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live good evening good evening good evening good evening good evening man i'm shining i can't get up and adjust these lights now hope everybody's doing it you too bright yeah well we got gotta roll with it now hopefully our signal is good hopefully our signal is good uh i'm waiting to see what our signal looks like is it uh is it coming through before we get started i think i'm gonna go and adjust these lights y'all let us know if uh okay i made it here y'all are crystal clear thank you yeah let us know why y'all coming in i'm gonna go fix these lights i'm looking like uh you know i've been baptized in olive oil so slide your chair over okay this is a whole lot of work yeah yeah you take this and you talk to the people while just hold it how is everyone hi good to see you coming in thanks for coming in as you come in will you share this will you share this tonight for us we appreciate you joining us on this friday night i know you could be doing so many other things and we're grateful to have you sharing with us yeah it's getting better all right all right let's see something i was coming in i was coming in to talk to you all tonight and my girlfriend said she wanted to come in with me so it took me another 45 minutes to make this happen so we're trying to figure out an angle that that works for both of us and i know so many of you if i had known she was going to do this i would have let you know earlier and i know we're competing with a lot on friday nights you all have so much going on but it's good to have you with me tonight lily i'm honored to be with you tonight it's in order this is where we're coming up on valentine's uh week end what is this there this is valentine's weekend and uh so tonight i wanted to talk about uh and then we can just kind of you know kind of get your um i know you you gotta look at your thing while you talk to the people and everything so they know what you're doing but i wanted to kind of bring her into this conversation tonight um since she you know volunteered anyway seven things at least seven things a woman cannot give a man yeah seven things a woman cannot give a man because you know when we read uh genesis chapter 2 verses 20 through 22 it says and adam gave names to all cattle into the fowl of the air into every beast of the field but for adam there was not found in help meat right for him and the lord god caused the deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the real which the lord god had taken from man made he a woman so god gave the woman to the man to help the man help the man right to help the man but um there are certain things that we're going to discuss tonight that even a great woman cannot give to a man correct there are certain things that have to to be in place in a man's life uh really in my opinion to even qualify uh for a woman and this is why we have so many women who get into relationships and they get frustrated it's because god kind of naturally built the woman to desire and to even have the capacity to help the man but i think the key is the man has to be a whole man before the woman can really help him exactly he has to know that he was created by god and everything that he needed to be was already put in him and he has to identify those things yeah you know it's it's like uh because you know some women get alarmed when you say well and i understand why they get alarmed you know a woman god created the woman to help the man some women have helped men and then men kind of got up and then the men dropped them right but that's not what we're talking about any man that would do that is incomplete emotionally and spiritually when we talk about the woman being empowered to help the man it's kind of like um you know it's kind of like since we have children it's kind of like a toy right that comes in a lot of different pieces you know what i'm saying um the woman may be able to help the man to put the pieces together but she can't provide the pieces right you know what i'm saying some assembly may be required but the manufacturer will have had to have put all of the necessary components into the box correct and i think what what what society is is asking women to do today uh in a lot of cases is to uh put the pieces there and then put the pieces together right almost like a box and put the pieces together yeah it's almost like build-a-bear yeah um but there are certain things that we want to deal with tonight that a woman can a great woman i don't care how great she is she can be the proverbs 31 woman there are certain things that she cannot give to a man because there are women that are watching us tonight or whenever they may be watching this and they are so busy trying to give their man you know what he should have what he should have fundamentally come with [Music] yeah and then the frustration becomes um it comes on both sides because then the man gets frustrated because he feels like the woman is trying to tell him what to do or make him into something that he's not or whatever it may be and then the woman is is frustrated because she's seeing and knowing she knows that that's what's supposed to be happening yeah and the man um and you write frustration because whenever you take whenever you take um two parts that are not suitable frustration is always the outcome right you know it's kind of like when we were um in maybe you know nursery school and we're trying to learn the shapes and we're taking that square peg trying to force it in that that round hole frustration was the outcome right because we were trying to fit two pieces together that were not suitable and so i think i think the takeaway for a lot of women tonight relative to this discussion is probably going to be in a lot of cases that you may be a square pig trying to force yourself into a round hole when it comes down to the relationship you're trying to develop um so even though god gave women to men to help us there are some things a woman cannot and should not she cannot and should not have to give to a man a man must be a man before a woman can help interesting i always mention this but you never can mention it too much it's interesting how god made adam and eve separately yeah and he completed adam and adam was so complete that god pulled eve out of pull a rib from his side made eve and then god at a certain time brought them together and introduced them it's because a man really does not qualify for a wife or even a woman in my opinion unless he is whole and complete within himself and isn't it amazing it's amazing to me because as we talk about adam and eve adam didn't even know he needed anything else no he was so happy and so complete so you know at rest with himself his purpose his mission so forth and so on that it was god that said it's not good for this