We Fish 10 Random POKEMON In The ISLE OF ARMOR... Then We FIGHT!! - Pokemon Sword and shield

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hey what is up everyone welcome back to a brand new pokemon versus challenge video it's me quick gg out here in the isle of armor in a little cave right now because it's actually it looks sunny and gorgeous out there but it's raining and really dark when you go out there and i'm on the island with chill and play what's up buddy yo pal i am literally running around with my uh trico right now trying to get some exercise for him trying to get him to grow up be big and strong he's uh a tiny little guy right now he's not too threatening yeah i've actually got a little metapod here and he um it's it's a very weird pokemon you actually he actually doesn't even react to you he just kind of just just is there trico's looking like they're not happy with what i said they're literally folding their arms at me giving me the cold shoulder right now sorry buddy i'm sorry i had to hit you with i had that's why we're training big dog you're gonna be strong one day well i hope your trico likes the water buddy because guess what on today's versus challenge guys we're going to be doing 10 random fishing encounters on the isle of armor and if you've never seen a challenge before what me and troll play do is go into a pokemon game gather up a team of pokemon with a twist involved and then at the end we fight it out so we have a randomized file of pokemon sword over here all the pokemon are completely random moves are randomized according to the type and abilities are randomized as well mean show and play are gonna fish out 10 encounters each catch them with some master balls and then gather them up for a team then fight it out that's about it though chill and play you ready to do this challenge i'm ready to do this challenge buddy but i just have one question for any uh scientists out there can you explain this pink sky turning to instant dark death within just a few feet because it's kind of scaring me but other than that i'm good well i'm not a meteorologist buddy but i think that's just how the world works all right don't question it all right all right yeah yeah yeah don't question it just go with it yeah yeah yeah all right let's go okay first fishing hole we got here let's see what's in there all right first catch be beefy be beefy for this oh no a corefish are you kidding me dude is that even randomized what that's so trash all right quarfish get in the master ball oh that's a bad start right quar fish with the ability moxie that's actually really big for a quar fish uh although it's still kind of a baby crab lobster pokemon whatever this is so not not a fan overheat water poles destiny bond and whirlpool what ah it's so slow too destiny bonds not even worth doing dang that is that is pretty bad still okay quart fish yeah 99 sure we're not using that but uh let's okay the water's opened back up okay whatever it was just swam away all right team we're here on the beach it is a kind of a stormy looking day probably not the best day to go fishing honestly but uh we got a challenge to do so we're gonna do it 10 catches is all we need can you keep up trico geez okay i think i literally keep scaring the fishing spots away i don't think i think you have to walk up to him i don't think you can ride your bike up oh my god that ho oh literally almost smacked me with his wingspan okay here we go we got a fishing spot let's see let's see okay there we go if we walked up to it we're able to get involved here we go with our first catch guys let's set the tone let's set the tone the legend or set the tone with a cue bone um not that amazing not that cool in fact kind of just garbage it's got the pressure as well we're not excited about that we're not excited about that at all let's go ahead and waste one of our master balls unfortunately that's what we gotta do probably not gonna use this guy on the team unless we do horribly and we catch a bunch of babies so let's hope that doesn't happen okay that's our first member cubone yikes not that cool not that cool at all all right our cubone has the ability pressure which is yikes endeavor bone meringue thrash and double edge not that tough for a little guy okay well at least it's got moves but we probably won't use that let's go down the beach a little bit find something a little beefier on the water please i'm running along the shoreline guys my feet are soaking wet but we see something there's bubbles here oh ow ow my toe actually i stepped in a shell i stepped on a shell my toes killing me oh no oh babies why babies only challenge relax a dino literal dino baby right now hi dragon baby form i i don't want to see this really okay dino with the ability liquid ooze uh damages attackers using draining moves meh it's got spatial rend bug bite switcheroo and present oh my goodness just ah just a bad baby just another bad baby yeah some people have heard of bad bunny well i got bad babies guys all right i put the trico away and i got a mewtwo out so it can protect me from the whole lucarios all right we're looking for oh my goodness stay away from me honestly