Kayak build & Filet-O-Fish Catch and Cook - How Old Town Builds the SPORTSMAN BIGWATER Pedal Kayak

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hahaha I'm Zachary Fowler and you're watching Fowler's Mercury and Mischief yeah just drove up here to Old Town Maine and we just pulled into Old Town canoes and kayaks here we're picking up some kayaks I should probably back it up I think I'm gonna back it up [Music] look at him I'm gonna need to make a rack for it so this is Ryan Hey everybody I reached out to him on uh just send him a message randomly and said hey we'd like to upgrade our kayak game and they said hey come on up here let's do it so we got the what was it the big water pedal and the salty pedal salty yeah these are the pedal power ones so we're gonna be hands-free now yes and uh you know controlling your boat while you you're fighting a fish is so much easier than dealing with a paddle right so it'll change your game for sure Ryan was pretty awesome and even set me up with a tour of their facilities it's old Town's 125th anniversary this year so they have tons of old canoes through their history and even their employee lounge is styled after their original facilities old town is owned by Johnson outdoors and also owns Eureka tents jetboil cant stoves makota hummingbird and Scuba Pro the majority of the brands you've been seeing me use in my videos for years now one cool part was their old coddle logged inventory of all their sales from 1901 to 1988. beautifully preserved in these old cedar boxes are note cards containing all the information on each of the boats that went out the door then we headed out onto the workshop floor to see how those kayaks they just gave us were built you got roto molding and we've got thermoforming we only make one line of boats with a thermal forming process it's called the Saranac it's our budget-friendly canoe Ryan showed me that process which was pretty cool but we're here to see the build from the beginning of the Old Town Kayaks they're sending us home with the kayak build begins with this stuff it's a plastic powder it comes in all kinds of different colors and there's a special recipe for every kayak but the cool part is as the colors all mixed together during the baking process each kayak that comes out of the mold is completely individual the molds are sealed up they head into the giant oven that bakes them at 500 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes while they're in there they're constantly rotating so that the Plastics melt coating the inside of the mold and creating the shell of the kayak well those were baking we went over to see how they build the three layer canoes and kayaks this is how they build their Discovery and Penobscot line when we got over there they were just pulling one of the discoveries out of the mold when they come out of the mold they're soft and warm look kind of like a chocolate chip cookie but you got to put a brace on it so that they cool and don't get all warped once it's cooled the plastic is trimmed down the gunnels are put on and the excess plastic is sent off for recycling before it moves on to get the seats so we're building the big water kayak I'm taking home today but the ones we saw go into the mold came out and they're spinning all around still until they cool but just like the canoe when they come out of the molds they're just as soft as your grandmother's chocolate chip cookies on a Sunday afternoon and they need some bracing to hold them in place as they cool the rest of the way and after a little bit of a trim to the excess plastic they're taken over to a water tank and tested vigorously to ensure that there's no leaks when you hit the water after it passes the float test it moves on to an assembly line of workstations where each gentleman like these guys put on several different pieces and pass it on to their fellows until the last part goes on and it goes out the door for your adventuring now that the kayak build is done I'm excited and let's get out there and try ours out I think so all right we are here we got The Kayaks we're out in the bush little uh push into the bush type Lake a little hush-hush Pond as it were and we're gonna take the old towns out for their not so made in Voyage I did take them out the other day after I unwrapped them [Music] [Music] that's pretty easy and you're away there we go [Music] these things cook foreign I love these things I can't wait to actually get on some fish extinct getting skunked the other day but it is early season and I didn't get the fish finder on until this morning so I'm pretty sure that even without the fish finders the small Lake Aaron's got some slab crap he's he hides in here and uh we're gonna try and get on some of those do a catch and cook and really uh test out the whole fish finder on the thing and and just have some fun fishing and and so you can catch the most fish biggest fish and uh first fish biggest fish and most fish first fish big for some reason I have a hard time saying it lately first fish last fish and most fish last fish so let's get the boats in the water and have some fun is there anywhere to grab I think we kind of slide it back yeah it's not too bad I put the fish finder in it they got this handy little bag I don't know if that's to be a dry bag I feels like it's for a battery so I'm putting my battery in there so I got my Dakota lithium in there I need to run it up through underneath the here somewhere and then bring it up to the fish finder there so today it's just gonna go like that but the coolest thing about this is I was able to put my fish finder clicked up one spot so a fish finder fits underneath there it's protected and It Bolts up right there and the wire goes up through a Scupper right there we got power we got fish finding Aaron brought me a couple of his face meal worms waxies I like the waxies you guys see