Busting 20 Zelda Myths

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Zelda games are filled with myths like for example you can avoid all fall damage if you land on a horse in breath of the wild and here we are I'm on top of a mountain and I'm just gonna jump off Glide for a bit and hopefully land right on my horse and drop okay if I did it right I should land right on the horse here we go oh there we go no fall damage a myth confirmed to start this video and we're gonna be busting a bunch of Zelda myths to see if they're true or false starting off with some more basic ones like there's a secret room behind the lava waterfall in dadongo's Cavern all right here he goes nothing just gonna jump into the waterfall and okay didn't seem to work there all right I'll try the waterfall on the left this time and just go for it and look at that I went right through the waterfall myth confirmed and we're gonna keep on building into the more extreme and crazy ones as the video goes on like a leaked unreleased remake of Twilight Princess on the 3DS or a secret Zelda horror game starring tingle what but for now if you give a dog some meat apparently he'll lead you to secret treasure alright so I found a dog there you go just gonna feed him a piece of meat here you go boy and as you know dogs can eat meat if you give it to them in breath of the wild so uh that didn't seem to do much do you want some more or something oh he's up after that he's leading me he's off somewhere now he's acting weird now for some reason okay oh wait do I gotta use like uh metal oh look he actually led me to treasure yeah what do you get Forest dweller spear it kind of sucks but it looks really cool myth confirmed there's a secret pyramid dungeon in Ocarina of Time so this myth started when someone played the song of storms in the haunted Wasteland which causes lightning to strike but by doing it in this specific area the flash of lightning will reveal an odd pyramid-like structure in the distance now because the pyramid is unreachable many people have speculated that this is a secret dungeon in the game however by modding the game you can remove the fog and move the camera anywhere you want and by doing this people have uncovered what this pyramid structure actually is and it is just simply some Cliffs from the Gerudo Fortress that makes a point shape myth busted there's hidden R Wing enemies in Ocarina of Time now if you look online you can see a lot of videos showing our wings in the game attacking link so are these like secret unlockables or something well not exactly after some research I did find that the r wings are in fact in the game's files however they are completely inaccessible to the player they're not some like secret or anything the only way to actually see them is by using a hacking device or by directly messing with the game's files these R Wings do have a purpose of being here and that is they were used to test the Z targeting in this game specific typically for the boss volvagia who is like this flying fire snake and it had similar flying patterns as these are wings myth confirmed now before we get into the more complex and out there myths later in this video we have to bust some more simple ones first like how you'll get kicked out of the Fisher's house if you roll into the fish tank so let's just try rolling into it okay I'm spooking the fish so she does say something but she hasn't kicked me out so uh let's just try it again oh this is new oh oh she still hasn't done it okay she still hasn't kicked us out hey that's it and there you go she kicks you out myth confirmed you can distract Ganondorf with a fishing rod you just want to go to your items and equip the fishing rod and if you cast it out with B here oh look at that he literally just stops he freezes in place a star struck by a fishing rod here how close can we actually get to him oh you can get like right next to him ah get him get the fishing rod that's funny you can actually do that myth confirmed there's a secret unicorn Fountain room in Ocarina of Time so when people looked at some of the promo footage for Ocarina of Time they saw this unusual fairy fountain that was never found in the main game it had a very different looking fairy design and had a statue of some unicorns in the middle many people thought it was still in the game hidden underneath sora's domain due to this unusual deep spot here that you can never actually explore since the water is frozen but many videos online mod the camera to show that this tunnel does in fact lead to the hidden unicorn Fountain and funny enough there is actually a glitch to get underneath the ice so I did exactly that and followed all the steps to X execute this glitch to get under the ice and see if this Fountain exists and the supposed unicorn Fountain should be right down this little Cove here so if it exists it should be No it should be right there but it's just a blank wall meaning the entrance to the Unicorn Fountain doesn't actually exist myth busted also if you're liking these myth videos so far then let me know by subscribing to the channel as only six percent of viewers are actually subscribed because there is a ton of editing and research that goes into these so that would be super