Packet Tracer - Connecting a Wired and Wireless LAN

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity connecting a wired and wireless first of all we will go through the objectives of this a packet tracer activity in part 1 we will connect to the cloud then we will connect to router 0 then connect the remaining devices then we will verify connections and in pad 5 finally we will examine the physical topology also we will go through this background when working in packet tracer a lab environment or a corporate setting you should know how to select the appropriate cable and how to properly connect devices exactly so this activity will examine device configurations in packet tracer selecting the proper cable based on the configuration and connecting the devices and this activity will also explore the physical view of the network in packet tracer now we will come to path to one connect to the cloud connect to the cloud 2 router 0 at the bottom left click the orange a lightning icon to open the available connections yes here we can see that right choose the correct cable to connect router 0 fastethernet 0/0 to cloud the third six cloud is a type of switch so use a copper straight through connection if you attach to the correct cable the link lights on the cable turn green right we will do this now now we are coming to the connection and here we can see the different connections here we are going to use copper straight through we are going to click on that and now coming to router 0 we are going to select a faster turn or 0/0 and to the cloud turn at 6 yes here we can see this cable is now turned green now we will come to step 2 connect the cloud to cable modem choose the correct cable to connect a cloud coaxial seven to modem four zero if you attach the correct cable the link lights on the cable 10 green right we will do this connection now now we are going to connect from this cloud to cable modem and here on this cloud we are going to connect to coax 7 we are going to here series our coaxial connection we are going to click that coming to cloud coaxial seven to cable modem port 0 yes now we can see this connection turned green now we will come to a party to connect router 0 in that step one connect router 0 to router 1 choose the correct cable to connect or router 0 CL 0 / 0 / 0 to router 1 serial 0 star 0 use one of the available serial cables if you attach to the correct cable the link lights on the cable turn green right we will do this connection now here I am going to select a serial DC e connection coming to router 0 here we are going to connect to serial a 0 so R 0 R 0 to router 1 we are going to connect to serial 0 so R 0 yes next is a step to connect router 0 to netacad dot PK a yes so here is our router 0 we are going to connect from these device to netacad dot PKA right choose the correct cable to connect router 0 faster third 0 / 1 interface to netacad dot PK a Fast Ethernet 0 interface right routers and computers traditionally use the same wires to transmit 1 & 2 & receive 3 & 6 the correct cable to choose consists of these crossed wires although many NICs can now super-race used to transmit and receive router 0 and netacad dot PKA denote how auto-sensing NICs so we must select this crossover cable from the connections right if you attach to the correct cable the link lights on the cable turn green we will come to the connection now coming to the connection here we are going to select a copper crossover cable and coming to router 0 here we are going to connect to fastethernet 0/1 do this neck netiquette dot PKA server Fast Ethernet 0 right now we will come to a step 3 connect router 0 to the configuration terminal yes so we are going to connect to this configuration terminal right choose the correct cable to connect your router Sorokin soul to configuration terminal rs-232 yes so this is only for doing the basic configurations of any devices so this cable does not provide network access exactly to configuration terminal but allows you to configure router 0 through its terminal yes this is only for configuring wrote or co-wrote device so if you attach to the correct cable the link lights on the cable 10 black right we will come to this connection now we will come come to the connection we here will search for the console yes your it is console here I am going to connect to this configuration terminal we have rs-232 and on router 0 we are going to connect to the console yes here we can see now it's turned black now we will come to part 3 connect or remaining devices in that step one connector router one to switch choose the correct cable to connect router one faster Turner to 1/0 to switch faster than or 0/1 if you attach the correct cable that link lights on the cable turn green hello a few seconds for the light to transition from amber to green so maybe a couple of seconds it will be in amber then it will turn to green right we will do this connection now coming to the connection here we are going to select yes fibre coming to router one here we are going to select faster tonot once a / 0 coming to switch we are going to select fastethernet 0/1 right so we have to wait for a few seconds so that this Amber will turn to green here we can see that yes now we can see it turned to green now we will come to a step to connect a cable modem to wireless router choose the correct cable to connect a modem for two one two wireless router internet thought if