Packet Tracer - Implementing Basic Connectivity

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hi friends welcome to this video on packet tracer activity implementing basic connectivity our objectives are part 1 perform a basic configuration on s 1 and t s 2 but to configure the pieces in part 3 we will configure the switch management interface we will go through this background in this activity we will first perform basic switch configurations then we will implement basic connectivity by clicking IP addressing on sutures and PCs so when the IP addressing configuration is complete we will use various show commands to verify configurations and use the ping command to verify basic connectivity between devices first of all we will come to part 1 perform a basic configuration on s1 and s2 here we can see the two switches s1 and two years to right complete the following steps on s1 and s2 step 1 configure s1 with a host name click s1 and then click the CLI tab enter the correct command to configure the hostname as s1 right we will do this configuration now Curie server is one we'll click on that coming to CL I yes now we'll go to enable here we are going to give a configure terminal and here we are going to set the hostname as yes one yes now we can see the hostname the default hostname switch is a change due to s1 next we will go to a step to configure the console and to privilege 2x sigmoid passwords use Cisco for the console password use class for the privilege to exit mode passwords right we will set these two now you'll come back to yes one we will go to line console to set the pass console password line console 0 here we are going to the password a specified Cisco and we had to give a login now we will set privilege to x ik mode password as class so we'll exit and to here we are going to give an enable secret as class yes now we will go to a step free verify the password configurations for s1 how can you verify that both passwords were configured correctly right we can do in two ways the first thing is we have to go to user X sigmod and we have to exit from there then we have to try to access by pressing return we have to go to user xing mode so there it will prompt for the password so it is asking for the console password and when we go to privileged exec mode using the enable command from my user exit mode which will prompt for the second password or we can use show commands so that if we can see the passwords what we set that is a show running configuration so we will see that going back to s1 right here I am going to exit yes sir we can see no + or return to get started I'm going to press ENTER here and now we can see use or access verification it is asking for the it is prompting for the password so here we given the password this comes roll password as a Cisco so I type the password we can see the password is invisible so I'm going to press enter yes it's working now we will go to privileged x ik mode using enable command and here we can see the password is prompting that is class yes now we will verify using show command here so show running config sure we can see yes so enable seeker here we can see we set the password it is in encrypted format now we will check the console password yes here we can see line console 0 password is cisco and to be given a login to prom this password when we log in the next time now we will come to step 4 configure an M or TD banner message of the day right use an appropriate banner next to one and authorized to access the following text is an example here they given authorized access only violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law right now we will set this MOTD coming two years one right here we are going to give a message of the day so we have to go to configure terminal you are going to set banner motd then we have to give the delimiter I am going to use your ampersand then we have to give the message here yes your assault message and ending with the same delimiter right now we will come to step 5 save the configuration file to NV ROM which commander do you issue to accomplish this step obviously we have the command to copy running to startup yes we will come to that yes one we have to exit from here yes we are going to give a copy running-config to startup config right so this is the command but we have to give one presenter so here they are asking for the destination file name we can give the default file name so it is press ENTER now we will come to a step 6 repeat steps 1 2 5 4 years - ok so whatever configuration we have done on s1 same thing we are going to do it on s2 right we will do it one by one coming - yes to see Li here we are going to enable configure terminal first we will set the hostname hostname yes - right now we will set console password and privilege to X Sigma password first of all we will set the console password so we have to go to line console 0 and 2 we are going to set the password as Cisco and now we have to give the login right we are going to exit from here and we are going to give a privileged exit password that is enable secret as class and now we will verify this go to exit from here yes so Cisco enable password is class now we will set a more TD banner here so configure terminal will give a banner motd sure we will use Torah simple and here is your message ok individual or simple right and now we will save the configuration file to NV ROM we have a copy running-config space static config yes now we will come to a party to configure the pcs configure pc1 & pc2 with IP addresses yes here we can see two pcs pc1 & pc2 well that step 1 configure both pcs with the IP addresses click PC 1 & 2 then click the desktop top click IP configuration in the ultra sync table a bow you can see that the IP address for PC 1 is 192 dot 168 go to 100 to 1 and the subnet mask e is 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 and throw this information for PC 1 in the IP configuration window and we have to repeat step for a PC - also we have to give the IEP our trust right we will do this configuration now we will come to PC one we have to go to desktop IP configuration here we will give the IP address so that you see so 192 door to 168 Doh - 1.1 and when we press this on a subnet to mask or when we press the tab button we can see by default we are getting this C Class submit to mask that is 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 so this is a specified submit to mask in this activity now we will set IP address for a PC - so before coming to this IP configuration we have to check the IP address of a PC - here we can see the IP address so one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot two and here we can see the submit to mask this is the default submit to mask of this actress so that is classy a truss right we will Lissette on pc to the strobe IP configuration here we are going to give the IP address 192 door to 168 go to 1.2 and here is that default subnet to mask this so this is a mask specified yes now we will come to a step to test connectivity to switches click this even plus the