AI Tools for Writers - ChatGPT, SudoWrite, and NovelAI

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foreign hello welcome to the creative writing Life podcast I'm Justin Sloan and I'm Paul zydband and as you can probably see since we're doing the video portion of this now it's just Justin to me Justin I it's us today we're going to talk about AI but first let's talk about if we've been watching a reading thing and I did want to say I finished that book The what was it the I'll pull it up real quick the audiobook by Nick Cole you are right it was pronounced Nicole not some other weird pronunciation I remember that yeah because I thought I heard somebody say it some other way and maybe I did and they were wrong but anyway so that was the writer's room by Nicole Levy so and she was actually a mentor and the writer's Guild foundations veterans writing project so that was cool too I saw some pictures of her with people I know and I was like wait a second why does this person know people I know and that's that is why so I finished that book it's great I love it she had a lot of smart advice in there about just like how to survive a room how to deal with BS and all that kind of stuff so highly recommend it for a second time that's cool in terms I haven't really been reading much if a friend asked me to get notes on his script so I've got my reading assignment for the weekend but in terms of watching stuff I know I've talked about it before the last episode of Disney plus is Willow was last week yeah pretty much the same as the other seven episodes were just Disney channel does Lord of the Rings yeah it was okay I don't know are they gonna do a second season I don't know but do they have to I guess it depends on how much it was popular but I did start on a show that I heard a lot of great things about on Amazon Prime called the English which is a western with Emily Blunt as this woman making her way through the west and she kind of teams up with a Pawnee Indian who was a scout for the Army oh it's real I'm only two so it's in it's really good I like it a lot and it's that definitely that modern Western uh I mean it's a it's set in the old west but it's got like that this it shows how brutal the the setting was and I think that really adds to the authenticity of it and it's just it's really good and the acting is fantastic so I'm really enjoying it looking forward to the rest of it for sure I like that one as well I'm right here I gotcha all right so AI have you are you familiar with this at all okay so so I kind of know a little bit about the AI in terms of writing that that's a lot it's a big thing I mean most of what I know is that people have been especially on social media they're posting like here's what it will look like if Wes Anderson made a Batman movie and then they use like this AI generator and it looks very Wes Anderson e but it's also very batmany so that kind of stuff so I'm familiar with it but I've also probably a couple of months ago tried I guess was like an AI image generator type of thing but the pictures all looked really weird like if you tried to do a person it would they would have like six fingers and their face would be like kind of slanted and smudged off to the side it just looked really strange and so I didn't really pay it much attention but I've heard lately and because you know we talked last time about the actual podcast that there was this Jasper like I guess a screenwriting AI program or something I don't know that much about it but they were just they were just hammering about how awful it was and how the bad the writing was just so bad okay okay my favorite okay so I'm sure there's more to it but I guess I can understand the fear of writers that uh AI would eventually or potential has the potential to eventually kind of shove the human element aside and just like in producers would automatically say okay here's what here's what I need in the story you know element a b c and d okay put it in the computer and it spits out a script and it's all set to go but I just don't see that happening but I would love to get more detail whatever you can provide about that yeah there's some crazy stuff like the art has definitely uh improved you probably used a mid-journey which I also am not a big fan of I can't figure it out I know that you have to do like all these revisions and upskill that and it's all on Discord which just drove me crazy okay so I've been using one for that called novel Ai and it is amazing but it's much more anime style which works for some of my readers some of my books are more they might fall into that category anyway so that works and and I've been using a new thing that I just found out about called Studio D slash ID and this one you can like take your images so let's say you make an image of a character from your book you upload their face and then you put text for what you want them to say and then you choose voices and you can choose what kind of tone like cheery uh mad whispering and it'll read out that text and it'll make the characters eyes and mouth move as if and and even their face like moves around like this and I even uploaded my own face and it was creepy as hell that sounds good yeah it was like it doesn't move like my mouth moves but the mouth was moving and the eyes were moving and I would move around and you could see how it made up my head and it looked real and everything like didn't even know the the back of my head