30 minutes to SHINY HUNT for RANDOM POKEMON. Then we FIGHT!

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hello everybody and welcome back to another challenge versus video chillin play here with quick gg the pokeman master how's it going big dawg what's up i'm uh perched up on this roof right now just scouting out looking for some pokemon that might be coming this way yo be careful buddy well guys if you haven't seen a challenge versus video before me and quick gg go through our different pokemon games with different rules and challenges involved catching pokemon and then we have a fight for today's video guys we are throwing it back to gen 3 to do another challenge versus video back in the older days i know some of you guys were asking for it in the comments so today we're going to be doing 30 minutes to catch shiny pokemon here in pokemon emerald and then we're going to fight so for this challenge me and quick gg both have great balls that is the only ball we are allowed to use on these pokemon other than one master wall that we can throw whenever we choose to uh throughout the 30 minutes so we will have one master ball and then unlimited great balls we're not gonna be allowed to damage any of these pokemon guys or put any status effects on them we're just gonna be able to chuck balls if we want them or run away if we don't once the 30 minutes is up guys you won't be able to throw any more balls so unless your ball is already in the air quick gg uh it's not gonna count so uh yeah keep your eyes on that timer all these pokemon in the wild will be completely randomized with randomized move sets and abilities quick gg once we are out of 30 minutes we will take all the pokemon we've caught and pick the best team we can and have a battle are you ready buddy yeah i found a new rooftop this one's got like a chimney inside oh i fell in [Music] sounds dangerous buddy i'm gonna go uh catch my team for 30 minutes safely on the ground where i won't get hurt all right team 30 minutes to catch the shiny pokemon let's go ahead and get moving see we got first here for our first account oh oh this guy okay you actually look a little cooler buddy but you're definitely not any cooler so uh yeah we're gonna go ahead and run away from you i subscribe nice name by the way did you subscribe guys if you're watching this surely you did surely you did okay let's see what else we got out here youngster joey do not look at me like that dude i'm out here trying to catch some shinies right now hey oh hey aryados that's uh that's decent i don't i don't know how i feel about that shiny though kind of cool i guess but uh yeah ariados kind of a decent pokemon not really that great let's see if we can catch it quickly if not i don't want to waste too much time on it but we will throw a few gray balls at it we got 29 minutes left let's see if we can go ahead and grab one member just to go ahead and have poison bug type definitely not my favorite so so i definitely don't really feel too worried about catching this let's see that's it okay well first pokemon just in case it is good you never know it could have huge power with sludge bomb and then all of a sudden you're looking at a beast you know all right ariados he has uh inner focus to prevent flinching okay double slap water sport poison tail and mega horn that's actually two decent moves not really the greatest but pretty good for stab we could use it if our team is awful we'll see what else do we have here on route 101 might as well do a few more encounters we got about 28 minutes left oh another one of these guys yeah no duplicates guys so i will quickly run away it does waste our time though so if i see another one of these i'm bouncing here we go another encounter coming in hot and wow you're kidding me okay time to move time to move come on baby second route oh a hairy mama dancing around i like it that's uh that's pretty decent that's pretty decent let's uh let's throw some balls oop don't fight it we gotta throw balls here's a great one for you buddy go ahead and jump on inside get comfy oh never mind just kidding dragon claw uh-oh we got a beast on our hands wait a minute actually is dragon claw special damage in this game uh oh i think it might be i really i think it might be okay no way i thought we had it right there too arm thrust there you go that's a little better that's a little better arm thrust is actually really bad for us it could waste a lot of our time potentially if it hits more than two or three times that could be uh pretty bad oh come on harry mama don't you want to join us dude i'll throw a few more balls i don't really know how i feel about this hariyama i don't want to waste too much time on it honestly it's not it's not looking too promising with the move so far mind reader yeah we don't want this we don't want this i'm actually going to go ahead and run away that's three not so good moves i don't think i want to waste potentially any more time there that it could be all right here we go into the route one let's see what the first pokemon will be will it be a legend right off the bat no it is a dust goal not something i want to see ah it's weird nice maroon duskull cool shiny sprite there buddy but still not what i want not gonna waste time trying to catch a baby ghost let's move up ahead on this route let's try to find something else come on route one give me something good start me off with a legend please so i can throw this master ball get rid of it oh my god a baby oh my god why are you throwing me two babies all right oh my god another encounter right away come on something decent oh no what's up with all these babies dude okay we're gonna give this route one more chance one more chance come on you've given me babies now give me something great please please i'm begging you oh my god the babies on babies on babies pucina get out of here the golden puccina the golden retriever pooch love it new route new problems come on no babies we still haven't even thrown a single okay okay an explode is decent and explode is decent normal type we'll try to catch that so only great balls this is gonna be a kind of a tough challenge i think let's see how close we can get catching this to splat oh no oh no must