3.5.5 Packet Tracer - Investigate the TCP/IP and OSI Models in Action

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hi firms welcome to all in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity investigate the TCP bar IP and OSI models in action before coming to it friends if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future consider subscribing also don't forget to enable that Bell icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video and if you like to get in a technical support or if you like to contact our team you can visit our website link given in the description now coming back to our packet tracer activity in this activity we will examine HTTP web traffic then we will display elements of the TCP / IP protocol suit here we can see the intention of this packet tracer activity this simulation activity is intended to provide a foundation for understanding the TCP bar IP protocol suit and the relationship to the OSI model simulation mode allows you to view the data contents being sent across the network at each layer as data moves through the network it is broken down into smaller pieces and identified so that the pieces can be put back together when they arrive at the destination each piece is assigned a specific name that is called a protocol data unit PDU and associated with a specific layer of the tcp/ip and OSI models packet tracer simulation mode enables you to view each of the layers and the Associated PDU the following steps lead the user through the process of requesting have a page from a web server by using the web browser application available on a client PC even though much of the information displayed will be discussed in more detail later this is an opportunity to explore the functionality of packet tracer and will be able to visualize encapsulation process okay just we are going to understand the CB bar IP and the OSI model we will go through the instructions first of all examine HTTP web traffic in part 1 of this activity we will use packet tracer assimilation mode to generate a web traffic and examine HTTP so firstly we have to a switch from a real-time - simulation mode in the lower right corner of the packet tracer interface are buttons that toggle between real-time and simulation mode yes we will see that PG this packet tracer always stands in real-time mode in which networking protocols operate with realistic timings however a powerful feature of a packet tracer allows the user to stop time by switching to simulation mode in simulation mode packets are displayed as animated envelopes time is even driven and the user can step through networking events yes this is the advantage of using simulation mode in their packet tracer ok then how we can switch from real time to simulation here we can see that to click the simulation mode icon to switch from a real-time mode to a simulation mode coming to our packet tracer here we can see at the right side two buttons or real-time and a simulation by default we can see it's in real-time so to go to a simulation mode from our real time just click on this a simulation and now we can see we are in simulation mode then we have to select HTTP from the even list filters ok that can be done before that we will read this sign for HTTP may already be the only visible event if necessary click the edit filters button at the bottom of the simulation panel to display the available visible events toggle the show or bar a nun checkbox and notice how the checkboxes are switched from unchecked to check or check to unchecked depending on the current state okay click the show all Bar None checkbox until all boxes are cleared and then select HTTP from the misc tab of the edit filters window click the X in the upper right hand corner of the window to close the Edit filters window the visible even should now only display HTTP okay now we will come to our packet tracer and here we can see our simulation panel and here we can see the even list filters and here we have only HTTP as the visible events okay now consider if you have more number of visible events in this simulation panel then you can click on this show or bar and then so I'm going to click on it so here we can see now it shows none suppose again we are going to click on it we can see all the events so here now we will click again on this a show all Bar None so now it shows none okay now we will add only the required events from these edit filters click on these edit filters and here we can see four three tabs ipv4 ipv6 and a misc so we will click on this misc and we will let search for HTTP it's zero so we will let check this checkbox then we can close this even list then here we can see even that list the filters the visible events only HTTP okay in the next step we are going to general write web traffic that is HTTP traffic right currently the simulation panel is empty so here we can see our last Malaysian panel this even list is empty there are five columns listed across the top of the event list within the simulation panel as the traffic is generated and step through evens appear in the list okay we will go to simulation panel and we can see those five columns listed it's your this time in seconds last device at device then we can see type no here are they given a note the web server and the web client are a displayed in the left pane the panel's can be adjusted in size by hovering next to the scroll bar and dragging left or right when the double-headed arrow appears yes coming to over a packet tracer here we can see our work area here is our web server and the web client and we can adjust the simulation panel if you come here so we can adjust like this okay okay now click web client in the far left pane then you click the desktop tab and then click the browser icon to open it then in the URL field we have to enter www dot or s I dot a local and then click go okay before going to our web client we will copy this URL right now we will go to our web client and here we can see web client window we will go to a