30 Minutes To Catch Pokemon In The ISLE OF ARMOR... Then We FIGHT!!! Pokemon Sword

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hey guys before this video starts i just wanted to quickly tell you that on friday september the 10th i will be doing a sleep lock to celebrate 200 000 subscribers it's honestly gonna be so much fun i really hope you can make it guys it's where we beat a whole nuzlocke in one stream non-stop so it's gonna be a long stream it's gonna be good times we're gonna be celebrating 200k also it's gonna be streamed here on my youtube and like i said it's gonna be like an all-day stream so if you can't make it right away that's okay feel free to stop by anytime you get a chance i'm probably gonna start around 3 p.m central standard time anyways i just wanted to let you guys know that that's happening in case you wanted to be there so uh yeah let's crack on with the video what's up everybody welcome back to another challenge versus video my name is chill and play i'm just chilling just left the dojo with my lucario we were playing some pokemon unite going crazy uh we're also here with quick gg what are you doing buddy i'm uh chilling on the beach with my big cat dog you know just having a good time enjoying the sunset well sunset sunset's in a few hours but i like to wait yeah yeah yeah it's nice to watch it go down buddy especially on the isle of armor beach it looks nice well guys if you haven't seen a challenge versus video before me and quick gg go throughout different pokemon games with different rules and challenges involved and then we make ourselves teams and we have a fight for today's challenge guys we're back with another favorite of you guys we're doing a 30 minute challenge here on the isle of armor mini creatures you're going to have full access to the whole aisle we can catch any pokemon that we see or want but the catches quick gears we can only use ultra balls okay okay you can status affect these pokemon or knock their health down low if you got moves available to do that but you're only gonna be allowed to use ultra balls and then you're gonna have one special master ball for yourself to use when you're just in a pinch and you need a catch now all these pokemon have been randomized completely guys we've randomized pokemon sword and shield we have all the wilds randomized completely you can see any pokemon out there and it will have a randomized ability and a randomized move set according to type once we catch all the pokemon we can quick ggg you can catch as many as you can in 30 minutes we're gonna figure out which ones we like best for our team throw them together recap them and we're jumping into a fight and uh yeah we're gonna duke it out with the hands big dog are you ready my hands are warmed up i'm wearing gloves even though it's a sunny day on the beach i wear my gloves so my hands stay ready and hot yeah i like my my gloves because they give me better grip for when i'm strangling you all right let's jump into this all right lucario before we get into this you got to go back in the pc you don't have the moves i need a big dog you don't have the moves i need but if you guys want to see me play with some lucario make sure to check out the twitch channel the link is in the description we play pokemon unite and all kind of stuff i stream almost every day so go ahead and check out the twitch description guys or the description for the twitch link and uh come check out the live streams come say hello tell me you came from this video all right but with all the plugging out of the way let's put our timer on the screen and let's start this up guys 30 minutes to catch pokemon we can catch anything in the overworld oh that's a really good one to start right there a blast cellophane a ghost fire type we do like to see that i'm gonna try to save my mashball as long as i can i'm gonna try to go for some big catches obviously at the beginning oh i can't fall swipe this oh and i didn't recharge my spore that is a big l that is a big l we're gonna have to go do that after this hopefully it stays asleep we'll put it we'll hit it with a night shade here and uh we'll just start chucking ultra balls all right let's see how much a nightshade does here oh that's a lot okay blast elephant okay i thought you had more hp but that's actually nice that's a really catchable range let's hit it with an ultra ball let's see if we can get lucky right away don't do us dirty ultra ball i'm holding the b go ahead and just work some miracles for us oh so close and it woke up as well and it bounced no get back here dude can i even throw a ball when it's up in the sky like that let's see no i can't oh no oh no okay well now we're wasting time now this could be bad because we can't put it to sleep dude we might have to literally run away from this i definitely don't want to use my master ball early i want to save it in case you really need it towards the end oh god this is really bad yeah it balanced again i'm out of here dude i can't waste time like this well that is unfortunate but oh reggie drago reggie drago we might as well see what he's got dude we might as well see what he's got all right reggie drago i think this is just a dragon type i believe um let's go ahead and slap him with a false swipe oh my god we nearly killed him okay it was a cra it was a crit no wonder okay sun steel strike holy that's actually huge that is huge look at that animation dude i need to turn animations off wasting time over here all right spore do your thing and uh then ultra balls do your thing i'm gonna hold the b that's that that's what i can do from my end but i need you to perform ultra balls we've literally wasted two and a half minutes and we don't have a single pokemon so come on ultra balls let's go i'm holding the b let's go squad hold your imaginary bees for me please yes yes yes one ball that's all team that's what we like to see that's what we'd like to see let's go ahead and keep it moving now it's been about three minutes on our first pokemon which is more than i'd like to but we'll see how it goes moving forward all right i'm gonna quickly glance at this reggie gigas our reggie drago we're not gonna go over it really because we don't have much time we got own tempo can't be confused dynamaxx cannon oh okay so we're actually pretty decent we're actually really decent that is not bad at all that's some good moves right there all right let's start this timer and let's go off on our 30-minute adventure i want to go into the water this time i usually never go out too deep into the water here on these aisle videos because look at this a