okay at least it's got awful moves it won't be hurting me actually we need things with decent moves out here come on explode stay in the ball oh no oh my explode please stay in the ball please please explode there we go yes okay okay we got it only three poke balls to catch that that's not a problem it's not a problem at all the loud noise pokemon explode alright xploud's got sturdy so it can't get hit by a one hit ko that's cool it's got mimic peck mudsport and poison fang uh pretty bad moveset actually all right new encounter new encounter give me something oh my goodness a full beat you know white at this point that explode was so hard to catch i'm just going to try to catch this volbeat just so we have something in the party to use later it has sandstorm that can be cheesy just stay in the ball vol beat just be an easy catch please we don't have time to clown around trying to catch you oh my god i love your blue color though vulpe i do i do all right here we go second great ball i'm not gonna stay and try to catch this if this fails come on holding b stay in there oh my ball beats vol beats what's signal beam actually that's decent oh that's decent all right volbeat i need you okay i know i said that i wasn't gonna do this guys but we're doing it we're going one more ball for this all right all right we got it all right we got it okay so at least we've got a signal beam on there and hopefully we got some better moves let's just keep moving though all right it's got sandstream it's got leer skill swap what signal beam and hypervoice what a weird weird volbeat all right we're getting out of that route we're going to route 102 now let's see what we got in route oh my god what is up with all these babies oh my goodness dude duplicate encounters no way dude get away from me buddy 26 minutes left whoa that that clock is ticking away dude come on where's our pokemon i know something i can do walk on the water baby that's how we do it that's how we do it chill and play style you know what i'm saying you just do what we got to do uh oh don't tell me there's no encounters here okay here we go come on you're kidding me oh golden barboache that's actually kind of cool too bad he's garbogian instead of bar boats it's garboch i don't want it come on surely there's something else other than barboaches out here there's gotta be right here we go right on the water's edge let's see no way another golden bar boat all right i'm out of here okay get out of my way big dog oh no i'm stuck in the water here we go there you go just gotta walk through the trees you know how it is guys hey it's you god why is your shiny so unexciting honestly i don't really want you pikachu sorry buddy running away although i shouldn't be so picky when i literally have one team member so far and 24 minutes left in 52 seconds slow broseph aka slow poke uh slow bro actually would have been decent okay dude i'm out of here these are garbage mods we gotta get moving come on buddy excuse me sir i don't have time to waste right now this is bad this is actually looking really bad come on dude oh no way silver slugma that is that is really cool no way i didn't know his shiny look like that that's awesome he's got sandstorm as well great waste some more time if you can't okay we're gonna have to really start catching like anything we see almost because at this rate we're not gonna have a team at all there we go celio that's pretty nice that's a pink buddy we like to see that is that pink or purple guys i can't even tell come on great ball you got to do the job here quickly because we don't have time we've wasted plenty of time oh no oh no in missile 2 to waste the most time are you kidding me please buddy stay inside the ball please i like your mustache i just want you to join the team wow you're kidding me bulk up ooh all right we okay this i mean hey this could be decent this could be beefy for us we gotta catch it dude dragon claw again okay weird nice there we go a celio on the team that's our second member that's all right that's all right with me all right we got the swarm to power up bug moves and we've got some decent moves with crab hammer okay that's a decent pokemon okay guys we got 22 sec 22 minutes left i'm sorry we've got to get some good encounters there we go the blue eyed lunatone we like to see that dude oh if you could just jump in the ball quickly we'll have half a team ready and i'll feel a little bit better but right now i'm a little afraid oh my god there's still pokeball while i i mean at least it's a worse ball so i'll count it if it works it's not it's not even as good as a great ball so wow perfect nice we'll take that on the team you could call it cheats because it's not a great ball but you know what it's worse i'm gonna i'm keeping it guys i'm keeping it okay guys we got the lunatone here with the ability blaze which is weird we got luster purge that's nice future sight could be decent skill swap enforce white foresight ah that's a pretty decent i guess we'll keep it we'll keep it the perp crow the purple murkrow i like that dude shiny sprites look so good honestly some of them look really cool some look kind of lame i'll be honest but some of them look really good okay come on oh my god cast form are you kidding me actually you know what guys believe it or not cast form is better than it appears it's actually got pretty decent stats so we're gonna go ahead and catch this hopefully it's got some decent moves to use i don't know how hard it is to catch though does anyone know how hard a cast form is to catch i feel like it's gonna be fairly hard because it's a gift pokemon normally anyone ever actually use this guy in a playthrough i'm just curious soft boiled okay that's actually that's actually nice kind of cheesy pretty nice oh my god that's the third pokeball it's not even close secret power that secret power grass oh my god i'm poisoned what oh this is not good this is not good at all fourth ball failure oh no come on cast form stay in the ball please please please why are we using great balls for this challenge chill and play why why why is it so hard oh my god guys i'm almost 10 minutes down and i've got a vol beat and an explode with terrible moves this is oh no this is