dude to be alone exactly we're going to make him a help meet and and god created eve but he he was a whole man he wasn't like a man uh he wasn't like a man in process right you know what i mean he had completed all of the steps on the assembly line to be called a man and then god says okay now he's a whole man but he still needs some help and and i think that's where we're missing it in today's culture we have women who are almost trying to step into mother roles right right you know what i mean yeah trying to trying to guide the man along i guess yeah trying to give him guidance trying to give him character trying to give him principles to live by a man has to have all of these things in place before he ever qualifies to even be entertained by a woman right that's correct now so let's jump into it um number one and i just kind of jotted them down straight to the point the woman cannot give a man she can't give a man a vision cannot give a man a vision cannot give him a vision she can't give him a vision she cannot sit him down and say okay now this is where you're going this is what you're going to do this is who you are this is what you're going to accomplish no no no no no if if a man does not if that's not already in the box the woman has no role in that man's life exactly she cannot give the man a vision and she as we just talked about the assembling she cannot fit into anything because it's important that he has a vision for her to fit into that's good lee and you see i think this is where this is where we run into issues um when we start talking about you know should the woman be a career woman should the woman have a business can she be a a wife a mother and a and a lot of folks say she can't do it but the proverbs 31 woman was all of that that's right but the to your point the difference between the proverbs 31 woman and her husband versus the kinds of men that we are producing and when i say we i'm talking about male society because it's really our job to raise our sons to be men right we're failing in that is that she had a husband whose personal vision was broad enough deep enough wide enough to encompass everything he needed to do and her stuff yes he didn't discourage her growth right he didn't discourage her grind he didn't discourage her bossing up that's right he supported all of that and she still got everything done he provided for her servants she had people to help her at the house and all of that and he let her do her thing but if a man does not have a vision see i think when a woman and you tell me if i'm wrong because i've never been a woman never had a desire to be praise the lord but i think a woman needs a man whose vision is big enough to accommodate her yes because if it's not he has no choice but to try to you know chisel away at her until he chops her down to his level yeah and that's and that's why it's kind of important too to like you talk about in the dating process that women have to know when they're interviewing basically for interviewing this man what is your vision you know we're not going to be asking how much money you make and what kind of car you drive and what kind of house do you live in what kind of no what is your vision because he might not have a bentley or a mercedes right now but he has a massive vision that you can fit into that's right and you know that that brings me to another point that i think addresses some issues that we have today where certain people say well a man has to make x amount of dollars for a certain kind of woman to entertain him you know but the reality many times is kind of like our reality sometimes a woman has to just be able to pick up on this man's vision and where he's going and and see that all of the pieces are there i just need to get in to help this dude put some of this stuff together and they grow and they go together together you know what i'm saying like like you and i have come up together that's right you know it's like god gave me vision and i had all of the pieces but it's like god put you in my life and you saw my vision and you knew exactly where you could fit into that vision and we came up together i think a lot of people are missing that in in this culture everybody the men are looking for a woman that's a certain size or certain you know whatever whatever whatever and the woman looking for a man whose wallet is a certain and the reality is that when you put two people together that are suitable for one another the two bring the best out of each other yes but the man she cannot give a man a vision and there there are so many women i think that are watching us who are trying their hardest to give ambition and then that brings me to another point you know when when when that man is right for you when that man is sent by god for you you are going to fit you might not necessarily see the entire picture right away i didn't see everything that we are right now no i didn't see all of that i saw um spurts of it like you know pieces of the vision really i didn't see the entire vision like i'm seeing more of it even now you saw enough to know i was going somewhere i saw enough to know you were going somewhere and i saw enough to know that i was equipped to help you get to somewhere absolutely look what the bible says in psalm 37 and 23 it says the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord and he delighteth in his way going back to our point a woman cannot give a man a vision the man's vision has to come from the creator that's right the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord and i think that should be you know one of the first things you reach for in the dating process and dating is you know for data it's not for romance it's not for wearing your tightest skimpy is dressed and dressed and showing all of your personality dating is to get the data and i think one of the first things you need to be figuring out of course you know where this man's heart is spiritually but you know alongside that you need to be figuring out where where is this man going what is his vision because you really you really don't know if you even have a role in this man's life until you can see or understand his vision if he has no vision trust me if you are a woman of value if you like that proverbs 31 woman and the brother has no vision you will soon become bored with him absolutely and uh you as a woman you know as women we have to understand what vision really is though because even in the dating process you know you think you if even if you ask the man what is your vision he begins to tell you well i want a 10 000 square foot house and that is not a vision i want a bentley that's not a vision you know so you have to understand women have to understand exactly what a vision is and then make sure that that vision is really realistic to where that man is he can