30 Minutes to catch a TEAM OF POKEMON... THEN WE FIGHT! - Pokemon brilliant diamond & shining pearl

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hey what is up everyone welcome back to a brand new pokemon a versus challenge video it's me quick gg out here in the brand new pokemon brilliant diamond and pokemon shining pearl games i'm out here with chill and play today what's up pal what's up big dog chilling and playing i got my infernape right here dude we're ready to take on the pokemon league it's looking a little scary though buddy it looks like pretty scary honestly a scary building but i guess that's what you expect for the le4 i already took them on buddy me and my uh empoleon pablo over here we we took them on and i'll tell you what no challenge no challenge for a pokemon master like us that can naruto run if you've never seen a pokemon versus challenge before what me and shown play do is go into a pokemon game gather up a team of pokemon with a twist involved and at the end we fight it out for this challenge since we're in these brand new games we just completed them what we're going to be doing is going through the game anywhere we want to go using only great balls and we're going to be able to catch a team in 30 minutes whenever we catch the pokemon we'll go over what ability it has and what moves it has but we're looking people to catch it and use what it's caught with now it's not randomized so we're going to be looking basically in the high level areas for some team members and uh after all done we're going to recap and fight it out chill play ready for this brand new generation challenge i am ready my friend i am pushing my monfernape with my body he's not even moving his legs he's just he's just it's kind of weird he's doing the slide but yeah yeah i'm ready i'm ready let's go let's do this all right let's slide out all right starting our timer now let's go ahead and surf out here luckily there's random bibles and badoofs in this game that can actually help you surf anywhere which is kind of weird to me this is i took out hms i just i don't know how i feel about that okay our encounter right here is a pelipper since we're at the pokemon league i knew we get something decent uh pelipper i don't know if i want it but i'm gonna throw a couple of great balls maybe we'll get a lucky catch on it first great ball out is it gonna be the easy catches that we know and love no three shakes come on buddy second ball just stick in there just stay in no no no believer not like this i'm not sticking around just to uh not catch this so we're gonna do one more and we're out here if it doesn't catch and he's out of there and let's get let's go let's go i really don't even want you all you got swallow and you make the rain come i don't want it waterfall there liberal weird oh we're off let's go to victory road there's gotta be good pokemon in here there has to be it's the road of victory so i imagine we'll have some decents all right biked around in a solid circle and we got a goal bat not bad at all i'm going to stay around to try to catch this one first ball looks like wow we got the lucky first ball let's go go bat that's a that's an easy catch we like that okay golbat with inner focus so we can't get flinched it can we have quick guard air cutter bite and haze okay not that bad really bite and air cutter aren't too bad of moves quick guard that's interesting to have and haze not crazy about that all right guys we got 30 minutes i might as well i'm right here so i might as well surf on the wild liberal and just see what we get right here by the pokemon league maybe something decent lurking out here maybe a tentacruel uh maybe a sea king i don't know i'm not sure what else is actually right here seems like a very low encounter right oh now i'm going down here okay that's okay maybe the b floor is down here is there any way to find whale lord i highly doubt it not right here dude what is the encounter rate no way am i super repelled right now don't tell me there's no encounter right don't tell me that don't tell me that okay i'm gonna give it three more seconds three oh here we go okay good tell me tell me i was worth it oh that's worth it that's so worth it tend to cool dude that's really good special tank water poison type oh that's nice to see on the team isa is waiting for directions don't worry isaac you're not doing anything today we're only allowed for great balls for this one guys so let's chuck one they're not the best balls we also can't damage the enemy so i'm gonna have to hold b extra hard for this it looks like it might work no way oh my god one ball for the tentacruel that's almost unheard of team full health too yo we'll take that um it took a while to encounter but i think that's gonna be definitely worth it the tentacle in team is definitely worth it all right squad let's check this out level 36 tentacle so it should have decent moves let's get a liquid ooze for the ability that's pretty decent screech bubble beam hex and acid armor yikes that's weird that's weird but it's pretty decent we don't have really time to like wait around so let's just get moving let's see what else we can catch in here okay second encounter don't be another goal bat we don't okay a golem no no a graveler actually we can't get a golem in this game i'm pretty sure we can't get it fully evolved anywhere so not too bad here for a nice uh nice ground rock type great ball going in make it easy for me graveler nope nope you don't want to okay earthquake it's actually gonna hurt me oh dude this thing has earthquake that is