We Use Metronome To Catch RANDOM POKEMON... Then We FIGHT! Pokemon Sword

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hello everyone and welcome back to another challenge versus video chill and play here standing with my grandma and my little sister we're currently shopping for some plants um these choices are kind of trash though yeah lady don't smile at me these choices are kind of trash and your prices are overpriced um quick gg is also here what's up buddy yo i'm in motor stoke right now just vibing in the city and this guy's talking about the road on rally the rotom rally i don't even know what that is but i mean he's enjoying it yeah i've never heard of that buddy i've never heard of the road on rally oh my god little jimmy dangling his legs over the edge that's dangerous buddy but i'm not going to pay attention to you well guys if you haven't seen the challenge versus video before me and kuichigi go throughout pokemon games with different challenges and twists involved catching teams of pokemon and then we fight it out for today's video guys we have randomized pokemon sword and shield once again all the pokemon in the wild are randomized with randomized movesets and randomized abilities what we're going to be doing for this challenge quick gg is a metronome challenge and how this is going to work is you have your level 100 blasty boy with um just metronome on it and what you're going to do is encounter hidden pokemon that you can't see in the overworld and you're going to use metronome on them once you use metronome quick gg um if that pokemon survives you must catch it with a master ball in the next turn if it dies well obviously it's dead but uh yeah and then you move on to the next encounter so once we do this we're gonna do this over and over honestly quickie g until you get a full team of six pokemon there's gonna be no skips once you catch a pokemon you're stuck with it and uh yeah you can move on to the next after we get our six pokemon we will recap it and then throw it into a battle big dog is that clear for you you understand what we're doing uh that's about right buddy if you can't uh hear what i'm saying you can read it right there that's about right i don't know what these people in this town are talking about but metronome destroy it or not catch it or not i got it i got it yup yup yup and uh let's get it started good luck all right team time to get started chill and play squad let's see what we can get oof toxic rope we got some scary mods out here but let's grab ourselves a random one what is that oh the lykan rock okay okay that's an interesting pokemon we like to see it um let's hit it with a metronome and see if it lives ice shard there's no way you live that right there's no way you live that i'm love 100 yeah ah well there goes our first pokemon that is uh i mean that was kind of a decent but it wasn't too amazing all right let's oh my god toxic broke dude there's so many random pokemon in this grass i keep running into the ones that are over worlds there we go here's here we go random encounter coming up let's see no way a little mud kit bro you got to be kidding me that is terrible guys that is terrible let's hit it with a metronome hopefully we knock it out because that is a little baby we do not need that we do not want that you better die here sorry bulldoze yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah kill him get him out take him out of the game buy my mudkip sorry you're cute buddy but you're not strong we can't have you all right that's two for two on koi'ing the pokemon we'll see how it goes from here on out that wasn't a random counter by the way we're not going to count this all right my dudes i'm getting out of this grass patch there's nothing here for me oh except one more let's get one more encounter could be a sweet sweet or a gallerium wheezing that's pretty nice it's pretty nice if we can catch it fairy poison type definitely decent i'd say um let's see what the metronome does it's all up to this come on metronome be gentle charizard infestation that's gonna kill him that's gonna kill him oh he lived he lived well there you go all right that's gonna be our first catch gallerian wheezing that's actually uh i like it that's actually nice oh my goodness the infestation almost finished him off right there that would have been really messed up let's throw a master ball at him guys and uh welcome on into the team that's our first pokemon wheezing valerian that's pretty decent that's pretty decent all right valerian wheezing the team captain our first catch here it's got the ability magician steals the held item of pokemon ah we don't use items poison sting that's bad vino shock smog and floral healing yikes that is not too good team that is not too good at least we are a special attacker and uh i mean well unfortunately we have to use smog to actually poison something or poison sting and it's so weak that i don't think it's worth it probably we're just going to use minnow shock that's probably all we can do that is our wheezing not that amazing let's move on over to another patch of grass all right starting off in route three let's go find ourselves something random over here hidden encounters only here it is number one what you gonna be buddy oh a nice legend to start with genesect genesect is a legendary pokemon right it's not like a mythical i don't know well we got metronome here let's find out whether blasty boy will destroy it or will he not metronome i use i use leer no and it used flash canon on me that's not effective i just realized animations aren't on i'm not gonna i'm gonna go and turn this on now so we can see it but we did use leer which only lowered its