bounds off the couch and gives John a hug before skipping out the door feeling oh sorry John's heart skips as he realizes that he's not just struggling with his own issues but also the weight of his young patients problems feeling overwhelmed John decides to take a break from work and go for a walk as he strolls down the tree-lined street he passes by a small Park where he sees us he sees a familiar face it's his wife Sarah I guess I'll be sure can you be sir it's his wife Sarah sitting on a bench and reading a book this actually sounds like my wife Sarah you're my wife John all righty John hesitates for a moment but then musters up the courage to join her as they sit together he opens up about his feelings of inadequacy and the sense that he's lost his his passion for his job Sarah listens intently and offers a words a word of encouragement she reminds him that he's not just a shrink but a loving husband and father she suggests that maybe it's time for him to try something new to explore other avenues in his field or even pursue a completely different career John nodds feeling a glimmer of hope as they walk hand in hand back to their home he decides to make a decision to take control of his life and seek out new opportunities but he may not know what the future holds at least he knows he's no longer standing still what did you guys think of that one what did you think of that don't give away if you really loved it yet don't give away like full feelings Katie's saying so inspirational Eve said phenomenal acting um we stand Timmy not sure what that means what else do you guys think you were Timmy oh yeah I was Timmy yeah we stand with Timmy thank you I think um if I'm gonna be biasy I think the squirrel one is still better so that one had some deep stuff going on that was pretty deep it was a romantic comedy so we got to keep that in mind it did exactly what it said it wasn't supposed to be too funny and it wasn't supposed to be like a Twist Thriller yeah it was a romantic comedy that got you thinking so far great performances by Harry here he's just been here he's just been if there was an Oscar for best acting yeah I will say it was a bit I'm a bit confused as to why I was hesitant to go up to my wife and sit with her I'm not sure it's just a deep yeah you can read it I'm gonna I'm gonna see where you are we're on to the final script the question is can you guys do Gordon Ramsay and David Attenborough David Attenborough is that like that's English right yeah oh yeah David Attenborough that's good all right I'll just go with it yeah it's a bit more aggressive yeah where is the Lamb sauce you're an idiot sandwich okay just a reminder you guys wrote These scripts with AI we're about to read them let's get into it let's get into the final one okay final one so we have the this intense music playing intense yeah let's show them a bit of what it is a bit of what they wrote okay without the music just yet so that is just here so you've got a little inside here all right so what's it called it's called Nature's Showdown okay don't don't show Too Much command you already again what do I write a one-page film page film script in the Sci-Fi genre about David Attenborough who wants to kill all the animals on Earth but Gordon Ramsay the food man himself he loves animals loves animal meat wants to stop him I feel like that's more of a okay we'll get into it let's see how this plays out all right um Nature's Showdown they just showed up is there music playing we need that oh yeah we're good we're good all right look at the music and let me just double check okay so this is your big moment David Attenborough Gordon Ramsay I was doing that bro David Gordon Ramsay David Attenborough I love it okay all right all right all right let's go David Attenborough is seen frantically typing on his computer a wild look in his eyes he says to him he says to himself to himself where am I yes this is it the answer to all of Humanity's problems the solution to the overpopulation and climate change can you help me with it David David Attenborough David Ezra yes this is it the answer to all I gotta go English dance Humanities problems the solution to overpopulation and climate change the door to the lab bursts open and in comes Gordon Ramsay Gordon awesome bro what the hell are you doing Ramsay you won't believe it I figured out how to kill all the animals of the Earth are you insane why would you do such a thing you think you can stop me Ramsey oh sorry don't you see Ramsay don't you see Ramsey dying for the great it's time for the greater good the planet is overpopulated and animals are taking over this is the only way to save Humanity I won't let you do this atom bro I stop you by any means necessary do you think you can stop me Ramsay I'm already one step ahead of you he presses a button on his computer and allowed um fills the room not if I can help it oh it does a bit I'm sorry it's too late Ramsay the process has already begun not if I can stop it he rushes he rushes towards Edinburgh but is stopped by a force field surrounding the computer ah oh this is a Sci-Fi that's why it's so crazy damn it awesome bro you're not going to get away with this Maniac as the hum grows louder and the force foot around the computer is glows brighter Faith Fade to Black thank you oh good job that was great that was good wow I do feel like that's a scene not a an entire script I mean it did take you places true it was it I think it was like a was it act one act two yeah yeah I think a little bit from one page is pretty good yeah I I liked how much dialogue there was in there yeah yeah good dialogue yes good dialogue all right let's watch back okay or we can stop the intense music that was intense though that was yeah that worked I'm sure that worked well all right guys we are shuffling seats but we're about to figure out which one you guys like the most and you never know we might actually turn it into a shop oh no we've got some spam in the chat can we get on that okay so before you start saying in the chat what your favorite was we're going to create a poll so you guys can vote properly yeah we don't want to ruin what we've got going here okay creating a pole right now um what script I started thinking was in your head fave which one did you like the most think back to that second script and how deep it was script one squirrel how what a journey you went on in that second script that first script with the squirrel was just like down to earth it wasn't too crazy but it still had access write down the names um I don't think the first two are names I'm gonna call it squirrel Mania yeah yeah uh script two was what was your one um childhood the child the child string the child shrink and then the third one was David verse Gordon David versus Gordon all right we're about yeah Gordon like that Gordon oh God darling okay all good the chat understands okay we're gonna put in the chat guys start voting away in just a few moments we'll reveal the winner so please put your votes in you can see that the poll at the top of the chat or at the bottom of the chat wherever it is um why don't we go through and just give like a kind of reason why they should vote for your one okay okay let's start with you okay start with me I think um what made the squirrel one good was that it was a thriller genre but with like a really kind of like low-key um comedy Vibe the squirrel made it funny so you juxtaposed with the Thriller you had that you know wife element so you really everyone can relate with well not everyone but most people can relate to a relationship like that husband and wife the squirrel getting away it's just a mad laugh and then that twist at the end that twist at the end I think that pulled it through so it's not too crazy like it's more like down the line down the middle most people like this if it's in the cinema they'll pick this um that's my that's my uh all right the challenge that's all I have to say the child's trains about squirrel Mania think about the fact that in the shrink uh script that we wrote it literally said uh he's like a like a he was a child prodigy back in the day of being a psychologist like how cool is that depth in that like backstory like these guys didn't have anything like that it was literally just like funny nonsense but mine went mine had Deep Roots deep roots in the character and in this sorry okay all right well said all right Harry my one well even though it's not supposed to say an entire script it was a fantastic scene it was like Oscar worthy Oscar worthy I will say people love sci-fi they come back for the same thing they don't want they don't want Innovation they just want the same script force fields computers animals getting transformed into whatever getting killed world domination world domination and I will say what's a better cast than David Attenborough and Gordon Ramsay Gordon Ramsay has been really making the rounds especially on YouTube true maybe he'll step into the film the short we might be able to get him for this film all right let's check the polls okay you've had enough time to vote let's figure out which short film script you guys like the most all right like a drum roll drum roll please Oh wait we're gonna say some things before we announced that we know guys if you like this uh live stream we might do it again if you really enjoyed it so subscribe if you like our stream if you want us to do it again let us know also subscribe in case we make this winning short film into an actual film but is that anything I think also if you ever it's possible if you have ideas on how we can make it better yeah change things up we can try different things could this be a regular thing I don't know it could be uh General please okay ready drum roll foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for joining us and we will see you in the next one keep an eye out for short films and other content love you peeps have a good night [Music]
Channel: Sticks
Views: 5,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sticks, productions, short film
Id: tdrr8fcBs1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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