kind of insanely strong we gotta catch this it's got earthquake second ball no not even close explosion oh no don't go why why oh my god graveler graveler's amazing i need that i need that i'm gonna look for another one yes now just stand the great balls for me first great ball going out just stay in there buddy one two three no oh why explosion again are you kidding me dude this guy's wasting all my time with explosions we can't stay around doing this we're gonna be burning so much of our time oh oh a machoke actually i don't want this i'm pretty sure i know where to find a medic jam which i'd rather use so i'm gonna run away from that not gonna worry about him at all graveler again buddy you got like one maybe two more shots you're such an amazing pokemon to catch all right great ball do your magic please i'm holding b this time i'm just holding it no rock blast at least he's got amazing moves oh my goodness he popped out immediately and there he explodes okay i can't stay around doing this all day okay we're gonna make our way towards the water here in the uh victory road i know there's an area to swim in the cave somewhere we're gonna find out what's in the water down there encounter after encounter up here oh another graveler i gotta throw a great ball just see if i can catch it it's a free graveler encounter while we're moving so let's see okay with two shakes three shakes come on oh no dude you were so close you were so close graveler earthquake okay i know you have great moves we will just keep throwing great balls we'll let pablo sacrifice himself if needed come on come on graveler three shakes no way no no annoying yes yes oh my gosh were we just getting really unlucky or do we just get really lucky i can't tell it does have earthquake though so i'm happy about this guy a graveler with the ability sturdy so we can't get one shot it's got stealth rock that's huge rock blast earthquake and explosion oh my goodness it is amazing it's legitimately gonna be one of my best i think graveler okay i'm assuming kwg's gonna do the same thing as me and probably grab something here on victory road so i'm gonna see what i encounter let's see if it's worth anything onyx yeah that's no that's a negative very bad pokemon sorry sorry onyx lovers if there are any let me know in the comments i i don't think there are many onyx lovers uh but your favorite pokemon's bad if there are i'm running away okay hopefully not too many onyxes i'd like to see something else like a graveler maybe i mean uh graveler not too amazing maybe a golbat would be better i'm really not entirely sure what is in here though i repelled when i came through here recently oh machoke daddies that's not a bad choice that's a fighting type we could really actually use that why don't we just grab it just in case level 44 too oh my i wonder if i should surf inside of here too if the encounter might be higher level because if we get a higher level tentacle maybe like lucky that would possibly have better moves okay it's got strength that's okay pretty good come on buddy please stay in the ball we got 27 minutes only killed three minutes so far but the time can start stacking up when these catches don't work out two balls not bad two pokemon already we'll take it we'll take it we're gonna keep recapping everyone like quickly for now but if we start crunching for time we're not gonna recap like we might have to hustle all right chilling squad we got that machoke on the team we it's looking good like we like it a lot with guts especially that could be nice if we actually do get that vital throw strength dual chop and bulk up whoa we could bulk up and go bananas we could we we we could dude my favorite thing about this game is the freaking wild liberals that help you with hms they're so useful like that's awesome there's the graveler hmm do i want it though do i want it though it's kind of not amazing but it could help us it could help us i feel like it's like a hundred percent likely that quick gonna have a water type because there's just too many late game routes that you could surf on so this thing might die but if we can catch it easily we might keep it i'm not gonna spend too much time with it explosion and we avoided it with okay that's so weird dude my eyes avoided the explosion because i shouted at it that's so weird like in this game affection affects your pokemon it's kind of like happiness i don't know if it's the same but it's kind of similar um but yeah depending on how happy your pokemon is you might avoid attacks or critical hit or survive oh medicham i didn't even consider this that could be way better than the choke dude it's got pure power um and it's psychic i'm gonna have to try to grab it i'm gonna have to try to grab it level 45 that could have really good moves i think i will even though we did catch him a choke i'm gonna go for this it might take a second but we'll try to catch it acupressure that's a weird ability okay we've thrown four balls now let's go ahead and make one of these work please wow instant oh okay this guy's gonna be tough i see power trick okay now hold on he might not have good moves actually so far i've seen acupressure and power trick i'm not too thrilled about those moves i don't know what else you have i don't know guys this might be a waste i think i'm gonna dip i think i'm gonna dip this is a waste i believe he hadn't really used anything good okay i actually don't have an escape rope on me i don't want to go too deep into victory road maybe i'll come in from the other side oh no i just went deeper but let's surf