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when folks Dave Canterbury at the Pathfinder School what I wanted to do today was I wanted to again go into one with our basic series but I what I wanted to do is talk about knives and have a serious knife discussion today I have recently been involved in quite a few discussions and visual things on knives and I want to put this in the basic series so that people understand why I choose the types of nice that I choose why I think that some knives are more favorable over other knives and then also I want to talk to you about things that you see on the internet about different knives and one thing that I want you to understand right off the bat is if you are watching a review of any piece of gear it doesn't matter whether it is a knife or what it is if you're watching a review somebody saying I'm going to review this piece of equipment first of all look at what conditioning equipments in if it's brand new chances are they've never used it how can they review it number two look at that person's overall skill level have you watched any of their other videos to see what their skill level is as a woodsman as a bushcrafter as a survivalist and that would lead you to believe either hey this guy knows a little bit about what he's talking about or maybe not so much and that's what you need to understand I see a lot of reviews on YouTube and I don't watch many because a lot of times I'd flat turn them off I'll be honest with you fi if I pull up a video let's just take a knife review for instance if I pull a knife review up on YouTube and the knife looks brand new I generally shut the video off if it's laying on a table and it's not in the woods or the guy's not using it to do something with and he's just talking about the knife I generally turn it off the other thing is I look to see what the guy's skill level is while he's using that knife if he's using it and I will tell you now that if you take the crappiest bud K knife on the planet and you put a good sharp edge on it and you take a nice Mora that cost 20 bucks and you put a good edge on it and you take any given knife that meets the criteria that we're going to talk about and you sharpen that thing up it doesn't matter if it cost three or four hundred dollars if you put all three of those knives in the hands of more Skowronski he's going to make every one of them look like a knife you'd want to buy because his skill level and his expertise at fine carving and things like that are so precise and so good and so well honed that he makes it look natural no matter what he's using the deal with on the other hand if you take that same set of knives and you put them in the hands of someone of lesser skill level much less skill level it doesn't matter how good the knife is they're going to make that knife look bad and it could look like something you don't want to buy even if it might be something that's very good so I want you to think about those things when you're looking at videos of a knife reviews and things like that because some of what we're going to do today is going to be talking about knives right in front of you some of its going to be we're going to demonstrate some things with the knives pros and cons of the different knives one thing that you will never see me do with a knife and it's another thing that I turn it completely off as soon as I see it in a video is you'll never see me take a 5 or 6 inch blade and chop with it there's absolutely no reason to chop with a knife that's not meant for chopping if you want a chopping knife get a machete get a Chris Kane survival tool get a goal lock get a poor wrong get a kakari get something that's made for chopping and processing wood or vines or bamboo or whatever the case may be but don't use a 5 6 inch knife to smack around and try to chop with and make excuses that the handle is not long enough or that you need to move it up and choke back and put a lanyard on it so you don't let go of it and get more leverage on the blade that's bunk okay you should never have to chop with a knife that's not made to chop with that knife should be used to baton through material or to push through material by using different types of cuts not swung like some kind of axe or a machete that's what you want that's what you buy that's the next thing that we need to talk about in this video is understand before you buy a knife what is that knife going to do for me versus what do I want that knife to do for me and I get a lot of questions from a lot of people about you know what's the best survival knife out there well the patented answer to that is the one you have on you in a survival scenario but that leads you right back to that's probably the knife you bought to begin with so did you buy the right knife and when I look at that what I want to tell you is I look at any knife that I'm going to strap to my hip on a daily basis as a survival knife because chances are that's the knife I'm going to get stuck with in an emergency because I put it on my hip every single day and I'm not going to lose it so with that said I need to make sure that whatever knife I'm going to select a carry every day is going to be a knife that is multifunctional in an emergency scenario it doesn't necessarily have to be a chopper because a big chopper is not going to be good at fine carving it doesn't necessarily have to be great at fine carving because it's not going to be very good for batana processing would necessarily it has to be capable of a lot of things it has to be capable of processing game it has to be capable of processing wood it has to be capable of the fine carving but it also has to be capable of making bigger logs smaller pieces so that you can create things like pencil sized sticks from a 4-inch log if you have to or just split things out when you absolutely have to so that knife has to do a lot of things for you and has to cover a lot of bases if you go back to my video on knives of the