We Pick 3 Give 3 and Skip 3 RANDOM WILD POKEMON... THEN WE FIGHT! Pokemon Sword and Shield

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hello everyone welcome back to a brand new pokemon versus challenge video it's me quick gg out here in pokemon sword today with chill and play what's up big dog yo i'm hanging out with my mewtwo on the beach uh we got silly cobra right here he's so silly dude huh sounds like a good time buddy i'm just uh out here looking at this very tall palm tree they're uh they look really derpy if you've never seen a pokemon versus challenge before what means showing play do is go into a pokemon game gather up a team of pokemon with a twist involved and at the end we fight it out for this challenge me and chill and play are going to do a pick give or skip challenge what that means is me and show and play are going to go encounter random wild pokemon they can only be a random exclamation mark encounter found in the grass and once we encounter it we decide whether we want to take that onto the team skip that pokemon encounter or give it to the other person we're gonna have three pokemon to take three pokemon to give and three pokemon to skip all of the wild pokemon have been randomized their moves are randomized according to their type and their abilities are also random once we've gone through and caught everything we can we're gonna recap what we're taking what we're giving and uh then we're gonna fight it out chill and play you ready to do this i am ready buddy i think my mewtwo is ready too he's staring off at the okay no no he's focused he's focused uh let's get after it i'm ready i'm on my wheels i'm riding out let's go okay let's get this first random encounter so this challenge is pretty unique because if we do see baby pokemon like this like a magnum might we have the option to give this to chill and play we do have to catch it though and find out what it's got before we give take or skip it all right this magnemite has the ability desolate land uh changes the weather to nullify water type attacks that's actually kind of weird there he's got rising voltage moon blast vault switch and howl honestly guys i don't think i want to give this to chill and play it's got a it's actually kind of decent being able to volt switch out like that it's got very high special attack and it's got moon blast as well i want to be a little crazy uh man actually ah you know what you know what we are gonna give this to chill and play we are gonna give it to chill and play all we need is like one fire attack to be able to destroy this thing and then it won't be anything to us i hope i don't regret giving this to children but we're giving them the little magnemite let's do it so that is one give down we still need to take three pokemon onto the team and we do have three skips left all right team welcome out to the wild area it's wild out here the rolling fields let's grab ourselves a uh little rainy day random encounter huh see what we get for the first one hey a pony ooh not too strong for a second i thought it was a rapid ash but then i saw the small flame on the head and realized yeah not not too good well let's waste a master ball on this small horse we'll go ahead and catch it this is a potential give to quake gg if it doesn't have good moves or ability if it's decent we'll probably skip it we don't want it really on the team but uh we don't want to give it to quick gg if it's at all decent we want to give them only trash okay our first capture the ponita let's see what it's got uh it's got immunity which does give an immunity from poison it's got growl frost's breath first impression and scald yikes that is pretty garbage but that is actually a couple of decent moves still scalding first impression they're not stabbed you know what uh should i give this to quick cg or skip it you know what i think i'll give it to quick gg actually i think i will give it to quick gg it's that's it's got scald and first impression which are not that bad of moves but that's all it's got so since i know that i can counter that when we're fighting and uh we won't try to poison it that's all we gotta remember so yeah i think i'm gonna give this a quick gg yeah that's gonna be his first pokemon we'll keep that and give it to him we'll keep that and give it to him save our skips okay let's get ourselves another random encounter bro it is so hazy out here i can't see anything all right random encounter number two oh no way no way we got a random rayquaza that is huge that is giant guys oh my goodness oh we're probably almost definitely taking this guy please have the moves we need oh my god rayquaza with the on the random encounter you'd love to see that all right rayquaza with the ability flame body contacting the pokemon may burn the attacker that could be nice we've got dragon energy feather dance covet and dragon rush okay you know what that's perfect dragon energy is actually huge that is a giant attacking move yeah we're totally fine with that that is an amazing rayquaza there that is being taken on to the team for sure all right first person on the team rayquaza let's go that's awesome can't skip that can't give that away for sure all right one pokemon down for quick gg oh my god reggie isis what's going