sweet sweet to start off right in the water oh my god what a great start here sweet sweet in the water a nice legend to start it off is are these like legendary dogs technically these legendary animals we got here the sweet sweet the entei and the reiko i'm not sure let's see if we get the easy catch wow i didn't even damage it oh no way no way we got the sweet sweet one ultra ball yeah let's go so sweet easy catch okay sweet sweet with the ability sniper powers up moves to become critical hits when attacking we've got rain dance acid spray steam eruption that is actually an amazing move to have and water gun okay you know what dude one acid spray and then a steam eruption will just destroy anybody that we're fighting or if we rain dance we can go steam eruption crazy all we need now is somebody with thunder this could be really good that's a pretty good sweet sweet to start off with let's keep looking around see what else we find out here all right anything else lurking out here i was looking for that whale lord spawn usually there's a static wheel or that spawns out here but i guess it got replaced by something tiny because i don't see anything over here yeah now we're just wasting our time in the deep sea i'm gonna i'm gonna get out of here kabuto don't want to catch that you know what just for the memes we're catching suit wudu it is an emote in the chat if you're watching on uh premiere while this is uh premiering live definitely if you're a member let's spam some sudowoodo emote some thrusty boys as well like to call him bro he's not even moving he's frozen why is he not moving at all he's stuck yeah okay ultra ball this guy he's so happy i love him and a nice easy catch for the squad let's see what it's got oh my god sudowoodo's got like legit the best emote look at this look what he does he spins around and he flexes oh what a cool guy he's got natural cure so he heals status conditions when swapping out that could be good it's got stone edge heat crash mind blown and rock polish dude that is actually amazing rock polish stone edge suit wudu that means all we got to do is set up stone edge rock polish one time and then we could literally just set up that's crazy yeah that's actually pretty good he's not too fast of a pokemon so at least makes him pretty decent there still not might out speed some things but better than nothing i don't know what he just ran into but i'm a little scared should i try this elephone again i think i will i think i will now that we got spore we might as well try this again what could he have caught dude he's celebrating like a maniac in there dude i'm scared start it off with a spore put it to sleep and then we'll hit it with a confusion or a nightshade and we'll see if we can catch this i really really would like to have this popsicle salesman on the team he's really strong it's a ghost type as well which we like okay nightshade did a big chunk that's nice actually as long as it stays asleep we should be able to get this i'm holding my b down give me the one ball magic right here really quick just really quick get it done get it over with you know you want to join the team oh he's being difficult no he woke up to topsy turvy what does that even do do anybody know what topsy-turvy does all right put him back to sleep i don't want to throw too many more balls dude this guy's being tough i mean like we don't even know that he's gonna be that good he could have like a terrible ability and and and no moves honestly but we don't know come on dude don't play no games with me stop it woke up already and he's got bounce okay so he's got bouncing topsy turvy that's not even good moves honestly i can't believe i wasted more time on this guy i'm out of here dude five minutes already drained i'm not i'm not sticking around for that anymore besides i think i saw some better options like this avalog let's get this beefy beefcake on the team right here honestly because quick tj's probably gonna have a dragon or two on his team so if we got a nice ice type like this it might be just what we need all right let's start it with a spore maybe hit it with a nightshade it might be too beefy to fall swipe honestly okay he's in the orange dude i'm chucking the ball i don't have time to waste 24 minutes remaining let's get it come on stay in there big dog stay in there please there we go nice was that a critical catch i think i missed it it seemed like it was pretty fast all right that's another pokemon for the team as long as he's decent okay guys we got marvel scale on this avalog boost defense if you have a status we're already defensive af that is kind of crazy ice beam stone edge belch and ice burn dang dude that's not that bad but i mean ice beam is special we're not that special you know what guys for the tradition we're gonna shake this tree find out if a legendary pokemon will jump out at us that could be really nice it might take a lot of shaking but it might not yeah it's taking a lot of shaking actually right shake number five come on nope nope more berries all right sixth shake oh my god it's full of berries dude it's a delicious treat and here we go something coming down oh my god dude no way no it's a soul galio team oh my god that is crazy nightshade it's got magic coat okay i think that means we can't put it to sleep dude this is insane i actu i'm seeing myself in a mirror right now team dude this is this is the legendary pokemon from sun pokemon sun let's go ahead and catch him i'm ultra balling he's asleep he's got low hp come on just stay in there buddy that is so crazy i've never used this guy in an actual battle all right we've caught him soul galio he was hiding in the tree the whole time that is so funny i literally was just doing that for the lulls guys i was joking that tree thing was a joke i was just gonna be like oh it's a trash pokemon what a waste of time let's keep moving and we somehow got a legendary all right it's got steel worker powers up steel type moves we are a steel psychic type it's got oh we don't have any magic coat calm mind tail wind and miss ball that's kind of trash calm mind is good we could use tailwind hmm that could be decent actually we could call mine mistball maybe tailwind as well uh we'll see there we'll see well you know what not not the best really not the best haxaris that's a really strong dragon we gotta catch that alright let's ultra bowl catch this thing axorous don't give me any problems don't give me any problems buddy just stay in that ball shaking all day thank you okay hacksters with overgrow powers up grass type moves when hp is low that could actually be really really