appreciated thank you for all the support guys the owner of the shooting gallery will ignore you if you don't shoot anything alright so normally when you're in the shooting gallery here the guy always keeps staring at you as you can see I'm going left to right and his head is following me left to right but basically I'm just gonna sit here I'm not gonna shoot a single shot and let's see what happens foreign okay so he does say unique dialogue look at that you don't have to play if you don't want to oh and look at him you won't even look Us in the eye now he looks away he's like disgusted at what she just did what happens if you talk to him all right you don't have to play if you don't want to he doesn't even let you play again and look at him he's just looking off into the distance that's actually pretty funny myth confirmed you can feed bait to enemies in the Wind Waker so if you're familiar with the Wind Waker you know that there's this all-purpose bait item which you can use like this basically you throw it in the water to lure this fish but apparently this bait will also work for enemies too so let's try it out with these guys I'm just gonna throw some bait over here at all look at that oh my God they just don't even care about me anymore dude that's kind of hilarious like okay they ate it they ate it uh throw more bait bro that is wild they just don't even care about you and I could just easily kill him just like that except for that guy but regardless myth confirmed there was a canceled Zelda horror game that's Start A tingle as the main character what are you serious bits that's like the most ridiculous thing I've heard all day I hear you say well I'd say link with a Nicholas Cage face is a bit more ridiculous than that but fair point now this may not sound as far-fetched when you look at all the different tingle themed games that only came out in Japan and after all those games the developer vanpool wanted to make one more tingle game but this time creating a tingle horror game as they called it and they actually started development of it too this was all confirmed in an interview with the Nintendo producer Kens K tanabe and when talking about that game he also said it was quickly canceled right after four and I quote a variety of reasons but the tingle horror game was actually converted into Dylan's Rolling Western on the 3DS huh the more you know myth confirmed there's an unreleased Wind Waker remake in the style of Twilight Princess in the Years leading up to the release of Twilight Princess The Gaming magazine electronic gaming monthly revealed that people who pre-ordered Twilight Princess will actually get a brand new remake of the Wind Waker as a bonus they had a whole article about it with a screenshot of the Remake showing a before and after of how the graphics would be upgraded this actually made a lot of sense as many people at the time didn't like the wind waker art style and loved the twilight princess style when it was revealed unfortunately though this did turn out to be a hoax and it was an April Fool's joke by the magazine geez what is with all these myths that turn out to be April Fool jokes huh myth busted you can regrow heart plants by watering them in Skyward Sword and here's one of the heart plants normally okay so you just get the heart and that's it you know that's that's its purpose but apparently you can regrow the heart if you just water it again so I'm just gonna water it and oh damn a heart actually grows back wow that's kind of cool so you can technically get infinite hearts that way that might not be the fastest way but you can still do it from a single plant misconfirmed you can beat the Running Man in a race in Ocarina of Time so the Running Man is this character that challenges you to a race to Kokiri Forest now you can run and run until your heart's content but the Running Man will always beat you by one second or so we thought because there is a video online that shows a player actually winning this race The Running Man even has unique dialogue that he says when losing however according to the guy who uploaded this the methods to win were very odd and unconventional basically you were supposed to travel back in time and then wait at the finish line for seven days in real time in which the running man would arrive this already raised suspicions if it was real or not but then people accessed a text dump of this game which showed no sign of this winning dialogue being in the game's code at all meaning he most likely just changed some of the text code in this fake video myth busted link is actually dead throughout the entirety of Majora's Mask this all spawned from a very popular game theory video that claimed link was dead throughout the entire game and this game simply represented Link in purgatory in order to accept his death and it was a very well made and convincing theory that caused a really big debate whether this was true or not but even with all these great points supporting this Theory As Time passed many other people applied counter arguments that poked holes in it however at the end of the day to seal the deal the director of the Zelda series AGL pneuma even confirmed several parts of this Theory to not be true when he was asked about