16 Useless Facts You Didn't Know About Breath of the Wild...!

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[Music] hey how's it going hope your day is going well life can be kind of rough sometimes so hopefully this little video can cheer you up i'm your host the bread pirate and here are 16 useless yet fascinating fun facts you probably did not know about breath of the wild let's begin pachango is a kindly artist that travels all across hyrule in breath of the wild but if you've never stopped to look at his paintings let me tell you they are interesting remember bolden brash from spongebob that painting that the art critics said more like belongs in the trash okay wait i'm not gonna go that far but i am going to say very nicely that pachango should consider getting a day job in less controversial news i discovered that when picango spawns into the world he pulls his canvas from his backpack which is a really nice detail claymores are an incredibly popular weapon choice in breath of the wild but there's one small detail on the knights claymore you probably did not realize it actually has hylian text written on it when translated into english it says hyrule kingdom power wisdom courage thank you to ren samara on the breath of the wild subreddit for translating that a reddit user by the name of jaboy personally showed me this really cool trick a few months ago if you go to the sajon sargon john sargon bridge on the florida river and jump off the waterfall nearby you'll be greeted by a strange jump animation here's what it looks like from the side nice approach you know it kind of reminds me of the cool jump flips that link does in majora's mask but just a lot more uh song i think that's a good word for it soggy apparently if you are extremely quick you can steal ancient parts from decayed guardians before they wake up i was not able to replicate this but this footage from dark storm 3 proves that it is possible the only catch to this according to darkstorm is that the decayed guardian on mount drena is the only guardian this works with so good luck pulling this off it takes some very precise timing did you know the box art for the wii u version of breath of the wild has some wildly inaccurate information on it it claims that aside from your wii u gamepad you can play the game with a classic controller a weemo nunchuck or a single individual wiimote which is not only absolutely ridiculous it is also super super wrong there's not even enough buttons on this thing to pull that off the game doesn't support any of these controllers and trying to use them will simply do nothing so how on earth did this manage to get on the boxart did you know there are several cool details hidden within the gerudo throne room for instance you'll notice that the throne has a large amount of pillows on it a stool and a small set of stairs that's because the throne is too large for the current ruler riju unlike the previous ruler urbosa who was freaking big and didn't need no stool although i guess she she still did need pillows pillows are a big person thing too big people and small people both need them pillows additionally and unsurprisingly the stools and pillows are decorated with the images of sand seals which are riju's favorite animal you'll also notice that there are letters scattered around the room these letters are part of the gerrito alphabet and can be translated into english for instance on the back of the throne it reads gerudo a resilient desert flower facing the sun's gaze gerudo grows brilliant while others fade now i'm not gonna read every single pillar in the room because that would take too long but if you're curious about it i've found this awesome blog post which translates everything in the room and explains how it got translated so if you would like to see that look in the description below and one last detail i gotta show you about this place is that the carpet in front of the throne is actually held in place by several metal poles that are bolted to the ground now that's some attention to detail if i've ever seen it if you have the dlc for breath of the wild you've probably stumbled upon this monstrosity the tingle outfit why are you running why are you running despite being as terrifying as it is there is a funny secret tied to this outfit if you wear the full tingle garb and approach an npc they will actually reel back in terror normally you get this reaction when wearing scary suits of armor like the dark link outfit or phantom ganon armor so it appears that somebody at nintendo is trying to send us a message about tingle it's common for there to be changes between the japanese and american versions of zelda games but this change comes as a huge surprise in the japanese version of breath of the wild the adventure log which is where you keep track of your quests is written in the first person which means that all the entries are written as if link is writing in a diary meanwhile in the american version all the text is written in the second person which removes all of the emotion and quirkiness that the japanese text was supposed to be conveying for instance the japanese version of the quest captured memories reads i finished visiting all 13 of the locations in the old pictures i remembered everything i've been through together with princess zelda in those memories of mine princess zelda always strived to complete the task burdened unto her even if it's just a moment sooner i want to save her as quickly as possible i want to see her smile again with those eyes of mine [Music] did