not looking good oh i might get poisoned all the way down to zero by the looks of it oh no we're still trying though team we're still trying i'm about to go back to route one i think route one has higher odds at least but it only had babies oh no oh my god cast form why why why it's my last chance to catch this come on stay in there oh my god get out of here we're gonna go heal going back to route one dude let me see not a baby right now let me see not a baby right now so upset oh my god are you kidding me with the blue nose dude everything is a baby in this route literally everything everything is a baby everything we've gone four encounters all just first form babies and a teddy oh no get out of here oh get me off this route get me off this route right now i'm done with this place so many babes okay going back to this route again let's just see let's just see team i'm kind of getting nervous another vull beat great we've only got two pokemon still team oh man give me something else in this grass patch please why volbeat why i already have you we're not gonna get a great team by the looks of it guys we gotta go we gotta go hunt for a legend at this point we gotta go hunt for a mewtwo let's see what's in here let's see what's in the water let's see what's in the water we're walking on the water today we're walking on the water today people come on give me something you're telling me there's nothing in this water maybe this isn't working okay no it is working come on i stepped on a fish oh a kadabra that's actually i think that's not too hard to catch cadabra isn't a bad pokemon guys we're gonna definitely try to catch that one throw some grates throw some grates at it come on buddy just stay in there oh come on just stay in there oh so close on the first ball rolling kick cadabra that is interesting it's a bad move for you to have there cadabra we need a psychic move on you though please a nice strong psychic move oh my god it's so close again i gotta catch you third great ball going out oh no not even close mirror coat uh that would be nice if you weren't such a glass cannon kadabra actually that could be good but we're also faster than most pokemon with cadabra that's not going to be useful all right cadabra we got it we got it please have something else that's useful not miraco not rolling kick all right it's got trace copy special ability that could be nice hidden power uh rolling kick oh no block and mirror coat that is just that is just bad that is just bad let's get this if this is a full beat i'm never coming back to this grass patch explode get me out of here get me out of here what else is out here on route 102 for the team oh yes okay no that's what we like to see buddy oh man i hope you're not too tough to catch buddy uh i will throw a master ball if i have to no joke okay come on great ball you gotta do this dude oh my goodness oh my goodness no come on man this thing has intimidated as well which is actually its natural ability and it's really good come on great ball i need you i need you mock punch okay so far it's used mock punch and poison powder which is really weird for a moveset but uh who knows what else it knows i i still want it it's salamance no way i knew this is going to be difficult i knew this oh roll out what oh god this could get weird this could get really weird too no no dude watch this roll out build up and kill me there's no way right i'm beefy i'm a zoom roll dude i'm fine stay in the ball buddy no okay so salomons actually has a really weird move set um mock punch and rollout being an attacking move so depending on what the last one is we might not even sit here and throw any more balls i'm not gonna lie to you guys because that's not too good honestly okay please lose use your last move at least so i can find out what it is because if i'm wasting my time here i'm gonna be sad poison powder again that is not cool i don't like that i don't like that at all okay i'm this is the last ball i'm throwing legit like i know it's i know it's sad to say but i don't know this thing doesn't have good moves dragon breath okay actually never mind that's stab i actually kind of want that actually kind of want that come on dude stay in the ball stay yes okay salad man on the team we love that we really do love that let's check it out quickly actually you know what i don't even have time to check it out i'm just gonna keep moving okay guys so far we've got four pokemon on the team and we have uh 18 minutes left so we need to get some catches see we can find in the lake here in petalburg if we run around on it you know just disturb the piece see we can find that is really good that oh oh i would love to have it let's go ahead and chuck some balls that's nice that's really nice a very strong pokemon we like to see that let's go ahead and throw some balls okay it knows wish that is pretty cheesy that is pretty cheesy could be come in handy shadow punch okay weird oh no it's being difficult oh no 17 minutes 25 seconds come on buddy it's a girl's shiny is kind of weird to me too i feel like it's a missed opportunity as well kind of like oh no he's digging oh no i'm sorry tinted cool i didn't mean to i'm sorry buddy look i didn't mean it dude you didn't have to you have to run away can i still catch you underground oh wow this is funny please let this work please let this work yeah baby we got an underground tentacruel dude that's funny how does that even work i don't know pokemon all right guys route 104 what else do we have out here to catch please give me some beefies bulbasaur no no no no no i don't like that we still haven't even thrown our master balls so we're looking really good right now dude oh it has drizzle okay that's uh it's not bad but i don't need that i mean yeah that could help out the team but oh banette okay well that's a pretty good ghost not the best but ghost is actually physical in this game which makes bennett pretty decent honestly let's throw some balls see if we can get it i'm holding my b down oh my god he's got sheer cold too that could be really that could be a last-ditch effort to go crazy oh come on buddy stay in the ball don't spite me don't spite me buddy stay in the ball and also i hope you got better moves than