it in interviews things like the origin of the name termina and the five stages of grief Theory so myth busted No Monsters will spawn in Hyrule Fields if you wear the bunny Hood okay so it is officially night time the drawbridge just went up and the skeletons already spawned so I'm just gonna take care of them and put on the bunny hood and now just turn around and wait and see if any more skeletons spawn okay well it looks like it's morning time now and literally not a single skeleton spawned the drawbridge is going down that is totally true no enemies will spawn with the bunny Hood okay and I also wanted to test just running around in the dark and it seems like the result is the exact same no skeletons will spawn while doing this either myth confirmed there was a canceled game called Zelda Valley of the flood so basically there was a secret interview with Zelda series director ajiao Numa that was leaked in many online forums in 2008. in the interview anuma described an in-development Zelda game that took place right before the Wind Waker it had a much darker tone and had a steampunk esque style in the game you wouldn't play as the hero this time but rather just a normal boy trying to fight evil you would ultimately fail in the game causing the gods to flood that land which would create the Hyrule we see in Wind Waker even the supposed title screen for for this game was released online too now this all seems fine and dandy until the original image for this title screen was found on deviantART and was posted way back in 2004. after that it came out that the interview with agil Numa was entirely fake and never actually happened completely squishing all chances that this was ever a real Zelda game myth busted lizalfos can't see you if you stand under their chin okay so for this one I need to be real sneaky here I gotta get under his chin without him noticing okay easy does it he's lying down now what I do I gotta make him alerted how do I do this oh look hey you can't actually see me he's alerted he knows I'm somewhere oh that's wild you can hide in plain sight right under their nose okay going in for round two here he doesn't notice me yeah look you got to be pretty close to his body but still if you just stay here he actually doesn't even notice you but if I stand up I can even stand up and it still works that's kind of crazy myth confirmed you can actually obtain the Triforce as an item in Ocarina of Time this myth started from early videos of this game that show actual footage of Link obtaining this item and in the center where all the sage medallions are in your inventory there is an outline for the Triforce which looks like the outlines for the medallions before you collect them so it looked like the Triforce item would fit there which caused even more speculation this one woman then even posted pictures on a Zelda Forum of her collecting this supposed Triforce item she claimed she got it by playing the song called Overture of sages a Melody no one had ever heard of before this point however when people closer inspected the screenshots there was some odd things in them like how Link's sword is on the wrong side in this picture for example then people went into the game files and found no trace of the song that she used either after that the person who posted these pictures revealed it to be one big made-up hoax myth busted there was an unreleased remake of Twilight Princess on the 3DS this myth spawned when multiple videos released online revealing this supposed remake the first of which showed an actual DS cartridge of the game that the person in the video showed to be working on a DS the next video was even more intriguing as it had someone actually playing the intro to Twilight Princess on a 3DS this time and it showed the functionality of both screen means but this gained even more attention and popularity when the biggest bit of proof was found at a Zelda symphony in Germany there was this one person with the 3DS that had Twilight Princess 3D as their most recently played game and this was discovered by many people there when they used their 3DS's Street pass with this person now that all sounds very convincing right well it turns out the 3DS video and the person who had the Remake on StreetPass were both from a hacked 3DS and it was just a fake hacked game as for the DS copy that one was actually official but it wasn't a game this cartridge was never for sale but only given out to the Press at E3 2005. all this cartridge does is Play the trailer for The Game myth busted and that's all for now take care everyone foreign [Music]
Channel: Infinite Bits
Views: 419,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, botw 2, zelda, the legend of zelda, zelda rumors, the legend of zelda rumors, zelda games, gaming, link, ganon, rumor, ocarina of time, wind waker, n64, gamecube, zelda ocarina of time, zelda breath of the wild, zelda mystery, ocarina of time 3d, oot theory, zelda oot theory, oot mystery, swankybox, triforce ocarina of time, obtaining triforce ocarina of time, triforce percent, getting the triforce in ocarina of time, oot triforce, legend of zelda
Id: ORtrbHc6WoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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