3 Real Life YANDERE Horror Stories from 2CHAN

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[Music] number one finding love in Japan can be tough these days the media here says that more and more young people suffering from surco sue Shin AE Shogun that pretty much translates into celibacy syndrome basically no one's getting laid anymore half of all young people aren't in a relationship and they pretty much all plan on staying that way they just seem to find the whole thing bothersome a year ago I considered myself to be in the other half that was a relatively attractive 24 year old guy with a decent job at the risk of sounding cocky I thought I had a lot going for me so it frustrated me that I hadn't had a girlfriend since high school trust me that wasn't from lack of trying there's a number of services in my country designed to fill this romantic void you can hire yourself a girlfriend who will walk around holding your hand in public or you can even go to a cuddle cafe where you can pay a goal to just lay beside you and like the name suggests cuddle you Nintendo even makes virtual girlfriend games oh the wonders of Technology the solutions weren't for me though I wanted the real deal a proper relationship a co-worker of mine Goro told me about this speed-dating night that was coming up said that he was going and that I should sign up too well it sounded like it could be a fun time and what did I really have to lose for those of you who don't know how a speed-dating night works here's a quick rundown a bunch of single men and women turn up to the event all the women go and sit at a table by themselves and all of the men get told which one to sit with then the 3-minute timer starts in that time you either have a nice chat or you sit there in awkward silence hopefully not the latter once times up a bell rings and you move on to the next goals table once everybody's had a three-minute date with all of the other members of the opposite sex you will mark down on a piece of paper who you'd be interested in seeing again at the end some matches are made some will get lucky and some not so much it was the night of the event and to be honest I was feeling pretty confident I put on my best clothes sprayed on some cologne and practiced a few lines in the mirror before setting out good guy Goro came by and gave me a ride not only were we coworkers but we had been friends since high school as well gato loved chasing after the girls at the clubs and bars but always had limited success unfortunately for gato he was on the shorter and chubby aside imagine a Japanese Danny DeVito I hope the night would go well for him the speed-dating gets underway and to start with things are going great it's about halfway through the night and there haven't been any uncomfortable silences or anything there was a Connie the bubbly young Tokyo girl who had moved here for work Hanukkah this hot intelligent chick with a great body Yumi this more alternative girl with bleach blonde hair pale skin and a really cute smile and then I got to Kyoko as I sat down I thought there was something strangely familiar about her but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was she was pretty average looking so maybe she just reminded me of someone else on you hey how's it going I'm Shin I know I'm Kyoko nice to meet you I know well I did have a nametag on but that was still pretty weird other than that things started well enough with her doing most of the talking well all of the talking really she spoke so fast and incoherently it made listening to it all almost impossible one thing did stand out though you can check it out when they show it on TV sometime how's working at Takata anyway it must be interesting oh my god have you ever seen in burrows did you greet people there Wayne what the hell Takata how did she know what company I worked for had I let that slip somehow Goro was yet to see this goal so there's no way he could have mentioned it I would have asked her if she'd given me time to respond but she just moved on to more incessant walking i sat there for lightly until the 3-minute timer released me from that purgatory I stood up said my nice to meet you and moved on to the next table I did a lot worse the rest of that evening distracted by the fact that that Kyoko girl kept staring at me like this some blinking penetrating stare once all of the dates were over I met back up with God oh hey bro did you recognize her huh I didn't know where he was talking about that girl Kyoko from her high school man I can't believe how much she's changed Kyoko I honestly couldn't place her in my head the name rang a bell sure but Kyoko is common and our school was pretty big she must have really changed I guess that's why I thought she seemed familiar though mystery solved gato continued yeah man she's really blossomed she wasn't really into me though what a jib so Kyoko knew me from school maybe I had her on Facebook and had forgotten all about her and that could explain how she knew where I worked but if that's the case why wouldn't she have mentioned knowing me from school oh well she wasn't really my thing anyway I marked her down as an on match on my card and forgot all about it put it down to being one of those weird things and figured I'd never see her again Goro might not have been so lucky at the event but I ended up getting a few matches and actually went on a few more dates with some of the girls of all of them I got along with you me the best she was the one with dyed blonde hair and pretty unusual for a Japanese check but she could pull it off really well on our third date we're eating dinner in a restaurant together we just finished our main course and were laughing and slightly drunk