just stay away from me oh you can't come out here big dog what did i just run into sobble what are you doing out here okay i gotta be careful when i'm riding on the bike i scare the fish away um here we go we got a spot to fish right here this is gonna be our second oops i just reeled in okay i'm not going over there there's a guzzlord okay here we go we got another shot here come on big dog it was a big dog bite it was a big legendary bite here we go no no a drizzle i don't even know what this is bro i've never seen this pokemon is that crazy never in my life have i seen this pokemon i can't believe we're still making videos on this game and i haven't seen this pokemon dude who is this what do you evolve into i gotta google it i can't believe i didn't know that this is what sable evolves into i've never used sapple though to be fair so i guess i just never evolved one to this point that is kind of funny all right welcome to the party all right here's our second pokemon drizzle it's got stance change i don't think that's gonna work u-turn liquidation soak and rain dance okay at least we got a physical water move that's not that good actually yikes okay that is our second pokemon we it's gotta get better it's just gotta get better right right okay another fishing spot right here next to the original one i feel like this is the baby beach baby beaches right here kyogre that's not babies at all oh that's legendary oh the kyogre oh i'm so glad to see this so glad to see this guys i needed it i needed it all right this could be a game changer it just has to be good like if i could have a good kyogre on the team that really shapes my team up to be a lot better already these kyogre just don't have bad moves it's all i'm asking regenerator restores a little hp when withdrawing from battle that's pretty good too actually copycat vicious rend that's huge glacial lance oh and surf oh my oh my giant oh it's giant guys it's a literal giant legendary beast right now oh man that's crazy that is an insane one guys kyogre on the team really good moves on there oh i'm happy to see it all right i feel like that's the best thing we're gonna catch here i'm going to another beach another shoreline let's find something else look at this is that quick dg right there literally what do you think you're doing pal what do you think you're doing pal you gonna go steal my fish get back here get back here these are my fish these are my fish quick gg no way you're fishing right there there's nothing there yeah i'm right behind you i'm right behind you okay here we go we got a spot let's fish it before he gets here hopefully we're gonna take out the legendary pokemon right here before he gets it okay a corvin knight corpus squire middle stage evolution again i don't like it team we need some better we need some better catches out here all right corey squire on the team um can we at least get some fully evolves please like what is this are we in high school what's all what's with all these middle stage evolutions huh all right corey squire has the ability speed boost there we go that's pretty good uh drill peck nice brave bird swagger scary face that is actually not bad we like that actually it's already fast and we got speed boost that actually could end up on the team especially with uh the catches so far all right we're cutting through the cave here courageous cavern back to the beach we originally started at i feel like that rayquaza might have been guarding some legendary pokemon over there so i feel like that's where i have to go right now oh there's a fishing hole right here i wonder if we can make it spawn back up something in the cavern the courageous cavern [Music] there it is there it is fishing hole right there all right let's see what pops out no babies in the cave whatever whatever happens don't be a baby okay and it's a baby seriously archen the flying rock type you love to see it archeops would be amazing honestly without defeatus archeops is an amazing pokemon but his little baby bird brother i don't know so much about i'm not i'm not a fan okay all right archen with the ability hunger switch which won't work that's more pico's ability so it actually doesn't work on the randomizer but you know what archan's got really good stats still um i mean nothing amazing but better than the other babies we have so it could be worse it's got air cutter smackdown iron defense and rock polish okay that's that's actually not good those aren't good moves so yeah okay all right archen let's uh oh let's hope we get something better oh sweet sweet you look majestic i wish i could get involved but i can't all right we got one more fish over here we can catch maybe this one will be the legendary here we go guys another one coming in no no merrell bro merrell bro why why are you doing me this way why are you making me throw a mash ball at this little mouse yikes guys yikes we do not like to see that we do not like to see that ah it's not cool it's not cool team this is bad we are having very bad luck what is quixy gg catching i'm scared that's our fourth pokemon actually already we've got six more to catch now let's hope that they're all decent no more