300 days FULL MOVIE | Stardew Valley

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have you ever wanted to watch all of my 100 200 and 300 days videos back to back to back well now you can in today's feature length movie long video you'll get to watch me go from arriving onto my starju valley farm with nothing to the greatest achievement possible perfection the perfect binge watching video if you do enjoy the video don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel for more awesome saju valley videos like this and if you have a discord then there's no excuse for you not to be a part of my discord server so join that by clicking the link in the description so without further ado grab some popcorn get yourselves comfy and please enjoy [Music] day one started out as it usually does i cleared some space for the crops i was about to plant and chopped enough wood to make a chest i then went weed whacking around the valley and kept an eye out for forageables you see i want to get as many mixed seeds as i could to add to my crops any cash and farming xp in the first couple of weeks is great i also stopped in at piers to grab some extra parsnip seeds back on the farm i planted all my parsnips and used any extra forageables for energy i managed to plant and water all my parsnips and four mixed seeds which for day one was not a bad effort day two started out with watering my crops you'll hear that a lot for the next while i planted two more mixed seeds and chopped enough wood for another chest as i will be spending all day fishing i dumped some fiber and forageables in the shipping bin for a little extra cash and headed on down to the beach i met up with willy who told me about his fishing trip before handing me an old fishing rod of his so i gladly accepted the rod and took it up to the mountain lake i set up my chest and spent the rest of the day hauling in fish riveting gameplay i know but i promise this serves a greater purpose in the long run you see i wanted to get level 5 fishing and funnily enough the only way to do that is by fishing crazy right this was because i needed the level 5 perk fisher which makes fishy catch worth 25 more gold because i need that cold hard cash it was raining on day three which means you won't have to hear me complaining about having to water crops today i had most of the fish i had caught yesterday with me because i'm selling them all straight to willy i want to get my greedy hands on the fibreglass rod because this rod can use bait so i sold most of my fish and purchased the rod along with some bait to take with me back to the mountain lake and i fished all day you see this is the kind of agvc gameplay that i love dammit oh this game is so good i shipped off some valuables i had found in treasure chests for some extra money before i called it in for the night on day four clint paid me a visit to give me a furnace blueprint so i could smelt oars what a nice guy also two crows decided they'd snack on some of my parsnips not happy about that to be honest and then it was back to fishing who would have thought i spent the rest of today at the lake ruining what i can only assume is a great ecosystem of fish for my own selfish benefit i finished fishing early tonight so i can not only take back and ship my valuables i had gathered but also all my fish for uc i had finally reached level 5 fishing and i had lots to do tomorrow so i chucked all my fish in my chest ready to ship off tomorrow morning day five was the day i adopted a dog lots of other things happened today but this was the most important i'm a dog person anyway i named it honey also my parsnips are ready i save 14 of them for energy and ship the rest along with all my fish i did save any iridium shrubs i had caught for energy because as you'll see i'll need it being day five the mines have opened up so i headed up there bringing my pickaxe and chest with me we were gonna go cave diving today's mining expedition goals looked a little something like this get 45 copper ore and get to level 20. i needed enough copper to make a furnace and five copper bars and my goodness did i out do myself today i passed level 20 and got to level 25 and had more than enough copper for five copper bars i went to bed that night and i dreamt about how awesome i am all the money i had made so far up to day six was going to be for two things potatoes and a copper pickaxe so i started out the day prepping a big area for my potatoes while i was walking into town lewis showed me the old community center which lay in ruin after getting jump scared by what i can only describe as a green grape with limbs i found a plaque and a weird language all over it and decided i'd get the hell out of there i ran away to clint to get my copper pickaxe upgrade and stopped in at piers to buy my 200 potato seeds which i planted back on the farm using the chubs and parsnips i had saved i was able to get all of them watered before bedtime the rain came down again on day 7 and i couldn't be happier not having to painstakingly water 200 potatoes since my pickaxe was in the shop getting a slick new upgrade i was forced to go fishing again but just like before i was fishing for a purpose as any fish i catch today will be food for the next few days you see i was about to embark on a great mining expedition and here's how i planned it out for the next four days i was to repeat the same strategy wake up and water my crops head to the mines and dive as deep as i could possibly go i'd resurface every five levels with the elevator to smell tours and when it hit 12 30 pm every night i'd head back home and sell anything of value for extra cash and that's exactly what i did for the next four days i executed this plan flawlessly and by day 11 i had reached level 80 in the mines not a bad effort if you ask me day 12 and all my potatoes were ready to dig up and i was praying to the farming gods it was enough xp to get me to level 6 farming after harvesting all my potatoes and rice i was the slither of xp away from level six but i still had two cauliflower left from my wild seeds i had planted all that time ago which i hoped would get me over the line i didn't take any chances though so i took off to pierce to get eight parsnip seeds which i planted just to be sure at level 6 farming you unlock quality sprinklers which i was going to need lots of for all the strawberry seeds i was about to get hence why i needed to get to level 80 in the mines so i spent the rest of the day farming for gold and smelting oars day 13 was the day of the egg festival i started out by harvesting my two cauliflowers which thank goodness put me over the line to level 6 farming i had a bit of spare time until the festival so i spent my energy clearing some more of the farm i had 28 000 gold for my potatoes and valuables i had sold so as i entered town i went straight to pier's store to splurge on 280 strawberry seeds i then dethroned abigail as egg hunt queen with a solid 13 eggs found and i won myself a straw hat for those curious i won't be planting my strawberries until day 16 as that's the last day you can plant them and still get two harvests out of them until then i'll be down in the mines farming for ore and smelting them into bars and that's exactly what i did over day 14. i worked out i needed exactly 35 sprinklers for all my strawberries which is a lot but i wasn't too worried because i had gathered most of what i needed anyway day 15 i finished smelting all the bars i needed and ran around collecting salmon berries while i waited i crafted all the bars i had made into quality sprinklers and took them back to the farm i then started to map out the crop area with my sprinklers the great thing about the ui mod is it shows the watering area for sprinklers which is very satisfying i kept clearing the land as day went on because 35 sprinklers took up a lot more space than i thought it would and by the end of the day i had my quality spring clothes laid out ready i made an attempt to tell as much land as i could in preparation but it was getting late and i didn't have enough time to get through all of it day 16 was literally just trying to get all my strawberries planted in time it took me a while but i managed to get them all watered and planted by the late afternoon i had some spare time afterwards which i just spent clearing out more of the farm closest to the strawberries the last thing i needed was weeds to come in and destroy my crops i'd worked so hard for i went to bed that night and i dreamed about how awesome i am day 17 i walked out onto the farm and double checked the crops were all in order and i hadn't mucked anything up and i was also probably just admiring my handiwork i strolled on down to the wizards tower while collecting salmonberries on the way to learn about that weird plaque i had found some days earlier turns out the great people or junimos if you will had a secret language and to learn that language i had to drink a nasty potion that made me see trees and wow now i can read junomo a bit unorthodox if you ask me i went to class to learn french in school but you know whatever works i foraged for more salmonberries and stumbled across robin's lost acts in the woods with the plaques now readable i took my spring forageables to the community center and completed my first bundle which unlocked the pantry and fish tank parks i returned robin's lost axe to her i realized i had enough materials for the construction bundle so i gathered up what i needed and on my way i dropped off some donations to the museum i completed the construction bundle which unlocked the boiler room and this was great news having reached level 80 i had everything i needed to finish it except for some reason an earth crystal so i spent the night resetting level 20 in the mines to try and find one but not only did i find one but i thought i'd smack a few bugs and one of them dropped an ancient seed for me put simply ancient seeds give you ancient fruit ancient fruit put into kegs gives you ancient wine an ancient wine equals a buttload of money and just before bed i got to the boiler room and completed all of its bundles ultimately unlocking the minecarts on day 17. i spent the morning of day 18 organizing i finally had some time to breathe so i made a couple more chests and organized all my stuff between them i also used the minecarts to bring back everything i had from the mines one thing i couldn't forget today was to get my spring crops so i wandered over to beers where my peaceful shopping was rudely interrupted by a slimy looking man telling me about george mart ain't no way you'll catch me shopping there i'm loyal to my boy pierre i grabbed what i needed and i headed home to plant them i traveled back into town to drop off more donations to the museum and got my first ancient seat well it was a seed but he gave me a plantable seed so technically they're both seeds but you know one of them's not plantable anyway it's confusing i took it back home and gave it the full treatment its own sprinkler and a scarecrow but i was waiting for an iron bar to be ready so i took some items to the community center scoured the beach for some crab pop bundle items and handed in my findings and when i got back home my sprinkler was ready to be made for the rest of the night i just cleared out some more of the farm until bedtime on day 19 the rain was pouring down and it was a perfect opportunity to catch some fish for the community centre on the way to the river i popped by the travelling cart just in case it was selling a red cabbage seed unfortunately it was not not that i could afford it anyway at the river i fished up a chub a catfish and a shad and at the mountain lake i fished up a largemouth bass a bullhead and a carp i dropped them all off at the community centre to make some room and headed down to the beach at the beach i was hoping to catch an eel and i caught five of them so i handed one into the fish tank and went home but i wasn't finished just yet i remembered breams can be caught in any weather so i headed back out to the river to catch one which i got after a few attempts i dropped it off and headed home again day 20 i had a couple more fish to catch for the fish tank which included a sunfish and sardine and once i caught them i took them swiftly to the community centre today was a very good luck day so i thought i'd try my luck in the mines i didn't have much further to the bottom so what better way to spend a nice sunny day than 100 feet underground by the end of the day i had made it to level 95 before calling it in for the night day 21 i carried on mining down today wasn't as lucky but it was still good luck so i thought i'd make good use of it i got to level 105 before remembering the traveling cart was here so i quickly put all my stuff in a chest and ran to it and i got exactly what i was expecting nothing but hey you never know i'm keeping a careful eye out for a red cabbage seed back on the farm i finished the day clearing more land before bed on day 22 i took 300 wood down to the beach and fixed the bridge leading to the tide pool so i could quickly pick up some extra forageables i also decided trees take too long to chop down so i took my ex in for an upgrade courtesy of clint thanks buddy i took some beach forageables to the community center and hit the mines again i had you should stay at home kind of luck so unsurprisingly i only made it down five levels before giving up and heading home day 23 started off with taking some minerals to the museum unfortunately i got there a little early so i had to wait outside luckily i'm a very patient guy i decided a good use of my time was to use the minecarts to bring back my chest full of stuff from the mines back to the farm i did some reorganizing and then hit the vines i was low on coal and i wanted a head start on slaying 500 dust sprites you see slaying 500 of them gives you the burglars ring which doubles your chance at loot when you slay monsters and it is very good so i did this for the rest of the day all my strawberries had grown up and were ready to be picked on day 24 so i spent the morning harvesting them all before chucking them in the shipping bin the day before i had found the final dwarf scroll and i was about to donate it before noticing that the door was locked then it dawned on me that the flower dance was today which meant no one was open so i entered the flower dance and went around talking to everyone i even plucked up the courage to ask abigail to dance with me but got absolutely rejected so i stood in the corner totally not embarrassed or anything they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never but overnight i made 42 000 gold on strawberries so take that abigail i don't need love when i have money day 25 i started out doing what i meant to do yesterday which was to add the last scroll to the museum but i had to wait outside which totally doesn't annoy me or anything i collected the dwarvish translation guide so i could speak to the dwarf you see i didn't have to trip out to no dwarvish but dunamo oh you have to see trees and become one with the values it's just weird i picked up my copperx from clinton with my newfound wealth i picked up the first backpack upgrade back on the farm i chopped down the big logs with my new axe and thought i'd spruce up the farm a bit by adding some stone walkways i left this gap in the walkway because i'm going to do something really cool in it then i laid out plans for an oak tree farm i was going to need a lot of oak resin so i planted all the acorns i had in my chest and then i headed to bed day 26 i immediately filled in the gap because i didn't actually have a cool idea and i looked stupid ah that's better i popped down to see the travelling cart no red cabbage seed today i spent more time clearing land on the farm then i took a break to go to robbins to purchase myself a coop i got back to work clearing out more land when i got back which took up the rest of my day i started out day 27 with a trip to the beach to forage for some shells and corals since it was such a lovely day i decided to stand in the rain and fish which is what i did all day long because i was money hungry and i needed money for blueberry seeds damn it day 28 was the second and final harvest of my strawberry seeds so i spent the morning picking them all also all my spring crops already talk about cutting it close so i headed off to the community centre to drop them off at the pantry i dumped my strawberries in the shipping bin and made five more quality sprinklers then i stood in the field and did some big brain calculations to figure out how much money would go towards summer crops and how much i'd have left over turns out i would have lots of money left over so i was very much in the clear after my calculations i made more sprinklers totaling 64 quality sprinklers look i have to make a million gold by the end of this so you bet i'm gonna go big to end the spring season i did what any normal person would do instead out over my farm not moving for hours like a normal person it was the first day of summer on day 29 my strawberries had died off so i took deciting them down i tilled the rest of my crop area and hit it off to piers i'm sure he had a heart attack after i left seeing how much money i spent on seeds i got 480 blueberry seeds 32 melon seeds the four summer crop seeds i need a poppy seed and a sunflower seed then for the rest of the day i planted and watered every single seed you see the blueberries were going to be my main source of income for the summer season the melons are for the quality crops bundle before summer crops are unsurprisingly for the summer crops bundle and finally the poppy and sunflower cedar for bulletin board items day 30 i went around the valley catching community center fish at the beach i caught a tuna a puffer fish a tilapia and i found an oyster on the way to the mountain lake i dropped off my catches to the center and completed the crab pot bundle at the lake i caught a very hard to catch sturgeon which i also dropped off at the center back on the farm i emptied out the batcave with all its fruit and cleared out more of the farm until bedtime i had also reached level 5 foraging overnight so i chose the forest to put which gave me more wood when chopping trees day 31 i started out the day with a light jog around the farm don't ask me what was going through my head during this moment because i could not tell you after getting some morning exercise i thought a good use of my time would be to gather materials so i did that by resetting level 20 in the mines and farming for stone copper fiber and anything else i could get my hands on obviously i got a bit bored so i swapped it up by heading down to level 40 and essentially doing the same thing which pretty much took up the whole day i felt like splashing some cash around on day 32 so i went and got myself an axe upgrade as well as a silo from robin then i spent the rest of the day in the mines resetting level 40. today i was looking for iron stone dust brights and any other minerals so pretty much the same as yesterday day 33 started off with checking the traveling cart and decided i'd grab myself a rear seat as i was going to need one come the next season i added some wooden paths around to the crop area and stone walkways around it i made myself a goal to make a nice looking farm and i was taking that very seriously my pockets were still feeling quite heavy with gold so i splashed out on the last backpack upgrade and bought some salads from gus in the saloon i took off to the river to do some fishing and hopefully catch some fish i hadn't caught yet i got quite lucky today because i fished up an ancient scene in glass shards which i wasn't too mad about and i added a few new fish to my collection it was day 34 and i thought what better way to spend my morning than by waiting outside clint's for three hours once i was inside i collected my steel x and opened all my geodes i collected over the last few weeks i ended up opening a few minerals i hadn't donated yet so i popped over to the museum to donate what i could to gunther then i went back to clint's to finally put my pickaxe in for an upgrade before heading back home back on the farm i grabbed some wood and some stone and paid robert a visit i asked her to build me a barn with materials and money i gave her and she said sure why not i was eager to try out my new and improved steel x so i put it to work clearing out more of the farm now that i could whack out the big logs and that's what i continued to do for the rest of the day day 35 was sunday so back i went to the traveling cart no cabbage seed today though i carried on what i didn't finish yesterday and cleared out the rest of the farm except for the stone i'll clear that once my pickaxe is all done then i found jasmine vincent playing around by the sewer gate and it was all fun and games until they heard something moving around in there no big deal though i've made it quite far down to the mine so it shouldn't be too scary nope i'm scared too obviously i wasn't ready to put the axe down because i spent the rest of the day clearing the forest of all its trees i also unlocked the secret woods so now i can get a daily supply of hardwood i started out on day 36 taking a couple of items to the community centre then i picked up my steel x from clint's all shiny and new i bought it home and put it to work by clearing out all the stone left behind from yesterday i'll be honest i ran out of time yesterday trying to clear all the trees so we went back down to finish the job it was getting late but i was on that wood grind so i went through the backwoods and by robin's place to cut down any trees for some extra wood before bed i made two tappers and placed them on the oak and maple