3 Scary TRUE Pizza Delivery Horror Stories

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[Music] number one when I was twenty years old so six years ago I worked as a delivery girl for a pretty popular pizzeria in my area initially I worked the late morning to mid-afternoon shift but when the guy who delivered for the night shift ended up getting fired for losing his license I was placed on the night shift I really didn't want that shift because you never know if people who order late at night actually want a pizza or if they have other intentions in mind unfortunately my boss was an [ __ ] and essentially told me that if I wasn't willing to take the night shift I was fired I wasn't exactly in a position where I could be out of work or be it temporarily so I reluctantly worked the shift the first month of their shift went by without any issues that is until I had to deliver a pizza to a house that just barely made our delivery radius I punch it into our GPS and the house was located in a pretty suburban part of the city I arrived and it's about 11 p.m. the block was extremely quiet decently lit and mostly littered with modern townhouses the house I delivered to was a duplex I ring the doorbell and wait for about 30 seconds no answer I ring it again and wait about another 30 seconds still no answer I'm standing there getting pretty nervous that something's about to go down but thankfully a man opens the door he looked like he was in his late 40s he was pretty tall maybe a little over six foot and he was very skinny I tell him the speed sir is here and he just stands there staring at me I ask him if he's okay and he responded by saying yeah I'm fine sorry I got off work not too long ago and I'm zoning out of it fair enough I suppose he hands me the money I hand him the pizza and as I'm making change he says you're really beautiful you know that not really thinking too much into it I thanked him for the compliment and gave him his change I said goodnight and he did too I walked back to my car and finished my deliveries for the night a few days later I get a delivery order to the same place I head over there around the same time as last time and again ring the doorbell he answers the door very excitedly and said hey it's you again how are you I told him I was tired and that I couldn't wait to go home which he chuckled that I know that feeling pretty well he said as he was pulling out his wallet as he's counting his money he asks what my name is being kinda tired at this point you're not really thinking too straight I stupidly tell him my name as I'm making change he asks if he could have my number as he had quote-unquote loved to hang out with someone as gorgeous as I am whoa buddy pump the brakes I've literally only met this guy like twice to deliver a pizza I had no idea who this guy was and I'm positive he barely knew who I was as well another thing to mention is that I looked way younger than I was at the time I was told by numerous people that I still looked about 15 and I was hoping that he thought differently and wasn't hitting on me because he thought I was a teenager I'm just standing there awkwardly for a few seconds before I muster out sorry I have a boyfriend he gets upset and says oh okay I see when we stand there in silence before I'd tell him to have a good night and walk back to my car he says and nothing and still stands at the doorway staring at me until he finally went back inside once I started my car I got a pretty creepy vibe from this guy and even brought it up with my coworkers and they agreed it was pretty creepy they all agreed that is except for my boss who overheard everything and claimed that I was just making up stories for sympathy [ __ ] [ __ ] a week later I'm working the night shift and we get an order from that same guy again this his when [ __ ] really hits the fan I arrived at the house around 10:30 p.m. keep in mind that from my perspective on the road it didn't look like a single light in that house was on I get out of my car and I walk up to the front door with the pizza box yes I'm approaching the door it quickly swings open to reveal the man except this time he was wearing a suit I jumped back he laughs and says sorry if I scared you I saw you out of the window and figured I just opened the door now so you wouldn't have to ring the bell I was getting scared because as I mentioned before there were no lights on in his house whatsoever he was just sitting in the dark this whole time yeah if so why I nervously laugh and say it's okay he asked me if I like to suit to which I said yes he then asks me would you like to go on a date with me tonight what the [ __ ] I once again tell him that I have a boyfriend to which he chuckles gets close to me and says honey there's no way a girl your age is in a serious relationship if you go on a date with me I'll show you how a real man treats a girl he grabs the pizza box from me and throws it to the side he then grabs me by my arms hard I'm officially [ __ ] bricks at this point and trying not to cry from the fear that was overwhelming me I start pleading with him dude please I just want to go home I don't want to go on a date tonight he just stares at me with the most sinister look I have ever seen on someone's face and says I don't care get inside now we're gonna have a good time he starts trying to pull me into his house and I'm trying to resist as hard as I can after a bit of struggling he lets go of one of my arms and starts grabbing something out of his pocket which I presumed was a knife I did something that to this day I am thankful worked I used my free arm to punch him as hard as I could in the stomach this stuns him for a few seconds and he loosens his grip on me allowing me to break free I quickly run to my car and as I get in he runs at me and starts trying to pull me out holding the knife in the other hand why are you making this so [ __ ] difficult I grab a half-empty bottle of soda I had in the cup holder and throw it luckily it hits him in the head and he lets go I slammed the door and