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Mark: Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to T hree Scary Games now we're starting off with one called Lady Ice that was made during The Asylum Jam a while back And it's been on Itch.io for awhile Game: Michigan was full of work lots of farms and cattle it needed men And they were right work was plenty during the summer months, but hard during the winter Mark: Oh shit Game:The storm doesn't just prey on the weak, all men are equal when the land freezes over I've seen men stronger than horses freeze in minutes after getting caught in the blizzard, and the ones that do survive they live in fear of Lady Ice *THUNDER* Mark: OH fuck! Some folks say she's nothing more than a tall tale...others say she might have been something once but now was nothing more than whispers, a ghost story that fathers tell their children to keep them out of the storm But when she comes knockin' those folk won't be telling any stories Mark: Oh no why?! Game: cuz sun's setting, so stoke the fires, light a candle. It doesn't matter what you do So long as you stay out the dark. Mark: Stay out the dark!? Stay out the dork? *Startled Mark noise* "Lady Ice no!" You're locked inside your cabin, you must survive until the storm passes. "Well shi-i-it." "Okay, all right, I'm down. Holy shit. Left-click to light your candles keep them lit and stay in the light to stay safe. Alright." "Oh boy, what happens if I go in the dOrk? Wha-ha-hat? Uh-oh. Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh. Oooo..ah." "Hold shift to- Oh my god, my god damn candles! *Mark noise* Hold shift to sprint away from danger. How do I know what dan-" *spooky noise*"-AHH!" "'Scuse me. Oh my god!" "Uh- You can't light your candle until the dark spell pa-. I literally tabed out of the game. *Mark noises*" "I hate it! I hate it! The Ice Lady can use her spell four times before the storm is over. I don't know what that means. Can I just go?? Ah-AH! Oh-oh. *Mark noises*" *Ice Lady laughing* "Okay. *Chuckles*" *spooky noise* Wow." "Not bad I mean it uses stock unity assets or stuff." "That's publicly available, but what they did with it is actually quite impressive. I am very impressed." "All right, let's try this again. Holy hell. Hold shift to sprint away from danger." "I'm gonna sprint so far away from Lady Ice. Lady Ice ain't gonna get me! Lady Ice can go suck a cock!" *Mark noises* "No, my barrels- AHHH!!!" *Ice Lady laughing* "Oh no no- I did it- "Oh, I see, did I block up the door, and that's how she got in? Well shit, Imma fucking idiot." "Alright well look- Okay Lady Ice I'm ready for you. Whatever you're thinking. Just don't do it." Whatever you're thinking Don' Do It! Don' do it- I see you Lady Ice" "I saw that I saw that- I can't light until you get away, right? Oo-oo-oh." "Okay, all right. Okay. Oh, I see you, okay. I just got to stay away." Oh god I can't see anything. Oh god, where are you? Okay, I see you okay, all right. I'm just gonna run circles around you! *Mark noise* Okay.*Repeats: Can't see.* "I hear her oh, hey wow!!!" *Ice Lady laughing- Mark laughing* What a good joke lady Ice you pretending that you're hi hello I see- Okay, I don't like that Wait you're still in here wait wait Wait a minute wait wait But that's not okay okay, well here here. She'll be coming round the mountain when shE COMES oh, I didn't see where she was I was here. I was here. I don't like that. I don't see her Where she I don't know where she is Oh there hello, hi okay? *knocking* Huh lady ice don't do it. Don't do it. Did you? Fuckin' lady ice fuck off That's terrifying that's goddamn terrifying Terrifying Alright lady ice okay lady ice let's all calm down here Lady ice I got the fear burps come on come at me lady ice more like lady ass You in here? you're in here aren't ya Where are you? I don'tSee you see you see I don't like it There yard there you okay, no no no Not today, you can knock my furniture all up Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh? Shit okay all right, this is fine So what happened last time did I just not run away from her correctly Cuz it seems like oh shit. Yeah, you're still here fuck butts Sorry I got scared I legitimately II got terrified oh boy. Oh, no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa? I don't know. I don't know No, no No, no,NO,no okay. She charged. I think I Think that's what that was she charged Two times nothing about there being four times how am I gonna survive four times if this bullshit? Oh, hey well that was close? It's totally fine just kids You and me It's just going to flip that over so I didn't run over it, I'm gonna hit oh shit Light the fuckers light the fuckers, ohh shit, what's even the point who aren't even the point the point But