right here all right we're cruising on a bible we're cruising on a bible let's see if we can find team dude how does bible surf this fast dude with me on his back what a savage all right here we go golbat on the water what okay that's an option that i kind of want i think it's got like super sonic and stuff which could be cheesy wing attack of course could be useful let's grab it if we can that was that a critical catch no no it was not air cutter that's pretty good no way dude oh my god he's actually being tough quick guard i don't know if that could be useful oh this golbat might be more trouble than it's worth oh my goodness he is bursting right out this might be really bad maybe i'm going for too strong of pokemon for great balls maybe i need to go somewhere else wowzers this could be bad team 22 minutes and 30 seconds left i don't want to spend forever here we don't have it by 20 minutes i'm dipping hold on hold on this could be it this could be it let's go baby let's go we needed it that's a golbat for the squad which has air cutter which could be huge super sonic if we're lucky i don't really know what else it might have but it could be nice it's a fast pokemon we'll see okay let's see golbat it's got um inner focus so we can't flinch all right all right quick guard air cutter bite and haze oh it's not actually it's not that good actually bite isn't even stab i don't know if i like that here's the water now let's go for a little dip let's see what's in here a friendly fish for me no what to wear gobet what are you doing in the water we already have one we're running away all right what else could be out here not a goal bat i need something else a water type please while i'm swimming in the water oh my god all right something else it's definitely not going to be a golbat this time in the water right because we're swimming it should be a water okay last encounter like seriously i can't i can't be dealing with these golbats like this oh my goodness dude there's only goal bats in this cave water it's it's crazy it's actually crazy maybe on this side of the pond it'll be something else if i see another gold bat i'm going to escape rope right out of this cave and go to another another area okay here it is well that's why why shut your mouth okay i'm escape roping if i make it all the way here without encounter okay okay okay what is it gonna be not gold that no oh my okay i'm done i'm done with this game i'm literally done 19 minutes left i got to go somewhere else we haven't even got half a team yet all right escape rope and we're gone let's go fly somewhere else uh i think actually up here at snow point city there's a lake over there we can go check out there's a snowy grass we got choices judy lakefront all right let's see what's in the grass out here all right our encounter see we're gonna get mehdi cham that's what i was hoping for actually i need a fighting type mini champ the fighting psychic type nice counter against other fighters alright great balling now it is hailing too so it's actually gonna lower hp if we stay in the fight all right first shake second shake come on medicine make it easy yes yes first great ball let's go let's go medicine i needed that please have huge power or pure power whichever one you have it might be the only ability you can learn actually i'm not sure all right mighty champ with pure power so it doubles our attack stat which is pretty garbage without pure power uh it's got mind reader high jump kick psych up and acupressure kind of a trash move set to be honest mind raider could be good to guarantee that high jump but i think we're just gonna spam high jump kicks with this guy if we do end up keeping it but let's keep moving no time to look her over and think like that what else can we get in this grass that's what i'm wondering okay another encounter in here another father all right we're out of here that's enough victory road mods for me i think 21 minutes left where shall we go next here we go baby the future the hidden moves app big dogs you just fly wherever you want to go it's all good but where do we want to go oh snow point city maybe we got choices probably over here let's go check it out uh yes choices choices choices get your choices here now what kind of ice types can we actually find here what that's not a nice type knocktowel you're not really good for anything buddy um i don't want you i'm sorry i don't am i encountering knock towels because it's nighttime possibly it is pretty late tonight but give me some ice give me an obama snow just right now not a little snow ver no too weak too weak although i do love them we can't catch a snover it's just it's nothing it's nothing this might be a low-key waste of time guys i don't even know what else is here maybe a sneasel i mean i wouldn't mind that medijam again why though i don't really want this balloon pants guy i really don't not feeling those pants i'm gonna have to hit you with a run big dog we tried to get you earlier you didn't want to join it's not me it's you okay good encounter right so we like it they're very high rates machokes why you got no clothes on why are you here i'm a choke he's got to be freezing dude his toes are buried in the snow all right well we're not going to save him these are lower level than before i'm only gonna do a few more encounters guys now we're now we're wasting time now we're wasting time what are you what are you no okay i'm out i'm out i tried and i failed nothing to be gotten here we're two though where two though we do have 30 minutes actually hold on that gives me an idea