desktop tab it's here now we will search for the web browser ok here is our web browser then here we can see our URL field we will paste our URL here then we will press go ok we click don't go but there is no event in the even list we will go to the next step here okay because time in assimilation modi's even driven yes already told that we must use the capture bar forward button to display Network events the capture forward button is located at the left hand side of the blue band that is below the topology window of the true e button there it is the one of the right no coming to our packet tracer here we can see our blue band it's your below our topology window and here we can see a three buttons so in that we can see this is the capture or for wave so it shows the pop-up capture then forward or we can press Alt key from keybord now click capture bar forward four times there should be four events in the even list we will do that coming to our blue band we are going to click on this capture or forward four times one two three and four now look at the web client web browser page did anything change okay we will check that we will click on this of a client oh here we can see our of a page it shows a web server you have successfully access the home page for web server now click the first colored square box under the even list type column it may be necessary to expand the dissimulation panel or use the scroll bar directly below the even list so coming to a simulation panel here we can use this scroll bar so that we can go to type and here we can see a blue color square box we will click on this square box so we get a preview information at device web client window the PDU information at device a web client window displays yes that's correct so in this window there are only two tabs such as OS a model and outbound the PDO details here we can see those tabs or sa model and outbound PDO details because this is the start of the transmission as more events are examined there will be three tabs displayed adding a tab for bound to pee do details okay that's good and here we can see in this video information at device of eHow only two tabs or I say mortal and outbound the PDO details and we may see the same bound to PDO details in Peru information later okay so when and even to is the last event in the stream of traffic only the OS a model and inbound to PDO details tabs are displayed okay that's great know ensure that the OSA model tab is selected yes now we are in is a model chap under the out layers column click layer 7 so here we can see two columns in layers and out layers just we will go to out layers and we will let's select this a layer seven just we will click on this layer or seven what information is elicited in the numbered steps directly below the in layers and out layers boxes for layer seven so here we can see the information regarding this layer seven its the HTTP client sends a HTTP request to the server next is what is the destination port value for layer four under the out layers column okay coming to our preview information at device web client out layers here we can see layer four and here we can see our bsd port that means it's destination port number it's 80 yes so this port 80 is the well-known port for the protocol HTTP next is what is the destination IP value for a layer three under the out layers column we can check that in out layers here we can see layer three and so we can see destination IP address its so this is the IP address of our web server next is of what information is displayed at a layer two under the ow Clay's column so coming to out layers here we can see layer two and we can see a thermic two header here we can see a source and a destination and MAC address now click the outbound PDO details tap information listed under the PDF formats is a reflective of the layers within the TCP / IP modeling right so we will go to outbound the PDO details sure we can see that and here we can see all the details Athar net - and here we can see preamble destination address it's a MAC address type data FCS and here we can see IP header details version 4 anyway we'll see all these in a later chapters and here we can see TCP source port destination port and here we can see you know I say model the layer 2 here we can see layer 2 eternal - then here we can see layer 3 IP header so here we can see IP header then in layer 4 we can see a TCP source port and destination port so here we here we can see the details source port destination port sequence number acknowledgement the window size checksum etc and here we can see its HTTP request HTTP data except a language ok whatever right so it's a layer 7 we will go through this and note the information listed under the ethernet to section of the outbound PDO details tab provides even more detailed information than is listed under a layer 2 on the OSI model tab yes we already told that here we can see in a layer two they given only the source and destination MAC address and we can see the detailed ethic - header in this outbound video details here the outbound PDO details provides more descriptive and detailed information the values under desk Mac that is a destination MAC address and the SRC Mac that is a source MAC address within the Ethernet - section of the video details appear on the OS a model tab under layer 2 but are not identified as such questions okay what is the common information listed under the IP section of video details as compared to the information listed under the OS a model tab with which layer is it associated okay here we can see in the outbound PDO details here we can see IP and here we can see a SRC IP and BST IP that means the source IP address and destination IP address so coming to our si model so here we can see source IP address and destination IP address and it is in the layer 3 next is what is the common information listed under the TCP section of video details as compared to the information listed under the OSI model tab and which layer is it associated ok very