23 Ridiculous Armor Stand Hacks in Minecraft

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23 ridiculous ways to use armor stands in minecraft sometimes the best way to use a block in minecraft is unintended so while we could use armor stands as is there's so much more that's possible and that's what we're showing today and hey the youtube robot tells me that we have almost as many subscribers the population of connecticut and if we pass them i think we get to own the state so to help us conquer connecticut climb that red sub button below it's free and it helps out a ton number one minecraft has plenty of mobs to witness in the base game but once you've played as much as we have these things are old hat so if you're tired of foxes that look like this then maybe this is worth a shot see by using armor stands aligned like such we can use much smaller versions of the blocks to create our own special sculptures and the best part is that all of these are possible without using mods so while the complexity on display can clearly vary there's still plenty of creativity to see and while i can only imagine the headache would require to painstakingly lay out each piece of this tiger i also can't argue that the results are quite special number two as it's clear to see minecraft is game made blocks which is why it's such a cursed sight to see a circle like so but even if it breaks mojang's unspoken rules there are plenty of cool things we can still do with these as is the way that we pull these off is by summoning a bunch of armor stands around a relative position and then to give that subtle curve we have them face towards the center point and then give us that smoothed out area and while mr cat is showing off how to make one of these into a pool of water we could also just as well make a tire swing out of these and both of which are plenty cool to see number three if you've messed around with map making you're plenty familiar with the concept of custom player heads and while these can work fine on their own they get even cooler when we partner them with armor stands and my favorite example of so would be this tiki totem pole as this user showed off on reddit we can mix together placed heads and armor stands to add different scales into our tower which i think gives a really cool option for decorating your next jungle temple base and come to think of it this technique could also be used for some really convincing snowmen and whether you choose tropical or tundra i think both could be a worthwhile addition to the build number four thanks to the works of c418 minecraft has plenty of music to listen to and then through note blocks we can add in a fair bit of our own tunes as well but while those instruments are well and good to listen to what if we want something a bit more visual well that's where the dragon heads come in but of course not like this but rather if we follow along how others have done we can push these dragon headed armor stands inside of other blocks giving us a pretty convincing piano to use in our worlds and hey partner this with some note blocks of your own and we can get a pretty convincing illusion to put on your next base's stage number five ask any builder furniture can really liven up a build but since mojang doesn't plan on adding in any furniture of their own we'll have to find our own way to do these without mods and who would have guessed it but armor stands are the solution though what we're doing here doesn't rely on any special nbt data but rather we're just mixing the hitboxes through the help of snow layers we can position our armor stands just right to use them as not only the legs of a table but also the plates that we put on it and i think that's just adorable so if you're not able to add mr crayfish's furniture mod to the realm then why not give these things a shot number six when it comes to building custom trees are all the rage and gemini tape will surely tell you that but while that's true the flip side is that these full-sized blocks are only really good for making full-sized trees and if you try to make a smaller sapling the result just seems off so for that case let's change out our logs for sticks and use this option instead if we cross together multiple armor stands and pose their arms in a certain way we can then add in leaves to get something of a smaller tree and while this is much easier to pull off in bedrock where they have the arms by default with a data pack this is plenty possible in all versions number seven now if you've checked the various building subreddits and communities you've come across the fascination with making gaming computers with your gaming computer in a video game and while i think that whole thing is overwhelmingly meta i will say that this is the best candidate for a computer setup that i've seen by giving a black shield to an invisible armor stand in a justin's position like so we can get a pretty convincing monitor to put at your desk man at that point add in your mouse and rgb keyboard and that setup will be up and running and hey if you ever want a different screen saver simply switch out the design in the shield you'll be good to go number eight clearly armor stands can be used for some pretty amazing things and with the help of command blocks we can push that even further see all of these nvt data changes that we do like so we could automate with repeating commands meaning we can turn an armor stand like this into a working ceiling fan which i'll fully admit seems ridiculous but i also can't argue with the results and while this option with swords maybe takes the term propeller blades a bit too literally we could just as well use shields like this example so whether it's a ceiling fan or helicopter's top i think this could add a great bit of motion to a future build number nine i'll be the first to admit that paintings do not get a lot of use in my world and while that's true i think an implementation like this has a lot more of a reason to exist by doing this we go from a bland piece of wall decor into a nice piece of world building and i think that's a worthwhile trade-off plus this is fairly simple to build all we need to do is push a trap door into place with our armor stand and then add a one by one painting to the front and we'll get ourselves a pretty sweet looking painting on the easel and i for one would gladly put one of these in any park next to my house number 10 i'm sure we've all wanted x-ray vision at some point and while some players get it through questionable methods there are some interesting ways to do this in the base game and this option using armor stands definitely fits that bill see when an armor stand holds a glass block the transparency is rendered in a weird way meaning that certain things don't show up when we see through the glass and that allows us to see through oceans or even paintings on a wall so while it's not a perfect replacement for the ocarina of time lens and truth i will say that if you're in the bedrock edition this could make for a fun puzzle to add into your maps number 11. alright this might seem a little strange what if i told you there's a way to show off your armor using an armor stand but without ever seeing that armor stand let me explain see by using change in the invisible tag on our armor stands we can give off the impression that the armor set is hanging like so which i think looks quite nice and hey if you add boots to the set then it can look like shoes are lined up along the floor so while they're functionally just the same if you're looking for something a bit more unique to show off your elytra then this might be right up your alley number 12. recently minecraft's always got a new look and while that's great especially for helping out colorblind players we can push this redesign even further see by merging armor sets with our stone blocks we can make our very own kinds of ores within the