then all of a sudden he jumps right on the hood of my car and starts scratching and banging on my windshield with the knife I put the car in reverse and quickly back out of the spot reversing down the road with him desperately trying to hold on he's banging on my hood screaming stop the [ __ ] car I turn onto the next road as swiftly as possible and luckily he falls off the hood of my car I slam the gas as hard as I could to get as far away from that sick bastard as possible in my panicked State I drove a couple of blocks down the street and kept making turnoff to turn on to other side blocks as I feared he was following me eventually I reached a red light and I slammed on the brakes and just sat there at the intersection frozen from what had just happened I began crying and violently shaking as I was sitting there he had dawned on me that I had just come close to losing my life and I couldn't help but feel that I shouldn't have been alive once the light turned green and I pulled over to the side and just sat there crying eventually I get the energy to drive back to the pizzeria and almost immediately after I walk in my coworker knew that something was wrong with me I practically broke down in front of him and everyone else came to the front wondering what was going on I fought my tears and explained everything that had just happened my coworker comforted me and my boss surprised me and began apologizing profusely for what had just happened and for putting me on the night shift he takes me into the office and handed me the phone to call the cops they arrived at the store and I give them my statement and as well as taking pictures of any marks on myself and any scratches on my car my coworker followed me as I drove home and I collapsed on my bed strangely enough I managed to fall asleep I quit my job the next day and luckily a friend of mine managed to hook me up with a new job at her clothing store as far as the psycho goes two days later I received an update from the police the entire duplex was owned by the guy's brother who lived on the right side with his wife the psycho who lived on the left side of the duplex I learned that he had been in and out of jail constantly at first were robberies and assaults but later on it was for sex crimes he had been released from jail for about five months before this encounter when the cops arrived at the house he was a long gone and his family had no idea where he had run off to the police insisted that they would find him indeed they did only not alive apparently the guy had fled to a nearby city and attempted to kidnap a teenager walking alone late at night on the street luckily somebody happened to be looking out their window at the right time and they called the cops and the police caught him trying to force her into his car he manages to flee and the police chase after him he blew a red light near a busy Boulevard and a van slammed right into the driver's side of the car and by some sort of miracle the driver of the van only sustained minor injuries and the psycho on the other hand sir came to his wounds long before the ambulance even arrived I thank the officers for everything they had done and for informing me and I walked out of the station I walk down the street and light up a cigarette taking in everything I just been told I don't wish death on people but after hearing about his death I felt relieved I felt relieved that he couldn't hurt anyone anymore I was relieved that I would never have to encounter him again and that I wouldn't have to go through with charging him and reliving what had happened that night my last experience two years before this was scary but I think this one takes the cake as being the scariest and as I was alone and face to face with a psycho who knows where I'd be if he managed to pull me inside that house number two my friends and I grew up in us in a pretty run-of-the-mill suburban area our circle of friends was large back in the day but the four core members of our little unit who were myself and my three best friends Johnny keV and Seth we were 16 years old at the time and having a movie night at Seth's house his parents had gone off to Perth for the weekend and we had the whole place to ourselves well not just us Seth was looking after his German Shepherd a big old dog oh called Bonzo when we had all arrived our first move was obvious help ourselves to Seth's dad stock of booze and we spent the next few hours playing video games roasting each other and fawning over margot robbie in the wolf of wallstreet we got about halfway through the movie when there was an unexpected knock on the door Seth looked confused he wasn't expecting any more visitors at his request I get up and go to the door with him maybe we've been making too much noise and his neighbors were coming over to complain no standing there on the porch was a Domino's pizza delivery man he's holding a large pizza box in his hands Hey large pepperoni paid for online what the hell we hadn't even thought about ordering a pie well as we all know 16 year olds and pizzas are natural allies so we happily take it off his hands I mean prepaid it was like a gift from the gods themselves were we to say no yeah man that's ours Seth says he gives him a couple of bucks for his troubles you boys have a good night and the guy says and he heads back to his vehicle we bring the pizza into the living room and tell the other two how we just lucked out a massive pizza for just the cost of a tip damn I couldn't even remember the last time I had one of those bad boys well keV mr. goody-two-shoes as always says that we shouldn't just eat somebody else's food we were [ __ ] men after all he says that the delivery driver couldn't have gotten far and that there was still time to get him to come back it was the right thing to do plus if the store realized we'd stolen one of their pizzas they might not deliver to Seth's house anymore in the end keV managed to convince us I guess we weren't our souls after all the four of us left the beats are on the coffee table and went into