me it was those before and this is his kit when he's guiding that he skips to people for stuff like this little jig heads and these are the colors these are the crappy Killers right here I believe I have these and these that came with mystery tackle lock stuff all right some of those out plus I got all kinds of cool mystery tackle box you already got a fish what'd you get hey that's not fair we didn't even put the boats in yet what are you doing you got tired of waiting for me and uh chain pickerel save it for my Lobster bait all right it's almost time to get it out there Sarah and I are really excited to get back on the water and set our lobster traps out so we can she's gonna get a license this time so we'll be able to have 10 traps in total successful observate it won't count I was just testing the water to make sure you know we're gonna make sure it's warm enough that fish are in here to catch huh yeah yeah I also grabbed an anchor for the kayak is a little on the heavy side I don't think we really need it but and this is my little box I have here it's just kind of my little uh the go box for the kayak I do have my big tackle box I'll bring with me but I got the uh little jig heads with some of the same stuff and then some little woolly buggery type things a little bit of everything I even even have a little bag here oh Sarah packed us a couple wraps an egg and uh some celery sticks just in case I get hungry while I'm fishing oh it's good to be married fun being married I totally would have forgot a snack all the parameters are capability they're crappy rods here that you got there we go I'll tell you a lot just run and start all right we're on the water paddle is backwards but I got in the boat without getting wet the water very fishy oh there we go all right drop the rudder boo sonar Clear View see what we got oh this is a slick setup too cool uh my Rod's gone I must have got snagged on the there it is I can see it hanging from the tree look at that it snagged on the tree and I left it behind silly goose a test run for in and out of the water three times [Music] first fish little Bass Cole got stuck on a stick lost my pole and he's out there already caught first fish on me well that's one way to clean off your rod come on here we're out I'm gonna fish one of errands in a minute but I just had the Box already open and I just oh I love this one when I got this from mystery tackle box just cranked in so many fish so fast oh I like this Rod already nothing too special no features I haven't heard Aaron hollowing her anything so I don't know if he's just slaying him over there and laughing at me for being over here or if he's uh we haven't fished together so I don't haven't figured them out yet quite fully you know like Chris he he can't keep down his excitement holy freaking chunky Football League freaking junker which wasn't the case with Aaron he was very quiet he's over there slaying the fish and keeping it to himself he told me later that it's the hunter mindset that his dad instilled in him after years of being taught keep it quiet in the bush or you don't get to come with it's gonna take a pretty special fish for him to break that silence ah love the reverse love the ability to just put yourself on the spot like boom and now I hit the right spot of the lake the wind's blowing me across and I can just back up and forward a little bit and keep myself at just the right distance well they're Pro tip nothing else was working throw on a little bit of worm Tail as well we got the pink one that Aaron set us up with that will definitely catch I'm seeing all kinds of little marks underneath it so I'm starting to feel a little bit more like we're getting into a fishy spot up this end of the lake oh that was a bite fish on fast there we go first fish of the day yeehaw largemouth bass yeehaw and uh we'll see you later buddy got one on the board that's one there's another one [Music] oh maybe bigger oh and boat flip yeah it's a little bigger by an inch laughs oh they're beautiful bass you let this guy go too oh it's a nice sized one come on play it out get tired there we go I'm still only pound and a half maybe they're getting bigger they're getting bigger [Music] I knew I'd pull a fish out from around that tree that cover they love that cover there's another one little guy I'm just gonna boat flip him [Music] number four thank you there we go thick that's a tiny guy seven little guy I know I'm making it look like I'm blowing air out of the water but that's far from the truth he's over there catching some monster yellow perch running two rods catching two fish at the same time net and bass picking up some chain pickerel along the way knocking out the species game he was catching so many so fast he actually kind of lost track of his count and the fact that uh his camera had turned off at some point and turned it back on but uh there's no counting for how many fish he actually caught [Music] cruise around find the crappie that's what we're here for worst case scenario we haven't had a fish in a couple days we could always eat a bass there we go oh yeah nice yellow perch that's a good one oh and I see marks underneath of us too that's a keeper all right beautiful yellow perch look at the color on that nice long fish not the biggest of shoulders but if that's what's down there there could be some more we could catch some crappie mixed in with them so let's work this spot in this tree here and work that tree right there until I catch some more and just throat rip him and break his neck and get him in there in the ice bag I'll put a little worm worm piece on sliding back into the tree I'll cast dropping in on this side straight down there we go fish on another perch that's what we're looking for that's a good sized perch too yes oh that's a nice one oh that's like a oh that's a BV one that one's got shoulders on it oh and oh