31 Small Minecraft Updates for BIG Improvement

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- 31 Small Minecraft updates for big improvement. Minecraft has come a long way across its history, but even with all that growing up, there are bound to be some little tweaks that would help out a ton. So today we're going through the small fixes and features that can make Minecraft even better. And hey, YouTube's mom bets that you can't subscribe to the channel before this fox eats the chicken. So to prove them wrong, bite that red sub button below. It's free and it helps out a ton. Number one, everyone is bound to make mistakes, which if that's the case, wouldn't it be great if we had some way to edit our signs instead, think about it right now. If you mess up, you need to break the sign and then replace it to start over. But what if we could just right click it and change the texts like that? For me personally, this would definitely help to update my to-do list or maybe it would allow for an easier to use message board at the town square. and whatever the reason, I think an implementation like this could be a nice touch. Number two renew ability is a staple of Minecraft. I mean, if you need it, there's probably a farm for it, but while we can get our cobblestone wood and even our totems reliably, sand is a different beast. Now that's not to say that you can't get infinite sand, but as it is, you have to do it through a duplication glitch in the end portal. Which I think we all can agree, it's not ideal. So going forward, maybe we can take after the carpet mod and get some renewable process to let us fill up on sand without having to drain a desert. Number three, the different dyes out a bunch of variation to use in our builds. But if you put these to use in your worlds, you've likely noticed this as well. As it is, we can not redye blocks to change their color, which in some cases I understand since it will be tough to change blue all to red. But then we have something like orange terracotta, which isn't too different from the base terracotta, but it still couldn't be dyed into the other colors. And that's why us in the community are still hoping for universal dying to find its way into Minecraft. Number four, with a one point 16 nether update came a bunch of new nether brick variants to use. Which makes sense, but when notable exception to that bunch comes when we look at fences. Now, maybe it's just me, but it seems awkward to have a nether brick fence, then have a fence gate metta planks. So given these offenses, not walls like the other bricks, why not add in a proper matching gates do the trick? Granted the crimson fence gate offers a good substitute, but I would love to see the real thing. Number five, some of you might be familiar with this secret item. The so-called debug stick and well, this allows for developers and builders alike to switch between block states. It's unfortunately only usable in creative mode, which is a shame since being able to rotate a misplaced block in survival would be a huge time saver. So in that case, maybe some for wrench item going forward, be an elegant fix. Plenty of mods offer this already, whether that's the carpet mods flipping cactus or vanilla tweaks red stone rotation wrench, and either would be a welcome change. Number six, when it comes to Minecraft, building variation is everything. So whether that's your trap doors or pressure plates, or even your boats, there are plenty of variants in the game to use the different wood types. Though, this crafting recipe seems neglected. See chess are such a common thing in a Minecraft build that it would open up a ton of options to have different variants to choose from. And sure, this might make it more annoying when you try to craft at two different sets of planks, but the payoff is clearly worth it. Number seven, leads can be a valuable tool, but they also offer up some wonderful options for decorating or at least they would, if it was simpler to use. As is, to get a decorative rope in your world, we need to use, mom's tied to the other end and then hide them away. Which call me crazy, but that seems like overkill. So instead, why not take the simpler option? Just let us tie leads between fences. That way we can have much more cooperative ropes in our builds and also dish the questionable treatment of animals. Number eight, everyone knows the pain of fighting a baby zombie.They're short, fast and fit just within the hit box of the grass. Meaning taking one of these down into plains biome is a downright nightmare. So to save us the trouble, why not allow for swords to swing through these plants? Although unlike creative mode, more standard blocks had still be broken with a sword, just leave the easy to break plants and crops be, that way we can get the kill, all without trashing the landscape in the process. Number nine, it's an old fact of Minecraft that enderman take damage from water. So why do these not damage them? Now? Granted splash water bottles used to damage under men, but in recent versions, they're bugged to just bounce off. Though Colton's on the other hand are just on illogical blocks. So my guess is that this just wasn't considered. And while I don't think that Minecraft should try for realism, I do think it's good for the game to be consistent to its own rules. So if enderman take water damage here, this should be no different. Number 10, netherworld is a much maligned crop since we can't pollinate or bone meal it, then it can be quite difficult to get a large supply. Which I'd argue makes some of us even less likely to use potions. So to fix that one, I find some way to farm the stuff automatically, and a solid implementation that I've seen has to be carpet extras use of clarence. There the villager farm nether war, just the same as farmers do to wheat. And if we add this in the game then I know the potion use would definitely follow. Number 