on big dogs nothing to see here nothing to see here dude look how small combustion is dude i didn't realize he was so tiny he's barely coming over the grass all right here we go random encounter is oh my a little amara okay okay this is a possible give to quick qg an ice rock type um which makes it really weak to uh fighting moves we can clap it down maybe let's throw a uh go ahead and throw the master ball at it we'll see what it's got that could be another pokemon we give to quincy g right there all right that's two little pokemon to start us off uh we need to see some beefies that we can keep for ourself uh and then we'll be in good shape all right we got amara here let's see what it's got for the team iron fist the power of punching moves don't have any okay good it doesn't have any powder snow power split stealth rock and rock slide yeah that's actually really bad that's not that good at all i think i'm gonna i'm gonna give that to quick gg yeah that's the second pokemon already for quick gg's team uh we still have uh three skips and then three catches for ourselves so nice that is so cool to see oh a tree we're gonna shake this thing until something legendary falls out i know it i could smell a legend in the tree i smell berries but i smell legends too oh my god that's so many berries come on legend come on out here yeah yeah yeah yeah let's see porygon no not you that is such a random decent pokemon i don't know if i want to give this a chill and play this might be a skip gotta catch it though it's looking real weird all right porygon with the ability pickup which is total trash that is awesome to see it's got fire fang crush grip bubble beam and defense curl i don't know if i want to give this to chill and play oregon's not too amazing really but it's also not like the weakest it's not a total baby pokemon which i would like to see man this is hard hard to choose here you know what guys we're gonna skip the porygon we're gonna skip it i don't want to give this to chill and play it's not too amazing but it's still not trash taking that little level ball off your buddy and we're gonna be skipping you all right nothing but baby children pokemon over here uh the beefies are above ground oops i just ran over yeah that didn't count mourinho not a random encounter guys if you didn't notice there was no exclamation point on screen we accidentally ran over this little guy let's just run away all right what do we got next over here why does cloister travel backwards what is that look at this guy he's coming at me like that bro guess he's trying to protect his weak face here we go random encounter number three is a duplicate yikes all right uh i'm leaving this side of the wild area let's go ahead and go over here maybe it'll stop raining no dang it go ahead and grab ourselves a random one oh god zekrom do not attack me please please do not attack me zekrom oh my god there's po these pokemon are savages over here here we go random encounter number three hey it's a little p2 that seems perfect to give to quick gg that is three pokemon already that i think i'm gonna give to quick gg that's that's pretty scary now all we have left is our skips and uh and our catches we need some beefies dude we're finding all small ball pokemon right now we need some decents all right peachy was caught probably will give this to quick gg because it's just so garbage honestly there's almost no way it could be really good i mean i'd be really surprised if it has a crazy moveset ability even then it would still be bad all right pichu let's see what you got buddy you have the ability shadow shield reduces the amount of damage taken when the pokemon is full hp that's actually a decent ability really kind of dragon hammer wild charge oh my god he's actually got decent moves but he's still a pichu uh we're definitely gonna give that to quick gg we will go ahead and give him that and that is three pokemon already given to quick gg right off the bat nothing no no takes or skips uh sprinkled in between so yeah that's our three that we give to quick gg now all we gotta do is catch ourselves three and we got three skips so let's go see what we can find here we need to find something decent bro we haven't found anything good yet let's go ahead and see we got here there we go not that great that's a layer on okay i thought it was a heat ran at first before like it was just a shadow uh you know later on not too good honestly i don't think i'll be keeping this i'll probably be using a skip on this guy but we'll check it out if it has a crazy move send ability we we might hang on to it all right guys we got leyron here it's got the ability moody ooh races one stat sharply and lowers another every turn that is weird that can be really good or really bad i don't know about that power gem twister iron head and gyro ball i am going to skip that honestly i'm gonna skip that i don't like it uh no thank you no thank you so no legend in the tree sadly maybe there's a legend out here in the grass let's see anything out here in the grass maybe anything come on random encounter let's see what you are oh a grovile i don't know how i feel about this guy he's fast but really weak whatever we do have to catch it though so let's go ahead and catch it let's