30 Minute To Catch Pokemon In The Crown Tundra For DOUBLES BATTLES... Then We FIGHT!!! Pokemon Sword

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hey what is up everyone welcome back to a brand new pokemon a versus challenge video it's me quick gg out here in the icy crown tundra with chillin play what's up pal what's up big dog i am currently running around with my small dog who's kind of a big dog i'd say he's about a medium dog but he's fast af that's one thing i can confirm yeah it's so fast you literally vanished out of my sight buddy and now i'm back you wanna see me do it again no we're good well if you've never seen a pokemon versus challenge before what me and chill play do is go into a pokemon game gather up a team pokemon with a twist involved and at the end we fight it out for this challenge we're going to be doing a 30 minutes to catch a team challenge now this file has been randomized all while pokemon are random the moves have been randomized according to their type and abilities are randomized we're gonna be allowed to use one master ball for this challenge to catch anything and then unlimited ultra balls to catch the rest we can use our pokemon to weaken or put the pokemon asleep or whatever we'd like to do to help us catch but once we're done catching all the pokemon we're gonna go over which ones we want on the team and then we're gonna fight it out but for one final twist this is gonna be a doubles battle chill and play oh really yeah yeah yeah doubles battle 30 minutes to catch challenge okay all right so doubles battle right yeah double battle okay like that yep two pokemon each out the whole time that's scary honestly buddy it was really scary yep you ready to do this i am uh more ready than ever let's get a move on all right see you later all right 30 minutes is gonna start now let's go right into the first area let's see what we can see a whiz cash whiz cash is that decent is that a good choice we actually you know what i'm gonna go and get that it might be pretty good it's really weak to grass type yes but i think whiz cash isn't too bad of pokemon we can go ahead and fall swipe it down with our level 100 soul gallio and then throw an ultra for it oh my god it went to sleep it's got rest uh that's actually kind of a lame move there buddy i don't know if this is even worth catching anymore it's got rest that could be good but i mean i don't know oh my god we just knocked it out we just it's gonna die a hail i just realized that's a big fail oh no it's catch sorry whiz cash you know what i didn't want it anyway it's fine durant no not that oh it's serena that's a really strong physical grass type if it's got a good grass-type physical move then this is pretty good we're gonna go and catch it a little nightshade will hurt it's got solar blade oh my goodness that is actually huge that is actually really huge it's two turns but it's one of the strongest grass type moves there are let's go ahead and try catching it ultra ball don't let me down please don't let me down please nice nice easy catch there serena let's see what it has alright serena with no guard okay so we always hit attacks we got leafage user attacks that's a weird move muddy water solar blade and aromatherapy oh man it's not the best moveset actually a solar blade's really good but that's about all it's got okay guys we got the rayquaza out we put the doge back in the pc let's go look for some pokemon we got 30 minutes to catch some beasts oh my god we got some beasts right here in front of us right now we got a ladies over here and we got a metagross right here i almost called him a metang let's go ahead and see if we can catch this metagross um we do have the use of one master ball for this challenge but i don't know if i want to waste it anytime soon i think i want to like use that at the end if i do have a difficult time like catching a legend or something but uh why did i not damage you okay just give me the first ball look just give me the first bow look oh no way oh my god we just saved hella time we just caught a freaking metagross in 30 seconds without even touching him dude i totally forgot we're not i'm not used to like damaging pokemon dude we usually don't use statuses or damaging moves so i like totally didn't even think about it all right we'll quickly look at the metagross just so we know if it's decent i'm not going to spend too much time looking at pokemon because it's going to waste time it's got cute charm which actually is really good uh technoblast metal burst and hypnosis ooh that's actually not that good see that's not a good moveset now we know that that is not the metagross we need let's go look for a legend now honestly i think uh i think we're just going to spend some time looking for legends that's a good way to start this or some like total top tier pokemon like a nice uh scar chomp or salamance dragonite oh giratina yes yes oh that is huge giratina we might just have to masterball it but you know what we're gonna start off with a nightshade first we're gonna start off with a nightshade maybe two of those it's got hex interesting let's put it to sleep with a spore okay now he's out one more night shade and oh my goodness i just realized it's gonna get buffeted by hail i don't even know if we want to risk this anymore yeah oh no it's gonna have two more turns to live okay so we're gonna try ultra balling it right now it's a sleep with low hp this should be an easy catch maybe we'll see we'll see i'm holding the b yes yes yes yes giratina yes yes yes yes that's huge all right that's huge okay gary tina what you got for the team come on it's got hex which is an alright move if somebody gets statused then hex will be really really strong though on this giratina all right it's got innards out um i don't think it's gonna get one shot really so that's i don't know we got guard split taunt dragon hammer and hex weird move set there honestly not the best but not the worst dragon hammer's pretty good okay giratina all right well you're an option for sure there's a como o over here too i kind of want to grab so we're gonna go ahead and grab this too another dragon type a fighting dragon type at that could be pretty decent turbo blaze uh i'm not even sure what that does to be honest vacuum wave wow okay that's nice let's try ultra balling it i don't really want to waste a master ball on this guy it is a nice dragon but still um don't want to waste master balls no way we're getting the ultra ball luck right now bro no way no way three oh three catches in a row that feels good as long as you can put them to sleep and get their hp below half you know the the rate shouldn't be too bad i'm liking it i wish i was this lucky on my nuzlocke okay como oh with turbo blaze moves can be used regardless of abilities vacuum wave u-turn mock punch and meteor assault wow actually kind of nice smok punch is actually good vacuum wave will be useless we got mock punch but still we can meteor assault then maybe you turn a mock punch out well we got choices on that definitely got some choices you turn for the switch out if we need to i saw a ladius over here a second ago i'd like to see that again