guys oh another encounter the hell hey there we go sneasel possibilities [Music] i wonder guys i could try to go catch the legendary encounters i'm just now thinking about it like mesprit but it might be insanely it will be insanely hard to catch from full health of the great ball like even these reg like regular pokemon are tough but messpit would probably be impossible and this thing might not have good moves fury swipes not a big fan of that what else do you have sneazel you're looking smug you look like you're up to something you look like you know something i don't and you're holding it from me but i would like you to join my team okay um this might be a waste of time what do you have show me quick attack that is awful you're already fast you're already fast sneezel we'll throw we'll throw maybe two or three more balls i wonder if we're not gonna have a full team guys i'm starting to get scared i wonder if quick g is having any luck catching stuff actually because this is kind of rough icy wind you're not even a special attacker okay all right guys that's where we dip on the sneasel i don't need that i don't need that at all in fact i'm sprinting away from that isis is getting hurt in the process dude we are taking mad damage shout out to aiza in the soul link by the way that's why i named this after if you guys didn't know me and quiche did a soul link um on diamond apparel before this game dropped so uh check it out i'm wasting my time plugging i gotta hurry 60 minutes and 36 seconds can we get an obama snow in the grass is that possible a knock towel hmm fully evolved flying type i might be able to actually use this gonna throw great balls at it it's got huge special defense maybe it's got screens to help set up for the team air slash nice move second ball going out not towel just stay in there buddy don't make it hard you're just a knock towel it shouldn't be hard and you're in perfect all right knock towel with key and i so we can't lose accuracy we got air slash extra sensory take down an uproar okay pretty decent actually not too bad there let's keep moving on though let's see actually you know what this grass is treating me right let's see what else we can get probably duplicate the counter but let's find out yeah it's a dupe let's go somewhere else okay route 217 right below the lake front let's see if we can get something icy out here like a wee vile would be nice choke i'm tired why are you everywhere why why did they put you all over this game everyone needs the daddy figures i guess i guess all right something else in this grass i'm a choke please okay a sneasel i'm just gonna try and catch it i'll spend like one minute trying to catch it hopefully it's easy and it might have some decent moves almost got in the first ball metal claw not that bad second ball going out sneasel don't make it hard three shakes and you're in just like that sneeze with a keen eye it's got quick attack middle claw icy wind and fury swipes icy wind might be really cheesy and useful i'm not sure if i'll ever use that though that's our fifth catch we still need one more to complete a team but hopefully we have extra time and we could uh catch a few um where am i going where am i going let's go to the grand marsh we're not the great the not the grand marsh the great marsh but actually i kind of want to go left of pastoria city first let me hop on my bike dude i forgot i had this this is crucial to travel quickly this is a time challenge chill and play wake up sorry guys i literally beat this whole game today my brain's a little fried i'm not gonna lie but let's see what we got here no no well wait a minute that might mean we have quagsire somewhere though actually so that if we can find that that'd be nasty what else could be here i think the uh encounter rate has increased on your bike as well bible not a bad pokemon but i don't really need water he's not actually he's actually not i mean he's cool we respect him but bibi ain't all that all right let's be real with ourselves here we appreciate him for his hm capabilities in this game like he does do a lot for us we'll do a few more encounters come on monfernape what are we going to find here no way stopping stop duping me stop duping me 15 minutes 15 seconds we don't got time for this i inferno probably hates it out here with this rain i'll be real with you he's a trooper for dealing with it i wish i had more fishing rods dude i would try to fish up something but then again we already have a water roselia ah rosary would have been so much better but i might need this i might need this i don't even know what other grass types you can find i'm gonna try to catch this definitely definitely definitely 14 minutes 42 seconds i'll give myself three minutes maximum here so if we don't have it at about 11 minutes 30 we're out of here worry seed okay that's a bad start we know that's one bad move if it also has bad moves i'll run away throwing a great one critical catch me captain captain critical catch me i think we did let's go baby that's another pokemon for the team as long as we get a full team at this point i'm i'm thinking we're doing pretty well my pokemon loves me dude it's always hopping around kind of funny all right that's another poison type but it's a grass poison type which is decent i will accept that not what i expected to find here rosa rosalia uh rosary would have been nice but rosella is pretty not horrible honestly it's got natural cure which could actually be helpful where you see mega drain and leech seed and magical leaf that's huge actually we'll definitely use