on sake when I noticed one of the other diners on a far table from us we were half hiding behind a menu it was that Kyoko girl sitting by herself and staring over at us doing her best to remain unseen I mentioned it to you me who subtly glanced over to look at her well she confirmed it definitely was the same Kyoko girl from the speed-dating night I made a joke about how she was probably following us around town it was funny at first but by the time my desserts came out she was still just sitting there totally alone staring at us from behind her menu okay either she was really indecisive about what she wanted to eat or she's keeping a watch on us for some reason I decided to go over and say something to her but as I stood up to do so she left up and ran out of the restaurant that was unexpected still the night went on Yumi came back to my place for some coffee and ended up staying the night I was really starting to fall for this girl Coffee started becoming a regular occurrence and it wasn't long before you me and I made our relationship official the whole speed-dating thing had actually paid off no virtual girlfriends for me thank God one evening Gorem called me up and asked Yumi and I on a double date sort of thing said that one of the girls from the speed-dating night was interested in him after all and had suggested going to see a movie at the cinema some corny rom-com well I wanted to help a brother out so I agreed when we arrived Goro was standing there with you guessed it kyoko hey bro check it out a blast from the past huh gotta said taking me to one side bet you never saw this one coming huh me bagging a hot babe like this I guess Goro thought he'd surprise me with his date being Kyoko well I was certainly surprised neither you me or I knew what to say we kind of just stood there awkwardly Kyoko smiled at me good to see you again shin yeah yeah hey she would not take her eyes off me and acted like you me and gada weren't there at all even when they tried to talk to her as we shuffled into the theater Kyoko made sure that Goro didn't sit next to me and that she did this was just too weird it was clear that Kyoko had set this whole thing up and got gato to ask me along with them I guess a little Goro took over the thinking for a while and he just went along with the plans in hopes of getting laid sharing the trailers for the movie I gave you me a nudge and we both uncomfortably made our getaway before Kyoko could ask any questions this was just the tip of the iceberg for the next week yumi kept telling me that she had seen Kyoko following her around town glaring at her with hatred in her eyes honestly I was worried that you might leave me simply because she was scared of Kyoko's obsession I suppose that was Kyoko's plan this whole thing came to a climax on one weekend night you me and I had been out for a few drinks and came back to my place to spend the night I put the key in the lock to open the front door to my apartment but I needn't have bothered the door just swung open I had forgotten to lock the bloody thing before setting out that was so unlike me thankfully nothing was missing or out of place and I just cursed my stupidity we stayed up pretty late that night fooling around and before sleeping you me went upstairs to use the bathroom in the meantime I laid my head on the pillow to rest my eyes then the sound of footsteps entered the dark bedroom that was quick I thought to myself too tired to open my eyes I waited for you me to hop into bed beside me but she didn't she just stood there breathing heavily you me what are you doing baby I whispered Todd Lee then in a soft reply its Kyoko my muscles locked up with a racing heart I opened my eyes to see a silhouette at the foot of my bed I couldn't make out many details are you awake yeah and the [ __ ] [ __ ] I am what the hell are you playing at how the hell did you get in here the landlady let me in I've been waiting for you to get back she flicked the light switch on the wall behind her then the room lit up I could see Kyoko now there in a thin nightgown like she was ready for bed what made my stomach churn though was the thing in her right hand it was a knife what the [ __ ] is this get the hell out before I call the cops Shh kyoko continued to take unnecessarily deep breaths like she was gasping for air or something why are you keep ignoring mission I haven't been ignoring you just put down the knife and and tell me what this is all about huh it's about this why you always act so weird around me it's like you never want me around I don't get it I show you nothing but love and get this and return this goal was living on another planet it's like she really thought we were in a relationship because of that 3-minute date we had and she thought I was cheating on her or something and this was a total shock to my system and I was struggling to process what was actually happening it was like I had woken up in a nightmare as I sat there on my bed keeping a close eye on the blade she was flailing around I heard the toilet upstairs flush you me your new girls very pretty she said cradling the knife tell mission is she really so much prettier than me I was terrified about what Kyoko might do to you me given half the chance I heard my girlfriend's footsteps moving upstairs and her concerned voice calling out my name she had clearly heard the commotion well we can change that Kyoko turned her back to me and stepped towards the door this insane [ __ ] was going for you me there was no way in hell I was just going to sit back like a coward with Kyoko's back to me and I decided to take my chances I left from my bed and charged slamming the full weight of my body into her she screamed I guess not expecting