talk about where he wants to get to and he has no kind of steps no steps no plans no plan no passion no training not an idea at all he's not even in the vicinity exactly you know what i mean it's like me tomorrow i'm gonna be a professional skier and i live in in the deep south okay you know we're getting excited because they say we might have some snow monday you know i'm gonna be a professional skier right uh number two so number one a woman can't give a man a vision number two she can't give a man a grind cannot cannot give a man a grind and let me say this ladies that got to be the one of the most frustrating things i see in women because they're getting their grind see now i got to talk to the brothers go ahead go ahead do your thing do your thing you know the days of you thinking that women or gold diggers and all that kind of stuff are pretty much gone because the ladies are getting the bag they are they are securing the bag and they don't need you for your money they don't need you for your money anymore so it's frustrating when you know the woman is out there she's grinding she's getting it she's making things happen like the proverbs 31 woman except for she didn't have a husband like the proverbs 31 woman has she has a a mate that's just chilling yeah chilling but how many women because of broken consciousness are out here taking care taking care of dudes like like you they mama or something you cannot give a man a grind cannot you cannot you cannot if his mama couldn't motivate him to get off his behind and go to work you know what i mean he had two or three children by you know two or three different women his children haven't motivated him to get up and and and you know get to moving and doing something what makes you think that you are going to give a man a grind and and should i say am i correct in saying a woman that is getting it will soon lose respect for a man that's not absolutely absolutely very much so he will lose respect for a madness it will only last a very short time you know no matter how good looking he is he might smell good dress good and all of that good stuff but if he does not have a grind and you're out there getting it that's only going to last a very that's that's short-lived why do you think women um why do you think progressive women even go for that go for guys that have clearly have no motivation no grind why i think sometimes the women just want to settle you know they feel like sometimes it's insecurity of the woman themselves even though they're out there getting it and um sometimes you know as we build um as we make things happen for ourselves it kind of builds a certain self-esteem but at the same time society makes us think if we don't have a man then we're not complete and so so which is a big lie it's a huge lie it's a huge lie and then so but consequently because what society says women are they're doing everything just because i need to hold on to this man because i might not get another one or just settle with whatever and so i think that that is a lot of the problem but a woman cannot give a man a grind listen to what the bible says in proverbs 22 29 see is thou man diligent diligent diligent in his business he shall stand before kings he shall not stand before mean men a man that is what diligent in his business he'll stand before kings listen to what luke 9 61-62 says and another also said lord i will follow thee but let me first go bid them farewell which are at home at my house and jesus said unto him no man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of god so even jesus is saying if you're going to follow me you have to have a certain kind of grind yeah it has to be a work ethic there has to be a work ethic um but you know it's so sad i see so many women who are subsidizing the laziness of of of a certain generation of men um no grind no motivation doesn't matter how much you can you know you can take a job and make the job knock on the door and call him out by name he ain't gonna answer and then what does that say to your children you know what does that say as if you were laying on the couch every day and i was going to work and i was getting get in the bag i was doing what i needed to do getting doing you know i was i was um getting my grind then what does that say to our son and what does that say to our daughters it misleads you know i i think it misdirects the next generation through example right and you know boys sitting there looking at you know a father a so-called father that has no get up and go and looking at a mother that has to take on all of the masculine energy um well he becomes feminized right and the daughters become masculinized so the daughters grew up believing that it's normal for a man to be kept right you know and it's normal for the for the woman to go out and hustle and get it and pay all the bills and handle all of the stuff while the man sit around and he's kept like a woman yeah you know it boils down to that and we have to stop it we have to it's up to us to make put a stop to that we can't just be settling with any man no no number three she can't give a man self-esteem cat williams said it best it's called self-esteem for a reason because it's something that you have to be able to do for yourself i imagine that there's no greater prison than for a woman to be locked up with a man whose self-esteem is low and she has to constantly pour into his self-esteem day in and day out and day in and day out that's got i don't have to do that so i can only imagine how stressful that can be because especially women that have children and you have to do that with your own children already you know you do that um because we want to make sure we build in our children the confidence and the things that they need to survive in life but to have to do that with your mate that's too much that's something that we as men have to bring to the table you have to bring a strong self-confidence a strong self-esteem in fact about it i dare say speaking to my kings right now that the thing that separates you many of you who are overly qualified on paper the thing that separates you from attracting the kind of woman that you desire is self-esteem and confidence is in my in my opinion i've never been a woman don't no won't be none but confidence in my opinion is probably can probably be the most attractive trait in a man to a woman oh absolutely when a man comes with build in self-esteem and build in confidence yeah i think so i think that that's very um attractive men it's it's a turn off to have a man that you have to pump up and you have to say you know oh you're doing such a great job and this and that you know you have to feed into him it's a great thing to have a man that is confident in who he is has a high self-esteem he had and i think that stems from having vision and a