defense which means we can catch this that's the first catch right there genesect a mythical legendary pseudo legend i'm not sure how do you even catch this guy dude i don't even know in the game okay we got a genesect with cheek pouch resource hp when the pokemon eats a berry it's got swift fell stinger matte block and flash cannon okay huh weird wait so if we use fel stinger it raises our attack drastically that could be kind of nice it's not a strong move but uh yep that's the genesect it's not too bad flash cannon is a good move swift is okay fella stinger is pretty interesting if you want to knock somebody out there it is the genesect on the squad all right another patch of grass we'll see if the encounters are any better over here maybe not oh no way a volaby a little baby come on dude at least give us the mandy buzz all right metronome you know what to do charizard deal with this baby kick him out take him out rap oh no that might not kill no no no no that might not kill oh thank goodness oh thank goodness critical hit that is so nice i don't know if we needed the crit wallaby is actually a little pretty tanky for a little baby but we got the crit that might have actually saved us there all right dude these baby pokemon are creeping me out let's do one more encounter here yeah okay that's a duplicate we're gonna we're gonna change locations guys we're gonna change locations hello look at this dude i'm in the galler mine right now and this among us literally randomized to be the car cold it's supposed to be right here dude that's kind of funny look how fast he's hopping bro that's insane is there a lake or something i can fish in inside of here or is it just nothing but cave there's another amungus lol dude he's getting it look at him go bro look at him go give us the b fees give us the b fees all right let's check it out here we got some odd choices over here there we go random encounter oh my what is oh my a snob you got to be kidding me dude a little snommy stom there's no way dude do not please do not put this on my team dude just don't just don't do it just don't we don't deserve that land's wrath get him out of here that's a ko buddy that's another ko i'm liking that we're getting all these attacking moves out of the way now hopefully when we see a beefy legendary we just uh you know tail whip it or whatever one question for any of you comment uh geniuses how many attacking moves are there as opposed to non-attacking moves and ooh magnus zone i'm in the zone baby let's go i like that i like that let's not kill it let's just not kill it right here whatever you do charizard be gentle be gentle hi jump kick please miss no no you gotta miss those charizard you gotta miss those you're killing our friends dude that would have been really good that would have been really good if we could have had it that's a rip any random encounters that aren't duplicates hello oh my goodness i definitely don't want that i definitely don't want that all right charizard i just need you to do me one favor buddy kick this bird it's square in the chin just kick this bird right in the chin take it out horn attack that's nice that's nice that's gonna definitely yeah you're done you're done mate we'll see you later okay guys we only have one pokemon we've been killing everything but we've been countering a lot of baby weaklings so maybe when we do and see the big one we're gonna catch it let's hope for it no shut magikarp oh my god bro no don't you do it to me don't you do it to me game get him out of here thunder punch his face thunder puncher mind the gills reversal oh god is that gonna kill that might not kill okay it's gonna definitely kill critical hit okay all right oh this is scaring me bro this is definitely scaring me i'm not a fan all right we've got a lot of the baby junior encounters out of the way now it's time for the beef boys give me the beef boys oh oh i thought it's an amaranth and ana anarith that's garbage big dog that's garbage i mean it's better than a magikarp but it's not good so i don't want it honestly please take it out please zap cannon no we missed oh we missed oh he's got spore though it's actually pretty decent well that anarith is on the team guys let's throw our master ball that's a yikes from me big dog second pokemon down though it took a lot of metronomes dude but we did it we caught our second pokemon let's keep moving all right anarath has the ability to unnerve okay poison sting yikes bug bite crush grip spore another poison sting that is not i don't i i don't like that i don't like that at all um at least we got spore and stab bug bite i guess that's the best we can hope for yikes yikes okay random encounter right here what is it gonna be over rabouti no no no yeah it is reboot okay oh all right well you know what it's not the worst pokemon as long as it's not a baby i don't mind it too much uh let's find out if the metronome will destroy it or not actually i'd rather not have it metronome do your magic buddy assurance what is that gonna do oh i just slapped him down with the quickness and there goes rybooty to the grave another random encounter it's starmie oh i love starmie so much psychic water type really fast actually which makes it really op metronome just leave it alone metronome leave it alone wagging your finger you're blasting nothing outrage oh it's definitely done for it's definitely done for her i just destroyed that stormy okay now we're in the fields over here route 4 see what's in the grass something special for me please oh no not this a spritzy bro who wants a spritzy man i don't want a spritzy that sounds like such a weak thing like a spritz that just sounds so lame firelash oh that's