37 Illegal Things to (Never) Do in Minecraft

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- [Gamer] 37 Illegal things to never do in Minecraft. Minecraft is the most famous sandbox game out there. But even with that title, there are still some actions in the game that you should just flat out avoid, whether it's breaking a spawner, going AFK in the nether and really everything in between. It's on this list. Hey there folks I'm Skip the tutorial and here we dive deep into playing games the wrong way. And hey jumping in on behalf of the police chief to say that only 12.7% of you watching are subscribed. So if you're looking for a way to support the channel, it's free and it goes a long way. So with that said, let's start cracking down on crime. Number one, first to get out of the way is a pretty common one when you're first starting out. But if you're looking to pick up some valuables in the mine, always make sure your tools up to code for the job, especially when you find some diamonds. Now, the prevailing wisdom for this is to use iron or above, but just keep in mind that only applies to pick axes. Number two, now planting a crop field of Minecraft survival can take some work. So it makes sense that you'd want to defend it from any baddies that come by. But trust me all the good you'll get from often that monster won't outweigh how much you trampled the Amber waves grain. Use a range weapon for the situation, or just let it despawn no need to trash your crops for. Number three, the nether is no place to be reckless. In fact, there's plenty of hazards to worry about even when you're being safety, slow, meaning if you chug a speed potion in the nether. It's bound to be a bad time. Worst of this is that it's just such a waste of an opportunity. I mean, any other potion would work better in this situation. Well, at least somewhat, number four. Let's dive back into the mines for this one, because this is a misdemeanor that's sure to ruin your day. If you see a vein of diamonds, take the time to mine around them, trust me. You want to do this. The fine for having no patience here can really start to hurt. Number five, all right. All you criminal masterminds. This one's for you. If you're looking to crank up the illegal factor on your Minecraft to sky high, it's simple. Just play with a pirated version. And if you're wondering why there's no footage of a cracked version here, listen, this is a video about you breaking the law, not me. Number six, if you've ever played on a sky block map, you know just how important each resource can be. That's why there's absolutely no reason you should trash all of your grass blocks. It's painful enough, losing a dirt block at the beginning, getting rid of the grasstop adds another insult injury. Since you're going to have a tough time getting it back. Number seven, say you're running on an empty stomach. You're jaunting for some pork to fill your belly. Well, that's easy enough since you've got yourself a pig farm, but don't let your eyes get too big for your stomach. Otherwise you might just ruin your chances of repopulating after your greedy habits. If you're hungry for some bacon, leave at least two to work back from or better yet, breed them before killing. Number eight, another serious offense around these parts, is downloading some hacks for your Minecraft client. And while things like auto mine and x-ray are harmless in your single-player world, it's a risky move to turn on your killer for PDP. And if you ask me, when you reach the point where you're resorting to aim bot on a Minecraft server, there's a lot more going wrong, but just your game play. Number nine, This one's just painful to watch. Look I'm all about building redstone in different locations. And sometimes it can even be really cool. But when you start throwing your pistons under a nearby lake, you've got to expect some issues like oil, redstone and water don't mix, and it's best to keep them as far away as possible. So you don't wash away all of your hard work, just like that. Number 10, all right. So you want to go exploring for a new base location at night nobody really wants to run at night. So bet would be a good call to pack. The only problem is if you trash your home bed and bring it for the trip, you'll lose your spawn point. If you bite the dust, this can hurt especially bad. If your original base wasn't at world's spot and now you've left hours of progress behind. When you see a monster spawner, what's the first thing that comes to mind. Well, if it's skeletons, then maybe you could build a big farm where you use the bone meal to make it more trees and crops grow. Or if it's zombies, maybe you can get rotten flesh to trade with villagers and the like. But now you won't get to see any of that because you trash the spawner. Now the only monster here is you. Number 12, now that hardcore survivals back in the public eye, it really puts front and center. Just how many things you can do in a regular world that just don't fly in the harder mode. And the most egregious of which probably asked to be looking before you leap and hardcore because breaking your legs might not be something in a regular world, but here it means all the difference. And it could bring your journey to an early end. Number 13, after hours of looking for resources, you finally have something to put together in the crafting table. I know it is tempting to go for all diamonds tools, especially if you already have most of the set, believe me, there is 100%, no reason to ever make a diamond home. It's not gonna make right-clicking any easier. And if you're worried about durability for your hoe, really how much are you planting? And secondly, stone and sticks is easy to come by anytime of the month. Just put those diamonds to better use Okay? Number 14 look, I get it. Sometimes when you're out and about, it's tough to come up with a decent snack. And if you have it, rotten flesh can actually work all right here. But if that's your last resort, then please just sit still for a minute, fill up your hunger bar and then let the hunger effect go away. There's no point to continue running around and especially known to just let