sore TCP here we can see TCP and we can see the informations source port destination port a sequence number acknowledgment etc so now coming to OSI model in layer 4 we can see TCP source port and destination port so this is common source port and destination port and the layer is layer 4 next is what is the host listed under the HTTP section of the PDO details what layer would this information be associated with under the OSI model tap ok coming to our outbound video details sure we can see HTTP requests and we can see house to www.oesc.ok.gov discover box under the even list type column only layer one is active not grayed out the device is moving the frame from the buffer and placing it onto the network okay we will close this video information at device web client and then we will go to the next square box it's your second one you will click on it and here in OSI model in out layers we can see only one layer is active that is layer one towards the faceted zero okay right the next advance to the next HTTP type box within the event list and they click the colored square box this window contains both in layers and out layers notice the direction of the arrow directly under the in layers column it is pointing upward indicating the direction of the data is traveling scroll through these layers are making note of the items previously viewed at the top of the column the arrow points to the right this denotes that the server is now sending the information back to the client who can write that can be done we will close this Appirio information now we will go to the next square box here we can see that we will click on it and here we can see inlays and out layers yes here as they mentioned we can see these sine layers and out layers and here we can see under these in layers an arrow mark pointing upward and this is the direction of the data traveling here it travels from a layer 1 to layer 7 and here in out layers we can see it's from layer 7 to layer 1 because here we can see that arrow shows a downward also in this video information a device a web server we can see three tabs or si model inbound PDO details and outbound PDO details okay now just we will go through the same layers and here we can see a layer seven the server receives a HTTP request okay server or received an HTTP request and here we can see a layer for TCP source port is one zero two five and destination port is 80 then in layer three here we can see IP header source IP address it's this is the IP address of our web client okay then we can see destination IP address it's this is the IP address of our web server and here we can see a layer two Ethernet two header or so we can see layer 1 port no just we will go through out layers here we can see layer seven so the server sends back a gtp replay to the client ok so he's going to send a reply back to client then here we can see a layer for TCP source port no we can see this a TCP source forties eighty and destination forties one zero two five so here we can see in in layers source port was one zero two five now in out layers the source port is 80 so it's just a flipped next is a layer three here we can see source and destination IP address so now here we can see the source IP address is this is the IP address of our server then we can see destination IP address it's this is the IP address of our this web client yes because this web server is going to send back HTTP reply to reset client hence the web server will be the source and web client will be the destination now here in a layer two we can see a third two header and here we can see the difference from this in layers it suggests a flipped because now this is a source and this is a Mac I mean a destination MAC address next to be how a question here comparing the information displayed in the in layers column with that of the out layers column what are the major differences yes here we have seen this source and destination IP address also this source and destination MAC address swapped now click the inbound and outbound PDO details tab a review the PDO details ok here we can see the detailed informations about this in layers and out layers in these inbound PDO details and outbound the PDO details so here we can see inbound PDO details hermit and here we can see IP header source IP address and destination IP address also here we can see TCP HTTP request now we can go to outbound the PDO details the detailed information of out layers letter A to IP tcp source port destination thought and here we can see HTTP or response by the server torah web client HTTP data connection close content a length and a hurry so server and finally click the last color square box under the info column how many tabs are displayed with this event explained coming toward a simulation panel here we can see our last square box so we will click on it and here we can see two tabs or sa model and inbound to PDO details sure in this beauty of information we can see be how only in layers that means this observer are replayed back to this web client and he he receives that reply from this observer and there won't be any further communication from web client to web server so we have only in layers so we get these inbound PDO details and we don't have out layers so now we will move to the next part display elements of the TCP bar IP protocol suit in 32 of this activity we will use the packet raiser assimilation mode to view and examine some of the other protocols comprising of TCP bar IEP suit coming to step 1 view additional events close any open PDO information windows ok that can be done in the evilest filters visible event section click show all Bar None what additional event types are displayed okay coming to assimilation panel here we can see show all bar none we will click on it so here we can see it shows none again we will click on it and here we can see many visible evens and these extra entries play various roles within the TCP bar eyepiece you address resolution protocol that is ARP requests MAC addresses are