me to attack her but I flew downwards onto Kyoko from the blade in her hand slicing a deep gash into my leg but I didn't care the adrenaline masked the pain I held her pinned down restraining her hand with the knife as best I could and scream for you me to get out of the apartment to run to one of the neighbors places and call the police when she realized what was happening she followed my instructions and ran to old lady bank i's place next door once i was sure you me were safe i let go of gyokko the deep wound in my leg was giving me trouble and starting to make me feel light-headed I left Kyoko there not caring if she was hurt badly or not and hobbled next door to wait for the police and by the time they showed up Kyoko had fled it didn't take them long to track her down though she was hardly a master criminal after all just a delusional young woman before escaping she had stolen one of my codes and some items of clothing from my wash basket little keepsakes I suppose as it turns out Kyoko had been obsessed with me since high school an obsession that hadn't faltered over the years apparently I had caught her eye back then and she had been stalking me on and off ever since monitoring my movements at work and in my spare time collecting as much information as possible about me she was so ordinary looking I never even noticed her on the night of the speed-dating she decided to take things up a level and make her move I suppose she thought she might somehow impress me by already knowing where I worked well that I'd be flattered by the fact that she'd done her research the fact that I didn't mark her down someone I'd like to see again didn't bitter her I'm still not sure how she knew I was going to that event what I do know is this she had watched me long enough to learn the entrance code to my apartment complex she had spent the last few weeks convincing my landlady that she was in fact my girlfriend after gaining her trust she came by on the night of the incident got my landlady to let her in by pretending she had lost her key and then hid in my apartment waiting for me to get back Kyoko had planned on disfiguring you me that night perhaps worse unbelievably kyoko only received a suspended sentence and was allowed back on the streets immediately after sentencing neither you me or I could believe it we did manage to get a restraining order though which seems to have convinced her to stay away from us we haven't seen or heard from her for the past year recently I checked on Kyoko's social media profiles looking through old pictures of her online I remembered who she was from school this quiet mild-mannered girl it's always the ones you never suspect she's currently living in Tokyo and seems to be just as deranged as she was back then good luck out there guys number two this is a story I didn't personally experience I was told that by a good friend of mine Yuri and it takes place in Fukuoka many years ago it's a pretty wild tale but you're he's not the kind of guy to just make something like this up every time he tells it he speaks with conviction and sincerity and I for one totally believe him in his youth he had a friend called takeshi now this guy was a real rebel by japanese standards especially back in the day for example his favorite pastime was apparently getting drunk and then going to a pin settle pin statins are basically [ __ ] clubs sometimes he'd get all the guys drunk Iori included and dragged them all along to this dominatrix bar ever the showman Takeshi liked to get on stage and have beautiful women drip hot wax on his body Yogi's got a million of these stories so his old rebellious Chum must have been quite fun to be around as their group of friends got older they all started to mature all of them that is except for Takeshi he still went out pretty much nightly considering takeshi's lifestyle he it didn't surprise Yuri all that much when he told them about his new girlfriend a girl he had met at a strip club her name was Miku it's not like they happen to just bump into each other she was actually one of the strippers at this place called the Saudi and they met while she gave him a lap dance now if you think that dating a stripper sounds like a bad idea when you're a lot smarter than Takeshi was what the poor guy failed to realize was that asobi was run by the Yakuza pretty much the Japanese mafia these guys are no joke and even wanna be tough guys like Takeshi knew better than to meddle in their affairs problem was he had been hanging around with Miku for the past two weeks before she dropped this bombshell according to Yuri Miku was crazy like real stripper crazy she was also totally obsessed with Takeshi and would momentarily lose her mind if she even saw him glance in the direction of another girl god forbid if one tried to talk to him Takeshi was a good-looking guy so this happened more than once he'd have to pry her off them kicking and screaming then as quickly if she had lost her [ __ ] she had sent out him be totally normal again Takeshi had been thinking about cutting things off with her since she was just major trouble this new Yakuza development pushed him to do so he dumped her as soon as she told him calling her crazy a mental train wreck and that even though she was hot she was nowhere near hot enough to risk a UKUSA beating she went ballistic right there in the middle of the street with everyone standing around said that she didn't want her boyfriend to say such horrible things about her but that if he apologized she did forgive him and because she just loved him that much if he didn't apologize she'd make sure he never called her such things again she had make him eat those words he told her where to stick it turned his back on