that's done for that is done for see you later spritzy okay let's get something else decent all right another random encounter here let's see the low punny huh that's a pretty fast strong normal type let's see if uh let's see if we could take the hands from the blasty boy though all right we're blasting it mud shot i think that'll yeah that's gonna take it out still yeah everything's level 13 the compared level 100 yeah taking it right out i actually would have liked a low pony but i guess it doesn't want to join the team can't take a little mud shot yikes okay let's get something else decent out here come on something all right please what is oh oh cursola the ghost is it ghost rock type or is it just ghost type as one cursola that means it's got unnerve and um grimnae huh interesting let's see what happens can't be hurt by a normal type move so if we use a normal type move that'll be good there rock throw yikes miss miss miss nope not missing that one shots cursola fainted gg we're not catching anything out here i'm really not liking this area guys i'm feeling like we're just getting bad luck on these catches oh is there water i could fish at right here what's gonna be down there what is that what is gonna be down there let's find out this counts as a random encounter i believe right so fishing encounter has to oh wow a toxipex that's pretty beefy poison water type i think right intrepid sword what does that raise our attack that's huge that is actually kind of huge let's see metronome can you do your magic for us can you make it work just make it work just make it work come on sacred sword no it's done for oh i would have liked it i really would have liked it okay here it is random encounter and onyx yo what a classic pokemon to see i kind of like onyx dude onyx it's really terrible special defense but it's such an og i mean i love it it's also mega tanky so physical moves really won't be able to finish it like poison jab it actually might resist this it'd be crazy if it lives this somehow no no i was i was thinking too much of it i'm still a level 100. all right gg the onyx okay a new random encounter come on what is that oh electric why does my neck trick have such a fuzzy chest is it always like that well whatever let's find out if metronome will end it let's see metronome what are you going to do to this guy huh you going to hurt it are you going to leave it be infestation that's still my one shot yeah yeah it's gone it's gone all right my nectric c later buddy wow i i can't believe metronome is just slaying everything right now it's kind of crazy all right another encounter all right here in the same grass come on come on when ice cream cone of an english that's a mid-tier evolution right now could be worse could be better but it could be worse you know i'm not going to complain if we get it inferno miss miss miss miss miss oh i hit the inferno are you kidding me dude isn't that like 50 accurate that's crazy oh i didn't even mean to run to this random encounter what do we got another monactic dang i actually wanted to fish up this encounter and see what's over here let's find out together team what's in the pond a little foot-shaped pond what is it all right oh trevenant a ghost grass type i actually kind of like it i really like this on the team to be honest let's go ahead and try catching it come on blastoise now it's immune to normal type moves so use like a normal type move go ahead use it fusion bolts are you kidding me oh he's done for oh he's done for jeez all right see you later trevenant i wished for it but just wishful thinking i guess isn't enough okay we're gonna fish up something else let's go for it just gonna cross my fingers we don't get a dupe trev in it come on oh no i would have rather had a treven at this thing what is this pinnacle just a rock with arms on it what is this you see i don't want to catch this which means we're probably going to catch this see what happens wagging my fingers wagging my fingers poison powder and we actually are going to catch it great oh we didn't kill the pokemon which means we have to catch it guys thunder wave why are you doing me like this bro why i now i have to go heal great actually that's not too bad for such a lame pokemon like this you know that's pretty cheesy we could use that okay matches while going out and uh let's see what it has all right pinnacle with the ability or a break effects of aura abilities are reversed to lower the power affected moves weird we got boom burst which is actually an amazing move water pulse rock blast and thunder wave yo really good moves on this guy it is like a baby you know rock water type but you know what it could be a lot worse it could be a lot worse that's actually really good for the baby and that's our second catch we got four more teammates to add all right team let's see if route 5 is a little bit better for encounters we're gonna look for something here uh don't chase me tapu do not chase me there we go random encounter is no way bro no way oh my god dude the past few videos i've been seeing so such a bad pokemon dude please charizard you know what to do buddy do i even have to tell you do i even have to tell you pal brutal swing that's decent that's gonna kill noise noice we like that we like that big dog we do indeed like that tapu chasing me again stop it please stop it here we go another random encounter no way dude who did this who's doing this what kind of sick joke is this baby juniors all day and night take this thing out right now charizard synthesis great great azural on the team great oh my and he froze me bro i quit okay well maybe he has uh you know what i'm gonna just hope that this thing has serene grace