like little children pokemon on the team because i kind of can't stand these baby teams i'm going outside it looks sunny right now but actually it's a dark gloomy day let's see there it is weather changes right in front of your eyes love it i got unnoticed and now i'm fishing in front of all these pokemon's watering hole i'm just gonna devour whatever pokemon this is for dinner or maybe use it to battle another oh no are you serious are you kidding me right now this is this is this is a joke whismur whismur really guys this is the fourth baby we've caught today out of 10 pokemon we got four babies did chill and play do this did he did he did he put them did he put babies in my ocean all right whisper with multi-scale reduces the amount of damage taken when we're at full hp whatever we got tail whip disable lyra lava blue honestly so bad it's just just just a terrible po little baby whismur yeah so i'm starting to regret our challenge it seems like all the like tadpoles are in the water you know it's a bunch of tadpoles in here that aren't fully evolved dude we only got six more catches we can do guys we need some beefies bro i don't like this selection right now i don't all right new location i'm out of here honestly i'm done with these babies hey if you're watching this right now while we cruise along i got one question for you just one oh my god that scared me one question for you buddy are you subscribed to the channel yet are you subscribed to my homie quick gg if not what are you waiting for is this your first video you've watched no come on it can't be maybe it is if it is welcome if it's not sub all right i don't see any fishing encounters right here in the river i'm gonna go across oh it's raining that's when all the big boys bite all right floating arcanine don't pay attention to that let's just look for somewhere to fish here we go let me catch a sweet sweet that's underwater right here just lurking getting the bath oh my god you got to be kidding me you've got to be kidding me dude my team is looking tough team not in a good way i never thought i'd catch a slurp off guys but here we are we're catching a slurp off yikes five more catches to go after this team please have incredible moves like what do you got for me iron fist okay play rough that's actually nice that's actually nice that's good enough um nothing else that good sticky web pg loves to switch so i'm probably gonna start with this maybe and throw that out that's not bad that's actually not too bad could help us a lot i'm gonna come to this shoreline across the water and see if there's anything better maybe but right now my hopes are are draining all right maybe this little tiny island will have uh fishing spots let me look let me do some investigating oh okay okay something it's bright outside let me put the wind's blowing to the left i could feel it all right i think that's a good sign don't be a freaking child don't be a babyish child pokemon whatever you are okay talonflame that's awesome that's that's not it's not terrible so we love it literally anything other than a first evolution pokemon first warm evolution pokemon is like is amazing to me taliflame is all right fast got decent attack a nice sacred fire would be huge on this although literally a single pebble will destroy talonflame like if you throw a pebble at it it will fall to the floor all right talonflame with dry skin restores hp in the rainbow when hit by a watertight move that is crazy that is crazy guys so wait wait wait our weakness of water is eliminated guys that's huge reduces hp and harsh sunlight and increases the damage received from fire type moves okay he won't be using fire type moves on the talonflame he might use like surf or something and that'll heal us that is amazing guys we've got calm mind overheat rapid spin and superfang ah you know what actually our special attack's fine we could call mind once it's a very fast pokemon and then overheat like a savage we could overheat twice at that point and do tons and tons of damage rapid spin is really good too to get rid of those uh binds you know maybe a leech seed if he goes crazy with it and superfang is good to just get a tank so we have to you know what actually not too bad that talonflame talonflame's not too bad and with that ability we can just swap into it when something else faints and he will not know that we have that he's not gonna assume that ever you know what do we got out here any more fish any more fish for me here we go we got a little something going on here a little disturbance in the water i got my rod ready i got my bait ready now give me the legend no dude what is going on bro pinchy cheering pinkiturin dude what is this what are these options i'm getting are these even options i mean i know everybody's got choices but can you even call these choices i don't even know anymore i just don't i just don't know guys i just don't know maybe it'll be decent maybe it'll be decent i doubt it all right here we go pin pin kirchen pink okay it's got overgrow yikes um poison jab at least zing zap okay acupressure and discharge well you know what that's probably the best thing we've caught so far sadly like