30 Things that Don't Make Sense in Zelda Breath of the Wild

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why is it that sugarcane is on display in the goron village shop but when i buy it and place it right next to it only then it starts to light on fire from the volcanic heat or what about this korok at the top of ganon's castle that's still up here did you not get the memo do you not think to move or get out of the way when four giant lasers are pointing in your direction well these are some of the toughest most serious questions in this game that we're gonna be looking at today while breath of the wild prides itself on realism here are 30 things i've noticed that don't make a lot of sense one of the most confusing things to me is how the fireproof armor works it protects you from the flames near the lava from a volcano but it can't protect you from the desert sun surely there would have to be some sort of heat protection in the first place but that doesn't make sense either because it basically looks like you put a metal furnace on your head a metal suit is really supposed to protect you from the extreme heat of a volcano furthermore why is it that the only place in hyrule that sells this suit is the only location that this suit is required to get to listen goron there's a reason no one is buying this suit from your shop and the last thing about this flame armor why is it that only one piece is required for flame protection so i could just walk around the center of a volcano with only a helmet on and be almost naked on my body and i don't even get the slightest burn on me why is there an exposed fire pit in rideau village it's on a stone floor at least but this is the biggest hazard i've seen in my life considering i don't know the whole village for their entire species is made out of wood one drifting amber and you guys are done for or maybe it's not wood actually because it seems to not react to fire at all the cooking oh boy don't even get me started with how the cooking is supposed to work in this game why is it that i just boil one bird egg and out comes an omelet with tomatoes and vegetables as a side i don't know where they came from or how is steamed food made you're not tricking me here guys i watched myself boil the food first hand and then there's dubious food which is such a disaster that they have to censor it everything except for a bone sticking out but why is there a bone in all messed up recipes i can just throw in an eye boil it and out comes a bone have there been secretly bones in bad eyes this whole time and then there's this lady that gets extremely angry over you stepping on her flowers and that's fine nothing out the ordinary for zelda standards but why is it that i can drop pounds of uncooked meat on her flowers chug a chest on them or even throw sharp swords at them and she doesn't care at all but when i so much as graze my toe past them she throws a tantrum the guard at the entrance of gerudo village won't let you in because you're a guy so how come you can literally change clothes right in front of that person and then get in with no questions asked so you might think the security here is pretty poor but no it's quite the opposite because i could literally be way up here out of sight from everybody but if i so much as even change my pants which is hidden from every angle then that's it covers blown somebody immediately spots me and i'm kicked out do they have invisible security cameras or something shield surfing is quite the odd sight in this game but i guess there's some logic here like maybe these are slippery shields but what i'm not buying though is how link holds onto his shield with his feet when you go into a glide no way is this possible especially since he does it while wearing thick metal boots how does link jump from seemingly any height while generating all this downwards momentum and then can instantly stop by pulling out a piece of cloth and some sticks surely with all this force either the sticks the cloth or his own arms would break first and also he can still keep his downward momentum too and be unharmed when hitting the ground he only has to pull out the glider and then link safe regardless of how fast he was going how does link carry around these giant weapons in the game this sword is practically the size of him but nah he could swing it around like a ballerina you're telling me on his back he can carry a gold sword shield and bow that is clipped onto him with this tiny strap i don't know about that then there's the chickens in this game what on earth are they made of they gotta be hitting the gym more than link how can they possibly hold up this guy while flying while he's wearing metal armor with giant weapons on his back also how does link grab on to them without well not even grabbing on to them he just puts his hands in a bowl shape and places them under the chicken while it floats above him link's stamina while swimming is a weird one i get that after a while you're gonna get tired and drown but do you really get so tired that you can't stand up in the most shallow bit of water here what adult drowns in water the depth of a kiddie pool just sad also why does link only use stamina while in motion it definitely still takes effort to tread water and stay still look at his hands even but if you so much as even twitch forward then your stamina drains the fruit in this game i have no idea what it's supposed to be made of i thought it would be a bit soft but these things are absolutely indestructible i could whack them all day with the toughest weapon and they won't even have a bruise on them are the fruits made out of metal here bombs hurt link when he's in the blast radius and that's all good nothing wrong there so why is it that link becomes invulnerable when you blow up the bomb in a mine cart it's not like the cart is protecting you or anything you're still totally exposed to the blast the climbing there's no rhyme or reason with the climbing link appears to be some sort of offspring from spider-man that seemingly defies the laws of physics even able to cling to a wall that seems totally flat but if so much as a drop of water touches the rock well then that's it he loses all of his climbing skills is water like kryptonite to this guy also how does he eat a full snack at any point when climbing when all four of his limbs are clearly occupied doesn't matter what either even a full plated dish is fine does this guy have like a third arm we don't know about is this what was going on in the breath of the wild 2 trailer and why is it that when you're still on a cliff you don't use any stamina like surely even to hold on to rocks at this angle would use a lot of physical effort but given that why can't link climb this one wall in the game it's this giant hole he can do all that other stuff but for some reason this one rock face is his biggest enemy what is with these red barrels that are placed around various enemy camps they explode if you shoot fire at them but why do these guys just have them lying around their camp especially when they place them right under flaming lanterns what are they thinking why can i only place down 10 items at one time and then the others will disappear if i put down more do they just teleport to another dimension do they just not like being in crowds yes we'll never know what is the deal with this guy beetle and his bag first of all he has to be the buffest man in hyrule to carry that everywhere he goes 24 7 even when he sleeps and secondly why does he need such a big bag when he only sells me arrows and some bugs just get a few quivers and a net what are the weapons supposed to be made of in this game you can have this giant metal club that just disintegrates after slapping it against a few enemies they just disappear too no rubble or debris remain are these cardboard weapons or something anyways let me know some other things that don't make sense to you in breath of the wild and subscribe if you like this kind of video also let me know if you want me to make part two and i'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Infinite Bits
Views: 845,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, things you didnt know about botw, things you didnt know, tricks, botw, rinhara5aki, glitches, Launch Timing Update for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel, nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, adventure, nintendo switch, zelda, breath of the wild sequel, breath of the wild 2, breath of the wild 2 release, breath of the wild 2 release date, zelda sequel, zelda release date, release, legend of zelda breath of the wild 2, zelda breath of the wild sequel release
Id: wAoe4pOCiV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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