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in this video I tried beating arguably one of terraria's hardest mods and here's what [Music] [Music] happened [Music] in case you aren't aware infernum is a mod that adds The Inferno mode which reworks every single Terraria boss and Mak makes them much harder but not only that it also reworks every single Calamity boss Calamity by the way is the biggest terraria Mod which adds hundreds of new items and weapons and a ton of new bosses so yeah my goal in this video is to beat every single Terraria and Calamity boss and that's going to be insanely hard because it turns them from this to this the classes I'm going to be going with are melee for my main class and mage as my sub class as you can hopefully tell I put a lot of time and effort into this video so a like and a sub would be really appreciated because did you know 99.99% of people who watch my videos aren't subscribed to me I know crazy right factual evidence right there to be honest I really want to hit 100K so I can get that sweet check next to my name because that makes my comments look a lot cooler I've tried asking you guys nicely I've tried reasoning with you I've tried threatening you but none of it seems to work which is why I'm only left with one option begging please please subscribe to me please I want to hit 100K please as you saw this video is incredibly long I usually tell you guys to grab a snack and a drink but not this time get a whole meal as a matter of fact grab two meals because this video is long so without further Ado let's get right into it I spawned in and the first thing I did was activate infernum activating infernum gave me these two bars called rage and adrenaline that fill up when you're fighting bosses and give you a huge damage increase when completely filled I also had a starter bag in my inventory which when open gave me a weapon for each class and some other starter gear it also gave me this new fernum hat called the Blasted top hat which apparently gives you advice when fighting bosses and also this lore item called Awakening which I'll put on the screen and you can pause and read it if you want then I chopped down some trees and made some insta houses [Music] then after being stuck in a hole with the Slime wait was I stuck in a hole with the Slime or was the Slime stuck with me I was stuck with the Slime I died and I tried going to the right and there I encountered new wolf from enemies which dropped a material called wolf from scraps which you can use to wait hold on they juming me one of the enemies dropped me a wolf from helip pack which were technically wings but they were so bad that I don't know if these even count as Wings anyways like I was saying wol FM scraps are important because they can be used to make a bunch of Co weapons and items then after dying again I found a cave which I explored for a while until I found this cool chest and next to it was a d trap which I so expertly disarmed at home I crafted an envil and using that I made a mage weapon called wol from prosthesis which shot homing beams when you left clicked and sucked up mana from enemies when you right clicked then I started building up so that I could reach the pl toid Calamity ads because they have some nice and sweet loot inside of them the first ploid I found had a whole bunch of gold in it and next to that was a big planto which had a Dron lab in it and also some pretty cool loot afterwards I headed home and I made a Mana Crystal to increase my mana and a couple more houses so that more NPCs may move in I also made gold armor which looked so sick with this texture pack however for now I didn't have enough to make the complete armor set so I once again headed to the sky to look for more planetoids and I found one with a bunch of iron in it and shortly after I ran into a harpy and this was really bad because from my last playthroughs I knew that once you meet one of them it won't won't be too long before the sky becomes infested with them then I found a smaller plantoid which had a life crystal inside of it and I also killed this bull from enemy and got an accessory called Rover Drive which spawned a shield around me that gave me 40 extra health and 10 defense however if you take enough damage it does break and it takes 10 seconds to recharge after that I found another life Crystal and since I was starting to see more and more harpies I decided to head back home I then went mining again so I could maybe find some gold and finish my armor and while mining I found some her boots and another gold chest except this time I made sure to disarm all the traps can't catch me lacking twice I then realized that you can Craft Life Crystals so that's exactly what I did I also made some more houses then once again went mining while mining I found a third golden chest and okay we're good then I mined a bit more I found some Life Crystals and also a glowing mushroom biome in which I found my fourth golden chest come on now how stupid can I be anyways at home I made a sapphire hook and finished my gold armor then I went to the sky again to try and max out my health but that was easier said than done well in the sky I also got the evil presence message so I quickly made an insta bridge this way I had some sort of fighting chance and then after a while the eye of cthulu spawned and in infernum all the bosses have this sick intro so that's super cool anyways the eye was very different since it now spawned a lot more minions and also shot these little blood balls when it dashed oh my God there's a lot of minions the minions in this fight were so annoying and I sucked at dodging them so I lost who would have thought anyways I did get this cool achievement and I found out that infernum adds its own achievements so I might try and do all of these or I might not I don't know then after a lot of pain help help me I was able to max out my health and I also crafted a ruby staff and increased my Mana a bit then I decided to fight the desert Scourge I headed to the desert so I could get the materials needed to craft the spawner for the scourge specifically storm lion mandibles which are dropped by a new enemy called storm lion while down there I also got a bunch of desert fossils a summon weapon called the storm jaw staff which spawned a cute insect never thought I'd say that and I also found a magic conch that then once I had enough materials I headed home and using the magic H I was able to get to the sulur a sea which had gotten reworked and looked absolutely beautiful but while I was taking in the beauty I ended up dying to some stinky ass stee while I was looking for the jungle I found the snow biome and in the snow biome was this Shack that I don't know I just found so cool once I found the jungle I started farming for materials so I could craft a melee weapon called the yivo bloom when I was heading back to the Jungle I also found this new tree and at the bottom of the tree I found a hive which I didn't realize at the time but it was huge then after farming for a bit longer I headed home and crafted the yivo bloom which was a flail that poisoned enemies but when you right clicked it turned into a spear and I needed this weapon because it's really good against the first boss then I used all of my desert fossils and Sil at the extract donator so I could set up the magic storage system and after a while I was eventually able to get a diamond and and make the magic storage system which allowed me to store everything in one space I then crafted the spawner for the boss and headed to the desert where I quickly set up an arena and once I was ready I spawned the desert Scourge bro why is it flying The Scourge was very different and super aggressive since it would fly at you now and shoot a lot of projectiles it also shot small tornadoes when it hit the ground ah before the next attempt I added some hard lards to my Arena and I also decided to make a sandstorm in a bottle since the wings acceleration was kind of slow however to craft that I needed desert feathers which are dropped by vultures and after a while of farming I eventually got enough and crafted the sand storm in a bottle and tried attempt to I hit already ah come on bro all of the bosses in Calamity drop a lore item and since all of the lore items got Rewritten I'll put them up on the screen and you can pause and read them if you want one thing I realized during this fight was that adrenaline fills up a lot slower the way adrenaline fills up is if you don't get hit and it gives you a 200% damage increase it normally takes about 30 seconds to get filled up however in infernum it takes around a minute so during this play through I can probably count on my fingers the amount of times I got adrenaline The Scourge dropped me the sick new infernal Relic which was just gorgeous and also a new material called Pearl shards which could be used to make another material called SE remains and that could be used to make a lot of new stuff however at this point I paused my footage and I forgot to unpause it but pretty much all I did was make a bunch of C remains and use those to make a new armor set called the victide armor set and also this new melee weapon called the urchin mace which charged up and shot a Whirlpool then I went to the desert again so I could look for the sunken sea which is usually at the bottom of the desert and oh my god did it look beautiful I knew that the recent Calamity update was the biomes update but still I wasn't expecting this I got a bunch of prism shards which was what I was there for in the first place however while down there I also decided to fight the giant clam which which is a mini boss that spawns in the sunen sea I made a small Arena then I crafted a sparkling M can and used it to spawn the giant clam who was super [Music] strong well you might have heard that I never back out of a challenge I don't know who told you that but they lied because I very quickly gave up at home I made a seashine sword which was pretty much just an upgraded enchanted sword then I fought the desert Scourge again and melted it with my urchin maze afterwards I made my way to the dungeon in the dungeon I got some books so I could make a bookshelf so I could make a magic weapon called Coral spout which was like a shotgun sniper mix since you can charge it and shoot a coral Spike that does a lot of damage like a sniper or you cannot charge it and it shoots out a bunch of corals like a shotgun then I made the Slime crown and tried an attempt at King Slime who was pretty much the same for now except a lot larger wait is it stuck can I lock it here I can that is until I got him down to 75% and its gem came out and started shooting beams at me I tried taking it out but it was super hard to hit it so I just decided to ignore [Music] it then at 30% a ninja came out and started shooting shurikens at me bro the ninja I'm being tag teamed however despite all that I was able to beat King Slime first try then as I was checking out and sorting the drops from King Slime I had the eye spawn and that really surprised me because I had no clue when I had gotten the status message well I know now that it was during the King Slime fight but since I was so focused on the fight I hadn't realized that anyways I was doing pretty good against the eye since I had already done an attempt that is until I got it down to 80% and it transformed and started dashing at me in a whole new way since it would now Circle me and then dash at me and it also did chains of dashes then at one point it started shooting out teeth which would stick onto the ground and you'd have to make sure not to touch them but this was all fairly easy to get used [Music] to then around 30% it started mixing the attacks from the first phase and the second phase is it shooting Min from its mouth what the hell and I'm not going to lie the last couple of attacks had me clenched up since it was a ruthless onslaught of attacks however I was able to take it down first try cuz I'm just goed like that after beating the eye I got the status message that the acid rain event was happening at the sulfur sea so I headed there to complete it and to see if I can get anything important what did I die to but I really didn't get anything too important I did try and explore the bottom of the sulfur SE which looked a lot more beautiful now but I didn't have a gills potion so then at this point I suddenly had a spark to build however that only last it for a short while because I quickly got very bored then I made a de of pita Sprout the spawner for the next boss and I created an instat which creates a complete elevator using that I headed to the mushroom biome in order to fight the next boss I quickly expanded the place a bit and then set up an arena and spawned in crabon and let me tell you right now I love this fight at the beginning crabulon mly attacked by trying to crush the player while also creating these dust clouds every time it jumped then it also started shooting mushrooms at me and also created these mushroom walls to restrict the player and when combined this was actually kind of hard okay I just got lucky there however the real challenge in this fight came when I got K crabulon down to 45% health and it kind of detached its arms and had a whole new move set for a short period of time why is it just standing there then after trying on another attempt I beat the scourge again so I could craft a magic weapon called the aqua marine staff and I also maxed out my Mana then I bought some Goblin Scout spawners from the Deviant in order to make the Goblin Battle standard and fight the goblin army so this way I could get the Goblin [Music] tinkerer then I went to the Jungle to look for the tinkerer and and find an anklet of the wind and feral claw I was able to find the tinkerer and the anklet however I wasn't able to find the feral claw but that wasn't a problem since in Calamity you can just craft them I also upgraded my shoes into Frost spark boots and turned my Sandstorm in a bottle into a sandstorm in a balloon then after farming for money for a short while and reforging all my equipment I tried attempt three and it was going pretty well since my mind and my body were synchronized at this point as long as I keep my distance I should be fine [Music] I'm in a bad spot here but