sadly it's one of the best things we've caught so far uh welcome to the team buddy let's just keep it moving we got four more catches all right we got another spot right here to fish so we just double up i feel like doubling up is a bad idea we're just gonna double it up let's see let's just see what happens if i regret it i regret it we're not doing it again or we get crazy lucky let's see what's happening no why did i double up why i should have been happy with the talonflame no acorn c dot literal acorn on the team guys i'm so sick of these childish babyish pokemon and this is our seventh catch are you kidding me we've only got two pokemon that aren't total babies right now all right acorn with the ability reckless powers that moves that recoil damage strength zap that's actually a nice one to have recovery synthesis and role this thing has three uh hp recovery that is hilarious all right c dot that is uh that's a nice one there buddy not too sure about it not too sure about it we're gonna yeah we're definitely not gonna ever use that one all right four more catches i need all of them and i mean all of them to be decent like seriously i can't have any more little juniors i can't have any more mid-stage evolutions i need decent or better and i need it now i need it right now is there nowhere else to fish over here no way four more catches needed i'm not sure if we can catch anything in this river i'm gonna pull up a little close slowly okay it's not looking like we can it's not looking like we can i've already checked the challenge beach as well i think there's another body of water over here though we can go look at i forget what it's called but it's next to the training lowlands okay we've got to the training lowlands i think we go right down here yeah yeah yeah this beach and then maybe this little pond right here some brackish water connecting to the lake and or to the ocean you know nothing wrong with it oh we got something right here guys four more catches needed come on give us something decent and beefy it's time for a whale lord no i just reeled in too early i'm trash at least tell me there's two catches over here how is there not two catches over here okay this one's back we're gonna try this again here we go there we go all right all right sir fetch that is pretty decent never been so happy to see a farfetch'd in my life or i mean a surface the evolved form of galerion uh farfetch'd it's pretty decent pretty decent i think it's just fighting type which is kinda i mean it's all right it's all right let's see what moves it has team and then we got three more catches to go all right we got surf etched here with uh the ability limber which is okay i guess we've got ah no stab moves we got final gambit but that ko's us so it's not that good swords dance was slam slam is inaccurate so that's not that good leaf blade i guess might be okay with the critical hits i don't know we'll see it's decent it's only decent though i should have come here the whole time i don't know why i stayed there i know better you gotta change locations for the video quick gg or you get scammed by the pokemon zekrom don't follow me bro don't don't give me that okay it's raining out here there's a tree i rush i wish i could just shake the tree but that's not what kind of video this is like there's definitely a legend up there it's raining it's an ugly day here it's an ugly day on the beach honestly on the isle of armor oh i just failed i reeled in too fast are you kidding me spamming a not a good idea team we got three more pokemon i've gotta catch i gotta catch three more honey column c wow it's gorgeous out here maybe on the honeycomb island we got fishing spots with some beautiful pokemon to add to the squad oh it's a gorgeous day i like that that's good vibes good energy we need that good vibes equals good pokemon i think team i'm feeling good i'm feeling really good about this one all right here it is not going to spam a i'm not going to fail the fish waiting for it waiting for it all right all right all right all right good vibes good po no way no how yo how is this happening i can't believe it bro i cannot believe what is happening right now i was kind of half joking about the babies at first but this is this is ridiculous that's our eighth pokemon we'll have two more we're gonna have to take two babies on the team at least oh no oh no klepha with the ability poison heal aquatail grass pledge noble roaring psycho cut like like what i don't even want to look at it dude it's clefa i don't even want to look at it are you guys believing this what happened to the good vibes quick gg what happened you just said good vibes equal good pokemon the vibes were immaculate three more catches guys it was only decent we got another fish right here what could it be whatever could it be galarian zigzagoon nope just another one of these all right we got baited um if i cross over here is there more fishing encounters there is there is let's go i wonder is this going to be another surf fetch though we'll see we'll see i think it's time that you give me um oh my a diggersby this dirty bunny bro i don't like it it's kind of slow it's not that