30 MORE Things that Don't make Sense in Zelda Breath of the Wild

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how come if you wait in a spot where kilton's shop is then he won't be there at night but as soon as you look away then his entire shop just appears at a thin air or how does the entire water supply for all these rivers in gerudo town come from this tiny pond up here surely this would run out in a few minutes and it doesn't even rain in gerudo desert either well i guess we have even more things that don't make sense in breath of the wild last time we looked at unusual things like how link avoids a bomb's blast by simply standing behind the tiniest object or how lightning won't strike you while wearing full metal armor and honestly i didn't think there'd be three episodes in this series but hey here we are thanks to all your lovely suggestions in the comments of the previous videos so let's look at another 30 more things that don't make sense what is with the flame guard potion it can fully protect link from the heat right next to a volcano but if you stand too close to a campfire then it does nothing and you still catch on fire i mean the description literally says prevents your body from catching fire i could even wear flame breaker armor and it's still as useless as ever why is it that when you slip from climbing in the rain you always fall in the direction of the slope like for example in this situation here if i were to lose my grip and slip then i would think link would fall just straight down but no he almost glides across the surface like a magnet is pulling him in why does link need to be in the exact spot to see his memories i could be standing right here and link would just be like hmm those are some pretty normal looking trees over there but then i move one inch forward and links all like oh my god these are like the trees i was walking around with zelda at no way link's inventory in this game has to be one of the greatest mysteries in all of gaming besides being able to hold a seemingly infinite amount of items how can he hold frozen meat this whole time without it ever de-thawing even if you go for a stroll in death mountain is link carrying around freezers too and then how does he carry these live animals with him as well you can take a lizard from your inventory just let it go and it'll run away same goes with the frogs too they just top off like nothing happened so is link carrying around cages with him now what is with the water they use in zora's domain like how come it doesn't conduct electricity like every other water source in the game it can't make ice from cryonis either yet it still shows up as water when using the ruin i think the only logical conclusion here is that they're using oil not water how does burning wood increase its weight like i'm not making this up look how this scale will actually move down when these bundles of wood are all lit here but what's even weirder than that is even if you put out the flames the wood will remain heavier so how did you magically add weight to these objects how come enemies can slap you around with weapons forever and the weapons never break but if i then take that same weapon and use it then it instantly becomes the most fragile object and will break in like three hits who decides what can and can't be stasis in the zelda universe like how come i can freeze enemies but not other characters or why is it that these specific pots can be frozen or these carrots in the ground but weirdest of all is how come normally i can't freeze a tree but then if i chop it down now i can freeze it i guess i'm just asking too many questions here how come when i try to attack an npc with a weapon the sword will literally phase through the person's body leaving him totally unharmed and their responses are weird too they only seem mildly annoyed calm down that's your response like would you calm down a bit link and stop trying to murder me thank you the guy who runs this snowball minigame how does he even operate his business you're telling me he runs down that mountain hauls all 10 of these massive tree logs back into position regardless of how far they go then climbs back up the hill in a span of like 10 seconds that's surely a day project for any normal human being when you use a potion you'll get a certain property for a certain amount of time so then why is it that i can wait an entire day at a campfire and the timer hasn't gone down whatsoever well that is awfully nice of the potion to just not drain as you're waiting by the fire how can link use the sheikah slate at any time like i could be tumbling through the air but as i am in this position while falling link is able to click the teleport button on the sheikah slate and we're off we've discussed many times in this series about link's remarkable climbing abilities but here's a new one how does link manage to remain completely upright while climbing on this rotating windmill i don't even know how he hangs on to begin with but to then rotate at the same rate that the windmill is moving remarkable absolutely remarkable how come i can just pop up a campfire and a stable let it burn and then leave it on overnight and the stable won't be damaged at all i mean the entire place is made of wood and cloth plus the floor looks exactly like the campfire wood yet the fire doesn't spread at all how can link switch shields while shield surfing like literally so seamless too within a second boom you have a new shield under you it's pretty stunning that link doesn't have to get off or lose any speed as well he just instantly changes wow how come when you talk to a character while fighting an enemy the monsters just freeze in place and it's not even like the world is pausing while you're talking because everything else moves normally so it seems like this is out of respect or something like they want to be courteous at least while attacking you as you know meat will freeze when placed in cold temperatures but then why doesn't cooked meat freeze as well they're even sitting in this ice cold water yet only the raw meat freezes how come the blocks from cryonis don't move at all from the current of the water i could literally put them at the edge of a waterfall and for some reason they're just stuck in place even upon further inspection i've noticed they're not even attached to the bottom or anything just floating in the water yet completely stationary now i'm talking about one of the most infamous things you can do in this game the bomb jumping i mean do i even need to explain why this doesn't make sense just look at it you must be breaking every rule of physics or something to perform this technique a true question of our generation will be how does the bomb launching in breath of the wild work what is with this gerudo lady that is lying on top of the shrine entrance how come link goes through with like two different fetch quests just to get this one person to move shove her off the shrine or something for all i care you have a world to save there's no time for this and once you get into that shrine why is it a blessing and not a normal shrine puzzle like all the other blessing shrines have some sort of puzzle to actually open the shrine first but here the only puzzle is moving this gerudo out of the way so was this gerudo supposed to be the puzzle and was she like placed here by the ancient chicas so that someone would have to move her i don't know this doesn't make sense flames will often create an updraft from the heat of the fire so given that why is there not a constant updraft in death mountain i mean surely there would just be a lot of rising heat here but instead there are only updrafts coming from these cracks in the rocks how come link falls faster than every object in the game i mean i'm getting a little technical with this one but gravity pulls down objects at the same rate so link should be falling just as fast as any object how does this seared steak supposedly have these grill marks on it when i simply toss this chunk of meat next to a campfire yet it somehow looks straight off the bbq something's not adding up here how is link so agile in any set of armor i mean you can move around somewhat freely in night armor but link is out here performing jumps back flips and front flips like it's nothing or he can even spin around like he's playing hammer throwing in the olympics how come lizards just disintegrate in water when you drop them in there like nothing even remains not even a bone or anything just poof they're gone i could maybe understand it if it was like just the fireproof lizard but the regular one does it too so what gives how come you can light a korok leaf on fire and then after letting it burn for a while you can firstly just put out the fire immediately but secondly how is the leaf not burned at all good is new in fact you can even light it up again anyways let me know some more things that don't make sense to you in breath of the wild and i may include them in the next video of this series subscribe for more i'll see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: Infinite Bits
Views: 577,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, things you didnt know about botw, things you didnt know, tricks, botw, rinhara5aki, glitches, Launch Timing Update for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel, nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, adventure, nintendo switch, zelda, breath of the wild sequel, breath of the wild 2, breath of the wild 2 release, breath of the wild 2 release date, zelda sequel, zelda release date, release, legend of zelda breath of the wild 2, zelda breath of the wild sequel release
Id: oPdb7DcshPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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