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what is up everyone welcome to a brand new soul link series on the channel it's me quick gg playing with chillin plates today on brilliant diamond in a randomized file actually we've randomized the wild pokemon today we're randomizing trainers and we also have randomized our abilities on these pokemon we're gonna be catching uh yeah if you don't know what a soul link is basically it is a nuzlocke where you catch one pokemon per route if a pokemon were to faint it is no longer usable all the trainers have had randomized teams i'm walking into a house for no reason hello barry's mom but for the souling series we're gonna actually have all of our pokemon also attached by the route so every time we catch a pokemon we're gonna basically link them together by the soul and if one of our pokemon faints the other one is to faint as well and it's no longer usable and yeah we're gonna beat the game just like this it's a little randomized it's a little different uh the moves have not been randomized so uh it's gonna be pretty interesting run i think buddy it's gonna be pretty interesting we don't a lot of random pokemon random ability is gonna be weird to expect yeah i'm super excited about it honestly i've been looking forward to this and i can't believe we're able to do it already so uh yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be sick yep exactly okay uh by the way one more thing guys we couldn't get starters randomized so what we did is we got set up to where we have pokeballs and we have our starters right here and we're not gonna be allowed to use them since this is a randomized playthrough i think we agreed on considering not using them so we're just going to use them to catch the first pokemon here so uh here it is buddy all right buddy now your screen looks a little better you were you were a little off there you were a little slid to the side we got yeah hey a little bit what am i doing what am i doing oh you're going in for the encounter already we got to go together buddy take a few steps take a few steps you ready you're taking a few this is it comment down below right now before you see it who do you think we're going to get randomized encounters random guys first encounter [Applause] [Music] how am i even gonna level this up bro oh that's a decent little kitty i mean that's a gen 3 cat you would have you know what i'm saying uh i mean it's not horrible it evolves at like level 16 i think like pretty low really level 16. look how much i just hit this guy for with one screw with like one tackle dude what is turtwig made of turtwig is kind of a beast i'm scared to hit him again do you think i might high roll him and kill him oh just go he's level two go for it just go for a catch delete the footage if we kill him right oh no oh no why would you do that what oh oh 40 balls i got plenty of balls dude what pokemon game you know you got 40 balls in the beginning critical catch by the way that's insane that we're able to do that much wait don't name that yet dude i don't know if they explain this yet but we're gonna be uh naming them based off the routes we're gonna take turns naming them the same just to make sure everybody can keep up with it as well as ourselves so yeah i want to name this i don't know let's see you can get first name you can get first name go ahead i know what i want to name it i want to name it i want to make it monley wow church make a learn leafage cool all right so my skitty is now motley yeah like that like that mon lee no no no with a y buddy monley i don't where's the oh manly like that okay okay okay with a y i think that hit mine yeah okay okay monday there you go all right and now we update the new thing we also added boom power of editing look at that buddy you got a kitty in a ball and i got a kitty in a ball and you got a you gotta you got a modley one i got legs dude we should have named him legs okay wait oh i screwed up i gotta run away i just missed an opportunity to name it like gigi i gotta go heal up with mom uh i already made it oh you're you're going you're all the way over there i'm just gonna heal mom i gotta trash this turtle dude this turtle is illegal we gotta yeah yeah we appreciate let me just go back thank you professor rowan for giving us this amazing rare pokemon but we are gonna throw it to the dirt because it's not it's not legal it's not legal it's not legal and in fact let me go ahead and look at my uh monali really quick now all i have is a level two by the way it's got the ability sound proof okay that's pretty interesting fake out nice growl and tail whip that's all i can't attack oh no okay i gotta get the next poke i'm honest with that go throw your balls yeah you want mine by the way one hp do you see this dude one hp that's pretty cool oh i could have gotten it inferno oh i could have gotten infernape bro are you serious i'm not gonna you should catch that mindly you should have trashed oh wait i should have what oh wait never mind you haven't made it through the grass yet never mind no no okay dude this thing's got dry skin by the way and it's got tackle and i got fake out too oh wow you're just better than me we're huge oh my oh my that's that's actually huge that fake out like that big for catching right away me i hope you can we gotta go to like the catch uh all i got to skitty yeah weird team for sure got nothing to do after fake out how are you gonna manage you have to i'm gonna have to catch the pokemon yeah yeah luckily i can growl and lower their attack so if anything tries to you know no no no fake out's only first turn well i can go i can lower their attack okay so they don't murder you yeah so yeah they don't slap me down silly all right so pablo is going to be deleted what an interesting start huh release just like that boom very yucky but let me know guys i'm also curious um we're doing it we're gonna be doing a little uh you know we're gonna be updating the layout and stuff for you guys curious if you guys like it or if it's a lot on screen oh butterfree you might not want to fight that it's flying type yeah i mean well it doesn't have confusion it could have confusion dude it could already be yeah maybe yeah i don't want to fight it i hope i can get away oh my god no way we're going to die oh no string shot maybe i can kill it maybe i can string uh you should have faked it out then it's too late now huh should i try nah let's just get away just get away from that just a butterfly let me level two it's level three bro your little bug fight is just that heavy you resist that oh you're still level two it's level three i mean everything is going to be a tough battle buddy i got feet i'm about to go catch uh yikes i'm gonna fight it i'm gonna fight it buddy okay risking it for the best oh it's hardening what are you okay you don't want to catch this i do but i can't catch this next xp oh is that is that your encounter no i'm only level two oh legendary music okay you know that doesn't mean nothing you know that doesn't mean nothing no way no decent kendra that's huge you needed it and it's giants for me that is giant for me i don't think this can kill me but i'm going to kill it for xp because level 2 perfect you're level 2 trying to catch now it's going to kill you you know what i'm saying that's why i want to level up i'll try and tell you but you can't level up you can't attack yeah i can't level up that's my the best you can i hope you don't die here it might be uh i'm going to roll him away no we're catching this all right he's using leer perfect believe in it believe in it i want everybody watching to hold your bee and believe hold your hand and if lowering his attack i need to heal i'm slow he doesn't have to think about it his stats aren't that good he's on level two nothing's really that amazing right now i know but i don't know what that thing knows maybe nothing maybe not he's trying to learn me again bro here we go to heal up with don't forget it okay good luck pal good luck let's see i'm gonna just throw i'm