with that try attack and that that's gonna make it decent that's what i'm gonna i'm gonna bank on that team i'm gonna just you know what i'm gonna say it's definitely happening welcome to the team azurul that's our third pokemon holy crud that's bad it's really really bad all right azurul has the ability tented lens and use not very effective moves to deal regular damage that's pretty cool i guess knock off hydro pump cotton spore and try attack yikes well uh that's bad oh man we're not that good right now we are not looking good right now then again this challenge is completely random so quick to g might have trash on his team as well actually while i'm here let me fish this last encounter let's see what happens okay we got the long throw we got the long cast something good with that big line let's see it what is this oh an ipod are you kidding me i mean beldum yikes oh this is not good actually like literally i'd rather not have this just slap it real quick blastoise rock smash you got perfect perfect all right gg it's gone all right wholebury right now let's uh let's find out where we can get up i think we can actually fish up pokemon in this city luckily where's the good fishing spot i'll show you i'll show you where the good fishing spots are right here right here a good oh never mind not anymore okay here we go what you gonna be down here a legend in the water maybe just a legend hiding in the little pond no a pelipper i mean a wiggle even worse oh no gotta be kidding me wiggle you gotta be kidding me wiggle just just die just die just leave just don't give me this really don't want to wingle water pulse okay it's out of here yeah take that big dog see you later okay let's try this little watering hole now there we go rayquaza come out please oh no way it's another wingle no way i'm getting another winglet right now okay we're trying this one last time we get another wingle we're never coming back here for another challenge never mind i just failed that all right all right last try this better not be a wingle that's all i'm saying it's all i'm saying it better not be a win oh whoa whoa it's a soul galio are you kidding me yo please please don't hit it please blast twice don't hit it please blast twice please blast twice just sing it a song sing it to sleep sing it to sleep please jaw lock oh no bro that is gonna slap it silly there it goes super effective come on blasty ah really we had to do that huh couldn't just catch the legend i would have loved that guy on the team oh i would have loved it alrighty we got fishing spots right here here i go something decent in the cave please something decent onyx again bro does this even count as a dupe it's a different area i think it does that is you gotta be joking bro you gotta be joking onyx get away from me please i'm getting sick of it i liked you at first but now you're just getting annoying all right i'm sticking my rod in the watering hole and what are we gonna get oh shucks ah shuckles chuckle is such a meme pokemon we like him actually let's see what happens the defense on this is kind of crazy so it actually might be able to take out a hit if something weird happened oh we're singing it to sleep we're catching the shuckle team we're actually catching it shout out to the shuckle squad those that wanted to see it it's on the way basketball going out and let's hope that it's decent at least i mean i don't know what to expect roll out would be really good on chuckle but there's not much else i really want like this it's got such weird stats right shuckle with the ability sand force boost the power of rock ground steel type moves in a sandstorm that's kind of cool there we got pain split stealth rock oh my god it's great fury cutter oh my god and tail slap dude this is insane this is actually an amazing shuckle stealth rock to start it off fury cutter so we can just constantly attack with that because the more you do it in a row the stronger it gets so we could just stay in fury cuttering the whole time pain split once we get low hp we can paint split and split the damage and get some hp back yo shuckle might literally sweep up the team this might be disgusting here that is actually like that i said i don't know what to expect in a shuckle but that's like one of the best move sets you can have in a shuckle that is so cool all right let's go ahead and you know what let's switch it up a little bit oh my god reggie giggish is just casually walking that must be nice um you know what let's do something different let's fish for a random encounter right here actually i forgot i can't scare him off i can't scare the fish tapu will you give it a rest just give it a rest honestly all right let's throw out the rod and get ourselves oops i messed it up all right let's throw out our rod we froze time so the tapu can't catch us because we're that good of fishermen and here we go rayquaza that easy guys that's how you oh my no way dude no way hey baby after baby after baby after baby after baby literally delta stream babies oh my god i'm frozen too i forgot all about that all right i just thawed myself out now let's use metronome and please charizard kill this baby man i never thought i'd say this but take him out take it out aerial ace you're gone you're out of here oh that hurt that looked brutal that actually was kind of gruesome i'm sorry all right a travesty avoided okay well fishing was not the wave let's go back in the grass here here we go yikes okay so every route has been filled with baby juniors literally all right and uh i think it's just about time we see something crazy now it's just about time like it's gotta happen sooner or later why not make it right now there we go there