cave systems are they convincing not necessarily but they do add a fun bit of variation to the dark depths especially when placed in the distance so while you could use this to try and prank your friend on the next mining trip i think it's also worth implementing into a newfound cave base though with the cost of materials you might want to use this sparingly or at the very least have a good fortune pickaxe on hand number 13. as we know armor stands are entities not blocks which means there's a lot of opportunity that comes from overlapping multiple blocks and armor stand hitboxes and with the caves and cliffs update that came in the form of the telescope after aligning the legs of the armor stands just right we can fashion ourselves a base to then lay out our copper lightning rods and while i wouldn't recommend looking through this on a stormy day this might be a neat detail to add to your next observatory or as some have pointed out you could easily play this off as a piece of weaponry just as well in which case i think it's a must-have for your next battle reenactment number 14 when you're making a big build sometimes the littlest details can go a long way and for that i think particle effects definitely fit the bill and while there are plenty of existing ones to put on display with command blocks that doesn't stop us from making our own for example take this vat of acid by itself it looks pretty bland more like a green pool than anything else but add some invisible armor stands into position with slime blocks on their head and now we've got a bubbling mixture fit for a radiation warning or hey do what these folks did and add some custom leaves falling off your cherry tree all of which is a nice touch for sure number 15. as you'll see from any pro builder not everything has to be functional to have its place in the build and actually a lot of the admittedly pointless things in a build might do a lot for the aesthetic and i think this arcade machine is a good example of that now sure you're not gonna be playing galaga on the thing but with the right painting you can get a cool display set up for your house's gaming room and as the channel beeston and feast and shows off all you need is some snow layers to line up the armor stands and then you'll have the perfect joysticks as well which all is cool but it does make me wish the donkey kong painting was one by one instead number 16 armor stands not only let us display our armor but also use that armor as a decoration and this here is my favorite instance see while this looks like a regular chest to the outside world when you open it up we're treated to a proper golden treasure inside and the setup is surprisingly simple all we need to do is lay our armor stand on a block with a shorter hitbox in this case an enchantment table and then push a regular block and a chest into its place with a piston and from there what i love most about this is that the helmet fits right within the spot of the chest texture almost like it's meant to be number 17. if you think about it composters would make for great barrels at least they would if we could fill them with something other than the pods of texture but luckily with armor stands we don't have to give up on that wooden barrel dream rather if we chuck one of these statues inside the hitbox and throw block on its head we can make a custom barrel filled with our choice and i think that's better than this trapdoor option in one key way we can have varying heights of liquid which basically lets us create our own cauldrons so whether it's honey slime or any other block that you choose i think this is a cool opportunity to try number 18 one of the staples of minecraft exploration is setting up camp wherever and whenever you need which is nice but something tells me placing your bed on the floor isn't nearly as pretty as this though unfortunately setting up a tent in minecraft can be just as confusing as it is in real life though once you take the time to lay out the armor stand to correct rotations and add in your banners tripwire hooks and chains the results are clear to see so i'm not saying this is gonna be a common thing that you'll build along the trip to your horizon i do think it's great to have in your world as an art piece and you'll definitely be familiar with the armor statues data pack after you build this one number 19. with the different item frame variants there are plenty of ways to display your stuff but understandably you might want something even more so in that case i should tell you about this way to encase your items in glass as i'm sure you guessed by tossing together our invisible armor stands within the glass block we can make something of a display case to put in our world which i think looks great it would definitely open up some nifty possibilities so whether you're building this to showcase items in a vending machine or a shop or you just want to snow globe around the holidays i think there's plenty of creativity this allows us to see number 20. let's face it torches are overdone in minecraft builds i mean sure they're functional but a tiny piece of coal in a stick isn't the most impressive site especially when you're building on a grand scale so if you're looking to light up your base in a way befitting of the size i think these super sized torches are big improvements now from this angle the physics don't make much sense but what's actually happening here is that we have an armor stand strategically placed atop a waterlogged slab and then we bathe it in lava giving us that flame particle effect to play with then with the light given off from the lava we get a pretty nifty pyrotechnic to put to use number 21 as much as i love using armor stands when they're invisible i think it is worth giving credit to the item itself after all they do share the same texture with oak planks which means that we can use these for some pretty natural looking illusions and as green and others have shown we can use that with the fact that they behave as entities to get some impressive results like so where we place a bunch of these armor stands at different rotations within the same block and then we can use their necks and shoulders at the base for a campfire and while it might not cook medium rare it does offer up a smaller more subtle choice compared to its bigger cousin number 22. now in my time playing minecraft i've seen plenty of pool tables built on different servers and while some are much cooler than others i felt like some of them still left something to be desired because at least for me my go-to game is foosball not pool but luckily we have the perfect no-arm statues to make these no arm players work though admittedly to pull this off it is a multi-step process but after lining up the stands along a course plant we can turn this mess of armor stands into a pretty spiffy looking setup so even though foosball is the devil i would still gladly set this up for a conversation start on my next base number 23 as any game designer knows it isn't always easy to get the players to follow the correct path and more often than not when someone gets lost they also get frustrated and that's the last thing we want so to help guide our players along the straight and narrow why not illuminate the path like so by chucking an armor stand with a helmet into a minecart we can clip the top of its noggin outside to give an animated motion to our road and while it's weird i do think it gives a solid opportunity to guide people along especially when the route has a few twists and turns so if you're tired of standard signs this animation might be the best bet and with that folks slash that red sub button below and have a good one alright
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 1,889,343
Rating: 4.9525218 out of 5
Id: tMn2gGU0uM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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