gonna just throw balls i'm gonna throw balls poke him all the time ball number one let's get it no way oh that would have been amazing i was expected as expected that would have been amazing yo this butterfree has taken about two years to kill but it's gonna be juicy xp has nothing to kill me with if i can catch this i got water going on a kingdra and we're going to catch that that we're in there come on no wait no wait that's huge dude we're off to a really good start right now already stay right there stay right there and choose a name in just a second i'm going to show up with you literally one more level five you got the level five of that yeah dude look at this look what this is going to get me what is this going to get me a whole butterfly i just ate for dinner that's twenty freeze not is it that good xp level five level five oh ho now i can double kick oh oh wow that is amazing bye bye helping hand never wanted you what are you thinking for that name you got a good time to think about it right now we're naming we're naming them steed all right all right okay okay it's steed i'm pulling up right now i'm pulling up right now it's my sea horse bruh way to go buddy way to go that's a freaking member team member let's see what you got what do you got solid rock reduces the power super protection you're only leaking to like a couple things like dragon ball speed we're attack stat okay water gun twister smoke screen and leer oh we're in there wow i got a freaking baby dragon gosh dang it dude i thought for a second i thought for a second it was a dragon there until i saw it at least we could use our own pokemon right now for the future right here can i fake him out without killing him surely it's not stab i'm going to actually heal and use my body this is you i don't want to kill your kingdom help me out here should i fake this out uh fake it out yeah fake it out one time you're fine you're fine you're fine no stab at least no stab you're good you're good this is a bad thing because it doesn't evolve for like like forever well you know what just leave it in the background for me and i'll leave your uh your skitty in the background you know what i'm saying experience sharap you're right we're fine yeah we're fine we're fine no this is a great start buddy get that easy catch right now get that easy catch right now all right all right and with editing magic we're gonna add it to the team all right we're back at it we had the we added the teammates we got two team members now buddy can i say this i don't want to change anything but this is going pretty well yeah we're actually being this is this is great this is a great start these guys these randomizations techniques are incredibly new obviously this game has not been out long and they're very um well it's tough like like we can't change things we normally could like we can't randomize catch rates so catching that kingdra on a pokeball was actually pretty hard yeah that was clutch that was clutch dude uh now i could have gotten this which would have been awful jigglypuff that would have been so sad that would have sing and that's it defense girl right it would have had sing and defense curl yeah if it's still the same although you know what it is a fairy type interesting that's an easy train them up though you can get trained up easy right there you're sound proof he can't even sing no he's got a copycat in this game interesting that makes him maybe he's tackled yeah yeah it's actually not bad they must have realized that he i mean well you need something yeah jigglypuff was just what do you say we were training for a few levels with our newfound homies yeah like i'm glad i got my level five i want level steed oh my that might kill me that's really fast oh you're level five already right hand straight sand stream dude imagine i could have caught this i could just fake it out five run your level five oh fake it out see how much we do honestly yeah yeah yeah that's actually failed to run my better off killing damage dude i'm gonna kill it sandstorm uh you might dude what if he uses like a side does he have psychic he evolves he might have like failed to run though if he's faster than me i already could fail to run yeah but i mean risk it for the biscuit ran away we're fine we're fine i would have liked to have seen the risk but i wasn't looking at what i was just clicking right there i don't know i didn't want to die we're good we're just layered we're just weird you got a free person lady right yeah i got my free potion already is that an encounter careful right now did you go north i'm fine okay scratch um i'm gonna go grab this antidote down here it's not like amazing but it could come in handy that's an antidote that was a potion yeah that's useful actually because you never know we're we're fine i'm going to say this again guys because uh we recorded the intro earlier and then we had like some troubleshooting um i don't know if we mentioned it you want to throw it out there again we are only using one item for trainer battles and stuff but uh yeah it's gonna be difficult and we're on set mode i got my encounter right here by the way pure ugly pure yeah i mentioned all that in the intro already that's nice buddy yeah this nice re-uh reconfirmation of that yeah i just you know mention it dude this is addressing it for my own sake we both got a kitty now you realize uh that's your encounter yeah it's gonna have fake out too that's interesting i think it does at least it might have fit yeah yeah it should right no way is that you is that you no bro i'm still in the grass trying to get over there oh sucker punch whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no that doesn't do damage to you that doesn't hurt you that doesn't even hurt you i know but that's neat that's neat that is pretty neat i'm gonna slay the scyther for that free xp though don't let him slice you down oh flinched him up he's level three he's level three and we caught it you got it that is ugly buddy that's pure ugly i've gotta you're gonna have to wait for me i'm heading that way i'm heading that way actually is it your nickname this time it is my name right i can choose rules so go ahead and nickname it i want to think about it anyway oh yeah you know what i think i'm going to kick you buddy that's my old kiki oh that's sweet that's so sweet of you buddy he would be thrilled there we go tackles for the team although can you hear me one more time he's done all right let's just throw that out there all right don't get it twisted yeah yeah it wasn't ugly this is pure ugly yeah what do we have buddy give me pure power and say nothing to me snipers snipers are critical hits that's not bad and it's attacked up my attacking your speed's lowered which weird for that but still big this pokemon has insane speed though usually though playing rough dude freaking 90 power what you gotta play bro that's something he has we'll take it but we'll take it it also may lower their attack stat that's so big dude my team is stacked right now holy so big what am i going to get i'm going to train now i hope you get something else bro you're a tina maybe i want to wish it into existence all i need is steed to get it should be in the game they should be is that you right here in the background wow i haven't seen this bug in a while either bro yeah that's not on sword and shield though yeah after after seeing that after seeing i talked about giratina there for a second i was hoping for magic that would make something for a little bit of magic yeah you know but that's not horrible that's a really tanky mind oh my crit fake out that's okay i can catch it now he's double kicking in the throat holding bees holding my bees oh you got it it's just a ladybug dude it wants to join the team no one ever uses it actually in competitive battle just like that if i'm not mistaken is actually really popular because they can do light screen and reflect and like ruse to toxic or something maybe yeah yeah i think it's uh popular in the oh wait who's learning to sing monley yeah