We Surprise Trade For ONLY FOREIGN POKEMON. Then We FIGHT!

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hello everybody welcome back to a brand new pokemon versus challenge video it's me quick gg out here in pokemon sword and shield with the good friend chillin play what's up yo what's up buddy i'm actually riding my bike look ah i ran into a pokemon it's a ball toy sounds like an adventure i am messing with this onyx right here kind of making turning them ghost mode and back on this is a very glitchy game but welcome everyone if you don't know what a pokemon versus challenge is what mutual i do is go into a pokemon game gather up a team of pokemon with a twist involved and at the end we fight it out for this challenge what we're gonna do is take a suggestion in the comments somebody asked if we could do a surprise trade challenge in sword and shield but instead of accepting normal pokemon we can only accept pokemon from a foreign country so once we get this pokemon if it's not from another country mean children are gonna have to skip that pokemon and go on to the next one once we've gotten our sixth floor in pokemon we're allowed to level them up evolve them through either stone trade or just level up and learn any of the natural moves that they can learn along the way once the team's all built and set up we'll do a recap and then we're gonna bring it into the arena and fight it out chill and play how you feeling i'm feeling good buddy i'm feeling decent although i will say it's raining out here which isn't my favorite but i'm still feeling like a cool guy i got my shades on nice it's sunny out here and i don't have any shades i wish i did but i'll see you later first things first gotta connect to the internet because uh not gonna trade anybody actually if i do surprise trades and i don't connect to the internet and neither is chill and play i think we'd just surprise trade each other which would be really awkward that'd be a really awkward fight oh boy reuben i'm about to get reuben surprise trade now aren't i oh man oh man let's see what we're getting here reuben give me something from another country please reuben please reuben oh you know what it'd actually be down if this is a foreign crabby dang it is it is a english crabby probably yeah we're filling up this pokedex lolly surprise trades though decent yes it is an english krabby so we're gonna send this back out we're sending the krabby back out and oh no it looks like puck is about to send us a pokemon which puck sounds like a very english name to me oh man yeah we're sending crabby to puck yes oh my god i can see every time now who i'm getting sent who i'm sending these to oh no no no no no no not one of these though not one of these though maybe it'll be for oh my god it's in japanese oh it's in japanese this is foreign it's a foreign it's a foreign oh no no no no please just tell me you wrote japanese to spell this out oh is that a foreign snob that we just got oh my god that is a japanese snomed level 61. oh my god wait wait wait we can evolve it we can evolve that at least right oh my god team the only way we could evolve this is through high friendship at night time which means this is an impossible evil for us we're going to be taking this japanese snob and oh that's going to be rough that's going to be rough oh man okay well snom being our first pokemon is probably one of the worst starts that we could have had but hey you know what we're gonna still go for it we're still gonna do our best you know we're gonna hope cross our fingers that we don't get anything worse let's get out of the city let's open new trade new trade complete let's see what this is first see morgan you're going to jiro and jeroen oh j-ro and i don't know what kind of name that is that might be from another country oh we got a toxil a little baby toxil okay i think that is still in english though so that might be a normal english pokemon yeah what are you doing you sent me a level 24 toxil what were you doing with this guy okay we're weird random trade but that doesn't count we can't use the toxin all right we left the city we're gonna go get some fresh air out here maybe there's some nice trades happening out here in the wild you know better for me maybe oh it's getting cold out here it's getting cold out here trade completed okay new trade done why is my remote not working there we go toxil you're going to mia oh i used to have a dog named mia all right mia what you got for me what you got for me an electric is it in english is it in english though yes it is oh this is rough this is a hard challenge this is going to be a lot of trades isn't it all right electric is in english poke is an english pokemon so can't take it well trading this back out electric being sent out we just switched we just turned our internet on and off to hopefully be on another server maybe with people oh my god is that chilling oh my god am i about to trade with chillin don't tell me i'm about to get a random trade with john oh a japanese person japanese person please strike with me please share with me i see them i see two surprise traits oh chillin probably just got that dang it okay trade complete what is it who did i trade with okay okay we got somebody in japanese great great electric's going out what are you gonna give me what are you gonna give me guy argell ultra he gave me trash rubbish