IP configuration window if it is still open into the stop tab click command prompt type the ping command and the IP address for s1 and press Enter we have to give this command a pinga 192 dot 168 or to 1.2 53 so this is the IP address of switch s1 so we're you successful explained okay we will check it now coming to PC 1 we are to go to command prompt here we are going to ping to es one pink one ninety two dot one sixty go to 1.2 53 we are going to press ENTER we are waiting for the reply or request timed out it's not going to ping obviously so the ping should ping is unsuccessful because we didn't set the IP address for this s1 so we are getting requests timed out now we will come to part 3 configure the switch management interface configuration and the s2 with an IEP atras yes we are going to configure these two switches with the IP address for the management right step 1 configure s1 with an IP address switches can be used as plug and place devices this means that they do not need to be configured for them to mark switches forward information from one port to another based on mattresses if this is the case why would we configure it with an IP address yes so they're asking usually for the switch no need of IP address it requires only MAC addresses then why we are going to configure this IP address obviously suppose we want to connect these switch remotely maybe from other place for further configuration then obviously we must ask say in an IEP atras without IP our trust we cannot connect this device remotely ok here we can see use the following commands to configure s1 with an IP address so here they given the commands we have to go to global configuration mode then we have to go to that interface that is VLAN 1 then we have to assign the IP our trust using this command here we can see that then the subnet mask then we have to give an osha town ok then we have to exit right so here are they ask why do you enter the nor shutdown command obviously the notion on command minced red chili place the interface in an active state we know by default it is administratively down we will listen that now coming to yes one right will give the password enable right configure terminal and tell me how to go to the interface vlan1 and to here we are going to give you the IP address that is 192 door to one sixty eight dot the 1.2 53 and we have to specify the suppli to mask it is 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 and where to press ENTER and we have to give no command yes next we will come to a step to configure is to with an IP address use the information in that trussing table to configure as to with an IP address right now we will configure as to before that we will let's see the IP address just to here we can see the IP address 192 168 0 to 1 dot 2 254 right we will configure this on s2 password is cisco enable password is class configure terminal we have to go to the interface vlan1 and we are going to give the IP Archers so that is here and now we have to give you the subnet mask 255 dot 255 dot 255 u dot 0 and if we had to give an or shut command yes now we will go to step 3 verify the IP address configuration on s1 and es to use the show IP interface brief command to display the IP address and the status of all the switch ports and interfaces we can also use the shore unlink config command right we will verify the configuration we have done on s1 and s2 coming to s1 okay here we are to give a show IP interface brief and here we can see the artists yes here we can see that also we can verify using show running config yes so we have to VLAN 1 yes here we can see that all right now we will verify on s2 right here we are going to give a show IP interface brief coming to VLAN 1 yes here we can see that also we can verify using show running config yes here we can see that IP address on its submit to mask now we will come to step 4 save configurations for s1 and s2 to NB ROM which command is used to so the configuration file in RAM to NV ROM as we have seen already copy running-config space stack up config we will do it on s1 and s2 copy running to start up right also we will do it on s to CLI here we are going to give copy running-config startup-config yes now we will come to the last step 5 verify network connectivity network connectivity can be verified using the ping command it is very important that the connectivity exists throughout the network so corrective action must be taken if there is a failure ping s1 and s2 from pc1 & pc2 right click PC one and then click the stop tab click command prompt and tapping the IP address for a PC to ping the IP address for s1 being the IEP a trust for s2 you can also use the pink on the suture CLI and on a PC to all right and here all ping should be successful if your first ping result is 80 percentage try again you should now be hundred percent H okay when we ping the first time so we will get the result only 80 percentage and when we try the next time we will get hundred percentage right you will learn why a ping may sometimes fail the first time later in our studies if you are unable to ping any of the devices already took your configuration for errors right we will verify our network connectivity now we will come to PC one command prompt to here we are going to ping to PC to first so pink 192 dot 168 to go to 1.2 yes you are getting the replay now we will ping to switch you one so the IP address is 253 right now we are waiting for the replay request timed out then we are getting the reply yes here we can see that 25 percentage loss then again when we try we will get 100 percentage success right we will see that yes now we get ok 0 percentage loss that means 100 percentage success right now we will ping to what is that switch it to that is 254 waiting for the replay so one request timed out we may get then away it will be successful yes will try once more yes it successful also we can check from any switch I will try from a s2 so here we have the command pink then we have to specify the IP address so will you 192 dot 168 go to 100 to 1 this is IP address OPC 1 here we can see the success rate is hunter percentage now we will get to you to PC - so we are waiting for the replay yes first time we are getting success rate is 80% in no problem so we'll try once more so that you will get hundred percentage right we will try - yes - also so this is say yes one oh this is s 2 so we lapping - yes one so here are the IP our trophy is a 253 waiting for the replay oh sorry 60% we will try once more yes now the success rate is 100% great job here we can see the completion status a 88 out of 88 so we have seen this packet race or activity implementing basic connectivity friends if you have any doubt the place comment below also if you like my video give a thumb and - don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into your Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 39,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Basic Connectivity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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