frontier or you know the kind of history of knives that have been used throughout time you'll see that really the most common denominator is about a five to six inch blade at least in the United States about a five to six inch blade and some type of a butcher knife design either a European butchering knife or an Americanized version of a butchery knife or a French version of the butchering knife and those type blade designs lend themselves well to a lot of different things for the woodsman that's why they use them that's why they were around four to three hundred years that's the reason some of them are still made today so understand what you want to do with that knife it's a back up knife that you're buying you're going to put your backpack then maybe it doesn't have to be that perfect knife that's going to do everything maybe you're buying a backup knife only for you know the trap line you're going to make your money cuts with and you're going to keep that thing razor sharp and it's going to be a perfect blade for you to make those precision cuts that you have to make not to mess up a fur on an animal or maybe it's going to be your bush crafting knife that you're going to put in your in your backpack and you're going to keep that thing with you to do your fine carving and making feather sticks and doing those little fancy things that we do in bushcraft but does that lend itself to a good survival knife maybe yes maybe no depends on if it meets the criteria that you decided needs to meet for me I have certain criteria that I look at in a knife and we'll talk about that right now okay so let's get started on our knife discussion here a little bit and let's talk about it I've got a table or a bench of knives here basically that are all knives that I have personally used over and over and over and over none of these knives are brand new all of these knives have been tested thoroughly in a wilderness environment for a lot of different tasks so I can tell you I feel confident that I can tell you what the pros and cons are of these type knives now the first thing that you need to think about when you're selecting a knife is again back to what is that knife going to do for me versus what do I want it to do for me so for the sake of this discussion because we're talking about basic concepts let's talk about this is the knife I'm going to strap to my tip and this is the knife that I'm probably going to end up with if everything goes bad I lose all of my gear that knife is going to be shot to my hip and it's going to be my only tool that I have to use to affect my survivability and there is a big difference between that and a bushcraft knife that you carry in your pack as a spare where you put it around your neck or where the case may be totally against putting knives around my neck but that's beside the point okay so blade thickness that is your first key element to me a knife that's going to be used for a multitude of tasks needs to be 3/16 of an inch thick at a minimum I do carry knives personally that are only 1/8 of an inch thick this three dollar butcher knife from a yard sale is only a little over an eighth of an inch thick it's not quite 3/16 so if I had to measure it you know it's right in between there but it doesn't quite meet my minimum standard although I've used this knife for everything under the Sun so I'm pretty confident that in its ability to sustain me it needs be this butcher knife is 3/16 this is the habilis Pathfinder butcher knife it's 3/16 so 3/16 is a good thickness to start out with now let's talk about why not at 8:10 it's okay because generally what you'll find is most knives will be 1/8 inch 3/16 and then quarter inch 1/8 inch knife is going to have a lot of flexibility in it if the metal is tempered correctly and it may Bend on you or snap on you depending on again the temper of the knife I've never broken an old hickory butcher knife and they're eighth of an inch thick so an eighth of an inch knife can do the job for you but it's not going to be near as rigid or good for prying if you have to do things like that that's 3/16 so there's a little bit of a trade-off there I would say my personal opinion is 3/16 for beginning knife though it's going to be the one night that you buy to keep on your hip and this is where you're going to put all your eggs okay in my opinion again this is just my opinion your knife should be your most expensive item in your kit for the most part or you should have the majority of your budget set aside for your knife because that's what you're really going to stake your life on with that knife you can't do everything else if you have to as long as you have the skill level now remember during this video there's I'm not talking bad about any knife makers I'm not talking about about any people who review knives on TV on on YouTube or use knives on TV all I'm saying to you is these are my standards these are the knives that I choose and this is why you can make your own decision from what we're talking about once we get beyond the thickness of the blade then we need to talk about the tang is a full tang absolutely necessary in other words is it one piece of solid metal that the scales are both the two on both sides almost all of these knives all of these knives are full tang the knives I have over here or not again I go back to if I'm going to get stuck with this one and I have no other tools I may have to do things like prying hitting hard on the back of the spine with a baton of some sort to process firewood all those types of things lend themselves to a weakness in a rat tail Tang knife because it's smaller it's not like that rat tail tangs the same thickness the 9 and 3/4 the way back to handle generally speaking a rat tail tang knife is exactly that it shrinks down to a rat tail and then goes back into the knife so that is a weak point in the overall structure of that knife that could compromise you in a real emergency situation so I choose again I choose to