Packet Tracer - Investigating the TCP IP and OSI Models in Action

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hi welcome to this video on packet tracer activity investigating the tcp/ip and OSI model in action here is our objective part 1 examine HTTP web traffic and in Part II to display elements of the tcp/ip protocol suit it is a packet tracer activity we are going to understand the tcp/ip protocol suit and OSI model here they given some details in background as data moves through the network it is broken down into smaller pieces and identified so that the pieces can be put back together when they arrive at the destination so each piece is a st. a specific name that is called the PDU protocol data unit and associated with a specific layer of the tcp/ip and OSI model so packet tracer simulation mode enables us to view each of the layers and the Associated video so the following steps lead the user through the process of requesting a web page from a web server by using the browser application available on a client PC so even though much of the information displayed will be discussed in more details later this is an opportunity to explore the functionality of packet tracer and be able to visualize the encapsulation process we will come to a path to one examine HTTP web traffic in part one of this activity we will use packet tracer simulation mode to generate a web traffic and examine HTTP so in that step one I switch from real time to simulation mode right in the lower right corner of the packet tracer interface are tabs to toggle between real-time and simulation mode yes we will do that PT always starts in a real-time mode in which networking protocols operate with or realistic timing so however a powerful feature of packet tracer allows the user to stop time by switching to simulation mode in simulation mode packets are displayed as animated envelopes time is even driven and the user can step through networking events so now we will click the simulation mode I can do a switch from real-time mode to simulation mode right and we have to select HTTP from the even list filters here they given two instructions that we will go through that HTTP may already be the only visible event click Edit filters to display the available visible events toggle the show all or none checkbox and you notice how the checkboxes switch from unchecked to checked or a check to unchecked depending on the current state and to click the show all or none checkbox until all book blue boxes are cleared and then select HTTP click anywhere outside of the Edit filter box to hide it right the visible events should now only display HTTP now we will come to simulation mode here we can see that right and we have options your here we can see the even list filters the visible events now it shows none here we can give show also that shows all the events or we can remove it to using this show all or none even we can edit the filters so here we can come yes here we can see that ok if you click on this show all and edit filters here we can see all the protocols enabled or if I remove that we can see that checkbox are not selected a single checkbox are not selected right and we will select HTTP so we have to go to edit filters and we have to select HTTP right and here we can see the even list filters visible even is only HTTP now here now we will come to a step to a general right web HTTP traffic so currently the simulation panel is empty there six columns are listed across the top of the even list within the simulation panel as traffic is generated and step through evens appear in the list the info column is used to inspect the contents of particular event they given an order of the web server and web client are displayed in the left pane so the panels can be adjusted in size by hovering next to the scroll bar and dragging left or right when the double double-headed arrow appears well click web client in the left in the far left pane click that a stop tab and click the web browser icon to open it in the URL field we have to give this URL that is www.oesc.ok.gov we must use the capture or forward button to display network events then click capture or forward four times there should be four events in the even list look at the web client web browser page did anything change right we have to do this so then we will come to this question coming to the topology here we can see the even list with the number of columns and here we can see that info column right here is our web client we are going to click on this web client desktop and we have to select of a browser and we are going to give the URL here www.oesc.ok.gov EUR we can see the packet here again I'm going to give a capture or forward soon we are going to give a capture or forward right and here we can see the of observer pager you have you have successfully access the home page for observer yes so look at that the client web browser page did anything change yes we have seen that we got this web page from the web server now we will go to step 3 explore the contents of the HTTP package so click the first to color the square box under the even list in for column it may be necessary to expand the simulation panel or use the scroll bar directly below the even list the PDU information at device the client winter displays in this video there are only two tabs one is OSI model and outbound PDO details because this is the stat of the transmission as more events are examined there will be three tabs displayed adding a tab for inbound PDO details when an event is the last event in the stream of traffic only the OS a model and inbound the PDO details tab tabs are displayed so ensure that the OSI model tab is selected under the OSI layers column and showed that the layer 7 box is highlighted and we got a couple of questions here before that we will verify this we will explore the contents of this HTTP package now we will come to