tale whipper growl don't forget to name it kiki did you name it i'm about to name it right now okay [Music] key key never press b when you catch pokemon always press put a capital k in lower case ease capital case two sideways it looks like he's on the way bro he's on he's like superman is that the randomizer or does he just look like that i think the game probably hasn't busted right now he might haven't busted guys because maybe somebody that was looking over the pokemon just skipped over him had turned him at a weird angle and they just forgot about him and there's gonna they'll probably find out eventually i don't think he's supposed to look like that he's flying up and down in like a weird direction you know get ahead of me wow i could have had him happy with hitmont lee but that would have been legendary i'm gonna kill amazing actually i'm gonna kill it watch how i kick right here ready look at me i just jump that's all he does that's all he does right it's so dumb missed opportunities how do they have wait how do they break him like that yeah when i use tackle i actually kick did you know that that's funny huh no how did they do that like how did they let that slide with him i don't think they want to just do the animation twice double kick is his move though like is it though is that he's the only one yeah like he's the in the first game he's one of the first ones learning because he's all about kicks i think he's the only one to learn it actually comment section let us know but i'm curious by the way we gotta do the power of editing right now we gotta boop it up look at it i'm real quick it's got long reach so we can't make contact with physical moves that's nice tackle super sonic and swift not that bad swift is a little weird early holy 100 accuracy yeah but let's throw it on the uh let's throw on the team loop okay let's go ahead and get a little more training done yeah we gotta get some levels up that receptacle bro that is scary i wish i wish bro can mom lead to which should mindly even take that yeah look he's level seven well happy kiki i just don't want to get hurt dude he looks so tiny the game won't get hurt he's a big boy i wonder you think he's faster than me yep oh and he's leering me down that's so fast actually kind of disturbing really fast actually are you training north are you training north are you training by your house i'm training north like a dummy maybe i should leave no i think you may be fine that is still level seven like what can you leave oh god oh god we're fine we're fine that's a special attack is he physical or is he kind of like split i can't remember i think he's more physical what the what the oh oh because he's fully evolved he's got moves bro of course yo i'm not estonian this is about to be so much experience i'm going to four times kick the crap out of this pretend oh that's nice that was nice xp for my 231 yeah that's gonna be huge everyone just got a nice level i think we should get at least maybe get your other ones to six and then we'll fight the trainers what do you think sounds good yeah i got to get kiki at least these trainers could have anything we could see a mewtwo easily yeah that'd be uh let's hope that we don't see them you two right away bro that'd be unless it's in the wild for me to catch that's what i'm okay with it even then i'd be scared a little bit right now yeah because it will have confusion it's gonna hit like and it's you know how hard it is to catch a mewtwo i think you remember our last soul link yeah incredible it's not easy you might not you might just not catch it yeah should i stay in route 202 you're fine now yeah you're good i'm going to drink my red bull drink my water healthy decisions dude look at this guy when's the last time you seen this one yeah the doom bro i haven't seen it it's such a good boy too i like it i love it is fairy super fat against dark or opposite uh it is it is super effective against dark are you sure i'm pretty yeah yeah what are you saying what yes thunder fang that's a little scary i'm gonna play rough one a little bit scary well that didn't use pound that wasn't super effective but i did a lot ouch okay we're at level higher this time we're gonna slap this is gonna be so much experience right here yeah you think so found him yeah he's fully evolved yeah probably a little bit more there we go that's so nice that's so nice five six and seven decent steed is gonna be my slowest leveler that's the funny thing huh yeah he's terrible for leveling oh great xp okay i got eight six and six i think i'm gonna go good go ahead go ahead i'm gonna do one more i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna heal up all the way and i'm going for your first is our first randomized trainer buddy goshley i love gastly dude i like the gassy line so much i hate that it's a trade evo though it just makes it a pain yeah otherwise they're really they're gonna take trade evos off honestly maybe i don't know like i get the i get the uh idea it was really cool back in the day and stuff but i guess people that want to replay the game don't really need that you know because you know you already know you know yeah yeah um i don't know i feel like gastly's got a good a really cool design from for how old it is pokemon spooky bro it's a scary whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my ladies bro that would have been decent to see level three i'm taking it out i'm taking it out that's gonna be juicy experience level three i think one tackle might take it out nah attack was not that strong two tackles your tackle looks pretty powerful dude little kiki arms stored power hold on there's nothing to me okay is that the trainer no okay this is uh a random pokemon right before the trainer costly and we got level nine just like that at level seven seven we're set bro we're so good yeah we're fine plus we both got fake out mons we're fine yeah we both got fake out mods which is kind of funny oh my goodness encounter after encounter that ian i'm literally so done with you though i kind of want to see your face all right here i go buddy i'm doing this what's his name i'm guessing youngster jimmy youngster johnson youngster josten youngster phone's off does it change every time that doesn't sound familiar to me i don't know uh every game has different first youngster yeah for sure that i think youngster joey's the first one right this thing's got drought lol um yeah i think youngster joey is the one well in the first games they don't have names and then youngster joey has a rattata in gen 2 yeah that's it yeah yeah i can play rough with this 90 power move right now they gave me that is busted buddy look how much that's crazy memento he just took himself out i'm getting encounter after encounter bro he just took himself out like that i think he mentored himself to to he took him he took himself he just gave me he lowered my stats but he only had one pokemon youngster timmy you got to go back to the trainer class buddy yeah it's right north of here just go straight up north and this is the trainer school get yourself a little bit off the road i am surprised all right is jump fluff and sword i just don't like that poke it is it is i just don't like that i don't usually usually jump off it is we just don't like them like they're not great they're not a great evolution line they're just fast and that's about it let's learn attract i don't like that whoa maybe maybe overtake i got sing maybe over with i gotta sing what's the point though bro because you could weaken stuff you know what i'm saying like weaken their attacks so they don't take you out yeah is better right yeah i don't want to trap choices you know what i'd rather sing them to sleep than attract them you know what i'm saying okay because then i could swap out a tract is only attracted to the skinny yeah all right good luck against it youngster tristan for you buddy good luck i'm gonna heal up really quick uh should i keep skiddy out front i think i'm gonna put kindre up front i think sometimes start getting king