i don't know where it went okay there's one in the distance let's go what are the odds that we can catch another legend nice and easily i don't know probably not too high but we're gonna try all right this time i am actually going to false swipe it that should be enough to take take it down to one hp or at least very close oh my really okay well oh my sidestrike oh this is a freaking beast by the way this is a beast yeah i honestly thought my rayquaza would do way more damage there because i mean i don't want to say too much but let's just say this rayquaza ain't exactly legit it's got super maxed out attack i'm actually really surprised this lady says tanky af let's put a spore on it and we should be able to catch it from this health no doubt all right as long as it stays asleep i think we could probably maybe get lucky to catch it within a few balls let's just hold our b you guys know the power of the b we hold it down and things happen where we catch the ladies in one ball two balls two pokemon dude let's go baby we can't beat that you just can't beat that hopefully i mean we already know it has side strike which is decent we'll just quickly glance at it let's see what it's got 27 minutes 20 seconds left let's see it's got innards out which is kind of cool gear grind apple acid size shock and size strike that is yeah that is definitely on the team that is really good two good special psychic stab moves we take it and then apple ass is just kind of a weird thing to have too dragonite oh my goodness dragonite okay we popped a full restore so we're good for this one oh my god i literally have the dragonite guys that's huge oh man this is awesome okay pal go to sleep it's still hailing out here which isn't good because we can't use our false swipe okay ultra ball don't let me down let's see it let's see the four-way catch come on come on four in a row give me the look dragonite might not catch honestly let's see no way he's sleeping he's sleeping in that pokeball yes yes all right dragonite captured dude we're getting all the luck today oh my god we're getting all the luck i've never been so lucky on these catches in my life all right he's got filter reduces the power of super effective attacks taken that is awesome we've got snore wild charge outrage and breaking swipe uh could be a little better oh breaking swipe's actually really good okay no that dragon is actually really good that's really good outrage maybe we'll we'll see all right dragonite man we got some good drag oh ryko let's go no no don't run away from me oh oh he vanished he vanished can i get him to respawn can i get him to respawn back in here oh no oh my god he vanished from me guys i know i'm stuck right co please spawn okay there he is there he's okay i got you this time i got you this time all right an electric type on the team could be nice also another legend already let's nightshade and then put him to sleep scorching sands is that a ground type move on the electric type i think it is that can be really useful honestly it can scare him into using another electric type against us and then we slap it up with scorching sands all right he's sleep he's sleep we still haven't even had to use our master ball yet guys i'm loving this holding b raikou come on hold stay in the ball stay in the balls stay in the balls bro they're gonna think we're cheating this is wild this is wild the game's broken we haven't we caught all of them dude this is crazy we have not struggled to catch any of these pokemon yet team this is great okay reiko with disguise oh i love disguise oh actually wait no i was thinking about uh illusion yeah that's that's not gonna work disguise won't work i think yeah cause it's a uh mimikyu move all right we got scorching sand submission metal claw and bolt strike that's a huge move to have that is actually a huge move to have scorching sands as well is good that's uh that's pretty good there riko might be coming on the team like that is definitely a good member to have right now tyranitar ooh buddy not a bad choice not a bad choice but really weak to fighting moves i don't know if i want to take it dude we got 30 minutes to catch overworld pokemon these are gonna be some really really beefy teams we gotta be careful with our selection oh well we gotta just go ahead and hit that oh okay we hit him i thought i literally ran over that exclamation point encounter yo a freaking giratina let's just be all out legendary dude why not you know what i'm saying why not if we can make it happen we still got a master ball in our pocket the only problem with giratina is i can't use false swipe on it obviously it's a ghost but i got nightshade which is gonna do 100 damage each time maybe two or three of those will do the trick oh no it's got shadow force well now i can't hit it because it's obviously not here anymore oh the hail is hurting it too we got to be careful let's see if we can throw a ball even while it's invisible no we cannot well i learned something new all right well this is unfortunate we're wasting a little bit of time with the shadow force i'm gonna put it to sleep right here dude that did a lot of damage to be fair like i'm a level 100 ray and that did a lot of damage all right let's put it to sleep i don't want to i don't even know if i want to uh nightshade it anymore because i don't want the uh the snow to take it out we're only gonna get to throw a few balls if we night shade it again so let's just start chucking ultra balls now and hope for the best this may be one of those pokemon that might be more worth going for with a master ball just to skip the uh you know the bs because it's a ghost type it's got uh shadow force to waste two turns the hail's hurting at every every turn as well kinda not an ideal setup there's no way you give me this there's no way you give me this bro bro chill and play luck in the comments dude what are you guys seeing this are you guys seeing this three balls three catches three legends or i guess meta metagross is a is a mythical whatever yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a legend okay guys it's a legend what do you got for me big dog what do you got for me honestly plus oh come on you could have done so much more dragon hammer gear up thousand waves and shadow force that is probably on the team if we hit somebody with this they can't even flee from battle dude that is nasty that is nasty if it had a better ability it'd really be clutch but i mean it's decent at least let's get out of this freaking hail oh wait lujaya lugia let's go let's go please come down here i'm ringing my bells i'm ringing my bells get over here buddy can't even see the top of your head come down here a flying psych dude we're getting so many legends out here too this is insane okay nightshade power trick oh i just ate an orberry that's funny okay put him to sleep the spore and lugia come on just stay in the ultra bowl let's see let's see if the game is broken let's see if the game is actually literally broken okay okay okay i think it is if we catch this that's insane that's that's ridic i'm i'm starting to feel weird i feel like something's wrong with the randomizer guys how