strong honestly ah i mean i think it can have huge power but like obviously we're on a randomizer so i don't know how i feel about that dude this is not a good team so far this is not a good team well we're gonna do our best we're gonna do our best we always believe in ourselves that's important i hear quick gg celebrating through the whole house so i'm a little scared now i'm a little scared i'm gonna need a legend to come very quickly in these next two catches all right diggersby what do you got dragons maul to power up dragon type moves we don't have any yet swords dancing earthquake that's actually really good super fang as well and hammer arm okay okay he's decent he's a decent bunny we'll take it wow just not good stats though dude not that strong at all bro all around not that good stats yikes okay we're going to a bad vibe place i need bad vibes you know what we're gonna go to the smallest of islands the tiniest of lands okay tiny island need that there's a pokeball here just picking it up dragon scale so we're gonna get a dragon type pokemon let me rescue the diglett okay piglet's clear all right game you respect me now i'm doing your minigames respect me and give me a good pokemon respect me a little bit you're really disrespecting me right now with these babies i'm not leaving this island till we find a fishing hole yeah it's it's like a 5x5 island and probably doesn't spawn a fishing hole but we're gonna make it happen well i'm thinking this island actually doesn't spawn fishing holes that that uh that threw off that vibe which is great because good vibes don't matter all right this beach are the training lowlands at the beach let's see training lowlands give me something please give me something please dude where where are the fishing holes at serious right now all right luigi running away from that what about over here there's got to be some this looks like a very fishy fishable area a little pond over here there's got to be something lurking in the water here there it is there it is all right two more catches so please whatever you do don't be a baby look we even got a daddy in the background daddy's watching over us we like that oh my god bliss no not even a blissey a chansey oh my no dude that's not a baby but it's not good chancey literally as the i think one of the lowest attack stats in the game all right chancey masterballing you please please be decent have special attacks just have special attacks for us all right chancy with the ability terravolt that's fun it's uh yikes that's just the yikes guys look at that barely any attack okay blair blitz yawn hey yon is actually kind of nice rap yo rap is actually good trick room i mean the reason rap is good because it does damage every turn so if we rap somebody that only can do special attacks we can actually maybe save ourselves you know this isn't the worst chancey this isn't the worst chancey we could rap and yawn somebody which could be kind of giant but then again it could be complete garbage too we'll find out we'll find out guys all right that's pokemon number nine pokemon number nine is chansey and we have one more to catch now well we got two more catches guys two that's it i need something op please i just need one op option at least please okay well there was no fishing encounters over there on the beach so maybe these have come back over here yep here we go as long as it's not another um diggersby we're fine here we go i heard quickly shouting again no way bro another baby another baby junior dude another dude this has been straight up 10 wasted master balls for children play squad i can't believe this these pokemon never had a master ball used on them in their life shell gun our ninth pokemon only one more catch this team is going to be so weird guys so weird all right shell gone it's got own tempo can't be confused more attack than diggers be by the way and defense and freaking sp dude it's just digger should be a bad pokemon zen headbutt focus energy flamethrower and outrage at least okay at least we got that at least we got that that's not that bad at all not that good right not that good but not that bad i'm just gonna go to the uh the forest over here and grab a swamp creature if i can is there any swamp creatures out here let me see what about right here any any fishing spots on the bridge any swamp monsters okay okay we got a big angle to fish at that's a big line big line equals big pokemon come on buddy last catch right here guys we need this to be decent at least and here it is whatever it is whatever it is okay uh oh a lowland marowak that's a fire ghost type dude ah that's actually not too bad compared to everything else we have this is amazing this is one of the best pokemon we've got and it is gonna be the last pokemon too so let's hope that it's amazing for the team we really need this to be good all right marowak with the ability to run away that's not nice but we do have an increased attack stat that's good it's got lash out fire pledge acid armor and wild charge hey you know what not too bad really not too bad we could raise the defense of the ass remember if we have to uh yeah that's the last team member there so let me