tree by the bus stop so i could get oak resin and maple syrup for the community centre by day 37 i was sick of cutting down trees and it was a thunderous day today so i made some lightning rods to place around the farm not only will they stop lightning from hitting the farm in my crops but they'll give me some battery packs my poppy and sunflower i had planted were ripe for picking so i handed them into the community centre before heading down to the beach for a foraging trip since i had sprinkles on my farm now i could afford to hand in my watering can for an upgrade without worry so that's exactly what i did this was the first time it had rained all summer and i knew i had to catch a red snapper as they only come out in the rain took me a while but i eventually caught one on the way to the community centre i dug out my first lost book typically you get your first one in week one of spring but hey better now than never stumped on what to do for the rest of the day i went to the secret woods for some hard wood and decided i'd just go to bed early day 38 i started out the day laying out some more stone pathways around the coop and barn so i could start planning out my animal area once i had the outline done i realized i wanted some more pathway options to play with but robbins was now closed so i spent the rest of the night fishing at the mountain lake i forgot it was the day of the luau on day 39 and stood out cleansed for way too long before realizing that it would be locked today so i headed back home to find something worthy of being in the potluck i settled on a gold quality spice berry good thing i did because the mayo was very pleased it was day 40 and the traveling cart was in town unfortunately not selling anything i wanted i went back to clint's and felt a bit of deja vu waiting outside but this time he wasn't close so i picked up my watering can and swapped it out for my hoe it was a great luck day today and since i didn't have anything better to do with my time i hit the mines and hopes of reaching the bottom it didn't take too much time but i reached level 120 and got my hands on the skull key with a bit of time left i spent the rest of the night farming for copper as i was running a bit low day 41 my melons had finally grown so i've picked them all hoping i'd get five gold ones and would you look at that i got exactly five i popped over to piers quickly to buy some wheat seeds to replace the melons and i got back home and planted them i headed up to robins and purchased a whole load of flooring recipes as i wanted to spend today finishing off the animal area so i outlined the area with wooden flooring and put fences all around i even made a fenced off area where i'll put my mayo machines cheese presses looms and oil makers i made some stone pathways and put a nice looking path from the gates to the and barn and honestly i'm pretty happy with how it looks day 42 was the day of my first blueberry harvest before i picked them though i took off to see the traveling cart who was selling an ancient seed so you bet i bought that and my summer crops were all grown so i picked them all and dropped them off at the community centre which put me that much closer to getting in the greenhouse while i was out i quickly picked up my koppaho from cleanse before heading home and collecting all my blueberries i won't lie it's oddly satisfying picking them all when you've got this many i dropped them all into the shipping bin feeling excited to see how much gold they'd give me i spent the rest of the day resetting level 40 in the mines in hopes of slaying more dust brights and gathering iron overnight i reached level 10 farming and chose the artisan purge to get 40 more gold on artisan goods this will be very handy in the fall season day 43 i went on a bit of a spending spree i visited robbins to purchase a big barn upgrade bought some grass starter from peers got a steel watering can upgrade from clint's and purchased all the bundles at the vault in the community center the junimos performed their show-stopping number overnight which unlocked the bus for me meaning i can now go and visit the desert i started off day 44 by putting tree fertilizer all over my oak tree farm so they'd grow a bit quicker i had also left these triangles in the pathway for decoration so i planted a couple of trees next to an iron lamppost and added some grass to make it look nice and pretty like i said i was taking this good looking farm goal very seriously since my oak trees were going to be fully grown soon i hit the mines to reset level 20 and 40 for copper and coal i was running low on both and i was gonna need a lot of tappers so i spent the rest of the day doing just that before heading to bed day 45 both my maple syrup and oak risen were ready so i collected a few more items out of my chest and dropped them all off at the community center then i got all my acorns and took them all to the desert not before squaring up with pam first you see i was gonna need a lot of wood for kids and any money i could save would help me in the long run so my plan was to plant a load of trees in the desert and leave them to grow on their own for a while until i needed lots of wood also i met sandy who probably has the loneliest job in the world but anyway i got to lay hang out my acorns and had them all planted by late afternoon back in the valley i had picked up some cactus fruits and coconuts and it was exactly enough to finish off the exotic foraging bundle in the pantry i was a bit lost on what to do for the rest of the day so i did some chores around the farm until bid it was day 46 and not only was it time for another blueberry harvest but my ancient seed had finally grown a fruit i paid clint a visit to pick up my steel watering can and went past robbins but forgot on the 18th of summer she visits harvey's clinic so no coop upgrade for me today i went back to clinton and got him to upgrade my hoe to a steel one and decided i'd spend the rest of the day in the skull kevin i didn't have any bombs and it didn't help it was an unlucky day so it wasn't the best but i got a few materials from it also i had a very close call with some purple slimes i made it to level 34 and had a few already more by the end of the day which honestly wasn't a bad effort on day 47 i visited the traveling cart but nothing piqued my interest today's mission was to complete the specialty fish bundle which started off with catching a wood skip in the secret forest i took a quick pit stop into robbins to grab a big coop upgrade before continuing onto the mines i took the elevator down to level 60 and fished in the icy pools to catch a ghost fish the last fish i needed was a sand fish from the desert which i caught on my first cast with the specialty fish in hand i went to the community centre and handed them in to complete the bundle on the way back i stopped off at piers to grab an apple and pomegranate sapling when i say these trees cause me trouble in the future i mean it and you'll soon see why i took my crab pots from the lake to the ocean to try and get some more crab pot items but apart from that i kind of just moped around for the rest of the day day 48 all my oak trees were fully grown so i tapped all 28 trees with tappers and collected all my batteries from my lightning rods i took a trip over to clint's where i picked up my steel hole and swapped it out for a gold pickaxe upgrade then i spent the rest of the day fishing up at the lake in the rain it was another sunday on day 49 so naturally i paid a visit to the traveling cart and again i met with disappointment with max fishing level on my mind it was no surprise i headed off to fish for the day however i did pop into robbins to get myself a deluxe barn upgrade and then it was down to the ocean to fish for the rest of the day i can't say too much happened but i did catch an iridium quality puffer fish which i have never done before and we'll be showing that off somehow in the near future by the end of the day i had an inventory full of fish and treasure i had fished up and unfortunately i hadn't quite hit level 10 fishing but i'll tell you what i was very damn close to it day 50 marks my halfway point through this 100 days and looking around the farm i was pretty happy with how it was all going today was another blueberry harvest so i picked all my blueberries and dropped them into the shipping bin today's plan was to hit the skull kevin and get as much stuff as i could i got my pickaxe from clinton dropped off my axe for an upgrade and headed to the desert i had a pretty good run i didn't make it down as far as i wanted to but i ended up on a prehistoric level with pepper x's and i managed to get two dino egg which meant i could donate one and incubate the other so i went back home dropped off what i had gathered and headed to bed day 51 i was starting to do some calculations on what was going to be the most profitable crop for the fall season you see i have two options cranberries or pumpkins i came to a conclusion that pumpkins if i could pull it off was a clear winner because i could put them into kegs and make pumpkin juice i then made a cheese press mayo machine and oil maker as i wanted to complete the artisan bundle soon and i was planning to get some animals tomorrow i dropped into the museum to donate some things i picked up yesterday in the skull cavern before foraging around at the beach i stayed at the beach and fished for the rest of the day where i got max fishing level two down three to go as promised yesterday i bought myself some fluffy friends on day 52 so i headed down to marnie's where i got myself sir cluck a lot and dame iggy the chickens busy the cow flap the goat brad the duck todd the sheep hops the seventh the rabbit and finally crispy the pig before i left i got myself two auto grabbers to put in the coop and bomb i picked up my eggs from clint's and got back home to see all my new additions ah look at that efforting it already i spent the rest of the day in the mines resetting level 20 for copper as i was running a bit low day 53 started off with picking another ancient fruit and popping it into the seed maker which i then planted so my quality sprinkler was full of ancient fruit plants i hadn't been into my fruit cave for a while so i cleared it out and it had quite a lot in there for me i took a trip into town to donate a vertebrae to the museum and drop off some apples to the community centre then i figured i'd pass time for the rest of the day and the mines farming for desperate to iron day 54 was the final blueberry harvest so i went and picked my berries one last time before dumping them into the shipping bin the travelling cart was back with more disappointment i kind of moped around the farm for a while not really knowing what to do then i remembered the mods to slayer goals and needing to get 500 dust sprites or back off i went to the mines where i spent the rest of the day slaying them before i went to bed i added a couple more rows of oak trees to expand my oak risen farm a little bit further and this is where i chopped my pomegranate tree down because it was in the way my first oak resin batch was ready on day 55 so i went around gathering them up along with even more batteries at this point i had 67 of them so i think i'm pretty good on batteries i went to piers and bought myself another pomegranate sapling to plant and then spent the day replanting and recalculating my four crops idea after a while i came up with the idea to go halves on pumpkins and cranberries and fill the crop area with both in total it would cost 85 000 gold to get 240 of each crop but i had more than enough on day 56 i popped down to the traveling cart not expecting much and i was right nothing good today knowing i had to make a lot of kicks i decided i'd spend the last day of summer in the mines to reset level 20 and farm for copper i had more than enough iron but my copper supply was running low i kept mining until it hit 10 pm and i headed down to the beach where the town was waiting for the moonlight jellies we launched the boat and waited for them to come into shore [Music] day 57 was the first day of fall and today was all about getting my crops planted i visited pears and bought myself 32 corn seeds 240 cranberry seeds 240 pumpkin seeds and the four crops back on the farm i planted my four crops around the sprinkler off to the side and planted my corn where my melons once were i whacked out my old blueberry plants and planted all 480 pumpkin and cranberry seeds you see my logic behind having both was cranberries would give me quick easy cash so i wouldn't have to go weeks without any gold and pumpkins would give me lots of gold in the long term even through the first part of winter i spent the rest of the day looking for full forageables and i found myself a mushroom but unfortunately no hazelnut but i was very happy with my efforts today and i went to bed it wasn't a very nice looking day on day 58 but i was back on the hunt for a hazelnut while i was going through town i found robin and lewis putting up the special orders board i checked the board and usually i'd pick up robin's resource rush straight away but the prismatic jelly quest was right there so i chose that instead i continued looking for hazelnuts all around the valley but unfortunately found none i took my frustration out on cutting down the mahogany trees i'd planted with not much else to do i hit the mines in search of a prismatic slime and thus starts the saga of the unfindable prismatic slime i spent days 58 59 60 and 61 looking for the slimy little rat and i got nothing for four days straight the only other things that happened over these four days was on day 59 i got my hands on a hazelnut and finished the full foraging bundle and got level 10 mining which puts me at 3 out of 5 max skills i took a quick break on day 60 to grab a walleye while it was raining for the community center in day 61 i completed the monster slayer goal for dust brights and got my burglars ring apart from that i was scouring the mines from morning to night with no avail but then on day 62 after what felt like hours of searching on level 51 i found what i had been searching for and just to make things better i got two jellies with my burglars ring so i ran down to the wizard and although i was tempted to throw it at his head for the work i put into getting this damn jelly i handed it over to him i spent the rest of the evening back on the farm smelting walls and running around the farm not too sure what i was up to here i also added a lovely path through the trees to the bat cave before bed day 63 apparently there was an earthquake in the night so i went to investigate don't worry though it's okay it was just a meteor nothing major i noticed a couple of the community center items required having a kitchen so i popped by robins to get myself a house upgrade then i spent the rest of the day in the skull cavern before calling it a night it was day 64 and i was seriously considering chopping my apple tree i only had it for the fodder bundle but i had already completed it and i could easily complete the artisan bundle without it so with that in mind it had to go i also put it in a really dumb spot and it looked out of place so i think it was inevitable also my cranberries had finally grown so i went along and picked them all i dumped them into the shipping bin and paid a visit to the special request board to see what new ones were up i chose to get a curious substance and i started to prepare for another week of searching because this one you had to get from ghosts and ghosts don't spawn very often oh i got it on the same day that i picked up the quiz what is happening right now also i caught my last community cena fish a tiger trap and the fish tank was complete on day 65 i used some money i got from the cranberries to stock up on bombs from the dwarf then i waited patiently outside of pam's trailer to butt heads with her i do this because she doesn't like it and she walks quicker to the bus i arrive at the desert and it's time to deep dive into the kevin i spent all day carpet bombing each level and i made it all the way down to level 70 before being stuck on a prehistoric level and leaving heading home i had 98 iridium and two prismatic shards one of which i turned into the galaxy sword before taking the bus back home back on the farm i dropped everything into my chests and i checked in on my animals and my dino had hatched i decided to call him doug and then i went to bed day 66 i was determined to complete a few bundles today so all morning i spent preparing all the items i would need to complete three bundles which were the artisan bundle chef's bundle an animal bundle by the afternoon i had everything prepared and headed off to the community center where i completed all three of them that night this is the exact moment i saw the rear seat in my chest and realized i had forgotten to plant it but that's okay because i was more than on track to get the greenhouse soon which meant i could just grow it in there emily paid me a visit the morning of day 67 and said i was free to use her sewing machine i appreciate the offer but i like my fit the way it is i'd racked up quite a few geodes from mining and i thought i'd head over to clint's to open them all 35 open geodes later i had quite a few minerals to donate to the museum so that is exactly where i headed next i also got a rare crow so i swapped it out for one of my normal ones back on the farm my pumpkins were going to be really soon and i was down on wood for kigs so i took to the desert and cut down any trees that had grown being the sustainable person that i am i replanted and expanded the desert forest i was creating and took the wood back home day 68 i visited the traveling card and got exactly what i was expecting nothing i still felt like i needed more wood just to be sure so i chopped all the trees south of the farm i headed through the backwoods and around the lake chopping trees too that was until willy kindly gave me a copper pan since the boulder was removed thanks to the great people i mean junamos now i could pan for gold just like in the good old days that evening i made 50 kegs and placed them in one big line across the bottom of my farm and before bed i decided i wanted to redecorate and bring my bid closer to the entrance not too sure why honestly but i just did it day 69 i collected another batch of oak resin and collected all of my cranberries with more oak resin i could make more kegs so i made 30 more to place next to the other ones which put my total number of kegs to 81. i didn't do too much more today i just ran around and did some chores around the valley it was day 70 and my pumpkins were ready for harvest i don't know what kind of backpack i have to hold 240 pumpkins but it must be pretty good i filled my kegs with pumpkins and made a chest to store the others in while the others were brewing i also kept five gold ones for the quality crops bundle i took a trip to peers and bought myself another 240 pumpkins which i replanted back on the farm then i took all my omni duodes to clint's in hopes of getting some minerals i hadn't got yet i popped over to the travelling cart which still wasn't selling me a red cabbage seed and i was getting quite worried i had missed my chance to get one with nothing much to do i called it an early night day 71 my corn was ready which meant all my full crops had grown too i picked all of my corn and had more than enough gold corn for the quality crops bundle i completed the quality crops and four crops bundle and that was the pantry done and completed which meant i'd have access to the greenhouse from tomorrow onwards the five ancient fruit i had planted ages ago had finally grown and i put all the fruit into the seed maker i'm hoping to get as many seeds as i can from this little crop so i can get them growing as fast as i can in the greenhouse over winter today was also a very good luck day so i picked up some bombs from the dwarf and hit the skull caverns i had a pretty good run i ended up making it all the way down to level 56 and here's a quick look at my haul for the day not too shabby for a late start on my way back home emily told me it was great weather for a picnic at 12 30 a.m and i've never been more confused day 72 was the valley fair day so i gathered up some random items for a grange display and headed over to the fair at the fair i played the slingshot game to earn myself some star tokens to gamble i took him to the spinning wheel and spent a good while putting it all on green until i had enough star tokens to purchase the star drop and rarecrow i put up my grange display and lewis probably spat on it because it was pretty bad but i got third which isn't fourth i cleaned up my display and headed on home day 73 i paid robin a visit so i could move my greenhouse more to the left you see i wanted to expand my tree farm at some point back on the farm i made six iridium sprinklers and took my ancient seeds and some speed grow to the greenhouse i laid out my first row of ancient seeds along with planting my rear seed i went back up to robbins once again to get myself a trusty steed sure walking's fine but horses are definitely faster with my greenhouse out of the way i started to expand the tree farm further with the expansion i could add maple trees and pine trees and because there were six rows i thought the section could easily fit two rows of four of each tree so i planted all the seeds except for two pine trees because the pomegranate tree and put tree fertilizer over them so they'd grow quicker and i went to bed i woke up on day 74 to panic remember how i said before that these fruit trees will give me problems well yeah it's happening by my calculations because the pomegranate