are we getting so lucky i can't believe it although we are putting these things asleep and getting them below half so that does increase the chance by a lot it's still pretty insane how lucky we're getting right now okay lugia with surge surfer double speed on electric terrain we got role play double iron bash power trick and spectral thief ooh spectral thief is actually a really good move but not really a physical attacker actually you know what we just got a lot of defense we're just tanky you know what not too bad that's not too bad we could use him against another psychic type and it could be really decent oh electivire not a bad choice you know what if it's got a really good moveset it could be good we're doing amazing right now we've already got two definite pokemon on the team like i honestly don't think metagross will make it to the team but if i mean if the worst case scenario happened he could he could play with us but um oh it's got detect too dude i forgot this is a double battle detect is gonna be absolutely huge for making plays on quick gg we gotta catch this this has gotta be on the team okay i'm gonna spore it i'm gonna sport it right here i don't know that i should even fall swipe it because like again it's it's hailing we don't wanna kill this guy we really really really want this dude it's got freaking detect that's so good for doubles battles we got 23 minutes left so i'm gonna spend some time chucking balls i might even need to use a hyper potion because i'm getting low on health right here come on ultra ball just keep going bro give me all my catches in one ball do one ball that's all okay finally finally something makes sense come on buddy just join us up honestly like you know you need to you know you want to double battle detect we need it god it's okay it's okay eventually the hail will bring it down low but hopefully not knock it out i'm just gonna keep putting it to sleep honestly all right his hp is yellow now hopefully one of these balls will work we're down to about 20 minutes now i'm starting to get a little scared i don't like that i don't want to waste any time like this but honestly if it didn't if it wasn't for the fact that this had detect i wouldn't even be too like hung up on it but god are you serious bro are you serious having detect for a double battle is not negotiable guys it's gonna be so good i might have to waste my master ball guys on a freaking elective iron i know yeah yeah i'm gonna have to i have to i want this pokemon thunder as well yeah we gotta take this dude i can't believe i'm doing this guys i really can't believe i'm doing this i'm about to throw a master ball at this electivire my one master ball after all that we're using it we're using it right now we have one available for the challenge i'm using it i think it's going to be worth we've already called a couple of legends so we know that we can i just don't want this electrifier to get away from me dude because i want detect that's going to be huge for the doubles battle i think it's worth it let me know in the comments guys if you want to roast me for that one but i think it's worth it i honestly do think it's worth it not to mention if we get lucky and we get somebody with a rain ability and we get 100 thunder that's going to be insane all right i hope i don't regret this guys we caught this with a master ball it's got big pecks okay tech thunders afghan asheville barrage right well that's pretty good that's what we're gonna i mean that's we're gonna use that that was worth it that was our master ball catch by the way we don't have another master ball okay let's get out of this hail now dude is it hailing all over the island literally today wow sandaconda at this point we're just hunting legends legends or pseudo-legendaries what is that what i wrote mien fu yikes get away from me persian no oh oh oh reggie gigas i saw him where is he there he is reggie giggis oh my god oh my god oh my god we found the reggie gets for this battle that's that's insane guys that is huge if he's got good moves it's over if he's got good moves it's literally over okay the nightshade doesn't affect him what was i oh he's got sing i avoided it thank goodness that's that was ridiculous okay oh we can't nightshade them though we're just going to spore i might just masterball him i might just masterball him unless the game is broken and i can just catch him right now let's see if the ultra ball works dude i gotta test this this is insane this is ridiculous let's see okay okay yeah it's not that easy it's not that easy yeah okay we're gonna throw a few ultra balls we've actually got plenty of time so i'm gonna full restore my pokemon let the other guy get let the reggie get hurt by this uh okay he's saying put me asleep that's okay by the hail and just keep throwing ultra balls i mean he's awake now i don't think we're gonna be able to catch him until we put him to sleep i'll give it like another minute yeah not even getting close not at all oh he's got swords dance i want to see what he's got if he's got swords dance dude oh my god he's reggie sweepest he's reggie sweeper dude okay we gotta shake okay one shake one shake he's got psych up does he have no attacking moves he's got sing swords dance and psych up guys he might not have any attacking moves i don't wanna waste a master ball on this we gotta see what his tacky move is now he's using sing again he's not using anything to attack me guys literally not attacking me we're just gonna let the hail keep knocking him down for a bit and try to see if he uses a move against me i'm just gonna night shade so nothing happens body slam okay okay uh that's not the best move but i mean it is body slam he's sleeping now let's go and throw some more ultra balls maybe we can catch him if we could swords dance we could just body slam sweep with this guy like a maniac all right all right let's go he's sleeping half hp that's just that's just it that's the hacks we need all they got to be half hp to sleep reggie gig is caught with an ultra ball dude let's go oh my goodness let's go what ability does reggie have though let's find out together he's got anger point so if it crits oh if he gets hit with a crit it maxes our attack stat we don't really need it because we got we got swords dance we're gonna be raising our attack anyway okay so we could psych up when swapping in this region gigas ii that's that's pretty much a monster right there guys really with just body slam that's all you really need guys that's that's really nice there reggie giggis on the team wow catching pokemon in the snowy area is actually kind of a l dude it's kind of uh hurting us all right guys 18 minutes and nine seconds left not as much time as i thought i had not as much time as i would have wanted to have dude we need a crazy legendary sweet sweet with a rain spawning ability oh como oh a dragon though i don't know if he should have too many dragons i don't know if he have too many dragons fighting flying right there lucario though should we maybe go crazy with lucario oh god we just encountered this i don't think i want this zapdos personally i really don't although it could know a detect