good because we got frenzy plant it's got aura wheel oh that doesn't even work because we're not more pico charge beam breaking swipe which is good it lowers attack and frenzy plant which is a special attacking move actually not good not good there that's not a great hack series okay well we tried oh a ryperior is it is it worth it's a very slow rock ground type but i think we're it's so weak to water we're gonna we're gonna see what it has at least it's definitely strong and it's got good defenses though he used gear up but it failed wait wait what am i not seeing what how let me see let me catch him and see what this is all about all right stay in the ultra balls stay in the ultra balls yes okay ryperior with illusion comes out disguised as the party's last spot oh okay gear up raise engages uh its gears to raise attack and special attack of an ally with plus or minus ability that's why that's okay that's not good we got absorb splash head smash you know what it could be really good it could be really good because basically we can come out and we can head smash something when he thinks we're not what we are and just literally just use head smash alone splash is a trash move absorb we might just it could be good guys really because he won't know it's a rock type until we reveal it with the uh illusion all right ryperior uh maybe maybe this is uh these moves and abilities are kind of weird today oh my god what if we just aromosa okay you know what let's go ahead and i didn't even i didn't even mean to run into this but let's go ahead and just try to catch it honestly fighting bug type really really fast as well dude this could be nice this could be nice for the team give me something crazy like first impression and freaking brick break or just something good close combat would be nice i'm gonna do a night shade again i feel like nightshade's doing a decent amount put some right in the orange all right let's hit it with a false swipe here to get it load is an ultra beast hopefully you don't take yourself out somehow sacred sword okay there we go that's pretty good that's physical right i believe it's secret sword i think it's physical one hp a fair amount of sleep i mean please yeah you gotta stay in the ultra ball i mean it's ultra right come on dude do it go beyond oh i wanted to say plus ultra okay theramosa one hp you're sleeping there's no way you get out of this oh my god it's going to be like this it's going to be like this you and blacelafland really don't want to join the team what you think you're just too good because you're ultra beast well this is an ultra ball now stay in the ball oh my come on lucky lucky lucky uh oh am i'm worried about this now legitimately worried about this now i'm at least gonna put it back to sleep okay or at least gonna put back sleep 21 minutes don't panic we got time this will be our third pokemon we're looking decent so far everyone as long as everyone's decent we'll be fine am i asking too much by going for ultra beasts and legends should i just go for some different pokemon i don't know i kind of feeling lucky oh my god no he woke up as well stop it oops i didn't put it to sleep dang it oh my god oh my god we're wasting heavy time here chilling play squad we're wasting heavy time no way buddy okay we have eight spores left if it wakes up again i'm not i'm not even gonna bother like we gotta catch this dude we gotta catch this now right now 20 minutes remaining dude ten minutes already gone not good come on buddy stop playing with me please no way i can't believe this i can't believe this it woke up already you got early bird what do you got what are you working with over here you must got early bird you have to i'm about to run away from this dude i'm about to run away from this oh my one more ball that's it one more ball it seems like all it's got is sacred sword anyway so i don't think we're missing out on much i'm throwing one more ball holding the b everyone hold your imaginary bees please wow we're gone we're done one more ball just one more ball stay in the ball don't complain don't argue join the team holding the b okay yeah yeah we're out of here matt block anyway you're garbage i'm leaving what a waste of time holy all right team all of a sudden it's looking a little spooky out here we're looking scary we only got 18 minutes 50 seconds remaining anything on the beach jinx no thank you ice cream i see a hair cross down there entei literally entei okay well at least check out we'll at least check you out that's a tough doge that is a tough doge let's hit it with a false swipe critical hit please one hp all right that's nice there you go critical hit nice switcheroo again that is the second pokemon trying to switch a room on me what do you do not have moves you're creeping me out bro this is creeping me out all right guys it's asleep let's chuck the ball red health there's no reason this can't catch it there's just no reason and there we go that's what i'm talking about one ball catches that's what i'm exactly talking about team we need that we needed it that's our third pokemon already we need at least three more but hopefully we'll get some more for some choices everybody loves choices right all right guys we got entei with pickpocket which is not good we we don't use items in these battles firelash is nice and fire blast and glacial lance that's huge that's actually really really huge we'll definitely take that that's fine that'll probably be on the team all right the wetlands it's an overcast day oh okay another rock type a rock fighting type though the terrakian this guy is actually insanely fast for a rock type 2 which is nice he's a legendary pokemon from gen five sacred sword oh it's so nice to have stay in that ultra ball buddy don't give me problems just stay in there and we captured him dude so many rock pokemon already okay this thing's got unaware so it ignores uh stat changes in the opposing pokemon that could be good if he tries to set up it's got meteor assault that's an amazing fighting move sacred sword another really good one apple acid and thunder thunder and apple acid aren't too great for us but still still really good they're actually really good fighting type there okay we're getting some good catches so far team that's like i feel like the team is nice and beefy nice and decent right now oh my god another sweet sweet boy you ran into the stupid elephant copper raja i can never pronounce this one right since we ran into this i'm just gonna go crazy we're gonna we're just gonna catch it why not it's a steel type it's super beefy all right copper caught let's uh let's see