I do have Max Health W okay okay [Music] okay the only really important thing crabulon dropped me was this magic weapon called the high rod that summoned little fungi around me that kind of homed into enemies and also this accessory called fungal Clump and it spawned a fungal Clump that lged onto enemies and stole life from them then I went to the Crimson to fight the brain where I found these cool dinosaur remains Dam this is sick which I unfortunately had to destroy so I could make space for an arena but in the middle of the structure I did find a crimson chest which had a crimson key inside of it and also a crimson Effigy which when placed down decreased the players Health by 10% but also increased their damage by 15% and defense by 10 which is a a pretty fair trade-off then I expanded the place a bit and set up a cozy Arena and spawned in the brain the brain starts off in its second phase and shoots out icatu while also [Music] teleporting Stay Away St Away St away stay away stay away until you get it down to 30% and it starts shooting out lightning at you I'm not going to lie this really caught me off guard because from the brain I was expecting something like blood spikes or something not lightning then after another new Attack yo the brain turned stationary and stayed in the same spot which easily allowed me to take it [Music] down then right after I headed back to to the Crimson to fight the next boss in order to spawn the next boss you need to find a thing called the perforator assist and kill it which causes the perforators to spawn the fight starts off with just the hive attacking you and shooting iore at you in different ways until you get it down to 70% and it releases the first perforator and the hive becomes invulnerable and constantly dashes at you until you take out the warm which I was able to do fairly [Music] easily then at 50% it releases the next perforator and once again becomes invulnerable except this time it shoots out ior spikes at you okay now I might lose this is kind of hard and since this perforator has segments I was able to take it out easily with my urch mace n we're back then at 25% it let out the last perforator which was huge okay now I'm definitely losing and in my small Arena I didn't really stand a chance so I decided to make some upgrades I crafted a melee weapon called the CTIC Edge and also crimon armor which looked amazing in the texture pack but when I wore it it was just normal so that was immensely disappointing anyways the CTIC was a true melee weapon that poison enemies on hit and it wasn't the best but this does turn into one of my favorite weapons in the future then I crafted a double up s bridge and headed to hell to use it because I needed to farm demons to get a melee weapon called the blade Crest oat sword and also got a bunch of Hell Stone the blade Crest oat sword was really good against the perforators since it shot these homing sickles that inflicted the onire debuff I also went to the underworld red on lab to grabb the murasama however I guess a minion of mine killed a W demon fortunately I was able to grab the murasama before I met my Doom which thanks to the weapons out mod I was able to see and oh my god did it look cool then using the hell Stone I made a mage weapon called the hellwing staff and also hellstone armor the helling staff spawned flaming bats at the cursor then I set up an arena on the surface of the crimson and tried more attempts at the perforator one down let's go easy easy two down [Music] woo since I was kind of having trouble seeing the projectiles clearly I bought some greater danger sense potions from one of the Alchemist NPCs and waited for night before the next attempt in which I was able to take down the last perforator which caused the hive to go badshit and started a desperation [Music] [Music] phase is it over damn that was fun I do have to say though so far the bosses have been really hard but they've also been so fun at this point I was seriously enjoying this mod anyways the perforators dropped this accessory called the bloody warm tooth which gave me 7% increased melee damage and speed I also crafted these two weapons but I didn't like them so no point in talking about them then I went looking for a new ore called Airy light but I didn't see any so I looked at the status message and it said the sky is glittering with scan light which was different from my previous playthroughs because that used to say the ground is glittering with light so I headed to the sky to see if I can find it and yeah it turned out that aite now spawns In The Sky Islands so I got a bunch of [Music] it and using the aite I made a bunch of weapons and Skyline Wings which were pretty good for starter wings I also made AAL light armor but that was worse than my healthstone armor so I de equipped it the wind blade is a melee weapon that shoots like a wind Vortex that sucks up enemies the Tradewind was a magic weapon that just shot feathers and the aestheticus was a classless weapon that shot a bolt which slowed enemies down and the broken biome blade was super sick since by holding right click you can attune a biome to the blade and it functions differently depending on the biome for example the forest variant is just a simple projectile the desert variant makes you bounce and the Crimson variant propels you I then went to the sunken sea to look for the Dron lab and there I ran into the giant clam again and I remembered that I never beat it so I decided to put it down that was easier said than done but then at one point I ended up stun locking the [Music] clam easy well can I say I'm just skilled like that then I found the dreon lab and grabbed the schematic from the chest which allowed me to craft a couple of new special Dron themed items I quickly set up a small sweat shop and crafted a melee weapon called Goss dagger and a mage weapon called pulse pistol the Goss dagger was a true melee weapon which created like a small electric charge when it hit enemies and as you saw before I'm not really a huge fan of true melee so I didn't really use this but the pulse pistol shot a beam that Arc between enemies and it was really useful for crowd control then I went to the dungeon to fight Skeletron and while there I also found a meteorite then I talked to the old man and spawned in Skeletron bro what is that and Skeletron was a pretty projectile heavy boss in which you have to learn the patterns to beat it damn attack after attack God damn bro can I breathe oh come on so after dying I bought a blood tier from the mutant NBC and started the blood moon so I could get the money trol I didn't get it but I did get a material called blood orb from the enemies and using that I was able to craft it then while I waited for night I headed to the tree with the hive in it to set up an arena to fight Queen be later on and while I was expanding it I found out that the hive was a lot bigger than I initially [Music] thought then as I was expanding it a bit more I was struggling with bees attacking me which led to this happening huh wait wait wait wait wait did I break it or maybe it's natural bro I I I I can't I tried setting up at Arena Midway into the fight but I didn't have enough time by the time I finished prepping the arena it was already night so I headed to the dungeon to fight Skeletron again I potion up and tried attempt [Music] two okay okay okay not a good time for this attack my health my health no I I I know I know how this attack works now bro H [Music] damn then I went to explore the Dungeon for a while to look for a shadow key so that I could open the chests in the abyss little did I know that you no longer need them anymore but after a really long time down there I wasn't able to find one after dying I went and talked to the Deviant and I bought a bunch of dungeon slime spawners so that I can get a lot of golden [Music] keys and literally from my first golden test I found a shadow key so I headed to the abyss which is a biome that's below the sulfurous sea and there I found the Abyssal chests which had some nice loot inside of them there's also a bunch of new enemies down there which as long as you don't attack or get close to are passive then after exploring for a while and getting some new weapons from the tests I headed home the black anuran was a magic weapon that shot bubbles that flew up and also these little homing planktons and the ball of fugu F fuju was a flail that shot homing spikes when you attacked then with these weapons I belied I was ready to take on the queen bee o during its first phase the queen bee just mainly shot Stingers in different ways and occasionally dashed we got this we got this easy bro easy okay not so easy but we still got this then around 40 % it had a weird attack where bees would come at you from both sides man I can't see the [Music] bees so yeah I beat it on my first attempt that last attempt didn't count because it's my video and I make the rules at this point I also remember to talk to the cloer to get an accessory from him called counter scarf which gave you 10% increase true melee damage and gave you a dash which allowed you to dodge so that was super useful then right after I headed to the snow biome to set up an arena to fight deerclops after I got the materials to crab the spawner I spawned him in and this fight was so unique and fun the attacks during the beginning were pretty simple and easy to predict okay okay just the spikes snowball just move around I [Music] guess and this shit's pretty easy right [Music] now then when I got him down to 65% Health a new face started where it created a circle to restrict the player and in the circle it started spawning hands to attack the player and also occasionally shot lasers okay my Health's kind of low so I Dam I really got to be careful okay okay I think we got it what what the hands bro the hands okay oh oh it's okay no no no no what the hell is it over you're going to brail deerclops doesn't drop a low item so let's move on for the next boss you usually need a long Arena at least in a normal playthrough so just in case I made a really long Arena then I crafted the overloaded sludge and spawned in the next boss called the Slime gods and I swear to God these bosses are so fun the Slime gods are a trio of three enemies an ionian slime a culan slime and the core the fight started off with just the creman Slime until I got it down to 50% and the ionian Slime joined and their attacks became very synchronized yo this is fun as H I was doing really good and I was able to take down the creman Slime and just had the ionian Slime and the core left however for some reason the Slime Gods just despawned what happened so another try I [Music] guess I I was once again able to take down the keman Slime and when I did the ionian Slime became enraged but my black anuran melted it and that just left the core who had its own desperation [Music] pH H bro okay that's not fair damn damn bro what the hell and I got really close to dying but I was able to barely take it down gu it on gu it on gu it on kids gu it on the Slime gots dropped me a material called purified gel which is used to make the last upgrades before the wall I first made a crafting station called the static refiner which is used to make the upgrades and using that I made static gel armor and a melee weapon called the fractured Arc which was technically a true melee weapon but it had a cool feature by right clicking an enemy you can Parry which briefly makes you invincible and empowers your sword for 10 swings and by using that I beat the Slime Gods again I beat the Slime Gods again to get more purified gels so I could craft a melee weapon called the gelti blade which shot a wave of gel that pierced and went through blocks I also got this magic called the eldrid tomb that creates a bunch of aggressive tentacles then I went to the Crimson to get a crimson Rod to craft a weapon and in the process fought the brain again and not going to lie that's actually so embarrassing then once I got one I crafted the Carnage Ray which shot a particle beam that dealt more damage to enemies the further away they are then I decided to head to the brimstone cracks biome a new biome that Calamity adds and I need to break character at this point I messed up bad you remember the obsidan birds from earlier it had completely flattened the biome or so I thought because cuz at one point this happened and there I had a debuff called creative shock which didn't allow me to build or break anything and then I remembered that infernum adds its own new biome I created another world to test something and yeah at the end of the world there was a new biome called the profane Gardens where you fight a boss towards the end of the mod and also a temple in which to also find another boss I tried breaking it to see if I can I don't know do something but I couldn't even break it well you see I started recording this video as soon as Calamity released its biomes update and that was before infernum released a patch that makes it so that the two mods work together and that's what caused the ghost of the biome to be created and at this point I couldn't really do anything about it so I decided to leave it to Future me and I did figure something out eventually anyways now back to the video in hell before I fought the wall I spent a while farming enemies to get a sword called the old Lord's [Music] [Music] Claymore the old Lord's Claymore was a true melee weapon with a cool gimmick by holding right click you could charge the sword and when you release it you did a sick roll that burned the enemy then I went to hell again and threw the woodo doll in the lava and threw the woodo doll in the [Music] lava the wall as you can see now had four eyes who all alternated and shot lasers ah my damage isn't that good should I go in up close think I should what did it detach oh shooting lasers and in order to damage the Wall's main body you have to take out the eyes first which was pretty easy as soon as I got adrenaline when I did that the eyes started circling me and shooting at me but at this point it was just a game of endurance and since I'm just build different I was able to withstand all of its attacks and take out the wall let's go easy peasy lemon squeezy you should kill me because I don't know why I just said that