the kitchen to call out the pizzeria we get through to them and told them that somebody else's pizza had been dropped off at our place and that the guy should come back and get it and take it to whichever hungry customer ordered it they asked for our address and Seth tells them are you sure it's a Domino's Pizza yeah mate it's got your logo on the box we haven't had any orders from that part of town all day none of our drivers have been around there are you sure it's not a Pizza Hut box or something dude I know what your pizzas look like the delivery guy had your uniform on and everything oh maybe it's from one of our other stores we'll ask around and get back to you we were all a little perplexed mainly because we knew that no other Domino stores delivered to our area figuring this was all just some dumb mix-up we decide to give them ten minutes to call us back if they didn't well we just dig in in the meantime we fixed ourselves some snacks for the rest of the movie we head back into the living room and are shocked by what we find Bonzo the dog had stuffed his face into the box and eaten half of the bloody pizza some poor guy had just paid for Seth's dog to eat a Sultan's feast as funny as it all seemed we were slightly annoyed that our good deed had gone unrewarded I mean if someone in the house was going to eat that pizza we'd have rather it been us the store never bothered to call us back so we forgot about the whole thing and just got back to watching the movie it's not long afterwards that the dog started to become noticeably distressed he starts whimpering and whining and clambers off to the kitchen must be the pizza we thought well he could wait it was his own fault after all and that juicy scene was coming up in the movie you know which one I mean in hindsight and we shouldn't have waited ten minutes later we realized that Bonzo was really ill thinking he must have gorged himself to the point of near death we googled for an emergency vet in the area when we found one and the four of us rushed him there as quickly as we could Bonzo really was near the point of death when we brought him in but it wasn't for the reason we expected the vet said that he was displaying unusual symptoms convulsing and the like so he ran a few more tests and what he found turned our stomachs traces of strychnine were found in Bonzo system it's a seriously dangerous poison used for killing birds and rodents when ingested by humans it causes your body to spasm your eyes to protrude from your skull and your brain and other organs to shut down it only takes about 30 minutes to kill you we later found out that the cheese on the pizza had been laced with it Seth's parents came home as soon as they found out and we told the police everything we could remember about the guy who gave the pizza to us sadly nothing ever came of it in the end there were no other reports of anyone receiving a poisoned pizza and it seems like the guy never tried to pull this trick again and this was just a one-off attack of opportunity it makes me wonder did the guy specifically target us thinking that some dumb kids would just selfishly eat a pizza someone else ordered yes so does that mean he'd been watching us how else would I have known that Seth's parents weren't in could he have been someone they knew the mind boggles I'm happy to report that Bonzo did indeed survive the ordeal yeah if only just had we arrived at the vets five minutes later he had son likely he would have pulled through the thought that somebody might target others for no apparent reason terrifies me if anybody brings food to your door that you didn't order do the right thing and check with the company it's from it just might save your life number three I delivered pizzas between the ages of 19 and 23 in a crappy part of my town one night near close we got a shady sounding order to a fake address and they changed it to another when we wouldn't deliver we had a sneaking suspicion something was up so I brought the cook with me and we both brought large metal pipes with us he just stood next to my car while I went to the door when I knocked the porch light flicked on and off a few times I knocked again and the porch lights flickered it happens a few more times until some grouchy middle-aged man opens the door think call from Akwa teen hunger force bluntly he tells me he didn't order a pizza and shuts the door in my face when we left we noticed a bunch of hooded guys in the bushes across the street later that night a rival pizza chain driver was robbed on that street hi guys a lazy here and thank you very much for listening I know you're thinking another video so soon that's pretty rare these days lazy yeah what can I say I guess I've been living up to my name recently but I'm trying to turn that around right now son of some applications for a few things so uh I have a bit more free time at the minute and I'm gonna try and dedicate that to making as much content as I possibly can if you did enjoy this video then feel free to smash that like button and you know what I'm feeling generous today I wouldn't smash you if you don't I just incur a sh ously request that you do please please I need the love and support and yeah I will see you in the next video which should be very very soon until then guys you will stay spooky and remember the best things happened in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 679,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, scary real stories, pizza delivery horror stories, deeply disturbing, scary 2018 movies, scary horror movies, scariest video ever, on youtube, new, best, most, long video, creepypasta, creepy, horrific, terrifying, top 5, top 10, asmr, relaxing, study music, british accent, english, who, how to, mysteries, mysterious, ghost, ghosts, caught on camera, haunted, creepiest, lazy masquerade, maskarade, chilling, pizza, freaky, real life, reddit, 2chan, 4chan, let's not meet, Halloween
Id: Eg8TzkTv2fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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