How I Trapped My Enemies in the End...

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today I have a brand new plan to make it impossible for my enemy to leave the end think I've thought of everything hopefully the plan works make sure to join the front or phone Discord Linked In the description because I chat in there quite a bit and yes welcome back to Friend or Foe [Applause] [Music] so for this episode I have a plan I plan to trap everyone else in the end but doing that will require quite a few items starting with redstone and I also want a nether portal at the stronghold so I can get there really really quickly so I'm going to go over to the stronghold and set that up times of the essence I've got to be very Speedy in today's episode it's a good thing most of the journey is over water I can get there very very quickly in that case it's actually only about a thousand blocks from my house which is good because in another that's about 200 blocks which can be troubled across very very quickly indeed We're Not A Million Miles Away now you see I wrote down the exact coordinates of the portal room and it's here there you go maybe that's all down this is the room that I want to be able to get to very easily so I'm going to sneak a portal into the wall which people might find because if they do I don't mind it's not the end of the world now let's light it up hope it just links to a brand new one yeah I think it does fantastic and I'm gonna travel back in and start looking for Redstone underneath this area I'm sure there's going to be a cave down here somewhere okay well not a cave but I just took straight onto the oil so that's that's even better there's quite a few of them and with my fortune probably it's gonna be enough I'm hoping and just in case I'll dig down a little bit further into a mine shaft okay nice start off by getting rid of this spawn oh and drip Stone you can never have too much of that and I found more Redstone fantastic so I'll mine all that up I'm thinking I could set a little sneaky drip Stone trap I don't even know if it would work because I haven't really tested it I'm thinking it could be like a digging down trap yeah I've never set one up like this before there's Redstone a lot so just straight up might not do enough damage to take out the player but we can always see and I'm also gonna hurry up and get out of this place now because I've got everything I need and I don't want to be down here forever so the planet I'm thinking for the Trap is put Stone about here and then a massive long drift okay this is risky if the drip Stone Falls but I don't know how big a drip Stone can be but I'm just gonna make it really really really long no idea how this is gonna work I need to test it because one drip Stone alone won't kill them but one massive one might just have to do enough damage because it'll it'll hit them multiple times so something like that let's see and then they're gonna land they're probably gonna take damage here they're gonna try an MLG and mess it up PVP just come on okay I'm gonna go through the end and get home but hopefully it gets them there's also a bunch of new quests to get extra lives I'm not going to say them all right now but they are linked in the description and all of those are definitely something I'll be making the most of let's place all of this down and grab the fortune 3 pick to mine at all fantastic got over two stacks next I need more Cobble which I tend to just get from mining my base and I'm going to use this to craft a dispenser some observers pistons and a bunch of other resources the only things I'm missing is some TNT which I don't think I have I haven't got any sand knocking about and I need a load more bones so I know just the way to sort that I'm gonna go ahead and visit my mob farm from there I get all the gunpowder I need for TNT I can get all the phones and eggs I'm I need bone meal and there is also an iron farm in that vicinity which is just gonna be very very handy yeah Farms just make my life so so much easier I'm not far off but it also might as well grab a bunch of sand on the way because I'd like a stack of TNT and that is going to require four stacks of sun okay I got that really really fast I've got five and a half suppose it's always good to have a little bit spare here is the mob farm and then the chest is underwater I might as well boat twitch save some time be nice and Speedy but I'm telling you I'm pretty sure there's more than five stacks of compound in here at least I hope there is there oh there is a lot of gunpowder I didn't think they've been this much that is five Stacks let's craft all of that up and then I have space for a bunch of Bones and a load more of it it's amazing PVP is still on so I've got to be careful I've got any strength on me which is the only worry but then again it's only quiff or mini that can attack me so I'm I'm not that worried really I don't have to be too scared of them too there's a bunch of iron here that I can grab as well we've got the space for it might as well in fact have even more space I'll craft them into iron blocks amazing I'm completely rich off iron as well now I might as well head back through the nether this is a much much quicker way home here's my pass away I'll Just Fall follow this along till I reach my portal and you can also see the portal to the stronghold down there so I know exactly where it is which means it's very quick and easy to get to as soon as somebody goes to an end Gateway I'll know and they get the advancement that's when I can begin my plan because I've got absolutely everything ready it's