bro that that was so cring bro holy God holy moly bro woo finally made it to Hard Mode baby let's go halfway through the video already oh never mind still a lot to cover but after this we absolutely ripped through hard mode and you'll see why also I think it's important to mention that infernum got an update after I was done recording this which is why a lot of the bosses are kind of out of date if you would like me to do another playthrough of infernum with the newest version get this video to 15,000 likes and I'll do another play through I know the number is high but that's because it takes a lot of time to make one of these videos so I need to know that you guys will actually watch it anyways after beating the wall I got a new status message and heard this what the message meant that there was a new biome in the world which to be honest I completely forgot about so we won't be exploring it until a lot later putting that aside the wall dropped me a demon heart which gave me an extra accessory slot and also the breaker blade which wasn't anything special but yo I felt so powerful just by equipping it then I bought the walls treasure bag because I didn't feel like fighting it again so I could get the melee emblem for That Sweet 15% increased damage after that I decided to get a hard mode melee weapon real quick before I went mining I was able to get the materials required for it pretty easily because of my Quality of Life mods and was very easily able to upgrade my costic Edge from earlier into the true costic Edge which shot a projectile that poisoned enemies and and also bounced off of walls then I went mining you see in Calamity the progression is different you start off with Cobalt and Palladium and you don't need to take out the alars for other hard mode ores to spawn instead you have to beat the mechanical bosses each one causes a new ore to spawn while mining I was also able to find the spawner for the queen slime at some point I don't know when though I'm too lazy to scrub through the fridge again then once I had enough Palladium I made Palladium armor and then started farming enemies to get Souls of light after that I decided to get the weapon called the celestial Claymore which was dropped by mimics so I bought a bunch of mimic spawners from the Deviant and started farming mimics little did I know it's only dropped by biom mimics so once I realized that I made a Power Glove which gave me some nice melee stats and headed to the underground Crimson to find a crimson mimic and after a while I eventually found one but what Life Training field then after a lot of farming I made pixie wings ha spark boots and a golden gun which was a classless weapon that inflicted the iore debuff on enemies I also created the graveyard biome which allowed me to convert my bloody warm tooth into the rotten brain which is dropped by a corruption exclusive boss that we can't fight in this world anyways I combined it with a brain of confusion to turn it into the Amalgamated brain and it gave me the brain of confusion Dodge and confusion buff while also increasing my damage by 10% then I went to the Crimson to farm enemies for a while and I also went to the brimstone crack biome because enemies down there were dropping a new material called essence of Havoc which was one of three new Essences enemies drop in hard mode using the collected materials I crafted a weapon called rocks caliber which despite looking cool as hell was utter garbage at least for me it shot these Rock projectiles but only shot them up top but when you right clicked you Dove to the ground and bounced which once again was in my opinion cool but not practical then I once again headed back to the Crimson to look for a crimson mimic and after a while I found one let's go let's go my rage is full easy easy bro easy easy easy and this time I kept my distance what the hell okay so I just got to get out and actually try to learn its attacks and I was eventually able to beat it even though I didn't get the celestial Claymore since I had now beaten it once I was now able to buy it spawner from the Deviant and was easily able to farm it until I eventually got the celestial Claymore which was a melee weapon that spawned exploding stars that sort of followed the players movement and at first I didn't think too much of it but trust me this weapon bro this this weapon then I headed to the hello to fight Queen slime oh oh oh oh okay in the first pH her attacks were unlocked like the Slime Gods from earlier and very easy to deal with until her crown came off and started dashing at me at 50% a new face started she started flying and her attacks became super projectile heavy bro why are my dashes not working why are my dashes why are my dashes bro why boy what the hell I ended up dying to her but believe it or not it wasn't a skill issue it was because I had turned on the double tap override Calamity ads and that was glitching a lot constantly causing me to dash in the wrong direction and then on the next attempt this happened see now I can move correctly was messing up earlier okay okay hope bro damn dude look at look at the bro did the timing on my weapon so good easy easy bro my dashes are working easy bro I just what the damn bro that was quick as hell what the hell yeah so I absolutely melted her after beating Queen slime I headed to the underground ice biome to farm enemies for a while so I could get enough Essences of iium to craft the cryo key I headed to the snow biome and use the cryo key to spawn the next boss called cryogen cryogen was a super projectile heavy boss and its attacks mainly consisted of shooting icicles at the player in different ways bro another like projectile heavy Dash required boss why okay now they're chasing me and I'm dying until you got it down low enough and it started dashing at you oh God I got hit I'm dead I'm dead he's dead n now we got this we got this we got this let's go while also leaving Behind These ice daggers that would lock onto you and then shoot out at you since I was struggling with cryogen I decided to craft the frigid flash bolt a magic weapon that shoots a ball which inflicts both frostburn and hellfire debuffs on enemies and I thought that it would do really good against cryogen and at this point it was just a issue that I had to overcome how and this att's kind of so [Music] far okay I don't know my good I think I think I think I think I think I got it okay last phas last attack last attack I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure last phase I don't know and eventually I was able to overcome my crippling lack of skill to beat cryogen beating cryogen caused a new ore to spawn into the world which unfortunately you can't mind yet and it also released the ark mage NPC who shot me an icicle Trident which was a magic weapon that shot piercing icicles cryogen also dropped me these new wings that dropped icicles when I flew and after opening another bag I got the frost flare which was an accessory that makes all your attacks inflict the frostbike debuff increases your damage by 10% when above 75% health and when below 25% Health gives you a lot of defense and movement speed then I crafted the mechanical eye and started attempts at the twins the twins are really different in infernum since both of them now have long range and short range attacks instead of being limited to just one which in this fight is really hard but also so [Music] fun oh oh damn bro the fing coordination when I got one of the twins down to 70% Health it transformed and I realized that I couldn't damage it further until I also got the other one down to 50% which made this fight even more challenging since every time a new phase starts you can't progress further until the other one is also on that phase [Music] but for some good news the celestial Claymore in this fight was amazing when timed correctly then at one point when I got them low enough spazmatism started glowing and its attacks become a lot more insane for a short period of time holy bro it's SP has got a barrier on it bro I can't damage it okay I think I think I think it's gone I think red niser is done bro let's go let's go then I was eventually able to take down red niser which caused spazmatism to start a desperation phas okay it just it just regenerated bro okay oh yeah ah my health yeah Le it's over it's over it's over Dam what where did that come from attempt two I was once again able to take down reizer but since morning started the fight ended all I got to say is that sounds like an excuse to me bro saw that I was built different and scowled away crying then while I waited for night I started farming enemies to craft the spawner for The Aquatic Scourge while doing so I didn't realize but I killed an entity called question mark question mark question mark which caused a boss called anahita to spawn but since this is a boss that you fight much later on I didn't really stand a chance is what you thought I would say nah your boy awakened and absolutely shredded anyways I crafted the seafood which was the spawner for The Aquatic scours and headed to the sulfurous sea to set up an arena and once I was done it was night so I headed home to fight the twins again easy I think this is attempt rizer's down just spazmatism left yep I think I got it let's just zoom out a bit so you know I can kind of see you know might be cheating but you know you who cares I'm on Max Health let's keep it that way I think I what the hell is that thing that's small like chasing me 8% got hit it's okay though yeah it's easy I don't know even if I stand still I think I'll beat it I you know what probably not okay then never [Music] mind not going to lie the twins went from being one of the most most boring to one of my favorites beating the twins caused myal and or Calcom to spawn into the world and this was important because I now had access to the Hard Mode Anvil and that allowed me to upgrade my equipment a lot more I first set up a Dron station so I could decrypt schematics because in Calamity you find schematics in different gron Labs spread across the world and decrypting them gives you access to a bunch of new recipes for special gron themed weapons I first upgraded my armor into or Calcom armor then turned my counter scarf into the evasion scarf which increased my melee damage and gave me a dash then I made a true melee weapon called a hydraulic volt Crasher but not going to lie it wasn't that good then I crafted some Onyx seeking mechanisms to look for cavern themed raon Labs so I could get suspicious scrap which is a material necessary for crafting a magic weapon called the shpc which is broken but I was only able to find one since the lab seeking mechanism pointed to the same lab for some reason I also went through the underground astral biome which looked sick as hell afterwards I headed to the sulfur sea to fight the Aquatic Scourge ah guys get it Spider-Man meme get it I'm with the times I'm relatable I'm losing my sanity okay okay uh I guess pretty going going pretty good can I pierce oh it does Pierce and once again the celestial Claymore was amazing and I was able to make light work of this boss [Music] beating the scourge caused the tier 2 Acid Rin event to start in which a new mini boss spawns called KAG M Meer but it didn't spawn so I just decided to get ready to fight the next boss I made the mechanical warm and spawned the Destroyer God damn bro bro what are these curves what the hell oh my God the turns God oh which was amazing in Inferno since its attacks were so fun to dodge because the Destroyer would dash at you as as soon as this thunder sound played and on my first attempt this was pretty hard to deal with but on my second I now knew what to expect and was able to dodge its attacks a lot easier okay I'm getting that I'm getting that Rhythm now let's go ooh then after a while it started using some new attacks like shooting lasers in a coordinated manner encircling you and releasing groans leaving behind hom en cursed Flames while flying now now this attack again I don't like this attack okay oh this is really fun and when I got it down to 20% it started its desperation phase but since I was Max Health when the phase started it was pretty easy to deal with oh what is that bro okay okay that okay that was easy we got it what that swerve okay Oho okay I'm dead okay now we got it 4% 3% 2% 1% bro let's go every I wake up and now that I had been the second me boss my world now had at a mantide and titanium I went and got a bunch of it then I also went to the the brimstone crack biome to get some infernal soite which I needed to spawn the next boss and combining that with hellstone I was able to craft Unholy cores and using those I made this weapon called The Brimstone sword which was a true melee weapon but when you right clicked you could throw the sword so that made it super cool afterwards I went to the ice biome to get cryonic ore since I could now mine them using my Adam anti pickaxe while doing so I also found an ice Ron lab that and once I had enough I headed home and used the cryic bars to make myself dataless armor Starlight wings and an arnade Shield which gave me a long Dash and extra life I also made some weapons but they're pretty irrelevant since the only one I really used was the dark light great sword then I made the charred Idol and headed to the brimstone crack to fight the brimstone [Music] Elemental the brimstone Elemental started the fight off by shooting projectiles at me and teleporting then after that she trapped me in the circle and created these exploding flame members which not going to lie were super satisfying to dodge oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay [Music] okay then at 65% since she cocooned herself and started shooting a lot of Embers at me this is honestly so satisfying to dodge oh bro I already love this fight at 50% a new face started and her attacks became a lot more aggressive and she also started shooting lasers at [Music] me we got it this is easy okay never mind I just got hit three times times W and yeah I was doing really good against this boss and I actually beat it on my first attempt after that I ran out of potions and I went to this new Alchemist NPC who sells these combination potions which give you the Buffs of a lot of the other potions in just one