go ahead and pull my team together with the scraps that we have and then we're gonna do a recap so uh one sec there all right wigglytuff you're just walking on water i'm not gonna question it don't worry i'm gonna see if i can get another encounter right here babe i sneak really softly okay we got another encounter right here let's go this is it final fishing encounter guys can it be decent can it be maybe will it be that's another story duplication all right currently feeling the pressure guys i'm hearing kwg celebrate through the house i i i don't know what it is i mean i'm assuming it's a good pokemon i mean that's what we're doing right now um i'm scared my team is not making me celebrate at all come on chili reel in a big one you can do it you can do it and oh my god help oh no tiny tiny i can't even believe i'm throwing master balls at these you know how long it took to collect these pretty long not like crazy long but pretty long and we're wasting them on little little bitty jimmies honestly that's our final pokemon by the way guys yikes we will uh go over it get the final team together and do us a quick recap honestly i'm scared i'm scared all right guys we got c-dot for our final catch with unaware okay sunny day sucker punch synthesis explosion wow might be almost worth it just for that explosion literally all right guys i'm gonna see what my team's gonna be we'll be back in a second all right so this wasn't too hard to come up with a team because we basically use only things we can we got talonflame here with dry skin it's got calm mind overheat rapid spin and super fang then mirror whack with lash out fire pledge asset armor wild charge it's got the ability to run away then a dino with liquid ooze spatial rand bug bite switcheroo present he was one of the babies we had to take then kyogre with copycat fishes rend glacial lance and surf that is an amazing teammate to have but it's like the only really good one we have as well then lastly archen with a hunger switch air cutter smackdown iron defense and rock polish uh and actually no the last one is chansey with terra volt player blitz yawn rap trick room very weird team guys a very very weird team here hopefully chilling blade didn't get crazy lucky or else he'll slap us down but uh we're gonna make it work we're gonna make it work dude and if we can win with this then i'm a legend i'm i'll be really proud of myself so let's go let's do it well guys unfortunately this is our team that took no time at all because like our choices were so bad like we had a merrell and a c dot and a cubone um we got corbin squire with speed boost to start us off here scary face drill peck swagger brave bird we've got slurp puff with play rough cotton guard endeavour sticky web and the ability iron fist we got poison jab zing zap acupressure discharge and overgrow on pink turin pink urchin we got surf fetch with swords dance slam leaf blade final gambit and limber for the ability we got diggers people swords dance earthquake super fang hammer arm and dragon's maw and then finally we got shell gun with zen headbutt focus energy flame thrower outrage and the ability own tempo that's our team guys that is our team it is not the greatest i'll tell you that right now it's not the greatest but uh i believe in myself and i believe in this bunny that's got hands for ears and if you got hands why don't you hand your hands on those like buttons on that like button please for the squad all right let's get like 5 000 likes for quick gg on this one at least come on team we can do it all right i'll see you guys in the fight all right chill and play here we are i updated my player card by the way look at me that's nice you're finally not surprised that we're fighting you look like you're ready oh no i'm ready bro i'm ready to change my mind now i hit it with a quick switch the other day yep you just hit the switch switch switch arching to start bet that's what you're starting with bro why do i feel like that thing has just what i hate the most you know what it is it might have something yeah stealth rock huh probably it's probably got that i would imagine it does um everything you have lately has it it's got and it's a rock type so i'm thinking it's gonna have things air cutter i'm cutting you with the air miss avoid it oh no sticky sticky that's gonna affect you the whole battle guys oh no and now what we do is what we do with babies all the time buddy you ready sack them you're a baby and you know what i do to babies i play rough with them i play rough with them help them grow up oh my play rough tell me how that did so much please you're just a baby what do you mean yeah i am a baby bro what are you you look like a baby too you look like a big baby bro a big blobby baby i am not a baby believe it or not this is a fully evolved mod are you serious yeah you've never been sweet by the single pokemon showdown this thing is a nightmare uh you know i don't like playing gen 7 it has unburden usually and you use belly drum and then you eat a berry and you get max attack with with speed boost and then you go crazy oh god but not today not today i'm just a normal little uh cupcake so i guess i