3 Scary TRUE Airbnb Horror Stories | Vacations from Hell!

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[Music] for those of you unfamiliar with Airbnb it's a website that allows users to either less store rent residential properties for people with a spare room or apartment it's a nice way to earn some extra cash and for everyone else it's a convenient and cheap alternative to staying in a hotel but with the site becoming so successful and with millions of people making use of its service there have inevitably been some hosts and guests from hell here are three disturbing Airbnb experiences this happened to me on a trip to Leon France when I was travelling solo from the States and had booked to stay with this old couple in their house I say old they must have been in their mid 60's it was a new listing and only had a couple of reviews but they were both really positive from the photos so I could tell that this place wasn't exactly a five-star joint but for the price it was a steal and in a great location to boot that first night when I arrived the older couple actually made dinner for me it was a nice touch and who was I to refuse their English was decent so we chatted and shared a few stories and afterwards I went to explore the city and get a few drinks I must have returned around 10 p.m. me and my hosts were nowhere to be seen in bed asleep I figured the pair had told me a dinner to help myself to a little wine which is precisely what I did when I got in nice folks afterwards I went up to my bedroom to settle down myself no I usually have trouble sleeping but that night I fell asleep with surprising ease all the traveling that day had worn me out and that little bit of wine probably helped to I guess I'm not sure what time it was but I awoke in the night to a flash of lightning you know when your eyes are closed but you can still tell there was a flash of bright light well it was just like that I remain curled up in bed with my eyes still shut and waiting for the crash of thunder to come with it I counted the passing seconds in my head my mum always used to tell me that however many seconds there were between the lightning and thunder that was how many miles away yet had struck so I'm they're counting away in my head five seconds ten seconds twenty thirty huh that's odd I thought no thunder it was then through closed eyelids that I sensed another lightning flash again I waited for the Thunder but it never came i sat up in bed and opened my eyes just to see if my sleep hased mind was playing tricks on me it hadn't been inside my bedroom were my two hosts initially I didn't realize just how bizarre this situation was I was still in that confused just out of sleep state he even still I knew there was something off about their expressions as my eyes adjusted I could tell what was wrong they were both wearing masks latex masks of old human faces with exaggerated features the flashes had been from the camera the woman was holding they had been taking pictures of me whilst I slept the husband was nearer to the bed than the wife though he and he was in mid stead moving closer she was further back by the door It was as if he wanted to be in the pictures with me now awake and they both froze like a pair of mannequins what do you want at the time I couldn't think of anything else to say the adrenaline hadn't kicked in yet I was more confused too than freaked out you're dreaming said the male his voice muffled behind the latex mask then backing up towards the door goodnight it wasn't until I noticed the metal wrench in the old man's hand that the situation fully dawned on me I quickly gathered my [ __ ] and made for the front door glancing around like crazy in case the old [ __ ] tried to ambush me with the wrench from around a corner needless to say I contacted the police immediately though nothing ever came of it my evidence was all anecdotal the old geezers had been smart enough to delete all of the pictures my complaints to Airbnb were largely ignored too though the old couple did remove their listing from the site I don't know what all of that was about some cult-like [ __ ] a messed up fetish some [ __ ] potential snuff pitch as they were making the old man was definitely in the shots and it was clear that he was trying to step towards me quietly wrench in hand whatever the case I'll never complain about being a light sleeper again I still check a B&B regularly just to make sure they don't use it to lure anyone else in I'm a male living in South Korea my cousin Nuri used to be an Airbnb hostess here in Seoul and the site's become massive there's something like two million properties listed on it so no matter where you're traveling to in the world chances are that there's somebody with a room or a condo or even an entire house to rent during her time hosting nari met a whole bunch of colorful characters there were the sweet old a couple that came to stay with her eight times while visiting friends in the city there was the guy who insisted on bringing his dog with him this little rat sized Chihuahua that was about half the size of my cats there were a few people who were high maintenance and there were a few who were really chilled and ended up joining us for drinks at the bar down the street I never hosted personally but I'd help Mary out with her bookings if she had to work late and needed someone to meet her guests well for all the good people there was mr. Park he was this creepy Boldin guy that stayed with nari for a week while he was in town on business at least he said that was his reason anyway