or something nah let's just run i'd like to see a sweet sweet with a rain ability a rain spawning ability oh ho oh i just go crazy for it why not why not special tanky af let's grab it if we can not gonna be good for the range strategy but could be a decent pokemon still it's a legend all right let's falsely swipe it see how much it does oh my god it's got wide guard dude no i wish i had my master ball now dude i wish i had my master ball now this is really bad team this is really bad i can't believe he has wide guard although it didn't protect i'm not really sure how that works i just hit right through it actually we'll have to read that ability but i think that's really good for doubles battles i mean it's wide guard it sounds like it could protect two pokemon to me the snow is gonna be hurting it i don't want to hurt it anymore i'm just gonna keep it asleep and throw ultra balls honestly we got 16 minutes and 12 seconds we got to be careful here come on give me the b luck give me the b luck on another legend give it to me yes yes dude oh my god we're catching all these legends so easy and electavire just did not want to join the team that's good that's good i mean we might as well have used a master ball as a one-ball wonder we like it we got wide guard now we're gonna investigate that real quick wow this thing is literally holding a master ball i can't believe it i'm putting that in the bag okay it's got the ability motor drive oh my god i could literally hit my own self with an electric move like a crazy person if i wanted to but also that protects us from one of our weaknesses which is insane we got lunge lowers the target to tax that we like that wide guard protects itself and its allies from a wide ranging attacks so i think that's like double moves like earthquake or surf things that hit two pokemon i think sacred fire and tickle okay that is really good that is going to be on the team probably that is what yeah that's going to be on the team we got 14 minutes left i'm pretty sure we saw a vettel over here oh a swampert i might i'm going to take the swampert honestly i know we saw y'all vettel i don't know where he is now we see can we get him to respawn in here not you reggie oh there he is there he is all right yvette what do you got for us a dark flying type legend pokemon dude we're just legendaries only today that's what's happening he's got crunch that's a little bit dangerous wow he's he hurt us bad okay it's super effective i got plenty of time we're gonna full restore and let him get one more time put him to sleep then we're gonna catch him all right you vettel time to go to sleep ultra ball do your magic do your magic please ultra ball we believe in it is that a critical catch that was that was a critical catch easy catch oh my goodness that's the luck the luck is real the luck is so real right now guys oh man our team's gonna be looking nice okay yvette with the ability stakeout doubles damage dealt to the target's replacement if the target switches out oh that's gonna be huge if we get him to swap out on somebody that is going to be big spikes crunch feather dance and aerial ace spikes could be nice i don't know exactly how i feel about spikes to be honest i don't want to set like i don't like wasting turns to set that up if we have a strong pokemon like this um crunch is a good move aerial lace is all right yeah let's let's keep moving not too bad there you vettel i also see a nice ladios in the distance another psychic dragon now actually another dragon type we really don't need another dragon but it's a legend so we have to catch it fusion flare ladies decent all right ultra ball do the magic do the magic trick one two three switcheroo abracadabra alakazam hocus pocus got it these ultra balls are just not letting me down reggie gingus was the only struggle we had so far okay the latios has solar power boost special attack and harsh sunlight but decreases hp every turn all right we've got skill swap magic coat fusion flare which is really nice and recycled ah that's not too great though really not the best latios there uh yeah we're looking good we got 15 minutes left too we're looking really good right now should i just get a lucario i think i'm gonna get a lucario shout out to the pokemon unite fans out there lucario goes hard af and pokemon unite you guys gotta watch me in quick tg we are so good at unite like i'm not even trying to brag but we we play pokemon unite on twitch um twitch links in the description you guys gotta check us out man we go crazy all right i'm gonna start by sporting him right away he is a steel type so all swipe probably won't do too much i might even go ahead and just use nightshade to be honest yeah i'm gonna hit him with one shade and we'll see how much it does i think it'll do more than fall swipe yeah that's nice okay as long as the snow doesn't kill him that would be nice he's down on the orange you could probably chuck maybe three balls from this range i think maybe four assuming he doesn't wake up and we have to put him back to sleep that would be yeah that would waste a turn 14 minutes left i'm holding my bee it's been working in the past except for electivire jesus oh my i can't believe this i literally can't believe every catch is one ball except for electivire what the heck is going on dude i think my game is broken i'm not complaining though we got 13 minutes left now we're chilling i did accidentally send him to a box and i want to look at him so let's take a moment here hey guys we got a lucario here it's got the ability heavy metal doubles my weight whoa okay i i don't know if that's good but it might be storm throw always results in a critical hit that is really good spatial ran clanging scales oh and reversal okay that is a weird moveset that is prop i mean that's not bad though that's a lot of variety we could make use of that i want to get out of this hail storm it keeps lowering our hp it's making it a little harder to catch okay finally giant's foot no hail over here let's find something maybe some ultra beasts oh hi dragon i want that i want that this is always high dragon's like honestly really shined in so many battles i feel like we does we owe it to him to catch him rock polish hi dragon whoa that could be really good for sweep seshes twister that's not a great move actually okay ultra ball is that a critical catch again wow another critical catch let's go dude that's wild we've got so many dragons on our team though like it's getting a little hopefully it doesn't have any ice type pokemon i feel like i should get an ice type just in case he goes crazy with the dragons alright hi dragon with simple oh my god it's he's got simple so whenever we use rock polish we just get so so fast we've got twister rock polish switcheroo and torment uh oh no that's trash that that's actually really bad we don't have any moves to use twister is just not a good move and everything else can't attack so okay let's just keep riding around looking for stuff i can't resist that actually i can't resist that that is a super good ice type glacier glace rear we definitely want to catch this if we can we got 12 and a half minutes dude we