potion you might be wondering why this is important well you see one of the potion effects it's supposed to give you is life force which increases your life by 20% but for some reason it didn't work with the combination potions and that severely nerfed me but I didn't realized that until much later then I crafted a bloody warm scarf to increase my melee damage and speed and replaced the frost flare with it and headed back to get my revenge and since I knew her patterns I absolutely shredded Lil [Music] bmie Since By the time I beat the elemental it was night I headed home and tried an attempt at Skeletron Prime the last mechanical boss I don't know if you noticed but Skeletron has a barrier on his head and while you see you can't really damage the head without taking out the arms but to be fair by using the celestial Claymore that wasn't really a problem uh all right almost done with the arms okay took out all the arms what's it going to do oh okay now I think I can damage the head let's go okay oh what the hell bro they exploded do I get hurt if I touch them or are they just oh yeah I do get then when I got skeleton down to 1% like other mechanical bosses it started its desperation phase oh God damn it okay okay whoa whoa who no no no no no no okay no no oh I'm dead I'm dead I what the hell is happening but that was super easy because what can I say just another Celestial Claymore victim now that I had beat Skeletron Prime I now had access to All Souls and also helled bars so it was time to make a lot of upgrades I first upgraded my shoes into Angel Treads I also made three melee weapons the catastrophe Claymore shot these projectiles that inflicted a bunch of debuffs on enemies The Forbidden oath blade was the combination of both the blade Crest oat sword and old Lord's Claymore from earlier and like both of those it burned enemies and shot sides and finally the paage hammer a throw aable melee weapon that was just straight up satisfying to use then I went to the astral biome to farm enemies for a while so I could get a lot of Stardust which the enemies dropped I needed Stardust to turn my broken biome blade into the biome blade which was a much stronger version of the biome blade you saw earlier with some new features like the attacks being different for some biomes then I had to the Jungle to look for Life fruits and chloride and after a while I was not only able to get enough life fruits to Max my health but also enough to craft a blood orange which increases your health even further I also crafted chloride armor which had a different set bonus in Calamity the gem at spawns now created a shock wave that damaged enemies and it was honestly really good but I decided to switch back to dataless armor because it offered a better damage increase and more defense then I crafted the eye of desolation and started attempts at the calamitous Clone who is usually my favorite boss in Calamity so I was really eager to see what it was like in infernum also I would like to mention that this is in the old version in the new infernum update this boss was completely reworked on attempt one I was doing really good since the attack patterns were super simple for now then at 70% calamitus disappeared and instead she spawned cataclysm and catastrophe and now I had to fight them but that was super easy because I'm just that guy oh that was close this is pretty easy for now okay one down just got one left two down after I beat the brothers it was just calamitous left and its attacks became a lot harder to dodge come on this is hard okay how do I dodge okay I just dodged in last phase I think maybe hopefully and I ended up losing but after I died I finally realized that the combination potions weren't giving me extra life so I went back and got a bunch of regular potions I also remembered that because I had faros turned on if I had 30 of a specific potion in my inventory I would get the effect permanently so I bought a lot of potions and after getting higher than a satellite I tried attempt two and I have to admit this fight was so fun [Music] oh is that a desperation phase it is easy bro oh my God halfway done with the mod holy definitely my favorite yet anyways the calamitous Clone dropped me a broken hero sword and also a new material called ashes of Calamity which I needed to make some upgrades I first made a melee weapon called brim lash which shot like a sword that exploded into many other swords and homed into enemies and as cool as that was I didn't really use it too much because I upgraded my fractured Arc from earlier into the Arc of Cosmos which was seriously good since it now shot homing stars and the par function was even stronger then I headed to the Jungle to look for a planta bulb and while doing so I found like this mini structure with these weird planta like bulbs well you see those actually were plantar bulbs guess how I found that out oh oh oh oh my God okay I didn't realize that was going to oh well this is bad I I don't have a good Arena this is really bad I was doing really good in this fight since planta didn't have a lot of attacks and the only attacks it did have were very easy to dodge and I was easily able to get it down to phase two where it transformed and had a whole new set of attacks and the attacks took some getting used to but I was eventually able to do it and I now believed that I could win well I accidentally broke a Queen B spawner and spawned the Queen B and at first I didn't really mind her too much because I thought I could easily overpower her with my current gear that ended up being a huge mistake don't stuck before I started attemp two I actually set up an arena and also made sure that there weren't any more spawners around me then I completely sharded on Plantera oh my God this is oh bro how am I supposed to dodge this okay God damn this is hard my damage is [Music] insane it's one parry and over yep that was pretty easy plant dropped me a new material called living shards and using those I made a spear called the teral Lance which was pretty sick then I made a mechanical glove and went mining for the new perennial ore which started spawning once I beat planta using that perennial I got I made Reaver armor the Reaver armor set bonus was pretty good since it had a lot of regen Buffs and also a thing called Reaver Rage which has a 25% chance of activating once you get hit and it increases damage by 30% after that I headed to the abyss because after beating the calamitous Clone enemies down there start dropping new materials called depth cells and luminal but I could only reach a a certain point before it caused my breath to run out a lot quicker then after farming enemies for a while I ran into the colossal squid which is a post Moon Lord enemy and I got annihilated using the materials I got I made some new weapons first a melee weapon called flood Tite that shot sharkron then another melee weapon called typhon's greed which just spun around and spawn like these bubbles that circled around you and finally a magic weapon called hadal ear that just shed out a lot of stuff afterwards I went to the dungeon to look for ectoplasm so I could combine them with the Essences to turn them into cores because by combining the cores you could craft a core of Calamity which I needed to craft a new Shield I also needed an an Shield but that was super easy to get cuz The Alchemist NPCs sold everything I needed then once I crafted the an shield and a core of Calamity I was able to craft the asgard's Valor which gave me some amazing Buffs I then made made an anarchy blade not because I wanted to use it but just because it looked so sick then after beating the Clone again I upgraded my true costic Edge into the Tyrant yarm's Ultra sword that was really hard to say and I don't know if it's because of the looks or its attacks but I fell in love with the sword because not only did it home but it also gave me some insane damage Buffs I also made a necklace of vexation which gave me 20% increased damage when under 50% life and also made my attacks poison enemies when pair with the Reaver armor then I headed to the ocean to set up an arena because it was time to get my get back after waiting a while I was able to find the question mark question mark question mark entity and spawned anahita as I got ready to get my revenge I felt the blood of my ancestors course through me while I prepared myself to beat this woman let's go bro I've never been this hyped for kill someone before bro she absolutely humiliated did me last time now it's my turn I don't understand how I died to it this is easy as hell when I got anahita down to 50% oh my God it's the ugly best friend holy I hate this oh and I swear I felt like I was playing undertale at this point but good thing I've played undertale a lot because I was doing really good what you got tubby tub tubs this is easy and water balloon oh my god oh [Music] then when I got it low enough both anahita and Leviathan came out and started tag team me and at one point anahita started riding Leviathan not even going to lie that was cool as [Music] hell oh there [Music] okay almost took it down easy bro I'm almost Max Health too bro this I'm telling you this is is [Music] easy now that I had taken out the red mod I could now easily focus on [Music] anahita easiest boss in the mod what can I say bro first try I'm just that guy I'm just build like that Leviathan and anahita dropped me an accessory called the community and it gave me a lot of Buffs that became stronger as you progress through the game also I once again equipped the dataless armor because I don't even know at this point anyways the next boss is called estam orus and it's supposed to be fought in the astral biome but a trick I knew from my previous playthroughs of Calamity was to just use the contaminator and astral solution that you can buy from the steampunker to turn a sky island into an astral Island and you can use that to spawn it since it doesn't really enrage when you leave the biome I could just fight it on my regular Arena to be completely honest this boss is usually one of my least favorite bosses in Calamity so I was really wondering how they would make this one different and let's just say they really pulled through it literally felt like I was playing too or is it Toho I don't know I've never played [Music] it now bro this is insane this is in I love it though this is so oh my God this [Music] I'm oh [Music] oh oh my NPCs all my [Music] NP as you saw that fight was absolutely crazy and I loved it like actually loved it so much okay it dropped me a melee weapon called the nebul Lash that was really good especially for the next boss I think I don't remember if I used it and as I read the script I don't want to take my hands off the keyboard because I'm really lazy but that really makes you wonder is this considered lazy because I'm actually anyways I headed to the lizard temple and quickly set up an arena but before we go any further let me say this have you ever wondered what it would be like if undertale wasn't Terraria no well me neither but The Inferno devs did because damn they literally turned my man into an undertale boss oh my God bro what the hell oh holy oh oh okay okay this is oh I got to I got to steal on my toes wo whoo whoo whoo this is this is surprising oh hi I'm loving this fight so far as you can see the attacks in this fight were very choreographed so I had to very closely learn the attack patterns to beat this boss but that wasn't really a huge problem nor was it too different from the previous bosses right and that is until it came down to this attack what was that watch your J bro watch your like how the hell am I supposed to dodge that [Music] I'm pretty sure that was a glitch because I still have no idea how to dodge that attack but anyways once I learned its patterns the fight became a lot easier that again okay um come on what the hell is this now he's going to die I know I keep saying this but oh my God I was enjoying this mod so much at this point and it only got better I didn't feel like fighting Golem again so I bought a bunch of its treasure bags so I could get a melee weapon it dropped the AIS blade was a sword that was both true melee and ranged since by left clicking it created explosions once it hit enemies and once you right clicked it shot some really high damaging projectiles afterwards I bought a potion of omnisense and headed to the abyss because now that I had the pixa I could mine the scoria or down there once I had enough scoria I I made a fire Gauntlet because in Calamity you need scoria to craft it and also new hydrothermic armor now since I had cryonic perennial and scoria by combining them I could now craft a new material called life alloy and using that I made a bunch of new weapons this Shield called The Shield of the high ruler I get it high ruler cuz you know like high rule High ruler okay and also this thing called miracle fruit which like the blood orange permanently increased my health The Shield of the high ruler was an upgrade to the shield of kadula and like that Shield you could use it to dash however when you dashed into enemies it bounced you back something that I was not a fan of so despite its great Buffs for melee I decided to switch back to the asgard's Valor for the weapons to be honest most of them were pretty useless other than this weapon called the omniblade that was true melee but it did a ton of damage and also looked cool then I headed to the Jungle to look for these new plague themed enemies that started spawning after I beat golum so I could get new materials called plague sell canisters so that I could craft the Abomination the spawner for the next boss called the plaguebringer Goliath o oh I forgot I spawned oh I don't like the colors why is it so ugly the plaguebringer's main way of attacking you was dashing at you a lot and also shooting nukes at you then after some attempts I headed to the Sur because even though the plaguebringer enrages on the surface I just hated how the background looked in the hive but to be fair I was doing a lot better on the surface and when I got the plaguebringer down low enough it used what is probably my favorite attack in Inferno these weird bees came out shooting like lasers and you have to take the bees out to break the formation so you can escape