grind as well absolutely if a man has a vision and a grind the self-esteem is automatically going to be elevated because the vision in the grind produces results right and the results build the man you know a man is supposed to be built up by the results he's getting from life from the the energy he's putting into it from the vision god has shown him and the results he's getting makes him look in the mirror and say i'm doing this thing you know you know sometimes this woman has to keep him to keep him on the ground you know what i mean but but she ain't got to be in there just building him up every day oh you can do it you can do it you can do it you're the man you're the man you're the man ever every two or three days he in the bathroom crying yeah because he don't feel like he worthy doesn't feel like he's capable and all of that kind of thing uh these women cannot give us self-esteem you know this is something we have to bring to the table now i will say this this is why uh i say we're missing it as men because we don't we don't provide the kinds of platforms or the kinds of connections that brothers can come together and just be real and vent and build one another i think it's a band of brothers that are supposed to primarily help a man pick himself up if he feels a little broken you know what i mean now of course he has a strong woman at home i mean there have been days and times in my life where i felt defeated by a lot of things that maybe came all at once and you were able to step in and say well you know you're the man you're gonna be all right yeah and i was able to shake that thing off and get back on my game but that's not that's not that's not a part of your job it's not my job that's not a part of your job description to keep my self-esteem you know that's that's too much weight for a woman to have to carry when the woman is looking for looking to you looking to us to cover them you know what i mean you know if somebody breaking in the house and and the husband on the floor crying oh what are we going to do here you know what what's the problem what's the roles here and if you don't have the proper self-esteem as a man um you know you're going to leave your woman in an awkward position listen to what the bible says in joshua 1 verses 8 and 9. it says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate there in day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that's in it for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success have not i commanded thee listen to what he says be strong and of a good courage and be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the lord thy god is with thee with us whoever thou goes so god can't even do much with you if you don't have a strong self-esteem exactly and whose job is it to be strong be of a good courage be not afraid neither be this mate that's your job brother yeah and i think about i think about deborah and i think about barack and i remember in the word it talks about how deborah gave calls for the barack to give him some instructions from god and he was not trying to obey that word and so deborah just simply said to him well you know you don't want to do it god's going to give it to a woman wow that's a text right there girl god you don't want to do it bro you you don't have the confidence to do it he going to give it to him is he going to give cicero to a woman that's powerful well you know that that and that brings me to something else um god doesn't change his plan he'll change his man and so if if we as men are not in place and if we don't have the confidence or the courage to step into what we need to step into god will then transfer what i call a special grace to the woman to be able to accomplish the things that we should have accomplished as as men or heads of household that's why i say to women who are single mothers of sons don't ever allow anybody to tell you that as a woman you can't raise a man it's not true there's a special grace that god will give you if there's not a man if the if the father's not in place there's a special grace that god will give you and so it is when a man's self-esteem is waning he'll he'll have to sit by and look at the woman rise up with confidence and accomplish the things that he should have accomplished now that that of course creates you know other issues right yeah uh number four she can't give a man oh this one is good lee the woman cannot give a man an appreciation for her non-sexual value in other words if i'm not smart enough if i'm not discerning enough to be able to look at you and understand that there's more to you than the bedroom [Music] shame on me exactly and how many women though are dealing with men who are too shallow to see the totality of them and is only drawn to the sexual value of that woman well that part but i have to come to the brothers rescue go ahead go ahead go ahead because sometimes they cannot see the non-sexual value because you're so busy flaunting the sexual value wow i mean that's all that they you're you're allowing them to see you're not even having intelligent conversations with them where they can see inside of you they only see your skirt all the time up under your tail this and i hey i've warned them so i'm not judging anybody um but you know you have to give them more so that they can see that non-sexual value and not just the sexual sexy stuff so you're saying that you know the the the promotion the advertisement you talk about that okay okay that's true i mean that's true that's all in the father-daughter talk book but what what about the woman who's not doing all of that and she still has a dude that's just constantly grabbing for you know what i mean and what does that say that says that the man that man does does not know how to appreciate or he does that's all he's been accustomed to i think is seeing what is is the sexual value of a woman he's not even been introduced to a woman with great value probably yeah and i think it also says that he's not a man that is deep enough to be trusted he's shallow with your heart you know what i'm saying um we were watching uh what does this show sisters or something like that and you know it's a lot of craziness on that but there's this one situation where there's the the guy who doesn't want to have sex and there's the girl who's interested in him she wants to have sex and they said something that was so powerful we watched it last night uh i think was on we recorded it yeah but didn't come on last night but they said and i'm paraphrasing we can sit here and talk all night you know the two of them that's what they said and i said wow man that's powerful you know dude dude doesn't he's not interested in the sex he's trying to get to know her and they both admitted that they could sit there and have a conversation all night because now you