got time to kill we got a full team worst case now um obviously we want to have some choices though so we're going to catch a few more things i don't think the uh the hail will hurt this guy so okay he's got confide that's a weird uh thing to see right off the bat let's put him to sleep before we get ice beamed and killed okay let's hit him with a nightshade now he should definitely be fine especially she's not taking damage from the snow i think we got this there we go nice woke up already and you're confiding again do you not have any moves why are you confiding you don't got anything else you don't got an ice beam for me a blizzard 100 accuracy in the snow you don't got any of that come on ultra ball you know what to do i'm doing my part i'm holding the b oh was that a wait was that a critical catch it was oh my god dude that was a critical cat i wasn't even sure i just noticed it looked a little different dude that's funny okay yo we're killing it guys we are killing it chill play squad we're getting lee's gonna have choices that is one thing i mean everybody's got choices that much we know but we're gonna have a lot of them all right guys we got glacier here with unaware ignores pokemon stat changes we got hail water pulse magma storm and confide that is why okay so you're garbage you're garbage that's what it is that is not on the team that is a waste i was worried because it just kept using confide i was like okay i guess you don't have nothing and what do you know it had nothing any decents over here i really need like not a flying or a dragon type we're so weak to lightning we're not lightning electric and ice types right now i could use a nice rock type nice ice type maybe okay i'm not really seeing much out here oh a guard chomp dude i really don't need another dragon but oh my goodness i got it i gotta catch it i have to we might go wild and just go straight up dragons all the way on this fight guys oh i shouldn't have night shaded thousand arrows that's really nice there really good ground type move okay ball swipe him down to one hp he woke up thousand arrows again gonna put you back to sleep for that one healing up between turns let's see if he wakes back up wow maybe he's got early bird he woke up he woke up twice like instantly all right ultra ball don't let me down come on you haven't you haven't really let me down at all today don't let me down now okay and easy catch garchomp yes okay guard chomp with early bird wow i knew it he had early bird okay tail whip thousand arrows mudslap and dynamaxx cannon oof that is just a nice one so thousand arrows also hits flying types that's pretty good it's pretty good dynamics cannon as well is just a nice move let's that's good let's go come on mewtwo me mewtwo me right now just give it this is my time goodra yo that's pretty decent that's pretty decent should i catch it though dragalgy as well i feel like a dragon type is just too we already got giratina you know what i'm saying so i don't know if we really want to get another dragon personally now a sweet sweet or something i would love to get all right guys i traveled to the crown shrine we're gonna work our way down because honestly i got lost in the blizzard i don't even know where i was i was just chasing the strong beefies you know what i'm saying hopefully we've got some beepies on the hill here oh metapod yeah yeah no not beefy oh jealous a ghost though i don't want it i do want a really good water type bro cause imagine we could get like a rain ability and give ourselves 100 accuracy on thunder for our electrifier could be just disgusting honestly but i mean it's asking for a lot it's asking for a very specific moveset or there again we'll take a randomized ability that oh mewtwo oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're gonna grab that i was asking for it and i received it's my turn to have a mewtwo finally big dog i've been waiting for this i don't think i've had a single mewtwo on a single challenge lately dude or at all as long as i mean actually i have i think but just not on sword and shield i'm putting it to sleep right away because i'm 170 health i don't want to die let's falsely swipe him down um there's no hail in this tunnel which is nice so we can probably yeah we can do two false swipes safely assuming he doesn't take himself out which would be awful okay he's at least gonna be asleep for this turn let's let the one ball luck just keep going dude just let up let everyone call it hacks honestly at this point i don't care dude i'm lucky let's get it i'm feeling lucky i'm getting lucky i'm gonna be lucky chilling play squad give me the one ball give me the one ball cause i said it give me the one ball cause i want it let's go dude unbelievable i've literally thrown more ultra balls at electivire than i've thrown in the entire rest of the team but i cannot believe it dude i can't believe it these are all legends too by the way okay but what do you have what do you have mewtwo what do you have for me prism armor reduces the power of super effective attacks taken oh my god that's huge oh no moves all surrender attack never misses guard split i don't know if we can use this dude oh it's kind of terrible it's kind of terrible dude we have call mine with no moves oh we can't even use that that hurts my soul that hurts my soul dude i'm legit like torn up by that i'm legitimately sad no mewtwo for me dude i thought it was i thought it was finally my time to shine with the mewtwo i don't want goodra oh vanillix should we get vanilla yeah you know what we're gonna get it just just cause we want a wait no that's not vanillux oh it is it is double scooped up yeah okay we're grabbing this guys just because we don't have any ice types really and we have a lot of dragons i feel like it'll just be nice to have this just in case babydoll eyes what are you doing you need ice beam bro come on light screen um yeah i'm not sure about this guys ultra ball don't let me down we didn't put him to sleep but we just believe he's gonna be an easy catch okay vanilla x please have like ice beam at least blizzard i mean ice punch at least or something come on bro we got three and a half minutes left oh my god we're running out of time we never even used our master balls so next legend we see we're just throwing straight up master ball at it okay it's got klutz great it's got light screen reflect sanitizer oh god baby doll s it's literal trash it's trash that was a waste of time vanillux oh man that sucks that's not fair fam that's not fair ooh garchomp another dragon uh what if he has ice what if he has ice but what if he doesn't what if i have earthquake on a guard chomp i'm gonna have to see if i'm gonna have to just at least catch it and see dude the heartbreak a useless mewtwo you do hate to see it you never never expect it you never see that coming i'm about to be out of pp for sport which is kind of a fail because we're like way out here like it would take at least a couple minutes to go heal and come back maybe i got items in my bag i hope all right you're still asleep one ball luck i only know only one ball dude that's all i need it's all i need all i need everyone's