and that rubbish is uranus that is german okay you know what we take it still that is a german rubbish all right the trubbish here with uh well un red to talks with stench and uh it's got some moves already but this will evolve into a garbador which uh we'll do later after we get our whole team but that is our second teammate let's go ahead and find four more all right chill and play squad we out here team uh we're sending off a quagsire very lovable pokemon something i would love to receive in a surprise trade i feel like so uh hopefully maybe we'll get some good karma by sending off some good minds i gotta get out of this area dude i don't like this rainy atmosphere i'm not ooh shiny object i love shiny objects let's go ahead and hit this up oh it's a pearl okay that makes actually that makes sense i guess nice shades brother here we go trade complete team let's go ahead and take it see what the first pokemon children play squad is going to be sending off a quagsire to javi okay electric that's pretty decent that's pretty decent see if it's foreign though it must be far in order for us to keep it on the team so let's check it out okay team here's our electric and it looks like it is not from another country meaning we will not be able to keep it okay team i'm actually trying a new strategy where i give the pokemon right back into the atmosphere that i just got if it's not from another country so let's go and see if that works in the meantime i'm gonna hop on my bike and get the crud out of here dude no more rainy days for me look at this guy he's got the noob outfit as well he's not as fast as me buddy i'm faster i'm faster i'm better here we go we gotta trade let's take it all right electric we're sending it off to uh tr cali kid okay that does not sound like it's a foreign person but it could be it's a charmander oh please please let me use this oh my god dude please let me use this can it be from another country i highly doubt its name is just charmander so i highly doubt it and it looks like this charmander is uh not from another country rifferino gosh dang it even had dragon breath what the crud dude sending off the baby chill and play guys right back into the atmosphere we'll go and see what we find on the other side oh now it's snowing great which is what it's what a climactic day a lot of just different stuff going on in here in here i need these weather men to explain what's going on because i am not to feel too comfortable about it all right we got a trade completed guys let's go ahead and see what we got here sending off the chill and play to dj king all right a garbage but will it be uh foreign garbage nope i don't think it is and it's looking like our garbador is not from another country and we got another trade guys we're sending the garbage right back into the atmosphere hoping for something decent in return although i don't know oh okay okay jellos yeah i don't think that's gonna be foreign buddy i don't think that's gonna be for him nope the shellos is not foreign wow this could take a while more trades to be had guys the good news is i am filling up my uh my pokedex at this point so that's cool all right guys we got another trade let's go sending off the shellos goodbye buddy oh buddy oh a buddy it's a fabass oh it's a barshwa which means that might actually be foreign that may be our first foreign pokemon can i evolve with this into a milotic i'll have to figure out how okay guys here it is our first pokemon is a german for bass welcome into the team buddy you don't have any moves but i hope to god we can evolve yeah we're gonna have to figure out how i don't even know i'll stop my head but we'll see there's our first team member welcome in oh my god look at this guy's face what the did you see that we gotta trade in guys we gotta trade in sending off a seismic toad to jessica where are you gonna be from jessica hey that's an elephant i like elephants you fancy yeah that's not that's that's that is not foreign all right kufan where are you from nope you're not foreign good fight good fight all right team we are searching for another one hey how's it going buddy you're not gonna do it you're not gonna do it again ah it's time to trade buddy you fancy is being sent to ant let's see let's see what we get in return eva okay we got some choices we got some choices if it's foreign it's not foreign dang it and this eevee is from america gg excuse me miss do you know where i can get some uh foreign pokemon okay team here we go we're sending off with buy sharp to dwight come on buddy send us something foreign would you that would be awesome oh my god a pharaoh thorn would be amazing and i don't think that that i think if the name is normal that it's not foreign but we'll keep checking to make sure anyway and it looks like this is not from another country rip what is going on here dude this is usually a lot easier to get foreign pokemon here we go guys time to accept a trade where could it be this time t-56 t-53 why okay okay with the magikarp all right all right all right warren please foreign please nope this magikarp is not foreign goodbye magikarp don't come back unless you're foreign please oh kevin durant okay i'll take it no i won't take it it's not foreign nope not foreign could this be the one shadow where are you from shadow what are you sending me today rock ruff okay okay this rock ruff is