looks like or the sides but it was doing it I'm like so that's been a fun thing but sticking with what we're here for writing right which is another thing well you can use all that for marketing of course and it's fun somebody asked me today if they could pay to have one of my characters read the chapters of my book to them like maybe I put it on patreon to do that once a month or something I'm just like yeah it's like crazy ideas and I'm like that could be a thing and people might really like that it would be different from the audiobook because it's still an AI voice reading it probably not as good but it's fun because you get to see this character from the book reading you the chapters and maybe I have a different character from the book each time like read a different chapter right or something anyway yes so I'm just trying to think about that that would require you to like just kind of sit there and watch the character narrate yeah as opposed to an audiobook where you can like you know go do stuff around the house or go exercise he wants to hold his tablet in front of him and listen to my character read it he was like I'll pay money for this I'm like wow okay okay author reading except for instead of the author it's like your favorite character from the book and it kind of looks like they're really there as a cartoon doing it I don't know yeah but you can also upload your own voice So in theory I could upload my own voice and then it learns your voice and then you can upload the chapter and I could have myself look like I'm sitting there reading in my voice of course it would look my mouth would move kind of creepy like this or something but oh yeah again your choice yeah so let's let's talk about AI I'm gonna say that I agree with like the X2 and others John August and Craig Mason talked about a little bit too if you try to do the whole thing it's kind of cringe it is very you know cliche and a little boring at times but if you think of it in a totally different way like your writer's assistant that's where I think it gets amazing one way I've been using chat GPT open AI is you're writing a scene like I'm writing a scene for a middle grade book and you come across the scene that you're kind of like I don't feel like writing that right now put a little note for yourself I usually use the past the the pound sign and that way I can like I'm never gonna use the pound sign in writing so that's an easy way to come back and find with a control F or command sure and then I I put in there and chat DBT like give me a scene of these two characters running up the stairs they come across the monsters they have to fight them they defeat them and they have a little heart to heart and move on and you just put that in there and it'll spit out something for you and I copy and paste it and put it in there and then I have the hashtag or the pound sign and so that I can come back and rewrite that later and I'm saying probably for that genre it gets about 75 of what you want there like meaning it's pretty good you want to come back in and touch it up and change the characters voices like everything they say will be pretty cliche and you can go back and say now give me that version rewrite that to be less on the nose or to have more subtext and it'll do it but it still isn't exactly what you would want of course so I say it always needs a pass but to think of it as like this writer's assistant who can just bust out some easy scenes or give you some brainstorming ideas that's where it comes in handy interesting interesting yeah I I can unders I can understand the need for like I guess kind of well not Patchwork but just kind of like a very like a temporary temporary fix but uh but also but you're going back so I guess you use that kind of like as a foundation or like a base and you're able to really expand on it and put it more in your voice your the more of in the style that you would write it exactly so and sometimes you probably don't even need to depending on what age range you're writing for like if you were writing like some people have already published these for kids and stuff but I think it's always good to do a pass on it regardless and just think of it as somebody just gave you a cool brainstorming idea for what could be in the scene now how do you build on that and make the better version of that and sometimes you won't even have thought of things for example I used thing I think another program called the pseudorite s-u-d-o right and and that one what was cool is I used a chapter of one of my books a middle grade book about a I don't want to give it away but it has to do with coins okay and it's cool and and in one moment I said rewrite that to be more descriptive and so it just has a moment where the guy takes out the coin and rubs his thumb around along the edge of the coin feeling the ridges and and lost in deep thought during that moment and I'm like oh that's beautiful like I didn't have that end my story at all there's no moment of him rubbing his thumb Along The Ridges of the coin just like little things you know little moments that you might not have thought of that make your story stand out a little bit more interesting so who do you think you're going to try to make this like a regular thing or is it kind of more like just when you're in a pinch for an idea or you're feeling stuck all of a sudden for me it's the latter yeah yeah and I I already do it as a regular part of my writing