if it's good usually never choose to use this pokemon but i'm just feeling different today team a little different okay we've got battle armor so we're protected from crits that's really cool iron defense doom desire lock onto payback yeah that was a mistake to catch yeah not a not good no reason to use that guy should we shake another tree should we shake you know what why am i even asking i'm shaking another tree let's do it let's do it team let's believe in the chat can i get some i believes if you're watching this live premiere on chillingplays channel some i believes let's see it legendary pokemon please oh a crocodile not too bad actually dark ground type if it has moxie it would be really good but it's not going to have its normal abilities so it probably won't have moxie it's got faint uh weird move there okay it's sleeping let's go and ultra ball this guy and it's a critical catch by the looks of it yes easy catch it's our first ground and dark type so maybe we'll use it i'm pretty sure this guy is like a team rocket pokemon too just like you know crook isn't his name so oh my god it's got huge power oh it came out of the tree of course it has huge power oh it's got tail slapped thousand arrows oh my goodness guys that is amazing that is amazing freeze dry and faint oh man oh man that is crazy guys oh man that is gonna be yeah oh that's huge thousand arrows on the crook with huge power oh team that's deadly what is that dragonite uh i already got a dragon another pheromone oh my god it would freaking rush me you would rush me after all you've done you got to waste a little bit more my time don't you all right we're going into the swamp here show me the reggie gigas show me the reggie giggs right now that's an ice cube provat you know what i like crowbat that's a decent pokemon to try to get pretty fast flying type poison type could be decent we'll definitely try to see if we can catch it easily if it doesn't give us too many issues let's put it right to sleep with a spore i should probably spoil on the second turn actually but whatever look at his wings they just they're just flapping slower now but he's still he's somehow still maintaining the same nice hovering going on all right ultra ball it's time it's just a crowbar bro like it's literally just a crowbar come on robot's not like crazy but it's good stay in there one ball will be even happier yes okay there we go we're coming back around we're coming back around that's at least four pokemon assuming that it's decent okay team our crowbat has steely spirit powers up steel moves we don't have those but we got muddy water high horsepower roar of time and poison gas uh that is kind of weird i don't know if we will use that actually we might that is kind of weird though that's that that's our crowbat oh my goodness you guys saw that a palkio just spawned right next to me where'd he go i just saw his big tail i saw his big big tail i know he's gone let me see sweet squeeze everywhere no palki is somewhere around here i know i just saw him i'm not losing my mind i know i just saw him oh what is this trash can trash bag it's rubbish get out of here bro i'm kicking you down the street okay where's the palkie i know i saw it dude i'm not losing my brain right now i know i saw palkia okay let me try again let's see please pull up buddy where are you dude you just got the biggest tail in the game bro i saw you where did you go you don't make me look like a fool right now i saw you oh what zoroara zoroaric uh i don't even want this guy really he's kind of not fast enough but you know what we'll catch him anyway a lot of people love this dude so we'll catch him i really thought this guy was gonna be on pokemon unite but some reason he's not in okay ultra ball catch this thing easily please thank you zerorook thank you okay sorry with normal eyes that's automatically just garbage confused ray obstruct dragon claw swagger yeah yeah um yeah i mean doesn't have any dark moves anyway dragon claw is okay but it's not it's not the best definitely not the best reggie get asked me reggie giggs me right now oh malamar you know what let me get that let me go ahead and just get that that could be really good let's hit him with a false swipe bring him down cut him down to size you know oh he's tanky power swap oh my you just switched oh what did you just do to me what did you just do to me you need to go to sleep that's what you need to do you need to go to sleep now malamar is a creepy creepy guy the more i look at him he got like an owl face and like a squid body and then like super saiyan air going on come on one ball me oh the critical catch the critical catch we do like that we do we just can't resist it nothing like some extra choices on the team and malamar is going to be one of those choices all right guys here's our malomar it's got the ability slush rush to boost speed in a hail storm that's so weird momento nasty plot power swap teeter dance oh that's oh that's absolutely terrible that is absolutely terrible okay that's not usable well i know i said it was an extra choice and that's all it was it was a choice to be made and declined that is a terrible pokemon wow nothing to be you have nothing to do with that all right palkia dude i'm not losing my mind i know you were here but i guess you're not you just ran away you saw me and you were just terrified of joining my team i guess you know i expected a lot from you and you just didn't have what you needed i guess right that must have been what it was because i know i saw a palkia tale i know i did calirex honestly one of the worst legendaries so we're not going to catch that oh ladies all right it's not too shabby nice psychic dragon type let's see what he can do for the team psychic surge ladies that is actually good if it's got psychic or some kind of psychic type strong hitting move that'll be really nice draco meteor oh that's really good too the critical catch on ladies dude love these criticals and all these legends only just all these catches it's great eleven eleven minutes left we got plenty of time to catch plenty of more pokemon our team is already shaping up pretty decently i wish we caught that palkia i'm still a little salty about it but that's the last time i bring it up i promise how uh ladies with psychic storage block draco meteor dragon tail and vicious rent no psychic type moves their brother no psychic type moves and the physical vicious rand yikes that's not the best latios there erladius or palkia whatever you want to call it agron no thank you i'm looking for the reggie gigas i'm still looking for the reggie gigas i would