see what you got grovel maybe we'll take it we'll see okay grow vile with the ability queenly majesty majesty pressures the opposing pokemon making it unable to attack using priority moves really weird there grovel really weird all right grovel with lovely kiss leaf blade fusion flare and drop kick i don't know how i feel about this guy honestly this could be really decent it's very fast and it's got really amazing moves i'm definitely not going to give this to chill and play i don't know if i do want this on my team or not it's not too beefy you know what we're going to go a little wild today guys we're taking grovile we're going to take the middle evolution form we're gonna believe in this we're gonna believe in that i'm taking it not skipping groville that means we only have one more pokemon to take on to the team we still have to give children play two more pokemon and we have two more skips left two skips remaining and three catches from my team let's see we can find out here here we go another random encounter there we go decent decent a chandelure okay now that's more like it that that might end up on the team ghost fire type we would like to see it honestly i really like having a ghost on the team i feel like it's just good to have so uh let's go ahead and grab that up see what it's got all right chandelure let's see what it's got for us it's got healer sometimes heals an allies status condition i don't think that's gonna work i think that's a double battle thing look at that special attack though dude that's nice we got searing shot oh yeah sing mimic and nightshade yeah yeah yeah we'll take that not the best like i would like to have shadowball too but searing shot can leave a burn it's a hundred power and a hundred accuracy uh and stab so we'll take that that's that's on the team chandler welcome in let's go find something for chill and play let's go get him a baby right here come on random encounter be a baby be a baby sidra ah not babyish okay suture with the ability own tempo so it can't become confused that's decent it's got liquidation noble roar aqua tail and whirlpool um do i want to give this to chillin you know what i actually might give this to chillin because this thing actually is a special attacker and these physical attacking water moves aren't gonna be too great on it yeah i think that's what we're to be doing we're going to be giving a chill and play the sidra we're doing it giving it to chill and play that's our second give done we now have two more skips we have one more pokemon to add to my team one more pokemon to give to chill and play all right guys we have two skips remaining and we need two pokemon for our team we're at east lake axe well going to see we can find over here tyranitar looking nice oh god don't come after me please dude so many little pokemon here we go random encounter come on oh i don't like that at all big dog i don't like that at all that is a almost certainly a skip i don't even want to waste a master ball on you big dog sorry now this pokemon the only good thing about it you usually oh well it broke out the only good thing about this pokemon usually is the fact that it has innards out which i mean it kind of exists i mean it does kind of make it decent because obviously if it takes a massive hit and dies it's going to deal a massive amount of damage in return kind of like a free counter um but i don't know that i want it on my team especially since it's not going to have that i'm probably going to use a skip here and we'll only have one skip left after that we'll see we'll see okay guys puke god i hate that name minus for the ability oh yeah you're garbage water shuriken wow that i mean that's something crunch aurora beam oh yeah yeah whirlpool you're skipped big dog you're skipped i would have liked to give that to quick gg but we've already chosen our three that we're gonna give to the quickster so we can't do that but uh yeah now we only have one skip remaining it's going to be a little more picky with these last few huh okay come on another encounter oh a frost moth i actually might take this i actually might take this for chill and play because we're gonna have the fusion flare on a grow vial which is pretty decent we have to catch it anyway let's see maybe if it's got trash moveset we'll give it to chill and play okay frost moth with chlorophyll boosts the speed in harsh sunlight uh eh weird there okay it's got to the moves vacuum wave a dual chop frenzy plant and quiver dance like frenzy plant that's a at least that makes it not be able to move again after one move oh man i don't know about this you know what i don't know about this i don't think yeah yeah i don't think we're going to be giving this to chill and play quiver dance seems like a weird setup that i don't want to see happen i'm not going to set myself up for failure with this yeah we're not giving we're going to be skipping the frost moth gonna be skipping that over that's our second skip down we have one more skip one more pokemon to take and one more pokemon to give away one skip remaining two pokemon needed let's see we got here come on here we go randomized encounter is there we go a king all right we'd like to see that we'd like to see a king on the team poison ground