her and walked away Yin Takeshi said that was the end of it that night Takeshi went out for some drinks with the guys to celebrate being a free man again told them all about me couse Yakuza ties and how he had just dodged a real bullet he joked about how she had gone crazy in the street well Yuri and the guys warned him to stay safe Miku was unstable after all brushing off their concern Takeshi stumbled home and into bed in the early hours of the morning a visitor came knocking it was Miku and she wasn't alone a couple of Yakuza goons held down Takeshi while Miku produced a pair of scissors the gangsters wrenched takeshi's mouth open and pulled out his tongue I warned you this would happen my love she said I just hate it when you say such horrible things with the pair of scissors in one hand Miku held his tongue tight and went to work turns out she was a girl of her word and Takeshi really was forced to he is he developed a bit of a speech impediment after that as you can probably imagine with the police not willing to get involved in Yakuza business Takeshi was left up [ __ ] creek without a paddle Miku actually wanted to keep their relationship going and what Miku wanted Miku got new Yuri said that Takeshi wasn't about to roll over and become some sort of boyfriend slave through goggled words he told him that he planned on getting rid of Miku one way or another I asked Yuri if you were successful or not he said he didn't know Takeshi went missing not long after we and nobody ever heard from him again Miku suddenly stopped working at asobi and the police only half-heartedly looked into the case the way yadi sees it three things could have happened to takeshi scenario one he used his brain for once in his life took his car and fled the city started a new life somewhere scenario two they aku's Oh got to him and took him out to the hills buried him in a deep grave hopefully not still alive or cenario 3 the Yakuza got to him with Miku we are not keeping him somewhere as her plaything he really hopes it's not that last one number three I was 16 years old when this happened and still at school in Osaka while there one particular classmate of mine always caught my attention a beautiful girl with chocolate colored hair and big bright eyes her name was so sue me not only was she really good-looking but she was kind and smart too the triple whammy needless to say I had the biggest of crushes on her problem was I could never muster up the courage to ask her out since there were always a bunch of other guys swooning around her desperately peacocking for her attention now I wasn't an ugly guy per se but I wasn't exactly a start either so you can imagine my surprise when she sat beside me one lunchtime and asked if I wanted to go to the beach with her on the weekend like an actual date I couldn't believe my luck there was no way I was going to say no to that it was a dream come true when we finally made our relationship official for a while everything was great but as the week's went by her a different side of her started to rise to the surface she didn't like me hanging around with my best friend he was another guy a gay guy called Jiro for whatever reason she thought he had a crush on me I assured her that wasn't the case at all Gero and I had been best buds since we were small kids and we thought of each other like brothers besides that I wasn't that way inclined in the slightest I made all of this very clear then told her how much I loved her and to stop overanalyzing things the mid-semester break rolled around and susume started becoming extremely possessive Kyra's parents were out of the country on an extended holiday so a whole group of friends used this house as a sort of hangout pad occasionally a girl or two would join us to Suzu me hated that I went to these events she was hooked by the fact I wouldn't spend every waking moment with her and couldn't understand why I might want to just chill with my friends occasionally if the focus wasn't a hundred percent on her when her sweet and innocent demeanor would melt away and she had turned vicious and spiteful she would even start to get mad when I paid my cat attention instead of her this was starting to get out of hand and honestly so sue me was starting to become more of a hassle than she was worth I'd told Jarrow and the guys about it and they all suggested I cut things off with her it took a little longer for that to fully sink in this was my first girlfriend after all and she was really hot but nobody should have to put up with this sort of crap yes the day's progressed her neediness turned sinister she started breaking my things to get her own way threatened to cut herself if I wanted to see my friends had sometimes even catch her following me around town when we hadn't made plans to see each other staring at me from afar we are not even coming over to say hi I'd call out to her but she'd remain expressionless then she'd walk away and disappear into the crowd it no longer felt like I had a girlfriend but a stalker I'd never been in a relationship before but I knew this was a normal behavior the final straw came when I caught her slamming my cat's tail in the door she claimed it was unintentional but I knew otherwise I saw the way she eyed the poor thing before pushing the door as forcefully as she could probably hoping to do more damage than she did she was jealous jealous of a cat I ended things right then and there and told her to get the hell out of my house there were some days but thankfully she left without much resistance I took my cat to the vet and he ended up having to have his tail amputated I had kept azumi's craziness a secret from my family for the whole time we dated and decided to keep things