Solving The Internet's Oldest Mystery

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today's video is brought to you by - light be sure to stay until the end of the video to learn how to get this all-in-one password manager absolutely free on your first device to save you a bunch of time and make your digital life safer in 1981 only 213 computers were hooked to the Internet as the new year begins an estimated two and a half million computers will be on the network serving as many as 20 million people almost 2001 and the technologies that bring us telephones TV and computers are merging five years from now we're not going to have distinct cable and telephone industries there's going to be one industry and there'll be companies carrying quits little pieces of information in the 90s the internet was in its infancy in the decade before that we were connected with things such as Usenet and while time and technology has progressed there is still one internet mystery that proceeds all the rest if you google the term internet mystery you're likely just to click away from this individual topic and this topic has seen a wide coverage across many videos and blogs it's regarded as the Internet's oldest and weirdest mystery and one of the first great puzzles on the Internet [Music] the mystery or incident I'm referring to is the Markovian parallax denigrates [Music] with a name like the Internet's earliest mystery you would truly think that people would have properly researched this topic and while a select few have much of what is out there is misinformation normally a mystery like this wouldn't be in my zone of criteria but I think there's something that we should take a look at here as it could tell us a lot more about ourselves and Internet mysteries as a whole to show you what I'm talking about I want to show you what you'll likely come across if you were to research this topic yourself to start our dive into the info that exists on this topic I'd like to start with this reddit post as I believe it perfectly outlines much of the information on this topic on a side note the writing from this reddit thread is to be originally credited from Atlas obscura what is the Markovian parallax denigrate it's been called the Internet's oldest and weirdest mystery and it all started with a series of enigmatic early internet posts from the mid 1990s the meaning of which remains unsolved for over 20 years the Markovian parallax denigrated messages date back to 1996 before the Internet as we know it existed at a time when the discussion system used that was still in wide use operating like a bulletin board or forum dusted a Usenet allowed users to communicate by posting chronologically ordered messages and not unlike the forum's today it had a problems with spam the first major spamming incident in the history of the Internet occurred in 1994 when a pair of lawyers blasted thousands of users on Usenet with unbidden ads for their immigration law services but when the mysterious Markovian parallax denigrate messages began there was some good reasons to wonder if there were something more than spam around August 5th 1996 the date that belongs to one of the only surviving examples of the strange posts hundreds of odd messages began sliding into discussions across use that they consisted of blocks of seemingly nonsensical strings of words that read like terrible slam poetry the only thing they shared was an equally meaningless subject line Markovian parallax denigrate since many people at the time assume that these messages were gibberish most of the original posts have since been lost but one original post that survives thanks to Google's archives reads the following I will show the message here on screen now you can pause the video if you'd like to read it [Music] with no easy explanation for their origins or meaning the messages quickly became fodder for a number of theories as to their existence according to an in-depth article from 2012 on The Daily Dot the some Usenet denizens hypothesized that the words were a kind of secret code the indecipherable messages were even likened to the broadcasts of the enigmatic Cold War number of stations yet despite multiple attempts to crack or even find some kind of cipher to date no one has ever been able to detect any kind of hidden meaning in the messages another theory posited that the messages were a kind of product of an early attempt at some kind of thought the Markovian part of the message name has been thought to relate to a calculating process called a Markov chain which has been used in programming chatbots but if the messages were the result of tinkering with some kind of emergent conversation the original programmer has never been identified kevin morris the author of the daily dot article proposes in his piece that the messages were the work of a controversial alleged spy a susan Lindauer whose name appears in the from line of the remaining archived message while Morris's article goes into great depth about lindau as possible connections to the Markovian parallax denigrate he also notes that when he contacted her for the piece she denied any involvement in the creation of the messages it's been over two decades since the Markovian parallax then a great post hit Usenet and despite all theories in paranoid guesswork the mystery is no closer to being solved now than it was in the mid-1990s at this point it seemed unlikely that anyone is going to crack the code if there even is one but ultimately their enduring mystery is probably more intriguing than any other concrete answer could ever be to summarize this narrative it essentially surmises that due to the uncanny nature of the messages being sent and their volume and their alleged connection to a spy would hint at further significance as you can tell by the post reread there's been some details glossed over and if you take a look at almost all past info on this topic almost every single reference to this mystery since 2012 cites Kevin Morris's article from The Daily Dot but what's funny is that Kevin Morris never once alleges that she could be behind it and in fact he debunks his own fact in his own article and it's not just debunked because she claims she wasn't involved the main piece of evidence that ties her to this mystery dating back to 1996 is the usage of her email in the supposed big event on Usenet - which supposedly only one message from her still exists today but at the end of the article he showed that this belonged to a college student in Wisconsin now you might be wondering why I'm focusing on this article from 2012 so much if this mystery goes back to 1996 and the reason being is that this one piece of writing single-handedly popularized this internet mystery while the actual origin of this topic on the Internet begins with a Wikipedia page in July of 2004 which is three months after Susan's name was in headline news it never saw much attention a user on Wikipedia by the name of lazarus 666 reasoned that because if she was accused of being a spy someone with a cryptographic interest might want to check them out this is a far cry from the Wikipedia page we have today in which this is cited as the internet's oldest mystery and one of the first great puzzles on the internet something to note is that even in 2005 it was cited that there was no compelling evidence that Susan had anything to do with this series of Usenet posts and the page was nominated for deletion in 2009 this Daily Dot article was published in November of 2012 and at the time a Wikipedia Zone article was deleted - which Kevin would write in his article shortly after Lindh hours connection - all of this was dug up the Wikipedia page disappeared you needn't be a conspiracy nut to connect the dots to think something fishy was going on this entire thing reads like conspiracy satire but why after eight years has this article been cited incorrectly despite the fact