always carry a full tang knife on my hip and that's my personal opinion so all of these knives are full tang now backup knife could definitely be a non full tang knife and most of my backup knives generally are non full tang we'll talk about that in a few minutes the next thing that I want to know on this knife is and here again this is the these some of these things are kind of go no-go for me I can live with eight-inch if I have to I'd rather have 3/16 but there's certain aspects of that night that I can't live without or I'm not willing to do without one of them is that that knife has a very sharp a 90-degree spine on it so that it will effectively remove material from a ferrocerium rod and there is a big misconception out there about ferrocerium rods and knives most of the time if you're having problems striking your Ferro rod it's not the rod it's the knife so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a couple random knives here for you I've got several different feral rods from cheap $5 Ferro rods all the way up to $50 Ferro rods and we're going to strike them with a knife and you're going to see that for the most part they're the same ok so what we got here is we have a variety of ferrocerium rods this rod is just a cheap rod probably off of our website and the handle of been yanked off of it it's been wrapped in duct tape to give me a good heavy-duty handle most of the feral rods that you're going to buy and I say most not all most of the feral rods are going to buy the handles are going to come off of them eventually sooner or later anyway so I just take mine off on these cheaper ones and I wrap them in duct tape so I've got an element of fire wrapped around it an emergency plus I have this this duct tape is for no other use except a handle or fire I carry duct tape my kit for other things on this side I have arrived from Canton shop comm Rob Simpson spare rod I'm very fond of these they're good feral rods they're a little bit more expensive than wrapped in the leather I think they come from deeply handcraft I'm not sure that and they're very good fair rod to stick inside your knife sheet that's what you like to do this is a cheapie like a Coghlan model ferrocerium rod this is the Bob spark from fire steels calm this rod is just a long blank fire rod that was made by one of my instructors that has a copper butt end glued or epoxy Don and pinned in that's filled with lead on the backside so they can be used for a Bopper for napping whether it's for your flintlock or whether it's for making arrowheads out of glass or flint whatever the case may be it also gives you a good handle to hold on to and a large striking surface to remove material into your tinder bundle again cost difference is a lot here you're talking this one in this one are probably five bucks or less this one's around 2025 this one's around 2025 I believe these things are around 40 50 bucks so you've got a big difference there but the bigger the rod is the longer it's going to last a lot of guys ask me about this blocks of magnesium with a little bitty rod going across the top of them those things are useless in my opinion you're going to wear that rod out long before you ever get rid of that magnesium and most all of your ferrocerium rods have a heavy content of magnesium in them already that's going to burn if you can't remove the material with your blade that's the important thing it's generally not the Ferro rod that causes you the problems it's the blade okay I'm going to use a couple of different knives to do this stuff with first one I'm going to use is the Pathfinder knife this is made by blind or snobs it's called the PLS k1 the Scandinavian grind 3/16 own inch a little over a five-inch blade this one happens to have curly maple handles on it it has a good sharp 90 degree spine so let's try this one first on just a cheapy rod now that's just as cheap II $5 rod here's the cheapy one off my website you can see it's removing enough materials hang it up on the back of the knife even here is the gob spark okay canteen shop comm got to get the coating off of it okay now I'm going to show you what just happened here the cap just came off of this the leather coiled cap just came off of this I've never seen that happen to one of these fair rods before that it goes right back to what I was telling you almost any fair rod you buy the cap is going to come off of it unless it's pin through it's going to come off just wrap it with tape and go on and don't worry about it if you're looking for something fancy looking do yourself a favor make sure you got some duct tape with you when you get done here is the large barrel rod again we've got to get the coating off of it once we get the coating off of it it shouldn't take a whole lot of effort when you do this if your knife is good 90-degree spine on it it won't take much effort so you can see that all of those barrel rods will work just fine with that knife okay this is the more of bushcraft black we haven't talked about this knife yet it's not a full tang knife it is high carbon steel which means it's going to rust if you don't take care of it but it's going to be easier to sharpen in the field than stainless I prefer a high carbon we'll talk about that a little bit in Y on our next exercise but let's look at what this will do and again it has that good 90-degree spine so let's start with our cheap e Ferro rod here pretty good the other cheap e Ferro rod pretty good gob sport real good the long heavy-duty one real good the canteen shop pretty good ok so you can see that as long as we have a good 90 degree spine doesn't really matter whether the knife cost 30 or 40 bucks like this one we're close to $300 like the Pathfinder knife they're going to do what you need them to do with the Ferro rod and that's the important characteristic to understand will this knife be good for striking a ferrocerium rod every time I see someone take their knife and strike their ferrocerium rod with the