Packet Tracer - Skills Intergration Challenge

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hey guys welcome back again my name is Jesse I'm here to help you guys out with what looks to be what packet tracer to dot 4.1.2 the skills integrated challenge so let's go ahead and just jump right in again just a quick background the purpose of these videos is try to help illustrate the information that you were reading within your chapter with the Cisco Academy and try to show you how it it it reflects in the labs that you're doing so you might find some faster videos that might go through these projects faster but I'm going to as much as possible try to give you quick tips you know shortcuts and hotkeys and things like that as well as try to illustrate some of the information you were reading along with the the tasks that we're doing within these labs so let's go ahead and jump in like I said ejectives to configure your host names and IP addresses on to cisco internetwork operating systems iOS switches using the command line your face otherwise known as the CLI use Cisco IOS commands to specify or limit access to the device configurations use the iOS commands to save the running configuration and configure to host devices with IP addresses verifying connectivity between two pcs PC and devices all right the scenario as a recently hired technician land technician your network manager has asked you to demonstrate your ability to configure a small land your test includes configuring initial settings on two switches using the Cisco IOS and configuring IP address parameters on host devices to provide a newand connectivity you are to use two switches and two hosts PCs on a cabled and powered Network okay let's just jump into the requirements they don't give you any kind of helpful tips or anything like that if you need more laid out information I suggest going back to the previous packet tracers you could watch some of my previous videos and I'll give you more quick tips and tricks and stuff like that to go along with some of these requirements but here they not holding your hand there they want you to know exactly what they're talking about and doing that if you need more information like I said go back to previous packet tracers all right so it says use a council connection for each to access each switch to do that you come down to connections and this lonely just rolls over you have your whole list of connections you can scroll through them like that the blue one is to represent the council cable which in real life if you haven't a chance to do a lab yet it reflects the color of the actual council cable that you would you would use so we'll go ahead and we'll click on manager I'm going to go with the ARS connection here and then come over to the switch and I know it's jumping off the page but it says counts all the way at the top and we'll click on in council while we're doing that go ahead and do the same thing again council and the RS a and then we've got our council cables connected click on manager and we'll jump down to the other requirement which is to name the switches room 145 and room for 146 perspective yep okay so I'm 145 so we'll click on desktop and since we are going to be counseling into these switches you need to use the terminal interface and there's some of your reading I know you guys went over this make sure again for the most part packet tracer will never ever change these settings for you but you need to know what these settings are especially for your icnd1 or CCN t as well as your CCNA you need to know that your bod rate which is your bits will be at 9600 your data bits at 8 parity it one stop bits at one and then flow control it none you will need to know that there will be a test question somewhere that'll ask you that so make sure to kind of file that in the back your head click okay and we're into the terminal voila into user mode let's jump into privilege mode by again typing enable jump into global configuration again compte or config terminal then it'll get you there hostname it's the command room 145 okay and the next parameter is that they want us to go ahead and do secure all our line interfaces as well as the secret password which again secret will be the encrypted version so enable we'll do that first Nabal secret and the password is six capital e capital B capital u P and there we go and our completion percentage goes up to three points excellent and let's go ahead and jump into the line console because we need to secure that line counsel zero again password is the command and the password will be lowercase X of case a lowercase W six okay okay alright now that we've entered in the password command we also want to make sure again once again to type the login word to make sure that the password screen prompts you when you go to sign into one of the counsel ports or vty lines so there we go exit back out or within the line counsel if you were saying and it's still so like let's pop back into the line console you can also just jump right into your vty lines by typing line vty 0 through 15 because we want to get them all and now we're into the - I configuration line configuration mode so we'll go ahead and enter the password and I'm gonna go ahead and just use the arrow up keys to arrow up to where that command was since we're using the same command for the v2y lines as we are in council so there we go and then we'll arrow up and do login boom and then exit back down to global configuration mode our next step is to go ahead and clear encrypt all clear text password again we're in a type do show and if you were in and privilege mode you could type show run but since we're in global configuration we're going to do do show run to say our running configuration we don't have to worry about the secret passage because that one's already encrypted but if you pop down to your line input so you can still see the password so we're going to go ahead and use the service password encryption command to go ahead and encrypt those and if we go back into the writing configuration boom