process because I feel like I'm much more attention deficit late not much more all over the place sure so I'll be trying to write and I'll just get to a point where I'm just like I don't feel like it right now I think that's a part of being semi-burnt out and having written a lot of stuff so like if I get to another space battle scene I'll just put it in there and then throw it on and I'll come back to it later when I'm in the mood and half of the work's already done for me so I can go great okay now let's rewrite all that but and make it sound cooler but at least like some of the bones are there that I can put some flesh on yeah it's interesting like because when I'm outlining a script and I know I need like a big action sequence I'm not going to put it all in detail I'll just put like you know put I'll put it all caps big action sequence exclamation point and like make sure to include maybe you know a handful of ideas and I can go back and I'll just kind of do that separately and then and then insert it in but it sounds like this is automatically doing that or at least doing a lot of that for you which is great but I guess for me I just like the whole creative process and trying to come up with like okay what can I do that's that's new what can I do that is unexpected what what can I do that the reader is not going to see coming yeah exactly and let's let's give an example of how else you could use it so yeah so you say you're at the early stages and you have an idea for a screenplay or a story but you're not sure what yet so like let's say you want to come up with a log line for an idea do you have any that come off the top of your head or should we just throw one in there I think just throw one in there I think a lot of that's the thing is a lot of the log lines I have are yeah I I I'm not ready to share them yet yeah yeah yeah so let's just think of something ridiculous like give me a log line for this idea a podcaster man meets C.S Lewis and they go on a great adventure stupid right but let's see what chat tvt comes up with because why the hell not so is there an audio is there an audio feature is it just text like we'll read it out loud to us yeah I'll be asking no this one does not and so like let's see what this gives us a podcaster embarks on a journey to of Discovery when he meets the legendary author C.S Lewis and together they go on a thrilling adventure that will change the perspectives of life Faith in the world okay that's kind of cliche and I was gonna say it's very generic yeah so let's say it revise that with details and drama and make up something crazy let's see what it does oh my God and then I'm going to read it out to you as a yeah so a struggling podcaster desperate for a breakthrough discovers a portal to the past and finds himself face to face with the one and only C.S Lewis skeptical at first he soon joins Lewis on a wild dangerous Journey Through Time and Space as they battle demonic forces confront their deepest fears and ultimately discover the true meaning of courage and Faith with the fate of the world hanging in the balance the podcaster must choose between returning to his own time or risking everything to stay with Lewis and fight for greater purpose will he have the strength to save Humanity or be forever trapped in the past it was a lot better than the first one yeah yeah it's also like what four or five sentences so it's not a log line anymore for sure yeah but then what you could do is crazy is you could say watch this I'm gonna I'm gonna well I don't we don't need to do it right now but the main point is I could then say Okay break that into a three-act structure for me or break that into save the cat structure and it'll do it it'll come up with wow Save the cat structure is this this this this and then I'll put for each one of those what they think it'll do what it should be or it should come up with and then I can say okay so I see that you put this moment for The Dark Knight of the Soul expand on that or write a one paragraph version of what that could be and it'll come up with something and as we're talking about it might not be great but it's something and then if you are like if you if you aren't inspired by that you say try again or you hit this button that says like I wasn't satisfied with that regenerate and it'll keep giving you new versions of it so if you're just looking for a brainstorming tool like some people used to use those story cards where it's just like random ideas sure that's basically what this is right it's just like some random ideas like I wasn't gonna have C.S Lewis go on a demon fighting thing but you could he wrote a lot about religion Christianity all that stuff it kind of makes sense so yeah interesting right that is very interesting because you know there are times that I'm working on a story and I'll just feel stuck and so I'm trying to like okay and I'll just kind of like step away from the computer go for a walk or you know go exercise or something and then I'll I'll kind of like that's what I'm going through in the back of my head like I'm trying to think my way through the problem trying to come up with a solution so this sounds like it would be able to just kind of like do that for me which not bad not bad like I can I can see the Practical use of that aspect yeah yeah yeah so I actually as we were talking just threw that in there break this into save the cat style beat sheet and so yeah man it's going maybe I can