guess not today nice to see a bird die nice to see a bird die yeah give them the bar oh my god bro that's huge this thing is huge no no no that web you got out of oh yeah yeah yeah yeah finally yeah yeah that's crazy it's gonna mess with you at least if nothing else it'll mess with you it may not do like the most but it'll do stuff let's do this oh we're going right there let's keep his speed up we're going right there huh yeah bro like there's nothing i could i don't know what i could do here honestly okay okay uh i want to get rid of that because thanks for telling me was fully evolved i thought that was like a baby pokemon you're gonna like this buddy you're really gonna like this will i endeavor you're a clown glacial what oh that's gonna kill me that's gonna kill me oh my wait a minute no it's not i'm huge i'm huge what i'm huge what i didn't know i was faster than you bro can i kill you real quick you are faster than me now can i just kill you real quick because you got that web on no shot oh imagine oh imagine oh that's a good move to have yeah yeah i'm actually really impressed by the slurpee one okay that now really didn't work out in my favor now we deal with you ready for this well you could anyone could deal with them you know yup yup corvis squire i'm a bird i'm a bird the bird is the word you know what else this bird is buddy besides just a bird what is it bro tell me you'll see will i you'll see will i do this okay okay let's do this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right there you know oh my legs this burst is sticking out good good good i'm glad i'm glad it's a brave one buddy it's gonna hurt me a little bit or a lot yeah yeah but also it's a fast bird speed boost no way yeah good luck pal good no way look pal i am existing wait i underestimated this table you got on there i'm glad you didn't catch anything real quick decent by the way i was even before we started i was talking i was like if i win this i'm i'm a legend i heard you shouting through the house i was scared while i was catching little babies i was like what is he shouting he must have been the coyote oh no i was shouting about literally like six baby encounters oh i was yeah i had i'm talking i'm talking clefa i'm talking acorn i caught it i'm talking you ain't acorn you it was pretty bad oh man i'm not sure what to do but luckily a little sticky web helps a lot i didn't know you know what we can do we're gonna do this we're gonna do this oh what's up oh wait your health hmm what happened how did that happen what happened no it must be a glitch it must be how brave am i though are you that bro i'm brave enough to just take you out of here you might be brave enough you actually might be brave enough we might not be oh not quite brave enough that's a glacial yeah that's a glacial ants to the dome well there goes that pokemon up there nice moves buddy how'd you do that ah you know i'm making it work with what i got i'm making it work with what i got i understand but i'm not too uh you're more brave than i am i am going to sleep you now buddy i'm done i'm done like it's over no now that i know you're doing something weird with that kyogre it's over no it's seriously over like i'm not even kidding you it's 100 over no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i knew you'd do that i know you do that yeah yeah cause you're up to something because you're up to something marowak that is a mis oh wait a minute oh yeah wait a minute what type is that right now oh what type is that right now huh so where's dance let me ask you what kind of moves you got on there i got stuff buddy you got stuff yeah unfortunately maybe not the exact thing i need but if worse comes to worst i'm doing yen let's go for this let's go for this um let's go for this you did catch me off guard with that you caught me off guard with that i'll give it to you i might have to go crazy and do this i know i'm faster i know i'm faster that's for sure if i don't know what you have i can't risk it i can't risk it we're gonna have to just do what we can leaf blade oh really i know you're a fire type but it's what i got wow i should have done what i had to do then wow i should have done fire pledge oh yeah don't bind all right nice oh it's too late now unless wait a second unless unless angela let's see that was a swords dance leaf blade come back sir fetched oh oh oh oh okay no okay acid armor yeah b floored yeah yeah that's what we're doing now okay that's what we're doing now that's a little scary is there dynamic on this oh no outraged at that ability he's outraged that's gonna do some that's gonna do some but not enough at all that's actually oh when he's lashing out now i'm lashing out i'm lashing out oh my god oh my god i'm gonna take anybody that is not too that's not hurt i'm tanky not oh i'm not ready to be born yet dude i'm still still bro i'm still lashing i mean i'm still gonna lash then still in my shell though are we both know what you are giving me bro no i'm not stuck last year that is weird buddy i just realized something really weird i don't even i'm not even gonna mention it right now honestly i didn't even realize it before and i'm funny