Packet Tracer - Troubleshooting Default Gateway Issues

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet rate solar activity a troubleshooting default gateway issues here is our objectives in part one we will verify network documentation and isolate problems in Part II to implement verify and to document solutions coming to the background for a device to communicate across multiple networks it must be configured with an IP address subnet mask and default gateway the default gateway is used to when the host wants to send a packet to a device on another network the default gateway actress's generally the router interface uh trusts attach it to the local network due to the hosts ease connection so in this activity we will finish documenting the network we will then verify the network documentation by testing in the to int connectivity and troubleshooting issues the troubleshooting method we will use consists of the following steps verify the network documentation and the user tests to isolate problems determine an appropriate solution for a given problem implement the solution has to verify the problem is resolved and to document the solution then throughout your CCNA studies we will encounter different descriptions of the troubleshooting method as well as the different ways to test and the document issues and solutions so this is intentional there is no such tantor or a template for a troubleshooting each organization develops a unique processes and to documentation standards even if that process is a we don't have one however all effective troubleshooting methodology is generally include other above steps they given and not here if you are proficient with the default gateway configurations this activity might see more involved than it should be we can most likely quickly discover and solve all the connectivity issues faster than following these procedures however as you proceed in your studies then it works and problems you encounter will become increasingly more complex in certain situation so the only effective way to isolate and solve issues is to use a methodical approach such as the one used in this activity right now we will come to part one a verify network documentation and isolate problems in part one of this activity complete the documentation and perform connectivity test to discover issues in addition we will determine an appropriate solution for implementation in part two now we will come to a step for one verify the network documentation and to isolate any problems before you can effectively test a networker you must how complete the documentation notice in the actress ink table that some information is missing complete the addressing table by filling in the missing default gateway information for the switches and the PCs yes we will check the addressing table here or we can see some of the default the gateway of some of the device is missing here so we will identify and we will make the documentation now here we can see our addressing table and we are going to update these our default gateway right first of all we will get the IP address of pc1 & pc2 so coming to PC one desktop here we can see the default gateway it's 192 dot 168 or Tendo to one so that will be the same here in PC to also right so we will copy this information to our spreadsheet PC 1 & 2 PC to now we will get the default gateway of PC 3 and PC 4 so here we can see that one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 11.2 one we are going to copy that we can see a PC for also here we can see actually they given here 192 one sixty eight dot one dot one we will verify on router this interface is Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 enable show IP interface brief yes here we can see that IP address is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 1100 to one so you will copy this and we will add you the excel sheet your PC 3 and PC for right now we are going to get the default gateway of s1 + e s2 so for this s1 the default gate you will be the IP address of this interface that is Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 here we can see that that is a Tendo 2 1 & 4 this is 2 the default gateway will be the IP address or for this interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 that is 11.1 yes we will update in our spreadsheet for s1 the default gateway is here yes we will copy and paste it and for the s2 here it is right we will change the color here to black right so we completed our addressing table now we will come to be test to connectivity to devices on the same network by isolating and correcting any local access issues we can better touch the remote connectivity with the confidence that local connectivity is operational all right we will do that a verification plan can be a symbol as a list of connectivity tests use the following test to verify local connectivity and to isolate any access issues the first issue is already documented but you must implement and verify the solution during party to write so here is our testing and the verification document we are going to test from pc1 to pc2 it's successful no it's not successful the reason they given the IP address on pc one this issue solution we must change the PC one IP address right until we are going to do the remaining testing and we are going to document it now we will a ping from pc1 to this which is 1 so we have to get the IP address of s1 so enable show IP interface brief and to here we can see that yes I'm going to copy this address I will come to PC one command prom - here we are going to ping - yes one you're waiting follow a plain request timed out no we are not getting the reply coming to our spreadsheet here of a ping from PC 1 to s 1 so is it successful no and now we have to identify the issue yes we will come to PC 1 and we can see the IP address of PC 1 here we can see the address is on another network so that's why the pink unsuccessful we will come to our spur sheet the issue here we can see the IEP our trust so on PC 1 this is a problem so we must change the IP atures right now we are going to do from pc1 to r1 from pc 1 to R 1 also we won't get because here are the IP addresses on another subnet so we