from the usa gg here we go team we need a foreign pokemon please please give us a foreign pokemon please okay that might be foreign team that might be foreign let's see yes this is a japanese score bunny welcome to the team buddy you'll be fully evolved into a reboot and then into a uh uh the other big rabbit and that's gonna be awesome team we need that we need that that's two pokemon on the squad let's go all right let's go ahead and find them ourselves some stones i know that we got all the uh the firestone the thunderstone waterstone everything's up ahead so we're gonna go and grab ourselves a batch of stones for these evos in case we need to use them oh new trade complete let's see are you from another part of this planet we'll find out rm rm very ambiguous name what could that mean r m s a we vile okay a woo vile oh it is in japanese okay we just got it we just got our third teammate i think it's all in japanese too we've all been added to the decks we haven't even had one before let's go ahead and make sure that it is japanese okay that we vile is japanese team so we're gonna be able to keep that it's got pressure and fleeing nasty plot night slash and screech actually kind of decent i guess but uh we're gonna maybe change its moves after we uh go over uh everything it's learned so far uh yeah that we vile third member on the team we have to get three more let's do this trade complete okay pumpkin pumpkin not okay that's that's a weird name that's a weird name never heard it before could be from another country oh wait it's sending me a pumpkin is this a pumpkin is this the name of the pokemon no it's not pumpkaboo punkin sent up pumpkaboo that is uh alliteration what the heck what the heck my pump my pumpkin boot that i just got is evolving from the trade okay it must have been holding an item i guess or just traded without an item that's uh all right hey pumpkaboo evolved into gorogeist which means that it is uh an english pokemon i believe yes pumpkin poop did evolve into gorgeous and it is an english pokemon so we're gonna have to trade this back out okay retrading the pumpkaboo the gourgeist whatever you want to call it and uh going for these oh my god lightning so oh so frightening oh trade complete we're gonna accept that over the water okay gorgeous go to quentin oh that that uh quentin what are you gonna send me oh a little diggy a little diggy and it is a normal diglett okay great well we can't oh boy oh boy where are the foreigners at or the foreigners if you're from another country comment down below and tell me why you weren't trading people right now at this time new year's eve 6 p.m eastern sending back out that diglett that is definitely not a foreign diglett at least we made it to the stones so let's go ahead and grab a few of these yo check out that sylveon looks cool let's go find these stones let me go pick up all these ice all right diglett you're going to angie engie oh angie angie what you got from me oh no no don't be foreign don't be foreign togepi okay that's an english toku oh i can't take another one i can't take another friendship baby oh togepi oh my god team we got bad news we got bad news togepi in german is also togepi this is a foreign together from germany why what i'm gonna lose i'm gonna lose okay art togepi has the ability to hustle hey boost attack stat but lowers accuracy oh it's got growling pound oh my god this is so bad we're gonna level it up maybe teach it some ferry or something i don't know that's that's it's oh man our team is looking rough our team is looking rough right now togepi fourth member let's let's move on and we're looking for a trade and we're looking for a trade oh hello hello i see you were looking for something i am looking for some foreign pokemon what you got you got any uh okay all right what about you you got any foreign pokemon oh we gotta trade we gotta trade see what we got team sending off in onyx to kung fu al okay okay okay awful everybody loves a stufful except me i don't love a stuffel and the stufful is american i'm searching for a foreign trade i'm searching for a foreign treat what's up pangoro you're not gonna say nothing are you buddy oh oh he's flexing on me you're gonna run though oh god i like the way you're doing that walk there pangoro i really do appreciate it oh we gotta trade beldum okay okay please be foreign tan hell that could be foreign that could be foreign team oh that'd be amazing that'd be amazing all right guys the moment of truth is it foreign is it foreign it is it's another german it's a german uh beldum so that's our third pokemon guys welcome on the team buddy we will take that indeed all right guys three pokemon down and three more foreign pokemon needed so let's see what we can find hopefully some decents would be nice some healthies maybe even all right let's go we're sending off an oar beetle to daz okay good luck buddy good luck what do we got what do we got hey oh that's a grim snarl when it's fully evolved i believe i believe is what it's called okay that could be foreign that definitely could be foreign believe that's a fairy type of some type i'm not totally sure that's pretty cool though impedimp okay okay dark fairy okay impadem could you be our fourth pokemon yes another german let's go dude with frisk okay cool i'm not really sure what this pokemon can learn but it will have fake out which is