the hunger bar only fill up part way, go all the way, sit still for a second and then move on with your hunger bar. Number 15, the homeowner's association asked for this one, but if you're building a wooden house, there's plenty of ways that you can make it look good from the inside. And I know it's tempting. Maybe hold back from the fireplace, especially if you're not going to keep it up to code because one stray right click with a Flint and Tinder can make the whole place light up. And trust me, there's nothing worse than seeing hours of work go up in smoke and down like that. Number 16, after hours of playing Minecraft, you're bound to come up with some junk in your inventory and while throwing your stuff into lava or a cactus is a good way to get rid of it. Just please be careful while you're doing it because, there's nothing worse than going through useless stuff in your inventory. And all of a sudden chucking your trusty pickaxe right into the flames. And if you're gonna chuck all your good stuff into the lava, so carelessly, then you might as well just send your whole self in. Number 17, this is one of the classic Minecraft testaments, but let's say after you found some good resources, you want to take your iron ore and get right out of the mine shaft. A more common geometry would say that the fastest way from point a to point B is a line, digging straight up, might just prove that it's worth taking the extra minutes to build a staircase. You wouldn't want to lose all your stuff and the hours that came with it. Number 18, say your jaunting around your world, when all of a sudden life kicks back in. Maybe you've got responsibilities to deal with, or you're just getting a little tired, well, no worries. But if we're gonna go AFK, then you should have a reason behind it, like hanging out at a fish farm or a mob spawner. But if you're just going AFK for no reason, then you're putting yourself in way too much danger, especially on a multiplayer server where you can't just pause the game. If you got to go away for a few minutes, just hit disconnect and come back to it later, everything will be right where you left it and you'll end up a lot more live than the other way. Number 19, this one takes a bit of math to figure out, but after doing it this way, there's no way you'll go back to the old method. You see a log and a plank burn the exact same amount of items about one and a half, but obviously a log will give you four planks. So that'll give you way more efficiency for your buck. Or better yet, you can get charcoal by burning that same log. Allowing you to smelt eight different items. And if you've got some wood to burn, then the best way about it is using those two planks to burn three different logs, turning the four and a half items, they would have smelted into 24. Number 20, as your Minecraft journey comes to a close you'll need to hunt down the ender dragon by using different ender eyes to find the stronghold. And while it's always a good idea to overpack an ender rise, it doesn't mean you should just go throwing them Willy nilly in multiple at a time because with how often these things can break, you'll just end up losing some that could have been used to help you on your path. Just throw one, let it go in that direction, follow it for a few blocks. And then chuck another don't double up and especially don't sixteen up Number 21, while we're dealing with ender man. please keep in mind to never shoot an arrow at one. At best, you're just not gonna hit it. And if your aiming is as bad as mine, then all that time spent trying to line up a headshot is just gonna get you killed. Just go up to the ender man, get the first hit off and then deal with the problem. Don't let it get to the advantage. Number 22, after hours of searching the sand, you'll finally come across that one desert temple to make you rich. And as you start to head down into the chamber and find all the loot, you'll probably feel like Indiana Jones. But, unlike Indi, you chose the center picked poorly and now there's not gonna be a sequel. Number 23, well mines and other courts in the second dimension. It might be a good idea to throw a bit of hesitation into your habits, because if you start reckless with your pickaxe, you might throw off just a few too many wrong swings and that'll just get a certain group pretty mad at you. Number 24, finding a creeper in the water seems like a great idea right? I mean, you don't have to worry about damage that it could do because if it explodes in the water, nothing happens. But here's the thing. When you're fighting one of the monsters in a nearby river, it's going to be pretty tough to escape it, especially while melee fighting. And that's gonna make your job a whole lot harder. Well it might seem less appealing initially. It's much better to fight these things on land coz then you have better escape routes anywhere you look as opposed to just trying to swim yourself away. Number 25, alright, so i'll admit, I'm not that much of a builder, but if there's one building sit by now, it's that if you're gonna make your house, even though it might look cool, make sure to put no holes open to the public because as nighttime comes along, those monsters will use every single nook and cranny, to make sure that you don't get a good night's rest. Number 26. Now Minecraft has plenty of ways to waste your resources. But one of the most subtle ones has to be making, mundane or thick potions, honestly, compared to awkward potions. These things are just straight duds and even worse that eat up valuable redstone and glow stone dust, which even though they're farmable throw, which farm are not nearly as accessible as another war. And also just not as versatile. Number 27, unfortunately, as good as dogs are in Minecraft, there's just no way to pet them. But even then. It's not much of a defense when you use a diamond sword to try and do it, really just stay on Peter's good side of this one. Leave the dog as be. Number 28. Look, I'm guilty of this one, myself. If you've ever been in a cave and find yourself right out of torches, it might seem like a good idea to use that flint and steel. You keep in your back