11, shields are a great thing to carry in your Minecraft world. But, while they are certainly useful, they're not exactly a treat to the eyes. Now, sure you can apply a banner to the shield like sell, but that's where the problem comes in and see, while a banner looks one way here, when we apply it to the shield, it changes for him to be pixel consistent, means some designs get substantially uglier when you apply them. So to change that, why not learn from vanilla tweaks and have the banners look the same wherever you place them in the world. Number 12, we all know that hunger is worth keeping track of, especially in higher difficulties. Which is why it's odd that while riding a horse or any other mount, you can't see the bar anymore. After all it was changed so that hunger showed up in mine carts and boats. So why are these any different? But clearly it's also important to see your animal's health bar. So why don't we just stack them like we do with our health and armor? As we see, there's plenty of room here. So it might be worth considering just showing both instead of either or. Number 13, name tags are a fantastic option for customization in our Minecraft worlds, but to see the full extent of that, we need to use special commands or even some kind of Unicode trickery for unique characters and colors. All of which I think is too obscure. So instead, what if we could take this option and dye the name tag status to add a splash of color to our pets. That way, if you want to start sorting out in color code in certain entities, or even just adding a bit of color to your dog's name, that option exists. Number 14, armor stands are a great thing to use in Minecraft survival, or they would be, if they lived up to their name, but in Java edition, the only arm that these stands have is in the name. So why not take a note from bedrock and let us use these stands to the full capabilities. we already came with creative mode and MBT data. So this would just be great by default, or maybe we could right click a no arm armor stand with sticks to then add its hands. And either way, I just like to have some alternative to place my items in the night, I'm frame. Number 15, Redstone allows for some pretty incredible things. Whether that's gigantic farms, world eaters, or even moving houses, plenty can be done. But one green light still shines in the distance. And that folks has to be the ability to move tyla to teas and Java. Now, I know we've talked about this plenty in the past, and others have let their cries be heard too, but that's only because movable tile entities like so would be such a game changer. So that one day that we can push our chest furnaces more like so, be something pretty special. Number 16, sugar boxes are an incredible thing to have, which is why there's such a late game item. They entirely fixed the storage problems, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're user-friendly. So why not take after a couple of these mods and rework the block just a bit? In cork, for example, we can right click items in the inventory screen to add them quickly into the box. Which I think makes sense since it's the closest we've got to a backpack. And then above that, it'd be particularly cool to go from a list of items like this, to an actual view like cell. Number 17, as we've shown before vines could be a great asset to put to use in your worlds, but while they do add to the aesthetics, they're not exactly co-operative and it only takes one look at a jungle tree to see just how messy these things can and will grow. So what if we had a way to stop this? Well, if we did something like this approach, then my burning the tips of the vines, the plants would no longer be able to grow past a certain point. Which I think both makes sense and cuts down on some chores. Number 18, we all know pets can be an important part of the Minecraft experience. So while can go out of our way to care for these creatures, the game side doesn't offer up much itself. So what if instead of feeding your dog a steak for the 480th time, we could just pet the thing and stat. It only takes one, look at the Twitter account for, Can You Pet The Dog, to see that there's plenty of support for features like this. And if it's as well animated as Mr. Crayfish's implementation, I know it would be a welcome addition. Number 19, if you've ever played on a multi-player server, then you know that some players can be thieves. So in that case, what if we had a way to share items with the world without physically sharing them? In something like Cork, that's as easy as hitting shift T in the item in question and bam, it's shown off in the chat. After all weapon names are already shown in death messages, so I feel like it's a natural evolution. And that way we can show off the assets of a potential item for sale, without letting the shoplifter steal the goods. Number 20, if you look across Minecrafts updates, then it's clear to see that the sponge is not Mo GenX favorite. After all, for a long part of its history, we had a sponge block that couldn't even absorb a water. I mean, the neglect is clear to see, but even since it's rework, I think that one feature is still missing. See, while we can dry these things out in a furnace, the nether, if we happen to light one on fire, it's a no-go. Which to me doesn't make sense. And I think if you have a Flint and steel, no furnace, you just still do the trick. Number 21, Minecraft is full of plenty of great music discs and plenty of bad ones, but while each of us have our favorite, the sad truth is that it's tough to put that on display. Since as it is, Java doesn't allow for much of a music disc automation system. So maybe, a solution would be to let us both put in and take out our music disc through Redstone. After all, other aspects of this block work with Redstone. So full implementation using hoppers of dispensers would just make sense. And more