just that please have shadow ball or something oh yes literally called it that's gonna be really nice that's gonna be really really nice if we can catch this if we can catch this banette right here guys with all this time left we'll have plenty of time to comfortably hunt i need everybody watching to hold your bees please because this is actually being difficult this blue banner is killing me right now bro ban the ball big dog you got to do it you got to do it it's a great one you got to do it come on dude what is your catch rate what is bennett's cab trade dude what is it yeah no yeah yeah no there we go van it was caught that's nice that's really nice 14 minutes left as well let's keep it moving let's keep it moving chill and play squad we are doing okay i don't know why i said it like that but i did dude i'm struggling the amount of dupes we've seen today is uh disturbing i'm stepping all over this water look at me i'm walking on the water team you guys see how that works look at that i'm literally making puddles i'm not lying i told you i'm walking on it i'm walking here all right all right something in the water oh no clamp i'm not i'm not about to deal with this nope we're leaving you we're running away from this i do not want to clamp earl you care less let's just keep moving at this point i'm probably going to leave this area we're going to do one last encounter in this grass on this route let's see come on there we go heck leon huh what the f oh i guess that's your animation just go full invisible okay shiny keklian what's great ball this dude i wonder how hard it is to catch okay doesn't look too hard at all yes oh thank you for taking no none of my time keklian none of the time wasted all right caclion also has trace that's wild uh it's got amnesia stockpile attract and sacred fire that is interesting that's interesting sacred fire hey that could be actually useful all right let's see what's in this town's water let's see if the water supply is good in this town come on gyarados gyarados let me get it let me get the gary maybe a whaler actually whaler would be nice oh kyogre give me kyogre right now please please give me anything i'm walking here oh my god that little kid can't even be bothered about me walking in the water in front of them encounters is anything in this puddle is there nothing in this puddle is there nothing here okay whoa that was a weird that was a weird one what is this a ninjask the golden ninjas this could be decent actually guys it's a very fast bug i think it's better than volbeat um it's great ball it come on ninjas make it easy on me please you're just a bug honestly yes yes yes thank you thank you thank you ninjas has super speed like it's literally the fastest pokemon there is in the game so uh maybe maybe it'll be useful maybe we could do something cheesy oh my god it's a pure power ninjask it's got indoor mirror move mega oh my god it's bad mirror move endure this is oh my god it's so bad with pure power you kidding me mega drain oh my what a waste we can't pure power is just oh it's got pure power but it has no moves to use it with maybe mirror move will work let's i don't even know if that'll work all right new route new pokemon come on geodude or get out of my face what is this give me something strong please please the strongest thing we've seen so far was a was a explode come on man what is going on right now what's going on these these little children pokemon get me out of here oh oh get me out of here team please please please i can't look at these things oh i'm miserable right now guys i haven't even been we haven't even seen anything close that would require a master ball okay a gloom honestly we're gonna try to catch the gloom it's not the worst pokemon we've seen i i wonder how chill and plays luck is right now hey oh hey yes okay that is really good now because i feel like i've been having really bad luck here we've gotten no decent pokemon we haven't even got a full six catches yet we don't have a full team yet we got 15 minutes left come on gloom just stay in there make it easy on me please holding b for you oh no third ball out gloom i need you i need you i need you to stay in there oh my sleep powder has sleep powder that's cheesy team that's very cheesy holding the b i'm holding the b i'm holding the b and you're on the team gloom with the cheese i like that sleep powder nice it's got static as well that's crazy okay it's got self-destruct muddy water sleep powder and mega kick this is an insane gloom okay so we could literally put something to sleep and then just self-destruct maybe he'll static like himself on me with someone else that's gonna be crazy okay let's go ahead and get something here in this forest please be why are they all so bad a skip bloom dude a skip loom are you kidding me right now okay come on come on come on give me something give me something game come on a torchic a torchic why why give me something good already what is going on what is going on what is going on right now guys oh my god this is another baby i'm gonna oh no a grimer a grimer uh and he's green too he's green shiny green i like that okay let's get out of this forest please i'm miserable in here actually actually one last encounter the redemption encounter let's see can you redeem yourself give me like please just give me something i'll just fully evolved anything yes it's the gary it's the gary okay gyarados could be decent guys if we get flying moves especially this could be very decent we're gonna throw some great balls at it i don't know how hard gyarados is to catch okay it looks like we got a shot it already shook twice in the first one air cutter okay we got flying moves that's good that's actually good come on gary holding b for you stay in the ball buddy stay in the ball please heck interesting don't really need peck if you got air cutter already but that's okay oh my goodness dude stay in there we're gonna spend a few minutes trying to catch this guy for sure gyarados stay in that ball please please oh my goodness guys we're getting so unlucky right now i want gyarados though i really want this one i really want this one this is gonna be my best teammate so far if i can catch it i'm not wasting the master