have a guy here who is deep enough to appreciate the non-sexual value of of the woman and um the bible says in proverbs 18 22 who so findeth the wife findeth a good thing and obtains favor of the lord the man has to be deep enough to have the capacity to locate yeah a lot of times a man is a wife is all up in a man's face yeah and he's just ill-equipped to be able to find her to locate her and you have to see and like that scripture says you have to you have them as the man you have to appreciate the the results of finding a woman because that's the bible says you obtain favor so that gives you the inspiration to find a woman that you know that has some value to her because when she has that value then she can add to your life and that's when the favor comes absolutely well i'm a living witness you know because you have brought favor into my life and and favor is really just the supernatural ability uh blessing of god to cause everything that you put your hands to to prosper and to do like they did in the garden to multiply you know um god told them to have dominion told them to have dominion to be fruitful and multiply and uh one of my one of my um spiritual sons says that to multiply simply means to skip steps when god gives you the right woman you skip steps but powerful you can't you can't extract that from her you can't extract that favor from her if all you can see is hips tips and lips you're right about it you know what i'm saying you're just constantly trying to get to the bed god trying to get you the destiny you're gonna bear to take care of himself god give you a wife man he gives you the right woman to get you to destiny and you're trying to get to the bed yeah you know because you got you got that old hood training you know just all about the bed what you want to do in the bed man what you what you want to do with your life right all right let's see number five uh she cannot give a man a sense of responsibility wow if a man is irresponsible you're obey you can have all the weddings you want if brother man is irresponsible in dating he's going to be irresponsible in marriage absolutely absolutely if a man tells you he's gonna pick you up at three o'clock and you know he constantly 45 minutes half hour later than he said he's an irresponsible man irresponsible man if he's a man that can't make decisions he can't decide on something he's an irresponsible man wow what do you want to do what do you want to do i've been there i had a relationship like that where there was i had to make all the decisions oh my goodness and i'm like oh no you got to make some decisions sometimes but can you make a man responsible you cannot can't make a man responsible you cannot listen to what the bible says in proverbs 25 19 says confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth and a foot out of joint is very painful very very painful i think especially for a woman because i think a woman is looking looking uh to a man to be the anchor yes you know even the term husband when you look at the the etymological value of the word husband in the biblical context it means house band it's com comes from two words house band one that holds it together yes you know what i'm saying that's right and so if um if a man is if if a man lacks responsibility and these are things a woman should be looking for early on absolutely this is why i'm saying you can't you can't go into this dating process uh trying to be sexy and all of that you got too much stuff you need to verify and you can't go in there trying to just settle okay well it's okay if he doesn't have this or it's okay no it's not okay it's not okay because it's only going to again it's going to be short-lived because we are we are created with such uh instinct in us that we need to have the man that we we know what we need in a man we already know what we need in a man and so if we get we settle for something less than that we're going to be unsatisfied and then that's when you start emailing saying what do i do pastor absolutely what do i do and see that you know that that becomes cute when you're overlooking when you're overlooking these major issues uh early on but now after you messed around here and forced this thing you forced a wedding with somebody that you know you that's really not suitable for your life but you just want the optics so bad you want you want to wear it and you want some instagram pictures and you want to take you know your pictures in your gown at the park and all this kind of thing and now you got this man he's he's never been responsible never and you think you're gonna make him responsible and so now you're having children for this man it goes to a whole different dimension once you start pushing out babies yeah i mean most a lot of times you you might have even found that man living in his mama's house still mama's still taking care of him don't worry the tie tie don't even know what a suit look like none of that 40 years old tomorrow he's going to eat him he's going to be the next ll cool j yeah yeah you think you're gonna make this dude responsible if a man is not responsible if a man wasn't raised to be responsible i'm not gonna say it's hopeless because god can do anything but in most cases a man has to have come from a home where his mama held him accountable yeah and whereas daddy backed mama up and made him be a man yeah come on somebody absolutely if you if you got a man that's still you know he he got a beard and he's 662 and 220 and solid muscle and responsible for nothing can't keep a job won't keep a job won't pay his bills and all of this kind of thing won't show up for on time doesn't have a word um that's going to be a very painful future painful like a what what does the word say a broken tooth the bible says an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth and a foot out of a joint that's painful yeah cause you're gonna there's gonna come a point in in the relationship where you're going to need him yes to step up yes but you know at that point it becomes too late because you've enabled that irresponsibility for so long and from the beginning and enabled that in responsibility it's just not going to happen so then you get frustrated yeah and then you get disrespectful and then you become resentful you know and then it goes to places see a lot of these relationships that um become resentful and bitter and uh volatile should have ended in the friend zone yeah see oh man you know no you and i just we're just good we're good friends good friends you know yeah man yeah yeah you know let me know if you need some advice with your your your female endeavors moving forward but for you and i we just friends we're just good friends really yeah really we're just good friends you you you don't you have horrible credits you don't want decent credit i got great credit