they are encrypted now all right next command is I set up a banner message a banner that says warning in it so banner message of the day and I'll use my special character and just type in warning stay out I'm a special character there we go all right next configure addresses for all devices according to the address table safe configuration verify all devices ok let's go ahead and see so we have a VLAN a virtual interface or a virtual land that is for VLAN 1 so let's go ahead and pop into that interface for vlan1 we're gonna give it an IP address of 128 dot 1:07 that 20 dot 10 and it is a slash 24 inch cider which again you'll learn a little bit more about as you continue on in the semester which cider is and what it means and again you popped into VLAN 1 you need to bring VLAN 1 up by typing there's no shut command or no shutdown and we are up we popped up to 27 points completed out of 90 pop out of that and actually we'll just control-c back down to privileged mode because I believe other than verifying connectivity when you just save our yep save our running configuration so copy run to starting config enter enter and we have saved it okay so we can go ahead and exit out of here we'll go ahead and we'll pop in IP addresses real quick for the manager or PC so we'll scroll back up here to the top and manager it'll pop in these IP addresses again we're doing a static IP address but 128 107 20.25 alright because we're doing the manager's computer right there and this is gonna be slash 24 and since we're only doing layer 2 we're not doing layer 3 once again we don't have to enter in the default gateway if we were doing routing or actually had to route IP addresses we would go ahead and put a router in there and we would have to make sure that we put the default gateway in but since we're only doing switches we don't have to put in that we're only having to worry about routing MAC addresses or not even routing just moving along the MAC address do the switch so let's go ahead and come over to reception and click on the desktop tab and we're tunneling in okay let's move our way up to privileged mode and from there go up to global configuration mode all right so let's go ahead and add our hostname just room 146 from there we need to secure privileged mode we do that by naval secret so we'll make sure we're doing the cryptid one again and that password is six capital e capital B capital u lowercase P enter and we'll go ahead and type in oh sorry distracted so we want to protect our lines now so we'll start with counsel line one counsel that is zero password protected with the password of a or X capital a lowercase W six or case K and terror again make sure when you're typing in passwords that you don't put a space after the password because it definitely will mess you up when you go to internet password in the future if you don't know if there's a space there or not and what typing it and login to prompt the password during during the trying to escalate into or not even escalate we're not isolating we're trying to lock into the council port we make make sure that you type in logins so you can go ahead and make sure that that prompt comes up okay from there we'll go into the vty lines 0 through 15 and again we'll just arrow up to get those commands exit or back down to global configuration mode again encrypt your clear text passwords because if we do take a quick look at our running configuration what do you know it's still in clear text so encrypt it with the service password encryption command and that does that from there next point is go ahead up and set up a Matt message of the day banner banner message it add a special character warning stay out supposed to a character boom all right let's go ahead and work on our virtual LAN IP address so interface vlan1 give it an IP address of a 128 dot 107 dot you know it's highlighted so follow along there you go 20 out to 15 then 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0/24 ok again let's bring it up by typing no shut and it is up all right let's save our configurations ctrl C back down to privileged mode copy run to starting big enter enter and that portion is done and from there we'll just exit out of that and jump right into the the IP configuration on the PC for reception again we're gonna be entering that IP address right there so 128 dot 107:20 dot 30 with a subnet mask of 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 again we no need to put a default gateway in and verify our IP address with the IP config command and the command prompt boom everything's right there and we can verify our connectivity over to the opposite side to the manager fine doing ping 128 dot one else 7.20 dot 225 yeah there we go sure enough there is our pings and again if you want to do a continual ping just add a minus T and it'll continually ping when you're done with that ctrl C we'll go ahead and exit you out and when you're done you can type exit and closes out right like that all right anything else okay again it gives you the information here at the bottom in the note says click the results to see your progress you can also reset the activity to start over if you want to try it again but other than that you are all set get my name is Jesse if you have any questions or issues or you know any comments on the video today I asked you to leave some comments below and I'd be great otherwise I'm still working out all the email addresses and everything like that so you can communicate with me personally through email but when that pops up I'll definitely start letting you guys know at the end of these videos other than that I hope you're having a great time these are informative and I hope to see you back again and continue to plug away thank you
Channel: Not Cisco Academy Help
Views: 23,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Packet Tracer - Skills Intergration Challenge, Not Cisco Academy Help, Cisco Academy Help, ICND1, CCENT
Id: 2FzuxCBbA98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2016
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