now just time to execute it and I reckon they might be waiting till PVP is off to go through so we'll we'll see anyway I know they say this all the time but I think this time my plan really is completely foolproof I've been waiting around and quip has just gone through an end Gateway but it's not the man I want it's clown that I'm after I'll get every single one of my items ready and I'm going to hang out near the nether portal down there collecting ender pearls because they're just a handy thing they're already used up a lot of in the previous episode I'm also fairly confident no one's coming after me because quiffs in the end Gateway I don't think Minnie would dare and clown count so yeah that makes me fairly comfortable that I'm saying but time will tell to say for sure also the only way clown can avoid my trap is if he re-birds the Ender Dragon that's my biggest worry I have to hope when he's in the end he doesn't have end crystals because he might be going for tipped arrows or because quiff's just been there he might decide he wants to make a new end Gateway and that's why I reverse the Ender Dragon just don't know all I do know always that there's a good chance this trap works but there are still one or two factors out of my control I also think once I've shot the end portal I will spend time getting Luton 3 and strength but until that point I want to remain Vigilant and I want to remain ready quick is just getting all the advancements and clown still hasn't gone through but I know Emma portal is and patience really is the key just getting a little extra obsidian from this portal since you can't think where else I'll get it from in the nether I'm just using every opportunity I'm kind of sick of getting under pills I know Clown's gonna go to the end today it's just a matter of time passed away and I might as well also build a bridge that connects back to everywhere else I feel like considering how long it's taken clown to actually go to the end he must be going for gas tears I'm really thinking those end crystals as part of his plan I'm not going to worry about that I'm just going to keep in the area PVP has come back on so I have to be careful but I'm gonna go into this Fortress and see what's going on this looks fresh I don't know why anyone will build up there but I don't remember it being here in the previous episode it's just all very very interesting it's also not a single blade spot in it which is very very annoying that's what I get for removing all the spawners now we've got a few well this is just such a fruitless task when you haven't got loot in three come on one rod it's all I'm asking 50 50 chance oh we got it nice remote get away okay it's go time ladies and gentlemen this is it this is the moment I've been waiting for and I'm miles away in a fortress it's fine I'm not far I'm about a one minute walk and I fully have the plan it's gonna take me about four minutes to set it up once I get to the end I practiced this I've tested it there's nothing more I can do just gotta get a move on but through we go into the oh hello buddy right don't hit him by mistake into there lock it back up and straight through the bottle gotta hope quip doesn't come back okay we're good what on Earth is is above me I have no clue okay that's the way to the end Gateway clown Pierce has also made it to the end City okay I feel like he's gonna be doing a lot of exploring my goodness there's a lot of cobwebs here isn't it anyway to begin with I need to remove some Bedrock very simple to do we just go like this with the TNT Cobble there we go and that is the first one broken which means I've just got three to go this end portal needs to be removed and I need to have them all trapped in the end once trapped in the end the only way out is to die well that's my plan anyway because that is mission accomplished let's now get the dirt the mushrooms and we need bone meal plan base is still messing about we Shockers that's great news I have to grow the mushrooms in a certain way exactly like this then when I go like that come on there we go it's grown and look it up it's broken some of the pole do the exact same thing next to it more of the Portal's gone it's happening now to repeat it here grow the mushroom okay see this is what happens if I get it wrong I have to remember to place a block five above then when it grows it can only grow so high and it breaks the portal okay just a few more to go we'll get in there if you think he's on I hope nobody sneaks up on me that could be a disaster if they do but another one's down fantastic means we'll get into the important bit the bit that involves the Redstone let's go ahead grow this mushroom okay there is just one portal block left I'm gonna go like that so I don't accidentally go through it and I need a mushroom here and next to it a dispenser that's going to put bone meal don't know what I'm going to dispense for now I'll just have stone just to test it we're going to have Redstone Dust running along followed by two observers okay yeah it's working as intended then a piston is going to push them into it I've got Redstone going into the Piston to a lever which will be on this very block so when I flick this it's going to push that and start dispensing on there fantastic everything is in place I just have to put the bone meal in don't get this wrong speed otherwise you're trapped in the end as well okay we break that take the lever and go through and we're out and the mushroom should have grown as I went through the portal trapping everyone in the end both quiff and clown should theoretically be stuck in the