and I really love that attack it was just so cool get this [Music] off once I was done setting up an arena I tried my some big number attempt at the plaguebringer oh not bro this attack is so sick I don't I don't even know I love this attack okay just got to get the timing right it's good o nice nuclear core generated initiating build procedure what oh wait that's the Drone when I got the plaguebringer Down 2 10% it had this weird phase where it just dashed at you while nukes rain from the sky and that was for real cinematic 3% 2% 1% easy easy easy okay let's go that was fun bro I I'm in love with this I love this mod okay oh my God that was so fun anyways I got these two plague themed weapons from the plague Brer then using the infected armor plating the plaguebringer dropped I made a weapon called the exalted oath blade which as you might have guessed was the upgrade to the Forbidden oath blade from earlier and like that it shot flaming sides except in a different formation now then I decided to fight the Duke next I crafted a fishing rod and headed to talk to the Sea King NPC who was now selling truffle worms but I don't remember why I had a change of mind and decided to fight the Empress of light next I bought some Prismatic lace swings from the drunken princess and spawned in the empress oh what the hell oh oh they hurt oh oh oh and let me just quickly mention that this fight is special bro how am I supposed to DOD oh they home okay of course they home of course they do oh what the hell what the hell what the hell what what okay okay okay I am not I can't I I'm I'm so bad I am awful at this game yeah so as you saw the fight was psychotic but still I was super excited does this make me a masochist anyways on attempt two I was able to get the empress down to 70% and she transformed into her second phase and all her attacks changed oh oh second pH okay I didn't even realize oh o okay okay okay uh come on left right right left right and literally on my second attempt I was able to get her down low enough where this happened did what wait wait wait wait wait wait what the hell okay oh since I was fighting for my life I wasn't able to get a good view at the empress but let's just say she was going through something off screen anyways after an attempt in which I did horribly I decided to fight the Duke to get a weapon it dropped and honestly maybe I'm just remembering it wrong but the Duke wasn't that much different from normal love the Sprite looks sick okay for a shares they look different I guess oh second [Music] phase oh come on okay oh what the what the pillars oh my God no no no barely does any damage though I will say I think I might just beat him he doesn't really do a lot of damage [Music] okay maybe it's cuz I'm melee I don't know yeah this was probably the easiest boss I fought so far which is why I was easily able to farm it for a while but after beating it so many times I gave up and just decided to buy a bunch of treasure bags and that way I was able to get the Bry Baron which wasn't anything too special at first but once you right click it shot a homing razor blade projectile but honestly the damage was so bad that I couldn't help but feel disappointed anyways it was now time to head back to the empress to try more attempts no bro what die but after losing my sanity I decided to fight the ravager to see if the melee weapon it dropped was any good I crafted the death whistle and spawned it in I have said this before and I will say it again the ravager is the golum of Calamity which is why the infernum devs gave it the golum treatment and turned him into an undertale boss in its first phase it just tried to crush you while also creating these blood splashes that you had to oh that's so nasty bro it's peeing all over me until you take out all its appendages and its head comes off and start shooting lasers at you while the ravager tries to crush you with these walls I I don't keep saying this like it genuinely feels like I'm playing under taale bro ooh oh it's a drill now or whatever you call it oh what okay fire pillar [Music] oh oh [Music] it's pretty easy though as long as I stay away from it this fight's pretty easy to be honest yeah that was way too easy they got to buff him bro that was nuty and yeah I was able to beat it on my first attempt and I take back what I said about the Duke this was the easiest boss I thought so far anyways the ravager dropped me an accessory called the blood packed which doubled my HP and made potions a lot more effective but it also made me more likely to be critically hit 25% more then at this point I couldn't really make any more upgrades and it was just a matter of attempts on the empress come on we got it we got it easy easy easy all right okay that was close why the and eventually I was once again able to get her down really low and she turned into the moon oh oh my God bro no way no what what the hell was that [Music] my god oh okay 5% oh uh is it going to stop okay to I look at [Music] her come on 2% 1% please don't have another face please okay oh oh oh is she dead I think she's dead I think I I don't oh see had me scared there yeah that fight was absolutely crazy but it also became my favorite and do I really need to explain why then right after it was time for me to try attempts at the lunatic cultist oh what the cultist doing the cultist as you might have guessed had very projectile heavy attacks in which he shot different elements at you and also created a barrier around you which is going to be a pretty common theme for the next couple of bosses [Music] and of course he has a laser attack oh come on [Music] bro oh my oh my God lagging then after some really awful attempts okay oh [Music] oh my God I was finally starting to understand the attack patterns kind of okay oh no I hate lasers it's going pretty good I think oh [Music] and when I finally killed it it had a final attack that really caught me off guard of course of course of course of course okay oh okay I survived I survived oh my God that was 20 Health then right after I headed to the solar pillar because the solar fragments are used to make melee equipment and there wasn't really a lot of difference there other than enemies dropping a new material called meld blobs using the solar fragments I crafted a solar eruption and headed right to the nebula pillar and using the materials from that I crafted the grand Guardian then I turned the meld blobs into a new material called meld construct and used that to craft the entropic Claymore which shod these homing plasma bolts and the grand Guardian created explosions once it had enemies then I killed my PC trying to take out the vortex pillar and once I took it down I headed to the sky to look for a mini boss called the cloud Elemental and I spent about 20 minutes looking for it only to realize much later that it only spawns while it's raining so I talked to the Abomination NPC and started the rain then I was easily able to find it I had to farm it for a long while but I was eventually able to get the storm saber and I upgraded it Into the Storm ruler which was a sord that created tornadoes once it hit enemies the next boss is up for estrom deos and the bft vessel a new infernum boss then I got some pumpkins so I could start the Pumpkin Moon event and while I waited for those to grow I headed to the astral biome to grab the astral Beacon which I needed to spawn the next boss but it can only be spawned at night so I headed to the desert to fight the Great Sand Shark because I thought that the item needed to fight the bre vessel was dropped by the Great Sand Shark a mini boss that you fight in the desert I was wrong and I realized it much later but pretty much you could just craft the sandstorms core with just some basic materials so I crafted it and headed to the underground desert to look for a lost Coliseum because the description said that I could use it there and once I finally found the structure I went to this pedestal and when I used the sandstorm score on it this happened oh that's the boss oh what okay arus just by looking at the boss you could tell that this fight was going to be different because you don't usually get to fight many player like bosses in Terraria mods and when you do get to fight them they're always incredible and I'll let you be the judge of whether this boss is amazing or not let me give you a hint there's only one right answer what the hell is that what's he doing shaking the Great Sand whoa okay D that's cool that's cool holy Bro they're tag teaming [Music] me oh my God this is fun oh my God oh my God oh my [Music] God why is he he's mad [Music] is that it oh that was pretty that was fun that was hard that was fun I loved it I love that that was amazing yeah that fight was so cool not even going to lie and its drops were even better mainly this melee weapon called the mirale that was a spear which you threw when you left clicked and when it hit enemies it called down lightning on them and when you right clicked you dashed and this was so useful when trying to quickly Dodge attacks then I used the Titan heart on the astral Beacon to spawn the next boss called Asom deos and honestly I'm kind of tired of speaking so I won't really explain this boss just appreciate the gorgeous Graphics in this fight [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] astram orus dropped me this weapon called the microwave which definitely lived up to its name then I headed to the astral biome to mine the astral or there because after beating astram deals you can do that now and using that I upgraded my Biome blade into the true biome blade which was a lot cooler now since now you could combine the effects of two biomes into one for example by pairing the forest atunement with other attunements you now always shot projectiles there was also this new astral biome one that charged up and propelled you then I crafted the pumpkin Medallion and started the Pumpkin Moon so I could get the Horseman's blade and it took a long time but I did get it and now I could turn it into the baleful Harvester which was not good cuz the damage was just plain awful anyways I headed to the last pillar and took it down which caused Moon Lord to spawn wao wao wait wait wait wait huh huh wait come huh and honestly that really caught me off guard since there was no delay like there usually is I gu survived this come on now during the fight there was this attack with these weird black balls that were seriously hard to dodge since you can't really see them now I want you to keep this in mind because those will be really important later on I then made a Celestial Sizzle and the pain started oh my god oh oh oh oh I keep okay there why is there a barrier now I want you to keep an eye on this eye do you see those little black projectiles it's shooting out no me neither which is why the entire fight I was super confused on what was hitting me since I sometimes saw these random slett on the screen oh that's so hard to predict what just hit me why did I take I took so much [Music] damage oh oh damn the mirale is goated for dodging though my God and it homes bro this is this is the best weapon for this fight then after all that I finally realized what was causing the weird black attacks my greater danger sense potion literally turned most of the attacks black and when I finally realized that I beat Moon Lord come oh it's so easy to see everything I can I can see the attack whoa that's what was hitting me okay this this is so easy now and then this happened literally this my footage ends here you see I had accidentally paused my footage I didn't realize this till after I beat Moon Lord so in order to try and fix it I just Al F4 and hoped that my world didn't get corrupted and luckily it didn't so I was able to revert to a previous point in time I also lost about an hour of attempts and footage but it's all good I think okay now I got to beat it again because I didn't record the first time don't you love life bro oh my God OBS is so good [Music] oh yeah this might this might be my end maybe not I'm actually doing pretty [Music] good damn I'm doing surprisingly good okay okay I wasn't might just beat [Music] it what the hell is that I'm just kidding I already knew that was coming cuz I've already beaten it [Music] [Music] [Music] once [Music] I don't even have the energy for a reaction anymore I'll just overlay somebody else's reaction to be honest this is it we're finally on the last stage of the game almost there guys you might have been wondering this entire time when the Real Pain starts because I mentioned in my intro that I had a total of around a thousand deaths in this play through but so far I've only died around 100 times well you see post Moon Lord is when it all started going downhill first thing I did was open my treasure bag which gave me a lot of luminite and also a Celestial onion that was an item like the demon heart because it gave me an extra accessory slot then after making a lot of luminite bars it was time for upgrades I'll try and get through these quick I first made solar flare armor then I made a lot of weapons the elemental Lance was a spear that shot a projectile but split into a bunch of other projectiles the Stellar Striker is a true melee weapon which shoots down luminite when it hits enemies the Stellar contemp was just like a platin hammer except now like the Stellar Striker it also shoots down lunar flares when it hits enemies the soul s Claymore is a sword which according to the wiki shoots different projectiles depending on the real time of the year but I'm not going to test all that the Arc of the elements the next upgrade to the fractured arkline and now you threw the sword every fifth swing and it was also a scissor blade that was honestly so satisfying to use next up was rem's Revenge which was a flail I don't know who REM is but she must not want revenge that bad because this one weapon was just trash the great sord of judgment spawned these homing orbs that shot more projectiles once they exploded the playkeepers was the upgrade to The Beekeeper and like that it shot bees and also a plague Cloud now finally the elemental shift to be completely honest I made this weapon as a joke because it was a short sword everybody knows that short swords are garbage right no this weapon was