we go a corva knight that's all right with me if we can catch it that is the that is the question will we catch it metronome what are you gonna say here buddy what are you gonna do aerobolic charge oh god well there goes that bird that's fried chicken now okay what do you have in store for us what's next what's next here let's see it what is that glaily oh quill fish okay okay that's not too bad quillfish is a decent pokemon poison water type let's see if he survives a metronome come on just no attacking move right here no attacking move dramatic laser jesus sorry sorry why are you killing everything charizard killing everything oh man it's easy okay anything else over here besides quillfish hello oh okay absol not a bad choice not a bad choice let's see what happens with the metronome come on tail whip come on tail will play nice okay is that a yay we're friends heck yeah lord is attack all right that's nice that is going on the team now all right that is a fourth member guys absolutely that's a decent pokemon hopefully it's got some moves available we'll see we'll see can we have huge power on it though can we just go ahead and get that please be decent all righty guys we only need two more pokemon after this here we go we got an absolute on the team charizard decided not to murder it it's got hunger switch which is not gonna work we got ember power trip last resort and fusion flare um oh my goodness man this is not very good this is not a very good absolute big dog oh my goodness well that's our absol that is our absol i don't like this team i hope quick to do going bad as well because this is horrible okay motor stoke outskirts let's get something decent out here please random encounter is a sneasel no oh i don't want this at least the wuva will be nice but not a sneasel okay it can't go to sleep so it's comatose that's interesting metronome do something crazy player blitz just do it draco meteor perfect all right this thing's gone not catching the sneezel at least all right anything else down here in the grass motor stoke outskirts come on something decent dreadnough love dreadnough bro i love this pokemon now when i played this game i didn't like him now with pokemon unite out i got so much respect for him and honestly it is good pokemon it really is so tanky depending on what random move said it could have oh leaf storm never mind this thing is dead this is a dead as a doornail guys it is done it is completely gone yeah gg never mind see you later tread okay another encounter rolls please no please no don't do me like this game don't do me like this game quit playing with me game stomping tantrum perfect get him out of here get him out of here i'm upset give me a ralt's that's disrespect you know what i'm saying get out of here i'm flying out of these outskirts i can't stand this area at all right something in the grass please all right here it is random encounter and new route it is a scoloped no venipede yikes yikes i'm not sure about this guy this looks like a pretty weak bug i know scoloped's good but this thing doesn't look anything special all right metronome what you gonna do to it fly so that's a two turn move i yeah it's it's done for it's done for as long as it doesn't miss and the flying blastoise takes the venipeet away all right another random encounter what you got out here oh a diggersby not a fan of this pokemon at all it's actually super weak delta stream protecting a flying type pokemon that's interesting but not useful for us metronome do your magic do your magical finger waving oh we're tickling it no we're actually gonna have to catch this we actually have to catch this guy i don't like it i don't like it at all slash all right catching the diggers be slash is at least not a bad move so we have that at the least but it is such a weak pokemon it's just not gonna last okay diggersby with delta stream as its ability it's got shadow force oh that's actually a really good move fury swipes splash and corrosive gas you know what shadow force could be really good just to sneak away and do some slaps slash is all right because it can create easily and at least we can hit ghost types with that so i mean not too bad not the worst diggersby still not what we want but we get what we get and here's another encounter no a bundle b a bunnery bro get me out of here no more rabbit pokemon please what is going on blastoise destroy this blast toys use anything to destroy it holder guys no we actually have to catch it it's got nightshade though huh so that does damage based on our level we're gonna be level 50 there that's okay that's something out of all the moves at least it has something that could damage pokemon and it's also a little bit fast so we have that at the least that's our fifth pokemon too wow we have one more catch to get this has ice scales so it's protected by ice skills which half damage taken from special moves all right we got flatter nightshade hyper beam and acupressure um you know what flatter could be good because it doesn't matter if they have high special attack because we have lowered resistance i mean i don't know that's kind of weird nightshade's probably all we're going to use yep all right buttery on the team all right let's see come on give me a decent give me a decent i repeat i need a decent yo there we go nice cinderace that's that's pretty good right there we like it we like it now let's see if charizard decides to let it on the team i guess it's ultimately up to charizard he's wagging his finger lovely kiss yes yes there you go buddy that's lovely he loves you cinderease even gave you a kiss on the cheek we like it we like it that is a cinderease that will join the team guys nice