you know when you save an npc that is traveling on the road and gets attacked by a monster they will only reward you with a single green rupee if the monster was a small chew even if it's one of the ones that oozes fire and whatever this seems to happen because npcs give better or worse rewards depending on how dangerous the monster was for instance instead of a green rupee i got food for defeating this yeaga archer because he's considered more dangerous by the npcs however there is one exception to this rule guardians for some unholy reason if you save an npc from a guardian then they will always give you nothing no reward at all nada so i guess this means the npcs are more afraid of chews than they are of guardians but hey that's just a theory a game theory thanks get out of here matpat you're not we're not done yet okay yeah sure that's what you would say go back into your matpat box [Applause] you know i think many people forget that the lord of the mountain is a horse too i mean sure he's a ghost horse with spider eyes and he disappears if you leave him alone for three seconds but on the inside he's still a horse which means if you try to feed him apples and carrots he will gladly eat them just like any other horse i highly recommend trying it if you have the chance contributing to the list of weird animations we have in this game i present to you the no bow hand while you're walking with a bow in your hand use the quick select menu to unequip your bow keep walking after you leave this menu and you will see that link's left arm is bent and won't move as much this glitch will only last as long as you keep moving so if you stop walking then it'll go away what i really love about this glitch is that it makes it look like link is holding an invisible cup of joe in one of his hands while running that's just a beautiful image in my head here's another fun fact for you arrows can be shot into certain food types or materials to create an arrow porcupine this works with ancient arrows as well and can lead to some funny looking effects oh yeah baby link stabbing dozens of arrows into a nut this is peak youtube content as you would expect you can pick up your arrows after doing this but be careful because if you pick up your item before you pick up your arrows then all the arrows that were on the item will disappear and you won't get any of them back why are we still here just to suffer probably now quit being emo we got more fun facts to cover okay um remember a few minutes ago when i was talking about the gerudo throne room my hand those were the days those are those those are some good times so well after recording footage for that section of the video i realized something kind of weird about grito town above all the shops in gerudo town there are symbols and signs which represent what the shops are about you got arrows for the archery shop a crescent moon for the inn this thing which is i think supposed to be a mushroom for the shroom shop you got wheat stocks for the uh wheat store kind of a weird side hustle i'm certainly not complaining it's just kind of weird anyways i've overstated my point there are lots of symbols on all the shops on top of that some of the shops have giant objects hovering over them like the bar which has a giant bottle the jewelry shop which has a giant necklace and the tailor who has a giant uh bra hovering over the storefront a giant bra yep i used to think it was just a weird-looking tarp but you can see right here side-by-side comparison it is definitely a gerudo bra oh what's that oh okay i just got done talking with one of my discord moderators clover and she just informed me it is not a bra it is a top i have no idea what the difference is but whatever it is that thing is really big and i have no idea how i'm just noticing it okay you know what i think we've dwelt on this long enough that that was a fun fact okay come on link let's get out of wait where's link link oh no no why no oh come on link get out of there that's not it's not family friendly bad link bad link unbelievable the nervous some people all right what else do we got on this list oh okay hey we're on to our last fun fact did you know lizzlefoes have crazy forearm strength by that i mean that they can hurl stone pebbles at you or pebblets with a single arm they don't even break a sweat while doing it look at that form nice how do they even grab those things there's like no place to grip them you know people they're always talking about how moblins are so big and so strong and they can throw pokeblends but these guys these are the real chads thank you once again for watching the video if you fancy doing things like subscriptions or likes then hey you can do that but i will leave it entirely up to you also if you liked this type of video i have at least one more of it coming out this summer until i see you next time have fun subscribing to saplo that's right you were expecting an outro but instead it was me saplow enthusiast safflow for president baby and you know what joey for vice president too we're gonna fix america one minecraft video at a time heck yeah baby
Channel: The Bread Pirate
Views: 919,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legend of zelda, zelda, did you know, the legend of zelda, nintendo, breath of the wild, botw, botw2, trivia, Ganon, Link, Gamespot, Usless Facts, Gerudo, tips, tricks, glitches, did you know breath of the wild, minutes of useless information
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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