that was a lot closer than I thought it'd be Three times, we'll that's good to know There's a five three Big three big three baby. Oh, yeah, yeah, that is the worst thing I've ever seen No, no no no no oh Boy, she seems to be stuck in the middle. She's like coming towards me, and then I don't know man. I don't know oh It's whenever I run to the darkness. That's when she that's when she comes for me. Oh I see Okay all right oh shit No no no oh that's not good, that's no no no No no no no no, I don't like the music No, oh shit, oh shit Mark's: Warrior yell* Gonna make it Did I survive? Did I win I won Survived the storm, they'll be telling stories about you usually they tell stories about you when you're dead okay But I won that's all that matters, okay Holy fuck Holy shit. Okay. All right well goddamn. That was terrifying Anyway, that was Lady ice what a start? What a start to this gear this video. Oh my god all right, okay? Okay, this next one's gonna be a wonky one It's not exactly a horror game as far as I know so the game in this is quit the game to win Oops Escaping all four won't work either. Won't they oh they won't they don't work there No work sure. There's the task manager, but that's cheating that way. You'll kill the process now KITT the game What about that X button at the top-right corner? Oh? You fucking oh you fucker. Nope there must be a way to touch it X no I Think it just needs a friendly approach be gentle, okay Okay, let's try some real- That's funny, I don't think it's working I don't think it's working either, okay? I Think we scared it off. Yeah, I think so too here. Take this it surely looks better. Oh We didn't do nothing wait, where did it go I guess it's hiding somewhere. Maybe it's a shy one try calling its name. I'm not an object. Oh All right, try calling him by his name. I'm a sheath Fine would you trees please calling her by her name? Her Ex X X X We got it, I mean her now click on her Did we just win No crap. I guess we didn't okay Here we go again. We were so close wait. I have an idea when the lights went off I think I saw something. Oh god. I hope I didn't say something like a switch behind the title the circuit breaker not the console Anyway, try moving the title down under this text box What do I what do I have to move it over the text box, I'm gonna move it above it. Oh, okay, I see alright So that was the main power switch What's that dangly thing I don't trust that dangly thing Huh, there's a blinking light now well Progress, I guess which is good. Maybe I don't know looking uh no oh I don't like that. Oh, I don't like that at all oh Okay, that's fine alright. Okay, what's going on? Wait don't touch that button I just realized something important killing the process is quitting the game and that means I'll cease to exist How could you push that button how can you kill the process after all the time we spend together after all the jobs we faced How could you kill me okay fine? I won't interfere with your choices Oh, I think this music is interfering with my choice Kill the process well this sad music won't affect me bitch a-loyd get ready to get fucked oh Did you really think it was that simple nobody's gonna kill me you're not gonna win this game. I won't win this game God damn it fuck you fuck you fine. Whatever okay? All right? So that wasn't exactly a scary game, but I'll keep that in anyway. It was funny. All right. Let's play let's find two more Okay Welcome to Dora is not dead Not Dora is dead. This is made by the same guy that made that Curran scary game. I'm pretty sure All right So Dora is either dead or not dead, and I don't know which is worse find a way out okay clear and cut his kid All right well Then it's either made by the same guy that made that or it's made by the same guy that made 3:00 a.m. At the Krusty Krab and then again, maybe those are all the same. I don't honestly don't know I found a way out I think Follow the trail of blood, and I'm gonna find where Dora ain't dead Okay Found it again. This looks like my way out find the gate key easy breezy, easy peasy lemon squeeze me huh I've got chills down my spine who knows what lurks behind the darkness I have a funny feeling I know what lurked behind the darkness and it took someone by the name of dora Or something that may or may not have tried to kill Dora at some point What the fuck did you say, oh no was that DorA No Who's this a gun a hammer that'll come in handy Okay, alright, okay? Oh-oh-oh-oh okay, no Use a hammer on the blanks, I'll use a hammer on the blades. I got a key good good good Good dad, but smash that like button Okay fine I don't know if it's catching up to me, but I got a bad feeling about this, okay Whoa-ohh-ohh get in okay? We're fine. Oh ha that was weird. What was that? What did