that that's cheesy af yeah all right i'm gonna get a nice surfing encounter here at the lake now let's get a water tight please i need it psyduck no no no no i'm not i'm not even gonna spend time catching this okay something else come on dude psyducks no no no no we're gonna have to go somewhere else this is not working out what's in this grass over here is this also lake front same pokemon maybe maybe not uh shhh i don't think i want that at all so weak yeah we're running away from it flying out of here going to sunny shore i have an idea okay let's go ahead and swim out in the counter over here north of sunny shore maybe we'll get something decent in the ocean water out here all right what's the encounter going to be man tyke no literal baby come on all right something else not a baby pokemon tetra cruel perfect it's so perfect all right great balls here we go throwing it thundercrawl don't be hard to catch this actually might be really hard to catch guys but it's got bubble beam which is kind of massive we're gonna want to keep that for sure i'm gonna keep throwing great balls for a while this could take a few minutes but we're just gonna stick it you're gonna stick with it all right two shakes no no no third ball it's easy tentacruel no fourth ball tentacruel don't don't make this a mistake please okay we're on ball number eight now and it's not looking any easier to catch this tentacruel oh dude i thought that was gonna be it ball number nine is it yes yes yes we did it only took nine balls buddy level 69 pablo nice i tend to curl with clear body so it can't get lowered stats uh bubble beam hex acid armor poison jab pretty good moveset uh for a naturally uh found pokemon too let's see what else can get in the water i think we're probably gonna get out of here yeah yeah we're not gonna stay around get another water type because i'm happy with tentacle we could definitely use a grass type pokemon right now let's go ahead and get out of the city and we can check out the route right here actually here we go give me the quagsire cricket tune what do you learn i would never ever i mean this may be the first time i've ever considered using a qriketoon but it might actually be pretty good because there's like no fire types you can find in this game that i can think of besides like ponyta maybe actually you know what qriketoon nah dude you ain't worried oh sing interesting interesting but we got 13 minutes not interesting enough buddy not interesting enough what is out here that i don't know about dude no not little whoopty whoops no i need a quaggie yep we're running away and i don't know um i don't think we're gonna do too many more encounters here it's not looking great we'll do this last one no no all right we gotta dip we got to we don't have we got 12 minutes left we don't have time to chill let's see what do we have here to the east of pastoria i'm actually curious anything decent oh nope that is a no okay we need two more team members at least guys we've got to get a move on we gotta hurry we got about 11 minutes to do it we need two members minimal minimal i'd like to have some options too if i could all right guys i'm pulling up on the iron aisles right now i didn't actually even go here when i played through the game we might have some cutscene stuff but there should be some good encounters here i can't remember what exactly i know there's some decents they're at least pretty high level too oh no i cannot battle anybody i don't have time to battle that's for sure no not you again i should have suspected that you would be here to be fair i've played so many randomizers that i forget where everything is we'll do a few more encounters here i don't want to spend too much time in a cave i feel like i know what i might find but there might be like a few secret ops you know there might be like a couple secret ops in here reveller no not really needing that personally i'm gonna dip i think i'm not feeling good about this i'm trying to get a little nervous i'm starting to get really nervous actually nine minutes left and we need two pokemon we don't even know where we're gonna find them all right one more try okay i'm dipping i'm gone okay we may have wasted a little time but i think we're okay i think we're okay still let's go catch another pokemon all right wild encounter we're to the right of i forget where weasel okay whoa floatzel actually that's okay i don't even think about this guy we already have a water type but this pokemon is really good really fast too what does he have at level 28 though i don't know let's throw a few balls maybe i don't want to spend too long that might have been a critical catch tell me it was it wasn't it wasn't aqua jet that could be decent that could be decent i'm holding my a b down and let's see if it matters once and for all team yep it matters i already know you don't even have to you know what if this catches subscribe you know what to do that was one take and i think it's destiny hit the sub button ptg almost 200k by the way guys so don't sleep sub up if you're enjoying this and then check out chill and play for more yay that's a decent addition to the team guys let's check it out what could it have for us swift swim yeah yeah water gun bite swift and aqua jet not actually amazing actually kind of boo boo yikes all right encounter let's get something grassy please weasel floats all i mean that actually might be amazing i don't even know you can catch one of those wildly okay we're actually gonna we're gonna go for this you can definitely use another water type because tentacle