screen share when it's done but it says opening image struggling Post gaster in a dimly lit studio recording a podcast on his own the podcaster theme stated expresses frustration and lack of inspiration and success in his career etc etc I love team status yeah it does the whole save the cat if you tell it in a different it might not have every structure style in here but if you're a person who wants structure as a starting point there you go and yeah so I would say you know come up with your story first and then see if there's ways to expand on your ideas and think of new ideas through a tool like this but um I think I mentioned on the podcast before the way I look at it is like a 17 year old writer's assistant who isn't afraid to throw ideas at the wall but uh isn't exactly the smartest person in the room either that's pretty good analogy I like that one too yeah yes yeah so lots of fun here I think there's great Tools in terms of both the writing side of it the marketing side of it and you know just having a good old fun time too my buddy was playing around with it I will warn listeners you can't do inappropriate stuff it will say nope we do not allow that okay my buddy was playing around with that tried to send me some stuff and he's like it's not loading me and I was like yeah calm down big guy wow so here's here's another question so are a lot of these programs do you have to buy them or they just you just download them I mean are they or any free or do you get better if you if you want something but okay I've got like the the free I know the free the floor model so to speak but do I if I shell out a couple of bucks do I get the upgrade I mean I mean how does all how does the pricing work I think is what it comes down to yeah good question open AI chat chat CPT is as far as I know it free I've never had to pay anything for it I think they're in like a beta mode so at some point they might start charging sure I would probably pay it I was paying for one called pseudo right the one I mentioned there there yeah I paid for that for a month just to try it out and because it does that cool stuff like an easy revise or you could highlight two words like say you say he was sitting at his desk and this is a novel and so you're like well I want more description but I don't feel like describing a desk freaking desks or desks but if you highlight it and say descriptive or describe this or whatever then it busts out like a nice pair it actually gives you like five different ways to do it based on the five senses and then it also gives you a metaphor so you can like if you're like oh I wasn't even thinking about describing the touch of it but there's a nice version of him rounding his thumb around along the The Ridge of the desk or whatever you know just like with a coin and it'll it'll have that there and you can just press insert and it'll insert into your story right there it says it's kind of cool for those reasons like if you're just not in the mood to describe another damn tree it'll give you some descriptions so okay so that was okay so that was that was pseudo right yeah you said so what is it like a free month and then you have to start charging days or something like that yeah so so pseudo write is based on I think that some of these are based on so like you pay x amount for tokens and then you get a lot like this so the main one I'm using right now is called novel Ai and that one is 25 a month so kind of expensive but the reason I'm paying for that not so much for the writing it does some of the writing stuff too but I found I wasn't using it as much but it does images and so the what I'm doing for one of my author profiles is I have a patreon and I put a lot of images in there and I'm telling them hey these are AI but they're pretty awesome and some of the images are a lot better than most of the artists I've used in the best so that's scary in its own world and I did have one reader come to me and say hey I see that you're supporting Ai and that's BS man I'm not going to support your writing anymore and and my response to that was eh whatever I'm having fun so I'm like I get it and I would keep paying for art for covers because that's awesome but some of the stuff is amazing And as far as like a fun marketing tool or an inspiration tool I think it's great do you think you're going to eventually like just generate an entire book using AI not not to write it through AI but that'll be the assistant but then you can also do the cover art yourself and maybe art that's inside the book as well that it's all it's all Justin generated AI you certainly good especially for these middle grade books that where the kids love art and like it's hard to make profit on middle grade books but uh and in one part because if you're self-publishing the more art you have in the book the more it costs you or the less profits you get sure because Amazon takes a bigger cut so that kind of sucks but at least if you're not paying thousands of dollars for the art in your book and then you're only getting 25 cents per sale it's not as big of a you know a punch to the face which is how I've felt sometimes when I have paid for art in these books and they don't sell at all so also are you going to start making this like a regular tool in your in your writing Arsenal that you know you're all you'll automatically start going to the AI or is it more just kind of like in case of emergency break the AI glass yeah for me