drop start carrying with king draw 100 just let skitty evolve when it evolves yeah even kiki's not horrible but you don't really want you just want to have kiki for the emergency switch i'm a little nervous about the mewtwo what level is this guy solid rise okay water gun and twister we're set we're set we're okay oof i did nothing let's do this arden oh no oh no he's harder than before you could use a hitman like harden should make things hurt more because your body's harder like a tackle should hurt more you know well you got certain moves that are based off defense i did a ton by the way that's funny ancient power on there that's hilarious uh jump luff that's neutral to me so actually it's not that big of a deal we're good rage powder what does that do that does nothing i think it's race power i think that's a move that makes you focus in a doubles battle like it makes you focus them kind of a weird one is that what it does i'm pretty sure wow you know what i noticed bro tristan is is teleporting away every fight look at it look at the screen ready look at him back in the background let's see if he does it look there he again he's like oh attack's coming right what the heck i've never noticed that look let me see does everybody do it look it's gotta get that is crazy i gotta pay attention for that now you're just vanishing bro let's just thank the pokey gods that i didn't get a little cricket on my team buddy it could have been i could have been rough forward qriket hot yeah get out of my face get out of my face too strong too strong that's what the youngster said that's what you get when you just use rage powder over and over all right next fight i'm ready that was weird bro he only had rage powder all right i put my hand on me what did i just say back out front i'm ready to kick i'm ready to kick it the raptor yikes the raptor from the stars honestly not too weird yeah it's level three i was about to say i'm level eight i think we're good here great poison type right away not perfect for unless it's like a dragon like in like a like a oh what did you just do i don't know what he just did did he use final gambit did that's was that what he said no we couldn't have i'm faster than him a million percent he's got a quick attack stop stop stop you're right you're right go to kinky tanky he's got switch you can finish it go to kiki motley fake out okay okay okay okay right okay yeah yeah yeah yeah if he can survive whatever he just did i think he just i just used i think he used final gambit which is fighting type which means uh oh no way no way he just used final game but i thought it was facade or something bro endeavor even worse you can fake it out you can fake it out oh you fake it out is it going to kill it's going to kill it's going to it's going to kill it i got to fake them out oh my oh wow oh my so that is wait a second does she have another pokemon you can switch to somebody right you have somebody venus who do you have full health you have one heal per battle too kiki can take it kiki can resist take this swift you're fine we're okay wow buddy that was intense so we got to watch out for endeavor huh poison powder you jerk really you know what at least it did that and not sleep powder because it probably has all the powder moves and nothing else no way i'm just i could swap and heal if i in a second if i need to you'll be fine maybe confuse it or hit it with swift i could swift it a couple times it should be do a lot of damage it's only level three nice yeah you're good seed bomb resist that like a maniac can't believe it has such good moves that's yeah that is actually really big good thing you're switched yeah and you're resisting four times no way that's that almost dude i was like wondering what happened there for a second i should have realized oh yeah i thought it was something i was like what is that i know he can learn like weird moves like final gambit but i don't know what that does okay but endeavor yeah definitely was that and then quick attack dude that's so deadly dude you understand yeah yeah that is so deadly that is going to kill somebody dude that almost got me like this i'm glad i went to i'm glad i went to the kitty yeah because that was the only thing i could do is this youngster i wonder if it knew i was swapping bro why couldn't why did it not quick attack you know who knows who knows it may just be a chance that he clicks whatever that's so that was terrifying there's another fight up there you know what yeah you got plenty of potions and you picked up an antidote go ahead and get full i didn't pick up the antidote all right be careful buddy there's a trainer school battles up here i don't think i'm gonna do them yet because they might be tough we don't know what they have gonna be fine everything's randomized guys so we don't know when rayquaza or kyogre or somebody's going to rear their ugly head yeah and we also don't know what moves these people have like we're not used to not randomized completely move sets now what now it's magneton okay neutral we're fine neutral i i could take it i could take it that could know thunder wave buddy it's okay i got i'm neutral i'm a dragon king just so nice so what are you weak to on kingdra dragon uh dragon um what else fairy that's it right dragon fairy it paralysized yikes yeah that sucks not weak to that but it does so yikes thundershock okay we're fine it's level five we're going to be okay paralysized we didn't move great okay i love that i look down just water it down thunder shock again all right now we water gun got it done just like that just like that that is only pokemon i think so it looked like it was oh burma a little burmese why does it look like it's like caught on something i was just about to mention that but you were talking you said the same thing it looks like it's stuck on something this little spring is springing down right yeah why don't we treat them up why don't we treat them up to a double kick treat them up treat them up yeah i thought we resist that jerk it's a bug grass right he just did me like that yeah it's a bug grass but i still think it's gonna hurt him real good i'm gonna hurt him right in the kisser you just doubled me i'm leaving that's bad luck that's bad what are you doing right now you training yes because i'm scared of what lies ahead okay randomize scares me dude we don't know we have encounters you know we got a fishing encounter that we could do you're totally right oh dude i love this pokemon here lately oh wow i had it oh that would have been nice sorry that would have been him only here's me right now sorry buddy you're cool too you're all right yeah actually he doesn't hear me no ears he's dumb dude dumb yeah come only whoa oh no that's rude now you're just being mean he knows i'm joking but i always mess with him yeah yeah he's looking kind of ripped in that in that uh jiff down there in the layout look at his arm muscles i'm grabbing one antidote and one paralyzed heel for myself just in case i'm stuck in the forest not a bad choice buddy you know what they say everybody's got voices yeah yeah plenty of them so guys this series this is gonna be a lot of episodes potentially i don't really know we're gonna be uploading three times a week but like i don't know how much we're gonna be able to even get done per episode just because the way the game kind of moves you know uh we may not even make it to the first gym this episode we might i think we're gonna be like at orberg before the gym i think we might end up before the gym if it gets that long we'll see though we could do more encounters right now honestly i think it's we could just go straight for it it's something he's gonna get our encounters now we need to do that uh how much how much do you would you give me if i fought this boy or a girl right now um 500 cool points 500 cool points i think i can do it i'll fight one too little girl i'm gonna pick on the little girl we'll get some more experience what's up little girl yeah let me see your pokemon i'm gonna take him down what you