it just egged jigged all over the place beautiful big one some shoulders on that one that's a delicious fish that's 10. thick down there with perch where are the crappy so we got perch maybe maybe something in there here and there is a crappy I don't know there we go man there's a good sized perch there we go I just can't keep hoping though that one of these will be a crappy that's not too bad just laying up a pile of perch all right before it gets too dark and at least we've acquired sustenance I'm gonna move around with a fish finder and see if we can't find the crappie tree that Aaron said is new and wasn't out there in the middle before so we're gonna take a peek at that I have a little snack while I cruise you want a snack turkey what do we got turkey oh turkey roll-ups nice turkey roll up the wife made meat and pedal [Music] oh I'm living in style this is so great maybe uh another celery stick thank you hun um man nothing like a good treat I tell you if you haven't got yourself a wife you got to get you one I was The Good Wife uh nothing like a good wife the make your life just amazing you know how you liking the kayak that's nice isn't this sweet it's kind of what I was afraid of it'd be real nice now I want one it's too nice Aaron and I got to talking for a bit as the sun set and we pedaled towards the South End to check one last spot for the crappie I didn't see any crappie here but I did find a nice old dinghy seems a shame it's made out of wood somebody put a lot of time into making that lots of big beavers in here that guy was huge he was right there on the shore didn't notice me paddling down this end oh Big Hawk I wonder if that means the fishing's good down that Center I haven't come to this end yet Let's uh see what we can find beavers have been a busy beavers down this way two lodges oh got a fish what do we got another bassing oh jumpy little fella it's a good size one too yeah I was just thinking to myself I haven't caught a fish in a couple minutes there we go but not a crappie still not a crappy look at that how cool is that on the Clear View sticks sticking straight up and stuff but no giant fishy fishy merch really well I think that pretty much does it for us I could cast and catch a bass and go back catch more perch I got a little family to get home on too and uh we got some fish to cook up [Music] came back Darren we'll back it up and uh go cook some fish [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ow [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right we got fire we got ingredients and we're gonna make a Filet-O-Fish Fowler Style it were you in that sandwich you wouldn't be laughing at all [Music] well whether you're loving it or hating it Vallejo fish has been around for a long time in fact McDonald's invented it in 1965 and sold it for 29 cents it was the first thing they ever added on to their original menu the best-selling fish sandwich in America I believe I've eaten a Filet-O-Fish at least once in my life I don't remember exactly when that was because when it comes to McDonald's and I break down and I pull into that drive-through it's the fries I gotta go for all right I'm excited about this I've wanted to do this idea for a while I saw it on another YouTube channel can't remember the guy's name but he does some really great videos on like doing his versions of things we got our chives parsley lemon and we're doing real horseradish which looked when I asked for it in the store and they went in the back they're like we did accidentally just get some here's a whole root do you want that and I was like okay sure so let's cook I'm gonna start out with the tartar sauce chives I don't really do anything by measurements these days so if I ever make a cookbook that's gonna be a pain in the net to put together because everybody wants measurements all right half sour cream and half mayonnaise somebody's gonna have a fit with this like oh you just contaminated the sour cream with the mayonnaise honestly how could why would that even matter you're gonna use both of them in almost the same circumstances every time note I put the sour cream and mayonnaise in there first because it would look more picturesque when I put the chives on top I mean just imagine if I put the chives and all the herbs in the bottom and then plop the sour cream on top I would just it would be no good he didn't use any parsley but I think a little bit of parsley would taste pretty good in here but we gotta make sure we chop it good and thin and chop up super fine got some lemon a little bit of lemon never hurt anybody now so this guy I don't know very dirty once again we'll give it a flavor taste that was the first time I've ever had a fresh piece of horseradish anything else I've ever had I think with horseradish always was like a mayonnaise horseradish you buy at the store this is really good [Music] give me a good feel for how much to add oh it's got some good flavor to it this is gonna be so good [Music] salt and pepper now hard part pickle I got a chop them fine and squeeze the juice out so it doesn't turn my tartar sauce into just a wet slaw you want it to stay on top of your food when you put it on there and not just like we don't mind stuffing our beard but it should stay in the beard and not on the shirt and if it's too wet it goes through the beard ends up on the shirt that's the trick or should be called for a whole pickle so we got four pickle spears that's good enough doesn't have to be too fine classic dill pickles are so wet you definitely have to squeeze the juice out of them these didn't really have that much a little bit of juice there we go a little taste hat hmm that's so good money nailed it all right on to the next step I'm gonna add approximately one and a quarter cups of flour bad about a tablespoon of garlic powder and some smoked paprika some fancy stuff because I got it at TJ Maxx there we go getting close in uh Josh's video he says use kosher salt and I just watched the thing on Netflix recently called fat salt Savory and fire but I've only got to the second episode about salt I talked about kosher salt being one of the least rich but but maybe spread out flavor-wise I don't know how to explain it but this is sea salt so if you're following a recipe and somebody says kosher salt versus something else you gotta be careful because you could over salt your stuff so there's no reason why you can't salt it stir it and then check it not quite salty enough oh I don't know if you saw that in the background but uh we have a Coca-Cola we don't ever have these uh red coca-colas in my videos now with the uh for this only purpose one American Beer and one egg to make a beer batter oh that sounded so good I wish we'd go back and like put it back into the egg [Music] oh now this guy one whole beer oh we don't need the twig this is where we find out if I've added enough flour if it just ends up into a runny mess for us it makes a nice a nice beer batter I do see some red paprika chunks in here that from that first bit that didn't mix in okay there's a lot of Paprika in here I feel like I really do need like a backwoods whisk I'm gonna make one there we go that did the job another thing before we get started I want to put some cheese on there because that's what they do with the Filet-O-Fish so I got something got something to make it extra Gouda make it extra get it good good extra good food nice thin slices it seemed like a gouda idea when I thought of it but I'm not sure if this is gonna taste good I'm outside of which I don't even remember the last time I had a Filet-O-Fish hmm that's pretty good huh we got our perch which I filleted up last night and they're not incredibly huge so we'll probably do like a little four stack on top of the sandwich throw the cheese on and then our sauce and put them together on a brioche bun I'm just gonna throw them all in there just flour them right up now we're ready for our hot oil so we got to get that on I'm just gonna cover that that's what gets up to heat quicker so you pull out your fish you want to Pat It Off you want it nice and it's basically drying the surface of the fish really well and it creates a surface that your batter is going to stick to so once she's ready to go after she's padded clean we're going to dip and then right into the pan and just work it around in there this is messy get the excess off make sure it's all on there you know I haven't hidden cracks and now we put it into the oil [Music] perch Cooks up quick because it's small these aren't very thick so we don't want to drag it out for too long there we go look at that delicious just right it's gonna be good [Applause] there's some cheese on them all right here we go there's the rest of them oh would it be if I can get cheese on these ones guys oh doesn't that look Gouda can I overuse that not yet best two pieces we got one piece there and another piece there we go melt that cheese right in some sauce oh oh look at that first one down there it is our perch catch and cook perch Filet-O-Fish here we go three beautiful sandwiches look at that I think the only thing that would have made that better is if I made my own buns maybe next time Erin there you go guys say grace Lord thank you for this food and the these guys just helping me build this and the fun that we get to have and just name amen amen all right let's see how they turned out we've been working hard on the tiny house part too when we're not cutting out to go fishing I'm making this for our lunch break today Aaron's dad's been helping us he's our cut man on the job so stay tuned for part two and if you haven't seen her already check out the tiny house part one all right that has to be the best perch I've ever cooked before like very good right yeah nailed it like I said I think I did good on the sauce it's staying in the beard pretty good and uh and nothing on the shirt so oh I got it on my pants I'm making a mess here I think that's my new favorite tartar sauce has a little bit of horseradish in it hmm that turned out so good that turned out pretty good and special thanks to Old Town those kayaks are gonna get a lot of use it was so cool seeing them built and then coming home with one I feel like I still got lots of tartar sauce in my beard sorry about that guys and thanks for watching we'll see you in the next one Fowler and bear proof out as a guy with shoulder problems the Old Town those pedal kayaks that's the way to go the kayak made it a lot easier over a canoe but that pedal kayak that's a game changer this isn't a sponsored video and they did give me these kayaks but I do my best to always give you guys the truth and I love this kayak I even like it better than the pedal Hobie Kayaks that Sarah and I spent three days out in the Everglades putting tons of miles on them when we survived for an earlier video unfortunately to explain why and how that is would bog down these Adventure videos and make them kind of boring so to help with that I started a new channel called Fowler extra I'll put a more concise to the point gear review video of the Old Town Kayaks on that channel check out that link in the description below
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 123,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, catch n cook, catch and cook, catch clean cook, Fillet O fish catch and cook, filet o fish, filet-o-fish, Filet o fish catch and cook, kayak build, kayak catch and cook, fowler fishing, zachary fowler fishing, old town kayak, SPORTSMAN BIGWATER, SPORTSMAN BIGWATER PDL 132, Old town kayak catch and cook, Fowler catch and cook, kayak fishing, kayak, fishing, fishing catch and cook
Id: hOxiDfpBmso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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