that Kevin debunked this entire connection anyways the answer lies in people's inability to read past a headline he spends the first 90% of the article changing details to make the entire mystery seem bigger than it is but the purpose of this is to knock it down later as from the very beginning he cites it as a tale of two Susan Lind hours but in this 3,000 plus word article he doesn't reveal until the very end that the email has nothing to do with her it's an article meant to entertain a conspiracy theory but ultimately decides in the most reasonable conclusion and that it was spam now if you look at other content regarding this topic you'll understand how he came up with the narrative from earlier okay Kevin Morris the author of The Daily Dot article proposes in his piece that the messages were the work of a controversial alleged spy Susan Lindauer whose name appears in the front line of the remaining archived message while Morris's article goes into great depth about Linda as possible connections to the Markovian parallax denigrate he also notes that when he contacted her for the piece she denied any involvement with the creation of the messages oh he forgot to write that he fully debunked the whole thing at the end I guess this guy didn't read the whole article Internet's oldest and weirdest mystery why is that because in spite of numerous experts that attempted to decode the puzzles they all couldn't quite properly figure them out some people think the messages were left by the government while others said journalist and CIA has it Susan Lindauer was behind them I guess didn't read the whole article either a string of words the people are still trying to interpret decades later it became associated with Susan Lindauer an anti-war activist who many believe was forwarded coded messages is this strange assemblage of words encrypted government information or just an early example of nonsensical spam okay let me double check this I must have misread it the conspiracies about Linda are awfully compelling the facts would fit also neatly together - if only Susan Linda are the one who was born in Alaska and arrested 2004 actually sent the Markovian parallax that a great message or had any connection whatsoever the girl who sent it would went to Wisconsin pointed out that one of the emails used for the post was Susan underscore Lindauer Glendower is a 9/11 whistleblower and I would recommend that you read the piece that Morris wrote for the Daily Dot links article recommends it didn't even read it what the [ __ ] is someone had to have read come on if Linda Aras name was attached to the MPD message did she write it not according to her take good she told Morris via email I've heard of this cyber phenomenon but I am NOT the Susan Lindauer who authored the code good I wish to enlighten you I am baffled to SH so how did her name get connected well one theory suggests it was done by her her enemies in an effort to discredit or mr. wanted to what did anyone read the know they put at the end yes I should have read the whole art Kate good these guys gonna go through the full article right [Music] Just Breathe just read through the article that's all you gonna do to figure out that the student don't go down the Susan Linda are back please tell me this guy reads through the whole article scroll down scroll down no no he didn't read though it's most likely a troll a big internet troll now the only thing that would convince me otherwise is the Susan Lindauer reference as the only thing I that convinced me otherwise if now let's actually take a trip to the message board to find these messages you have to go to Google Groups which is Google's archive service for Usenet search in the alt religion slash Christian Boston - Church news group and filtered by posts that were made on the 5th of August 1996 here we see all the messages to which all of them have unique post titles usernames fake emails and they were posted at 12 a.m. the words Markovian parallax denigrate have little to no significance whatsoever this topic has seen a lot of coverage from media in the sad matter of fact is that only one article from cypher actually decided to dedicate more than one minute on research and his site doesn't even have ads on it in a frequency analysis of the spam posts the words thin boo and Cyndi appeared the most among the spam and they concluded the spam bot followed a standard distribution of words this was obviously a spam bot but to say this hit every single news group on the state is a complete farce for good measure I checked many of the popular news groups and none of them had this spam if we change the date on our filters to August 7th of two days later we can actually see the aftermath of the spam [Music] in a post titled newsgroups hit by random vertical spam Katherine would write I have personally verified that the following news groups have been hit by a current random text vertical spam no moderated news groups have been hit so far and I have warned the moderator of society that religion thought Christian so he is on a lookout none of the alt Christ net or Christ net hierarchy have been hit in several regional religion Christian news groups have also been spared I have also been male bombed by this idiot I'm not sure how heavily since after the first couple of messages appeared I told proc mail to send them to dev slash null and inform my ISP about this I kept copies of the first two mail bomb messages so if someone needs them to track the idiots down let me know here in this post we see that only seven news groups were spammed and what's interesting if you take a look at the news groups that were hit all of them were Christian news groups except for the net abuse news group perhaps the best part of this story is that someone already tried to update the Wikipedia with this information and their account and additions were deleted the reasoning for such a deletion no published or reliable sources the Internet's oldest and weirdest mystery and one of the first rate puzzles of the Internet is someone trolling a Christian group it wasn't even a Markov bot as a lot of you like to say maybe the real Markovian parallax denigrate were the friends we made along the way and speaking of making new friends which is something I rarely do - Lane has easily become my best friend in managing my digital life - Lane is a password manager and privacy solution that takes all the guesswork out of managing your online accounts and protecting your information all you need is one master password and you're golden across all your devices - Lane autofills login information in the click of a button to save you time with every single login if you're like me and you prefer shopping online because you hate leaving the house - Lane will also save you time Auto filling with that info - not only will this new friend save you time but - Lane also helps to protect all your information by helping create strong passwords for each of your accounts and if at any point one of your accounts is compromised you'll receive an alert 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what starts off as a simple coincidence from one person over the years spirals into a spooky narrative that's meant to entertain I'm sure you guys can think of another topic that might fit the same criteria well I'd love to hear you guys has take on things I'd say that the moral of the story is that we may like asking questions more than we like getting answers this is barely sociable I have a good night
Channel: Barely Sociable
Views: 1,063,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Internet mystery, internet mystery solved, internet mysteries, reddit mysteries, markovian parallax denigrate, markovian parallax denigrate internet mystery, biggest internet mystery solved
Id: vboQOQwifwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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