i'm responsible you not god bless you babe i love you but we just we just friends you should have ended in the friend zone yeah and yeah and we we've had situations where the men just have no desire for anything don't they don't have no desire for anything nothing nothing nothing they're satisfied right where they are and they're when you get married you got your your your one bedroom apartment and you're all satisfied in that apartment and he's satisfied sitting there playing the video game oh yeah 40 years old playing that video game 50 years old now you know don't get me wrong now i won't start no messing nobody's out no no you got a brother out there getting it working doing his thing and that's some some men that's the way they chill you know with video game but you got to do sitting there all day long and bringing no money home you know all day yeah not looking for you to bring any money satisfied with your bags he ain't working and he ain't got no passive income you know he's just sitting there playing the video game all day taking responsibility for nothing well yeah you know all right let's move on lately so let her get out of here number six all right she can't give a man love for her wow she cannot give a mistake she cannot give a man love for her you cannot make a man love you cannot cannot and when a man proves to you that he does not love you the sooner you accept that pick your little heart up and move forward with your life the better yeah you cannot make a man love you no i don't care how i hear y'all talking i don't care how great you think you are in the bed you ain't good enough in the bed to make no man love you that don't love you man i have sex with you for 20 years and still go marry another woman yeah and you can take care of him all you want and that's a lot of thing that that's another another little thing that women make the mistake of doing you make the mistake of doing too much too fast too much too fast and not just sex but then you start by spending all your money up on these men that haven't shown you any hint of any kind of commitment any kind of lean where this relationship is going what kind of stuff they're planning to do with their life you just pouring everything into them that's exactly giving too much believing that if i if i take and you know do like women do give life to whatever you got that's what women do they women bring life if i give life to your dreams that that's going to make you love me love me and be loyal to me man a dude will use you for everything you got to offer and will still move on to the next woman because you cannot make a man love you and watch this you know if a man loves you or not right and then you know you you sit up there and question should i fight for this and should i if he does not love you and you know he does not love you you just got to pick up like you just said pick your little heart up pick your little heart up dust your feet and move on you get over it you get over it you'll get over you will heal you'll get over it you got to pick it up and you don't um you you do not get over one man like a whole lot of uh broken uh older women tell younger women you get over over one man by getting hungry another one absolutely that's just a compilation of soul ties it's like compounded interest you know you don't get over no one man by getting under another one no no no no you you you get over you let it go and you you take that time to yourself to heal to find yourself pull yourself together get back on track with your purpose your vision come on now and your love for yourself but you cannot make a man love you you cannot give a man love for you if a man does not a man that really loves you you're gonna feel it oh yeah a man that really loves you you are going to feel it you're going to feel it you're going to know it yeah there's no there will be no question and it is not something he got to be saying all the time i love you i love you sometime now you know the game when a man really loves you you go you're going to see it in his eyes you're going to feel it in his spirit uh there's a safety that you're going to feel he's gonna make you feel desired he's gonna make you feel beautiful uh he's just gonna make you feel at home you cannot you cannot give a man love for you if if he does not have it if he if he experiences you yeah and he does not come away with knowing in his own heart that he loves you and if you don't sense that for real and and and another way he's going to make you know that he loves you is because he's going to be proud of you and he's going to be proud to show you off to everybody all his friends and everybody but you have these women that are content with just being behind the scenes yeah and that's you know frankly you bring up a major issue yeah you know man that loves you is not going to keep you a secret right not going to do it see like there's some of y'all that's on here now you got you you think you got you a whole man and you you ain't number i look at the dude dude's instagram i can't find a picture of you on there one do it all on facebook i don't see no picture of you i have i see no mention of a relationship and you tell me about you all been in a relationship for five years and this your man and all um why does it have to be a secret when a man loves a woman he marks his territory yeah i mean ladies we do it we want to tell everybo tell the whole world that when we we fall in love with somebody we want to tell this is my bae this is my boo all of that stuff so if he's not doing that that's that's something that says about his love for you yeah if a man is not if he's not proud you know and i don't care and let me just throw this in before we move to our last place through it because you know it's valentine's weekend yeah a box of chocolates and some flowers and a teddy bear it's not love he bought that stuff at the drugstore okay hey you and don't open your house up you know letting this man come up in there deepening this soul tie with all of this illegal sex over a box of chocolates honey you can't make a man love you can't make a man love you sometimes they bring in chocolates and flowers because they're trying to buy some sex that's it you think it's about love it's it's just a transaction mm-hmm you know i'm gonna give you this you just don't know it's a transaction that's a cheap you cannot make a man love you that's right listen to what the bible says in ephesians 5 25 and 26 which i find very interesting when you start talking about the love of a man for a woman it says more specifically a husband for wife husbands love your wives even as christ also loved the church watch this how did christ love the church and gave himself for it literally died for the church that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word so watch this