ball though i might have to actually if we don't get lucky soon come on gary just stay in there dude oh no oh we only got one shot left buddy oh no oh i ran away by accident i pressed p i pressed p let me oh my god get me out of here i'm so done i'm so done right now with all this let me let me get a water encounter please please please i know how hard it is for you to do it but please please just one just one decent water encounter could save me there we go there we go the world is shifting sand slash you know what we'll take it that's that's great compared to everything we've seen so far oh and my uh my settlements is still dead i completely forgot about it dang it that's not good oh my god one ball almost had it oh my god we're out of poke here's another encounter you again come on buddy come on don't have time for you bulbasaur stop it i love the sora squad but you're getting in my way now who is it you know get away from me don't look at me with those eyes all right this water is or this area is cursed let's go into the water see how can i get over here there we go all right we're off the beach we're off the shore let's see we can get here ah yes yes a palm before ambipom existed okay um well buddy i will throw a few balls at you just because you're looking at me like that so happy to see me honestly i could care less about you but uh let's go ahead and try to catch you you could be decent you know you got if you got returned maybe swords dance you know who knows smoke screen whoa whoa whoa now come on come on buddy you show me another terrible move like that and we'll be out of here quick we'll be out of here real quick i jump kick okay he's a fighter that's what i thought that's what i thought would happen one more ball for this a palm i'm not really going to waste too much time on it but i would like it honestly it's okay it's not great but bulk up okay stop you're you're making me want to catch you you're making me want to catch you let me see we'll throw one more ball now dude because you have that i would like to set up with some cheese if i could that'd be nice three two three four bulking up dang it dude is anybody out there watching right now and not holding the nearest bee because i could think that that could be causing the situation we're in hold it you know what a palm the decision it's up to you you got to decide what you're doing here big dog you're coming with the winning squad are you okay you're going back swimming all right have fun buddy enjoy the water i'm leaving you behind i'm leaving you out of here get out of here get out of my face please and don't look at me like that on the way out dude you had a chance all right all right we gotta get out of here um let's take a take a look in the woods honestly go ahead and see what's up here i mean you never know in this type of environment we could find legends you know just hiding out in the shade catching a break from all the the the uv rays out there on the oh golden executor i like it dude that's nice do not lick me buddy come on dude smelling salt oh my god we gotta we got one of these lick and smelling salt not looking too good dude we might actually have to leave this behind literally unless you just know psychic like magically or something maybe razor leaf trick oh no no no no no no no no no no i'm running away i'm out of here well executor would have been cool he looked cool at least but nah hey sneezel's okay too not the best but you know what it hits pretty hard with drizzle okay okay that actually makes it a little stronger we don't even have any fire types we will throw maybe one or two balls if it's too difficult to catch we ain't gonna bother honestly all right one more ball you know what one more ball i don't have time for uh i don't have time for baby weakling sneezel i tried to give you a chance honestly to join the okay you know what get out of my face ladder again i'm flattered now move along buddy hey russeboro city come on i need some encounters all right we got six minutes and 30 seconds we we already have a full team so i kind of think i should legendary hunt at this point ah little baby tinted cool guy over here we already caught your older brother buddy sorry you're not you're not maybe once you grow up you can fit in but for now you're just you're just cool you're not strong you gotta unleash your inner cruelness guys really just become tough oh baby yo another what's with all these water types i'm realizing yo i would not mind having this pokemon on the team but starter pokemon have a really high catch rate so i'm thinking maybe i'll throw a few and hold the bees get lucky no way okay that's actually awesome that's that's really good we can definitely choose between our best water types and we'll see which one we use but uh let's just keep going for now we got about five minutes left five minutes 40 seconds maybe we'll find a legend on legendary legendary legendary mccargo fast okay you know what kind of uh uh you know what it's four times weak to water it's kind of scary in that regard but we'll throw one great ball if it if it stays in we'll keep it if not we'll dip we'll just head out nope okay well what do you got for your move snatch that's no good that's no good come on legends where you at where you at oh no this is bad we're not going we're going we're going to the new route guys we're going to the last route we can get to we got six and a half minutes we still have a master ball to use okay we still have a master ball so we have choices you know what that means we got choices come on come on give me something good right here please yes finally oh yes mashable i don't even care we're gonna masterball it right away master baller right away actually we're just gonna yeah we're gonna mask the ball right away we're gonna mess the ball right away sweet sweet oh we'd love to see it guys the shiny sweet sweet on the team i don't even care what moves it has we're gonna pick it up we're gonna hope for the best okay oh that is awesome sweet sweet it's got shed skin okay that's awesome that's actually really good we got barrier smelling salt secret power and water spout that's all we need water spout right there oh that's gonna be nice that's gonna be nice to have