love to have one i would repeat i would love to have one oh zygarde uh i don't know about that though i don't know a ground dragon i don't know sounds like it'll die ladies oh we already have reggie drago though i really don't want to go with another dragon oh my toxicity toxicity maybe we can come back for them oh my god ladies is everywhere man they're everywhere oh soul galio i think we gotta get that i think we gotta get that dude i think this thing is just oh my god it's got turbo blaze whoa i don't think it's fire type though i think it's only psychic i'm not really sure oh it's a rock type false swipe not very effective our steel type oh wow luster purge oh this could be a freaking beast let's hit it with a nightshade hopefully it doesn't manage to knock me out somehow i think a critical might actually do it anchor shot stop oh my that's threatening dude that is threatening well he anchor shot at us now so we can't escape we either got to kill him or catch him and i don't have moves that can kill him actually nightshake can knock him out we're good we're good i think we can catch him though personally i think the ultra balls he's got orange health he's sleepy sleep right now let's hold our bees we'll do our best you know three do me right do me right right now yes oh my god yes that is insane another one ball catch let's go baby let's go dude guys we're looking decent we started off looking scary but i'm really happy with how we're turning out now we're getting a lot better luck on the catches all right let's check him out he's got turbo blaze moves can be used on a target regardless of abilities whoa okay bluster purge smart strike anchor shot and synthesis yeah that is yeah that is probably on the team guys that's huge that's really huge i'm still salty about that oh lugaya oh auroras we already have a lot of rock pokemon i don't think it's even worth catching this i'm not gonna i'm not gonna get into it trying to catch this right now but this luigi is definitely a good choice so we're gonna get this boom burst oh that's a nice move to have there between uh lugia and ho oh honestly lugia is my favorite of the two from uh gold and silver i'm a little biased because i like the colors more i like blue you know bluish colors i just don't understand why lugia is a psychic type and out of water type that just bothers me to this day all right lugia with ice face uh that is ice cubes ability which won't work it won't protect us from a move so that's great boom burst prismatic laser air cutter and glare those are just that's amazing that is really amazing actually guys yeah i think we're gonna be definitely using that lugia uh boom burst is a huge hitting move prismatic laser especially if we get psychic surge out that could be amazing for us hmm pretty decent legend right there should we go catch that tox sister tree what if he's beastly let's go ahead and grab him you know what we'll grab him and take a look at him if we see him again oh guzzlord guzzlord nah maybe not maybe not this time i got too many dragons zekrom though oh my god let's just take the talk sister tree let's take the toxic tree and see how he see what he's got oh that's cool he just played the guitar on his chest that's funny my health is super low i got to be careful here hit him with a nightshade see what he brings it to oh no he's got harden i don't like that i don't like that at all that's not a good sign maybe we'll throw one or two balls i should have put it to sleep what am i thinking oh my god holding the bee yeah he busted right out let's see what he's got right here for his next move another harden i'm guessing you don't have anything dude i'm i'm running away from he just used harden twice a row he probably doesn't have any moves we're leaving we're leaving that eight minutes 30 seconds left we don't have time to miss guys we got to be on point with these catches mr rhyme lol groudon i can't resist i can't resist we gotta at least try to catch the guy we gotta at least try to catch the guy okay the sunlight's harsh let's hit him with a nightshade see what his first ability is that he uses earth power that's not gonna affect me i'm guessing you only have ground type moves if you're using that that's a little scary seven minutes 41 seconds i'm being picky but we got to be picky do we still have our master ball on standby right now guys the one master ball use who knows where we'll make use of it don't tell me we're about to one ball oh my yes yes we do like that dude we're getting the one ball turn around dude ferramosa tried to play us uh blast telephone tried to play us for our time but we're on point now we're we're our aim is increased all right groudon be a freaking beefy legend for me please be floored heavy metal doubles our weight mud shot flash cannon earth power and oma and earthquake that's pretty freaking good that's about all you need on a groudon honestly we might use that we'll see what else we find what bird is that hopping around what is this little tweedly d oh that's a shelmet never mind a bird i'm losing my mind mr rhyme dancing around you know what i'm just gonna catch this guys can you come down here mr rhyme please oh right here relax okay mr rhyme can you come to me please yes stop dancing around and just come down here please you're just okay yeah you're dancing you're showing me your damn okay he doesn't he doesn't come down okay he's just there to taunt me oh poury gone zed um decent one decent one oh ryko um no don't run away from me don't run away from me i see you sweating no he ran here we'll get him on the way back we'll get him on the way back oh another racco that first this first if we can get entei we're gonna use all of the legendary beasts together and i just think we'll win just straight because of that energy you know what i'm saying if we get entei and ho oh actually we'll have all the legends maybe celebi we'll have all the gen 2 legends and then that will be our team just for just for the lulls i'll do it literally okay ultra bowling the raikou please just stay in there make it easy for me we got six minutes left to catch have overdrive as your move so i can have a strong hitting electric move okay we've got reiko with parental bond oh my goodness parental bond that is the mega kangaskhan ability that somehow is in the game that that just never got released that hidden code we got thunder cage nuzzle charge and reflect type we could use charge and thunder cage honestly thundercat just hurts a lot anyway that that's an interesting one there really an interesting one okay parental bond raikou you like that huh looking around