you attach the correct cable the link lights on the cable will let 10 green coming to the connection here we are going to use copper straight through cable coming to cable modem we are going to connect to port 2 1 and I 1 Wireless or router into Internet here we are going to connect to internet right now we will come to a step 3 connect a wireless router to fam family PC yes here we can see that family PC ok choose the correct cable to connect to wireless router aterna 2 1 2 family PC if you attach to the correct cable the link lights on the cable turn green coming to the connection we are going to select copper straight through cable on wireless router yes here we are going to select Ethernet 1 do this a family PC faster third or 0 yes right now we will come to a path to for verify connections in that step 1 test to the connections from family PC to netiquette pka open the family PC command prompt and ping Connecticut or PKA open the web browser and to the web actress HTTP colon double slash netiquette or PK alright we will verify this now coming to a family PC next hope command prompt here we are going to pink right you are going to do the command pink we are going to give the name netacad third PKA yes we are getting a replay now we will go to the web browser here and to here we are going to give the URL not the card or the PK a yes we are getting the website now we will come to and step to pinged us switch from home PC open the home PC command prompt and to ping the switch IP address off to verify the connection right so we have to get the IP address of switch we will come to the addressing table and to here we can see the IP address off switch yes here it is I am going to copy that right now we will come to home PC command prompt and now we are going to ping to that switch IP our trust is here yes we are waiting for the replay because timed out because timed out yes so we got your reply to replay we got and at to recurse timed out anyway we are we are going to try once more so that we will get 100% age success yes now we will come to a step 3 open a router 0 from configuration terminal open the terminal of configuration terminal and accept the default settings press enter to view the router 0 command prompt type show IP interface brief to view interface status right we will do this now we will come to configuration terminal to go to desktop here we are going to select a terminal okay yes now we are in router 0 will go to enable show IP interface brief and here we can see the details the interface the tales of router zero now we will come to part two five examine the physical topology that step one examined the cloud with the physical workspace tab or press Shift + P + Shift + L to toggle between the logical and physical workspaces click the home city icon click the cloud icon how many wires are connected to the switch in the blue rack right we will verify that now we will come to physical workspace so now we have analogical workspace so we are going to click here yes we are now in physical workspace you click on this a home city and here we can see that cloud icon we are going to click on that yes here we can see the blue rack and two cables two wires are connected to this blue rack until next is click back to return to home city ok here we are going to click back came back right now we will come to a step to examine the primary network click the primary network icon hold the mouse pointer over the various cables what is located on the table to the right of the blue rack click back to return to home city right ok we are going to click on home city and here is a primary network yes here we can see ok number of cables here we can see right here we can see and here also we can see yes so here is sort of blue rack we are coming to rice right side of this blue rack yes here we can see configuration terminal yes now we will come back now we will come to a step 3 examine the secondary network click the secondary network icon hold the mouse pointer over the various cables why Arthur orange cables connected to each device click back to return to home city all right coming to home city 2nd Tori Network where we can see the connections right ok yes here we can see the fiber yes so obviously here we can see two connections fiber cable comes in pairs one for transmit and to the other for a receive now we will come to a step for examine the home network why is there an oval mesh covering the home network yes here we can see that oval mesh covering so it represents the range of the wireless network now we will come to be click the home network icon why is there no rack to hold the equipment right here is or a home network I am going to click on that and here we cannot see in rack to hold the equipment so it's obviously for a home network typically denote how in iraq's and to finally click the logical workspace to have to return to the logical topology ok here we are going to click yes yes we completed this packet tracer activity here we can see completion status 80 out of 80 your friends if you have any doubt please comment below also if you like my videos or give a thumbs and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into your Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 71,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Connecting LAN
Id: nTkft2biIFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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