importantly, it would let us all enjoy strad 24/7. Number 22, recently item frames have been getting a lot of love. What with the invisible and glow invariants. Which is great, but one thing still feels missing. As we show in our banners video, there's some way to make colorful item frames, but what if we had a way to do this in survival? After all, with 16 dyes to choose, from the possibilities would be pretty great. And I'm honestly amazed this hasn't already been added in. And that day that we can make item frames both invisible and colorful in survival mode would be one that I'm happy to see. Number 23, ask any Redstone engineer, pulse links are a big deal. So while it's nice aesthetically to have so many different buttons to choose from, it's a pain that only the wooden stone variants have different uses. Which is why it might be nice to see some more options going forward. With the ability to craft iron and gold ones like this, we would not only match it with the pressure plates, but also open up more opportunities for Redstone. I mean, this literally opens the door for new Redstone builds, and I think that's a major plus. Number 24, shockingly in a game called Minecraft, you're going to do a lot of crafting, Which just highlights how tedious some recipes can be. For instance, we've already heard our grievances about just how frustrating it is to craft something like a dispenser when the bows are non stackable. And there are plenty of items that have a multi-step recipe that just feels like overkill. So while the vanilla option should still exist, what if we could simplify these down for bigger crafting jobs and then by making chores a one presser less situation, the upside is clear to see. Number 25, with certain blocks, orientation is everything. And whether you're building, doing Redstone, or a mix of both, I'm sure you've experienced the pain of a misplacement, and now you've got to stop to correct it. So without some kind of item to flip that back into place, what if we could lock our rotation instead by add in some way to keep our blocks facing a certain way, we could still move freely around the build without breaking our stride. And if you ask me that would make some of these processes a lot smoother in the future. Number 26, AFK players are a dime a dozen on a Minecraft server, but unless you're nearby, it's not always easy to tell who's missing in action. So a simple, yet elegant solution could be to add some form of indicator to let you know when someone isn't at their keyboard. In Vanilla Tweaks, that's as simple as showing their name grayed out the tab function. That way it's not going to be intrusive to the other players. And then once you get back, you can just move around a bit and the name will change right there. Simple as that. Number 27, exploring is a necessary evil in Minecraft. And with that comes a lot of walking or more bluntly, a lot of pressing the w key. So that's where the folks at the cork mod, pitch for an auto walk key bind in the game. And honestly, I think this could be nice. Not only will this help the game to be more accessible to those with motor difficulties, but it's also just nice not to hold down the same button for hours on end. And if you ask me, it's a simple enough tweak that it's at least worth considering. Number 28, dispensers are famous for automating a lot of features of the right mouse button, but missing among those, is the chance to empty and fill cauldrons. And maybe it's just me, but that seems out of place. After all, these things can pick up and place water and lobbies in a bucket. So why not do the same with the cauldron? And if this was fully implemented, then we could have a way to make operational and automatic lava farms in the one point 17 update. Because doing an AFK farm, like this is so much better than this mess. Number 29, for awhile now, Minecraft has had more than one stone type occupying the caves, but when it comes to crafting, andesite, diorite and granite seem long forgotten. After all, blackstone was added in much later than those three, but it could still be used to craft stone tools and furnaces. Which to me seems like an oversight. And then given that the tools are called stone and not cobblestone, it would also make sense for clean stone to work as well. So if Mojang ever decides to revisit these crafting recipes, I think it's worth adding these into the mix. Number 30, maybe this has happened to you, while looking for alluding book for your new sword, you have to seek them out amongst this whole mess. Which I think we all can agree, it's a headache we'd like to avoid. So as we said in the past, why not take after these great resource packs and give some variation to the textures? That way it's much easier to tell at a glance, which is which, and while I don't have a solution for ones that have multiple and chairman's attached to the same book, that confusion is substantially less than trying to look through this junk drawer. Number 31, as we've gone through before, Minecraft has its fair share of rip offs and unfair recipes. The one that particularly irks me has to be when you smell full gold or iron armor, only to get one measly nugget in return. Now I'm not saying that a full return is necessary, since not all of this metal would melt down that flawlessly, but this kind of reduction seems extreme. So as simply SARC mentioned, maybe reworking it so that these melted down based on durability, would be a worthy fix and anything would be better than going from 72 nuggets down to one. And with that folks update that red sub button below and have a good one, all right.
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
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Rating: 4.9406185 out of 5
Id: yGgBltTEo9o
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Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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