for a destination house DNS is responsible for converting a name for example a www.osemtv.com xing agreeing on communication parameters and it is connecting the communication sessions between the devices these protocols have been mentioned previously and will be further or discussed as the course progresses currently there are over 35 possible protocols even types available for capture within package a so now click the first two dns even in the type column explore the OSI model and PDO details at tab and note that encapsulation process as you look at the OSI model tab with layer 7 highlighted a description of what is occurring is listed directly below the in layers and out layers it will show like this the DNS client sends a DNS query to the DNS server this is very useful information to help understand what is occurring during the communication process ok now we will have a look for this DNS event in our simulation panel so here we can see DNS we will click on this square box and here we can see PDO information at device of a client and now we highlighted this is a layer of seven gns and here we can see the description of this layer seven DNS the DNS client sends a DNS query to the DNS server this is what they said here now click the outbound the PDO details at tap so coming to PDO information here we can see outbound the PDU details so what information is listed in the name field in the dns curate section okay we will a search for this a dns curate section and we will find it the name field and here we can see DNS curiae and the here is name so it says that www.eso.org ESO click the last two DNS info colored square box in the even list at which device boss the PDO captured ok we will check that we will close this video information and coming to our assimilation panel and we will search for the last DNS here DNS yes it's here and we can see it's in the device web client ok we will click on the square box and here we can see our preview information that device web client now what is the value listed next to address in the DNS answer section of the inbound to PDO details so here we will go to the tab in bow into PDO details it's here ok now we have to go to DNS answer oh oh where is that here we can see DNS answer then we will find out address here we can see an IP address specified in this DNS answer it's this is IP address of our web server next ISA find the first HTTP event in the list and cut the colored square box of the TCP event immediately following this event highlight layer 4 in the OSI model chap so we will close this PDO information and we will find HTTP even here the first HTTP event here we can see the first HTTP event then we have to click the color square box of the tcp event immediately following this event so here we can see that a tcp just after this HTTP event so we will click on this a tcp score box no we have to highlight layer 4 so here we can see layer 4 in RSA model next in the number listed directly below the in layers and out layers what is the information displayed under items 4 & 5 here we can see the informations 4 & 5 the TCP connection is successful the device said the connection stay to established TCP manages the connecting and disconnecting of the communications channel along with other or responsibilities this particular even shows that the communication channel has been established right next is to click the last two tcp event highlight layer 4 in the OSI model tab examine the steps are listed directly below in layers and out layers right we will close this video information then we will search for the last TCP event in this simulation panel so here we can see a TCP we will click on this square box then we have to highlight layer 4 so here we can see layer 4 and then behavior to examine the steps I listed directly below in layers and out layers sure we can see that the device receives a TCP acknowledgement segment on the connection to received segment information the sequence number 1 0 for the ACK number 2 7 3 and the data length 20 the TCP segment has the expected pure sequence number the device sets the connection state to closed so what is the purpose of this even based on the information provided in the last item in the list that it should be item for yes so here we have the answer the device sets the connection state to closed that means obviously this webserver closed its connection no they're a challenge questions this munition provided an example of a web session between a client and a server on a local area network that is LAN the client makes a request to specific service surrounding on the server the server must be a setup to listen on specific ports for a client request Hindi look at layer 4 in the OSI model tab for port information ok right based on the information that was inspected during the packet tracer or capture what port number is the webserver listening on for developer request yeah all D we discussed this for HTTP usually we use the well-known port 80 we can verify that just we will go to simulation panel and we will search for the HTTP here we can see we will click on this HTTP and we will go to layer 4 and here we can see the destination port that is going to this web server it's a port 80 so this is the well-known port for HTTP next is what port is the web server listening on for a DNS request ok we can search for the DNS so here we can see web client DNS will click on it and here we can see destination port it's 53 okay that's all in this packet tracer activity investigate the TCP bar IP and RSA models in action now dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions please comment below or you can go to our website and you can contact us and if you like your video give a thumb and share with all your friends we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 107,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TCP/IP, CISCO Certification, CCNAv7
Id: BQel5VyhUZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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