going to be awesome um welcome to the team buddy we'll take that it's our fourth mod we need two more okay let's find teammate number five now we're looking for the fifth member i wonder how chill and play is doing uh during all this oh man this is rough oh new trade let's see what you got for us what do you got for us see cryogen going to sam sam doesn't sound like he's going to give me something from another country to be honest but you know what i shouldn't be assuming things i shouldn't be assuming things like that oh choodle yeah that's english all right never mind yeah i assumed correctly i assumed correctly okay new trade complete what are we gonna get iris uh oh iris what you gonna send over pika a pika pika p is it an english it's a pikachu well well actually i think pikachu is called that in other languages too so i'm gonna check to make sure yep that is not a foreign pikachu so we're gonna send that right back out the door this little bright area oh it turns into rain as soon as you step into the bright area okay new trade completed can you please be from another country we're sending this to ember now ember okay ember oh my okay you know what at least this can evolve if i have to evolve it it's a blip bug but i think that is in english yeah i think that's in english so we're gonna trade this back out yeah the blip plug was in english so uh let's keep it moving sending that somewhere else gonna go to moto stoke a dry off out of this rain trade completed okay come on come on give me something give me something who is going to seb did i just read seb ooh lucario would be nice but the ryolu isn't english jeez we're not getting anything now oh man we're getting unlucky where are the foreigners at where are all the foreigners at oop new trade completed new trade completed it's going to stiltz that's a weird name but stilts what are you going to send me what are you going to send me stiltz oh oh please please please please please leave another country please be not in english lapras joji still sent over joji wait a second i don't know if that is english or not let's see let's see if this is from another country joji is not a foreign lapras oh my god it's a gigantomax lapras too but it's not ah they sent me ah man oh man honestly though i'm keeping that joji we're gonna send off frost moth instead a frost moth out oh there we go there we go surprise trade frost moth going to rey oh man ray that sounds like such a sounds like such an american name doesn't sound like it's from another country to me old towned is this from another country did ray just give me a four in bolton no it's called bolton why do i think bull town is called bolton that why i think this is called bowl town i guess that kind of makes sense my team is literal trash i even have a trash pokemon to round it off i'm just going to go out here in this water sharkpedo's racing to kill me let's go ahead and get the surprise straight old town going to christian sable is that sable foreign please oh wait oh my oh what what what whoa whoa wait a second i was losing hope i was losing hope guys and that's what you don't do you don't lose hope ever you keep going strong and you keep believing in yourself and the power of teamwork all right so we got a sabbable here that will evolve into intellion um it is spanish which means we get to keep it it's from another country all right christian thank you for this and uh sad sabble i hope you cheer up soon cause you're gonna evolve very shortly we have one more pokemon to catch and add to the team let's do it let's finish it off let's finish strong okay my trade is complete who sent me this death angel death angel okay death angel oh death angel what are you sending me oh stunky uh oh stunky uh oh stick i don't think that's a foreign stunky for sure let's see let's see and that stunky is nope it is a it is not a foreign actually i'm going to keep that because that's funny i want to just keep that forever now all right let's go ahead and get onto this little island uh sharpedo's are probably gonna try to slay us while we're doing yep there's one over there trying to kill us while we do this trade can somebody trade me oh sharpedo what are you doing dude what are you doing dude what are you doing dude okay just crashes straight into the wall this japanese orbital is going to maximi this is an old orbital i caught long ago so maximi trading me a choodle but will a choodle be in english yes it will be dude one single pokemon i just need one single pokemon okay the choodle is not foreign so we're back at the soothing wetlands so soothing so wet new trade going out to oh oh a japanese name please please come on you can do this you can do this you can give me the what i need give me the one i need oh quack sire i'm so down for a quack sire i'm so down for a japanese quack star right now come on yes yes it's in japanese please just be from japan please just be from japan i think it should be i think it should be and our quagsire is from japan oh awesome awesome it's got the ability damp and uh those are moves right now not already decent it's already got a decent move set but let's go ahead and uh level up evolve everyone that we can get everyone move sets that we need and then let's do a recap okay team we got another trade coming in um sending off a foreign lapras in hopes that i will get something foreign which it looks