our a simulation panel here we can see the event list and here is our first packet and here is our square box info we are going to click on that yes URI Sora PDU information at device web client and here we can see two tabs or sa model and outbound video details now we are in aw say model and here we can see the layer 7 is highlighted now now we will come to the first question what is the text displayed next to the layer 7 label ok here we can see yes it is mentioned the HTTP right what information is listed in the numbered steps directly below the in layers and out layer boxes yes here we can see in layers and out layers so seven layer information here the HTTP client sends a HTTP request to the server now we will come to the next question click next layer layer four should be highlighted what is the destination port value right here we are going to click Next to layer and you can see now layer four is selected and here we can see the destination port is 80 right click next layer again layer 3 should be highlighted what is a destination IP value right again we are going to press next here next layer so this layer 3 is selected and here we can see the destination IP address 192 dot 168 dot one dot 254 yes so click the next ler what information is displayed at this layer right again we are going to click next layer and here we can see lay up to a third net to header and to here we can see the inbound and outbound MAC address now we will go to next click the outbound to PDO details tab information listed under the PDO details he so reflect you of the layers within the tcp/ip model so they given a not here we will go through that the information listed entered the authority to section provides even more detailed information than is listed under layer 2 on the OSI model tab the outbound PDO details provides more descriptive and detailed information so the values under destination MAC and source MAC within the ethernet to section of the PDO details appear on the OSI model tab and related to but are not identified as such so what is a common information listed under the IP section of PDO details as compared to the information listed under the OSI model tab with which layer is it associated right we will check that we will come to the PDU information now we will move to outbound the PDO details and here we can see the details right and yes in the IP section here we can see the source IP and destination IP same thing we can see here in OSI model I mean the layer 3 source and destination IP address next is what is the common information listed under the TCP section of PDO details as compared to the information listed under the OSI model tab and with which layer is it associated right here we can see the TCP yes here we can see that here we can see the source port destination port etc right so here we can see noise a model here we can see that a TCP source port and destination port yes so it comes under layer 4 and here we can see source and destination port now we will come to next what is the host listed under the HTTP section of the PDO details what layer would this information be associated with under the OSI model tab right coming here we can see I would burn to details here we can see host www.oesc.ok.gov click the next to color the square box under the even list info column only layer 1 is active not grayed out okay the device is moving the frame from the buffer and placing it on to the network and advance to the next HTTP info box within the even list and d click the colored square box this window contains both in layers and out layers notice the direction of the arrow directly enter the in layers column it is a pointing upward in decay in the direction the information is are traveling scroll through these layers making not of the items previously viewed at the top of the column that arrow points to the right this denotes that the server is now sending the information back to the client right we will check these two now coming to the even list here is our second square box yes pure information at device web client and here we can see only layer one is enabled right now we will go to the next info purities yes here we can see the in layers and out layers both are here and here we can see the up arrow and down arrow which indicates the direction the information is traveling also we can see another arrow here pointing to right side so this denotes that the server is now sending the information back to the client next is the comparing the information displayed in the in layers column with that of the out layers column what are the major differences right we will come to the PDU information and here we can see the layer 3 here we can see the source IP address is 1.1 and when it comes to out layers we can see it becomes the destination IP and here this a destination IP I mean here the source IP etre sees here is the destination IP address and coming to layer 2 here we can see the MAC address becomes your the destination MAC address and here the source MAC address becomes the destination MAC address that means this atrocious are just swapped now you will come to I click the outbound PDO details tab scroll down to the HTTP section what is the first line in the HTTP message that displays right we will check it here is our outbound PDU details we are going to click on that now we will let's check for the HTTP URI this and we can see the first line HTTP slash 1.1 200 okay so what it means that means the request was successful and the page they divert from the server now we will come to J click the last two color the square box under the info column how many tabs are displayed with this event and to why right here is our last square box we're going to click on that and here we can see we have only two tab Aneesa OS a model and another one is inbound to PDO details so because this is receiving device that's why we get these two tab now we will come