broken it was insane just look at it it homed and did so much damage then after making taking a luminite pickaxe I headed to space to look for a new Sky Island which was made up of a new material called exodium cluster and the inside was made out of luminite then I went to the sky Dron lab to grab Cinder plates and after buying a rod of discard from The Wizard I was able to craft the normality relocator which was an item that allowed me to teleport by just having it in my inventory and binding a key now that I was done with all my upgrades it was now time to address the problem I encountered all the way back in prehard mode the profane Gardens a new Inferno biome did not spawn in my world and this was a huge problem because you have to fight two bosses in there in order to be able to progress through the world so to try and fix this problem I downloaded T edit which allows you to edit your Terraria worlds one of those edits being copy and paste so I copied the profane Gardens from run world into my world and that's it right that was super easy until it wasn't because tea edit is only made for vanilla Terraria it didn't copy the damn thing over just the walls and at this point I didn't really know what to do so I went to the infernum Discord to ask for help and when I got there luckily someone had run into the same issue and I was able to follow the advice put in there I installed a mod called cheat sheet which allows you to copy and paste blocks so I use that to copy and paste the profane garden and profane Temple into my world I'm not going to get too much into the specifics just know it took like 2 hours anyways once I was done with that I went and farmed a lot of these new profane themed enemies that started spawning once I beat Moon Lord because they dropped a material called Unholy Essence which I needed to craft the profane Shard I went to the alter in the profane garden and used the profane Shard on it and spawned the profane Guardians oh why do they look like that oh did the new update like give them a new look okay okay pick out the other two and then I can beat the one in the [Music] circle so from attempt one I learned that there are three Guardians the defender healer and Commander and the commander is the main one that you have to beat to end the fight but in order to damage it you have to take out the other two Guardians bro they move around so much I'm so lucky I got this weapon cuz it's so easy to like Target them with this and once I did that the commander started a new phase which was honestly really hard I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing I'm just moving around I'm just moving around what the hell what the hell okay okay oh oh oh oh God damn it I think oh I beat it think what the oh no wait I did beat it huh that's it that was it second try damn the Guardians dropped me a bunch of stuff a war Banner of the sun which increased my melee damage and speed up to 20% depending on how close I am to enemies a thing called the wayfinder which allowed me to set up a gate and easily teleport to it and finally the profane core which was used to spawn another boss but before that it was time to find armed the Guardians so I could get the relic of convergence and this is when I realized something I got really lucky on my previous attempt then once I got The Relic which was an item that healed me once I used it but also made me a lot slower while using it I went to the temple and there the crystal blocking me broke and I was able to enter the temple and there I found another altar on which I can use the profane core to spawn the boss but before that I decided to fight the dragon Folly to get a weapon it dropped called The Sword explosion I crafted the Exotic feromon and headed to the Jungle to fight it oh okay oh starting off strong I guess oh my God lightning already okay damn the dragon Folly's first phase was pretty basic since it just dashed at me shot some feathers and occasionally summoned lightning then around 70% it created these two laser pillars around me and its attacks changed and became harder to Doge diagonal okay oh my God okay bro let me breathe [Music] oh oh oh what's it doing okay desperation phase I think no no no uh then at 15% it entered its desperation phase and became a lot more aggressive my frames okay oh God damn it okay that was actually pretty easy I'm just I'm just acting guys the dragon Folly dropped me a material called eant feathers which was useless for me right now and also a magic weapon but no sword explosion so it was time to farm it and after a ton of farming I didn't get it so I just bought a bunch of trashbags and was able to get it that way the sword explosion looked insane but its damage was kind of low not going to lie then I made a magic weapon and also an ethereal core which increased my Mana a bit and then it was time to fight Providence the profane [Music] goddess [Music] yeah so I didn't check the time when I spawned it because Providence despawned once it turned night but then when I tried spawning it again this happened oh is it night it's night oh my God it's a night version oh oh I messed up I messed up if you're wondering why she's blue well you see there's a day and night version of Providence the night version is a lot harder than the day version and that's the one I wanted to fight but since it was night I didn't have a lot of choices oh my God okay yeah I don't think I'm winning this I'm actually doing pretty good 50% okay never mind I might just do it bro okay and to be honest I was doing really good until it came down to this one attack oh my God no no no no no which even with the Infinite Flight Providence gave was seriously hard to dodge for me and that's what pretty much happened in the rest of my attempts I would do really good until I got it down to that attack and I just started fumbling okay okay this time this this this time I'll Dodge no right never mind okay God oh I dashed into it damn it like if I stay close to her okay yeah that I don't see stand a chance to that how how then once it was morning things calmed down and Providence was considerably easier oh it's morning now okay let's go let's go oh her attacks are slower I think and you can actually see them a lot easier bro am I tripping or do her attacks barely do any damage oh my God that's yeah this is [Music] easy not this attack okay okay okay what damn I actually did it okay it's over it's over it's over it's over this is easy let's go I'm already calling it this is the attempt oh oh okay oh yeah I'm pretty much Max Health it's over unless there's like a desperation phase I I think the thing is over did I beat her yes I did let's go let's go though man this boss was just so fun probably the last enjoyable boss because after this I wanted to delete this game Providence dropped me a rune of cost which will be important soon and also a shield called Elian Aegis which allowed me to bind a key that when pressed down increased my damage by 15% and defense by 40 but also slowed me down considerably I also got a material called Divine geode which I used to make a galus blade morning star and a seething scorcher the Galactus blade was the upgrade to the star wrath and like that it summoned a lot of fallen stars at the cursor's location the morning star was the upgrade to the solar eruption and behaved very similarly and finally the sething scorcher was the upgrade to the possessed Hatchet and like that it bounced between enemies then I went mining for a new ore called Uli Bloom which started spawning after beating [Music] Providence once I had enough I used it to make Teragon armor and the set bonus for that allowed me to cloak myself in life energy which reduced enemy contact damage for 10 seconds but to be honest I completely forgot about this then I made the badge of bravery and aar's Insignia both of them gave me some nice melee Buffs then once again I made a lot of weapons the only really important ones this time were the true tyan Ultra sword which was the final upgrade in the costic edge line and the Terra toir which was an upgrade to the terrablade and it shot a projectile that exploded on impact but the real damage came when you got close to enemies and it was insanely good then I headed to the brimstone crack to farm enemies for a while because after being Providence enemies start dropping a material called Bloodstone and that can be combined with another material called phantoplasm which is dropped by enemies in the dungeon to make some nice items since I couldn't craft anything using the Blood Stone I got ready to fight the Sentinels of the dour devour Devourer you know the Rune of cost Providence dropped well you can use that in different biomes to fight the Sentinels the storm Weaver in space signus in hell and the ceaseless void in the dungeon each boss drops a material which can be combined to make the spawner for another boss called the devour of gods just by the name you can tell about that fight is going to be like I first started off with the storm [Music] Weaver oh okay damn okay that's actually kind of hard in the beginning of the fight the storm Weaver is super slow and barely takes any damage well that's because its main area of taking damage was its tail which to be hon us is really hard to hit so instead of aiming for the tail for the extra damage I just decided to focus on dodging and I was able to get it down to 90% And it shut the armor it had on and became a lot faster and harder holy Bro the light okay okay what the hell how do I dodge that oh my God but now it also took more damage oh A I'm dead I'm dead 30 Health okay I got to focus I got to focus on dodging oh bro the elemental ship is still goated oh my God come on come on come on 30% [Music] oh oh this isn't right oh my God oh my [Music] God come on I hate these attack I hate this attack so much oh God damn it oh oh wait I beat it oh my God yeah this fight was insanely hard I don't even know how I beat it but I know for a fact that I won't be fighting it again anyways I got the armored shelza dropped so I headed straight to hell to fight nness it going to disappear where is it why does it have a health bar is it is it on purpose or am I [Music] glitching signus's whole theme is being like a shadow assassin or whatnot which is why they removed his health bar and to be honest that was more so annoying then cool is it is it is it a new phase I don't know I think so I can where's the health oh oh what where did that before attemp two I crafted another double obsidian bridge to expand my Arena a bit I placed it a bit too low so I just manually created some space and to be honest that was good enough for now oh oh oh come on come on let's go let's go oh damn it oh the Ninja the Ninja potion saved me how do I dodge that I don't get I don't understand my God holy that was close okay oh my God 20 Health oh my bro I got to stop saying oh my God whoop do two Sentinels down just got the ceaseless void left anyways after farming the Goblin Army I used the twisting nether to craft the ather flux Cannon which was a [Music] magic [Music] he [Music] yeah so I had completely forgotten about the fact that when you kill enough Phantoms Spirits the polter gas spawns and oh my God was this dude creepy like actually this was weird as hell it was nothing like I was expecting because in vanilla polter gas is usually like planta in the dungeon but now it was a weird spider-like creature and even though I like the idea I was not a fan of this boss anyways then I crafted the spawner for polterghast [Music] and time to start the death [Music] Montage after some deaths I fought Providence again to get more Divine geodes because I had completely forgotten to craft the Elder Berry which was also a permanent Health upgrade I also made my Arena a lot bigger because of how hard it was to dodge the attacks [Music] [Music] after contemplating my life decisions for a while I decided to make the devil's sun rise which I didn't make earlier because it requires a ton of farming [Music] after about half an hour of farming I was able to craft it and since it was a terragrim upgrade it functioned very similarly but now it also spawned this ball at my cursor that inflicted the brimstone flames debuff on enemies and now prepared with my new sword I was enthusiastic and ready to triumph over the next [Music] boss but it wasn't that great one of the biggest problems I was having was dodging the spiral of projectiles poter gas spawns because when it spawns those it doesn't stop attacking you and that was really hard to deal with especially with that little lag the platforms have when you try and drop from them so I installed this mod called drop platform faster because I didn't want to hammer all my platforms so I could fall faster and it allowed me to fall through the platforms without any lag holding me back but even that wasn't enough to overcome my lack of skill [Music] so I gave in and decided to switch to the Mage class I made a bunch of new magic weapons although the only ones I really used were the prince which saw projectiles that split into smaller projectiles and homed and the divine retribution that spawned a lot of homing Spears and it also did some really good damage then after buying a bunch of nanites I was able to craft a magic armor set called the Prismatic armor and it had a set bonus that started a whole light show at my cursor then once I made some Mage accessories and increased my Mana using a comet Shard I was ready and to be honest Mage was definitely a lot better and we also see this movement y'all see the skill let's go okay no no no no I'm stuck okay so after some attempts I was able to take down fter Gast okay okay I got it I got it o oh this is the attempt this is attempt bro I'm calling it I'm calling it oh what the hell is whoa whoa what's happening what's what what is that what is that okay B I hit that this attack gu I hate this attack please 5 4 3 2 2 2 one one one one one please please please please okay it's over oh my God that was insane oh what the hell is it okay it's over what the hell is this what what what no no no no what now that I actually knew about the desperation phase I was able to beat polterghast this time this time this time this time I know what to do oh no no I don't I don't I don't know what to do okay I just got please