husbands are the love wives like christ loved the church he loved the church so much he died for the church gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it which means what the church wasn't perfect that's right but his love for the church pleaded empowered the church to perfect when a man really loves you you don't have to be perfect you don't have to be perfect come on somebody you don't have to be he's not sitting there highlighting all your flaws he giving you what you need that's right self-esteem he's pouring into your self-esteem he's pouring into your sense of value and you know women need to feel desired you don't have to be perfect you ain't got to be a size two three four five six seven eight nine ten you may be a twenty uh if a man really loves you he gives himself for you and he gives you whatever you need he pours into you it's it's a sacrifice he will it's a sacrificial well he will sacrifice for you if he really loves you he will sacrifice for you just like christ did for the church just like christ did for the church sacrificed his life yeah because a man could run around and want to have sex all the time that don't mean he love you no he just he's just lusting after you and it's his responsibility to sanctify us yeah serious is his the man's responsibility to set aside that's exactly what it means you know don't get don't get all deep some of you religious folk he sets the man sets you apart he he esteems you and he honors you he puts you in a certain category and then he gives you what you need from him as your man to be able to reach your highest potential like christ did the church absolutely and for brothers that are watching us tonight or even on the replays listen when you do that when you really truly love a woman and sacrifice for her the rewards are endless you will get everything that you need and desire you better know it you better know it and in number seven lee and finally uh she cannot give a man a relationship with god she cannot give a man a relationship with god and i put that last intentionally because it really should be first yeah but women consider it last you know wow you know what i'm saying yeah i put it last and it looks out of order being last because that's the way women live their lives their relational lives they don't ask themselves the question does this man love god yeah until they have you know reaped all that is this man yeah which is in a lot of cases demonic and then you know then they wake up and realize i need a man of god yeah you know but the muscles the hair the cologne the call all of that kind of stuff got in the way and at the end of the day you really need a man that has a relationship with god and as we just read in ephesians 5 25 husbands love your wives as christ loved the church how can a man love you properly that's right if he has no relationship if he has no relationship with christ and just bringing it back all the way back to genesis remember that the man had the relationship with god before we even came on the scene so we need to know that they have a relationship with god and then on the flip side don't fall for that fake man of god stuff oh you said it you said it don't fall for it no they look like you're trick stuff yeah they look on our facebook pages and all this and instagram and how we love the lord and we love oh we oh join us for new home family worship service today so they're in there joining you for new home family worship service today with pastor r.c blakes because they want to get you but they have no relationship they'd be like some people that i know that say two corinthians and you know don't have no no kind of bible don't know nothing about the lord but you're falling for it because they say oh yeah that rc yeah i know him i listen to him all the time so you saying there's a difference between a religious guy okay versus a guy that actually has a relationship because some of the biggest players in the world are sitting around in these churches oh yeah some of them in the pulpit yeah and right now they're hanging out on the cyber church they're all on the facebook yeah they're all in the chat on the youtube uh you need a man that has an authentic relationship with god but you can't give that to him you cannot you can't give that to him yeah i'm american i think i'm gonna bring him to jesus no no i know you you can't give that to him you can't and see a man's relationship with god no matter you know what his religion is or whatever a man's level of spirituality is a great determinant of his ongoing character yes you know what i'm saying see there's some things that i just will not do not necessarily because you know lisa get me a lisa catch me she gonna get me or lisa might leave me that's of course a part of the equation all the time but primarily what guides my life is my relationship with god there are some things i'm just not going to do because of where i am with god and it brings us back to the show we were talking about earlier because that's where that dude that that man was with that his relationship with god was so much more important than having sex with her yeah and she couldn't get it you know you could just see man i you know i almost want to film that yeah because it was a clear demonstration of the broken consciousness of women and how women have been conditioned to be sexual tools in the hands of a misogynistic culture and now she meets a healthy man right who who who desires more than her body and she doesn't even know how to respond who has a relationship with god and she says and she asks him the question can you do that i don't think i can i can abstain i don't i don't think i can do that absolutely and so you can't give a man a relationship with god and i think that that has to be uh one of the things that you're searching for in the beginnings of the relationship not not after the fact but you know what that also means that also means that as women you have to have your own relationship and a good relationship with god so that when that man comes and even if he's coming in your dm you're gonna know who that if he's a real man of god or if he's a real has a real relationship with god because you know what a real man of god is supposed to look like and you know that you you bring in you bring up something that that that that is uh important uh it's just a matter of praying you know see like some of you are on here now and you say well i've not been a part of a church i'm not been in church for whatever whatever whatever and i don't feel like i have this great relationship with god but let me tell you something god is a father and he loves you and if you take the time you say now you know god i'm beginning to date would you give me that certain kind of confirmation in my spirit would you give me that confirmation if this is right if