got for me huh a little baby pokemon school kid christine see what this is are you kidding me you deserved it dude you were giving her the attitude let me see what she's got for me level six level six i got twister i'm gonna go for it let's actually really hurt you buddy i can hurt it that can outrage you i think no way it can bulldoze you're fine you're fine you're so fine jinx yo me a soda oh man oh my speed fell but i got raised speed that's a psychic type actually again okay i got i'm good i'm good i'm good oh my god oh wow that is actually scary oh that was scary that was actually a scary fight i'm done picking on these kids i'm done yeah i hope this doesn't kill me you maybe want to swap out on that no no no we're gonna kill it no there's no defense okay you're no defenses you're good scary kids scary children scary children scary children a lot of experience though and lunch money for us we're gonna take that we're taking all that much money you need it let me get that lunch money yeah i need that paper paper on the double yeah i'm not in the box i'm not fighting the other kid though right now you got this i know you got the soft i know you got the chewy chips ahoy let me get those at the lunch box should i pick on winston right here uh are you fully healed are you fully healed i want to take him down yeah i'm fully healed i'm taking winston down what's in that lunch box let me get that pb and j let me get that uncrustables uncrustables please please actually sharks i can kick it i can kick it i'm gonna take that actually down yeah you got monley right yeah yup he loves to kick sharks normally you'd think i mean that would be something scary but we always start every fight with a fake out which i love look at that that's big it does so much i'm holding on to that forever might pull that i'm gonna talk to these clowns really quick buddy yeah yeah you gotta clown around for a little bit before you get every game nice easy man mode that was a nice fight i was i'm scared after guard chomp right there literally like if that did happen bro you were talking about smack you were even doing the voice yeah what you got what you got in that box what you got the pokeballs i want it i want it all right let's see what i can do here i'm going to talk to some clowns too i guess clown around a little i'm clowning around clowning around clowning why well because of game design you know what though i do like the poke catch in this game hm yeah hm app on there super useful guys i mean yeah i don't know about you guys i i feel like that's one of the best things this game has done just put those hm the hm app in there and for those who don't know maybe i know some of you guys haven't gotten the game yet or maybe you haven't even played yet but hms in this game are interesting you can you just call in help from wild bidoof or a star raptor will come pick you up to fly yeah i like it i think it was a good quality life uh improvement and by the way how many more cool points to fight this little boy now i just i i got bravery uh double or nothing at least so i'll give you nothing but if you lose you get nothing i think we can do this and we delete the footage that's that i think we can do this you got to stop making that joke people are going to think we're deleting i heard it somewhere else and i've always did it all right let me talk all right tommy oh my i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good i got i gotta get a watercolor i got a water type plugs doesn't have drought no drought i try to jinx it i'm gonna lie i try to jinx it i ain't gonna lie water gun we're fine that's big xp yeah look at this big xp what you got entei i'm about to go flame wheel wow bro these kids are not to be trying are they doing here and he burned me why are they here they should be at the they should be on their way to the league honestly yeah well you know what they got them at level five like level sixes that's why they're dummies they forgot to level them up they just got them and they're showing them off like you tried to fight me yeah i got a little enter yeah they're losing all their lunch money too yeah i just got a fishing rod buddy i think you know what happens it's your turn for an encounter so i'm gonna wait for you over here but i think you know what happens and let's just take a moment check out this water dude i think you want to take a second and save that for later we could do the route up north we could we could say we could try saving it we could try saving it unless we there's a randomizer there's really no reason to save it which catches it's gonna be a higher level bro experience share come on now yeah you're right you're right actually you're right you're right grab the biggest team we can zoom them up let's do it let's do it what you got everybody's got what tell me quickly whatever pieces yeah everybody's got him i'm gonna wait for you let me see actually why don't you go ahead bro you're not good at fishing once you go and start you're right i'm actually very bad this might be embarrassing we might need to leave yeah probably what happened tm how embarrassed work up how did i get that dude where did you get that i have no idea where i got that where'd you get where'd you get three workups from it maybe we got it you get that beating those kids yep yep yep you did we did cool because being a bully special attack that's not bad i'm joking registered little girl got to say she's saying a wiggle glue i asked my boyfriend to meet me here on route 208 218 but he's nowhere to be seen so do i wait for an exclamation point oh you'll figure out how to fish buddy not even a knife i like the sound to me it makes oh i'm still burned i'm still burned i'm leaving not even a nibble dude they just ain't biting today they might not be biting it's always swapped should i risk it and stay burned no no i shouldn't no why would you nah don't ever ask me should i risk it during the soil should i risk that you don't risk anything you already answered your own question bro you are so bad at fishing dude they're not biting are you seeing this you just gotta you just gotta throw the rod the right way bro don't say that what do you what do i see you're throwing it over like this you gotta throw it over like this oh there we go i got one don't talk to me rayquaza me kyogre me pursuing me not bad yeah he looks kind of derpy i don't know why his arms look like they're too short it looks like he says he should have his arms up or something yeah it's like you just woke up yeah he's like oh i'm here he's like oh man oh here we go should i fake him out dude i'm so scared now he's a ursa ring he ain't gonna die yeah you can fake it out oh my oh my what a good move um poke ball what are you gonna get over there boss okay let's go ahead and see show me how the fishing the angler master does it by the way i'll show you so yeah i'll show you how it works you really need i just wanted to get this license to be known i just one-balled this there you go i just one-shotted it wow one catch what the crush i'm the angler master buddy no shove it it does evolves it evolves right what does it evolve to ban it bennett yeah pretty good physical ghost which is weird yikes let me fake it out no no no maybe i'll oh tackle six yo i think i'll have confused a nice shade bro can i sing that yeah does normal work on youtube exactly we need to know now i'd like to learn wow okay weird yeah really weird uh i'm gonna wait for you right here and see what you want to name this look at his eyes closed bro oh he's sleeping he's still happy he's got a little smile he's having nice dreams hit him with that ball and trap him yeah yeah he's stuck in here forever now so you're sleeping for a long time you'll like it shop it you're sleeping for life and there you go there we go buddy nice and easy catches i'm naming this yeah you're up you're up for the night um let me see let me see let me see i got a bear and you gotta shut up a nickname oh what are we gonna name her we can name her name her um what's what's a good name