it's definitely a tool in terms of whatever I'm in either a writer's block or a tired block like if I'm just okay you know like I know I should be writing but I don't feel like it let's get something rolling and I'll just put it in there and you know that could be a time suck you could get it could be like any other thing like Facebook or something where you're suddenly lost in there for hours and so you got to watch out because it can be kind of addictive it's fun but it's in terms of yeah just making sure you get rid of that writer's block and you're like well I don't look I don't want to write the scene right now you could skip to another scene below like is my usual style but now I'm getting into this habit of at least writing out what I want putting a version of it in here and then copying it back so that when I come back later there's more fleshed out ideas to get my brain back in the zone but also roll in with new Concepts that I might not have thought about have you found that because this is kind of it's a bit of a Time Saver or even more of a Time Saver than you would originally expected for sure for sure for the middle grade book that I'm working on I've definitely used it to large degrees so definitely a Time Saver in that regard and I'd also say like like my point to this guy who was criticizing me for using it I think I wouldn't be writing it at all I just was kind of losing motivation but then I found out about this art and the art got me all excited and so just doing that and posting it in my group and interacting with the fans got me all pumped up again and so I started writing again and so I'm like well I could be doing zero or I could be doing this plus Ai and so if your choice is to not support me but I'm doing zero it doesn't really matter so at least if I still have supporters and I'm doing something that's that's a plus right so yeah for some of your answer is yeah I think it's part of my new trend my two my new style I mean sure so the trend word came up because I've been reading to so many people posting about is this a new trend last year it was nfts this year's AI right but I'm like yeah so that could be a whole discussion of its own but okay so okay well so let's this I think this is probably the one a lot of people are wondering so if you don't have any of these programs which one or we'll say which two would you recommend as is a good starting one like if there's someone like me I have none of these things so if I wanted to kind of like Tinker around with one of them which one do you think would probably be best suited for me yeah and well the question as voiced is actually a fallacy you don't have to have them they're just a website oh I know I understand it but like if so if I would if it was something I was interested I wanted to find out more I wanted to see like just how effective how effective can this be for me which which one would I which one would you recommend for me something like that TBT the actual like thing that I'm looking at right now it says chat and that's the chat DPT if you type that into Google that's what'll pop up and that's yeah it's totally free it's just a website you can do it from your phone you can do it from the internet on your computer whatever and yeah totally yeah and I think it's the best one honestly they have others that are more geared certain ways like novel AI does a thing that you could do a text adventure and a setup to be a text Adventurer so you can just like play it right in there and there's other ones like I said that do a better job of art there's one pseudo write which did something that's interesting where when you're writing you can then highlight a paragraph and say convert this into an image and it would try to make an image based off that part of your book yeah so for a novel like middle grade that could be really cool right if you're like but it's not perfect that one especially versus I find that and different ones have different so for example that novel AI one that I'm talking about most of the images in there are very uh anime manga style and by that logic I tried to say welcome to 2023 and so would it see what it would give me it gave me a very large breasted anime woman like it didn't say welcome or anything it didn't say 20053 it's just that and I was like okay I get what this was made for was more of this anime crowd but you can do a lot of cool scenery I found so if you put in scenery and then you put into some descriptions you'll put like highly detailed cinematic lighting scenery of a castle in the background a warrior in the foreground and then you just hit generate and it'll come up with something and you just click keep click and generate until it's something you like and then there's another option where you could say do variations of this and it'll pop up with four variations of that image you liked and so it changed the AI slightly but keep most of the basics the same cool yeah so what was so what was one was it chat TPT I think let me see GPT okay yeah and for some reason I don't know why it's called that but I saw that that British brings you to so most of these other tools I understand are built on open Ai and I don't know all the details of this but you know like the valuation recently was like I forget get some don't quote me 26 billion 27 billion for this open AI thing which is just like blowing my mind right that's insane but then that's probably why people are talking about it as