there's a bunch of tiny pokemon over here oh my god that is not tiny though that is not tiny should i take that i don't know if i should take that though magmordar okay we already got a good fire type oh no it's raining on us team oh okay there's nothing good in this forest we're about to blitz all the way to the other side reggie giggis all right it's not looking good guys it's not looking good for the reggie gigas yep we're dipping we're dipping unless he's somehow down here in this tunnel right here that would be really crazy the brawler's cave i mean reggie giggis is kind of a brawler let's see let's see it oh no these are not the brawlers i wanted these are not the brawlers i wanted i'm about to turn around i'm out of here we're wasting time five minutes remaining oh no no no no stone turner no i didn't i didn't even hit you great waste of time waste of time four minutes and 27 seconds now all right team this is down to the wire honestly this is down to the very thin wire i'm scared i'm scared trash pokemon over here bro come on no no no you oh he cornered me unpheasant that was very unpheasant i might have to catch this stack attack it i might have to i think i will i think i will catch a stack attack it actually i don't know i don't know i don't know he might be too hard to catch airlock okay you know what no no no no i don't like it i don't like it we're dipping obama's though how are you living in the desert out here zapdos we'll take that we take a those when we see it we can't not how can we not do the favorite zappy bird we're down to three minutes dude we haven't used our master wall so we still have that option but i'm hoping this will be easy to catch oh no it's freaking sandstorming out here i hope that doesn't knock it out or knock me out we'll just use one false swipe on it and we don't want to we we don't want it to die oh my god i might die i gotta heal because he might kill me if he wakes up he might kill me two minutes 30 seconds come on it's crunch time now it's literally crunch time okay that's taking extra time every time yeah yeah yeah yeah no way i just sport again okay he woke up and he has protect oh this is bad team i'm out of spore oh god hope you don't die here we're only gonna have to one chance to throw the ball here we're only having one chance to throw the ball here unless we use an ultra or a master ball i don't know if we should he's only used protect so far we don't know what he's got come on do me right do me right yeah yes a minute and 33 seconds that was clutch that was insanely clutch now we can okay here's what we're gonna do we use the rest this time to ride around and and look for the best pokemon we can reggie i guess maybe hopefully we're gonna look for the best thing we can and whenever we see it we're chucking the master ball at it that is it it was a done deal uh i wanted that drift bloom but we're gonna come back for that later let's see what's out here anything decent anything amazing oh zekrom that is amazing zygarde salamance oh my god we're full of just great pokemon out here this is where we're gonna end this we're gonna end salomon's first let's go that's three great catches we can have right here at the end tailwind twice that's really weird it makes me wonder what kind of moves you have there holding b another critical catch no way yes it is that's great one shake and you're captured there we go all right salomons with uh leafguard prevents status condition and harsh sunlight interesting outrage dynamaxx cannon tailwinded mirror coat oh my goodness that is that could be really good team and okay yep there's a salomons that's a good option there let's go ahead and get zygarde next okay nothing else is here we're gonna go back to the main part of the crown or the isle of armor over here okay guys one minute remaining oh okay nagandal i don't know if i want that i don't know if i want that honestly we don't have much time but we got to see what does zapdos have any good moves we have to know because i just saw a tapu coco we could catch shadow tag oh he's got no freaking moves bro he's got no freaking moves you're kidding me 30 seconds well i guess this is happening now i guess this is happening now where's the tapu oh no where's the tapu there he is let's get him let's get a tapu it's a fairy electric type it's not bad it gives us some coverage let's chuck the master ball we have 15 seconds that's enough time to throw it master balls six seconds left and we threw it we got it balls in the air that is our final catch guys we'll go over it we'll see what it's got and then we are going to choose our team and do a recap i'll see you guys shortly all right tapucoco had volt absorb oh that's weird that is super weird but we got discharge bolt beak sludge bomb and guard split that's pretty decent that's decent all right team i'm gonna check out our pokemon get the final squad together and we'll do uh another recap and we'll jump in a fight i see zygarde here that's whichever form this is i don't even know what form this is but i want it i think it's actually just a ground type as this form too which is kind of weird fairy aura zygarde okay all right zygarde don't give me problems just get in the pokeball we still have our master ball to use so we're gonna just hold that for the last encounter we get that way we can guarantee a nice quick catch zygarde has been captured have the good stuff for the team that's just a really powerful legend to have so liking it okay zygarde with the ability fairy aura it's got mud shot wonder room aqua tail and strange steam that's a pretty well-rounded move set actually i kind of like that not great stab moves but still an alright pokemon there okay let's grab zekrom now who's like directly behind us which is perfect just three amazing pokemon back to back to back spatial rend on the zekrom oh i love it that's actually that's that's great that's good enough to already add to the team holding b ultra balling stay in there we got a minute and 45 seconds left nice gotcha okay victory star boost accuracy spatial run spore oh spore lick and fall swipe okay weird move but we have spore which is kind of giant along with spatial rend just a couple of amazing dragon moves we're gonna go ahead and bike out and what is that is that a buzzwole that is a bus wolf that might be the last catch right here guys i'm catching it i'm masterballing it right now too i don't want to waste the time trace buzzword with trace okay so if children play's got some crazy uh ability on somebody we're masterballing this by the way one mask ball going out in the buzzwole if she'll play has a