oh no no I got it I got it oh bro the blurring potion what who oh okay okay thank God okay it's over what the hell's still going bro yo bro I give up I give up I'm the ninja potion oh finally bro oh my God that was oh oh what was that what was oh my God yeah as you can tell I wasn't really a fan of this boss either poter guest dropped me a material called run the soul and an accessory called Affliction which gave me a bunch of amazing Buffs after buying some treasure bags I was able to get the Fades reveal the terror blade and the bansi hook the teror blade was a pretty basic projectile sword the banshe hook shot five sides every swing that pierced through blocks and enemies and the Fades reveal created these little flame droplets around me that followed me around it's very similar to the high rod all the way from preh Hard Mode now it was time for the runess soul upgrades I first made blood flare armor then I made a death Ascension Dark Spark crescent moon and finally the Galileo Gladius the Dark Spark was the upgrade to the last prism and like that it slowly got stronger and now instead of converting from a bunch of colors into one color it split from one color into more colors the longer you held in the death Ascension was a six Scythe with two modes of attack a true melee attack when you right clicked and a ranged attack with a bunch of phantom sides when you left click the crescent moon was just a basic flail finally Galileo Gladius was a short sword and was definitely my favorite out of the bunch since it was not only super fast and did a lot of damage but it also homed I made a phantom heart to increase my Mana for the last time and grabbed my Abyssal diving gear and headed to the abyss to beat all the mini bosses down there because after be polter guest the enemies down there start dropping new materials the colossal squid didn't drop anything too important but the reaper shark drops a material called Reaper tooth which can be used to make a bunch of upgrades there was also the adalon worm that drops a really good melee weapon but I didn't get it I also found a test at the bottom of the abyss and in there found the Terminus which is an item used to spawn the Boss Rush but we're far from doing that right now anyways I did have this funny moment when I tried entering the sulfurous SE oh oh no oh no God damn it oh oh is it coming after me uh oh well whoopsies yeah so the adult adalon war is a super boss that is usually supposed to be fought after all bosses and it spawns when you have the chaos stay debuff active and enter the Abyss but me being that guy I wasn't just going to back down nah I was prepared and determined to take it down 96% bro W I'm actually doing really good okay never mind oh then I made a whole Abyssal diving suit and once again farmed for a [Music] while then I made the last morning Neptune's Bounty and also a Reaper tooth necklace to increase my armor penetration and damage the last morning was true melee and upon hitting enemies spawned mning skulls and flaming pumpkins to home into the enemy and the Neptune's Bounty fired infinitely piercing Trident that rained smaller Trident as they traveled then with that I was ready to fight the next boss in order to fight the next boss you have to beat the third and final tier of the acid Rin event in which new Mini bosses and enemies annoy the Absol solute living out of you I hate this I hate this I hate this so much oh God Bro oh why is this so boring and once you finally get through all the pain and suffering are you graced with the authority to challenge The Old Duke who in regular Calamity in my opinion is the worst boss and let's just say infernum doesn't help my opinion since I didn't want to go through the hellish acid Rin event again this time I went looking for blood warms which are kind of like truffle warms since by using them you can also spawn the Duke and once I found enough it was time to try more and more attempts against this old ye ass redneck come on come at me I bro I can't even get hyped I'm so I'm so irritated a I hate this boss annoying just go okay stupid that please don't I don't want to die I'm [Music] tired actually pissing me off I hate this I hate this guy why is why is he so why is he so annoying what's wrong with him yeah so after a bunch of attempts I was seriously starting to hate myself so I just gave up on the spos it wasn't worth the 3 years in therapy instead I ended up with a decade worth of therapy because of the next boss I crafted the cosmic worm and it was time to start attempts at the next boss the devour of Sanity oh yeah I've seen damn all who that's [Music] beautiful [Music] the whole gimmick in this fight is that you have to exploit the immunity frames you get by dashing and you have to dash into the devour to avoid being hit because being hit head on by the dour's head usually means instant death and to be honest this was insanely hard to get used to but at one point I was able to get decent at it and was able to get the devour down to 80% and it literally pulled the this isn't my final form and started its second phase what's it doing what's it doing so after that attempt I decided to head to the abyss again to farm adalon worms for a while to get the soul Edge uh melee weapon that was apparently really good against the Devourer and yeah it was amazing since it shot homing Phantom spirits and did really good damage it wasn't the best but it was extremely consistent and that's what matters the most and using that I was doing a lot [Music] better okay I'm starting to get in the flow okay okay I'm starting to get the flow of this fight kind of oh what the hell oh oh oh my God oh oh [Music] no what's it doing oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my [Music] God what the hell how how how huh okay oh but then after this my files got corrupted and I lost about 100 attempts worth of footage but pretty much what I did in those 100 attempts was craft the Omega blue armor set which isn't technically a melee armor set but it gives you an insane damage increase however it not only sacrifices defense but also life regen since you don't respawn life naturally when you have this armor on instead it gives you these tentacles around you that heal you once they touch enemies the armor set bonus is also insane since it gives you a Shard buff called Abyssal Madness which increases your damage Dage by 10% and makes your tentacles a lot more aggressive which is really good to get sh bursts of damage in and also to easily heal up and with these upgrades to be completely honest I was starting to get really good at this fight that is until I came down to the last phase which was seriously hard for me bro I couldn't even do [Music] anything [Music] okay okay Max health I got this i got this okay [Music] okay [Music] I got hit twice God o okay okay okay got it 10% it's 15% I got it I got it okay oh my God oh my God oh my [Music] God no what how [Music] what in case you're wondering yes I also tried switching classes to Mage but Mage ended up being worse than melee H the damage isn't that [Music] good okay let me let me shut up let me Focus how did I get [Music] hit [Music] no [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh it's not going to start a final phas is it is it over oh my God oh my God I did it it's over it's over it's over it's so oh my God that was it's over it's finally over that was so hard holy that was hard it's finally over oh my god oh I don't know how to feel about this boss it took about 300 attempts for me to beat it which is around twice the amount of deaths I had the entire playthrough so I don't know but at the same time I did feel myself improving each and every attempt at least until that last phase that definitely needs a bit of rework in my opinion and since the fight is super high paced and gorgeous to look at it didn't didn't feel too exhausting to fight this boss over and over again and I was genuinely proud of myself for overcoming this insane obstacle but after this there's only four bosses left who are also all huge obstacles the devour dropped a material called cosmalite bars and the infernum devs knew that most people wouldn't want to fight it again which is why they made the Devar drop a lot more bars than necessary and I definitely didn't exploit that later the dog also dropped me a melee weapon called excelsus and I used that to spread through a solar eclipse because after beating the dog enemies in the solar eclipse Pumpkin Moon and frost moon start dropping new materials which can be combined and turn into the ascendant Spirit Essence but for now using the cosmalite and darkson fragments I got I was able to make a lot more weapons but almost all of them ended up being [Music] [Music] irrelevant other than the Galaxia which was the second last upgrade to the biome blade line and now you didn't need to go to the other biomes to switch modes since they come built in now and all you have to do to switch through them is right click I then started the Pumpkin Moon to get Nightmare fuel then the frost moon to get endothermic energy once I had all three I was able to craft the Ascend and spirit Essence and using that I upgraded pretty much all of my accessories made a lot of new weapons and also made God Slayer armor and it set bonus gave gave me a really long Dash from the next batch of weapons the only one I used was the devil's Devastation and I think it's pretty self-explanatory why then after farming Dark Maes for a while I made the Gaze of Chris Tamir would spawn a sick Dragon like come on now then I used the jungle dragon egg to spawn in yaron the dragon of rebirth and the first thing I did was get off the damn Dragon because its horizontal acceleration was awful the next thing I did was die a lot yeah this fight was super hard like I said the last couple of bosses are insanely hard but this fight in particular was hard because like the devour you have to constantly Dash into yaron in order to not take any damage bro it straight up evaporated me but unlike the devour there's not really a pattern that you can really get used to at least I wasn't able to find one the only way I was able to figure out one to Dash was to listen to the audio cues since yaron always makes a sound before dashing there was also this part in the fight where yaron started glowing and leaving behind Flames every time it dashed then after a ton of attempts life came up and I didn't play for about two weeks because I didn't have a lot of time so I lost motivation until one day I decided to stream it yep you heard that right I streamed myself playing infernum nowadays I randomly stream all sorts of stuff not just Terraria so if you want to see me record my playthroughs be sure to hit that Teensy Wy Bell you see right there uh man it's more there's a lot of pattern recognition you know the damage is pretty good but like it's it's it's killing my PC oh where heal heal heal heal I just got to last I just got to last for like two more seconds I oh oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh no we got it we got it we got it then at one point I was able to get yaron down to 50% and it started a new phase second phase uhoh I'm oh yeah I'm not my health is too low for this phase I'm dead this phase is super hard in which it was a lot more aggressive created fire tornadoes and shot a lot more Fireballs oh where's he at where's he at oh no oh no oh no that's bad that's bad that's bad that's bad this is a failed attempt this up oh oh after more deaths I decided to take out all the sky islands since they were constricting me a lot and kept blocking me when I fed oh I've been muted this whole time oh what H oops then after more attempts oh that was a bad attempt no I got it bro it's not I got it just try believe believe I can beat him as chat kept telling me to switch classes so I switched to the Mage class I Mage silver armor and also Mage weapons so this does oh that's pretty good and all of them were good but the Event Horizon was on a whole another level since it creates these homing stars all around you and does so much damage damage this does though 27,000 32,000 how am I still alive how am I still alive how am I still alive the reason I survived that long was because of the silver armor set bonus which revives you once you hit 1 HP 78,000 damage bro oh my God bro why am I doing so bro with this class I'm not even paying attention I'm reading the comments and I'm like this Mage is broken man Mage is broken Mage is broken Mage is broken don't worry I got it oh oh ah I messed up I messed up my dog I messed up my dog I got to teleport no I don't got it I don't got it I don't got it I don't got it no no if I remember correctly at 10% he has like a special attack yeah there we go there it is yeah there we go that's the attack that killed no please please please stop oh I healed I healed I healed okay okay okay I did it I did it no I I didn't do it I didn't what is what is this what is this oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no why isn't he taking any damage 1% 1% no why did I feel the need to bro no the stupid plan wide I can't Dash quick enough to dodge this I can't okay okay I I'm dead I I don't think I'm going to win this Oh no I got done oh thank God no not again not again damn it bro I was saving my by revive for this attack I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game okay I hate this attack because the do the dashes the dashes aren't quick enough my dashes aren't quick enough what what do I do what do I do what do I do my dashes aren't quick enough then on one attempt this happened bro $5 all right bro you better pay me up you better pay up I'm about to destroy this guy okay now $5 bro I got I got I got to get logged in about to bankrupt this [Music] man [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't get it I I don't I actually don't get what to do cuz my dashes aren't as fast as his attacks okay uh that was just stupid of me [Music] oh thank God my bluring potion it worked no no please please I'm begging you I'm begging you I'm begging I'm begging you is that it I need that bro give me that five bucks give me that five bucks right now as soon as that chat message popped up I started seeing dollar signs yeah what can I say five bucks is five bucks yon dropped me a material called