we only need one more pokemon now not bad please be decent though please like we've had a lot of weirdos on the team can we just get one op one secret op to work with at least that would help a lot i would appreciate it okay cinderace we need you we need you to be decent buddy come on you can do this own tempo can't be confused all right absorb roll out burn up and dragon tail oh my god so weird so weird absorb why why do you have that oh my god and we have burn up for our only stab moves which after we use that it's not stab anymore because we're not gonna be fire type anymore but here we go another encounter is a duplicate and guys we have one more catch we have one last pokemon to get let's find something good huh oh not this ice cube not the snowflake bro i don't want this all right here he goes here it goes toxipex well we already encountered you earlier i don't think this counts trapping sword yeah we definitely got you earlier dang all right running away let me go somewhere else man this is ah that killed the vibe oh get away from me stop encountering all right all right something in the grass and it's a dwell yikes i don't want this i really don't we already have a shuckle which is amazing we don't need to dwell we really don't need this metronome do something do something to it come on just splash it with water blastoise ice shard that might not be enough oh my god it's not enough you got to be kidding me bro you got to be kidding me it's got protein and frenzy plant okay proteins to change its type at least but that's our last catch it's dwell yikes we actually got dwell not who i wanted to see all right all right let's find out what this thing's gonna do here oh yikes all right so dwell our last pokemon here we're going to go over it and then recap the rest of the team dwemble with protein so we change our type based on the move we're about to use it's got pollen puff frenzy plant dragon tail and a dream eater that's interesting then we got genesect again with cheek pouch swift fell stinger matt block and flash cannon then pinnacle with boom burst water poles rock blast thunder wave it's got the ability or a break then shuckle with sand force pain split stealth rock fury cutter tail slap ironically i think chuckles the mvp on the team right now uh diggersby with shadow force fury swipe slash corrosive gas it's got delta stream and then buttery with ice scales flatter night shade hyper green acupressure yo this team is so weird guys this team is so so so weird i don't know how i feel about it but we're gonna try our best here we're gonna try our darn hardest we actually might lose the first time ever with stealth rock because i don't know if that's gonna be enough to destroy his whole team at this rate okay guys let's go let's do it i'm just kind of moving around all over the place i don't know where to be guys i keep seeing like terrible pokemon everywhere i go i'm scared all right here comes another one yo there we go a swamper that's a way nicer pick than mudkip okay let's see if charizard allows it to join the team i wouldn't mind firstly would not mind a swampy boy on the team morning sun there we go there we go that is our final catch big dogs i'm happy with that the team's looking weird but as long as this guy's decent we got a good shot he's at least got bone meringue we know that let's chuck the master ball we'll check him out and then we'll also do a team recap right behind that i'll see you guys in just a second all right team starting us off for the team recap with the swampert we just caught we got uh the ability blaze it's uh not that good we got water pulse facade boomerang and steam eruption that's actually decent we got some nice physical moves and some special moves and facade in case we get like you know any type of status cheese going on that's actually not bad we got wheezing next with poison sting vino shock smog floral healing and the ability of magician we got anarch with poison sting bug bite crush grip spore and the ability unnerve spore is actually pretty nice we'll try to make some use of that we got azura with knock off hydro pump cotton spore tri attack and the ability tinted lens we got absolute ember power trip last resort fusion flare and hunger switch not that good we got cinder ace with absorb rolled out burn up dragon tail and the ability own tempo and then finally oh no that is finally that's it well that is all for the chill play squad we're definitely weird but as always i believe in myself believe in my squad even if they're not the best we're gonna do the best we can and uh yeah that's all we can do make sure you guys are subscribed to the channel by the way um look at this zoom roll look at that look at him he's so cute he wants you to subscribe do him a favor all right we'll see you guys in the fight let's go okay time for a weird one buddy i'm feeling weird about oh nice picture dude i forgot to change my picture you're looking good buddy i need to get that done weird is definitely a way to put it but yeah team is weird bearded beard is weird you know how it is yeah not a normal challenge not a normal team i'd go with oh shucks yikes are you doing me like that to start big dog shucks starting us off like that hope you're not nervous hope you're not nervous i'm not i'll i'll unnerve you buddy i'll unnerve you i'm actually really not nervous like this is this is my mvp ironically no way just because it's chuckle you know since you told me that i know what i need to know now i'm putting it to sleep wow hey you told me yeah you told me that i don't know i wouldn't you got to be careful big dog got to be careful out here all right let's do this that's my game there goes no way there