blade of their knife I know that person doesn't know what they're doing because I'm never going to sacrifice my knife blade to strike a Ferro rod I can always use the back of this or I can find something else if I can't do that but I'm never going to sacrifice my blade this area of your blade from here to here from this curve back is going to do two-thirds of everything you do with this knife will take place right here we'll talk about that a little bit too ok so that gives us a pretty good look at one of the things that we want our not to be capable of which is striking our ferrocerium rod a ferrocerium rod in my opinion is the most reliable fire-starting device you can possibly have in an emergency scenario matches are a one-shot deal lighters run out of fluid and get wet all of those types of things you need to concentrate your efforts on understanding how to use a Ferro rod with lots of different tenders because a Ferro rod there is a very very hot spark that will light up a lot of tender and it works even when it's wet get yourself as big a Ferro rod as you can find that you can afford in the long run and carry that with you as your main ferrocerium rod alright moving on the next thing that we want to look at is the steel that this knife is made out of everything that I do with this knife has to be a multifunctional deal obviously I can do a lot of things at this knife as far as making other things and that makes it multifunctional but it also needs to be part of my kit as far as being useful for at least three I need to be able to start fire with this thing as one of those chores or duties of my knife and by scraping that ferrocerium rod that takes care of that element but I would also like for my knife to be able to throw sparks from a hard rock in case I would lose my ferrocerium rod for some reason and all I'm left with is this knife if I can get a fire built somehow because I made a bow drill set with my knife I don't want to have to go through that hassle the second time so if I can make char cloth in that first fire thinking ahead to my next fire and I can find a nice hard rock I can use that to create an ember then put in a bird nest and forego the whole bow drill action on the next fire so I want this knife to be made out of high carbon steel so that it will throw sparks off of the spine with a hardrock high carbon Steel's oh one tool steel 1095 while the Condor knives are made out of a 10 65 1070 not really enough carbon in them to throw a good spark you see there's no Condor knives on this table not because I've never used one but because it's not a knife that I would carry all of the time so if you're going to ask me about other knives and you don't see it on this table it's because I either haven't carried it don't carry it or I have carried it and don't like it and don't carry it anymore these are the knives that I trust okay so let's talk about striking sparks with the back of our knife so again what we're trying to accomplish here is turning our knife into an ignition source and we can do that as long as we have that high carbon steel blade so let's pick up first of all we'll just pick up this butcher knife what I'm going to do with my knives when I've decided I'm going to buy one is I'm going to do this first that thing's throwing sparks I'm a happy camper now I know I got a good high carbon steel blade for sure even if I have no idea what this thing's made out of yardsale three dollar butcher knife looks like carbon steel it's rusting up it's got some patina to it let me take a rock to it okay now I'm in business does it have a good 90-degree spine on it yep now in double business this is the right thickness it's pretty close as I got a good nice five to six inch blade on it yep okay now want that knife that's my factors now any knife that you have that's high carbon steel and will in fact what we'll do is we'll get another cheaper type knife out here we'll look at this more on bushcraft black again does it throw sparks yes it does okay is it throwing them as good as the butcher knife not quite but that could just be because the blade is like blue and not all this wore off yet but I know this will start it will create ignition with char cloth because I've done it so if I have a high carbon steel blade I'm going to be able to affect cognition that way and I'll show you how to do that right now up close hang tight guys okay so I have a charring 10 here it's got some char cloth in it right here so we'll pull that piece of char cloth out and that's what we're going to use for this demonstration now if I'm trying to strike sparks up my knife there's a couple ways you can do this you can hold the knife blade like this and strike it against the rock exactly like you would do a striker but I don't like that method very well because I've got my knife blade toward my hand if something were to slip I could cut myself if I have to wrap something around the blade I may not get a good grip on it so I would rather strike down on the blade to the charred material so we'll pull a piece of this charred material off of here and lay it to the side real quick just like this and what I like to do is lay that thing out and get as much surface area exposed as I can to catch my sparks and then kind of tack it down with my knife just like this now I'll lean my knife backwards just a little bit and I'll strike sparks on to the char cloth just like that okay that out now let's look at the three hollered butcher knife we'll do the same thing get it out here pin it down with the blade hold on the handle push them down okay we're on a fire all right now let's look at the pathfinder Scout bigger than the Pathfinder pls k one larger in blade size and blade length this is a six inch blade it's a little bit wider and so now the full flat grind but it does have that 90-degree spine it is three sixteenths it's just a little bigger more of a French trade or butcher knife style design alright sparks is going right by here