going to call this fake dude everyone's going to call this fake is quiche experiencing this five minutes left dude i'm just one ball and everyone they call me the one ball damon what do you got though what do you got snow cloak oh my okay dragon claw fusion bolt and eterna beam and v-create oh my god i'm massive that is that is probably on the team that is probably on the team guys that is huge well that wasn't a waste at least oh i just came from here let's keep moving let's get out of here okay there is a flying type that we don't need flying dark type mole trace we already got you vettel so like i really don't even want it uh a blastoise no i'm sorry buddy i feel like i'm gonna regret that but we're not catching blastoise oh man there's nothing here armaldo oh i didn't mean to run into you bro i mean we could just catch us our maldives just see what it has we're gonna do that right now we have two minutes left we could definitely just catch it really quick and then master ball something else i might just go master ball blast toys for the memes armaldo don't don't give me don't give me a hard time thanks nice nice nice all right armaldo with gluttony quiver dance megahorn rock polish and self destruct that's such a weird that's such a weird thing actually i don't know how i feel about that guy kara costo is kara costa better i feel like kara costa might be better actually guys we're gonna we're gonna waste the basketball on kara costa right now over blast twice really weak to grass but at least it might have a rock move that we could use against flying types psychic surge that's not useful for us we don't have any psychic moves you know what i'm regretting it i'm regretting we're running away i don't want him i don't want him we're going to blast toys bro last choice deserves this 30 seconds step on it quick gg step on it come on buddy i'm here for you i'm sorry i left you behind i'm sorry just have ice beam for me please please i didn't want that kiara costa because psychic surge isn't going to help me at all and the last thing i want to do is help chill and play so that's why we're getting the blast toys now master balled it and that is the last catch the time is up let's see what we're gonna get with this guy all right blast toys with the ability magician steals the held item of a pokemon well that's not useful fury swipes acupressure ice fang nice and surf hey you know what you know what not that bad could be way worse acupressure could be useful eh we'll see we'll see i don't know if that's gonna happen or not but that is the last catch let's go ahead i'm gonna find out who i want on my team and then i'm gonna do a quick recap oh no we didn't oh my god we dead end again oh no we're wasting time we're wasting time i'm lost in the caverns i'm literally lost in the caverns no i didn't mean to run into that i don't need a tapu coco or actually if it wants to jump slow start are you freaking kidding me yeah we're way gone buddy we're gone you won't even see us coming because you're slow starting you don't even know where we went we're too fast for you i thought i somewhat knew my way around this is insane i'm not too fast travel out of here path to the peak path to the peak then i already come down here okay let's just ride through and see we see oh don't you dare run into the metapod oh now we're wasting time now we're wasting time i'm about to mm-hmm i'm about to do all right guys we're back in freezington let's go see what we see over here see what we see with our eyes and our ears regelecky no no no another dragon we're not going for that what's that metagross yikes uh extra drill okay or not extra drill my bad a scavalier rapid dash was that another tapu over here okay a tapu which one is this i think this is just fairy might not be a bad option very aura okay uh we i think we gotta catch this real quick i think we gotta catch this real quick oh my god my fall swipe did a lot my fall swipe did a lot neither pokemon can run away fair enough i didn't plan on it big dog i didn't plan on it i'm gonna just hold the ball dude the ultra balls are so powerful i'm gonna hold the b ball and go play some b-ball with the b on the b-ball oh my god i should oh no i should have put it to sleep now we can't avalanche oh it's gonna kill me oh it's not even a good move oh god we're getting buffed by the hail we might die here we might die here if this ball doesn't catch we got one minute if we die that is gonna be uh very very bad don't do it to us don't do it to us don't do it to us and there we go okay i'm not even gonna go over this tapiola guys i'm not we got a minute left if we're crazy lucky we might be able to catch one more thing we gotta dip out of here i need to heal too i don't think it's good i don't know if we're gonna get it i don't know if we're gonna get it 40 seconds we'll restore the ray ray seconds come on go go go gotta see something decent really quick and just go for it anything decent anything decent you know what goodra if you got it we take it come here here's the plan put it to sleep throw a ball i think we got just enough time 20 seconds but to sleep 15 seconds come on animations crafty shield dude i didn't know you heard that he's protected i gotta throw the ball now as long as the ball is in the air we're good three two one i got it i got it we got the ball thrown before the timer went off will we catch it though no way no friend no no no no no no no wait no no way no no way no no way no no way no no way no no no way no no way i can't even believe it dude a nice clutch catch with the last second dude we take those we take those all right guys our time's up i'm gonna go decide what team members we're gonna take and then uh we'll get this fight started i guess i'll go ahead and let you guys see the tapu lately we didn't go over because we were stretched for time it's got very aura which we know stored power avalanche jawlock and play rough so potential candidate there we also got a goodra here dripping with uh moxie oh my god i'm so glad we threw that ball crafty shield dragon pulse cellar beam and only special moves only special moves literally are you kidding me dude why does the game hate me why does the game hate me this does not stop moves that do damage okay so crafty shield's not as good as we thought oh man oh all right well i'll see you guys in a second with the team recap we'll have the final squad all right guys we're back we got our squad put together uh we got giratina with plus unfortunately we didn't get another pokemon with minus to go with that that would have been hilarious we got dragon hammer gear up thousand waves and shadow force man lucario with storm throw spatial wren clanging scales reversal and the ability heavy metal we've got guard chop with dragon claw fusion bolt internal beam and v create a massive beast honestly snow cloak for the ability we got electrifier with big pecks and it's got detect thunder zap cannon astral barrage and we got tapu laylee with stored power avalanche jaw lock play rough and the ability fairy aura which is nice to boost up that play rough we really do like that and then finally we got ho oh with lunge wide guard which