I think we were both relieved when he left I'd met him once and didn't like the vibe I got off the guy and there wasn't much he could do to kick him out early or anything lest he gave her a bad review and dropped her score on the site after he left nari discovered a weird plastic thing he'd left in the shower turns out he had left his slimy fake vagina masturbation aide sitting next to her soap I took one look and had to explain to her what it was I remember her picking it up in a plastic bag like the way people scoop up [ __ ] on the street from then on nari was pretty picky when it came to who she let stay one weekend nari had to leave for a business trip so she left me the spare key she had a booking coming up a young woman named sue me and I was to play host we will just call her sue from here sooo checked in got the key from me yam put a suitcase in the spare room I didn't see any more of her that Friday or for the rest of the weekend and I figured she was out enjoying herself not too long after that I could have sworn I saw mr. Park in our local grocery store same balding head same vibe but he was at one end of the aisle and I the other I got that feeling like I was being watched but when I looked directly he was gone at the time I shrugged it off figured it had to be some other balding guy and I was just projecting my anxiety now the building I live in is fairly old which means that the walls are pretty thick and noise tends to only travel in the hallway if I'm waiting for the elevator I can occasionally hear someone's TV if it's really loud but that's about it that Monday morning I was woken up far too early by a pounding sound it was maybe 6:00 or 6:30 in the morning when the Sun was barely up at that point I was pissed I threw on a housecoat and yanked open the front door without bothering to look in the peephole I was greeted by two very tense policemen they asked for my name and if I knew the young woman who lived across the hall from me pointing to nerese apartment without thinking I ran across the hall and through the open door just knowing in my gut that nari was supposed to be returning that morning and that something must be wrong if there were police at my door the cops yelled for me to wait but I was on autopilot at first I thought someone had robbed the place her TV was smashed her couch was ripped apart like it had been mauled by a bear the photos were buried under broken glass her laptop had practically melted into the floor and then I realized we in some part of my brain that her TV and laptop wouldn't be here if it was a simple robbery then that's when I smelled it death has a certain stench to it sometimes if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time like a hospital corridor you'll get a whiff of it what I smelled was a full on closed handed fist slug into the face in a panic I couldn't stop myself I flung open the first bedroom door Marie's room looked just like the living room but she wasn't in it by this time the officers had caught up with me and were trying to steer me back out of the unit but I broke free of their grasp and flung open the spare bedroom door inside was what was left of sue we get so desensitized the violence on TV that when were actually confronted with it in real life it seems almost absurd like it's totally unreal she had literally been torn to shreds with a knife just from smelling the air alone I could taste that metallic flavor of blood in the back of my mouth I shall it several times a day for the next week and could not get that taste that smell out of my hair or skin here it turns out that Sue had been there since Friday night nari got home a few hours later by that time the forensics team had already been in and out him was starting to clean up the scene I couldn't tell her about what I'd seen I just remember hugging her while investigating the police had found a second set of keys this meant there was actually a third set of keys to Nuri's place and those keys had prints three guesses as to who they traced back to mr. Park Park had made a set of keys while staying at nerese and he wasn't here on business as he had claimed he it turns out he lived about 15 minutes outside of the city security camera footage showed him coming into the building that Friday night and him lurking around outside for the past month prior to just after his stay surprisingly pork confessed to the murder said he didn't know that nari would be out of town that he hadn't known she had had a guest that weekend his wife had recently left him me and taken the kids with her Ian Nuri reminded him of a younger version of his wife nari and I have both moved buildings since then I still can't believe that all of this came because of broken trust by giving a stranger a safe place to stay by letting him into her home this person was so twisted that he thought to make a copy of her key if it had been any other weekend nari would have been at home and what happened to sue would have happened to her too this happened about two years ago when I was 19 my girlfriend friends and I were traveling from London to Bangkok and I booked a cheap place to stay on Airbnb it was situated down this creepy little alley that had no lights it was a tight squeeze to only about the width of one person eventually we get our act together and head down in single file and come to this really shoddy looking building no this can't be the place we thought we'd booked an established house online but this place was a [ __ ] hole it was small rundown and shady and in slim himself but hey it was super