goes the game seriously no my team is not good right i have a really rough one right um well then i'm gonna not spare any uh i'm not gonna spare you i'm not gonna take any chances i think he might be bluffing me so let's put the swampy one out huh dude what's the swampy one he's fast asleep oh i don't wake up bro look at your little tiny eyes you can't see it from my angle never mind but everyone can see it you got little tiny eyes that are shut right now dude just the smallest of life really yikes no dynamics by the way but you know that now here we go with the steam eruption oh my that's pretty decent that's pretty deep didn't wait are you sleeping through that you're sleeping through that hot water that's a gg that's a gg by the looks i'm about to pulse you down now let's see if this pulse will wake you up yeah maybe a pulse can wake you up buddy maybe a steam eruption a steam engine let's see let's see i have no idea oh i shouldn't have said so much oh a bunny i don't got anything that could take that like i got nothing that could take that look how bunny look how buttery moves bro you're like just moving side to side like everything's okay so you got it you got a pretty nice team you actually got a lucky you got a nice uh i mean you know what actually since you since you did listen that's not all the way that's not accurate by the way let's see if we want it right yes that's deep bro compared to what i got well we'll see well okay you did me a favor so i'll give you one night this is my key player probably oh really oh really let's get rid of that night shade right now please steam eruption bro why are you so tanky burned why are you so tanky though seriously as a little bunny i don't get it um you got something going on don't you that is weird actually i don't know why i'm so tanky i mean i'm a freaking swamper bro maybe i do know why actually maybe just maybe i'm i'm not a bunny but i got i got scales on i got scales yeah dude that's crazy thanks for the info i'm gonna i'm gonna react accordingly i'm gonna react accordingly what you gotta do i'm a normal type by the way so nightshade shouldn't work unless everything i know is a lie okay okay this isn't gen two buddy this isn't gen two that bunny ain't so happy now huh no it's not a happy bunny that's for sure um now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna try and attack you hyperbammo this is what i can do at least i think that might one shot if i'm lucky that might have one shot a little baby like me i'm not a oh was that enough no it wasn't oh dry attack that baby's about to defeat me bro oh no no a little bitty pinch of damage dude a little bitty pain pinch a little pinch of damage i'm gonna do what you gotta do now do what you gotta do okay i'm gonna try and attack you again you must do what you gotta do hopefully this kills you hopefully with the burn oh it's gonna cut it close no shot no wow wow just enough huh no we like that i don't like that what's that what's up what's up whatcha gonna do now i should have hydro pumped you maybe oh that's not even said that's not stabbed though either i'm gonna miss just normal yeah i'm normal fairy actually in this one that's just which is really weird dude hyper beams i was making interesting looking animation i made a babies only challenge like like year a year ago at this point and only like halfway through the play through that i realized that that pokemon was only normal i thought it was a water type the whole time didn't pay attention hey we're all learning all right all right let's see um um you really had to start off with the sport cheese huh i'm gonna start off with some uh with some united cheese now i think i made a mistake actually dang well i made multiple mistakes now really yeah yeah oh wait a minute what's up oh it's playing the legendary tune you know what the hell i know i already okay so it does play the same song for each of us i thought it was different okay yeah okay i'm here in the dog's house diggersby oh i'm sorry buddy i'm sorry do you believe me i learned yesterday that guy is awful yeah he's not a good pokemon kind of a good matchup for this though not the best matchup for you though yeah i don't know why you'd use that i mean i didn't know you were going to diggersby to be sure true you didn't know you didn't know that actually you know what maybe if i do the best if i can i'll be just fine and i'll burn it up and then i'm no longer a fire type buddy no longer am i a fire type if i use the ground move i'd really have minded oh you're slashing it's like that yeah yeah yeah yeah oh it's like that critical crits that's why we slash that's now what you're gonna do huh what else you got on there burn up's a great move but now you don't even have stab yeah you're not wrong what's gonna happen wrong what's gonna happen is i'm gonna react accordingly as i do so react accordingly buddy with all the time you do with a resistance slash accordion jimmy corty and jimmy this can't do much oh it actually did a lot no way that was another crit no way bro you got a sniper on that guy or what no no slash be high crit ratio and the game likes me today bro i mean it doesn't want me to spoil it it's raining it's sporing final b it's actually that's diggersby is snoring you got two rabbit pokemon buddy you're spoiling everyone how is that faster than me i don't know maybe it's not faster than me is this am i a crawfish what am i i don't understand what am i though is my question because i mean crawfish are pretty fast i look kind of like a crawfish i'm about to crush you buddy oh god crunchy crunch i'm i'm not i'm not yeah i'm not waking up i might be able to sweep my whole team how do you know you're