could be useful if we find out quick geez use an earthquake or surf or something throw that out and catch them off guard we got sacred fire as well tickle that is our team we're honestly looking really good let me know in the comments guys uh i haven't seen quick g's team obviously but i'm feeling really confident let me know what you guys are thinking if you think chilling play squad's got this or quick gg gang let me know in the comments i'll see you guys in the fight okay for the team recap it was hard to choose all these good options but we're starting off with lugia here he's got surge surfer role play double iron bash power trick and spectral thief then yvette with spikes crunch feather dance aerial ace it's got the ability stakeout then combo o with turbo blaze a vacuum wave a u-turn mock punch meteor assault then dragonite would snore wild charge outrage breaking swipe it's got the ability filter then ryko with disguise scorching sand submission metal claw bolt strike and lastly reggie giggs would sing body slam psych up sword stamps and the ability anger point and uh yeah that's the team i uh the moves are kind of weird i feel like i don't know it's not enough range i feel but they are all super super strong basically all legends or pseudo legends so that's that's a plus let's do this all right chill and play here we go with the doubles battle hype hi how are you dude so many people have been asking for a doubles battle in the comments i don't know if you've seen it oh i've seen it i'm just a little scared i'm a little intimidated that's for you guys this is for you guys asking yeah all the time big love to the homies and by the way oh that's a tough start right there that's a tough start i actually had a crazy easy time catching these pokemon it's so funny i was literally almost one balling everything dude bro you don't even know how easy it was for me to catch these pokemon it was kind of insanely easy how how easy it was to catch these things um how i'm gonna deal with ye how am i gonna deal with um see i i don't know what to take out here oh thank you i think this is the right i think this is the right choice here you think you're going to take something out do you i might we'll see what if i'm too quick for you they don't call me yeah you might be fast faster though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah crunched oh i did a little bit but i got claws buddy meaty clothes and as a oh you're faster than me meteor assault that's super effective it's not very funny please be enough oh it is yes oh no bro no that was fighting oh that was a fighter that actually hurt my dude is a fighter bro i don't appreciate that at all buddy i didn't think you would appreciate it well now yeah i've got choices you got choices to make bro it's your choice that you got to make what'll it be what'll it be what will it be i'm curious here's what it's going to be actually here's what it's going to be i don't like that choice um um um no okay no what'd you do uh i thought i did something wrong but i didn't luckily you love that you never get to go back on this game you gotta go back on this one because you get to choose who you want to use oh well yeah that's true that's true but once you start communicating those choices are made i just hope i made the right one here i'm not sure what to do here you could exist you could exist i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this detection oh wow wow that's good that is good that was a good block that was a great block on yeah i was super excited to see this guy with detect honestly that's that's a kill yeah we like that we like that yeah i'm sure you do like it i'm sure you do like it we needed it dude yeah it must be crazy fast bro oh he's tough bro he's just feeding my gar chop like a maniac every time yeah i wouldn't i wouldn't mess with him if i were you i didn't want to i didn't i mean i i didn't want to mm-hmm he's got claws on his wings dude like lugia he's like yeah dark type blue me claws big meaty claws for sure or at least fingers maybe not claws but at least fingers uh let's do this really yeah oh really i'm so dumb bro doubles battle wow i'm so dumb well you're not done bro hold on don't be so hard on yourself no no you know what we're i'm just gonna do what i gotta do i guess i'm gonna do what i gotta do okay i guess i'm trying to figure out what i'm gonna always thinking electivire can't hurt this guy and you get crunched up don't like that how are you not as fast as anybody else oh wow that will probably take me out actually maybe not you're not you're tough you're vettel yeah yeah that was really tough dude that's beefy yeah yeah i got some bro i was so lucky catching legends all over the place it's kind of ridiculous it's kind of ridiculous all right and for you you guys i don't know what to do yeah i don't know what to do yeah yeah i didn't think you would didn't think you wouldn't know what to do here i'm waiting for you you got two choices to make i know i know doubles battles huh that's weird different energy out here i know i know i know i hope this hits i'm going to go for something crazy let's just see what this does oh yeah metal claw middle claw okay under don't miss there we go there i was expecting the detect yeah the most would buddy most would yeah i was expecting to detect detection oh wow well yeah it looks like you didn't detect the detection oh he's creating v no how did i find that what is that 90 accurate bro i don't even want to talk about it i'm having tacos after this by the way speaking of taco about it oh my oh my god i don't want to talk about it until i talk oh my god oh my oh my i'm really really sad about that that just made my decent plays less than stellar you know what i'm saying less than stellar the most decent for sure not the most decent for sure wow man this is so weird having two pokemon oh yeah i got a dragon in the night yep that would be oh wow i didn't even realize that this was like this i didn't even realize that this was like this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm sorry dude like this is doubles like all the choices are doubled up now you know yeah a lot of choices bro two of each protect yourself you should protect yourself or detect something here i could but uh that would just be you know that's my choice to make at the end of the day i just noticed electrified has got two tails does he two tablespoons oh you're right scorching sands you're scratching santa yeah detective i told you you should have detected it you should've touched this you're right you're not wrong mm-hmm mm-hmm but we live in does the next pokemon come out first oh it's gonna hurt a lot but not enough but not enough and now how about this that's gonna hurt i swipe you back i swipe you right back there you go okay okay it's getting a little that was a clicky it's getting a little sticky out here buddy i'm scared yeah yeah we're losing friends be a little nervous it's a little nerve-wracking for you i'm sure well you do know what they say about choices don't you um that nobody has any that they're limited once you lose half your team that's what yeah that's definitely that's