team all right well master ball has been used we finally have a really good pokemon on the team shaping up a little bit ataros oh my goodness if we can catch the i'm spending the rest of the time trying to catch this this pokemon will be really good for the team actually we do have an explode that's not too good actually so yeah yeah we do we need this we need this no way we get him on the oh my god i thought we had tauros in the first great ball that would have been crazy silver wind interesting buddy it's an interesting move you got there not sure why holding b for the t holding b for the t holding b for the t holding b for the t rap that's not i don't like rap alright great ball out come on buddy come on buddy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my goodness so close too high jump kick that is huge imagine a bull just hide jump kicking you to the face dude how'd you take that huh it's gonna hurt it's gonna hurt that's for sure we got to get this tauros oh my god no shakes come on karate chop is its last move you know what we'll definitely take this it's got fighting moves instead of normal type moves but that's okay because it's really really good attacking oh my god please stay in the ball taros what are you doing 3 minutes and 50 seconds left can we catch this i will stay until the timer is over trying to catch this guy right now oh no come on get in the ball please oh my god guys we have three minutes left this looks bad stay in there stay stay stay oh my god why do you shake so many times we've been here for like three minutes now team it's looking scary it's looking really scary but i'm not giving up on this guy oh and he just got all the stat raises on that silver one that's funny come on taros stay in the ball please oh my god taros please stay in the ball i hope chill and play is having really bad luck right now because this is not good guys we are these catches are weird they're lame we got at least a sweet sweet at least we got that but i'm not sure how good the rest of the team will be come on buddy stay in there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my god how many times will you shake three times big dog come on oh not even oh my god minute and a half we're in the last minute and a half team i'm staying here i'm staying i'll let you guys know i'll let you just come back later let you guys know when it's over wow team wow i can't i can't believe this we're on our last 20 seconds we're we're at the finish line team and we still haven't catch this are you kidding me right now dude this is crazy this is ridiculous this is it last throw last throw by the way and we lost yeah we didn't catch it that is gg there the uh the tauros eluded us we we weren't able to catch it just for old time's sake let's just throw one more great ball it's not going to catch though if this catches i'm going to be no why are you kidding me are you kidding me right now it doesn't even count oh my god why did i oh my dude i spent five minutes trying to catch that and it it not even gonna explain i'm not even gonna go into detail on that uh let's just let's go look at our pokemon right here it's time it's time ah togetic hmm uh i think i'll pass on toegetic let's keep moving all right rustsurf tunnel what do you have for me lurking beneath here okay that's pretty good yo clefable that's nice i will definitely take that on the team hopefully we can catch it dude i can't believe i haven't seen a single legendary to throw a master ball at that's kind of funny great balls do your thing let's go ahead and throw some at it this is a pretty beefy pokemon and uh i think it'll fit nicely on the team if we can get it really really nice and quick we like that we definitely like that welcome to the team buddy one ball again that's nice we're finally getting some good luck with some good luck with the catches honestly we needed it we needed it bad come on what else is in here maybe there's something else you again uh uh nope not happening already got a better normal type sorry buddy you had your chance you literally had your chance come on route 117 tell me there's something decent out here tell me there's something decent out here legendary legendary legendary no no one minute 56 seconds left where's our legend dude we haven't even thrown a master ball yet come on come on there we go there we go okay that's what we needed to see oh golden groudon baby yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what we needed that's what we really really needed master ball i'm using my one mash ball right now dude that's perfect just in time too we were almost out of time and i almost thought about using it on normal pokemon because of the time limit but there you go that's nice hopefully he's got good moves though we're not sure he could have a bad ability and bad moves that we don't really know yet okay for the remainder of the time let's see if we can get maybe a couple more encounters and get lucky with a great ball tyranitar decent decent come on buddy you know you want to join the team you know you want to complete the team honestly with your magnificent presence dude you'd be so strong for us come on dude oh you're never gonna you're never gonna do it you're never gonna do it roll out oh god here we go 54 seconds come on buddy as long as the ball is in the air it counts as long as the ball is in the air it counts come on yeah yeah yeah one more yo that is so good that is so good to get at the last second dude unbelievable unbelievable all right we'll take that we'll take that let's uh oh let's maybe see if we can get something on the water here before we end we got 25 seconds here oh maybe we get one ball in the air earlier not even good not even good honestly but we'll chuck one ball just in case it's got a crazy ability and moveset if it even works great ball going out come on buddy stay in there two three wow wow one more one more before the time ends that's nice yo we're looking decent guys that is the end of our timer um let's go ahead and i'm gonna go to the pc and we're gonna figure out what pokemon are gonna be on the final team and i'll see you guys in a second okay guys we're back with our team it was very tough to figure out who we're gonna use uh