crazy uh ability on somebody we could totally copy it with this bus well at least huge power be nice 30 seconds left oh no we even have time to catch anything else at this point i don't think we do i don't think we do is there anything else that looks good oh man we got no time for even encountering something uh um 12 ten nine eight seven what was that right shoe we can't even catch it in time that's it guys the timer is over i'm gonna go ahead and decide who i want and do a quick recap first we're gonna go over that buzzwole though okay buzzful with trace he had paul and puff sweet kiss triple kick and shadow sneak actually not the most amazing move set there great all right i'm gonna go ahead and make up the team now and recap it all right team we're back with our team recap uh unfortunately we had three members that did not have like any moves so this is kind of the team we're stuck with but it is a good team it's a really good team honestly but uh we got own tempo reggie drago with dynamaxx cannon sun steel strike dragon rush and solar blade we got seoul galileo here with luster purge smart strike anchor shot synthesis and the ability turbo blaze and then we got groudon with mud shot flash cannon earth power earthquake and the ability heavy metal we got avalog with marvel scale which is really nice unfortunately no ice physical moves we do have stone edge which is pretty powerful we got ice beam belch and ice berm as well kind of weird we got tapu coco here with guard split discharge bolt beak sludge bomb and the ability of volt absorb and then we finally got entei with fire lash switcheroo fire blast glacial lance and pickpocket so that is the team we're pretty good we got some coverage i'd say we're gonna do just fine but i'll see you guys in the fight let me know in the comments who you think is gonna win right now based on this team i'll see you guys soon all right team so that was a really hard uh choice for me to make this team but we got it together let's do this starting off with suicune who's got sniper rain dance acid spray steam eruption and water gun then tracking with meteor assault sacred sword apple acid thunder uh it's got the ability unaware then a reiku with parental bond thunder cage nuzzle charge reflect type then crocodile with tail slap thousand arrows freeze dry faint it's got the ability huge power then lugia with ice face it's got boom burst prismatic laser air cutter and glare and lastly zekrom with spatial rend spore lick and false whip it's got the ability victory star uh that's the team a lot of legends a lot of toughness crocodile with that huge power honestly it's just such an awesome team i'm sure chillin play's got a pretty decent one too um let's do this i'm ready all right quick gigi we're here and we're ready big dog i'm i'm just as ready as everybody i know just we're ready maybe yeah um i actually had a decently difficult time catching i kind of got trolled by a few mods um really yeah i actually have like i mean my team's good do not do not get me wrong my team's good but my other pokemon that i didn't choose all of them were unusable so like thank god that we have what we have really okay that happened to you i had uh i was hard for me to choose my team honestly a little bit but this is now we're here match up by the way no dynamics by the way you know that the audience might not yeah come on away oh that hurt that was a crit that's why wow that was a huge one i got an anchor shot that's gonna hurt a little bit that's gonna squeeze you oh my god oh my goodness if only it killed oh my goodness bro that's crazy damage though yeah if only that killed ah that crit did half your health so if i double crit it'll take all of your health no don't or if i use media or assault it might do more is it going to be enough though don't kill me don't kill me oh away no way yes huge huge huge that is massive that is actually we take it yeah we take it oh man that's huge well now an anchor shot was terrifying by the way you know what's funny i found a soul galio too really yeah you didn't use it dude i uh it didn't have the moves it needed yeah yeah i know they're really i caught a nice zappy bird that had nothing dude nothing nice tapu over there buddy i like to call that guy the bee i think he looks like a bumble bee and on my nuzlocke we caught him because we held the bee you know what i'm saying yeah yeah let me see something oh my okay i'm faster i was wondering if i was faster i was literally scared okay okay i literally didn't know like tarakin is crazy fast dude you don't expect it for a ride it's crazy fast uh but i'm a saw blade literally i look like a saw blade from the back oh really you look like a like a bumble bee to me oh no yeah yeah yeah what do you do against the crook though what are you gonna do against the crook i'm a crook buddy i'm taking it all from you [Music] i don't know what i'm gonna do actually oh you really don't know what you're gonna do against this guy this is tough he's a scary monster buddy he's a scary one isn't he he's got me he's got a little baby i got scary monsters too he's a little mask over his eyes bro i got dawns buddy i got dons oh oh well let's see how much this does anyway i'm just curious oh my god how many arrows is that that's a thousand it's like a thousand that was like a thousand arrows like a thousand of them bro that's gonna kill him oh my goodness that's gonna kill me you're certainly faster than me right um has a crooked crocodile you got to be i hope not am i though i might be oh that is not good that is not good he's definitely not good oh he's dead right no we don't have that okay well we don't have moxie sadly that was a win one way to get rid of a groudon one way to get rid of that's definitely a way to get rid of it oh no oh yeah he's got little pinchers i know you do i know you do pal i know uh i like to see that good dude honestly i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this i'm tanky at least oh really yeah i'm not wasting the crook against that sweet sweet mm-hmm first this is bad give me a few first catch me don't freeze me don't freeze i need it badly you know i need it don't do me like that okay i really need it okay i wish we could dino max that might help me probably not uh i'm gonna do what i gotta do that's what i'm gonna do rubbing my hands together how much this does rubbing my hands together maniacally i'm gonna erupt with don't burn me do not a little bit dude that hurt a little bit relax please relax please oh there he goes reggie drago what'd you just do not what i needed to don't burn me burn him dude you're doing so much