here we go okay we got a char cloth on fire so you can see that a $40 knife will do it a three dollar knife will do it a $200 knife will do it it doesn't matter how much the knife costs it matters what the physical characteristics and capabilities are of that knife okay so what I want to do now real quick is I want to kind to kind of go through some knives with you guys one at a time show you knives that I trust doesn't mean that there's other knives on the market that aren't good but again if you're going to ask me what I think of this of that if you didn't see in this video that should give you an indication of what I think about it means I don't carry it alright anything by blind horse knives is going to be bone anything by hapless bush tools is going to be a good knife anything by Moore is going to be a good knife but it's not going to meet all of the criteria that we talked about some of them are not high carbon they're stainless and none of them are full tang alright so let's start off with the Morris the Mora bushcraft block is by far my favorite it's got a nice blue blade it's got a three quarter tang nice comfortable rubber over plastic handle here high carbon steel blade good 90-degree spine the blade on it's almost a little over four inches long and for me you know the minimum is about five but again this is not going to be my main knife so it doesn't have to be five inches this is another more this is the Mora companion another good knife about half a little over tang maybe 3/4 rubber over plastic handle you can see the blades a little bit less robust than the bushcraft block it's a little bit shorter it's not not as wide and it's about the same not quite the same thickness so this is a heavier knife than this one but does not cost more than this one both of them will do the job a knife I've been carrying a lot lately as a backup or carving type knife or bushcrafting is this martini and this was given to me by one of my instructors solid rubber handle three quarter inch tang molded over it's got a really nice 90-degree spine on it it's good and thick it's over 8 of an inch it might be close to 3/16 Scandinavian grande it's a very short blade it's only a little it's a little less than 4 inches I think so it's not going to be a main night for me but it is a great backup skinning carving and crafting knife for my pack this is the habilis butcher knife and this knife was designed directly after this knife this is a three dollar butcher knife from a yard sale this is the habilis butcher knife it was designed and made directly to mimic this knife because we knew there'd never be another one of these come along so we wanted something that was very close to an 18th century design with 18th century type handle materials and scales this one has one two three four five six pins on it so that it's more period-correct for something along the 18th century lines solid hardwood handles they are flat as many of them were back then it does have the Pathfinder logo and the habilis Bush tool logo on it as well it's a nice Scandi grind and scanned effects it's got a little bit of a convex grind compound grind at the bottom of the Scandinavian grind it's got a good 90-degree spine on it and it's made out of 1095 so it definitely meets all the criteria definitely a good robust knife okay now let's get 2 BHK blind horse knife a blind horse obviously I've had a very very long relationship with blind or knives they're absolutely my favorite knife company Bar None in the world their knives have never failed me and everybody I've talked to says if they've ever had any issue with a knife that blind horse has replaced it without question so any guarantee like that is the guarantee I want they're fit and finish is perfect their shops really nice I've been to their shop so I know what it looks like I know what the craftsmanship is good american-made quality but again you're going to pay for american-made knives this is the Pathfinder Scout the one that I carry probably 95% of the time not because I don't like the PLS k1 but because this one has a little more versatility for what I do every day if I were going to have to choose one knife for an emergency it would be the PLS k1 that's what it was designed for this knife is more of a hunting skinning butchering type knife it's got a big 6 H butchering style blade on it European type French trade knife style blade 3/16 heavy heavy spine oh one tool steel curly maple handles it's just a really really nice heavy duty knife and I carried this one quite a bit the PLS k1 is the original Pathfinder knife that was made by blind horse knives Scandinavian grind blades about five and a quarter inches long it's got some jimping on the top of the blade here curly maple handles on this one like I said oh one tool steel heavy duty 90 degree spine this knife will do anything in the world that you want it to do and if you have it in if it's in the right hands of the person with the right skill it can do anything you want to do from fine carving to processing firewood this is the muck the Nemec with the Pathfinder logo on it that's made by blind horse Scandinavian ground Nemec style blade it's basically a short butcher knife and I think that's pretty much what nest Mehcad in mind when you had this knife made if you look at this knife compared to a larger butcher knife they're pretty much the same it's just shorter and squatty ER than a butcher knife it's got that same hump at the top so that it rides high over bone when you're cutting with it it's good for batani I like this dished area right here because that forces a lot of forces a lot of pressure right here to the belly when you're trying to split wood and things like that with it so it's a really really good knife but remember with any knife you're going to about this much of your blade is where you're going to do 90% of your work you know the before you get to the upsweep on the belly is where you're going to 90% of your work when I see guys