marie marie marie how about how about roxy roxy roxy they're waiting for me r-o-x-y all right i would have been cooler but okay yeah yeah not your name this time big dog absolutely right all right let's check it out it's got telepathy uh so allies can't hit it in doubles battles that's weird knock off and screech i got filter that's huge nice nice look at my attack dog wow decent that is pretty decent fake tears fling baby doll eyes and charms oh my i can't hurt things i literally can't hurt things no luckily you got exp share in this game something um no telling that's a good question he's a big bear i don't think that big bear has gotten a new moon really quick we got a route up north that we have to use to catch a pokemon let me ask you there's trainers up there and you teach an old bear new tricks you can maybe teach him work up that ain't gonna do no no do nothing i'm just saying can't believe you don't know how to scratch with those beefy claw well i guess he doesn't have his hands up he's just fake crying and giving baby doll eyes oh wait cute beer we forgot where we make the power of editing happen oh power of editing yeah yeah let's do it all right next route you ready are you waiting i am healed up and ready bam okay i am healed up and ready well we got a route right here 204 buddy go ahead go ahead i'm going to pull it you got balls uh we got plenty of balls we got plenty of balls we've been one ball and paralyzed seal found a free one that's nice that's helpful a lot of thunder waves let's get this instant encounter bro i'm talking about i instant encounter piper oh i like it i don't like it we got attached to that bro oh it's not so bad dude rosarito is really really good like good grass top to your grass almost like a venusaur i just kicked this i'm glad i didn't kill it should i fake it out yes level 11. it's level four what else do you have what other options do you have i could sing i could sing it to sleep and then throw balls you got a ton of balls yeah we got ton of balls we're gonna not one ball this peli piper you use tailwind what else you got double tailwind no shot that's all you have no way did you just take that out no i tackled it by accident oh really did a lot what level are you and there we go we caught it i think i'm okay nine or ten eleven okay yeah i'm ten there oh my goodness these catchers are so easy everybody these catches are so easy we're saving our balls right because catch rates i can't believe this yeah like there's no way to randomize catch rates all right we're gonna name this uh i'm gonna name this [Music] peli heli heli i like it with the i peli pelley just peli how to add something to it but you know what just peli yeah you can pronounce however you want dude that's the beauty of it belly and what do you have pebbly what do you have rosary oh on your speed up your speed's up want bro that's literally the worst rosary you could have speed up special tag down oh oh my pelly piper's not bad he's got water gun and tailwind so dang keep him in the background you don't have to train him he's he's staying back there he's staying back there girls wow awkward huh awkward just like that it can just happen and ruin a good thing wow it's so good too by the way i believe we have our abilities shared right so if you see a rosy raid you're right you're probably got true one yeah i don't think we disclosed that yet i don't know yeah but yeah our abilities for the pokemon are the same so if like if i see this frost last whatever this has if he sees a frost last on his game it's gonna have the same so plaque bro you're slapping these poke i love the sound effects on this game this is actually i think wow do you think i was arena trap hitmonlee's dead because i can't hurt it i hope not that'll be what we call pretty bad i think i can play rough with it though are ghosts afraid of fairies probably not uh not really i don't think maybe they are i don't think so maybe the punish doesn't affect me no affection and i got a sucker punch dude honestly let me just clap you up yeah you're fine yup you're dead wow lived whoa wow nice shard i over prioritize that's crazy huh [Music] that's crazy interesting pretty good move too all right roxy growing up already this last had a like a mirror bruh that was nice and easy you're like an easy one every now and then it gets hard out here all right steed going back up front yo dragon air is going to be right now behind the whole game i'm a little sad yo dragonair is just gonna be unused for you honestly mm-hmm or dragon dratini excuse me yeah oh a ninja i would have liked to have that too that would have been cool although i got legit yeah i got lydian ninjas level one might have crazy moves bro i don't even know let's find out right here uh no we'll find out never mind yeah who knows if i had that double team and stuff though or worse georgetown it could have it could have yeah speaking of which if you see a injury right now do you have anything to take it out because i don't think i have anything for it um now that i'm thinking about this now that i think about this yeah i don't i do i have i got sucker success and that's what i've got i can also confuse it with super sonic and let it hit itself that's my only options that would be terrifying let's just not even hope that happens does is dark super effective against ninja ghost yeah yeah yeah yeah it's ghost but it's not neutral to bug right mm-hmm shinx where's your randomized team at big dawg yeah that's a very normal team there such a very basic team you got there not even scared literally not even scared water guys that's a beef lord wow that is a beef that's a lot of xp by the way yeah i'm gonna kick you hard actually it's a fairy now charge what are you doing with wild charge on the shanks how do you have that wait a minute how how do you have that how how does it how does it level seven shanks have wild charges not supposed to i'll tell you that wow i guess you'd never know huh so weird you got nice shade by the way which is not that great but i mean it's something cool well now if there's a engine ever popping up hopefully and it will be really good actually it's it'll have shadow claw and stuff good ghost and sucker punches too as well dude is this leddy not gonna learn anything by the way no i'm sad i don't think he will i don't think so you sure maybe screens maybe screens later oh man i'm sad about it i'm gonna kick it neutral kicks neutral kicks oh yeah dude himally is kicking his way through the game right now with his double kick nice kind of obey okay this cave i'm in the ravaged path now and i'm just going to get this encounter because we need it go ahead go ahead i'm on the way i need it i need it oh let's get this encounter oh toe g-kiss is a fairy flying type right yes nice nice nice probably gonna have good moves be careful that that could hurt you bad actually it's only level five i'm gonna water gun at one time nobody doesn't have like uh what's it called oh critical hit did that dazzling gleam okay pound maybe nothing maybe nothing i'm thinking dazzling gleam or something honestly worst case that was a critical hit too by the way that did nothing okay come on i have to stay in the ball doji kiss is huge bro yeah that is giant that is that is all right here we go what do i got um [Music] rowell not again [Music] it's so bad it's so bad oh i'm just a fridge i'm just a predg oh man we're gonna have to we're after this episode we're gonna have to work out our teams honestly yeah we'll have time right now we have options i'm about to one ball this that's how bad it is oh wow what's going on wow i mean i'm okay with it but something's fishy here i like it don't press b when you when you slide through this okay all right i almost did told you kiss to kiss is going to be uh a fly guy why guy no no back it up back in the back of it star fox face space okay go ahead and tell me where'd that go come from where'd it come from uh i was thinking fly guy and then i thought of playing the star fox game back in the get day and i was like