tree couldn't grow last night the day the tree will mature is the last day of fall which means i couldn't let anything else happen to it especially okay you you didn't see that we're just gonna we're just gonna keep that between us okay so i got rid of the walkways around it and hoped it would give me a single pomegranate on the last day of four it wasn't all doom and gloom today though because my first batch of pumpkin juice was ready so i collected all of it got more pumpkins out of the chest and started brewing another batch and my cranberries were ready for another harvest thinking of the payday overnight made me totally forget about that damn pomegranate tree i visited the special quests board and picked up emily's rock rejuvenation so i went back to the farm and got everything i needed on the way i got distracted picking up linus's basket and returning it to him i found emily working in the bar and gave her all the rocks she wanted day 75 my stable had finished construction and i got to name my horse so obviously i named him clip-clop i took him for a ride down to the travelling cart who still provides nothing but disappointment but it was a very good luck day today so you know what that means skull kevin dive i rode clip club to pam's trailer to buy heads with pam again and it was off to the desert i spent the rest of the day in the cavern making it down to level 60 before it got too late and here's a quick look at the loot i got day 76 evelyn decided to pay me an early morning visit and gifted me a garden pot these will be handy in the future but i put it away for now a few days ago i had put a grape into a keg to make some wine for the enchanters bundle when it was finally ready so i dropped it off at the community center and all that's needed to finish that bundle was a pomegranate i can't remember when i put that straw hat on clip clop but he's wearing it now i rode clop down to the ocean and did some foraging around the beach before heading to clinton getting a gold upgrade on my hoe back on the farm i thought grandpa's shrine was looking a little beer so i added a pathway to it and a couple of wooden braziers honestly i don't know why i didn't add greenery to it then but i eventually will i also added a bit of decoration to the front of the greenhouse too before bed christmas came early on day 77 because the traveling cart finally sold me a red cabbage seed i raced back to the greenhouse to plant it next to my rear seed i planted and fertilized three mahogany tree seeds by grandpa shrine and somehow lost clip-clop it's okay though i found him hiding behind the trees i rode him into town to visit piers so i could purchase all six fruit trees as i was going to plant them all in the greenhouse and that's exactly what i did when i got back home you can tell i'm losing the plot a wee bit here so i went to bed early that night my disappointment is immeasurable day 79 was another cranberry harvest so i went to work picking them all i dumped them all into the shipping bin and paid the special quest sport a visit where i picked up gumta's fragments of the past quest i popped into clint's to get my gold hoe and swapped it out for a gold watering can upgrade then it was back to slaying monsters specifically skeletons they're pretty easy to farm and i can easily get 100 bone fragments from them for gunther's quest so i applied some monster mask and went to work i finished it pretty quickly so i spent the rest of the night slowing monsters around level 80. day 80 i spent on the grind in the mines for monster slayer goals and honestly that's really all i did today day 81 some more ancient fruit had grown so i picked them and made them into siege to plant in the greenhouse no more ancient fruit was going to be grown before the plants died in winter so i took down my little ancient fruit area it was sad to see it go but it did serve me well i went out to robins and bought myself a heap of wood and got started on making a hub area maybe it's just me but i like having an area close to the house with all my chests and furnaces i spent all day figuring out what i wanted it to look like but by late afternoon i think i had a winner i made more chests and reorganized all my stuff between them and by the end of the day i had a nice looking hub area that i was very happy with also overnight todd the sheep had a virgin mary birth and produced a child somehow despite having no other sheep in the farm who i naturally named rod all that sweet pumpkin juice was ready for me on day 82 so i collected it all up and dumped it in the shipping bin which was perfect timing because my next pumpkin harvest was tomorrow i went down to the hat mouse and surprised clip-clop with a nice new bow for all his hard work then i spent the afternoon cleaning up the farm a bit i moved the lightning rods out the way added some greenery around the pond and added some grass around grandpa's shrine before going to bed day 83 i collected my oak risen and added more tapas to the other oak trees i recently planted i said hello to all my animals and started harvesting my pumpkins i won't worry about replanting anything because it's turning into winter and nothing grows in winter i filled my kegs with pumpkins and took a trip to robbins to get myself a workbench honey really doesn't want to let me back onto the farm but once i am i start working on a crafting area i'll be using the workbench and chests around it to help me with obtaining perfection you see for perfection you need to craft one of everything and by having chests around a workbench i can keep tabs on what i need material wise to craft everything so i set it all up and once i add some greenery i think it'll look quite nice i stayed up late tonight because it was spirit's eve i blitzed through the maze and got myself that golden pumpkin before heading home day 84 i was holding my breath walking out to see if i had a pomegranate on the tree and i did today was the last day of fall and i had one last cranberry harvest to pick i only just remembered that i had finished gunther's quest days ago so i bought him his 100 bone fragments and dropped the pomegranate off to the community center i felt a wave of relief after handing that and i won't lie i picked up my watering can from clint's that i also gave in days ago but just kind of forgot about and back on the farm i harvested my crops for the last time of the season i fixed up the back of the tree farm and got to work figuring out how my new crop area was gonna work i mapped it out with fences and i had an idea of what i wanted it to look like so i went a bit ready for winter day 85 was the first day of winter and i started the day off getting rid of my quality sprinklers and replacing them with a new iridium sprinkler layout i ended up setting my sprinklers a little to the right of my original setup because i imagined a strip in the middle holding things like sheds and ponds and i'll eventually extend the crop area down rather than a cross i took clip clop on an adventure around the valley to try and find a crocus flower i stopped by the special quest board while in town and picked up clint's cave patrol quest down at the beach i found a nautilus shell which was one of the last three items i needed for the community centre i searched the valley far and wide and finally found a crocus flower in the woods i took my findings to the center and completed the field research and winter foraging bundle this finally completed the pantry which would give me access to the quarry tomorrow i took my winter seeds back home and planted them in my new crop area and i added some grass to the crafting area and grandpa shrine before bedtime it was day 86 and my red cabbage seed had finally grown and it was time to finish the community center on the way i ran into krobus who took one look at me and ran away so obviously i followed his footsteps up to the playground and found him hiding in a bush he gave me the magnifying glass before running away which means i can now find secret notes i took my red cabbage to the bulletin board to complete the last bundle and the community center was looking fantastic back on the farm i outlined the edge of the crop area with stone pathways creating that middle section i had imagined knowing the community center was complete i wanted to be prepared for the wizards post community center completion quest which required me to have a giant avoid mayonnaise unfortunately i didn't have avoid chicken yet but my vast knowledge of this game kicked in and i made a plan krobus sells void eggs every day of the week however to get to krobus you need the sewer key which gunther gives to you after donating 60 items to the museum so i visited the museum and counted up my donations which was around 57. i checked my collections and saw i had more minerals than artifacts donated so i took all my omni geodes to the desert and got myself some artifact troves back at clint i opened the mall and got more than enough artifacts to donate to the museum and my final count was around 65 which put me just over the threshold for the key back on the farm i was deciding between what kind of wooden paths i wanted around my crop area i decided to go with the rustic planks which with some lamps and fences look pretty good day 87 just like i had hoped gunther was waiting at my door to give me the sewer key just in time looks like my plan had worked my batch of pumpkin juice was ready so i collected all of it and filled the empty kegs back up while riding clip clop into town i found the townspeople of the valley celebrating the re-opening of the community center mayor lewis handed me the starju hero trophy and i have officially completed the first goal of this 100 day series one boycotting of jojo mart later and i was in the sewers visiting krobus i purchased my third star drop from him along with two void eggs one of which i put in the incubator and the other i made into void mayo up at the railway i found the wizard huffing and puffing about his magic ink being taken by his ex so i was on a mission to retrieve it back for him back in the sewers i broke up a fight between krobus and the dwarf before krobus pointed me in the direction of where the talisman was i ventured into the tunnel and fought my way through bush and bugs and got the talisman back up at the railway again i used the talisman to clear the way and ventured into the cave there was a henchman in my way but luckily he likes void mayonnaise so he was just easily convinced to move i retrieved the magic ink from the witch's hut and returned it to the wizard who rewarded me with the book of summoning then i spent the rest of the night reorganizing some chests that were filling up day 88 i popped into marnie's to get my barna heater and more hay to put in the silo then i rode clip-clop down to the beach as willy wanted to show me something in the back was an old wrecked boat that could take me to ginger island good thing i had everything on me to fix it because i handed it all in and it'll be ready by tomorrow i took the bus to visit sandy at the oasis shop so i could get some starfruit seeds to grow i needed star food to get myself junimo huts for my crop area so i bought 18 seeds and back on the farm i planted them in the greenhouse i only just remembered that i had picked up clint's cave patrol quest days ago so i applied some monster musk and hit the mines to slay some skeletons and i finished it just before it got too late day 89 the boat had been fixed overnight but i'd saved my first trip to ginger island for now to start the day i mapped out where i wanted my junomo huts to go on my crop area and put my scarecrows all around it also i grabbed some grass starter and put it between my tree farm and greenhouse which i think looks quite nice then i visited robbins to paint some buildings i couldn't do my house just yet but i painted the barn coupe and stable i spent a while just trying color ideas but i think the ones i landed on were really nice i didn't do much for the rest of the day i spent it doing donuts on clip club and planning out farm ideas in my head day 90 was my first trip out to ginger island willie sailed me over the big blue ocean to the island and we arrived on a stunningly tropical day i picked up my first golden walnut and met leo in his hut so i started to collect golden walnuts then i opened up the west side of the island and collected more golden walnuts i spoke to this lady who wanted me to find her late husband's keepsake however kent isn't on the island yet so i'll have to wait to finish this quest i didn't have quite enough walnuts for the island house so i traveled back to the valley to finish the day pierre braved the cold weather on day 91 to tell me about his expanded crop collection for year two i collected and re-kegged the last batch of pumpkin juice before heading to the dwarf to purchase some bonds today was another good luck day so i decided i'd hit the skull kevin and make the most of it i spent all day in the cabin and ended up passing out there since i wasn't too worried about losing gold i managed to get level 10 combat today which meant i only had one more skill to max out to complete my goal my winter seeds had produced its winter forageables which i immediately turned into more seeds and planted then i visited the desert and went on a tree chopping spree i have a plan to turn the quarry into my keg area so for that i will need a lot of wood and also my foraging level was the only skill not at max level yet i wasn't feeling very sustainable today because i didn't replant any trees but with the money i was making now i think i'll be okay i traveled back to the valley and continued to chop down any trees in the woods for the rest of the night day 93 my void chicken hatched so of course i called it fluffy i made some tapas to put on the rest of my trees in the tree farm as they were all now fully grown and down at the beach i popped into willy's store and bought myself the iridium rod nothing else really happened today i kind of just fluffed around the farm day 94 i took the boat to ginger island and spent the day making my way through the volcano dungeon i wanted to reach the top so i could have access to the forge it took me a while but i finally managed to make it through all 10 levels and reach the top back on the ground i used my golden walnuts to unlock the dig site where i bombed open the cave professor snail was stuck behind i collected some golden walnuts and headed home day 95 my final batch of pumpkin juice was finished so i collected it all and shipped it off i went back and picked up all of my kegs so i could work on expanding the crop area all i did was replicate what i had already done above it'll let me grow lots of crops which will come in handy for the next 200 days when i'm trying to achieve perfection i continued to add stone walkways around the farm and i liked the look of the triangle spaces by my animal area for decoration so i decided to replicate that again day 96 i was on my way to chop some hardwood in the secret forest when i saw the cart was back in town she was selling a rare crow i hadn't got yet so i thought i'd make a purchase i'd picked up robin's special quest to get 80 hardwood a couple of days ago and it was looking rather undoable until i remember ginger island had a few mahogany trees so i went off to gather my hardwood while i was there i started on professor snail's museum collection by clearing the dig site and getting a head start over outside leo's heart i found the mummified frog and headed into the volcano dungeon to find a mummified bat unfortunately i couldn't get my hands on one but i did manage to get enough golden walnuts to unlock the farmhouse so i spent the night there day 97 i started the day by heading back to the valley to unload my inventory full of stuff and my sweet gem berry had finally grown so i took it to the statue in the secret forest and got myself my fourth star drop i dropped off that 80 hardwood robin had asked for all that time ago and decided now's as good a time as any to slay some monsters in the mines for my monster slayer goals i did this for the rest of the day and knocked off some goals before calling it a night it was day 98 and my first ancient seed harvest in the greenhouse was ready so i turned them all into more seeds to plant i was a bit stuck on what to do today and ended up not really doing anything day 99 my winter seeds have grown again and i had spent a good part of the morning replanting them all again all my star fruit had finally grown so i grabbed everything i needed to build two junamo huts onto my crop area i visited the book of summoning in the wizards tower and got myself the two huts back on the farm i added some grass and the decoration triangle i honestly don't have a better word for it so don't judge me it was the first night of the night market down on the beach so clip club and i rode down there to see what was up i bought myself some seasonal plants in the painting because i've never really bought them before and on the way back home i picked up linus community cleanup quest i placed down some of the seasonal plants i had bought around the crop area day 100 was the last day i had to do stuff so i fished in my pond for trash to finish linus's quest then i took all the trash up to the railway and put it in the bin for him i treated myself to a soak in the spa because i managed to do a heck of a lot of stuff in these 100 days and i thought i deserved a nice rest down at the night market i got myself another painting and a couple of seeds to plant on ginger island then i hit the submarine up to fish for some deep sea fish i managed to fish up the spookfish and midnight squid but unfortunately i did not get a blobfish i headed off to bed which officially finished my 100 days i started out my first day back on the farm by taking a birthday gift to the wizard something i didn't do in my first 100 days was giving gifts on birthdays and i won't regret that right i took clip klopp for a ride through the backwoods and stumbled across linus taking a dip in the lake in the middle of winter entering robin's home i got in between an argument between robin and demetrius and i put demetrius in his place i was there to get myself a shed and i placed it ready to be built in that strip i talked about at the end of my 100 days i took the mine carts to cleanse and bought myself some copper and stopped back off at robbins to get some wood i spent the afternoon smelting all that copper eventually i'll be turning the quarry into my main keg area and i needed a lot of kegs hence all the copper it was the last day of the night market so i headed down to the beach and took the submarine down to fish for some deep sea fish the last one i needed was a blobfish and i got it on my first cast back home i used up all my resources to make 130 kegs and made my way to the quarry hold on what's what's going on here what it what is linus one uh um what does oh i say anyway i started to clear out the quarry but ran out of time so i headed to bed day 102 i started out by collecting some maple syrup i said hello to all my animals and took the mine carts back to the quarry to keep clearing it out after it was all clear i started on placing all my kicks and paths and by the afternoon i had about half the quarry filled for the rest of the day i applied some of that new calvin klein monster musk perfume and slayed monsters for gill's monster eradication goals until bedtime it was day 103 and my had finished being built the purpose of this shed was to have it filled with crystallariums one half would replicate diamonds and the other half would replicate jadestone diamonds would give me some extra money and jadestone will allow me to purchase staircases from the desert trader every sunday i headed up to robbins again and i bought myself the deluxe upgrade before taking all my geodes over to clint's but it was just my luck that he's not in today so once again i got my musk out and hit up the mines to slice the monsters which i did for the rest of the day day 104 another batch of oak risen was awaiting my collection so i picked them all up it was granny evelyn's birthday today so i rode clip clop over to her house and dropped off a nice big diamond for her and with nothing much else to do at the moment i decided a good use of my time would be spent in the mines slaying monsters i completed some goals today and picked myself up the slime chalmer ring for slaying 1000 slimes which means i'm immune to slimes now that night back on the farm i let out my crop area with some wooden braziers before calling it in for the night day 105 some of the ancient fruit of my greenhouse was finally ready to be picked so i harvested what i could i turned them all into seeds before replanting them i took willie's boat all the way to ginger island and made my way up to the forge on top of the volcano where i combined my slime charmer ring and burglar's ring together so i could have the benefits of both in one ring from the top of the volcano to the bottom i dove into the volcano dungeon where i was on the lookout for magma sprites to slay later that night i quickly ran over to mr key's walnut room and checked how many golden walnuts i still needed until he had let me in 48 out of 100 walnuts wasn't bad but i still needed a few more to get through so i took the boat back home and called it a night on day 106 my winter forageables had sprouted so i went along and picked them all i turned all of them back into seeds and replanted them across my two crop areas before working on a pond area the thing about this metal strip is it's seven tiles across meaning sheds fit perfectly and ponds will fit perfectly too however i did run out of time to go to robins to purchase one so i'll have to do