definitely what they say but i got a tapu never thought i'd have a table table are you serious right pal that's right pal you better respect me you better respect me okay um let's see what we can do here let me see something what do i have dude oh it's so hard to make the right choice on doubles bro yeah is it not yeah yeah there's so many choices to make it's careful i don't like it i like sets of three i like sets of three yeah i kind of like sets of three two let's do this let's just do this let's just do my cold coffee metal claws metal claws yeah that was super effective yeah yeah it is super effective you're faster than me yes yes now now i need what i need oh now i need what i need give me the burn right here so sacred burning out burning him now yes yes i needed it oh my god i needed it you did need it now we're back well i could use special moves at least yeah uh yeah uh uh uh yeah this is where i just was i was just doing the same thing it's like lugia okay yeah lujaya it is available you're not sparing any effects here buddy i wonder i'm not sparing nothing i wonder if i go banana crazy banana nut muffins how would you feel about that shh i wouldn't be upset really i'd be i'd be okay with it i'm gonna go i'm gonna try and do what you got i'm gonna try to go without enough muffins here it's gonna be a little bit who's faster ho or lugia volt strike yeah yeah yeah i just gotta do what i gotta do no no i wanna take out this tapu i wanna take out this tapu okay i'm tanky i'm tanky okay well that's physical right double iron yeah yeah you're done you're done you're done oh i had jawline for you i'm about to bite your oh really that would have been terrifying at least i can do this though now lunge at him oh no is that dark no well it's it's it's it's bug but it lowers bug it lowers you my attack fell oh my attack fell yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yep it was all part of the plan buddy and now gary tina we do what we gotta do buddy powell buddy old pal oh no surely you know about this oh no oh no dude that thing is annoying that oh super annoying actually this is actually really bad for me okay i get it i get it it's bad i get it i'm scared uh yo that is annoying uh i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this it's a risque uh let's see what happens uh i'm going for all the eggs in one banana basket buddy why is it banana basket i don't know what you got to do come back reggie come out here yeah yeah yeah i'm not wasting legia i'm not going to waste the lugia and we scorch you burn burn burn burn burn burn no burn shadow who did you target with that don't worry about that um because i'm targeting a burn right here i'm targeting the burn no okay okay we're good no we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good okay okay okay that's fine okay you're right that's fine everything's fine you're right you're right everything's okay yes there you go yes you did it you finally did it i was waiting for you to do it and you finally did it now burn him now burn him oh my god though yes oh my god let's go you did it oh don't paralyze me don't don't please don't oh my god what is wrong with this guy oh my okay okay okay shh i wasn't able to do what i wanted to do at all i'm not concerned about that buddy no i'm not i'm not concerned about that all i'm calling okay i don't think i could win this unless i go crazy cheese unless i go crazy cheese mode so let's just do this try your best i'm risking it all i'm literally just going to risk it all right here join the club buddy join the club have you ever risked at all buddy yeah scorch you let me burn you please burn please burn please burn don't don't do that okay wow wow i just okay you know what actually never mind i also sing but that failed now okay well that was a double up all right yeah i risked out i feel like the burn wasn't going to happen it's like i don't really know if i don't get what i don't want okay there we go that's the yeah that's it okay well i think i might have this i think you might have this too maybe not that burn might be okay okay you're burning in the ghost world you're burning in your ghost realm right now crazy i thought i'd be immune to it i've only got one that that's going straight to lugia isn't it i'm realizing this now [Music] sorry the marty theme marty thieves playing right now for me probably probably slower so let's go ahead and i'm scared i'm just scared motor driver i'm super scared i'm gonna my boosted speed yeah yeah i need it oh my god and i slap you and i do a little bit of slapping a little bit of slack that was not that much huge buddy did it take my airline speed or my boosted speed no no do a lot please critical hit oh that's decent it's not amazing but it's decent give me the best that's that's it that's it give me the burn oh man i'm so dead bro one hp ryko one hp ryko oh no it's gg buddy yeah you definitely got this i'm out of sacred fires you are out of sacred fires but i can lunch oh no but no way i just missed clicked it might have lost no way i just missed clicked it might have lost no way i might have just missed this faster i don't think this is even faster spectral thief let me get that let me get that what are you taking i'm not lying i'm not taking nothing i'm not taking nothing let's see how much this does it's burned so it's not going to do a crazy amount though nothing nothing that's gg buddy maybe not though pal i think i missed clicked uh no you didn't miss oh lunged oh no no yes i lunged the wrong one that's what i'm trying to tell you i misclicked it's okay bro i got two hp over here you got two pokemon wait a minute wait a minute buddy wait a minute i'm paralyzed over here though if the right things happened hey you know what but don't you try to believe in yourself it could be magical i'm going to try to believe in myself that i don't miss click again holy cried holy face it could be magical you know what let's see three paralysis is in a row for hello i was gonna say okay that guy's out paralyzed only paralyzed only oh paralyzed only challenge paralyzed only pokemon quick gg when you're only paralyzed only yay what a fight buddy that's all right gg doubles battle cheese bro mike reggie you guys only had normal moves bro that's that was rough you brought together sting was one of them too yeah yeah yeah all right well if you guys enjoyed that battle definitely hit the like button let us know what you want to see next and good fight buddy good fight
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 427,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 Minute To Catch Pokemon In The Crown Tundra For DOUBLES BATTLES... Then We FIGHT!!!, 30 mins then we fight, pokmeonVS, Chilln play, QUICKGG, Pokemon VS challenge, pokemon challenge run, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon Then we fight, pokemon Hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon DLC, new pokemon game, pokemon shiny hunt, pokemon legends, pokemon remakes
Id: EPbm1cLCo2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 20sec (3140 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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