did they ever see oh flag because they set up a lot of chit chat you ever played the star fox games no i've only played the i've only played as i'm on smash bros well it's in the game itself their chat like his his comrades are constantly coming in just telling you like little jokes i don't do no i don't do no yeah yeah yeah literally distracting they have like making you wait and like update the layout yeah let's update this layout all right i'm ready to go over to kiss's uh abilities let's go and see what your guy was like hopefully decent hopefully dc okay this is a this is a very flying type by the way liquid ooze which is nice oh my goodness bro my special d is up on this by the way you're tanky af that is some tankiness right and life do we kiss for catching not bad that's confusing not a crazy not crazy about that move set to be honest i got an illusion on this which is weird um confusion is kind of nice though for the early game yeah that's not too bad she's got a special attack too yeah decent not the worst medi champ i think we're ready to fight barry what do you think uh yeah i think we're barrier ready for sure we got all the encounters up there oh i get i see what you did there berry ready yeah i mean i wasn't there we're at least ready but i don't know about very ready but i'm at least ready you're not ready for berry i think we're very ready i'm very ready oh berry ready very ready now there you yo that is a good one good one me good one yeah if you got our wheels comment down below um let's do this i'm just going all in oh i'm coming i'm coming i'm gonna be there in a second and we're gonna beat him up take his lunch money and dip no it's funny harry you beat this guy up so much throughout the game kind of sad a little nervous i'm a little nervous he's got two pokemons fine dude it's a little chill and i'm like whoa that is a beef one do you see my guy his name is slow gg wow hey ron i can kick that all day uh let's see how much water gun does so i level seven we should be able to take this out like kicking belly drops oh god oh god water gun will one shot kill him he just did so much no no citrus berries no citrus berries why did he do so much seriously why didn't i do i thought i did 50 i already hit him once don't get cocky kid this isn't over yet that's not what he's got no way he's going to i said don't get cocky kid this isn't over here taught you a kid he called me a kid bro who does he think he is barry i thought we were friends yo somebody in the comments please let me know if you fling [Music] do you get your item back after the after the battle or what i think you should i think it should be that way but i don't know i don't know i don't know we vile i'm neutral to ice i'm neutral or dark we're okay i can kill him you can kill him what do you have for me hairy mommy see what it does it's gonna slash me watch this it's kind of nice beat up not nothing nothing yeah ain't got no team left yeah you've got no team buddy harry mama looks like they're ready wow harry mama is huge yeah that's those those legs are thick true want we vile big that means he's bad that's a bad guy big xp sand attack don't you dare what are you doing with that it's giving you all the cheese what's going with that my hp my pokemon's hp is low yeah we can see endurance in battle what are you up to he's going to survive with one hp actually double kick might go through it nope no i ain't dord he endured the hit he's gonna endure this one too in [Music] i had to finish it barry's done nice and easy honestly like legit high level af dude yeah i don't even need it i got i got like half of my team was pretty garbage though i think you're about the same boat i am yeah we're okay though i think we're okay we got coverage at least like i got kendra which is great yeah you're worse than the kitty and then you're worse off than me especially because slow start took away your rose ray that would have helped and uh no true want it's it's it's true oh so it's not worse it's yeah it's like a one yeah it's one turn you need to get um all you can do is go crazy with like leaf blast or whatever it's called whenever you get that whatever it is let me see uh right now i've got absorb oh my stun spore is nice though 100 or 70 yeah 75. yeah absorb is not even like it's not even worth it yeah that's unusable we got to get rid of those i mean it's linked to my medicine right there's a link to my peli peli i think oh gg we'll see we'll see what happens right now we're still pretty early encounters to come honestly that's what's crazy yeah like here's one right here mole trace why did i switch oh god our illuminati oh if it was only shiny dauntless shield mole trace what does that even do raises defense bro oh that's that that's that's uh or zamasunta's uh ability by the way oh you're right mulching is basically flying off the screen right now yeah he's too big for this he shouldn't youngster jimmy shouldn't have this well buddy ancient power oh god oh god don't let him boost i'm swapping out right now i'm swapping out right now before it gets too late uh and illumina that's what you got not even shiny terrible steed just learning thunder wave oh my yep that's interesting fine good wow one damage one damage to me four times resistant buddy yeah i love that i love that but now he's no longer a fire type right i'm gonna name this wait wait wait does insert no burn up i'm thinking burn up i'm gonna name this um should i name this i'm gonna have to just think about it for a second disarming voice that's really good i'm looking very tight what am i thinking what is this attack never misses i'm gonna use i'm gonna get rid of tail whip um just so i have another some other type of weird attack if i need to name this uh [Music] level 12 give me something moves maybe light screen and reflect whoa there you go that's kind of big oh there's those there's those should i get rid of tackle i'm getting rid of tackle yeah compound eyes plain ice and tackle yucky yucky safeguard what are you doing bro i get it you're you're a weirdo prevent stats should i get safeguard nothing like screen reflection nothing but support it's up to you i don't want to get all that i don't want to get safeguard maybe it's safe venomoth you have another pokemon okay water water blasted does kingdra level up fast or is it just me um not too bad it's not too bad actually you're getting up there yeah masquerade uh oh not monley's favorite thing to see that's for sure i mean we can always fake it out make it till we make it fake it out in the teeth right in the teeth hole wow you got it you got it dude we hit so hard i'm busted yeah i'm gonna get my encounter really quick good luck buddy i got a terrible one so honestly i don't hope yours is terrible but i don't hope it's amazing sorry pokeball fighting someone else now oh nose pass look how he's got his little arms out whoa did you see that youngster dallas my screen just did some weird dots you guys should rewind if you're watching this and tell me what just happened grottle oh look at his bushes bro those are grown up i didn't use grottle in this game yet look how bushy they look in green yeah he's pretty bushy huh you must be getting those nutrients you know yeah a lot of water mud or whatever whatever whatever the turtle eats whenever turtles eat yeah i think i think they eat some mud right yeah i don't know do that dirt and mud it's just two forms of dirt help me out here benny get me out of this one get me out of this jam all right okay he lowered his speed he raised his attack and his defense but i think we still got this he's only level seven what is he doing cursing he cursed he's got one hp what is his cursing again pretty rude huh using that kind of language out here yeah dude this is a this is a family channel all right anybody can watch this we're not using language on these nuzlockes oh god driftblim fighting ghosts or or flying ghosts the worst thing i could see that is a little creepy for you sucker punch is what i'm going to do what does you have what does