carving sticks and they're making points on sticks out here on the blade I know those guys don't know what they're doing because that area of your knife should be the most pristine area because that's what we can use to process game that's what you're going to use from very fine under cuts and notches and find carving tasks you don't want to use that for hogging material off to make points on sticks that's what this area of the knife is for okay just a little tidbit there the nest McKnight's are really really good all-around hunting type knife this is the blind horse bushcrafter great cat part style design blade cat part style really designed knife for the most part it's got this Inlet in the handle which makes it really comfortable for your finger it's got a nice round grip as my instructor chair jamie burly always says it's like a broom handle doesn't matter how you hold it it's always going to be comfortable in your hand and that's kind of one of the pluses to this knife for bushcrafting and things like that it's got a four inch blade on it like I said it's got a cup art design spear point blade on it this one happens to have a full flat grind I think the ones they sell have a hollow grind I'm not positive of that don't quote me on that and this one happens to have curly maple handles this is a really nice little knife that blind horse makes is the woodsman pro now I've carried this knife not as extensive as I carried the others but it is a really nice woodsy style design knife for hunting and trapping and things like that it's just not quite big enough for something to me to be beyond a carving knife or a skinning knife for a one tool type knife but it is a very good back up knife for the trapline for hunting for skinning and things like that and this is called the trapline companion now this knife has got about a four inch blade on this was an accidental knife this is a knife that was made another knife was messed up and this knife was ground out of it by Dan at blind horse knives and when he showed it to me I fell in love with him the reason I fell in love with it and decided to adopt it as the TLC is because it has a nice hollow grind which means it's going to stay razor sharp it's got a nice little drop point right here for skinning and making money cuts on furs and hides and things like that and it has that small kitchen knife like feel to it that makes it great for fine carving tasks and things like that so for making feather sticks for doing fine under cuts and notches and all those types of things this thing is like the Morra of the blind horse world except this full tang and it's high carbon steel with a 90 degree spine so it does everything for me if it needs to okay one thing I want to talk about real quick in this video as I see a lot of people talking about making feather sticks how well is the knife make feather sticks well depends again on how well you can handle the knife and what your skill level is a good sharp knife will make feather sticks obviously a thinner blade is going to make better feather sticks than a thicker blade so you have to understand the limitations of what you have but even a blade that is 3/16 or thick like the Pathfinder knife but it's got a big heavy Scandinavian grind on which makes it really good for processing wood and things like that and a good heavy-duty tool is not going to be as good for fine carving tasks as say this TLC or even this martini or Mora because the blades are thinner they have a sharper Scandinavian bevel to them and they're going to make those fine cuts this one is hollow ground so it's definitely going to make fine cuts all right but let's look at these knives and when you're making feather sticks you're not trying to you don't want this thing hanging out on a stump between your legs and you're trying to push the knife with both hands that's not the way to make feather sticks feather sticks are a fine finesse carving task I'll tell you nobody would complain about that butter stick okay out of a 3/16 inch blade with a heavy scanning grind on it that is a nice feather stick that will take flame very very quickly and that's the advantage of a feather stick is you have increased the surface area and made the material very thin so that it heats up quickly and combust faster okay guys well I appreciate joining for this video I turn today I wanted to go over my mentality with you or my line of thinking when it comes to noise I also wanted to talk you a little bit about understanding what you're looking at when you watch other people handling knives using knives reviewing knives and things like that again this is not a Bosch on any knife company it's not a Bosch on a You Tube reviewer I just want to educate the people who are watching my videos as to what you should be looking for and be sure that when you watch a review on any product whether it's a knife or a steel pot that that person has used that item and you can't say that you've used an item by taking it to the woods one time or for five minutes or five hours or likely even five days you need to use and abuse that item before you can really say what is worthiness is to have in someone's kit I'm Dave camera at five fire school I appreciate your views your support everything you do for me for my school for my family I'll be back another video soon as I can thanks guys you
Channel: David Canterbury
Views: 709,552
Rating: 4.8837976 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Survival, David Canterbury, Dave Canterbury, Pathfinder, The Pathfinder School, Archery, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Primitive Skills, Fire, Water, Shelter, Navigation, First Aid, Search and Rescue, Signaling, Prepper, Preparedness, Self Reliance, Survivability, The 10 C's, Knives, Axes, Saws, Bow Drill, Ferrocerium Rod, Ferro Rod, Tarp, Hammock, Canteen, Cooking, Longhunter, Trapping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2013
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