dude what the blood oh yeah oh yeah bro what do we do against this what do we do in this scenario well yeah i mean you don't have any choices let's switch pokemon and everything and i got choices pal i got choices it's just they're not what i wanted just do this let's just do this you're lucky i didn't get elusive on you what acid spray the lip cream too yeah yeah yeah yeah lower that's my special lower that oh than a mexican sweet sweet beefy sweet sweet beefy though and do a little bit do a little bit to the swing all right oh okay all right all right and uh with that i think i could take you out now i think i could oh my god you're kidding me let's see what you did let's see what you did tapu coco oh tapu oh no uh oh no tapu don't oco tap it we don't oco oh oh i thought you were gonna and spray again for some reason no why would i do that i don't know i just thought maybe i'm gonna break okay yeah you did take them out a little bit of damage extremely fast yep yep yep extremely fast yeah extremely fast we are i mean i'm literally jittering all the time look at this thing it doesn't stop moving yeah and it's actually moving four times as fast as you think it is you your eyes just can't see it okay well you can't oh my god wait wait wait oh what i forget i forget top who's typing half the time wow uh great let's do what i got to do sludge bomb really okay so you don't have any fairy moves you should not have any fairy moves that's what that means something nothing and go to sleep i shake mushrooms in your face oh my god then you sleep and then you sleep oh this is the worst this is the worst um i don't know now i bring him back out no i bring them back out no way i bring them back out that's why you couldn't do anything to this guy i hate that guy i hate that guy i almost did it bring him for a second yeah dude crooked is scary isn't he oh good morning tapu wake up at least a little bit at least do a little bit you'll do a little bit not enough no no no god a thousand more arrows how many arrows can you hold how many arrows can you hold buddy yeah zygarde gave me this one you don't even have a quiver how are you holding all these arrows i don't want to tell you where i put them but i'm holding them don't worry gross yeah whoa what's what's up i mean i got a pocket i got an invisible backpack either well this is time for all or nothing i mean it is literally all or nothing at this point literally yeah am i even faster than you though you know what i'm saying maybe maybe not this is probably close i mean i'm a speed baby you should have done that from the beginning i didn't want to expose it buddy i wanted to keep it i still think i'm in a good spot here i still think i'm in a good spot because you got another dragon i can do that too ah you keep coming you kept complaining and crying the whole time i thought yeah i wanted to always trick you buddy i want to make you cocky yeah you're always doing that bro you're always doing that hey let me work did it work maybe we'll see but we exist we exist um yeah we exist we exist as well that is what's gonna happen now dog bee dog um dog on that one dog now what don't what going on now what now what i'm thinking i'm thinking go ahead bro i'm finishing you off bro i'm not even giving you a chance here my guy he's got big teeth um big teeth bro let me see your teeth let me see your teeth 30 seconds um for years i need a critical hit now i'm communicating you're faster than that thunder cage that hurts a lot how much it does boom every time it hurts that's what it does boom okay hit two times oh my god it keeps going fire blaster please give me a crit not enough oh it does that and it does that that is insane yeah that is insane how is that a move i don't want to tell you bro i didn't want to tell you i don't tell you things i mean no i'm not telling you anything you're trying to trick me i'm not giving you any info away i'm winning this can i live oh no not with my parental bond taking you out parental bond that's why oh my god yeah parental bond raikou that's what's going on huh you like dirty dirt you like it dirty dirty dirty yeah yeah very dirty oh man oh my god i don't know man i don't know but you got a freaking stuff what you got next you only got two you only got a couple choices left right choices are both horrible choices not many choices there's not no that many there is no choice i'll just no no you got you got an avalog over there bro don't even play with me it's yeah nearly i want that i want that out of here well that's honestly the scariest thing you have to me right now um yeah thundercats page parental bond also parental awareness next video part of the way i melted the iceberg that is op by the way i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you this now now that he's already dead crocodile huge power of course no wonder he did so yeah no one huge power crook what a crazy team you got buddy yeah yeah and it was kind of disgusting i had a uh a riparian i was gonna bring that had illusion that would have just blown your mind i can't cheese you out i don't think i have much of a shot here buddy you're burnt much of a shot here buddy you're burnt to a crisp that's going to kill me and then we're thunder caging yes i don't know if that'll kill you or not okay oh no now what do you got max cannon you actually might finish me off but i think we got this there's no way that will kill you there's no way right coach canna just huge print me though correct me riko's not sweet sweet bro why why can't you bless me with that one now cage him to death just one turn left gg pal ggg guys if you did enjoy that video make sure you smash a like for the squad leave me a comment down below check out the description for more versus playlists versus videos in a playlist rather there's a ton of them guys and uh yeah gg quick gg gg
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 245,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 Minutes To Catch Pokemon In The ISLE OF ARMOR... Then We FIGHT!!! Pokemon Sword, 30 minutes to catch RANDOM LEGENDARY POKEMON in Pokémon Sword and Shield. Then we FIGHT!, 30 minutes to catch RANDOM POKEMON in the CROWN TUNDRA. Then we FIGHT!, 10 Randomized Starter POKEMON... Then We FIGHT!, Quickgg, 30 minutes to catch a team, Pokemon Sword and shield, Pokemon VS challenge, Chillnplay vs quickgg, Pokemon Crown Tundra vs, Isle of armor vs, Sword and shield Expansion pass, quick gg
Id: 5ZU2x2ND2os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 7sec (2947 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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