that another day for the rest of the day i went through my chests and picked out one of each resource to make a start on my shipping collections there are exactly 145 items to ship so you can understand why i wanted to whittle that number down a bit day 107 another round of ancient fruit was ready for me so i turned them all into seeds and replanted them in the greenhouse so you know how i wanted to get that pond yeah so after 400 hours in this game i still forget that robin isn't in on tuesdays so you can imagine how stupid i felt watching her walk away from the store oh well there's always tomorrow embarrassed i headed up to the mines to try and catch some fish i hadn't caught on level 20 i spent ages trying to catch a stone fish but i got very unlucky and couldn't catch one so i took a break and headed into town to pick up gus's famous omelet quest and gave leia her first gift for her birthday and then it was back to fishing after what felt like ages i finally caught one and took the elevator down to level 60 to try and catch an ice pip did i catch one no of course i didn't why would i day 108 i started out by doing some chores around the farm before heading up to robbins i'm getting my pond today and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me damn it i waited out in the snow before heading in but i got distracted painting my shirt the colors of diamond and jade stone yeah get it because it's the same colors and anyway i finally got my pond and headed back to the farm to set up for another pond right underneath the first one i'm getting two so that i can have sturgeons in one and a lava eel in the other that way the sturgeon row can be turned into caviar and the lava eel roe can be turned into aged roe these are two things i'll need for the shipping collections i got some exercise in by doing a lap around the farm and did some foraging down at the beach i headed on over to arrowhead island and tried my luck at catching the glacier fish one of the five legendary fish and i got it on my first try okay maybe not but i got it eventually i placed a chest in my kitchen and put the glacier fish in it my dream is to collect all the legendary fish to put in an aquarium one day speaking of legendary fish i took off to the sewers to cast my line into the disgusting green sewer water and i got my hands on the mutant carp not that i really wanted my hands on it but i quickly ran into the mutant bug layer and fished up a slime jack another fish i hadn't caught yet and just before bed i fished outside the witch's hut and fished up a void salmon oh hey look it's santa never mind day 109 was christmas day i mean feast of the winter star same diff but before i could head off to town i had another round of ancient fruit ready waiting for me and i was so close to filling up every space with ancient seeds but unfortunately today wasn't the day my person for this year's festival was willie and so i gave him a diamond pretty nice right my secret gift giver was emily and what did i get god that's unbelievable it was day 110 and it was clint's birthday today i took the main card over to his shop and waited outside for him to open up i must have got confused because i saw him walk out and i seemed quite sad about it but then i quickly realized that i was just giving him a prison and not upgrading my tool so i caught up to him and handed him an iron bar up at the mountain lake i fished myself up a sturgeon to put in my first pond when robin had finished building it and i moved my chest from the lake down to outside the rundown jojuma since it wasn't accessible yet i put some missing bundle items in the chest ready to go i mooched my way down to the beach and fished out on the pier until night time i dumped all the fish i according to the shipping bin and called it a night the morning of day 111 i just did some chores around the farm i popped by robins to purchase myself my second and last fishpond and then i rode the mine elevator down to level 100 to try and get my hands on a lava eel another fish i added to my collection up on level 60 i tried my luck again with catching an ice purpon yep first catch was an ice pit of course it was back on the farm i gathered up all my geodes took a trip to the desert and turned my omni geodes into artifact troves i saw clint about opening them all up for me afterwards i quickly popped into the museum to drop off any new donations i had found and shipped off everything else for some extra cash that night i visited the star drop saloon where i got myself a few cooking recipes and gave pam and shane a loved gift being in the saloon reminded me about gus's special order i hadn't done yet so i took over two dozen eggs and left them in his fridge back home i was dreaming not about how awesome i am but about what i wanted to fill the rest of the farm with a slime hutch down here maybe one day day 112 gus somehow managed to fit a whole ass mini-fridge in my mailbox so i moved some furniture around to fit it into the kitchen and then i was off to ginger island once again there are three unique fish that can be caught around ginger island a blue discus which i caught in the river a lionfish which i caught from the ocean and a stingray in the pirate's cove but i didn't have access to that just yet so i'll get that another day on the way to the volcano i dropped off a snake skull i had fished up to professor snail and then mined my way through rock trying to find a mummified bat did i find one actually i did and i dropped it off on the way back home back in the valley i dropped by the saloon and saw everyone enjoying the omelet i funded with my own eggs and i gave another loved gift to both shane and pam again before calling it a night [Music] day 113 was the first day of spring and the start of my second year on the farm when i walked outside i was met by a new guy called kin who was back in the valley after serving in the army i headed to the greenhouse and finally filled up every spot with ancient seeds and it was now just a waiting game i rode clip clop into town and headed into piers to grab my seeds for the season in year two i wasn't as worried about crops being my main source of income more i wanted to grow lots of everything to cover my bases later on for gifts cooking and crafting so back on the farm i planted 48 parsnips 48 cauliflower 48 potatoes 48 garlic 48 blue jazz seeds and 48 tulips back in town i picked up a fishing special quest before taking a fury ride over to ginger island once on the island i spent the evening clearing out the island farm of all its resources and started to work on a large crop area you see all these iridium sprinklers yeah they're gonna hold ancient fruit and only ancient fruit i put a quality sprinkler off to the side and planted a melon a garlic and wheat for the gourmand frog and started to plant all my ancient fruit seeds that i had left over from this morning i got them all planted just before it got too late and also i finally got level 10 foraging which takes off my golf in the last 100 days day 114 i was out in the rain adding some parts to my island farm area to help stop weeds from attacking my crops i tried to add a gap in the pathways like i tried to do next to my oak resin farm all that time ago but it turns out i never learned because it just looked stupid so i just filled it in happy with how my thumb was looking i found a gym bird on the north part of my island and put the amethyst on the top pedestal in the secret area and they three more to get i traveled back to the valley via boat and back home i chucked my sturgeon into one of my ponds and said hello to my animals then cleared out the farm of any debris that it's born with kin back in the valley i could now continue with the war memento quest that weird lady on the island had given me so i took the war memento to kent who in turn gave me some gourmet tomato salt i handed that off to gus who traded it first target valley rose and who better to give a rose to than sandy she loved the flower and gave me a universal remote and returned i headed over to george and evelyn's place but before i could give george his remote evelyn kindly gave me the recipe to bake some cookies i passed the remote onto george who gave me an arctic shard and i took the shard down to the wizard who waved me off with a worm gee thanks but who better to love worms than willie no one which is why i hated the word i'm off to willy who finally gave me the pirate's locket which i'll return to the lady another day as it got too late to take the ferry i took off to the secret woods for some extra hardwood before heading to bed day 115 i added a couple of crystalleriums to my shed and took off to ginger island i dropped the locker off to the strange lady who was very thankful and got enough golden walnuts to build the resort on the beach this removed the debris in the way of the pirate's cove where i went and fished up a stingray to add to my collections back in the valley i wanted to crack open a golden coconut but missed out by a couple of seconds so close instead i took my anger out on the tree farm in the desert and got rid of it all mainly because i'll be rich enough soon to buy it when i need it that night i made a start on the mysterious mr key quest by putting a battery in the electrical box in the tunnel however the next part required me to put a rainbow shell up in a box at the railroad and do you think i have one of course not so i'll have to put a pause on that quest until summer time on day 116 another ancient fruit harvest was ready in my greenhouse and i waited patiently outside robins for about an hour before handing demetrius the golden pumpkin you see demetrius has a chance to send you a rainbow shell but i never got one so that was totally worth it anyway i popped by clint to finally open my golden coconut and gave a second golden pumpkin to ken to the birthday gift over on ginger island i turned all my ancient fruit into more seeds to plant and filled out more of the ancient fruit area i don't remember that on even-numbered days when it's not raining the once unreachable cove would be filled with pirates and i can earn some golden walnuts by playing rounds of darts which i actually smashed this chump at three times over back on the farm i added three chests between the crop area to hold my crops when they've been harvested and overnight the old jojo mart was struck by lightning meaning the missing bundle was there waiting for me to complete day 117 was a rainy day so i picked my garlic and parsnips since my junimos won't come out to pick crops in the rain i made three preserved jars to put between my two ponds so when they start producing raw i'll be able to turn them into caviar and aged row i popped by piers and got myself more seats to replant back on the farm and headed up to the mountain lake to catch myself the legend which was the third legendary fish i needed to catch this is gonna be a piece of cake right no that's not it can you just oh can you just stop oh my god i lost that oh why is this so hard oh you're kidding me dude still not it unfortunately i did not catch it so i went to bed day 118 i started my day with some chores around the farm before gifting abigail and amethyst and heading over to ginger island i hit up the volcano dungeon to farm magma sprites and gather materials and honestly i had no idea you could get dragon teeth from lava lurks which is game changing 400 hours in and i'm still learning new stuff so i spent most of the day running around the dungeon and finishing the day with six dragon teeth along with lots of other stuff which was not a bad effort at all before bed i dropped a diamond into the sturgeon pond as requested and called it a night day 119 my house was upgraded i cannot remember when i found time to purchase that but it's here now and it looks great i gave mayor lewis a birthday prison and casually waited for abigail to leave her room to gift her another amethyst this is not creepy i swear being a very lucky day i bought some bombs from the dwarf and hit up the skull kevin which is where i spent the rest of my day it was day 120 and the judamos were doing a great job at picking my crops i think today i made the decision to not replant any crops as i was going to fill the crop area with strawberries in a few days from the egg festival i gave robins a visit and purchased myself a slime hutch to be built at the bottom of the farm and started work on decorating it i'll leave the media there for now i want to try and incorporate it into the aesthetic somehow i continued to add stone pathways around the hutch and farm to give myself a better understanding of what the bottom of the farm was going to look like hopefully this would give me some good ideas about what to fill it with later that night i decided a good way to fill this line of unused land would be to fill it with trees and grass so that's exactly what i did and i think it'll turn out great day 121 i waited outside abigail's room once again to give her a present it's because i want her to like me okay anyway i passed the special quest board and picked up robin's resource rush which i totally don't forget about and never complete over on ginger island i journey into the volcano dungeon once again to slay magma sprites and gather materials back on the farm that night i noticed an artifact spot and managed to dig up a snake vertebrae very rare and surely that can't happen to wha wait what okay i guess this makes up for not catching the legend well with both snake vertebraes in hand i took them straight to professor snail who rewarded me with some golden walnuts and a mango sapling back home i planted the mango tree sapling in my greenhouse with the other fruit trees and called in a night day 122 marlin came in the pouring rain to offer me a slime egg he noticed i had built a slime hutch and had come to spread her slime farming knowledge it was also vincent's birthday today so i popped by his house and gave him his favorites some grapes and because it was raining i was ready to have a second go at this bastard i called the legend the battle waged on and after hours of failed attempts and waiting for it to bite i finally caught it i don't have much in my notes about this day but i do have one quote that reads this fish can suck my ass back home i worked on the interior of my slime hutch this was a design that i do every time and i think it looks pretty good if it ain't broke don't fix it i say i added some iron fencing and it got to the front of the hatch and called it in for the night on day 123 i rode the minecart over to the quarry as i had some more kegs to fill it up with i quickly realized that i wasn't utilizing the space well enough with the layout i hadn't changed it so the kegs were within rows of two instead of one that way i'd be able to fit more rows in it took me most of the day to reorganize it to how i wanted it to but after i had finished it was looking very promising for the rest of the day i just fluffed around the farm until bed day 124 i had my first sturgeon row which i chucked into a preserve jar to make some caviar i prepped my crop area which was looking a bit slack for all the strawberry seeds i was going to buy tomorrow and went around the town giving out some gifts to people i had no hearts with in all honesty i felt a little bit like santa claus halfway through my gift-giving i walked into a rock rejuvenation session which looked uh odd but hey each to their own i paid the dwarf a visit to purchase a rare crow he was selling which i swapped out with a boring one back on the farm i then spent the rest of the night on level 100 in the mines trying to fish up a lava eel for my second pond however i fished out nothing but trash so i just went to bed day 125 was the day of the egg festival so i got my fields ready and headed on over to town i went to pierre's stall and bought all the strawberry seeds i needed them proceeded to demolish everyone at the econ for the second year in the row i actually think i got the same amount of eggs as i did last year after collecting my winnings i planted all my strawberry seeds and headed to bed day 126 was the day of birth for haley but before i could drop off her prison i went to p.s to get me some bean starter then i waited outside haley's room again this is not creepy still and gave her a nice diamond for her birthday then i stopped by marnie's to get some decorative hay bales back on the farm i planted my beans and put the decorative hay bales around the animal area just to give it a bit of color and fun i decided to try my luck at catching a lava eel again honestly i should have done some more research at the time because i had no idea the chances of catching one here compared to the top of the volcano on ginger island is close to none so naively i fished up trash for the rest of the night until it was bedtime on day 127 i picked up another fishing special quest to catch some sardines and then i headed on over to ginger island all three of my crops on the island farm were grown so i showed them to the gorman frog who rewarded me with 15 golden walnuts for growing them using some of those golden walnuts i unlocked the island trader who will come in handy later i strolled on over to the entrance of the volcano dungeon hold on wait a minute sorry okay i'll be honest i have no idea what's going on here but i have never seen that before the real reason i came here was to fish for a lava eel i did my research which i caught on my first cast i walked back past this true oddity and headed over to the dig site which i cleared out for some resources later on i had a real heart to heart with my boy leo and went looking for some golden walnuts i hadn't found yet and then i took a late night boat ride home back to the valley dropped my lava eel into its pond and went to bed day 128 i did some chores around the farm before heading over to ginger island i head up the island trader to get myself a golden coconut and a banana sapling to pine to my greenhouse and travelled back to the valley at the museum i dropped off some artifacts i had found and cracked open my golden coconuts which gave me nothing absolutely nothing back on the farm i popped my banana sampling down to my greenhouse and was now full of every fruit tree possible and then i made the hardest decision of my life i got rid of the media right i know i know i'm i'm heartbroken too i wanted to make it work so badly but i just couldn't so i had to go but a witch flew off my coop that night and gave me a void egg but you're a little too late for that unfortunately mrs witch day 129 i spent the day down on the pier catching sardines for demetrius's special quest but i finished it in the late afternoon so i went past the adventurer's guild to check on my monster slayer goals and admired my quarry full of kicks for a while i didn't achieve too much else for the rest of the day so i just called it an early night it was day 130 and i was making it up to my lost friend to make this section look just as beautiful as he was so i planted some trees added a path and covered it with grass that's for you pal in town i picked up a beer for pam's birthday probably not the best idea if she's meant to be driving but hey i'm not eating her driving services today so i think it's all good i took the boat over to ginger island and i actually cannot make this up but i got another snake vertebrae someone please tell me if this is insane luck or if i'm just really hyping myself up too much that aside for the rest of the day i spent it scouring the volcano dungeon slaying magma sprites and searching for useful minerals day 131 it was back to ginger island i found a gym bird on the west side of the island and put a topaz on top of its pedestal and then i was back to the volcano to get my grind on which i did for the rest of the day day 132 my first lava eel row was ready so i put it in the preserved jar ready to be made into aged row i dropped in three fire courts to help with their breeding process and added a gate on the other side of my animal area i ventured into the quarry mine and bed up some floating skulls and managed to finally get my hands on the golden scythe afterwards i rode into town to pick up a pizza from the saloon which i passed on to shane as a birthday gift because it's his birthday today into the night i fluffed around the farm and thought about what i could do with certain sections i moved to my lightning rods once again and went to bed day 133 my first strawberry harvest was ready but thanks to my handy dandy junimos i won't have to pick them my ancient fruit were looking nice and harvestable minus a few but with the amount i had i could take them to the quarry and turn them into wine which is exactly what i did sunday would now forever be the ancient fruit picking day as they regrow every seven days meaning saturday nights would be when i collect all my ancient fruit wine i peeked into the rundown jojo martin had a look at what i needed for the missing bundle the great thing is that you only need five out of the six things to complete it then i had five things ready and available excluding the silver quality wine so back on the farm i put a dino egg into a mayo machine and made some dino mayo i rode clip clop over to piers to buy some cooking supplies and took all my geodes to clint after opening about 50 geodes i had quite the halls some of which i hadn't collected yet so i dropped them off at the museum to donate and the rest i shipped off for money a quick look at my minerals collection so that i only had about five left to get i put the dino mayo i had made into the chest i had for the missing bundle and collected all my strawberries i kept a few and shipped the rest and that was the day over and done with day 134 i spent in the skull kevin yep that's