like i might um it's probably a bad idea though because i could technically actually trade with quick gg oh a dragon decent not the best dragon but oh yeah that's foreign dude that's foreign that's gonna be going on the team for our fifth pokemon wow not bad holy crud dude yep another japanese uh pokemon for the squad that's actually our fifth pokemon we only need one more now it took so long to get some pokemon that we're foreign and now we got so many in a row that's awesome dude uh this is fully evolved it's got natural cure we'll probably change the moves but this is a good pokemon it's a um dragon flying type so that's pretty decent we'll take it we'll take it good lord look how big corvus squire is dude oh haunter he's got his hands out oh god trade complete you can't you can't touch me uh haunter there's a trade complete heading off of wulu to sector fire bye bye wulu sorry buddy sorry we're sending a wulu and it's an appleton please be foreign please be foreign oh my god this could be crazy for the team no it's apple and not foreign dang it dude that would've been amazing yep unfortunately this is an american apple and gg only one more pokemon needed for the team oh surprise trade completed speaking of gasolines can i have one can i get a haunter on the team that'd be amazing and it's a little teenage quick gg is it foreign though is it foreign though it is it is foreign cara buffet quick gg teenage years looking awkward oh team is this really a foreign quick cg or just a nickname let's see right now it is a french war wartortle on the team which will be a blastoise guys that is amazing and it's our final team remember we will take that handily up i'm gonna get the squad together get some moves on these guys and we'll do a team recap i'll see you guys shortly all right for the team recap starting off with our quagsire who's got damp it's got haze aqua tail earthquake muddy water then we have our sweet vial with pressure icy wind revenge slash and night slash we got intellion here with sniper as its ability it's got acrobatics u-turn sucker punch and snipe shot then we've got deponetix actually the uh garbador with stench toxic spikes body slam gunk shot and explosion for the big hit at the end i don't think he'll see it coming then we got togepi here with actually ancient power safeguard sweet kiss and yawn i leveled it up because i wanted to give it something so maybe it'll just be like a support pokemon at the best it's got the ability hustle which is pretty bad and lastly we got snom here which i it doesn't learn anything so it's sitting there with powdered snow and struggle bug it's pretty bad it's pretty bad probably the first sack after um we take out garbador we'll probably just sack this nom to swap out on somebody um but yeah that is our team and uh i don't know how i feel about it i feel like we've only got four pokemon that are usable but we're gonna try our best let's do this all right team we're back with our squad here we've got metagross leading off with clear body and we got um hammer arms and head butt metal claw psychic then we've got milotic with the cover coil aqua tail dragon tail and it's got the ability marvel scale and then we've got a cinder ace here with headbutt flame charge bounce pyro ball with the ability blaze next up we got lop ross with shard uh ice shard confuse ray freeze dry hydro pump and the ability water absorb and then next we got um what is this guy grim snarl with fake out dark pulse nasty plot flatter and the ability frisk and finally we got quick gg himself the blastoise with torrent for the ability bite aqua tail shell smash and hydro pump that is a squad guys we're gonna see what we can do with this i'm feeling freaking good we got a lot of beefies over here so uh i think we got this in the bag guys let me know in the comments how you guys are feeling uh if you're on quick gg squad or chill and play team let's go team i'll see you in the fight okay okay okay okay here we go into the fight i'm ready wide awake but i'm about to sleep you see my dude but i'm in a fighting stance so i think we all know what that means you are you are okay let's see uh let's see what happens here let's see what happens here the milo okay okay the trash the trash yeah yeah i decided to bring the trash out early you know because it's trash day is it trash day is it thursday i just realized my name's changed to american after i uh evolved that's interesting that's that that is interesting i really i just realized it well you know what it is maybe um it changed to america we're not doing dinos in this we're not doing this right no no dynamics maybe uh milotic's just the same in whatever language that was previously could be but i'm coiling up regardless [Music] what are you gonna do with some spikes or something you can do some spikes or something oh don't worry i don't plan on going anywhere buddy i don't plan on going anywhere really okay well that means what do you got on that heel bell as well let me just get let me just do what i got we just walked donkey it's gone you ran away little bits you just ran away on my screen right away daddy turned around and just ran pressure oh the pressure's on the liver the pressure buddy yeah you were hurt yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're hurt by the point all right time to do me time to do me i'm gonna do me if you're gonna