end I might just have done it ladies and gentlemen I might just have done it unless he has taken any crystals with him I will have done it so that's the big worry now I've just gotta wait and see I've gotta I've gotta wait and see if clown gets the advancement about rebirth in the Ender Dragon because that is an advantagement you get I've got to wait and save the mushroom definitely grew and and the end portals are who's this is with or quiffs out quick if I come in peace bro I heard some sound and I was like yo yo I'm not again when I'm building I'm finally you know you're building I do have a present for you because you have been helping me with XP farm you can take two of these well I thank you very much by the way did you make a trap at the end the end of the end poll I should say in the stronghold wow what makes you think that because uh I dog had the exact chords but I was one off a massive pointed drip Stone Truck well let's just say I've put that drip Stone there yes okay okay okay yeah well I'll trap the NC so if someone walks in they're gonna die to the drip Stone really why did you take the drip Stone yeah I stole it all and I was like okay I'm gonna make my own trap two of these from quiff what a nice gesture what a nice gift tell what everything's going right in this episode now it's a shame that he's not in the end uh end City you know it's stuck in the end but it's now only clown stuck there the only way Clown's getting out this rate is if it has the end crystals or if somebody goes and helps him I hope nobody goes and helps him who knows you never know with that man also yeah quiff nearly fell with my drip Stone trap he just avoided it and now that trap is no more oh well I've got more important things to think about such as a brand spanking new shulker box oh it's beautiful I've got all this space to put things in and I've kind of got no idea what I'm gonna use it for at the moment I don't really like I have stuff that needs to go in but I'll also use it as of when I actually need loads and loads of things so first things first I gotta remember the way to the XP farm I don't need the XP but for some reason I decided that that's where all my ripping stuff is said no I need to just have some Brewing stuff at home and some Brewing stuff there but oh no I've got to make it all complicated unnecessarily so it really isn't needed thankfully I do know the way to get there very easily here we are sincerely hope there is not any kind of trap on the other side not on this one unless they see Redstone or by this portal I don't know why I never remembered that oh that's a good point I should have a look for lapis never any harm in a little bit of caving is there wow there's loads of redstone down here I don't know why I never got it before and since I'm someone that makes a lot of traps to a lot of machines and a lot of farms it's always coming in useful and Lapis is that other thing that I love to find these are basically the two things that I can't farm at the moment maybe I could do a raid fan further down the line honestly that that just sounds like a lot of effort instead I will just stick to the old mining way I mean realistically I should have more enough love is because I keep giving it to other people which is the price you pay when you rent out your XP farm and say that lapis is included so I guess I can't deserve it and look at this we've got the lapis fantastic for now oh diamonds behind it as well that's beautiful just two diamonds or can I dig around and find a couple more just two but you know what I can't complain I'm still very happy with that and I've realized what I'm gonna put in this shulker box I'm gonna put all the Brewing stuff in so I'd have to come here again when I need it I think that's quite a smart idea look at this what a cape and it opens up loads no one's been here before I should use this opportunity to get more diamonds more stuff I'm just in like a no precious situation now I've done what I needed to do in the episode right has somebody been here I think that's just part of a slime oh I haven't found slime I don't have gluten thread no slime don't burn come on guys I need the Slime balls what's going on don't all burn that's it I got one I got one's enough at least I can make one sticky piston good to know that that is a slime drink but to be honest it would just be easier if I took the time to find a swamp I'll do it eventually but three slime balls that's great I should have got looting in three by now and then about to get my oh another Diamond nice I'm gonna say stop that I have no idea what I would use amethyst Florida so for now it's getting ignored some diamonds in the roof I missed that water plus these early or is it just a singular one it looks like it's just it's somebody what are you doing poison last thing I wanted 40 seconds of it well thankfully with prop 4 the poison doesn't really have an effect but anyway I'm I'm looking around for diamonds here that's the most important thing I can also probably go to the end City eventually to get the diamonds but now I kind of burnt that bridge you know trap trapping clown there if he doesn't get trapped there and he has any crystals to get out in the next episode I'll go search in entities and see what I can find but until that happens mining is going to be my best method of getting gear I was thinking the biggest use of the diamonds is just for repairing armor actually more than anything like I've got the XP since mending's quite precious and I don't have it on everything tend to have to use diamonds to do the repairs oh it's dungeon nice I'm