is weak to ground and we know you can get that graveler with earthquake which is dangerous if i don't catch him in a couple tries i'm gonna probably try to get something else because this we only have five minutes left i really do need a grass-type pokemon on the team all right weasel yes yes nice and easy i mean floatzel why am i keep why do i keep saying your name wrong all right something grassy please gastrodon wait a second gastrodon might be also amazing wow i didn't these are some crazy pokemon catching here ah i don't wanna we have too many waters to be doing this now though we gotta get a grass type asap come on something uh oh my goodness we keep fighting these floats holes dude all right i'm gone all right pastoria let's go south of pastoria and hit up route 212. oh my goodness dude all right it's raining here which is kind of weird okay perfect roselia is actually just what i needed all right great balls do your thing easy catch for me it's raining you want to stay in the warm pokeball no no no you don't just want to dance roselia lives to dance loves it oh yeah no i did not just surf i did not just press a twice and surf no rosalia can't believe we just did that cannot believe that oh my whoops whoopers dude you guys are only level 18 i'm gonna go somewhere else these guys are only level 18 bro do they even have any moves then six minutes left we need one more pokemon at least oh gastrodon another water type water ground though it's kind of like the quagsire though so whatever i think it might know maybe earth power i don't know level 28 is sketchy we don't know what it could actually have maybe nothing maybe water gun recover oh i'm spending the rest of my time catching this recover is actually huge guys because there's gonna be not that many huge damaging moves so like recover is gonna be oh ancient power this has to be on my team it has to this is the secret op there's no way quick gg knows about this this is the secret op i'm gonna save this make sure any grass types on my scene here is dead and i'm bringing this out and we got it no rip headphone users which you might have had to edit that out just because it was so loud but that body slam animation was hilarious all right throw in another one five minutes 38 seconds don't panic there's just no way that oh my there's just no way it could take the whole time right there's just no way all right i'll say it if this catches you leave a like on the video and it's got water pulse this has to be mine it has to be mine this has to be mine i will stay here for the next five minutes yeah no why you keep playing me stop playing with me doge all right i'm holding my b that's all i know to do that's all i know to do come on this is a secret op there's no way quick gg will know about this we have to have this this is the ult i didn't know about this this is a crazy good kit right here all these good moves be on my team yes yes with time to spare oh with time to spare we need more pokemon though and rosalia leveled up yikes we only got four minutes guys we basically saw all the moves he has so we're not gonna worry about recapping it we gotta get a move on let's see what else we can find here maybe get one or two more encounters if we're lucky another breezy we're out of here no no no no no no more i should have even caught the first one i might leave this entire this area in taina entirely because we kind of already caught like the best thing you could hope to find i feel like here that gastrodon was kind of busted all right route 213 come on come on come on come on grass-type me no way there's the weasel i didn't want to see i need to see another grass type asap we got 40 seconds oh no i went the wrong way team i went the wrong way i don't think i i think i literally don't have any time to do anything else i'm just gonna go for a lucky encounter and a lucky great ball here another shallows dude oh my pokemon keeps the sight of me is making it take longer it loves me so much you can't stop telling me and i'm out of time all right zero seconds left on the clock we got a float slow anyway don't want to see it uh let me go over my team exactly what i'm going to take and uh we're then we're going to fight three minutes and 30 seconds left guys this is what they call crunch time or we're scared oh my god is that all there is here i'm leaving i don't know where to go though trying to think at least we got away safely where should we go i do not know seems like i've taken forever you know where to go i'm going here all right route 210 what is living in this tall grass it's got to be special right the grass is tall no mr meme junior you gotta be kitten me i'm not catching that get that out of my face in fact get that out of my face although if it was an actual mr mime that wouldn't be bad psychic fairy could be litty in the city for us more cricket tune i've never seen more cricket tune than i have right now today in the past 30 minutes two minutes to go team it ain't looking good it's looking like we might have no substitutes i wanted to have like one extra pokemon in case we need to bench someone but it's looking grim nose to raptors out here oh ponyta that's a you know what i'm gonna grab it i'm gonna grab it that's a fire type that's different we don't need so much water on the team weasel in fact would definitely be changed for this but it is level 19 so it probably has trash moves but maybe it'll have flame wheel if we're lucky i don't know i'm throwing one ball and i'm not recapping it okay that's it that's not i'm not catching it flame charge whoa whoa whoa