cheap and we were all really tired from traveling so we thought screw it we can put up with this for a few nights the dude hosting us is there waiting and he's this creepy little guy he offered us a few bottles of coca-cola but the bottles were really dirty he looked like they'd been used before like they'd been left in the trash and refilled we politely declined there was something evidently wrong about this guy he was there short little dude with a crooked smile and a hunched over back as well sort of reminded me of a jockey from left for dead if I'm honest but it wasn't his appearance that made me weary yeah was the way he was acting around the girls in our group and getting a little too close for comfort he was thirsty for something other than dirty Cola I'll tell you that much after a few choice glares he leaves the keys with us and goes on his merry way allowing us to enjoy our stay in peace all of the double bedrooms were next door to one another the rooms were tiny and the air conditioning unit kept dripping on me during the night but otherwise they were somewhat acceptable so the next morning rolls around and we all go to check out the sights around midday I started getting some serious stomach problems so decided to go back to the hotel with one of my friends Hellena she'd been having trouble sleeping for a while and wanted to try and get some rest the two of us got back to the house Elena's room was the one next to mine she gave me a hug and went to take her nap I spent about half an hour mucking around on my laptop when I decided to take a shower now the bathroom in my room was ridiculously small and I'm a six foot two guy so there was barely any room to move he had had a shower a toilet and a sink all somehow squeezed inside her claustrophobics nightmare there was also a little glazed window that didn't open so I have my shower and everything's hunky-dory when I finish I go to open the door but it won't open the door somehow broken and jammed shut I try for a good long while to open it but it won't budge at all I start banging on the wall knowing that my friend is on the other side and should be able to hear me but she doesn't I bang even louder and still nothing and these walls weren't thick so I was confused as to why she couldn't hear me I would have obviously have called my friends on my mobile but all of my stuff was in the bedroom about thirty minutes go by since there's no ventilation in the room I'm feeling a little light-headed from all of the steam from the hot shower I tried to open up that shitty little window but just like the door he had sealed tighter than a bull's [ __ ] in fly season all this time I've been trying to get her Lina's attention about two hours in I hear someone enter the room thank God I think she's finally heard me I yelled through the door and tell her to try and open it from the other side but there's no response instead I hear squeaking like somebody's bouncing on the bed then I hear laughter but it's not Hellena he had some man's voice who the hell's there I shout seriously hoping one of my friends had come back and was messing with me or something the laughter stopped abruptly we and a man responded to me in Thai I have no idea what he said but from the tone of his voice I knew it was something threatening the laughter resumes immediately after he says this now I don't know if this guy has a weapon or even what he wants if he was going to rob me all of my stuff was already there for the taking why was he sticking around and laughing this goes on for what must have been ten minutes and then suddenly dead silence had he left he it begins to dawn on me the reason Hellena might not have been responding I start trying to break down the door but it's surprisingly sturdy and despite my size I'm far from athletic only a minute passes and all of my friends return from sightseeing I yelled to my friend Ross to get me out he tries to open it but eventually it becomes clear the only way I'm getting out is by smashing down that door so that's what we do when I'm out everybody's there including Elena turns out she had just taken some sleeping pills and had fallen into such a deep sleep that she couldn't even hear my banging belt I was extremely relieved to see she was okay absolutely nothing was missing from my room to me the culprit was pretty obvious Harper the Jockey host I suspect he must have fled when he heard my friends coming back the others didn't see anyone needless to say we all got the hell out of there and took up in a hotel for the rest of the trip when I next went online to warn others in a review the listing on Airbnb had mysteriously disappeared to this day I wonder whether the hosts had somehow planned for that door to jam like some sort of trap I also wonder what would have happened if my girlfriend had returned instead of me or if he had simply realized Hellena was alone in the other room the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 668,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, horror movies, scariest video ever, on youtube, new, best, most, deeply disturbing, horror, audiobook, top 10, real, true, airbnb, holiday, vacation, 4chan, reddit, 2chan, creepypasta, lazy masquerade, haunted, ghost, ghosts, caught on video, deep web, internet horror stories, relaxing, study music, british accent, learn english, before bed, yandere, hotel, asmr, corpse husband, mr nightmare, long video, how to, crazy, horror 2017, scary 2017 movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2016
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