gonna break it I don't really have any use for that more Redstone I suppose I could take that leaving the music is behind because I have loads a lot of loads of moves at this but they're just kind of pointless to me uh you know what just in case all right it's cat you can't say no to cat I think my Portal's somewhere up this way I'm a little bit lost troop at all yeah there it is through I'll go I'll I really hope that nothing goes wrong you know what we've got into pills we should be fine and here we are the XP farm completely ready for me to get to work we'll start with the blue in the exact same time I can also use the fortune on my lapis strength is what I intend to make it so let's get that on it also mine up the diamonds which gives me 18 in total very happy with that then I'll take this shulker box I could dye it yellow do I want to do that now I'll dye blue fantastic yes that is now dyed those are now brewed and basically all the stuff in here that's useful can be placed into here well about it I'll craft a little more bottles fill them up with water and get them going in here I always want backups of stuff I also want to get a diamond sword made because we're going to go and test it on here sweet potato basically need that looting three that's what I'm going for got those 70 levels I might as well keep going till it happens that is a really good sword I think I should just keep that and then make another one I'm running out of chance to get loot in here come on come on game just give it to me aha there we go be more than just looting three please okay well we have to accept it I'm gonna Anvil it with this one I think that makes a lot of sense and then that's like the combat sword and this is just the general one oh man PVP is on okay yeah I've got to be a little bit more careful at this point like I do have the strength on me and I'll Brew even more of it just to be safe perfect what's the weight I'm also going to do some crafting I reckon I can never have too many Gold Blocks just be good to have on me I can make loads of golden carrots with them and stuff like that which is what my plan is I'm also going to repair my armor yes it uses levels but in my opinion good durability is very very important and that's that I'm finished here I reckon I now should do some strip mining strip mining right down at the bottom of the world because that's the place where you find the most diamonds and I'm not going to stop mine it until I find a pretty large vein of them perfect we have found the first ones is it just two don't tell me it's just two it's gonna be it's three all right I'll I'll accept that I'll allow for three that's pretty good but it's not exactly where I want to be so I'll just keep going I'm still waiting for clown to try and leave the end I need to know if it works I've got lava that might mean there's a cake by me only one way to find out it looks like it very nice indeed but is it a cave with diamonds or is it the cave that was just in earlier it also could be that well it does have diamonds and it's not the one I was in earlier so yeah it's a double Victory okay well it has a diamond no it has two diamonds I take it back it was worth dipping into here now that oh we've got a little bit of a something here it's very possible that underneath this lava there's some Diamond swamp I'm blocking at the lava photo just to see if it reveals anything my biggest worry with the Trap I've done for clown is I've tested it over and over again in a single player world and it worked every single time and blocked up the portal making it impossible to get back and destroy the final portal block but I've never tried it on a server and that is where maybe it could behave differently and something could go wrong I wish there was some way for me to check the end there isn't I just have to wait for clown to try to leave which is what makes it so very very worrying indeed anyway there wasn't anything underneath that lava just so that I didn't waste all my time I'll mine up some Redstone to make myself feel a bit better and I'm pretty sure there's nothing left of this cave to check out and I prefer to keep them okay hold on a second no no this is where I came from isn't it I've been here before but I want to keep moving as well because PVP is on don't want somebody to just Ambush me but when you're moving in a strip mine it is harder to be track down so let's swim into there fantastic and away we go I also think maybe I'm too high up I think maybe I should be mining what about this level is 57 a good level I think so maybe in 58 oh keep going lower okay not that low this is the level I'll search this will be quicker if I had Swift sneak to be honest but I lost that somewhere down the line I think I loved it in lava and I haven't gone back to an ancient city since I will be going back to a lot of ancient cities soon I do plan to try and get a lot of Notch apples but doesn't help me in this very moment whilst I search for those diamonds look at this there's more now then will there be more than two this no why is it only ever two it's gonna be three at least yeah it is three okay I'll take that better than nothing I suppose but I would definitely have liked quite a bit more more here is it three again is it just three every time I find them I'm like trying to tell you guys oh if you're strip mine of it you'll find bigger veins like ones of eight apparently not apparently you just play one to three every time well they do say things come in threes I will continue mining because you just never know what you might stumble across I actually Wonder