type decent attacker all around we uh we like that that's just an all-around good pokemon we'll take it as long as it's got a decent moose and ability we'll be in good shape and then we will have one more catch and one more skip see what happens i like it gotcha night oh king was caught big doggy yeah yeah okay nighter king what you got for me player gluttony oh not useful that doesn't help morning sun fissure corrosive gas and scorching sands uh can leave a target with a burn that's pretty good we're gonna take this on the team honestly it's a nidoking i mean might as well go ahead and take it might get crazy with the fissure if we have to and we could heal ourselves in morning sun so yeah we'll we'll take the night of king on the team and uh yeah we got one more catch and one more skip guys let's go see what we got out here i really need to find a baby now just give me one baby so i can give it to chill and play please come on game you love giving me the babies come on let me see it there it is there's the baby ralts love to see it oh my god what a baby pokemon we're totally giving this to chill and play so garbage okay last pokemon we're giving the children plays ralts here with the ability water veil so it can't get burned it's got heal pulse topsy turvy electrify and draco meteor oh man draco meter is actually a good move but it's really such a bad pokemon it's not that big of a deal and that's the only move it could even really use against us that's so funny all right ralt's uh going to be given a chill play that's the last pokemon we can give away i'm gonna move out of this area dude it's so stormy and nasty over here where's the sunlight okay uh here we go random encounter be decent oh i thought it was metagross it's me tang i i we only have one skip and we have one more team member needed oh this is tough dude this is tough because if we skip this we could get stuck with like a klefa you know i'm saying like it could be a lot worse than a metang but it could be a lot better so we got choices we got choices to make we'll check out the moose and ability we'll we'll see if it's insanely good we'll keep it if not we gotta risk it dude we got to dude if this was a metagross that would have been awesome i thought it was for a second we got me tang with vital spirit so we can't go to sleep at least i mean that's something zen headbutt hold on strange steam high jump kick and photon geyser dude oh it inflicts attack or special attack whichever higher for the user so yeah it would be physical for me ah do i keep this guys do i keep this oh man do i keep this it's got vital spirit so it can't be cheesed by like that um strange steam be nice if it has dragons oh man this is tough this is tough okay well we know we gave him a ponytail with no fire moves i feel like people are gonna hate on me no matter what i do here uh this pokemon is decent honestly it really is but i think i'm gonna go crazy i'm gonna go crazy dude i'm stupid i'm gonna skip this i'm using my last skip wow oh my god i kind of instantly regret it i kind of instantly regret it we still have one more pokemon to catch we have one more skip left as well so uh let's go let's get something else come on what is this right here next to the oh oh mogola actually not the worst there we have to catch it we might skip it we might not we'll see flying electric type all right immogla with the ability natural cure okay heal status conditions when we switch out that's actually not bad we got v create oh my god that is huge ember web and volt tackle oh man that is that is kind of big we're not that great of an attacker though by the looks of it oh man do i want that do i want that yeah i think i do i think i really really do yeah we're going to take the imogo i think yeah let's do it we're taking imoga on the team that is our last pokemon for the team okay so feeling good there pretty decent one let's go and see what this last encounter would have been we missed out on a wulu good all right good choice there quick gg let's go ahead and do a quick team recap of who we're taking and who we're given and uh then let's get into the fight whatever we see right here we have to take it if we find a freaking clef a dude i quit i will never risk it again dude if this risk messes me up i'll never risk it again oh oh decent decent okay galossopod we like that we do like that we did okay we did okay a water bug type oh yeah okay sure we'll throw a ball at that that's our last pokemon guys we did decent i was scared right there bro let's go ahead and check it out we do have to keep it no matter what because we don't have skips but uh we'll check this thing out we'll do a team recap and uh see what we're given to quick gg and as well as what we're keeping on the team all right galosapod let's see what it's got dazzling surprises the pokemon making it unable to attack using priority moves okay that could be nice that could be useful we need physical moves there we go surging strikes which is always a crit bro that's so good size shock which is physical damage water spout which we're not really a special attacker but we got surging strikes that's really good uh you know what we're fine with that we're really okay with that that is our galosapod dude that is our final member