you have what does you have what does you have okay i just hope it doesn't bounce you right now phantom force phantom force that's okay because you can uh sucker punching gonna work sucker punch work against phantom fours that's a huge move by the way but you can also play rough you're fine i'm normal i'm normal yeah i know i know but i'm saying that is a huge move still level seven oh no is he this yeah minimize minimize oh play rough play rough only bro don't risk it anymore i don't even know oh no don't risk it anymore i hate you i invasiveness wrote sharply he's always like that dude yeah no oh no no no no no no no i don't think it can hurt me though bro i don't think he can hurt me by the way i still haven't got my encounter okay i was gonna ask you payback oh he can't hurt you oh no he can't hurt you you got to play you got to play rough with him no way oh god he's my encounter by the way oh that's connected to another eyes yay it's connected to an illuminized and i might dies i might dies right here i don't know if i can even hurt this bro i can't hit him thank you oh my goodness okay good these are sharp braces these are sharp raises he's complete he's complete then he's got he's so sharp right now hit him yes yes a big hit bro no way i can catch kyogre with full hp yes you can b i'm holding b i'm holding b no shot no shot okay let me see what i can do this let me see what i can do with this maybe he's tanky use your low level maybe star fox and uh nice shade nice shade that's set damage that's 10 damage right yeah risk it not bad that's not bad what is roxy where's what's my roxy purse ring yep earth strings my roxy be careful here you got it ancient powder oh my god that's what you have clear boost don't you dare that's okay bro it's only level four it's only let's fight it and get rid of those wait a second wait a second wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait powers spite it okay good call do it like you can fight let me make sure spikes that's gonna reduce that's gonna take them all yep yep look at your happy little face bro you just spit it in with your hat yeah i kind of like to get rid of those ancient powers i don't want that uh shuffle sprite bro scary face that's nothing to you oh that is scary oh my that was kind of scary it was a little scary that was the scariest face i've ever seen finally made it pretty scary my speed okay i'm looking up nightshade right now i gotta make sure i know exactly what i'm saying i put my everything on it i put my career on it it's set 10 damage press your homie on this one that doesn't even affect you what a good pokemon you got there what a good pokemon you got oh oh you see that he's always a little i probably hit him one more time you can do it one more time it's always the same it can't high roll okay as long as you didn't hurt him dude he's so good that's so insane oh you this is all you now you put him back to sleep he throw balls oh yes now you put it back to sleep and you've got maximum catch potential you can actually do this you can actually do this i could just stun them instead because it does the same affection right it does the same effect yeah and it won't ever go away you're right do that yeah plus roserade's kind of meh i mean if it dies it's gonna take out his hits rosarito can take out his hits i'm about to get aluminized back out because i know you want to use this that's for sure yeah honestly it's so big let me know who you want to sub well we can think about it for a second maybe uh i'll figure it out get rid of whatever there's a kyogre on the team that's good for both of us that's not dying mm-hmm that's tough it's so big oh it's you you saw that i would just spat out those sunsports i can't believe you actually found one of those that's crazy oh my i thought i was like what is he doing right here i thought he just bounced to you his body slammed that's huge though because he paralyzed me bro and he moves with that body slam water pulse ancient power oh you know what's crazy scary face at some point in the game we get the ability to use the pc outside of the pokemon center i don't know what it is i thought we had it right away we don't have it right away but that's still we'll get it we'll get it uh this thing is going to be caught by the way it's in red and it's paralyzed it's going to get caught we got this okay i'm trying to look i'm going to see let's see we can get rid of your legion no that's not paraguay no not happening go ahead and get a couple of things and pelipper are the ones that are going to go here or i mean not shuffle to be real with you i was going to say let's go ahead and call the episode here right after i catch this yeah it's been about that hour obviously yeah a little over an hour maybe and uh that way we can figure out what we're doing yeah true we'll figure out what we're doing and then next episode we're going to do the gym and by the way guys we didn't mention this but i'm sure we'll have it in a pinned comment and we'll also let you guys know when we tweet and all that stuff which by the way twitter uh and stuff links in the description definitely follow us um i'm i chill and play on twitter and he's real quick gg so go ahead and give us a follow team we'll update you guys we're gonna be posting this every what do we decide tuesday um thursday and sunday so sunday tuesday thursday um it'll be a lot of tuesdays and thursdays yep yep so uh plenty of days plenty episodes and also we'll be alternating channels we forgot to mention that too but the next episode will be over on chill and play channel make sure you follow me in the description too i'm sure most you guys are and uh yeah now we just wait for this catch yeah yeah if it comes if it takes too long we'll just fast forward ourselves yeah we could chop it and uh i know i'm gonna fast forward so our voices sound funny and uh oh yeah we can just talk about whatever and then this is ridiculous just like that let's go check its ability really quick look how he's sitting oh bro it's so big so big i love it you got to name it what i named it my nickname what did you name it uh i think i did lily but let me go be sure because now i've forgotten because i took so it's what is it linked to the b or freaking illimis dude a b yeah a little beetle or whatever oh man leah leah l-e-a-h leah the kyogre let's go kyogre and we'll figure out who we're gonna get rid of uh looking for next episode add to your party here i'm gonna add it to my party really quick and we're going to go ahead and uh whoever's with maddie champ so uh maybe he's going to check out his we're just going to check out his ability really quick you know what i'm saying you know you can check his summary from that screen right oh i got to start i got started future reference i never difference what do you got sniper attack up water pulse ancient power let's go so good yeah let's go let's shoot that if that doesn't deserve a like i don't know what does this gonna be a good series bro we got a good team already we do we do and i hope you guys enjoyed episode one of the series definitely check out children's play channel for episode two coming in uh a couple days and let's go for three thousand likes woohoo if you made it this far smash or like let's go baby let's do it all right see you guys later bye bye
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 407,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Brilliant Diamond RANDOMIZED SOULLINK NUZLOCKE! - EP1 WEIRD TEAM, QuickGG and CHillnplay, BDSP NUZLOCKE, HOW TO RANDOMIZE BDSP, brilliant diamond randomized, pokemon brilliant diamond shining pearl, shiny pokemon, randomized pokemon remakes, pokemon remakes funny, soullink funny, friends playing games funny, pokemon funny, you wont believe what happened, then we fight pokemon, 30 minutes to catch a team, randomized starters brilliant diamond
Id: iCj31LZ4Ws8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 26sec (3866 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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