pocket, but here's the thing, as it might work for a little bit on the way down, as soon as you're trying to retrace your steps back, all those fires will have burnt out. And while you can remedy this by carrying around some nether rack as well, I don't think that's a solution she crashed and torches, leave them on the wall, get your way out of there. Number 29. Look, I'm not one to go out, searching for math all the time, but this one actually kind of shocked me when put all together, Rabbit stew is a pretty decent food source and they can fill up your saturation quite a bit. But what's funny to me is that if you take the items from the stew, separate them out one by one, you actually get more benefit and more hunger filled. Not to mention if you have another mushroom in that same bowl in your inventory, and you can get yourself a mushroom stew and go all the way. Really, there's no reason to craft this item except as a vanity thing. Number 30, after farming for hours here, AFK fish farm. You're sure to get plenty of loot and while enchanted books sure are tempting. There's absolutely no reason to put cursed books on any of your valuable items. These books are pranks. There's little use to them. What's even worse is if you accidentally put one of them on, then you might just lose your pickaxe on death. And then that joke's going to get a lot less funny. Number 31, if you're hungry and looking for ways to thin out your chicken farm, that's fine. It's a noise distraction. But if you're gonna do that, then maybe just use an axe for the job because with a sweeping edge sword, you're going to kill off way too many of the things you might just find yourself in a position of no return. Number 32, picture the situation all right? You're out walking about in the middle of the forest. When all of a sudden, Oh, look at that painting just out in the middle of nowhere. Who would've thought everyone would have thought, because as soon as you go behind that painting surprise, it's a secret base. I think we've just got to stop using paintings to hide our houses because honestly, I have never seen a painting except for the secret reason, it's a dead giveaway for sure. Number 33, this one might seem a little confusing. But after wearing down your pickaxe, to the bone in the mines, you might just find that it's better to repair it with a second pickaxe. Instead of using diamonds. Look at this right here with individual diamonds, it costs me four, but with a pickaxe it's just three and two sticks didn't even cost less experience to do. And for this reason, there's really not a case to just use diamonds to patch up your pickaxe. Number 34, say you're one of the lucky ones, and Oh, look at that. You found a jungle temple in well, it's easy to get distracted thinking about the crystal skull or golden idol you might find while you're down there. Just keep in mind, look out for traps. And even me saying that that's just too surface level to cut it. Because even if you catch a trip wire and break it with your fist, you're still gonna activate the trap. And well, sometimes it might just be a measly arrow. If a more clever trap maker got there first, you might be looking at a bit of a death. Instead of you should use a pair of shears to snip the wire and then move along, grab yourself the treasure and bail out of that place. Number 35, let's say you finally find it, that white whale, the mushroom Island and hell I get why you would want to bring back one of the mushrooms. They're an excellent source of food. But if you're looking think for mushrooms, there's absolutely no reason that you should be sharing these things because now you're left with just a cow, and worse yet, not even enough mushrooms for a full stew. All you need to worry about is finding a bowl for these things, because then you can milk it for stew that'll keep you supplied and give you a much better ROI than just some measly cow. Number 36 curing zombie army villagers a lengthy process. And I'll understand if it's sometimes cuts in the nighttime, but while it might be tempting to break your villager out of the cage, as soon as you notice that it's healthy, just wait till morning, because if a zombie comes by to that thing, you're just going to undo all of your process. It can start right back at square one for that matter. Number 37, Oh yes, the infamous classic. But if you're going to dig straight down, then at least know the right way to do it. Either dig a two by one hole as a backup. Or if you're gonna go down, maybe pack a water bucket or a fire resistance potion mining towards the earth's core unprepared is just going to go South quickly. And it's a crime to humanity and your health bar. But let's say that you've pulled off all 37 of these crimes. And now you're worried about your criminal record. Well, don't sweat it because there's an easy get out of jail free card for you. Just plant a tree. Well, maybe not just in game, but in real life too, with a teen trees project, every dollar donated corresponds to a nutrient in the soil and with your help, we can reach 20 million trees planted by 2020. So go to teamtrees.org and donate today and let's help get the world a little greener. And with that folks, click this one in the top right, to see 23 ways to break Minecraft and have fun doing it, or click down in the bottom, right for another video. And if you liked this video, then make sure to subscribe, to help support the channel in a freeway. And with that folks take care, you have a good one. - Alright. ( Upbeat music)
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 6,016,232
Rating: 4.8590403 out of 5
Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, 37 illegal things to never do in minecraft, minecraft illegal things to do, minecraft illegal, things not to do in minecraft, things you should never do in minecraft, minecraft illegal things, minecraft 37 illegal things not to do, 37 illegal things not to do in minecraft, minecraft break the rules, break the rules of minecraft, minecraft, things you should not do in minecraft
Id: 3-lX3NhEGsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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