i'm funny for that oh did you see how he's he's using his stick to try to stay up that wasn't your last hope was it was that your last hope was that your was that was that your last hope i mean that wasn't your last hope was it because this confused right now this shell is just getting started buddy this shell is just getting started buddy i'm trying to think of what i'm gonna do i see that i can see it um i'm break banning it really heavy later you're gonna have to uh okay let's do this just do what we gotta do yeah nice health dang yeah yeah trying to stay in i'm trying to do that i see that i see that you're doing that mm-hmm what you got for the team let me ask you you're faster than me i'm faster than the shadow oh that's so big uh-oh it's so big oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh oh yeah that's what that's more like it actually all right yeah all right now what pinchy pinchy chicken pinchos yeah it's me chicken pintos back again do what you got to do bro wow free advertisement for the puyo free let's go oh wow let's go oh i didn't see that coming let's go somewhere else chancey take a chancey on a chance perfect i use a physical move really he did yeah i feel like i don't know what that that guy would do that's the tara volt yeah zing zap and i'm pooping in one shot i'm one shot yep that's a bob of the boopy chance you don't take no hits pal i know bliss is the worst champion in unite yeah blissey i don't i'm not i'm not a big fan uh are you going back to kyogre now how do you keep getting that health buddy it's time to spill the beans i'll spill some i mean obviously it's some type of ability that raises your health i already know i just don't know what it's called that's it helen flame yeah yeah i would hate to be you right now buddy there's no way you're faster buddy wait are you flying over the web i am flying over the web uh oh yeah then maybe i gotta do what i gotta do uh maybe you do gotta do what you gotta do i've literally only got how many choices ah not many i'm gonna do this and hope that you don't one shot me oh buddy i'm using a nice physical attack right here let's see what it does to you yeah let's see what it does to you i know but i gotta take you out and watch let's see if it gives you the one two slap a roosky take you right on that'll be another critical take you right on out it's so scary can you kill me from that hp can i over here if i overheat myself maybe just maybe yeah that can kill me oh are you serious am i tanky oh yep not that crazy how did you grow your i mean that was overheat stabbed boosted by calling my are you about to beat me with this i know i'm about to beat you with a pen pad buddy i know a push pad what do you think you call this [Music] i don't know what that is bro a sea urchin dude your health is getting higher and higher i don't like that i don't like that yeah yeah i don't like that dude stop i wouldn't like it either if i were you that's a lot of health and you're faster faster than you're faster oh my god no way there's no way you win this way right is that broken that you win this can we do this role oh my god please tell me we could do this okay i don't think kyogre is that broken though you just got a couple of slow pokemon out against my slopes well um this pokemon is not a good matchup buddy i'll tell you that much right now no it's not a good matchup for sure um you're faster though i mean you got to be faster you're not that slow that guy i mean he's got legs you know what i'm saying he's got legs yeah he does um let's go for this one let's go for this one [Applause] quench him okay okay you want to crunch me in half i get it hey i get it this doesn't kill me come on you can take one right one shot this pokemon has bad stats bro yeah yeah yeah it really is really bad i was looking at it and i was like wow like sheldon has one you just wanted to get that off so you could get me with get me with this hopefully hopefully that was the plan right yeah is there something that's going to stop me can you one shot me yes yes yes i'm saying it because i want it to be true leafblade's got a five percent chance to miss right i don't know because i've already clicked it i hope you're not uh if i missed this dude i'm walking out yes oh i thought it was missing 30 seconds oh let's go oh my god good got it right that's good dude that was closer i thought it would be honestly gg yeah yeah good fight buddy and if you guys enjoyed it definitely smack the like button and check out the playlist for more videos just like it subscribe
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 457,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 Minute To Catch Pokemon In The Crown Tundra For DOUBLES BATTLES... Then We FIGHT!!!, 30 mins then we fight, pokmeonVS, Chilln play, QUICKGG, Pokemon VS challenge, pokemon challenge run, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon Then we fight, pokemon Hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon DLC, new pokemon game, pokemon shiny hunt, pokemon legends, pokemon remakes
Id: iOVwREnMhiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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