the next fad or bubble that's the new trend yeah for the tools right but in terms of just AI being AI it's like how could it be a trend how could it disappear it's not like nfts where people are investing a lot of money and then getting rug pulls it's just there's tools that people are building on AI so yeah that would be my stance on is it a trend why would it vanish when you could create all this art now will there be people who try to fight it of course they already are like on Art station there's all these artists who are posting no to AI type stuff because they're getting pissed off that is hosting air or allowing it on there if it still is and then there was some recent big art contest where apparently somebody used AI mid-journey I think to create the art that actually won the contest so all the artists were pissed off about that so there might be some rules or regulations or whatever coming down the line at some point at least specific for websites that Host this kind of stuff and maybe maybe in the future you'll you'll get a bonus if you put your book cover up and it has a little sticker on the side that says made by a human [Laughter] Untouched by Ai and touched by AI I know my fans already some of them would prefer that at least that one guy right so oh yeah well yeah I think you may have lost him so yeah but yeah it's a silent people too like he I think most of them love it most of them have already been coming like well this is amazing keep them coming we want more but then there's him who vanished and then there might be a bunch of others who don't speak up but are also in that same boat and yeah I get it I think it's scary in terms of being an artist especially but even for the writing like if we try to write a scene from what we were just looking at it's going to be crap but um I think they did that on script notes right where they actually read out a scene that it was writing or maybe it's actually two but like if I write write the first scene I'll let it populate that for a second while we talk and say like it's going to come up with actual writing that and you can sell it to do it okay so I actually made a mistake here and didn't say in a screenplay format so it says the scene opens with a shot of a dimly lit recording studio we hear the sound of a man's voice the protagonist and this is podcaster colon welcome to another episode that says doing it like a kind of a play format but if you do that and you say write the first scene in screenplay format but I mean what we just saw wasn't bad honestly that that wasn't horrible it's it's it's gonna say it sounded pretty standard for a screenplay even though it probably didn't read that way on the on the screen yeah oh yeah and all the the people who say you can't say we see or we here are going to be pissed at that's right I was gonna say like we like you've said it's kind of like it's a starting point it's a basis you can just go back and you can eliminate the we here or that we see right right let's modify it I noticed actually on that on that note I was doing I was using this as a tool to try to adapt a novel into screenplay so I just copied a section of the novel and said adapt that into screenplay format and it did it but what it did is it started getting it carried away and just making up its own dialogue and not sticking to what I had yes so it was adapting without sticking to the source material but it would also do this weird thing where like every sentence whenever you go back and forth would be like I know and then the weather supposed to say I understand that I hear you I and I'm like oh my God so you gotta like go through and then just delete the first part of every single sentence I like the idea that the AI is starting to go off on its own and kind of Taking Liberties and then it finishes the script and says I took the liberty of submitting this to such and such agency like no no no that's my name on it that's crazy yeah but I I think it could be a very valuable tool if they find a way to make it better in terms of just like a adapting something it wouldn't be perfect but you know the first draft of an is just a pain in the butt to even just transfer over what you have from like a novel to screenplay or vice versa so I've been able to just plug it into some tool and it'll like automatically do the whole thing and then you can go through and cut out all the the stuff that doesn't belong or the stuff that's too internal thought or too weird it doesn't fit but yeah well it also might this might be like the first generation of this kind of AI so maybe in a year or two that maybe if someone's going to be able to refine it even more so that it's even more effective which I think that'll you keep just keep the the the debate going about is this a good idea or is this is this going to put a lot of actual writers out of a job so I think it'll be interesting to see how it develops I mean that's the thing is that it's you you're claiming it's a tool but it's not like a physical tool it's one that's on your computer so there's always that possibility that it's slowly going to start you know having more of an influence on how you write who knows oh man I can't imagine how copywriters and like listicle writers you know who write top 10 lists of things like how they're gonna say in business like watch this give me a list of the top 10 video games from 2022 let's say and it's like it's good oh no it let off it said my knowledge