it's wrong would you make me to know it way down on the inside absolutely and the holy spirit sure as i'm sitting here yes he will we'll give you that confirmation yes he will that you know this thing is sanctioned or it's not and i tell you what if you just again we can't emphasize enough about you just settling for any kind of man this is one area as a woman of god that you absolutely don't want to settle for a man that doesn't have a relationship with god because a lot of times what will happen is that just like the man can wash us with the word wash us with the word and build up build our relationship with christ through the word he can a man that doesn't have a relationship can bring you quite the opposite direction and we get that we get that those messages where women have fallen and have strayed away so far from god and have to come back and say god i'm sorry because he you've allowed a man that was not in relationship with god to drag you away from what you your foundation from what you know absolutely so i hope you all got something out of this tonight i was gonna sit here and um you know just do this myself but when when lee said she wanted to do it with me i was overjoyed so i hope you all got something out of this tonight lee why don't you pray for them tonight father tonight we just thank you now for this opportunity god just to share with our followers and our viewers tonight father we thank you now god that what we have poured into them god that they would just really allow this word to resonate in their spirits and father that these women god that you have allowed to just become the queens that they are god that they would just continue to rise and father they will recognize what they cannot put into a man but god they will continue to build themselves and build their relationship with you so that they might identify the king when you bring it bring him to her i thank you now father that even as we go into this weekend this quote-unquote supposedly weekend of love god i thank you now that you will bring the peace to these women that are single and father even to these brothers that are single father that you would be that person that that you would be that that companion for them in this in this weekend father and that they would not fall just desiring to be with somebody but god that they will lean to you bring them peace this weekend and comfort and love let them know that the greatest love is from you and so god we give you the praise the glory and honor for what you're doing in our lives in jesus name amen amen amen amen i hope you all got something out of this tonight now listen thank you from england hello england hello england listen um don't forget to go by and rcblakes.com sign up for my my mailing list our mailing list just click on the join our mailing list um box there's a box you just click on that box and then you'll get a free gift as well when you join the mailings yeah it's right on the front page and um yeah also uh while you're there toggle on over to my online programs uh transcending the father wound soul ties queenology sisters winning in ministry and uh queenology 2.0 the training for reigning all of those are sitting there and all of those programs have been really from day one they've been marked down 66 percent because the lord told me to put it where um the masses could reach it so while those programs are still marked down i want you all of them the the most expensive right now is 49 and these this is hours and hours of of of teaching and content go to rcblakes.com check out the online programs and take advantage of that now because that's not going to stay at that level it's been like that for almost uh a year and a half yeah something like that but your team is selling you're gonna change that yeah putting pressure on me so i'm i'm sounding the alarm yes i'm sounding the alarm and uh what else am i missing of course amazon all of my books those of you that may need counseling of any kind you know i'm not a counsel i'm not a therapist not a psychologist i'm just a preaching a man but we have developed a relationship with better health counseling which is an online counseling service and there's a link in the description that if you use it if you use it if you use our link uh you get 10 off of the cost of the counseling and they in turn will uh deposit a referral fee into the ministry so it's a win-win uh anything else i'm missing don't forget to stop by our store there's book books are available at our store site as well as some you know queenology apparel and things like that at rcblakestore.com and then finally we need to talk about how these scammers oh thank you thank you thank you about that listen up listen up listen up listen up i do not have an orphanage i have an orphan i do not have an orphanage in africa or anywhere in the world i don't have an orphanage that i sponsor i don't have one so there there's some scammers that some kind of way get into the comments right and i understand that they're asking people as though it's me i think they even use my likeness yes uh asking people to give to to an orphanage i don't i don't have an orphanage i don't have an orphanage do not give i do not ask for money that's right i don't go on social media i'm not on i'm not on youtube i'm not on um instagram asking for money unless it's a church service i ask people to give towards the church because you know everything is is on the digital platforms i do not have what else are they doing something else you were telling me i needed to mention um i can't remember now but yeah that's the main thing yeah i do not have an orphanage so do not give money to any orphanage you know in my name because i definitely report them and definitely report that report them please report them and so i think that's it y'all uh i think that's it i think that's it i love you all we thank god for you thank you so much and um i want you all to have a great night and i want you to have an amazing uh valentine's day yeah yeah go out bring yourself out yes and enjoy yourself and thank god for bringing the right people into your life because remember you got to be available when the right one comes you got to be available you can't meet your soul mate if your life is constantly occupied with soul ties yeah so you know y'all know what's happening all right i love you all we love you you're done yeah we're done god bless y'all we'll talk to you soon have a good night god bless you now
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 88,918
Rating: 4.9595761 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES, LISA BLAKES, RELATIONSHIPS, RC BLAKES JR
Id: y_0NW9kEzeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 10sec (3790 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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