do you promise yeah yeah oh the shade has been thrown at night i slash at night well i recover from those injuries buddy i recover from those injuries yeah yeah this is me oh my god i'm killing play i'm chilling play that might be literally a whole gg sweep sesh actually could it be i'm just getting started buddy i'm getting i'm just i'm gonna coil it up buddy i'm gonna coil it up oh no unless you get a crit you could crit no no no no no no no that was crazy that was a christmas oh okay well that might be enough if you do get another one that might be enough let's see let's see otherwise get ready steve i can believe in this ow poison out out at least it's not toxic but ow that might that might be you can if you can crit it's gunk shot toxic not toxic i don't think come on slash i saw that this was a thing and i wanted it you know what i'm saying i guess i know what you're saying ow dude ow okay well now let's get down to business now let's get down let's see what's going to happen now don't crit don't nope let's see what's going to happen now clap time it's clockwise tail and barlow that's a one that's not a one shot because you're not that strong milotic's okay but not that strong oh god i could die today uh can i please please please please please please please get that crit right here give me the crit right now we finally believe it no not today buddy and sweep him out of here oh my bloop oh my critical not too late little too late oh my god hey i should have healed but i spared you and didn't heal uh well technically you killed me and milo is dead you then you're right final take is dead it might be dead for sure i spared you in the long run okay unless you got that quick recovery unless you got that quick recovery i mean you saw my team so you know who would you i could have big geez you i could have big cheese you let me see if i can don't miss this okay there's no way there's no way wow that was a weird move that was a weird move all right that was speedy that was speedy i'll give you that very fast very fast um now it's time for the next cheese platter uh do you have what flavors of cheese do you like buddy what's your favorite and all in gar i've never heard of this thing what's your favorite cheese what type is that again what type is that again oh i don't know buddy i don't know i'll tell you one thing if you ask me what type it is pal if you ask me what type it is i might just fake you just whipped me with like a vine coming out of your arm by the way that was disgusting all right well now it's time is that shiny by the way i think that's shiny is it shiny i think that's a i thought it's supposed to be pink yeah yeah i think that's a shiny i can't tell really i don't know for sure sure that hurts and time to flatter you buddy very flattering probably should have done that special attack and i shouldn't have done that did you just set me up to win did you just set me up to win with my fast pokemon that's a special attacker i probably shouldn't have done that let's see if i confuse let's see if i get confused here you won't be able to do anything to me buddy don't worry people you send the lappy one out laugh people i know you got the laughs there's always a lappy boy in the surprise trades am i right buddy am i right buddy hurt yourself usually there's usually one and you went ahead oh man oh man you know i'm fine though i can hit you with i got something though yeah i might have something or i might have one thing or another you know oh i want to get out dude i want to get out okay okay you're lucky you're getting out of there buddy because i had something for you oh you are did you alright you got nothing for this dude you got nothing for this do you what a word i'm fine frozen still did a time i still did a ton oh my god it still did so much all that thing is is poison damage at this point oh my god that was a lot oh yeah oh yeah dude i poisoned dude all right time to hose you down buddy time to hose you down look at you let's see if you can kill her oh my god it would have been so good if you missed that that's that's that's i blasted you buddy i blasted you that's dan the feelers it's okay it's okay snom did what they had to do you know what i'm saying i'm sorry you got that buddy i'm sorry it's okay it's honestly fine with me is it why why is it fine with me why why it why is this fight with me i'm not fine with you is it buddy it's not actually not that good now i think about it oh man uh i guess yes it seems like somebody's got choices to make you've got a lot of pokemon left right uh yeah yeah yeah i got like i got like two choices everybody's got that pokemon to choose from here i got some bad pokemon to choose how slow are you with that are you slower than a big boy i might be slower than a big boy actually oh more spikes i'm not i feel like this is my only choice here well well well well if you guys enjoyed it no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm healthy i'm healthy i'm healthy i'm healthy i'm healthy i'm healthy i'm healthy healthy i'm healthy i'm healthy bro that's unbelievable i'm healthy no oh did you do the wrong move did the same thing i did last time if you did that then i shall take advantage of this moment and i can either slam or i should i should oh can this kill oh man it probably can't oh my god i don't even want to say what i will it will it will it will