is cut off 2021 interesting so okay so you can't be so specific sometimes oh but here it goes however I can give you a list of the top 10 video games from oh for 2022 and it says it can from 2021 and then it lists out 2 000 cyber phone 2077 Last of Us Part Two maternal Final Fantasy remake blah blah blah and and those are all really good games those tsushima was on there and that was up there for sure and then if you wanted to even like tell you what those games are it it'll give you like just little descriptions of each of them and stuff so in terms of these people who are writing listicles and copywriting generic copywriting I think it's scary for sure right or they may or they may use that and just kind of like well I don't really have to do the research now this does it for me I can just copy and paste add some flavor add a little because a lot of those yeah it's about thinking what's the best tagline for that and how can you get somebody's attention and you can even probably write in there what is what are give me 10 great taglines for the or title whatever lines for this and it'll do it yeah so I don't know if we want to go any more details I think that kind of covers it here real quick I'll read you so it did so I did the screenplay it says internal or int recording studio night we see a dimly lit recording studio a man that protect sits in front of the microphone looking disheveled and frustrated protagonist into microphone welcome to another episode of Pablo and then it keeps going and it does the whole dialogue just like you would so it formats it all perfectly I noticed when I was trying to do that adaptation at one point it put colons after all the dialogue and then when you try to copy and paste that into final draft it treats anything with a colon as a transition but then no no yeah but then I found I could put it in a word first and do a control fine to get rid of all the colons all the colon just call and replace them with a space or a blank whatever and nothing and then I got rid of them all so then I copied it in the final draft and it was perfect formatting so well that's what this is one of those bugs the future programmers are going to have to eliminate yeah but right now it didn't do that so I think it depends maybe on what you do or maybe you could just write do it again but without the colons or something like that and baby steps babies yeah yeah yeah so that's all that's all I got on AI a fun tool not perfect yet uh scary we'll see what happens well as as we've been saying it just sounds like something like especially for somebody like me something to at least you know take a peek at it and kind of Tinker around see what see what happens and is it something that I would want to keep using or like it's not for me you know but if you seem to be getting a lot of effective use out of it so that's great so I mean I guess it really depends on how the writer or the creative person is going to use it yeah yeah now I look forward to the day when it's perfect because I could I could definitely have a lot of fun you know like think about notes like you get a note from a studio head and they're like okay but make this more dramatic or okay can you throw a pig in there and you're like what there's no Pig in this story about C.S Lewis fighting demons but then you go over to your demon Pig yeah and you say give me examples of how a pig could fit into this story or rewrite that with a pig as C.S Lewis's pet who learns how to talk once he's possessed by a demon and then chat CBT will like give you all these cool ideas for that right so in theory it could be a cool way to figure out how to wrap your head around notes that you don't understand um yeah that's all you got sorry I'm I'm kind of a little stuck on the pig idea the demon Yes Lewis is pet pig yeah I think that'd be fun why not maybe somebody should write this story now okay you know what when after we're done you generate that you see what the AI comes up with this is for the story about the pet pig yeah yeah yeah and why not you could write in a whole thing like give me the full outline for a novel based on 23 chapters and it'll do it but what I've noticed is sometimes it won't quite listen to me like I was trying to do that earlier and I wanted it to the whole thing be a heist and instead what it did is it made the heist end at around the middle and then the rest of it was like them following up and just like getting back together and talking I was like no no that sucks make the heist go to the final chapter and then the final chapter is this and then it just kept doing the same thing to me over yeah so I was like chat CPT you're stupid sometimes yeah yeah well how old Hal didn't like that idea yeah he's like sorry it sucks yeah I was gonna say yeah I love the idea they get the programming to the point where the AI is almost becoming more editorializing rather than it's becoming more opinionated so this okay I know I came up with I came up with these characters but I don't like them and you're not doing them Justice I think we're just going to call it a day yeah it's like sorry but you will never make it as a screenwriter please discontinue use of this product shut down oh wow that's harsh that is very harsh yeah yeah yeah ignore that so anyway yeah any more thoughts on the AI stuff no I think it's just you know it's not really something I'd looked into that much but after hearing the way you described it I guess especially