about it oh wait we had another virgin mary birth overnight as crispy gave birth to a baby pig who i named bacon on day 135 i picked up a ginger island special quest from the board which tasked me to catch five of each unique fish so off i went i did bring some taro with me to plant next to the river to get my golden walnuts for farming and then i was off fishing for the rest of the day i caught five blue discus from the river five lionfish from the ocean and five stingrays from the pirates cove which pretty much kept me busy for the whole day day 136 i did some chores around the farm before going to crack open a golden coconut before realizing it was locked now why is that i wonder because it's the flower dance will i be attending absolutely not not after what happened last year i even plucked up the courage to ask abigail to dance with me but got absolutely rejected oh i'm not putting myself through that again so i decided to get away from my past mistakes by destroying part of the farm i did have a reason for doing this though because i needed someplace to put my gold clock when i eventually get it so what better place to put it than right smack bang in the middle of the farm i continued to expand my pathways and i added a lovely little path between the slime hutch and crop area for the rest of the day until bedtime i just spent smelting oars day 130 was another round of strawberries and i'll pick that later thanks to my junimos i patiently waited outside clint we all know how patient i am and once inside i cracked over my golden coconut in hopes of a fossilized skull but i got rubbish again so really worth me waiting eh over on ginger island i found a third gym bird outside leo's hut which gave me the third gym to put on its pedestal and once again i was back in the volcano dungeon on the grind i did find these fellas taking a nice warm soak in the lava and i thought i'd leave them to it after which i went to bed the morning of day 138 i traveled back to the valley to find my junimos frozen in time i know they're cute and all but this is just creepy i gathered up all my strawberries and shipped them off i ran around finishing up some chores before heading over to piers to give him a birthday gift i gave him a rabbit's foot because hey everyone loves rabbit feet i also dropped off some caviar to my missing bundle chest because i only had one gem left to get from a gym bird on ginger island i thought i'd try every other gym on the last pedestal until i got it right which rewarded me with five golden walnuts and as i was looking for golden walnuts around the island farm i dug up another snake vertebrae that's four count em four surely that's super lucky after that rush of adrenaline i wasn't too sure what to do with myself so i headed back home and just went to bed i started out day 139 by getting clint to whack open some golden coconuts for me i didn't get my fossilized skull but i did get this sick ass golden coconut helmet it was also emily's birthday today so i waited outside her room man i really gotta stop doing this until she finally came out to receive her gift i'd like to introduce you all to a new segment i'd like to call panic with paxil by panning in this river here i will attempt to get my hands on the elusive lucky ring which will complete my ring collection this ring grants the player with plus one luck and i just really want it unfortunately today was not my lucky day but back on the farm i collected all my ancient fruit wine from the quarry and shipped it off where i made a solid 224 000 gold day 140 was a sunday and the last day of spring so you know what that means ancient fruit picking after i picked all the ancient fruit out of the greenhouse i took off to the missing bundle as all i needed was a few more gold quality ancient fruit i took everything inside to complete the bundle and i said my last goodbye to the junimos you know except for the ones who labor on my farm for free it's okay they're unionized up at the quarry i re-kegged my ancient fruit i popped into robin's on the way past and renovated my house a little i added a southern room and a corner room and purchased the final upgrade on my house and for the rest of the day my time was spent diving through the skull kevin and i'll be honest here i started on level 1 at 12 40 and by the time i passed out at 2am i had managed to reach level 120 which is a pretty damn good effort and i had quite the hall to show for it overnight the old jojo mart was then renovated by the junior modes and turned into a movie theater day 141 was the first day of summer i started my day by sorting my previous night's haul into my chest and seeing pierre about some summer crop seeds i got myself 15 hop starters and 177 blueberry seeds these two will fill my bottom crop area and also i got 48 red cabbage seeds 48 spangled seeds 48 radish seeds and finally 48 tomato seeds these would fill up my top area and my plan was as crops are grown and harvested i'd go back and replace them with other seeds over the season so i can eventually grow every summer crop i rode clip clop back to the farm and planted all my seeds being the start of the week the special quest board had reset so i picked up the island ingredients quest which tasked me with growing and shipping 100 taro hey remember how i planted that taro a while ago yeah pretty lucky but i did need this quest so i could get the crafting recipe for solar panels which would give me more batteries which i was running low on over on ginger island i picked some ancient fruit that had grown and turned them all into seeds to replant and i filled more of my farm which i ended up doing for the rest of the day day 142 my taro was ready to be picked so i gathered them all up and put them through the seed maker to get more seeds to replant 100 taro was a lot but i had the whole season to complete it which was heaps of time i quickly took a trip back home to make more seed makers and got some more taro seeds from my chest before heading back and planting them all around the river and welcome back everyone to panning with park seal unfortunately i did not get my ring today i spent the morning of day 143 waiting outside the saloon and the pouring rain and thunder because i needed more salads and i think that's a very reasonable reason to stand out in the rain for three hours right i busted out some sick moves on clip-clop heading down to the beach and i took the boat across to ginger island where guess what i was back in the dungeon doing more grinding of course always grinding for those resources which took out the rest of my day actually day 144 i headed on down to marnie's ranch where i definitely did not wait for jazz to leave her room to jump scare her with a birthday present that's just not like me and then it was back to ginger island where i picked some ready to harvest ancient fruit i turned them all into seeds and replanted them on the farm and then of course it was time for our favorite segment and say it with me now panning with pog seal no i didn't get it thanks for asking on the morning of day 145 i was about to finally upgrade my pickaxe to iridium when clint no don't don't do this to me man instead i headed down to the pier off the tide pools and caught myself the crimson fish the fourth legendary fish thank god i didn't have any problems with this one because my heart would not have been able to take it later that evening i went to see how many golden walnuts i needed to open mr keith's walnut room and it turns out i had over 100 because he kindly let me in i had a quick look around but i won't be using this room much until a bit further on to finish off the day i added a couple more crystallariums to my shed and called it a night day 146 i started out by working on the bottom of my animal area i haven't touched it in a while and i thought i'd make it look a little bit nicer but before i could finish i quickly popped by clint to get the pickaxe upgrade i meant to get yesterday i added some wooden paths to add some detail and made three of each machine to put in the spaces i know it doesn't fill up completely but i don't have that many animals and it definitely looks a lot better with nothing much to do i took a super cucumber i had saved to the hidden box just north of clint's place and got one of the three secret statues which i then placed back on the farm being a saturday night i collected up all of my ancient fruit wine from the quarry and shipped it off before bedtime day 147 i started off the day collecting my ancient fruit out of my greenhouse made use of my animal product machines and checked in on my slimes my lava eels requested two diamonds which i happily obliged to give them and i went off to piers to buy some seeds over up at the quarry i placed my ancient fruit into the kegs and i passed robins to purchase the furniture catalog on the way back home i popped into piers to get his catalog and i replanted my seeds back in my crop area for the rest of the day i put my interior design hat on and worked on the living room in the end i went with this modern tea room inspired look which i was genuinely really happy with i kind of didn't have a plan and i was going with the flow but i was very happy with the outcome i have thought about making an interior design guide video so let me know in the comments if you think i should make one it was day 148 and my iridium package was finally done so i went over to clint's to pick it up waiting for me on ginger island was another round of ancient fruits so i picked them all turned them all into seeds replanted them filling more of my farm and she was looking pretty healthy back in the valley it was gus's birthday so i gave him a nice big diamond for the rest of the evening i put my interior design hat back on and worked on my bedroom again i didn't really have a plan for this but i kind of rolled with the punches and ended up with this not too shabby if you ask me i'm a big fan i had a bit of time left in my day so i quickly spruced up the kitchen with some new flooring wallpaper and decorations day 149 another round of taro was ready for me on ginger island so i harvested them all made them all into seeds and replanted them so i'd have more than enough taro to ship off for the special quest for the rest of the day i kind of just did chores although i did keep working on the kitchen area in the farmhouse but why stop there i decided to spice up the kids room i'll eventually add more soft toys when i get my hands on them but for three days of interior design work my home is looking pretty nice day 150 marks the halfway point and i feel like i'm on a roll i spent the morning buying seeds from pierre and sandy and refilling my crop area with them before giving maru a birthday present since it was her birthday today with nothing much else to do i headed inside to work on this little corner room this is where i'm going to show off all my legendary fish as you can see and i added a little disk setup to add some purpose to the room a little study area if you will i'm still not too sure what i want the southernmost room to look like but i'm sure something will come to me for the rest of the night i kind of just mulched around the farm smelting ores and making a starter and crafting every item before bedtime day 151 i did some chores around the farm and headed up to robbins but quickly realized that today was the day of the lure man i am terrible at remembering festival dates anyway i got myself a gold truffle and headed down to the beach i chucked it into the soup and the mayo was very happy with the taste so good in fact it was the best he'd ever tasted it was a good luck day on day 152 so i got some bombs ready and i think you know where this is going that's right it's a skull cabin run down on level 83 i managed to find the secret note from mr key to find him on level 100 which was perfect timing because i was only 17 levels away but time was running out so with all the stone i had i crafted myself some staircases and got to level 100 just in time where i drank some iridium snake milk which permanently increases my health by 25. i then passed out in the cabin day 153 was alex's birthday so i rode clip clop over in the rain to give him a present i then stopped over at cleanse to put my ex for an iridium upgrade and paid robin a visit to give my house a fresh new coat of paint some more ancient fruit was ready for me on ginger island so i turned them all into seeds and replanted them back at the quarry my wine was ready so i collected it all up and shipped it off before bed day 154 was another ancient fruit harvest in my greenhouse so i collected all of them up and shoved them into the kegs over at the quarry while i was there i cleared out the debris that it spawned and smelted s'mores back on the farm i took a quick trip to robbins to purchase a ton of wood and if it isn't obvious by now i'm expanding the quarry with more keys after smelting copper and iron ore for most of the day i had 110 kegs ready to go day 155 i started out my day by picking up my now complete iridium x from clint's cheers bud and then i headed up to the quarry to place down all the kings i had made which almost filled out the quarry but just not quite honey was blocking my way to get back onto the farm and i had an absolute nightmare navigating my tree farm but once i was i rode on through down to the boat and it was off to ginger island more ancient fruit had grown so i put them through the seed makers and replanted them all how did i spend the rest of my day you ask well i was back in the dig site for panning with park seal no i did not get the ring day 156 i woke up to a riverside full of taro which i went through and harvested i shipped them all off except a few just in case i needed them for cooking tomorrow and i'll complete the special quest back on the farm my blueberries have been picked by my lovely and unionized money adjunamos so i collected them all and shipped them off down in the sewers i paid the statue of uncertainty a visit and paid to have my foraging skills changed overnight i don't have much use to have more wood shot from trees so i was going to opt for the double foraging chance perk and guaranteed max quality forageables perk back on the farm i moved my lightning rods yet again as i was going to prep an area by the lake to hold some solar panels for the rest of the night i smelted all to make solar panels and finished off the area where i was going to put them i went to bed and overnight i chose my new foraging perks day 157 i had the recipe to make solar panels and i had enough resources to make six of them which i placed down next to the lake i replaced some freshly picked summer spangled flowers with some hot pepper seeds and it was sam's birthday today so i gave him his favorite a cactus fruit and then it was back to the island outside leo's heart i placed a banana on his table where the gorilla kindly gave me some golden walnuts in return for the rest of today i hit the volcano dungeon and managed to complete the magma sprite monster slayer goal before returning to the valley and heading to bed it was day 158 and i was back doing some chores around the farm but i was so close to filling the whole quarry with kegs though i gathered all the materials i needed and finally the quarry was now filled to the broom with kegs ready for wine making i made some more crystalleriums and added them to the shed i got rid of my tomato plants since they served their purpose and i replaced them with sunflower seeds before bed i went through my crop chest and got one of each crop to ship off to add to my shipping collections day 159 was the day of demetrius's birthday so i surprised him with a juicy strawberry over at abigail's house i was offered to play some journey of the prairie king but due to my keyboard being a 60 keyboard i couldn't shoot and move at the same time aka a recipe for death which is exactly what happened i didn't last very long disappointed i got some wheat seeds from peers and rode clip-clop back to plant them in my crop area i noticed i was running low on fibre so i spend the rest of the day down in the mines resetting level 80 getting me some more fibre i spent the morning of day 160 sprucing up the bottom lake area as it was looking a little bear i planted some trees added some lamp posts and grass and once all those trees are grown i think it'll look quite nice down at the beach i picked up a rainbow shell before heading off to replant some ancient fruit on my island farm it was so close to being full so close and being a saturday night my wine was good to go and ready to be collected so i collected them all up i took my rainbow shell up to the railroad and got the next part to the mysterious mr key quest yeah remember that i dumped my wine into the shipping bin and i hit the hay day 161 i hit the greenhouse and picked my ancient fruit before dumping it all into kegs up at the quarry over in the desert i was buying myself some beet seeds you see the next part of the mysterious mr key quest was to hide tin beets and mayo lewis's fridge but beats only go in spring meaning i'd have to plant them all on ginger island but before i could i showed alex my undeniably solid sporting skills well with my ego shattered i planted my beats in silence but i found a new source of energy as it was another installment of panning with poxil oh why can't i find this damn ring day 162 was the day i finally filled up every spot for ancient seeds on my island farm now i just had to wait for them all to grow back on the farm i gave my lava eels a mega bomb that seems dangerous and it was the dwarf's birthday today so i headed up to the mines and dropped off a jade stone to him over in the desert i caught myself a scorpion carp which left me with three fish left to catch and i rounded off the day smelting oars and running aimlessly around the farm i did a big unboxing with my geodes on day 163 over at cleanse in hopes of obtaining a few more minerals which i did and i donated them to the museum which left me with two more minerals to get to complete the collection i then made a start on cooking meals i even placed three extra chests in the kitchen to hold them all and i pretty much did this for the rest of the day i just cooked meals day 164 was old bait willy's birthday so i rode clip clop down to the pier and gave him a nice big diamond i then settled myself in to do some fishing some cooking recipes require certain fish that i was hoping to catch a few of them while i was here a bit later on i changed it up and fished in the river for the same reason and wow would you look at that i'm up at the mountain lake fishing after a day of fishing i shoved my haul of fish into a chest in the kitchen and spent the rest of the night fluffing around the farm before bed the morning of day 165 i did some wood collecting i hadn't used my iridium x a lot so i put it to the test by cutting down all the trees in the valley which actually took up a lot of time so by the evening i had enough to go panning where oh no never mind i'm just fishing i fished myself up a fossilized spine which left me with only one more thing to get from professor snail and it was that damn skull from a golden coconut okay now it's time for panning with paxil swear to god i'm never gonna get this stupid ring is so stupid why didn't they do this to me it's just a stupid wrangler why can't i get it so easy day 166 i picked and replanted my sunflowers before heading back to the island while i was there i handed leo a duck feather since it was his birthday today at the island trader i purchased a couple of recipes and a couple of golden coconuts and then i headed into the volcano dungeon for the day back on the farm i had a quick look at my shipping collection page and it was looking a lot better than when i started this 200 days with nothing else to do i decided to head to bed day 166 i braved the rainy weather and did some chores around the farm over at clint's i opened up those two golden coconuts i got from this island trailer yesterday and i finally got the fossilized skull so you can guess exactly where i was headed next but before i could drop off the skull i found leo contemplating life on the beach my beats had finally grown so i harvested all of them and then i dropped off the skull which completed professor snow's mini museum of fossils back in the valley i took 10 beats to lewis's house and then i was tasked to give the desert dragon his last meal but luckily i knew exactly what that meant so i headed off to the desert and i fed the dragon corpse a solar essence and in true treasure hunt fashion of course the final prize was waiting for me right where i started in the log pile in my own house so i was awarded the casino club card which allowed me to get past the security guard in the oasis shop so of course i went there to see what it was all about i bought myself some key coins and slaved away on the slot machines i couldn't turn a profit so i tried my hands at a game of calico jack but i didn't know how to play and i got my ass handed to me so i left with my tail between my legs i'll be back but it wasn't all bust because my wine was ready for me so i paid the quarry a visit and collected them all before shipping them off and heading to bed day 168 was the final day of summer i harvested all of my ancient fruit from the greenhouse but unfortunately because there was a festival being set up on the beach i couldn't access the boat to get to ginger island so i had to craft myself an island warp totem but once i was there i harvested more ancient fruit and kicked them back up at the quarry i spent the rest of the day moping around the farm tidying things up for the full season [Music] i smelt the fresh four layer the morning of day 169 and it's time for my favorite