that's really good boost our speed as well let's take that we're taking it never mind i take it back we're spending the last one minute and 16 seconds here guys we're going for the pony i'm choosing this horse i'm betting on this horse hail whip yeah the rest of your kit's probably gonna be really bad but i'll take the flame charge it's not that's not horrible and it might have stomp if it has stomped that'd be pretty good too because that could flinch i think it's just not 100 accurate growl okay not that we want to see so you have one more move we don't know about i hope it's stomp i really do but also we got 43 seconds so we might not even get this i'm holding the b as hard as i can i think i'm breaking my controller that might not be that might be why it's not working oh it's working oh it's working yes let's go the team is complete guys basically i mean as complete as we can get as we can make it um i might try to literally huck one more ball i'm just gonna throw this in the pc and we got 20 seconds maybe we can hook one more ball at whatever we see here make it a mr mime go crazy go crazy oh another pony well that's it guys that's gonna be the end of our time here we got eight seconds left i'm gonna get the squad together we'll do a recap and then we will continue into the fight i'll see you soon all right so for the team recap starting off here with golbat with interfocus quick guard air cutter bite haze then we got tentacruel taking tentacruel with clear body bubble beam hex ass armor poison jab pretty decent there floatzel we're actually taking i didn't um go over him it's got swift swim aquajet double hit whirlpool and waterfall it's actually pretty nice that aquajet that waterfall kind of huge then graveler with sturdy it's got stealth rock rock blast earthquake explosion and noctal with keen eye air slash extra sensory takedown and uproar and lastly medicine with pure power mind reader high jump kick psych up acupressure uh that's the squad kind of weird uh honestly 30 minutes was way less time than i expected it to be to catch pokemon i was barely able to go anywhere but uh let's hope for the best with the squad do it all right squad we've got the homies here this is the final team i kind of feel pretty good about it um it's not amazing but i think it's pretty good we got storm drain and gastro down here with recover water pulse ancient power and body slam that could be our secret weapon in fact i would dare say it is our secret weapon we'd like to see it we got to keep this i'm going to throw this out last if i can and just go for it go for it all hopefully if he has any grass types you can get rid of it first it will be in good shape next up we got tentacruel with liquid ooze screech bubble beam hex and acid armor so not amazing but definitely not too bad then we got machoke with vital throw strength dual chop bulk up and cuts another good one this is another really good pokemon actually um if we do get some bulk ups off we could be really good although we are slow i couldn't find any birds so i don't know if quick g maybe found any birds we might be good in that in that regard but let's go ahead and see what else we got we got goldbad here with inner focus uh quick guard air cutter bite and haze so not the best i was hoping for super sonic while it is inaccurate it could be cheesy and i love extra cheese but oh well we got natural cure roselia with worry seed mega drain leech seed magic leaf another decent one that's going to be pretty cheesy um then finally we got ponytail with brown tail whip ember and flame charge no stomp unfortunately we got flash fire and uh yeah our special attack is horrible actually yikes flame charge is physical though dang that's really good then okay that's our team guys uh let me know in the comments who you feel like is gonna win and let's jump into this all right team here we are in pokemon showdown chill and play you ready for this i am ready buddy i wanted to battle in the game but the game doesn't let you put your team's level 50. so here we are yeah i was excited yeah the game uh sadly is not like a sword and shield where you can have all the pokemon set to 50 but you know what we're gonna just do this one in showdown the game just dropped today we just beat it today we spent so many hours on this game just today and uh we're gonna knock this verse it out do it how we gotta do it to make sure the fight's at least decent and uh let's get started chill and play you ready for this yikes scary team buddy i'm ready i'm not surprised by the machoke because i think there is a machoke in every single round you like him you like him uh he's cool he's he's kind of cool he's kind of cool um interesting interesting team though i didn't even know you can find it well get to know him get to know him get to know him if you like him so much why don't you just don't you if you like him so much just say so what's he got for me though um he's bulked he's blocked he's strong oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah watch out buddy watch out i exist okay he's both joking oh he's walking season you're gonna let me get away with that you're gonna let me get away with that okay i think you i think we're gonna be fine even if you get away with that big dog oh oh my seven percentiles oh my can i dynamics for this one uh no no dynamics allow i'm pretty sure you know this one well oh you're strong yeah you thought you were gonna get that you're strong yeah do you see me flexing big dog i got two hands uh interesting i got two hands they're very and they're made for grabbin you