that to chat GPT I'm intrigued whether or not I actually get around to getting it and and utilizing it a little bit because as I've as we were talking I was thinking okay like there is a story that I'm working on that I've kind of got like my ACT my first act together but it's at between the end of the First Act and kind of like like that page 45 ish to almost to the midpoint Zone that's kind of like right now it's giving me a lot of like I don't okay what do I want to come up with so this might be maybe this is a a possible solution or at least kind of like the path leading to a solution so for me it it would probably be potentially worth checking out yeah yeah I think that's the smart way to approach it if you're just kind of stuck on something or just kind of even losing interest or whatever it might just be a way to spark that that part of your brain that gets back in there so yes all right cool well I think this will be the first podcast episode of screenwriters and novelists saying good things about AI actually that would that be very intriguing So for anybody who's been with us for the through the whole time I would love to know their take on it whether they they do they think it's a good idea that they think it's a great tool they think it's you know it's double spawn what how do they feel about it I mean are they like me like they're intrigued and want to check it out a little more it'd be like no no you know High cast the away or or is it something kind of like you know or they're they're like with you that they've used it before they really like it and they and they can't wait to see the potential that it can what else it can do yeah and I see the dangers of it but I also think there's a reason people Embrace technology and that if you're on the front end of that you're not going to be left behind so like there could be a future where all of us are more like share Runners and the staff beneath us is the AI software we're using and you're more of a Sherman and you're telling him no that's stupid let's revise that no no okay give me another take on that you have until 30 seconds from now to give me another pass wow yeah you know wow you're harsh man you're brutal for AI that wouldn't be what I tell you I know you wouldn't do that for a real person yeah but I know you can see some weird future like that right storytellers end up being this version but I think in reality we all have these deep moments in our lives that we're gonna be able to pull on that hey I can make up but it's never quite the same and then for it to be able to say something cool like that and then have it tie in later in the story like 10 chapters later we're very way far away from AI at being at that level so nothing to worry about now as long as you're a good storyteller now you never know what's coming around the corner so yeah we shall see we shall see all right cool any any last shout outs any big announcements that we want to mention before we sign off today not as of yet so I got some really great notes from an industry a guy who does coverage on taking place and he really liked my fantasy comedy so in the middle of a big rewrite so I'm feeling really confident about it so hopefully I've got like at least one maybe two more drafts until I think it's like really solid so I'm pretty pretty psyched about that really cool I have some big calls with multiple places coming up next week and other things that might be happening next week so I imagine early February I'll have some really cool announcements for listeners as long as everything went well or I'll just suddenly ignore all of what I just said and you'll probably understand why okay knock on wood we've all been there yeah yeah but I mean everything like now looks positive it's all like moving forward in a good direction so I'm like being cryptic because I don't want to curse myself but yes or jinx myself is that an appropriate word is jinx referring to anything inappropriate you're just hoping and for the best yeah you know like how certain words like you don't say you want to jip somebody because that refers to gypsies right and so it's offensive and I'm every time I say something I'm like wait is there an offensive version of that that I have to think of jinx like the character from League of Legends you don't want to offend people who love that character anyway all right all right let's let's conclude it then listeners thank you so much for listening please go out leave some reviews if you want to use chess GPT to leave a review for us you can you just type in leave a review for an awesome podcast and I'm sure it'll do the work for you spelled right that's the important thing yeah exactly and if you could spread the word amount that's always appreciated once again this is creative writing Life podcast I'm Justin Sloan you can find my books on Amazon and I'm Paul zydeman you can check out my screenwriting blog maximum Z at I'm also got I also have a couple of books on Amazon that they go ahead and ask series about interviews about screenwriting and pie I'm also on Twitter at maximum underscore Z and like he said he's Justin I'm Paul this has been the creative writing Life podcast thanks for listening stay safe stay healthy and most importantly go write something
Channel: CreativeWritingLife
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Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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