honestly i was literally struggling to decide for the last few members but starting us off here we do have arya dose with uh inner focus for the ability double slap water sport poison tail megahorn we've got um lunatone here with blaze for the ability luster purge future swap our future site skill swap and foresight next we got tentacruel with dig octazooka wish shadow punch and the ability keen eye next we've got a tyranitar with metal sound magical leaf hyperfang roll out and the ability sand veil then we got hustle groudon which was very unfortunate i hate that it has hustle but at least it does make it stronger if our moves hit but we have pretty unaccurate moves honestly which sucks we got bone meringue and iron tail for our physical moves and then hydro cannon which probably will not be useful as it is a special attack and uh not accurate too so i don't know if i'll use that next we got a uh bannon here with dizzy punch shear cold spike shadow ball and the ability oblivious and that is the team guys um we're looking decent we're weird but we are shiny so we're cool i'll see you guys in the fight all right guys for the team recap starting off with our sweet sweet here he's got shed skin barrier smelling salt secret power and water spout that's probably our best player our best team member right now next we got a splat with mimik heck mudsport poison fang it's got the ability uh sturdy that's kind of cool i'm not sure how good it'll be uh maybe mimic will be decent i don't know we'll see we'll see about that guy next volbeat with the ability sandstream that's going to be kind of counterproductive for us but it's no big deal for us still it's got leer skill swap signal beam and hypervoice i got it because it's got signal beam and uh that's probably the best thing we could have on this guy honestly at this gen and uh yeah also we didn't have any other pokemon really to choose from other than cadabra which we left in the pc next was caclion with amnesia stockpile attract and sacred fire it has the ability trace then we've got our pure power ninjask who doesn't have any attacking moves it's got endure mirror move which could be okay mega drain which is special attack and toxic so maybe we'll do some toxic indoor cheese maybe we'll try that out or maybe we'll try to remove someone i don't know that's a very weird dude there and lastly we've got our gloom here with self-destruct muddy water sleep powder and mega kick it's got the ability uh static so yeah hopefully this team works out very very odd team guys but hopefully children got unlucky as i did and i couldn't catch anything all right let's do this all right quick gg we're back with our team's big dog and uh how do you feel about yours uh i'm glad we didn't talk about this yet because i had a struggle fest to get this really what kind what kind um babies on babies and when it wasn't a baby uh i was non-stop uh balls thrown you know dude yeah the balls were brutal today the ball the balls came back around for me at the end actually literally but at the beginning i was having a tough time at the very end but you know what you'll see it in uh post-production what i'm talking about so go ahead yeah yeah yeah um if you guys are enjoying this uh in these videos by the way guys uh maybe it's your first time watching one of these make sure you drop a subscription to the channel it really helps guys uh it's free to do and uh yeah it helps out the team you can check out the description if you want to see more versus challenges we do them in all different kinds of games we randomize sword and shield and uh yeah basically any pokemon game so uh quick gg let's get it going buddy let's see who's got a better team i'm telling you i'm not a big fan of my team i'm not a big fan of my own team okay okay let's go let's go for one of these buddy let's go for one of these oh what oh missed so much for oh my goodness so much i'm just grabbing that one just grab that one on me you can have that one on me buddy don't worry it doesn't hit it's pretty inaccurate um okay okay are you serious are you serious let me lower your accuracy though dude i already can't see dude these big eyes on my head can't see and it doesn't even do much damage what is it let's see if you can lower your accuracy come on you got hit twice wow this is ridiculous this is actually ridiculous uh let me just do this actually i'm gonna try something else bye-bye oh no no really oh no i just don't got what i need for this you know what i'm saying what i need for this you got your arms angled down and your mouth wide open like you're angry buddy why why are you so angry i'm not happy i'm not very happy with my team right now you're exploding with anger oh i see yeah yeah yeah he's immune to that one buddy you went ahead and just helped yourself to one of those i see look hey i'm not mad about it so what happens when i do yeah this let's just see nothing nothing at all lower than accuracy okay come on what are you doing you're not going to lower it what are you good for okay stop copying me buddy yeah yeah it's a lot of copycats on my team next there we go finally we hit one of those this is terribly annoying okay let's see now we're gonna we're gonna do it again oh no you don't i'm not liking your attention how did you get that i'm not liking your tentacle oh this is a tanky how about a secret power huh oh that's a secret about that i'm not telling nobody i gotta lower that accuracy i got to come on come on hit him with this hit him yeah baby do it do it do it oh my god oh do it buddy you're doing it you doing it well guess what i got guess what i got pal go ahead what do you got what do you got i'm making a wish oh my god yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yep this tinted cruel he's gonna do it all buddy no he's not it's gonna be slow and steady but he's gonna do it and you dug he's gonna do it all right okay come on buddy come on buddy okay here's what's gonna happen now mm-hmm give me you're looking bloom oh that didn't even hit you with that no get him out of here please bro i'm sick of it i'm sick of them [Music] so much damage see how much damage this does uh see how much damage this does no oh that hurts that actually hurts that actually