i'm gonna do a quick team recap and we'll look over the pokemon we're keeping and the pokemon we're losing all right i mean we're giving a quick gg i'll see you guys in a second all right quick recap of who we're taking on to the team starting with rayquaza here who's got um flame body dragon energy feather dance covet dragon rush then we got grovile with queenly majesty it's got lovely kiss leaf blade fusion flare trop kick then emulgo with v create ember electroweb volt tackle it's got natural cure which is nice then we got who we're giving to chill and play we're gonna start off here with sidra that's got om tempo liquidation noble roar aqua tail and whirlpool then ralts with heel pulse topsy-turvy electrified draco meteor it's got waterville and then magnamite with desolate land rising voltage moon blast volt switch and howl and that's chill place team there um i'm feeling pretty good i hope this all works out here let's do this let's start a team recap here starting us off with the three pokemon we're gonna give to quick gg we gotta pichu here with shadow shield uh and some honestly decent moves but it's still a pichu so we should be able to knock it out easily ponito with terrible moves honestly for a ponita we don't uh we're not too scared of that it's got immunity for the ability we got amara with powder snow power split stealth rock rock slide nothing too scary there an iron fist for the ability and then here we go with my pokemon that i'm keeping from my team we got gluttony nito king with morning sun fissure corrosive gas and scorching sands could have been a little better uh but not too bad we got chandelure with searing shots sing mimic nightshade and the ability healer and then we got glossopod with surging strikes psyshock waterspout scald and the ability dazzlings galoshio pod's gonna be really good with surging strikes that is guaranteed critical hits so uh we're gonna be doing a lot of damage with that i feel good about the team guys uh i will see you guys in a minute at the fight let me know in the comments who you guys think is going to win this based on what you've seen so far okay chill and play here we go here we go yeah you gave me three i gave you three thank you buddy thank you for the three thanks for the babies i like sets of three buddies babies um i'm in my fighter stance and uh currently i'm just imagining the hype music because i can't hear it because my obs is glitch chandelure huh chandelure uh-huh interesting interesting yeah and you gave me this yeah yep i did that gave me this did that thank you dude thank you for this one by the way big dog i appreciate it yeah yeah yeah sure sure no problem why would you why would you give me something so stealthy oh you're going to get stealthy already why would you give me something so stealthy big dog why well because it's not the best pokemon but i mean i didn't want it to have south rocks but it kind of just did yeah yeah it kind of just nice it's nice to have it's definitely it is nice that's going to help you uh but we're dynamaxing surely not sure we're not dying no no no no no dynamixing no dynamics [Music] um uh i'm not sure exactly what are you gonna do i'm not sure exactly honestly i've got choices to make you know but i don't know what's the right choice here's a question for you it's going to hurt it's going to hurt me a little bit here oh why is sidra not a joke oh one shot one shotty too critical okay critical that's why that's why okay i was about to say that i can't believe it actually yeah i didn't expect that i'm not even i'm not even like a physical attacker hey here's a question for you buddy why is sidra si dra not a dragon buddy but king's draw is i mean it's still a draw it's still a draw it is a draw i mean it is a draw i got a baby that does baby things yeah yeah it does doesn't it it does baby things i'm about to sing to you buddy the post malone classic no i always say liquidation i thought you were going to swap out for sure bro i thought you were going to swap out a little ways little hammer what a waste why would i swear you were scared you think i'm scared of a little chew that's why you're scared of the shoes bro it's a little pee it's nothing to me let's go seizure liquidation yeah dude that's two new knockouts for the seizure homie let's go like that i don't like that a lot i'm fluttering my little wings buddy i'm fluttering you are fluttering i like see definitely are a fluttering that's a grovy grove that is a grovie grove though what do you do against these now i'm curious what do you do against these you you might laugh at this one buddy but i feel like it's a decent uh move i'm gonna just lower those stats down just lower those stats down my attack and my special attack drop kick drop kick ooh that still did a ton yeah yeah that's fine and there's your attend that lowered my att you lowered my att to see it you love to see it no we don't no we don't what are you gonna do do something there's something i just i i tell you does that heal what does trop kick do i think it heals doesn't it or no no you'll never know big dog i'm gonna dip i'm gonna dip and take a little rock damage not the worst dip not to the worst move there oh i'm floating over the rocks oh no i'm not out no that hurts