season i cleared out all the dead and alive crops from my crop area mooched on over to piers i bought myself a whole load of cranberry seeds for the bottom field and 48 seeds of each yam bok choy pumpkin and emirates i was pretty much gonna go with the same setup for my crops as summer in the top field as crops get harvested i'll replace them with new ones so i can grow lots of each crop to have ready for me when i need them i picked up the juicy bug quest from the special quest board in town and headed into the volcano dungeon as i wanted to replace that one dragon tooth i used yesterday by bypassing the beach and yep i ended up with six and this is pretty much what i did until bedtime day 170 was penny's birthday so i gave her a nice emerald over at the wooden bridge by the movie theater i fished up the final legendary fish i needed the angler i went to put it in my aquarium but unfortunately you can't have more than four fish at a time in there so after a while of trying to figure out what i was gonna do i kept the same layout but i kept all the seasonal legendary fish in the main tank and the mutant carp can chill on the smaller one for now over on the island farm i took some pineapple seeds and planted them around a few quality sprinklers to finish off the day i fished at the mountain lake and caught myself a midnight cup which meant i had one fish left to catch the morning of day 171 it was straight to the beach to catch the final fish i caught myself an albacore and it was complete i have caught every single fish afterwards i had to deal with a grouchy george i made short work of the juicy bug special quest down in the mines by applying some monster musk and going to town on the bugs i dropped off all the bug meat to willy and headed back home day 172 my day started off well as i got another star drop in the mail courtesy of willy after doing some chores around the farm i found willie on the beach using that bug meat i had got him and he taught me how to craft a quality bobber in return over on ginger island i found a couple more golden walnuts before we went penning with park seal and i got it i got i got the ring just kidding i got you though didn't i yeah so the joke is totally on you all watching and definitely not me who's been trying to get this ring for so long day 173 was a very good luck day and elliot's birthday so yep i gave elliott a gift for his birthday and i hit the skull cabin for the day and uh yeah that's about it to be honest day 174 my bok choy had been harvested by my lovely and paid minimum wage by the hour i swear junomo so i replaced them with some fairy seeds my journal was now quite full of requests from villagers that i have refused to complete so i spent the afternoon going around and dropping off wanted gifts to citizens of the valley i felt like santa again that night i collected up my ancient fruit wine waiting for me in the quarry before calling it in for the night day 175 gus came out early and visited the farmhouse to lend me a mini jukebox and the recipe to make one what a nice guy i then picked my ancient fruit out of my greenhouse and island farm before kicking it all up at the quarry by my calculations by the time all of my ancient fruit plants had grown on ginger island i'd have more fruit than i would kegs so i paid robin a visit to get myself a shed that i would fill with even more kegs and back on the farm i added a few pathways to decorate it a wee bit i then made a few more crystallariums to add to my shed and cooked a few more meals to add to my collection which pretty much kept me busy until bedtime day 176 i stuck a wild plum in a preserved jar to make some jam that i can add to my shipping collection and my amaranth had been harvested and so i replaced them with some artichoke seeds while passing through town i checked the special quest board and probably got the easiest crop order quest i've ever seen 100 cranberries and i've already got a field full of them too easy over on the island i picked up mr key's danger in the deep quest which resets the minds and makes a harder ticket to the bottom so i made a start on making my way down by the end of the day i had made it to level 20. not too bad and i thought i was in good steed to have the mines completed by the end of the week day 177 i shipped over 200 cranberries which finished the crop order quest in record time and then i went back to the mines i was having trouble with doing enough damage my galaxy sword just wasn't putting out especially when surrounded by flying squid but i managed to get to level 50 in a few radioactive ore before calling it a night day 178 i was straight back to the mines and i kept progressing down but it was on level 52 that i met this disgusting ghost thing which if it hits me makes me too nauseated to eat so i ran away but i had a plan i bought myself the infinity gavel from the adventurous guild which i then took to the forge up at the volcano i got myself artful which halves the ability cooldown and forged three rubies into it giving it more damage so i went back and my gavel was working quite well i was definitely getting through these monster filled floors a lot faster than before but unfortunately i passed out on floor 59 it was a rainy day on day 179 so i picked my yams and did some chores around the farm over at one willow lane i gave sam and sebastian some solid music advice i told kent he shouldn't blame jody for popping popcorn and gave jody a diamond for a birthday i popped into robin's and got myself a deluxe upgrade for my kick and paid clint a visit to buy a load of copper and iron ore which i spent the rest of the day smelting for those wondering why i didn't go back to the mines today it's because i had a plan to complete them on the last day but i won't give anything away too soon the rain continued on day 180 and i got myself some corn seeds to plant in my crop area i dropped a parsnip into a preserved jar to make pickled parsnips something to add to my shipping collection and then i continued to smelt ore i popped by robbins to buy wood but i totally forgot that she's on my farm right now upgrading my shed so obviously she isn't there after smelting most of my oars i was a bit lost on what to do so i just went to bed day 181 the sun was finally shining again and it was abigail's birthday so i gave her an amethyst i did another geode unboxing over at clint's in hopes of getting some of the last minerals i needed but alas it wasn't meant to be i accidentally took my anger out by bonking clip-clops rear-end with my gavel i even went back with normal geodes to try again but it seriously just wasn't meant to be but i wanted to donate something so over in the desert and by the river i dug up two strange dolls that i could donate to the museum i paid robin a visit and got my water i wanted yesterday and back on the farm i made exactly 138 gigs which i filled my newly upgraded shed with up at the quarry that night you already know what time it is look at all that wine look at all that gold day 182 i collected all of my ancient fruit from my greenhouse and island farm and kicked them up at the quarry but i filled up every single king and i still had ancient fruit left over so i utilized my kig shed i bought some eggplant seeds to replace my pumpkins that had been harvested and then it was time to enact my genius plan to reach the bottom of the mines yeah i just used my joint stone to buy staircases at the desert trader and then i used them to get to the bottom it's not cheating i reckon just pure ingenuity at its finest and 50 free key gyms might i add jodie came to visit me on day 183 and she kindly invited me around for dinner that night provided i bring a largemouth bass when i arrive but over on ginger island i visited mr key's walnut room and the danger in the deep was available again so yep i'm gonna do the exact same thing on sunday with my key gems i bought myself the horse flute which means i can teleport my trusty clip clop anywhere at any time today was also sandy's birthday so i gave her a lovely flower i spent the afternoon working on decorating this little area below my crop fields for my obelisks and then i took a largemouth bass with me to one willow lane and indulged in a lovely fish casserole with everyone before heading to bed myself day 184 i went to get my first obelisk from the wizards tower but of course it's in my nature to forget a festival is on so it was locked but i did put up a lovely grange display at the valley fair and won myself first place day 185 it was back to the wizards tower and this time i got myself the island obelisk over at piers i got myself some corn seeds to plant and planted them in my top field back on the farm i paid robin a visit and painted my keg shed before heading over to ginger island and making my way through the volcano dungeon i was specifically looking for golden walnuts and those little machine gadgets afterwards i picked my pineapple on the island farm and finished the day off doing some chores around the farm day 186 i popped by marnie's and found shane being a drunk in his room and then i gave marnie a diamond for her birthday on ginger island i was trying to find some more golden walnuts and managed to get my hands on an ostrich egg which i immediately took home with me i made an ostrich incubator which i placed in my barn and placed my egg inside of it i joined abigail up at the lake and played some music with her and back on ginger island i used some of my golden walnuts to unlock the island travel system and then i went to bed marnie braved the rain and visited me in the morning of day 187 as she wanted a cave carrot for her goat i took a duck mayonnaise over to the saloon and got myself the second secret statue which i placed back on the farm by my slime hutch i realized that one of the golden walnuts i had to get was hiding in a tree and to get it i needed a slingshot so i paid marlon and gil a visit but for some reason he wasn't selling one so maybe i'll have to come back another day but with nothing else much to do i headed to bed for an early night's sleep on day 188 i visited caroline in her sunroom so i could get them tea leaves two items i needed for my shipping collection were tea leaves and green tea so i wanted to unlock the sun room so i could collect her tea leaves at the end of the season we sidetracked a little bit and caroline got a bit wet on me but hey who am i to judge but it gave me the perfect idea for my last room undecorated in the farmhouse i was going to turn it into a coffee and tea room so i filled it with some garden pots kegs a couple of tables and decorations and by the end of the day i had a wonderful looking room i finished my day off collecting all that sweet sweet money-making ancient fruit wine day 189 was a repeat of today one week ago but it was also robin's birthday so i collected all of my ancient fruit kicked it up at the quarry and in my king shed popped into romans to give her some goat cheese for her birthday and staircase to my way down to the bottom of the mines which gave me another 50 key gems day 190 i took some maple syrup to the secret forest and had a lovely chat with the talking bear who gave me the ability to sell salmon berries and blackberries at three times the gold what an absolute score over in mr key's walnut room i spent my key gems on two ended i mean junomo chests and wow look at that danger in the jeep again i place down my jutamo chest next to both my houses and place some tools in there that i hardly use anymore i headed over to caroline's sunroom and picked off a tea leaf and took it home i crafted some tea saplings and planted them in my tea room along with some coffee plants very nice me very nice i had received a few more cooking recipes over the last few weeks and so i spent the rest of the night making them before calling in an early night it was day 191 and i was back to the sun room to yoink one last tea leaf which i put into one of my kigs down at the wizards tower i bought myself two more obelisks the earth obelisk and water obelisk which left me with just one to get once my tea was done i shipped off both the tea and tea leaves to add to my collection before bid day 192 i was ticking off more villager requests from my journal and down in the skull cavern gathering resources day 193 i decided i wanted to forge my tools so i ended up getting the swift enchantment on both my axe and pickaxe meaning they swing faster probably one of the better enchantments to have i then spent the rest of the day in the kitchen whipping up some delicious meals to add to my collection day 194 was another skull cabin run and i ended up completing the mummy monster slayer goal today but apart from that nothing else really happened day 195 was the exact same i hit the skull cavern again in search of minerals and resources but this time i managed to complete the serpent monster slaggle but it was saturday night so i collected my ancient fruit wine from the quarry in kickshed and in total i sold 482 bottles of wine which would give me just over 1.1 million gold hey no that's some good profit it was the spirit sea festival again so i stayed up past my bedtime to run through the maze and get myself the golden pumpkin before heading to bed on day 196 i took a break from the dusty smell of the skull caverns and collected all of my ancient fruit from my greenhouse and island farmed and shoved them into kegs i got my final obelisk from the wizards tower the desert obelisk and my collection was complete although i forgot to record that part so here they all are on the farm down in the mines i spent the rest of the night putting my ingenuity to the test by staircasing my way down to the bottom of the mines again but hey it works day 197 was the very first day of my second winter in the valley and my ostrich had finally hatched so i named him henry already sick of the cold weather i traveled over to ginger island to pick my pineapples and spend my key gems on pierre's missing stock list back in town i dropped off a birthday gift to crobis and hand appear his missing stock list which gives me access to buy any seeds during any season over at the saloon i bought myself some more salads and decided to clear out the dig site over on the island before bedtime day 198 it's time for the final segment of panning with poxio god i spent all day here how is it possible that i cannot find this stupid [Music] day 199 i paid a visit to marnie's and stocked up on some hay for the animals during the winter time i got myself the third and final secret statue from vincent's room and gave linus a big juicy cactus root for his birthday and finally day 200 all i did today was spend it soaking in the hot spa reflecting and reminiscing on the last 200 days i've seen to make this a tradition in my final day soaking in the spa but hey it's not a bad way to finish a hectic 100 days [Music] i was back on the farm once again on day 201 and i spent the morning reacquainting myself with the farm since it had been a while so i just did some chores also i should clarify now that to help me keep track of everything i needed to do to achieve perfection i know joke had a notebook beside me the whole time and i had a checklist in that notebook which does come in handy quite a lot but anyway i took a rabbit's foot across to the movie theater car park and handed it to the truck driver where i received the special charm which increases your daily luck not too bad to have when i go panning for that damn lucky ring trying to complete another secret note i headed up to the bath house to fish out abigail's necklace that she had lost but of course being winter the water feature is frozen over looks like i'll have to come back in spring down on the beach i dug up a snow yam one of the last things i needed to ship in order to complete the shipping collection and that night i finished off the day making some cooking recipes before heading to bed day 202 started out with paying pier and sandy a visit to pick up some kale and rhubarb seeds that i hadn't grown yet which i then planted on ginger island since ginger island lets you plant any seeds during any season i then stopped in to see marlon and gill at the adventurers guild to see if they were selling a slingshot and look at that they were hallelujah because i was very worried at the end of the last 200 days that i couldn't get it but why get a slingshot you may ask well there's a pesky golden walnut which can only be obtained from shooting it down from a tree which is exactly what i did hooked on trying to get all the golden walnuts i made some flute blocks and headed to the beach outside the pirate's cove but i realized as i got there it had to be raining so i guess i'll just come back another day over in the desert i traded in my surplus of omni geodes for some artifact tropes before getting myself the stone junomo behind the community center i then spent the rest of the night stumped on trying to obtain the golden lewis statue like this this honestly took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out but i got there in the end it was day 203 and it was a sunday if you haven't seen my other videos then i should preface that sunday is my ancient fruit collecting day which is exactly what i did i then collected up all my wine from the quarry and replaced them with more ancient fruit to be ready in a week's time and then i did the same in my keg shed back on the farm today was also caroline's birthday and so i handed her one of her favorites a fish taco hey i'm definitely not judging or anything i'm i'm not like that i don't i don't judge people like that okay over on ginger island it was pouring with rain so i took the opportunity to play the mermaid so i'm gonna get my hands on five more walnuts for the rest of the night i sadly said goodbye to half of the tree farm my tree farm had served me well but it was time to get rid of it and make way for the golden clock area that's right i wanted my golden clock to have some prime real estate on my farm and oh boy was it gonna get it day 204 i continued to work on my golden clock area which i mapped out with some stone walkways to give myself a visual idea of where i was heading i then headed over to ginger island as i realized i had one golden walnut left to get i was literally at 129 out of 130 walnuts but the bird for some reason wasn't giving me any clues so i was on my own to find the last walnut unfortunately i had no luck finding it so i headed back to the valley that night where i potted around the farm until bedtime day 205 i started out doing some chores around the farm and then i was back to ginger island determined more than ever to find myself that last golden walmart after calculations thinking ascending past the third dimension and a little help from the stardew valley wiki i figured out the location of the last walnut i now had all 130 walnuts and i took golden walnuts off the checklist i then spent most of the day crafting things as another part of perfection is to craft every item which honestly kept me busy for the rest of the day day 206 i headed on over to ginger island to hand in the rest of my golden walnuts for key gyms and back on the farm i decided to ditch the diamonds and crystallarium's idea and set them all up with jade stone instead i wanted a lot of staircases i then filled the area around the golden clock with statues and grass i have a couple more statues to get but for now it's taking a nice shape i think up at robins i settled the tomato debate between robin and demetrius with the only correct answer it's a vegetable of course it's a vegetable and then i surprised sebastian with a frozen tea for his birthday before calling it a night and heading into bed it was time to open my artifact troves on day 207 so off to clint's i went i did manage to get my hands on the bone flute which ticked another artifact off the list and then i headed on over to the movie theater i got there a bit early so i waited around until 9. i wanted to play the crane game but this stupid guy was in the way and he wouldn't let me play so i thought i'd watch the movie in hopes that he would have moved on but no as they came out he was still standing there oh well i'll just have to come back another day then down on the beach i managed to dig up a dried starfish another artifact i didn't have yet and over at the digged side on the island i found a couple more while clearing it out that night i rode clip-clop around the cindersnap forest trying to find the last artifacts but came up short so i headed to bed i started out day 208 mooching around the farm completing some chores before heading over to the museum to donate those artifacts i had found yesterday leaving me with only one to get which was the elvish jewelry which can only be found from artifact troves or artifact spots around the cindersnap forest so back out i went on clip clops scouring the land for spots but i found none today unfortunately over on ginger island my kale was ready to be harvested so i collected them all up and took them home i put one in the shipping bin to go towards my shipping collections and before bed i made some more cooking recipes and i went on a gifting spree with diamonds in the saloon day 209 i went on a search for artifact spots in the cindersnap forest before taking all of my geodes to cleanse i got quite lucky and i managed to get a mudstone which was one of the last two minerals i needed to collect so off i went to the museum to donate it back on the farm i crafted myself a farm computer and put it down next to my interchist i mean junamo chest that evening i collected up all of my ancient fruit wine from the quarry and kikshed i also calculated that i was making about 1.2 million gold per week in which is quite a lot and the golden clock requires 10 million