hurts good morning make a wish oh god dude if you put me back to sleep i'm gonna rage oh my god don't you dare we'll be back to sleep buddy miss get some activity please do it let's do it yes yes you can't hit it now this is awesome no it's okay it's okay oh oh i don't like that yeah we're bringing the sweet sweet back out we're springing it back out what is that thing gonna do as long as it doesn't calm its mind down or anything crazy what is it really gonna do huh it's gonna do this ah telling secrets it's telling secrets it's gonna do come on don't don't no no wake up big dog please make a living oh oh oh is it going to be enough that might be enough is it going to be enough i got to lower that accuracy first get up how am i faster than you i don't have any legs oh there we go finally no how did that not hit ever bro but now you can't put me back to sleep you better hope those pears work buddy i'm tough i'm tough i'm not scared of you buddy i'm not scared of you making you can make wishes all day yeah yeah you don't go ahead and make your wishes they keep coming true oh my god they keep coming true buddy this is inaudible you can't put me to sleep now no that's probably the best but it's okay oh my god give me the hell out you only got a 25 you only got a 25 chance buddy it's all mixed just see how much this does oh ow oh critical lower that lower that oh yeah oh my god why are you not getting affected yeah no yeah paralyzed dude now they're alive dude it's going down like this i can't believe this is hilarious to me it's literally going down like this tend to tanky buddy i knew when i caught this that i was gonna love it can i do it all though can i do it not if we don't lower any accuracy can you do it all not if we don't lower any accuracy not a single paralysis by the way not a single single round not a single one buddy not a single one and i haven't missed oh should i said that didn't i said that well i'll go ahead and finish it i haven't missed an octazooka in a minute so that's probably coming up dude i am not bothered by this pera right now i'm a squid actually figure out what i'm gonna do to you actually i'm a jelly yeah that sweet sweet's going to waste right now it looks like it's wasting away slowly oh rock into the oh there's one for you there's one for you there's one for there's one for ya uh now nice now i can do this buddy now i can do this that's okay yeah tyranitar buddy um should i just go bananas let's see what happens if let's see what happens if this one of these signals ow oh yeah go ahead buddy go ahead hyperfang me all day big dog tyranitar time for a new power oh yeah come on i need to get lucky oh yeah i should have done that to begin with i'm dumb i'm dumb too late no no no no no no come on i had sandvale too late you didn't miss one you didn't even miss one didn't even miss one didn't miss one didn't have to didn't have to buddy all right i'm back this is the time for this guy to be done just in time for that yeah so uh tentacles a wall this much we know uh i think i got i got i gotta i gotta plan this time i got a plan this time for you really those kicks do hurt though actually so we'll see lower that accuracy and that helps a lot that helps a lot with mega punch that helps our mega kick because that already has what 80 or 75 it's got too much it's got too much pickle with your wishes go ahead make it i will i will i got i got wishes oh and lower that act yeah baby yeah baby get me oh yeah baby dude i love this i'm i'm doing this is annoying come on lower that act lower that act yeah act right buddy this is awesome oh i'm out of i'm out of octaves i'm out of boxes explosion you had that all along why didn't you do that why didn't you do that yet gg ggg ggg okay it's me it's me groudon i'm out here oh my god bro oh my god you didn't see this one oh by the way he's golden isn't that pretty cool i have a i have a volt beat big dog i got a volvee i don't want to hear it and a gloom and that is that and that is that we're looking good over here chill and play squad we're looking good over here you do look really good it's juju it's gg and last let's see no it's it's not looking good buddy my moves also were um i missed what my moves were also very very shabby you know how was i slower how was that faster than you right there sandstorm maybe oh i just wallowed you no because i got no by the way you don't want to know the ability yeah by the way you don't want to know the superior power worse well actually let me tell you something funny i had pure power on ninjask buddy but no attacking moves oh no he actually has a little bit of attack stat too yeah yeah yeah a mirror move i tried to see if mere move worked it didn't work so yeah i got hustle on this so he is tough but he does like he can't see very well you know he's too busy he's hustling though oh i missed mimic oh god learning my abilities get him out here i'm throwing this bone right in your mouth oh my god i miss uh oh no don't use my own abilities against me buddy i might win big dog come on you're never gonna hit me critical oh wow you could finish him with one bottle what else do you got in those pokeballs there you go big dog that is a quick gg i had oh i don't even know let's see actually still had a lunatone an ariados and a banette buddy so you were uh you're done for you were done for but if you guys enjoyed that video don't forget to check out quick gg's videos in the description uh there's a link to his channel there and uh good fight buddy we'll see you next time guys
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 348,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 minutes to SHINY HUNT for RANDOM POKEMON. Then we FIGHT!, 30 minutes to catch RANDOM LEGENDARY POKEMON in Pokémon Sword and Shield. Then we FIGHT!, 30 minutes to catch RANDOM POKEMON in the CROWN TUNDRA. Then we FIGHT!, Quickgg, Quick gg, 30 minutes to catch a team, Pokemon Sword and shield, Pokemon Isle of armor VS, Pokemon VS challenge, Chillnplay vs quickgg, Pokemon Crown Tundra vs, Isle of armor vs, Pokemon, Sword and shield Expansion pass, pokemon emerald, pokemon vs
Id: wAO6baPq0Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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