not waking up you got like deep dreams or something oh yeah yeah you're having some deep visions i didn't sleep all night bro i'm tired i'm tired i'm bugging i'm going to bite you pal fastest bug that's going to bite you yeah yep you're biting me am i faster than everything am i faster than everything left faster than a lot of things i have left but we'll see about we'll see about everything which way are my eyes looking i just realized like one of my eyes it looks like i'm looking right back at the camera it's kind of creepy that is kind of creepy no you look like my eyes looking at you can you see him i see you looking at me weird weird where whoa i don't understand this pokemon oh no we just got meaty clothes uh let's do what we gotta do we gotta do i might have a shot i might have a shot um i might have a shot [Music] well let's see let's see if this works this usually works shot oh that might kill we can get rid of that we can get rid of that at least that should kill that definitely oh that definitely if it didn't i was gonna claim hacks okay what do i do in this case well you know everyone's got choices you're right we all do we all do we all do buddy and that's what's wonderful about choices really yep yep really yep am i faster than you i know you're fast af there's no way i'm faster than you actually i mean i know i'm absol but i'm not fast am i i mean you're a robot dude let's see what i don't think yeah fell stinger faster i'm faster let's see how much it does oh it hurts did i one shot is that a one shot that is huge oh that is huge i didn't even think about a bug move genesects attacked rose drastically drastically drastically drastically giraffe rig draft draftistically that might be the bad that might be really bad for me unless cindereast can take care of business oh cinderella's definitely faster i don't know if that's true buddy definitely definitely faster yeah a hundred percent bro you're a soccer player bro you know but you're a robot i think you're underestimating the genesect i think you're over we'll see i mean we'll see unless you switch we'll see yeah i figured that would happen i figured out what a sect is faster than he is that's the thing bionicle okay or a break you're gonna burn up at least right yeah you had to you had to i couldn't not that was your only choice bro that was your only choice now you're burned out bro now you're burned out let me see actually this is actually maybe decent for me i know this is weird but actually maybe decent for me mm-hmm let's see what happens absorb the worst move ever but it's four times you gotta be kidding me but it's four times so it might actually heal me up a decent amount okay a little bit what do you guys think it's okay we have to set up we have to set up we're gonna set up make sure this guy's a little messed up now no shot no sean [Music] okay well i didn't like that i didn't like that i didn't see that do what you got to do now i'm slapping with my little hands just kidding just kidding no no no no no no no no no i'm bringing out the jedi no no no no no no no no what's your favorite gems absorbie what's your favorite gen buddy um looks like it's genocide one hp heel right thank you still that's still a big it's still a big hit that's about a hit honestly but let's see what happens you're no longer a fire type and you're paralysized so if i can rely on that paralysis this might not work this might not work can i burn up i've already burned oh but it failed but it failed oh i thought maybe it would work and just be no longer stabbed i failed myself for life unless you got a nice bell to ring-a-ling ling ding ding i don't have many options well you don't have options but you definitely got choices hmm well i think i'm dead i think i'm dead here you are dead you're a singer let me live that somehow oh no no and i'm taking that i'm taking all that you know what i'm taking all my stats all my stats i'm taking that i might still have a chance if swampy swamp can do this swampy swamp literally might be able to do this by the way i would love that i'm gonna erupt i'm going to erupt with the power please i got what i got bell stinger drastically increased damage let's see how much drastic is oh that's drastic [Music] i need a couple that's not enough if i unless i get burned oh my god it hurts so good oh not enough big dog though for us the tennis center that is looking like a dub oh that is definitely looking like i got to tell you now bro my uh my shuckle by the way had stealth rock all right to start with he had pain split okay and he also had a fury cutter bro so i was gonna slap slap slap the damage down that is actually pretty crazy yeah yeah actually i have no attacking moves on this guy oh you got no attacking moves on this guy not against the genesect oh don't worry i gotta i gotta steal that's gonna kill me though that should kill me make sure you check the description for more versus challenges and subscribe to the channel gg quick gg
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 383,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: We Use Metronome To Catch RANDOM POKEMON... Then We FIGHT! Pokemon Sword, We Hatch 10 RANDOM EGGS To Make A Team Of POKEMON. Then We FIGHT! Pokemon Sword, QuickGG, Quickg, chillin play, PokemonVS, Pokemon Then We FIGHT, Pokemon Challenge, Pokemon VS Challenge, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield VS, 30 minutes to catch a team in the isle of armor, Pokemon catch a team, hatching random eggs, pokemon egg hatching, pokemon battle, Pokemon sword, pokemon competitive battle
Id: 5mb_bZc-CB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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