you that hurts you big dog that hurts you leaf blade okay you're too yeah that's not that's not gonna be too bad i am a chandelier buddy yeah you are i am i can't help you i am who i am you know i hate to do this to you buddy yeah oh you're going to try to really burn me to a crisp or something oh no oh really oh really what are you doing searing shots what do you see i'm going to do to me what is that a crit dude how what is ponita just that bad ponyta is a trash oh you're faster oh i really didn't i mean i know you're a horse but god dang it i didn't think okay well a little little list that's gonna take you out it's nice that was a nice amount of damage for me dude i'm happy you think that was a nice amount of damage bro i just over like have to with a not very effective i didn't see that actually what it is is chandelure's special attack really is stupid high it really is yeah yeah it's dumb high it's dumb high um dumb you say let's see let's see we got choices to make yeah we got choices to make i mean i've got them you know i know you got a ray ray back big boy in there i got a big one in there i got a big one i don't like that at all buddy yeah yeah he's gotta do what he's gotta do can i you know can you outspeed me no no i don't think i think you can you don't even know what i got bro i don't wanna don't even know what i got i'm just gonna do this actually i know this is crazy really yeah yeah yeah hopefully you're not dancing with the dragons hopefully you're not dancing with the dress i'm not dancing i'm just going to squish that i'm just going to squish that i figured he's going to die anyway oh the backfire oh the backfire i forgot dude hey i forgot to i forgot don't you love that just because i'm a fairy you can't hurt my little body bro isn't that weird why i despise that why can't dragons should just be not very i can't believe i'm switching off of a ralts with the rayquaza okay i like that that's a nice hard counter right we like it and now have a meteor buddy oh is that even gonna oh that's gonna hurt actually bro i'm a special attacker it should do a little bit a little bit yeah that's quite that did a little a bit i did a little bitty bitty bitty bit okay um well well that's like that's like all you got though right i'm pretty sure i've ever like it had like pretty trash moves that's all i got buddy let's see if you do something electrifying here let's see if you do something electrifying here i might are you already right i might i might i might i did oh no i did something electrifying this is all dude i'm countering hard oh yeah baby oh my god um let's see here what do you got on that though what do you got on that let's find out let's find out let's find out let's find out what you got on that uh v create i'll create the v's i'll create the v's i tried i tried to bluff i tried to bluff yeah did you i thought you might switch yeah and i kind of went for the cheese and it's not gonna yeah it's not gonna affect it's not gonna affect that's for sure that's one thing um uh oh now we're now we're in some positions here buddy now we're in area this is not good for me this is not good for me is it not good for you though are you lying to me wow you're not i'm not like wow you weren't what are you doing sidra i know i know i don't know what to do i don't know what to do yikes yikes oh god maybe i can agree aren't you lowering your stats right now i am lowering my stats right now what stats tell me speed's one of them tell me that speed's one of them it is one of them oh we might stand a chance here speed might be one of them we might stand a chance here because there was no way i could hit you first but now there's a small chance with two v creates down the tubes i think i might be faster now yeah which i need i need it yeah you might be a little faster big dog this emolga makes me think of radical red and mulga that killed my team faulkner op yeah i don't like radical red it's too radical for me i heard i've heard it as a result i don't like a mulligan now i mean it's kind of cute but it's just kind of let's see what happens here are you back to the ray ray tell me you're back to the room back to ray ray okay oh yeah okay okay back to the race what are you going to do you're going to splash lower some d let's lower some d huh will you though will we will we hopefully that did not that is not enough big dog we're just gonna be doing the best we can the best okay okay okay you know what this time i saw it coming yeah well this time i read you like a book is just a switch dude he's just a death yeah he's just going to die oh coveting that i covered it oh it's so weird i'm a little worm dude i'm a little slow coming i didn't think it would actually do that much that's why i swapped out less slug with a hat on brother oh yeah oh yeah i'm a slug with a hat on brother i'm realizing my choices are here i've got good choices actually mm-hmm yeah i've got pretty decent choices i got choices too though i'm a little magnemite i'm a little magnet you are a little magnet desolate land land uh uh oh i'm scared of that i can't believe you got that i can't believe that you got that buddy there was a lot of things out there you could have gotten i did get that dude it was my first encounter or my like my