will come to our spreadsheet successful no so the same issue and the solution anyway we will attest that we will get the IP address of our one table show IP interface brief and here is the uh truss we're going to copy that coming to PC one command prompt okay right here 10.2 one we will get a request timed out yes it's unsuccessful now we will a ping from PC to 280 Suchi s1 command prompt right you're waiting for the replay yes we are getting the replay coming to the spreadsheet here we are going to add the details from PC to - yes one so successful yes so no issues and solutions right now we will do it from PC to to our one here the art receives our 10.2 one yes we are getting the replay coming to the spreadsheet here yes from PC to to our one yes we are getting a replay so there is no issue now we will a ping from PC three to PC for you will get the IP address of a PC for right we'll come to PC three command prompt ping to PC for yes we are getting the replay now we will ping from PC three - yes - so we will get the IP address of is 2 enable show IP interface brief and we had to get the IP address oh here we can see IP address is not a saint so anyway then we cannot ping from PC 3 to s 2 or PC 4 2 s 2 also we will check whether the default gateway is set or not on this a s 2 so here we can give show running config and we will verify that yes here we can see IP default gateway yes set on is to coming to the spreadsheet here are from PC 3 - yes - no it's not successful because we have to set the IP address for switcher - so the issue is IP address is not set coming to the solution set IP are trust for s1 sorry s - right next is PC right PC for two years - the same problem here also right now we will ping from PC three to r1 so we have to get the IP or trust of this interface it is Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 yes here we can see that okay right enable show IP interface brief and here in starters I'm going to copy that coming to PC three so here you are going to ping to 11.2 one yes we are getting the replay also we will verify from PC for command prompt - here we are going to ping to the router yes we are getting the replay coming to the documentation from PC 3 to r1 yes it's successful so we'll copy this here also same because we successful from pc 4 to r1 also your are they given and not the table is an example you must create your own document you can use a paper and pencil to draw a table or you can use a text editor or spreadsheet consult your instructor if you need further guidelines yes we have done that already test connectivity to remote devices such as from pc1 to pc2 amend any problems this is frequently referred to as in t2 interconnectivity this means that all devices in a network have the full connectivity allowed by the network policy so remote connectivity testing may not be possible yet - because you must first order us all local connectivity issues exactly so after you have solved those issues or returned to this step and the test connectivity between networks right now we will come to a step to determine an appropriate solution for the problem using your knowledge of the way networks operate and your device configuration skills search for the cause of the problem for example s1 is not the cause of the connectivity issue between pc1 & pc2 the link lights are green ant in our configuration on s1 would cause a traffic to not pass between pc1 & pc2 so the problem must be with the pc-1 pc2 or both right we have done that already verify the device are trusting to ensure it to match us the network documentation for example the IP address for pc 1 is incorrect as verified with the IP config command yes so we have seen that suggest a solution that you think will ever solve the problem and document it for example change the IP address for PC 1 to match the documentation so often there is more than one solution however it is a troubleshooting best practice to implement to one solution at a time implementing more than one solution could introduce introduce additional issues in a more complex scenario right anyway this problem solution also we mentioned in our spreadsheet yes here we given everything now we will come to a party to implement verify and document solutions so in part 2 of this activity we will implement the solutions we identified in part 2 and we will then verify the solution worked you may need to return to part one to finish isolating all the problems so we will come to step 1 implement the solutions to connectivity problems refer to the documentation in part 1 choose the first issue and implement you are a suggested solution for example correct to the IP address on PC 1 right this is what we are going to do now we will do 1 by even according to our documentation we will come to our first problem and we will come to the solution here we can see a pc1 & pc2 is not communicating so IP address on PC one there is the issue and we are going to change the IP ultra on pc 1 right so here we can see the IP address of pc 1 in this addressing table that is 10.10 so we will come to pc 1 IP configuration here they given love and/or chance so here we are going to change to 10 or 10 now we will attest from pc1 to pc2 here is the uh truss coming to pc 1 command prompt right here we have already that know so it's I'm going to paste that here 10.11 right yes now it is communicating in spreadsheet we will mark that very yes yes now we are going to ping from pc1 to s1 so we will get the IP address of s1 your securities will come to PC one command prompt you are going to ping two years one we are waiting for the replay yes we are getting the replay now we will do it on PC to ping yes we are getting the reply coming towards / cheat now pc-12 yes one he is successful so we verified this yes now we will pink from PC 1 to R 1 because here we can see from PC 1 to R 1 is unsuccessful so we will do that next here is a 10.2 one yes we are getting the replay coming to our respect sheet so from a PC 1 to R 1 is now successful so we verified this we will let's check the next problem PC 3 - yes - so no IP addresses are set for this Suchi yes - and the solution is we have to set the IP address for us - yes