gold to purchase from the wizard but not to fair is by my calculations i'd have 10 million gold by the end of spring of my third year in the valley so i was in good stead to have that ticked off stone day 210 was another ancient fruit harvest day so i went around the greenhouse an island farm collecting up all of my ancient fruit oh this is so satisfying when you have so many and on this lovely winter's day it was our boy harvey's birthday but i wasn't good enough friends with him to enter his room so i had to kill some time before he came out again so back on the farm i grabbed my hoe and five already in bars and headed to clint's to upgrade my hoe for me and then back at harvey's i waited patiently for him to emerge from his room to drop him off some truffle oil before calling in a night it was day 211 and i was in mr key's room picking up kei's hungry challenge quest which tasked me with making it to level 100 in the skull kevin's without eating or drinking anything sounds simple enough right but i put that quest aside for now and decided to spend some time handing out some gifts to the townsfolk so with diamonds in hand i spread some cheer gifting them around over at leia's house i decided to become a personal hype man and told her to have an art show in town before handing out some more gifts it was after this i remembered that about a week ago i was rudely stopped from playing the crane game at the movie theater so i went back to give that guy a piece of my mind but he wasn't there so i got myself a couple of cute juno plushies which i took back home and placed in the kids room that evening the night market was back in town so i headed on down to the beach while i was there i purchased myself a painting of clouds and saw some things i'm never going to be able to unsee i went to bed that night and i dreamt about some very very strange things and about how awesome i am of course day 212 my iridium hoe was done and ready so i paid clinton visit to pick it up i then rode clip clop around the cinder snap forest once again looking to see if i could find this elvis jewelry but unfortunately today was not the day but today was a great luck day so you know what that means that's right we're heading the skull kevin's today hey you remember how i picked up that quest where i can't eat or drink anything in the cabins yeah so i i kind of totally forgot about that as you can see here while i try to eat but quickly realize that i can't so it was with caution that i continued going down and collecting materials as i went but then on floor 64 disaster struck i got way too cocky and i died and this is what i lost my shard 87 iridium ore and a bunch of other stuff it's safe to say i was crying screaming kicking throwing up and shook to the core how could i be so careless i retreated back home tailed between my legs and i headed to bed day 213 i was hoping for something to improve my mood after yesterday's shocking events so i headed down to the wizard and dropped him off a birthday gift a selfless deed was sure to improve my mood i then did some chores around the farm before riding clip-clop around the cinderstep forest again in search of that last artifact but it just wasn't meant to be luckily in yesterday's incident i hadn't lost my omni-geodes so i wandered over to clinton's to open them all as i only had one mineral left to get but after opening up 29 geodes i was as they say out of luck i continued my selfless deeds by handing out a few more loved gifts to villagers with the least amount of hearts i figured by focusing on the villages at the bottom of the list it will make my life a lot easier as i go on and i also dropped my watering can off to cleanse for an iridium upgrade to finish the night i paid a quick visit to the night market and bought myself another painting before sleep time the morning of day 214 i was doing the equivalent of pacing and thinking in real life which in stardew valley is warping between ginger island and the farm and i was honestly just planting stuff out of my head and consulting the checklist over at robbins i bought myself a telephone in all honesty i've never bought the telephone so this is a fun new territory for me and i placed it down beside the kitchen and gave it a test run just to make sure it works fine for the rest of the day i made some more crafting recipes foraged around the desert made a couple of cooking dishes and then i headed to bed and then overnight i heard a strange noise day 215 i left the farmhouse in search of what made such a strange noise and sure enough i found the strange capsule in the middle of my farm i'm sure it'll be fine if i leave this here right anyway i decided not to hang around it for too long just in case and instead i visited the island farm to harvest my now ready rhubarb i chucked one in the shipping bin for the shipping collection and stored the rest away of my crop chests clinton finished upgrading my watering can so i picked that up before finishing a request from gus by handing him a coconut i was back to riding clip club around the cindersnap forest in hopes of finding this last artifact but no luck today unfortunately feeling a bit bored i headed over to the saloon to cure that boredom with some dunamo cart which quickly turned to anger as i couldn't even make it past the first level so i decided a better use of my time would be to hand out some gifts for the rest of the day day 216 started out with some chores before heading on over to evelyn and george's place while i was there i helped harvey deal with a grouchy george and i gave evelyn a present for her birthday back on the farm i added some more crystalleriums to my jade shed and started working on filling in this last square i first chopped down the trees by the lake so it was a bit more visible then i decided to turn it into a little sitting area i added some pathways seats and some grass to a lovely campfire and i think it looks quite cosy and nice of course being a saturday night i paid a visit to the quarry to collect up all of my wine as well as the keg shed and ship them off before bed day 217 started out with an ancient fruit harvest across the greenhouse an island farm once i had all my fruit i went along and shoved them all into kegs for that sweet sweet wine the traveling cart was also here today and i was on the lookout for a rear seat as one of the last shipping collection items i needed was a sweet jim berry and lucky for me she was selling just what i needed after looking around for artifact spots around the cindersnap forest i headed on over to ginger island i found harvey on the beach looking like an absolute snack you gonna make me act up you know make me do so i'm more good and then i planted my rare seed with some deluxe speed grow to finish the day off i took a bunch of jade to the desert trader and got myself a buttload of staircases i was still yet to finish the hungry challenge from mr key and i had not a lot of time to do it in so i scurried down the cavern using the staircases and reached level 100 in no time giving me some more key gems for my efforts i started day 218 by stopping into mr key's walnut room and picking up the key kindness quest which tasks me with giving out 50 loved gifts completing this quest was going to do wonders for my friendship so i was glad to have picked it up so what did i do for the rest of the day i just handed out gifts of course i'm not kidding i did this until bedtime oh i did have a heart to heart with shane on the lake too so you know that happened day 219 i was back to giving out gifts in hindsight i thought 50 gifts wasn't going to be that many but trust me it's a lot of gifts and again this took up my whole day but by the end of it i had given out 42 out of 50 gifts which was pretty good going if you ask me day 220 i finished off handing out the last gifts i needed to complete keys quest and then got some more key gems in return back in the walnut room i used my key gems to purchase a hopper crafting recipe and i just needed 50 more gems to get the other two recipes back on the farm i did some chores before scavenging the cindersnap forest for that last artifact again but it just wasn't meant to be to finish the day off i made some more cooking recipes before heading to bed day 221 was the feast of the winter star but before heading into town i walked down to the beach to try and catch a tuna for a cooking recipe i hadn't made yet but for the life of me i just couldn't catch one so i gave up and headed to the feast my secret person this year was george so i gave him a nicer leak and my person was demetrius please be better than last year please be better than last year okay okay that's not too bad that's not too bad that's way better than the one i got last year it was clint's birthday on day 222 so i took the minecart over to his house and handed him a birthday present then i rode clip clop down to the pier to try and catch myself a tuna which i managed to catch after a few casts back home i used it to make a fish taco but without further ado it's time for everyone's favorite segment it's panning with poxio you already know how this works i'm looking for the elusive lucky ring which can be obtained from panning it's the last ring i needed to complete my ultimate collection but unfortunately i did not pan up the lucky ring today so you'll just have to stick around until the next episode of panning with poxel the morning of day 223 i didn't know people can call you on the phone hey pal you just blowing from stupid down so i got quite the fright when pierre called me but to pass the time i handed out some more gifts to the villages of pelican town which i did for most of the day but it was another saturday night so of course i went past the quarry in kigshen to pick up all of my wine before shipping it off before bed goodness me that's a lot of money day 224 was the final day of year two and it started out as any normal sunday wood i picked my ancient fruit from the greenhouse an island farmed and dumped most of them into the kegs up at the quarry but before heading to the king i waited patiently up at the playground to get my hands on the big juniper plushie to be honest i'd been meaning to get this for ages i just finally remembered to actually do it i then dumped the rest of my ancient fruit into the kings and my kids shed and headed to the desert to get myself some more staircases that night i made a shrimp cocktail and kind of just stared over my phone for a while before bed while i was sleeping grandpa's ghost showed up and told me about how proud he was of my progress i had done the farm justice and became the farmer he once dreamed of becoming he wasn't wrong though i was doing pretty well honestly [Music] day 225 was the first day of my third year on the farm and i started it off by clearing my crop fields of debris but i won't plant anything until i get more strawberry seeds because there's really no point to plan anything else i did some menial chores around the farm before heading to the secret forest to find a morale i needed a couple of these for shipping cooking and crafting so i'll come back for more i then went and picked a spring onion as that was another thing i hadn't added to my shipping collection so back on the farm i shipped both the morale and spring onion i paid a visit to mr key's walnut room and once again picked up mr key's kindness quest so over days 2 25 2 26 and 2 27 i just gave out gifts all day every day until the end of day 227 i finally finished the quest and purchased another crafting recipe with the gems i had earned in mr keys walnut room back on the farm i spent the evening making more cooking recipes since i was getting heaps into me in the mail from gaining friendship points with everyone and before bed i tidied up the farm a wee bit since i had kind of neglected it for the past three days day 228 started out with organizing all my food chests and moving it all to the chests in the kitchen it was ken's birthday today so i waited patiently outside his room i definitely do not have a problem doing this okay it's normal and i it's definitely not weird at all okay but he eventually came out so i handed him his present that afternoon i rode clip-clop around the cindersnap forest on the lookout for artifact spots but since it wasn't winter anymore it was a lot harder to find spots if they were there and i didn't find any down at the beach i caught myself an eel for a cooking recipe i hadn't made yet and before bed i was filling my inventory with gifts to hand out tomorrow it was day 229 and i did exactly that i spent the morning running around handing all the presents out later on in the day i headed up to the bath house and fished up abigail's necklace which i then promptly returned to her i then spent way too long staring out over the farm which meant i was probably consulting the checklist and making a plan day 230 started out with some gift giving and doing some chores around the farm and then i headed to the mines which was honestly a sight for sore eyes since i hadn't been there in a while i found out that the last mineral i needed granite could be found in normal geodes and i thought i'd have a higher chance of finding one from a normal geode than i did from an omni geode so i bashed away at rocks for a while before heading over to the quarry in king shed to collect up all of my wine before bed day 231 was another sunday so it was back to picking ancient fruit and re-kegging them but looking at my funds i was looking on track to have the golden clock by the end of spring it was also our very own mayor lewis's birthday today so i ran a hot pepper over to him afterwards i gave a few more gifts out to some villagers who were very close to full hearts and i managed to get evelyn and the wizard to full hearts and then i was back to the mines breaking rocks and collecting geodes which i ended up doing for the rest of the day i heard another strange noise overnight so on day 232 i ran around the farm to see what had caused it and hiding behind one of my obelisks was an owl statue so of course i had to add it to my statue collection over in mr keys walnut room i checked what quests were up this weekend here we go that night i hit the mine again to gather some more geodes before bid day 233 i gathered up all of my geodes and took them to cleanse and cross my fingers for a piece of granite and there it is with this dull gray beautiful piece of mineral i finally completed the minerals collection while riding clip clop around the cindersnap forest i stumbled across this hungry looking bear who was after a catfish sadly i didn't have any so i'll have to come back again another day for the rest of the day i just handed out gifts day 234 i fished in the river to catch myself a catfish for the beer i found yesterday but after i caught one i went back to give it to him but he wasn't there today was also vincent's birthday so i gave him one of his favorites a bunch of grapes then for the rest of the afternoon i handed out more gifts down at the beach i caught another eel for another cooking recipe i hadn't made yet and my collection was looking pretty good i only had a few more to collect it was day 235 and i honestly spent the whole day braving the rain and giving gifts to everyone on ginger island my sweet gym berry had finished growing meaning my shipping collection was now complete and i managed to finish kei's kindness quest so off i went to mr keys walnut room to purchase the last crafting recipe from his store day 236 i started my day off doing some chores around the farm i rode clip clop around the cindersnap forest still searching for artifact spots but came up short again however now that it wasn't raining i could finally give the bear that catfish he wanted and he asked me to bring him the next food item and the next and the next until i gave him his last one to say thanks he flew mary poppins style over the valley magically cleaning it up which honestly i probably could have done in a day with a plastic bag and gloves but hey each to their own for the rest of the day i kind of just mooched around the farm until bedtime day 237 was the egg festival i went around the crop area with my hoe and watering can preparing the fields for strawberries before heading into town i bought enough seeds to fill the two fields and started the egg hunt i'll be honest i didn't get as many eggs as i had the last two years i was kind of feeling off my game a little bit but i still absolutely demolished everyone so it doesn't even matter anyway back on the farm that night i planted all of my strawberries and headed out on clip clop to gather as much wine as i could from the quarry but i passed out just before i could get all of it day 238 i finished collecting all of my wine from the quarry in kitchen harvested all of my ancient fruit and re-kicked them all ready to go today was also hayley's birthday so of course i found her by the fountain and handed her a lovely sunflower over in the desert i traded my jade for more staircases you could never have too many and sat on clip club watching the sunder set for a while it's just so peaceful it was day 239 and i was over in mr key's walnut room to see what quests were up this week i'm very thankful his 50 love gifts quest wasn't up this week i think i honestly would have gone insane so i accepted keys hungry challenge again and headed to the skull cabin to make my way down now some of you may think this is cheating in some ways but using staircases makes these things so much easier i stopped off at a couple of pepper wrecks and festive levels as they were the last monster slayer goal i needed and i made it all the way down to level 100 in no time at all after that i kept on staircasing down collecting a radio war when it was close and it was on level 124 i finished the final monster slayer goal back in the valley and up at the adventurous guild i double checked the board to make sure all of my goals were complete and sure enough they were all done i passed by marlin and forgot about the item recovery service which meant i had the option to pick one item to have sent back to me yeah remember when i died all that time ago yeah it's from there so i picked to have my prismatic shard returned i started out day 240 dealing with some chores on the farm before doing another round of gifting for the day honestly i thought the money was going to be my main grind but friendships take the cake on that one after a day's worth of gifting i headed back home and planned out the rest of my friendships mainly i was figuring out who had birthdays coming up and what villages i really had to focus on with gifting every week i went to bed that night feeling quite overwhelmed but day 241 was a new day with new beginnings just kidding i spent it giving gifts again you know what i should do turn this into a new segment i like to call presents with pox seal that's right this new segment totally not a ripoff of painting with poxil trademark but a new and exciting adventure where i just give out to prisons to the people of the valley ah you know what i i don't think this one's gonna stick maybe i'll just scrap that one day 242 was old mate pam's birthday and she loves a good parsnip so i headed to her trailer to give her one and thank goodness it was a great luck day today because i was tired of gift giving and i needed to blow stuff up that's right it's a skull kevin run i staircased my way down to level 100 and i started bombing ah this is exactly what i needed anyway by the end of the day i had quite the hall and i was feeling very at peace day 243 i decided to take my fishing rod up to the forge to get the master perk which took a couple of tries to get this was because i wanted to get the iridium krober statue the master perk combined with sea foam pudding gets you to level 15 fishing which gives you enough reach on your cast to get to the ocean from the sewer pipe which is exactly what i did and i put my iridium krober statue down to finish off my statue area all that was needed now was the golden clock after that it had just dawned on me that i hadn't been to grandpa shrine to pick up my statue of perfection a full 19 days after my third year on the farm had started so i went and picked that up for the rest of the day i just mucked around the farm and gave out a few gifts day 244 was your boy shane's birthday so i gave him a birthday gift putting him at full hearts then i was back at the forge this time i wanted to enchant my hoe and i got myself the generous perk which gives me a chance at digging up double of what i'd usually get but due to all of this enchanting i was running low on cindershard so it was into the volcano dungeon for the afternoon that evening i collected up all of my wine from the quarian kingship before calling it in for the night it was day 245 and being a sunday it was ancient fruit collection day afterwards i went around the farm collecting up items i had been hoarding for extra cash and chipped them off along with all the wine from last night i was so close to that golden clock i could smell it over in the desert i traded some more jade for staircases as i used most of mine from the previous kevin expedition and for the rest of the day i felt it best to hand out some more gifts i did find marnie and lois beckering about their relationship but i promised to keep their secret that night i made just over 1.6 million gold for everything i had sold which was not too shabby if you ask me i can safely say day 246 started out in the worst possible way i had purchased a bouquet from piers to ask abigail to be my girlfriend when this happened they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand it turns out you need exactly eight hearts and i hadn't quite got there yet looking for anything to help redeem my