first or second encounter i was i was rigged it was hype you randomized that file maybe mm-hmm [Music] you had moon blast that would have actually been awful that's decent that's decent lowered the special attack as well oh my special attack or my special d uh either oh no dude what am i gonna do today hey what am i gonna do today oh no i don't know hey i'm i'm i'm curious what you are getting i'm swapping swipity swapping it i don't know bro slippity swappity yikes this is a talk i know i know it's a tough fight bro it is a tough fight big dog it is it is half my team's gone you still got teammates at least i'm dealing with my inner demons buddy i'm dealing with my inner demons okay the fact that you got these stones out bro really yeah it's annoying because i can well you're the one that gave me the stones i know but oh what are you doing with that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah please one shot please please one shot one shot 100 percent oh what are you doing with that yes yeah that's what i needed you're never supposed to [Music] what you doing next big dog what you gonna do next big dog uh i'm just gonna do the best i can honestly dude i'm gonna have to put all my eggs you ever put all your eggs in one basket before have you buddy have you you ever uh dropped yourself holy that killed me holy well there goes the eggs the eggs are broken the eggs are screwed there goes those eggs here let's just go ahead and do this too since we're going to close those eggs we're killing the homies let's just kill this homie too yeah yeah that's not going to make it actually that might survive one hp one hp uh oh wow fast though wow you are faster i'm going to roar at you just what you needed yeah just yeah what janae did leaf blade my boss dude this is tough dude i don't like this i don't like this you got a rayquaza that's over there still living oh yeah breathing oh yeah and existing it's existing it is existing what you got left what else did i give you sieger is that about what you gave me it's about what i gave myself buddy oh i'm a pod a glossier pod about this guy i'm a big bug but you ever seen a bug this big you might just run the other way like how fast is galossiopod is it like insanely fast or is it just got that weird ability uh the answer is an answer that's what i'd like to say i don't think you're that fast i'm not i'm not gonna drop that kick though you're weak you're weak so uh i am weird you know what my attack oh my size shock yep i'm gonna shock you buddy hopefully you can kill no no not enough oh no no i had that the whole time i had that the whole time oh god oh god it's over yup big dog yup big dog [Music] that might be where we have to call it that might be where we have this time around it's not wake up now i need you yes yes come on baby it's not over your attack's lowered though your attacks lowered so that's the same thing okay sing it okay now if you can just be gentle i'll be gentle big dog be gentle hold tackle oh that's going to know that's not very gentle actually okay alex now hit him with the surging strike what is that oh that's a death to you buddy that's what it is that was a death to me hit one time yeah but you know what they say about death yeah it's inevitable and i'm dead i'm dead you are done for big dog i think we should start off with this though just so we don't risk anything groovy groovy we're going to start off a little groovy we're going to start off a little bit groovy just to make sure i know what you're all about [Music] goodbye tomorrow yeah oh yeah yeah by today buddy i hope you know it's over because all i got left is nidoking and he doesn't have anything that can hit a flying type i'm guessing yeah yeah he's dead if you want to start the outro be my guest let's see let's just take him out here let's just take him out right here hang in there night oh king not that you could do it anyway thanks for the stones big dog thanks for the stones unless we make a new rule on the last second no dynamics no no that wouldn't even save me yeah yeah hmm i got choices he's going to go for this because over anyway leaf blade might not kill me would you go for the fish yeah it's going for the fish just for the mean fish and mist uh that can't hurt you and then i could have made the morning sun heal me but why why bother wow that would have been uh i would have dragon energy that to oblivion gg buddy if you guys enjoyed the battle definitely hit the subscribe button check out the playlist for other versus challenge videos good fight pal
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 421,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: We Take 3 Give 3 and Skip 3 RANDOM POKEMON... THEN WE FIGHT!! Pokemon Sword and Shield, QuickGG, Chilln play, PokemonVS, pokemon VS CHALLENGE, Pokemon Then we fight, pokemon, Shiny pokemon, randomized gen 8, randomized pokemon, how to randomize sword and shield, how to mod pokemon, how to get random pokemon in sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield VS, pokemon then we battle, shinies, shiny hunt, then we fight, then we battle, 30 minutes to catch a team, german pokemon
Id: DFkc8STa05o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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