to a party to display elements of the tcp/ip protocol suit in party two of this activity we will use the packet tracer simulation mode to view and examine some of the other protocols comprising of the tcp/ip suit ok view additional events step 1 blows any open PDO information windows in the even list filters visible even section click show all what additional even types are displayed ok right we are going to check this now okay here is our even list filters here we are going to give show all right so we given show all option now yes now we get more additional even types here we can see DNS ARP then we get TCP right HTTP the right right so these extra entries supply various roles within the tcp/ip suit if the uh trusts are a solution protocol that is a RP is listed it searches MAC addresses as we have seen that here a so ARP yes right DNS is responsible for converting in name for example www.oesc.ok.gov ice versa yeah so the additional TCP events are responsible for connecting agreeing on communication parameters and disconnecting the communication sessions between the devices these protocols have been mentioned previously and it will be further discussed as the course progresses so currently there are over 35 possible protocol even types available for cap capture within a packet tracer rate right anyway we are not going to see all the even type in this packet tracer itself so click the first DNS event in the info column explore the OSI model and to PDO details tab and ignored the encapsulation process as you look at the OSI model tab with layer 7 highlighted a description of what is occurring is listed directly below the in layers and out layers so one the DNS client sends a DNS query to the DNS server yes we will see that now this is very useful information to help understand what is occurring during the communication process right we will verify that now now we will look like on this at DNS info right here we can see the details yes URI sir DNS the DNS client sends a DNS query to the DNS server right now we will go to D click the outbound PDO details tab what information is listed in the name in the DNS secure a section right we will come to outbound the PDO details and we are to search for yes here you can see the NS Curie yes here we can see name www dot or si dot locally now we will come to e click the last DNS info colored square box in the even list which device is a displayed right we will search for the DN knows ok yes here we can see that we are going to click on this yes so this is a PDO information at a device web client next T sir what is the value listed two archers in that DNS answer section of the inbound PDO details right we had to go to the inbound video details and we had to search for the DNS answer or s where we can see that and here is a truss is 192 dot 168 or to 1.2 54 right yes so this is the address of our web server now we will come to EF find the first HTTP event in the list and click the colored square box of the tcp event immediately following this event highlight layer four in the OSI model tab in the number list directly below in the layers in layers and out layers what is the information displayed enter item four and five okay we will check that now we will come to the even list here and we will search for the HTTPS here we can see that and to just after that HTTP we can see the TCP here and now we have to go to the layer 4 and here we can see that 4 & 5 the TCP connection is successful that the device has sets the connection stay to established yes so the DCP manages the connecting and disconnecting of the communication channel along with other responsibilities this particular event shows that the communication channel has been established ok now we'll go to G click the last two TCP event highlight layer 4 in the OSI model tab examine the steps listed directly below in layers and out layers what is the purpose of this event based on the information provided in the last item in the list should be item 4 right ok we will come to this now now we will go to the last TCP here we can see that yes and here is our layer 4 and here we can see the details informations the device closes the TCP connection to the server on port 80 the device said the connection stayed to Finn and the score weight underscore one yeah it is going to close the connection yeah that is what going to happen here okay they given a challenge here this simulation provided an example of have obsession between a client and a server on a local area network the client makes a request to specific services running on the server the server must be set up to listen on specific ports for a client request so here a look at layer 4 in though I say Malta for a port information based on the information that was inspected during the packet place or capture what port number is the observer listening on for the request right obviously it is 80 no doubt the first HTT dbpedia being requested by the web client shows port 80 under the layer 4 destination thought so what port is the web server listening on for a DNS request so the first two DNS PDO being requested by the client shows a layer 4 destination of 4 to 53 so in this even list we can see that coming to HTTP in the layer 4 here we can see the destination port 80 and coming to the DNS you see all right ease and here we can see at the layer 4 we can see the destination port 253 yes in this packet tracer activity we investigated the tcp/ip and OSI model in action reference if you have any doubt please comment below also if you like my videos or give a thumbs and don't forget to subscribe the channel right now so that you will get the latest uploading video into your Gmail bye bye
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 44,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TCP IP, OSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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