yaron Soul fragments and a melee weapon called Dragon Rage which will be important soon and now that I had been yaron I was able to use the murasama which was not only a reference to an amazing game but it was also true melee with a huge range then I went looking for oric or I can't even mine it I forgot I need Uli Bloom pickaxe oh what what what the hell electrified moving Hearts oh I saw Mora's video on this apparently like once you get hit it like knocks you back oh my God man oh bro I'm I'm stupid once I had enough I headed home and combined it with a yaron soul fragments to craft oric bars and use those to make oric armor which is a combination of the other post Moon Lord armors and has the set bonuses of all of them then I upgrade my health by by using a dragon fruit and made a bunch of weapons it just shoots some stuff out Dragon rage spawns like these homing this is really good okay this is B while pressing oh okay oh marama we already know what it's prettyy basic but but it does good damage and the helium flash now I was ready so I crafted the aric quantum cooling cell which you can attach to the Dron station and use it to spawn the exox one of the two Final Bosses because both of the last bosses can be fought [Music] interchangeably turn wait what pick two the first Mech will be fought alone once sufficiently the second Mac will be summoned I guess this and this there's no real point in me explaining the bosses because first of all I don't really know how to explain them second of all they got reworked soon after oh what the hell was that D this fight is hard this fight is hard this fight is hard oh this boss is just if I'm being honest also sorry about the bad quality I had to use the stream footage because I lost the recording I then made a weapon called Dragon pal Dragon pal which was really good because it had a lot of range but it did also kill my PC wa that's really good I also made the altar of the cursed which was used to spawn the other final boss called Supreme calamitous all right let's see I'm thinking more Sama would be good for this cool start oh oh what the hell ooh oh my God oh my God oh my God let me zoom out oh my god oh I need to take it out oh I'm melting him I'm melting oh my God bro these two bosses are insane I think I'm I think I'm going to be hard stuck here for a [Music] while then after a ton of pain I decided to switch to the Mage class and I needed a weapon drop by yaron but I didn't want to fight it again oh really it's 70 Platinum all right bro just kill me I'll just buy his treasure bag if it's 70 I can just buy it's 112 you lying piece of which to be honest was kind of expensive but I did realize that you could sell cosmalite bars for a lot of money and since one dog treasure bag drops around 1,000 cosmolite I was easily able to get Stacks upon stacks of platinum I hit the C and I bought a lot of yaron treasure bags and was able to get yar's Crystal which was just like another last prism I also crafted another weapon called the void Vortex and time for more [Music] attempts [Music] traveling man I hate this fight I genuinely just like this fight [Applause] no yeah I don't know what the hell was happening there too after all that I didn't play infernum again for a month and in that time not only did I get a new pc but infernum also got updated and in that update they reworked not only the exox but also the adult adalon warm and they turned it into a post yaron boss so that means that we can fight it and it drops some really good weapons that can help us fight the exox I headed to the abyss to spawn it and well it definitely worked okay it's not taking any damage though why isn't it taking any damage what why is it white it's is it supposed to be white so apparently there's a new way to spawn the adalon worm in the new infernum the abyss was also reworked so I had to create another world and at the bottom of the new Abyss I found the Terminus wedged into a rock and when I broke it you found the Terminus did he eat that hold on let me uh unequip it [Music] [Music] oh my bro what do I do what the hell was that how was I supposed to DOD that how was I supposed to do I don't fight it the way the developers intended this okay how do I dodge that do I go in here oh okay I understand I see I see I'm dead uh-oh bad bad idea no oh no this [Music] circle it's not working get good it's not working get good it it didn't work yet good after a while I decided to fight yaron again in the new world because apparently the morama was really good against the warm so I tried fighting it and well use cheat cheat nah bro we don't we don't we don't cheat like that at least not on stream okay what do you mean true form this thing is this what you meant yent Phoenix Phoenix oh no oh okay oh no I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead here of the Kingdom video coming soon I say soon but it's probably going to be like 4 months no it's fine we don't need more s bro we're just I'm we're just built like that [Music] and then GG good once again came in clutch and sent me a world in which he beat yaron hey we can use Mor Sama now thank you getg good everybody thank getg good then all right everybody we're going to destroy getg good first and then we're going to go back and play infont him what the again again bro best of three best of three best of three best of three best of three come on Giga what you got let's go best of three last round last round what no no no guys just so you know I wasn't paying attention because I was streaming and reading Chad I'm not a sore loser I'm I'm just saying then on one attempt I got it down to half health and it started its new phase oh what the hell oh how do I attack it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what is that thing bro what is that set is that the Terminus oh it is oh that's cool [Music] nice wait I did it I think I think I did it oh wait what oh I didn't even realize what the hell oh what that okay I didn't even realize and yeah I eventually beat it to be honest I didn't even realize I beat it because that attempt I was I was just logged in but anyways like I mentioned before the worm drops new infernum exclusive weapons to help you with the last two bosses the eye of Madness created these tentacles that targeted all nearby enemies and the illusioner revery created like copies of the player to Target nearby enemies and and both of these were magic weapons and did some insane damage with my new mates here I was prepared and ready to beat the exox let's go let's go let's go I'm hyped I'm I'm ready bro I I'm so happy like I took down the Edon warm I can take these guys oh my God what the hell was that what okay okay [Music] that's okay okay I got them load enough oh I'm starting to get better though I'm starting to get better at this [Music] point yeah the dragon rage is still really good against Santos but H I'm just [Music] bad with each attempt I was starting to get closer and closer at beating the mech I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it oh no okay okay no and on one attempt I accidentally used the eye of Madness on Thanos and realized that it absolutely shreds it oh damn this does a lot of damage wa oh okay oh bro this eye of Madness oh my God that's like I'm melting it I'm melting I think I might oh shut up bro I he is getting melted I'm about to take it down oh I I beat it that's one EXO down bro oh holy okay okay okay okay okay okay now that now that's like that's that's crucial bro that's important that's important that's really important so I was able to take down my first exom I was able to consistently take down Thanos and I just had to learn the patterns to beat the other two I'm starting to get really good at this okay yeah it's just say attempts at this point I guess just got to focus and where oh my God is he heasy all the way oh I'm out of flight time God damn it okay I guess I lived but oh how I don't know how I survived that honestly probably not going to survive much longer though cuz of my health y oh why does he have swords is he BR why is he shooting oh my God oh my God what is this attack okay that was just [Music] confusing the eye of Madness is pretty good against Aries too now that I think about it yeah easily able to get him down to [Music] % oh oh where did that come from oh my God that was so close oh Lord oh that was [Music] close Okay 50 50 50 50 all right Thanos easy just Mel this guy easily [Music] okay okay got to set up who that was close that was close that was oh it hit me damn it okay okay I I think I'm about to take I think I'm about to take Aries down I think I'm about to take Aries down I think I'm about to take both of them down get them low if I get them down low enough then the next phase I can just easily take them down 2% 2% okay yeah yeah easy easy easy oh my God it's over it's over it's done it's done wait what they're regenerating who Okay that was that's just unfair that's oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my shut up Focus FOC FOC what is that bro oh my God please please please please no no oh [Music] my no way no way no way no way no way please please wait what wait what wait they had health left what how how they had health left though [Music] what so yeah your boy was able to take down the second last boss but as excited as I was I received some bad news and realized that in the the new update the exomax had been nerfed so um now we just have Supreme climers left and to be honest at this point I was really tired and just wanted to end the mod the exomax dropped me a mount called the EXO chair which gave me Infinite Flight and was very good for precise movements it's usually amazing in the fight against supreme calamitus but it was not good and you'll see why I also got an accessory called Ron's heart which gave you Nano machines and took away your damage from from adrenaline but instead of damage now when your adrenaline gets filled up you get healed for a lot of health and this accessory is amazing finally I got a material called EXO prisms which I used to make a Dron Forge the final crafting station and also turned the prisms into another material called Miracle matter and using those I made EXO weapons the exoblade was a melee weapon with a cool swinging animation and homing projectiles but when you right clicked you also dashed into enemies The subsuming Vortex was a magic weapon which shot homing vortexes when left clicking and when you hold right click you create like a huge vortex at your cursor that shoots smaller ones while you hold it and does a ton of damage when you let go and with that it was time to try attempts at the worst infernum boss in my opinion [Music] all after some attempts I realized that I couldn't use the exoair in the fight because I guess infernum turned it off to maximize pain what the hell you can't use the damn this Mount bro that's not fair then at one point I was able to get it down low enough for calamitus to spawn her brothers and I got jumped by both of [Music] them once I took down the brothers calamitus attacks became even harder and she started shooting lasers why why the hell does every boss have to shoot lasers I hate laser attacks I hate them I hate them so much I hate them okay oh what the hell is happening I'm so confus oh that was close again no okay this time time I got I got it I got it okay oh I got hit why what's happening I swear to God if it's another laser oh my God it is why I don't get it I don't know what to [Music] do what the hell that that's so fast then on one attempt I beat her oh my God 9% 8% let's go the stupid hand okay I I don't think I does the hand even do oh it doesn't do damage wait does it do damage or is it the projectiles oh it does do damage why am I why did I just realize this okay well anyways 1% okay this time this time oh oh she shoots projecti they home oh my God what the what what what [Music] what [Music] [Music] bro what the hell go okay okay thought you going to do damage to that oh my God so yeah I took down the last boss let's go I'm done I'm done I'm done with this mod I can finally see the sun well once I finish editing this video I can Supreme calamitus dropped me a material called ashes of annihilation which could be combined with EXO to craft Shadow spec bars and those could be used to craft a new armor set called demon shade armor and also endgame weapons wait actually there's still the Boss Rush left and I definitely didn't turn on God Mode come on you guys get it I was so tired at this point I just want to finish this mod I don't even I'm just butchering all of them I don't even care I don't even girl I just want I just want to I want to finish I want to go to sleep I want to go to sleep oh my god look guys I definitely beat all the bosses well anyways once I beat the boss rush I got a rock and a chalice of infernum nice yeah so uh that's infernum to be honest I really enjoyed this mod up until around round polter guest after that it was just a downward spiral because the bosses just started to get super annoying there's the chairless for all the bosses my total debts in this play through were 680 is if you round up 680 you get 7 Round Up 700 it's 1,000 so you know what it's not clickbait it's not I'm not was going to lie it was just masterful marketing on my part and yeah next video should be up a week or two after I post this one hope you guys enjoyed watching this I don't really know what else to say I guess I'm going to be working on non Terraria videos a lot and streaming a lot so be sure to join those thank you so much for watching have a nice [Music] day
Channel: Bijou
Views: 3,314,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terraria, Calamity, 100 Days, 100 Days In Terraria, Calamity Mod, Terraria Modded, Mods, Mod, Edit, Meme, Funny, Gaming, Game, Minecraft, Music, Fun, Interesting, Playthrough, Gameplay, Terraria Calamity Mod, Expert, Revengeance, Boss, Fight, Memes, 100 Days In Calamity Mod, Plants Vs Zombies, Entertainment, Entertaining, Dead Cells, Celeste, Days, 100, Fargo's, Eternity, PAINFUL, Fargo's Souls Mod, Eternity Mode, Fargo's Mutant Mod, Infernum, undertale, delatrune
Id: rhF0kQduhHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 41sec (10361 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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