that way I guess I felt sorry for her I just said that I had accidentally stepped on the cat's tail after that I didn't see susumi again for the rest of the break that didn't stop her from constantly messaging me on social media sites and by text her messages were mostly pleas for forgiveness others were the complete opposite telling me how she'd make me see the error of my ways and how I'd regret leaving her and they were the ravings of a lunatic I ignored each one the mid-semester break came to an end and I was sort of nervous about how things would go on the first day back at school so zoom a was a lot more popular than I was was she going to start spreading gossip painting me as the bad guy I had no idea whatever the case my small group of friends and I knew the truth that underneath Izumi's perfect exterior there was a stone-cold [ __ ] nuts beyond belief i sat there in class on that Monday morning hoping that Jo would come in before so sue me one by one people started to enter but two desks remained empty there was no sign of either sue zooming or Giro on top of that zero wasn't responding to my calls or texts that wasn't like him well perhaps he had an early-morning dentist's appointment or something no the whole day Cheryl was absent from school and I couldn't get ahold of him my suspicions got the better of me and that evening I decided to visit his house when I arrived his house was surrounded by police tape two police cars were outside and a couple of officers were standing by the front door I asked them what the hell was hang on but was told that it was a private matter I told them that the kid who lived inside was a close friend of mine and demanded an answer they kept silent and one of them told me to go home said that I shouldn't stick around well I was a stubborn young man and so as long as I kept my distance from the property there wasn't anything they could do to get rid of me from inside the house I could hear the occasional female scream like a wailing sound I couldn't work out if they were angry or scared or heartbroken regardless each time one rang out my heart sank in my chest what on earth was going on inside had Jerez parents come home early and some sort of domestic incident taken place had there been an accident I waited until two cops came out dragging a chocolate haired girl by her arms her hands cuffed she struggled and screamed before looking up for a means of escape that's when her eyes met mine Suzu me her bright eyes that I had once fallen for had turned doll they began to water she dropped her head in shame avoiding my stare without even thinking I ran up to her desperate to find out what was going on I was pushed aside by one of the cops as they forced her into the squad car I'll be back soon don't think about running off for the [ __ ] [ __ ] she'll die too she said quietly as if only I could hear it as if what she had just said was completely normal and every day before I could respond the car door was slammed shut an ambulance arrived not long after two medics rushed inside the house I remained in the same spot refusing to move I wish that I had rolled out on a board pale faced and with dead eyes was Jarrow he had been stabbed multiple times in the chest and neck another officer inside had been working on saving his life but it was no use Suzu me had been holding him hostage in his own home she got the idea that Jarrow was behind our breakup and not her own crazy actions marks on jurors body suggested that he had been bound and tortured when a female friend of his drop by and saw what was going on she ran for her life and called the cops rather than leave things there and surrender herself to the police so Zuma decided to finish the job it took them so long to get her out of the house because she was threatening to kill herself - my biggest regret is not telling people what had happened when she broke my cat's tail remorselessly hurting animals is a warning sign of a psychopath as of right now so Zuma is behind bars she managed to escape the death penalty because of her age and the fact that there was only one victim she'll probably only spend around 50 more years in prison before getting out on parole if she ever does fulfill her promise if she ever does come back for me I'll kill her myself hey guys too lazy here and thank you very much for listening well hopefully you can't relate to worlds or the stories told in this one they're pretty extreme so yeah I hope you haven't gone through anything similar but I always do enjoy these yen daily stories and all the other Japanese ones as well there's something a little different about them from the rest of the stories I narrate so if you enjoy them as much as I do then be sure to do some naughty things with that like button I've got a couple more videos planned and they're going to be coming out very soon so keep your eyes out for that and until then why not consider joining the lazy Legion by hitting that subscribe button as well if you haven't already until the next video guys you all stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 389,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, scary 2017 movies, horror movies, horror, disturbing, creepypasta, yandere, yanderes, yandere simulator, love, romance, horrific, horrifying, mr nightmare, corpse husband, scariest video ever, on youtube, ghost, ghosts, caught on tape, 2chan, reddit, 4chan, 2channel, japan, japanese, audiobook, new, best, most, long video, relaxing, study music, top 5, top 10, Halloween, deep web, meme, crazy, how to, who, ever taken, maskarade, lazy, shocking, lazy masquerade, girlfriend
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2017
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