ever heard that one before wings made for flapping how much can you that slashes of airship i think you liked it a little bit i liked it a little bit i can't deny it that worked that worked out one for one because it did i'm gonna do this rocks on the ground rocks on the ground looking like a fool with a rock um i'm a gastro what are you gonna do don buddy i'm a gastro dawn but you know what the word don means do you know you just tell me if you know what a don is uh i know that i see a little little it's me i'm a don it's me yeah i'm the dawn now boost me boost me boost me right now are you scared now are you you know i'm not joking around anymore i know you're not joking but i'm still gonna have to do what i gotta do boost me boost me oh i'm tough oh i'm tough oh and now you're faster too you gotta be right again oh my gosh hey buddy you're dead mate yeah yeah now boost me oh my gosh oh come on you know you want a one more time you know you do oh don't be scared now buddy i'm a little bit scared but we'll be okay merry merry merry will be okay will you what oh yeah oh yes that you can miss that i can't miss that and that'll hurt no i can't miss that buddy confuse him confuse him no no no no no not happening oh my goodness i hurt and i don't miss i might kill you before you can kill me i might kill you before you kill me [Music] hey how are you how do you like those stones big dog those stones are on my nerves already i can't believe you had those and you lived and i lived and i kicked oh my god right in the kicker right in the kicker and that hurts me oh that always hurts doesn't it i tried to catch one of those i couldn't dude i know he actually had a good move he actually had just what he needed i was scared because i saw him use acupressure and like a couple other weird moves but i didn't know he had attacking moves or not yeah and that would be worse it's definitely a weird one now this is what we're doing here that was my acer by the way that gastrodon i needed him that was your acer yeah i wanted him to just recover smash you you had just what you needed that was the that guy was probably just the hardest hitter you could have that you needed yeah that was actually kind of huge to have that guy and we got him i think in the first second ball too very friendly you know what i need since you got what you need i need ow no i need a crit i need a crit oh wow that does not do enough big dog no not so not enough not so hello does that also have uh recover i'm asking for a friend that's stuff yeah whirlpool whirlpool oh i should have assumed you had the drainage i should have assumed you had the drainage yeah yeah goal that not a problem bloop it oh wow oh wow yes it actually hurts a lot and and and we swipity swapping the cruel one and you have the cruel this is a tank man tanky jellyfish you got one too you know yeah i do know all about it yeah i've heard the stories make him tougher make it it is tough though it is actually scary tough um i'm worried about what's gonna happen i don't know if this is gonna do that much but i'm gonna do the best i can i'm gonna do the best i can buddy it's all i can do i think this is all i can do resisted bubble bam that's all you can is that all you can do no oh good i needed that i needed that what you thinking what you thinking about oh i'm tanky yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah double i hit you with a that whirlpool is hurting in the end that whirlpool will hurt you that's doing a lot yeah yeah it is not supposed to it's not the double menu you die and that doesn't hurt me anymore right okay good freedom this is scary now what we doing big dog now what we doing i'm pretty sure i'm faster than you slow him slow him oh whoa i'm not faster than you by the way some magical i'm a tentacruel buddy i'm like i'm a jellyfish fast do you see how many tents i have dude how are you so much faster than me though oh resistant 10 lower speed and i need it 10 chance to lower speed and i need it not lower speed lower on my speed big dog [Music] i'm scared yeah yeah you know with bubbles and lower the speed do what you got to do no no no no no no no no no cool ones are down the cruel one is down rosella rosella yellow uh what can you do to me boom no way you have that big how did you have that how did you get that i can't believe you didn't have it i can't believe i can't believe you didn't have it heal me please oh my goodness do you see oh my goodness i needed that what you got for the team though huh i got it right there's the swamp song oh those stones are painful though those stone super hurts those stones oh just like that he had what he needed don't have what he needed gg buddy a good fight quick gg is me won the battle oh my god i got to record i forgot to record dude if you guys enjoyed that definitely check out uh for more and uh definitely another fight over there gg bye
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 73,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon shining pearl, pokemon brilliant diamond complete pokedex, pokemon shiny hunting, filled pokedex, quickgg, chillinplay, wuickgg, POkemon REMAKES, new pokemon remakes, hardcore nuzlocke, randomized game, brilliant diamond randomized, pokemon, funny pokemon, 30 Minutes to catch a TEAM OF POKEMON... THEN WE FIGHT! - Pokemon brilliant diamond & shining pearl, 10 masterballs to catch a team then we fight
Id: XHNl-KkUusA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 55sec (2455 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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