self-esteem i picked up the danger in the deep quest from mr key's walnut room and i headed to the mines i mainly needed this quest for radioactive ore as i needed some for crafting recipes so as i was staircasing my way down to the bottom i stopped to mine any i could find after i'd reached the bottom and received my key gems i gathered some gifts ready for tomorrow and headed to bed the next day on day 247 i used the radioactive law and bars to make some crafting recipes i hadn't made yet before handing out those gifts i had with me in the town square i helped shane with a scene for his film man i should totally be a movie star seeing it was a good luck day i thought i'd spend a while playing the slot machines at the casino to win big and get myself the second to last rare crow for uc i needed to collect all of them to get the crafting recipe for a deluxe scarecrow after winning big i got by rear crow along with a top hat and some farm warp totems over on ginger island lioness and willie met leo and i on the pier and we managed to convince leo to move over to the mainland with the rest of the villages and start a new life which he was very excited for and then it was back to presents with poxyl for the rest of the day day 248 was the flower dance this year i had no choice but to attend is at pierre's stall i got the last rare crow i needed and the tub of flowers crafting recipe luckily this year abigail accepted my offer to dance with her and i was very relieved to say the least day 249 i received the deluxe scarecrow recipe in the mail which i then made along with the tub of flowers also i bought myself a calendar to put next to my bed granted it's useless because of the ui mod but hey it looks nice down in the cindersnap forest i found shane living life a little too close to the end and then i was off to the dig site on ginger island for everyone's favorite segment panning worth poxil i am never gonna find this stupid ring [Music] day 250 marks the halfway point and i'm feeling pretty good about obtaining perfection by the end of these 300 days also somewhere along the line abigail accepted my bouquet of flowers and now we're dating i can't remember when that was but that's a thing now okay cool let's continue shane paid a visit to the farm a bit embarrassed from yesterday's events but he said he'd do better so good on you shane today was also pier's birthday so i gave him a nice juicy rabbit's foot which put him at max hearts back on the farm i made a mini obelisk something i hadn't crafted yet and checked my perfection percentage which was now a 71 percent anyway i was popping into ps to restock my fridge of cooking stuff so i grabbed what i needed and headed home for the rest of the night i kind of just potted around the farm until bedtime leia paid me a visit on day 251 to let me know her art show was happening that afternoon but before i could attend i popped by robins to purchase a skull brazier crafting recipe which i then crafted back on the farm and it was also emily's birthday today so i dropped her off a nice emerald which put her at max heart back on the farm i merged around doing some chores and headed on down to the cindersnap forest to look for artifact spots unfortunately there were none to be found today that afternoon in town i attended leia's art show which was a massive hit with the rest of the villages and to finish the day off i collected up all of my ancient fruit wine from the quarry and keg shed which is easily going to put me over 10 million gold by tomorrow day 252 was the final day of spring in another ancient food harvest so i spent the morning picking them all and shoving them into kegs down at the wizard i fulfilled my destiny as it were and purchased myself the golden clock dumping a casual 10 million gold to buy it but hey i've never had the golden clock on any of my farms before so i was very proud for the rest of the day i hit the mines around level 40 to collect frozen geodes you see i need some marble to craft a marble brazier one of the last crafting recipes and do you think i kept any of course not why would i have i woke up on day 253 ready for my hot girl summer and with my golden clock on the farm no debris spawned so i spent the morning whacking down my now dead strawberries and over at mr keys walnut room i picked up the danger in the deep quest again mainly because i needed a few more gems in order to buy three galaxy souls and when you combine three galaxy souls with a galaxy weapon like my gavel you'll unlock its final form the infinity gavel which is exactly what i was after over at clint's i opened my frozen geodes but got super unlucky and didn't get any marble so i popped by piers picked up a bunch of blueberry seeds and headed back to the farm to plant them all after which i headed to the mines with my staircases and headed down to the bottom after reaching the bottom i took off back to the walnut room and got my three galaxy souls along with the aquatic sanctuary mr key's hat and some of his key seasoning fun fact key seasoning makes any food dish gold quality and improves the dishes perks that it gives you day 254 i swapped out my old fish tank with the aquatic sanctuary and now i can fit all five legendary fish in it let me just put a little bit of this and a little bit of that and there we go i then spent a while in the volcano dungeon collecting cinder shards i was running a bit low but by the late afternoon i had collected enough and headed up to the forge i combined my three galaxy souls with my gavel and finally had the infinity gavel before bed i gathered up as many love gifts as i could ready for tomorrow and then called it a night day 255 was the presents with poxy all kind of day i did find shane a changed man who raises chickens now so that was nice and i played a quick game of solari and chronicles with sam and sebastian but honestly i just gave out gifts all day it was jazza's birthday on day 256 so i surprised there with a fairy rose flower which puts her at max hearts and then i was back to handing out gifts i told you friendships for a grind and i was not kidding 50 of these 300 days are just gift giving that night i did pay the dwarf a visit to stock up on bombs just in case of a good luck day day 257 leo sent me one of the last cooking recipes i needed so i made a mango sticky pudding before doing some chores around the farm i then proceeded to spend the rest of the day in the mines at level 40 to collect more frozen geodes since i still needed a piece of marble and yeah that's pretty much all i did today i took my geodes i had collected yesterday to cleanse the morning of day 258 and i finally got some marble i even had some geodes to spare back on the farm i crafted the marble brazier and i was very close to having crafted everything which is why i spent the rest of the day trying to figure out what i still had to craft that evening i collected my wine from the quarry and keg shed before shipping it all off even though i have obtained the golden clock already there's still a few things i want to get that require a lot of gold day 259 was another sunday so you know what that means that afternoon in the desert i traded some more jade for staircases and i kind of just fluffed around the farm until beard day 260 was a great luck day so i gathered my staircases and bombs and headed to the skull kevin and before you all say anything yes i'm aware it's gus's birthday today but i already had four hearts with them so i didn't have to give him a present today anyway i used my staircases to get down to level 83 and then i went to town collecting minerals by the end of the day i had quite the haul 438 already more and six prismatic shots and that wasn't about effort i paid robin a visit on day 261 to get the community upgrade this will give pam and penny a house to live in rather than a trailer and i think that's nice then for the rest of the day it was back to gift giving again i did this all day long day 262 was mara's birthday so i gave her a gold bar and put her at max hearts i then proceeded to stand over sebastian as he slept waiting to give him a gift it turns out you can gift it to them anyway so um maybe i maybe i shouldn't have done that because he was awake quickly moving on i headed to the desert to trade some omni jareds for some artifact troves as i was sick of scanning the cindersnap forest for artifact spots and i wanted that last artifact damn it and did i get it you ask surprisingly i actually did i donated it to gunther and that was the very last item i needed to complete the museum and i got myself another star drop and i finished the day with your favorite segment in the whole entire world panning with paxil i am never gonna find this stupid ring i don't know why i bother really whilst the meaning of life is pointless if i could never find this damn ring i just honestly can't believe i can't find it anymore it's just stupid poxil would like to inform you all that he was unsuccessful in finding the lucky ring and that painting with poxyl has now been trademarked day 263 was the luau so i took an iridium quality truffle to the potluck soup and the governor lost his mind as he should that's a damn good soup day 264 robin had finished building pam and penny's new house and it looks so cute for most of the day i handed out more gifts to the townsfolk of pelican town but in the late afternoon i completed another key quest to hand him four prismatic shards because i had four sitting there in my chest and i got myself some mushroom tree seeds and magic bait back on the farm in the bottom corner i decided to spice up this unused corner by planting the mushroom trees and adding some pathways which will look quite nice and the magic bait was to catch a salmon for you see the salmon was the only thing i needed to make the last cooking dish but it can only be caught in fall however with the magic bait you can catch any fish in any season in any weather at any time so i was going to try my luck at catching one it was day 265 and pouring down with rain which was perfect i headed down to the beach and picked up a mermaid's pendant as i was going to propose to abigail so i can work my way towards that final star drop which you get from reaching 12.5 hearts with your spouse it was also alex's birthday today so i handed him a nice golden pumpkin i casually walked into piers and popped the question to abigail who for once didn't reject me i then went fishing for a salmon in the river it did take me a while and i moved places a few times but by late evening i finally caught one i took it back home made the salmon dinner and completed the cooking collection before bed i gathered up my bottles of wine shipped them off and called it a night day 266 another sunday another ancient fruit harvest down in the sewers i paid krobis a visit to purchase myself the return scepter which when used returns you home no matter where you are a very handy tool to have but it did set me back a cheeky 2 million gold over at the island farmhouse i had brought over my two catalogs and decided it was time to spruce up the island farm a bit i only got halfway through but by the end of the night i thought it was taking shape quite nicely i started off day 267 with some gift giving to the villagers before heading back to the island farm in the afternoon to finish off the interior and by bedtime it was all finished and i was quite happy with the final result and if you want to do this yourself you should totally check out my interior design video guide link in the description day 268 was my wedding day with everyone gathered in the town square abigail and i said i do under a beautiful archway and i was that much closer to getting that final star drop on the farm i fluffed around doing some chores before handing out more gifts but i was having to give out less and less each time meaning i was getting very close to max friendship level with every single villager i made a few more crystallariums to place in my jade shed and if i'm being honest i just went to bed early today day 269 i walked out by the animal area to find another meteorite had fallen onto the farm unfortunately you'll never replace the first one i had so i'm sorry my friend you have to go it was also sam's birthday today so what better way to say happy birthday than interrupting a peaceful sleep with a present and for the rest of the day i just moved around the farm not really achieving too much day 270 i figured out how to access the advanced crafting option which lets you know what you've crafted and how many times you've crafted it now this would have been very useful to have figured out a while ago but hey that's better than never i guess sam showed up outside my farmhouse this morning to let me know whose ben was playing this afternoon which i totally don't forget about i definitely go along to this and i enjoy it yep totally something that i do i did some chores around the farm and then started to scroll through my crafting page to see what i had left to craft and no no no no no no oh my god you're kidding me yeah so to craft a life alexa you need a morale and they only spawn in spring it's summer i'm past spring i can't believe it slipped past my checklist the checklist was supposed to be foolproof which meant one thing in order to obtain perfection in the next 30 days i'd have to get super lucky with the traveling cart rng honestly i was in a bit of shock and i took off to the mushroom cave on ginger island just to double check i couldn't find one there then i stood there for a while quite sad however i couldn't let that get to me so back home on the farm i crafted every other recipe i hadn't crafted yet which left the life alexa the last item left to craft before heading to bed ready for a new day day 271 started with checking the travelling cart no more oil today though so i went and gave demetrius a strawberry for his birthday i then spent the rest of the day decorating the backwoods because you know why not i thought it looked quite nice by the end of the day it was a rainy day on day 272 and i continued my exterior design journey to the bus stop which i think pam will appreciate when she walks to the bus each day by late afternoon i'd finished and i was quite happy with my efforts to finish the day off i collected my ancient fruit wine from the quarry and keg shed before shipping them off and heading to bed the rain continued down on today 273 and i spent the morning picking ancient fruit and shoving them into kegs then i did some chores around the farm before heading out to gift some presents to the villagers who were still not at full hearts day 274 i gave out more gifts to those i needed to and paid the dwarf a visit to hand him a birthday prison and then it was off to the dig site for your favorite panning worth poxio good god this ring is going to haunt me in my dreams i can hear it mocking me now poxiel you can't find me now you have to live with that for the rest of your life day 275 i decided to fill up the animal area with more grass as it was looking a little bear and i topped up the bus stop area with more grass too afterwards i then spent the rest of day 275 to 277 smelting ores specifically quartz iron and gold this was because i wanted to fill up my solar panel area so yes i actually spent three whole days smelting oars but on day 278 it was leo's birthday so i surprised him with a nice juicy melon which put him at full hearts meaning everyone was at max hearts except two people penny and elliot however they had birthdays in the first week of fall just as i had planned so it was safe to say i had friendships in the bag after checking the travelling cart she wasn't selling a morel i made the solar panels i had so patiently smelted oars for and placed them alongside the lake before heading to bed early day 279 i spent over on ginger island for another episode of with paxil but today's segment was special as this was the final panning with poxial segment of the series and although i didn't get that stupid irrelevant and downright annoying lucky ring i just wanted to say thank you for enjoying this segment that i came up with one day which just stuck and became a loved bit by all you will be missed so dearly [Music] that afternoon i finally attended sam's concert which i definitely didn't forget about and just kind of stumbled upon but it went pretty well i'd say to finish the day off i collected my ancient wine and headed to bid day 280 was the final day of summer and i thought i'd treat myself so what better way to do that than dropping 2 million gold onto statues of endless fortune to really spice up the golden clock area clip clop and i then spent the day just chilling out waiting for the festival to start which yes was at 10 pm but hey it was nice i saw the summer season out by watching the moonlight jellies and if you know anything about me i was absolutely bopping out to this song it's just so good [Music] it was the first day of my favorite stardust season on day 281 i started out my day scything down my withered blueberry plants and replacing them with cranberries i spent the rest of the day looking for a hazelnut because it turns out i still had to craft fall seeds and i had everything but a walnut so clip clop and i scavenged the valley with no luck but i did get a montage cut scene of leo slowly fitting into the valley and i think that's really adorable day 282 was penny's birthday so i gave her a lovely emerald which puts her at max hearts meaning it was just elliot left to go i didn't scavenge the valley for any sign of a hazelnut but still nothing so i decided to hit the hay early day 283 i was back to scavenging the valley but i still couldn't find the damn hazelnut i didn't do much today if i'm being honest so on to the next one the morning of day 284 i got my final star drop from abigail i then decided to cut down all of the grass at the bus stop and some of the backwoods to allow more chance for a hazelnut to spawn as i was getting none to spawn while i waited for one though i decided i wanted to decorate my island farm i will admit it was quite tough to remove the ancient fruit from my farm as they had done so well after the last 200 days or so but it was time to say goodbye on day 285 i headed back to the valley to give elliott his birthday present and that completed my friendships i thought i'd never see this day in my life but here we are and then i continued to chop down my plants until they were all gone and i had an empty farm to work with so i started work on my new farm i was purely going for aesthetics with this farm and i really had no plan but i trust my gut instinct and got to work planning it out by placing down some sprinklers before bid day 286 i finally found a hazelnut in the bus stop area and then upon checking my foraging chest you won't believe this but yep i had 10 in there already of course there were 10 in there why wouldn't they be there already i then spent the rest of day 286 day 287 and day 288 working purely on the new island farm and i have to say i am genuinely loving it i think when the trees grow and all of the crops grow in it'll look spectacular and after going in with no plan i was very happy with the final result now for days 289 to 299 i just slept honestly i was feeling pretty burnt out after such a massive effort from the last 100 days and i was ready to end this thing on day 300 i headed up to the spa and as tradition i soaked in the warm water and reflected i had achieved so much in the last 300 days and my perfection percentage was 99 the only item i needed to get was a morale to craft the life elixir and if i'm being honest i had come way too far to leave this series unfinished it would literally be criminal to end it here without a satisfying end so here's the epilogue [Music] to obtain a morale i had to get back around to spring so i basically went full hibernation mode and slept through winter in the first half of spring i emerged on the 12th of spring year 4 and headed to the secret forest where i picked up a single morale and headed back home i crafted the life alexa which gave me the craft master achievement meaning that i had crafted every item i headed on over to mr keys walnut room and sure enough my percentage was at 100 waking up the next day i rode clip-clop to the start of the summit and decided just to walk i was honestly feeling a bit emotional as i met up with abigail on the summit to think that this was my first time ever reaching perfection and being able to share that journey along with you all watching has been a dream come true as i watched the credits roll i felt so much love for this game and all of you watching back at mr key's walnut room i picked up the statue of true perfection i put it down next to my golden clock on my farm and i logged out so to answer the question how far can i get in 300 days of stardew valley pretty far actually perfection in fact it has been an absolute joy to bring you this series and i thank each and every one of you for watching along and supporting me speaking of support make sure to leave a like and subscribe for making it to perfection for the first time ever and if you do feel so inclined make sure to join our discord server too it's a lot of fun and everyone's super kind so come and hang out anyway thank you all so much for watching you have made this series unforgettable for me and everyone else watching you are all wonderful people to have a wonderful day thank you for watching you
Channel: Poxial
Views: 1,681,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stardew Valley, Relaxing, Chill, Gameplay, 100 days, 200 days, 300 days, Movie
Id: R1C-YPdXStw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 33sec (8913 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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