because of the slow crawling speed it faster for me to just actually strip my I think it is because I think per second I'm revealing more blocks overall so until I have two sneak I'm changing to this method PVP is now enough again which is fantastic and I have not found any diamonds since changing methods here maybe this isn't so good oh well I suppose we'll soon see the good thing about mining for damage and strip mining is any moment you could just find them you just never know what you're going to come across and then all of a sudden they're there I mean there's no it's not happening right now but trust me we're gonna find a good vein of seven at least any moment oh I can hear mobs we must be near a cave all right forget that any moment diamonds now thing I want to try and find out where this cave is I think our spot is this an open yes now then there is a yeah I don't want to be near you and does it connect to a mineshaft fantastic now I actually have time to explore this place oh guys get away from me yeah the last times in a man shot I was in a rush no nothing to worry about I should actually take the time to craft a pair of shears and gather up loads more cobwebs because I used up a lot in the end battle they are a super useful thing to have in combat now I've got about a stack and a half of them which is pretty good and they're a piece a bit of a spawner down here just gotta try and navigate these spiders all right we quickly mind these we break the spawner and then we get more cobwebs and really is a bullproof plan well this really has been an episode where I've just made a lot of progress like I managed to set my trap it was a pretty quick one I had to be careful yes there was a lot of waiting around involved but now that it's done it's a waiting game it's not really one like if it doesn't work it doesn't matter there's not a lot of time down the drain it's still a very very successful episode I think the Trap itself is a great idea if it does work and it traps clown in the end it's gonna be interesting because it's gonna allow me to make more progress he's gonna kind of have his progress stunted he's going to try and do something together at the end I just have to hope that he doesn't persuade mini or quiff to let him out because I feel like that is what could happen but if they agree to keep him there then it's perfect or the other option is they go to the end as well and they don't they don't realize it's trapped they might go back to the end of the next episode hopefully that you know they don't know what's happened by then anything could be the case look at this a dungeon anything decent a gold Apple they're good because they are uncraftable only the gunpowder because as you know I have unlimited that how many music can't find this episode that's the first four of them I've seen so yeah not interested in bothering them so I get a little bit more Redstone or clownfish okay I see how it is hang on a minute as it worked tell me it's worked this has SP written all over it why would I trap him in the end he knows he knows Chris said what is it I said I don't know where are you shall we come to you he says he's at his house I'm pretty sure that's not the case unless somebody's done something to his base no he's not in his house I bet he's still trapped in the end he's I don't know why he's telling Chris he said can't see you at your base I'm there now obviously I'm not I need some mind catches oh a diamond nice and another Minecart chest above yeah this one's not as oh you know what name tags I feel like for some reason they're important I don't know what but maybe for some Farm could make an Enderman farm with that that's happened my bad I left to go to the end again said I might see him at the end then and ask if Cliff's coming the end I don't know if he's coming I've already got clown trap there there's no way I get them both trapped another spawn a man they're everywhere and there's a lot of spiders around that one and I go it's broken you guys can be dealt with and I'll get a few more cobwebs I'm at a point where I have no idea what's gonna happen I hope quick doesn't go and help him but I don't know because quick ain't replying to my messages either another Golden Apple nice and pvp's just come on and I think I'm getting out of it I'm happy with what I've got you know ended up with 13 Diamond door a diamond itself I'll dig my way at least quite good cave as well there might be some good stuff in it just when you thought the mining trip was over it wasn't and more diamonds found that really is a turnip I don't think I need to get more drips don't really I mean I know you can never have too much grip Stone it's great for traps and all that good stuff but right now yeah I need to I probably need to find out what Clips oh I never doubt can't say no I can't find any for ages and now I'm trying to leave I can't stop finding them all right now I've got enough stuff and I'm getting enough burn out of here well not before finding another spawner with a multi-shot book oh that's not bad and another gaffle nice now I'm really digging out of here can see daylight head well it's it's NightLight and that's a very successful Mission I've told him it was me I've told him to make it a cliffhanger and I've tongue to have fun next episode
Channel: SB737
Views: 481,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, SB, sb737, friend or foe, sb737 friend or foe, season 2, hardcore, smp, new smp, lifesteal, forf, quiff, clownpierce, mini
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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