it will it will it will it will whoa big hitter please do not say it okay okay oh my god oh my god i thought that would do a lot more to be honest i should i sharded you i'm a heavy attacker and that did barely anything well i'm a lapras buddy i'm a lapras ah you're blubbery you're somehow still alive you're somehow still alive yes you don't like to see that now we do what we got to do nobody likes to see that we do what we got to do we can do we got to do tell you okay your code is weak at telly and your opponent's weak intellience okay okay but you can't no shards no shards oh i'm a sucker you're a sucker for punches you're a sucker for punches buddy wow okay wow um um did i do you a dirty dirty yeah i will i will ah are you about to bring up guys if you enjoyed that video you subscribed to quick gg god i didn't even notice that guy subscribe to the quick g that's hilarious i didn't even notice it oh we're gonna go crazy mad wild crazy lunatic lunatic crazy you did that to me perfect thank you thank you thank you you just made a grave mistake buddy how because uh you see how i gotta you get you'll see you got you got pumps are you gonna hydro pump me no no no no you see how i got oh you did that you did that oh my god look at the shell on my back look at the shell on my back i crushed it oh my god i forgot that was a move in this generation you better really just you better really really forgot all about that well guys let me ask you this you like scrambled eggs or eggs over easy um for this togepi for this togepi um see i've got oh god i don't know what to do here okay dang dude dang this the shell has been smashed this is what i have to do this is what i have to do oh down down down down down no no no no no no no no no i just hit you with the low sweep oh my god oh okay oh my god it's okay it's okay i wanted so bad to get away with shell smash is one of my favorite moves oh man along with i guess quiver dance okay man you're a cheese master you just have all these set up pokemon huh i should have assumed huh i should have assumed you would do something so that's gonna save you buddy that might have water absorb so i have to go for this hmm you might have to go for something huh fight it flinch it okay okay that's fine here we go whoa here we go now it's dark no it's fine all stat changes were eliminated oh oh that exists hey i almost predicted you to do some childish stuff like this buddy come on no oh no come on buddy what are you gonna do now huh this ain't over till it's over pal not over at all not over at all what you want what you want huh what you want i don't know if that has water absorb i can't find out that it does i can't find out that it does oh buddy come on you can try it yes get out of here get it out of here get it out get it out the shell smash is going to be way better than that oh god yeah yeah sorry it wasn't going to last that's the problem wasn't the last [Music] you already know what i'm about we are about to hit him with fake out yeah you are all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all aboard the all about express are you gonna really fake me out though yeah boom look at that little whip coming into your arm that's so gross looking awesome what i live for poison yeah yeah okay okay okay okay now [Music] now we've got choices to make huh everybody's got them everybody's got them i'm scared of something surely this is something right actually i got feet oh yeah enough it's not beefy enough happy quaggy day oh my god get out of here oh my oh my god we're still alive no the one for bro bro bro that was your saving grace huh yeah that's that's oh man because i know i saw the metal one i saw the metal one earlier before he got in here but i couldn't swap out dang it let me just see if uh nah we'll just do the metal one let's see let's see let's see you got it buddy little gross metal grip metal gross oh god okay if i get a crit it might be a gigi i hear oh my sucker punch not enough that's not going to cut it but it's not going to kick that's going to hurt yeah yeah yeah oh my god yep that's it oh my goodness is that special d drop is that special drop special okay i'm just gonna cross my fingers for a critical ch chance just a shot just just you know he's pointing the finger possible oh whoa it was possible you should have done that you should have done that all along i didn't think that would be enough i thought sucker punch would do more oh man good fight buddy that's it well if you guys enjoyed that fight definitely check out the playlist in the description we got plenty of more challenges like this and all kinds of pokemon games and uh good fight buddy
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 426,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QuickGG, Quickg, Chilln play, Chilln pokemon, chillin play, Quik gg, PokemonVS, Pokemon Then We FIGHT, Pokemon VS Challenge, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield VS, 30 minutes to catch a team in the isle of armor, Pokemon catch a team, hatching random eggs, pokemon egg hatching, Pokemon FIGHT, pokemon competitive battle, chillin, Pokemon Platinum, We Have 10 RANDOM EGGS To Make A Team Of POKEMON. Then We FIGHT!, We Can Only Use Pokemon From Other Countries. Then We FIGHT!, GG
Id: 7Pu6ZzpcEoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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