we will do this now now we will configure as - before that we will get the IP address off is - here is that right and here we can see the subnet to mask its 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 configure terminal we have to go to the interface vlan1 and we are going to set the address here it is and the subnet mask is 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 and we are going to give a no-shit command yes now we will ping from PC 3 2 years 2 and PC 4 2 s 2 coming to PC 3 command prompt ping to pc 3 waiting for the replay yes we are getting the replay now we will come to PC for command prompt here we are going to ping to that switch you are waiting for the replay yes we are getting a replay now coming to us per cheat PC 3 and PC for now be able to ping - yes - so here we are going to verify it yes yes now we are going to ping from pc1 to other remote devices like a PC through a PC for or s 2 or if we can believe even we can ping to the interface of a Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 coming to PC 1 right first of all we be looping to PC 3 that is 11.10 here we can see we are getting a replay now we be lapping to PC 4 so that is 11.11 we are waiting for the replay no ting is unsuccessful also we are going to ping from a PC one two this s 2 that is 11.2 yes we are getting a replay also we will do to the interface on a router 1 so 11 to 1 yes we are getting the replay coming to our documentation from a pc1 to pc2 e we have done then from pc1 to pc2 on then from pc1 - yes - we have done also we have done from pc1 to our one interface oh I am NOT not going to note that it successful already so here from pc1 to pc2 here's it's successful so it off all these issues and solutions and from pc1 to pc2 now we will identify the issues and solution and from pc1 - yes - yes it's successful right first of all we will check the IP address of pc for here we can see it's one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 11.11 we will verify that on pc for IP config and here we can check the IP atures yes it's correct so we ping from remote desktop so we have to check this default gateway also so here we can see one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot two one years so here the default gateway is assigned incorrectly actually the default gateway is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 11.2 one right so we will document it you're coming to pc one to pc for yes the issue is obviously incorrect default gateway on PC for so here we have to change the default gateway default gateway on PC for yes now we are going to ping from PC three to pc-1 pc2 and the su gs1 coming to PC three command prompt to write here we are going to give that ping - 10.10 we will give first PC one yes it successful now we will try to PC - yes it's successful now we will try to the switch so that's a 10.2 you're waiting for the replay no yes here we can see we are not getting the reply we will check the problem on s1 we will verify whether default gateway set for this s1 or not coming to that enable show running config teacher we are going to verify these here they said the IP address but we cannot see any default gateway set for this which yes this is the problem now we will document this coming to our aspirate we ping from PC three to PC 1 then pc 3 to PC to and from PC three to the suci s1 right so here we go to the replay so you're successful here it's successful but from PC 3 to s 1 we didn't get yes so here didn't set the d4 the Gateway but he's here we are going to give default gateway is not set here we have to assign the default gateway yes now we will come to the solution here we can see from pc1 to pc2 default gateway on PC for V so we must change the default gateway on PC for right here we can see that so here we noted that the default gateway of a PC for its 1100 to 1 right we will come to PC for IP configuration it's it's 11 door to one right and to the next problem is from PC 3 to s1 default gateway is an odd set on s1 so I say in the default gateway right we will do this now coming to s1 enable configure terminal and we are going to set the default gateway so here we have to specify the Gateway that's one int to Row 2 168 door 10.1 right now we will let test the connectivity from pc1 to pc2 idea to see is 11.11 yes we are getting the replay now we will come to pc 3 and we will ping - yes 1 yes 10.2 you're waiting for the replay because timed out years we are getting the replay coming towards per cheat here pc-12 pc 4 we verified yes and from pc 3 to s 1 we verified yes now we will come to step to verify that the problem is now resolved verify your solution has solved the problem by performing the test you used to identify the problem for example can PC whanau ping PC - yes obviously we verified that if the problem is resolved indicates so in your documentation for example in the table above a symbol checkmark would suffice in the verified column yes we given there yes in that verified column now we will come to step 3 verify that all issues are resolved if you still have an outstanding issue with a solution that has not yet been implemented return to party to step 1 we completed everything here we can see even our completion status is 35 out of 35 if all you are a current issues are resolved have you also resolved in your remote connectivity issues such as can PC one ping PC for yes we were facing this issue and we solved this problem if the answer is no turn to path one step one C to test a remote connectivity yes we have done that well this a packet restore activity is all regarding troubleshooting default gateway issues and in this video we have seen how to document the problems then isolate problems and finally how to resolve that issues reference if you have any doubt please comment below also if you like my videos give a thumb and to don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into your Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 48,266
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Keywords: Default gateway issues
Id: 8-Mblg1YZfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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