I see on the wall uh? okay, I Guess we're fine did we make it did we what is that? What is that? I think I have everything at oh, no, it's the map that bitch killed me now your next Swiper Oh, I'm the Swiper. Oh No, they warned me about swiping. Oh, I knew it was gonna go over me if I kept up my life of swiping If I can get out of here alive, I'll never swipe again never Swiper good, but the key doesn't fit I Should have known the door was screwing with me. Oh? The real gate key must be around here somewhere yeah, I guess it shouldn't I shouldn't have trusted the door That said the key was inside, Oh god ha ha ha All right, we're fine, okay, never mind We're not fine. All right Dora if you could just leave me alone for two seconds all right I'm gonna find wherever that corpse was I guess maybe that's gonna have an answer to me. Oh What the fuck? Well, that's the naughty children's room oh, that's the dead dude whatever room ohh boy It's hilarious oh this game can actually be scary. I mean it's not that scary admittedly what the fuck is this you're gonna I'm gonna tear your guts out and devour I'm like a savage Okay, all right like a savage in a good way or like a savage in a rar rar rar way oh? Fuck okay, no, I will not help you do your room and dance. Oh my god that scared the piss out of me Holy shit, at least it seems like Dora can't catch me. What is this is this way? No. This is a different way. Oh? Oh leave me alone dad. I just want to swipe your key Is that so wrong? Oh, I'm not gonna be able to get out of here. Oh real Genki. I hope well. Oh shit. Oh shit. Okay. I'm fine Don't do it I hope I can get around here nobody can get around I think anyway Why wouldn't I be able okay fine all right perfect the game designer really smarted up the place and really made this intuitive So I could get away What the back fuck you monkey fuck you what the fag fucking monkey fucking monkey Okay, all right. I think I'm good. Oh, let me out here, huh? i escaped Okay Alright, im outa here, fuck you Okay anyway Wow alright alright well that was a spook and a half, but now we've got another game by the name of Lonely things and the artwork that I saw for this game was just creepy as hell watch the introduction yeah I'll watch it come on. What you got for me. Oh I gotta do this I've been driving for so long that I couldn't remember where I was going Yeah, the roads all looked the same the shadows out there never got any closer It seemed like that night would never end if I just kept going on All I wanted was a place to sleep, but had been hours since I'd even seen a gas station I was about to pass out at the wheel when something began to take shape ahead a building Couldn't believe my luck It looked like a hotel Something tells me this may not be a hotel Press escape to open the menu. Ah now this is just a demo For a game that's gonna be a full indie horror game at some point go okay. I'll go I'll go It's Real is this like an animal skin rug? Why does this look like an animal skin rug and what animal was this? Freaking big cuz that don't look like no normal carpet. Oh Hi, what the fuck? Hi hello? Holy shit. You scared the piss out of me. Hi Ding ding dong hi. Oh my god. What the fuck? you're welcome Right oh, you poor thing you look like you're about ready to drop you want a room well I already did the books for tonight. I suppose there isn't any place else for you to go out there, though Go ahead up to room 12. We can settle up in the morning, okay Thank you just commenting on your lovely rug beyond All right room 12. I don't know what room 12 would be but okay locked all right? Locked okay, all right in by process of elimination Good great room. Oh, that's that's weird. That's weird That's weird, that's weird, huh? Okay everything's fine. Okay, what a shit? What a shit hole I opened it great. I'll just lay my head to rest I Don't get any sheets or nothing. That's good. Hi Hello, there's someone in your ho Oh What the fuck The bar is open grace wants some company your car is gone now The bar is open now. Where is the bar who is Grace? Oh? She's gone Oh, hi fucking good fucking god. Stop that shit. Oh my god Evening looks like something's troubling you your car was stolen wow I guess that makes you stranded on you don't have any hands I'll keep an ear out for you. It's Joe. By the way. I've got a lot on my mind myself I'm waiting on a special lady. Hey, you know grace. I know left in your room. Huh grace does that sometimes? She's but she's an honest woman. Maybe you could try asking the manager about your car although Although what? My god Grace is that you grace no my special lady's not here Joe wait weren't here decisions She's really here by now in the coroner table over there. She looks so beautiful in candlelight I had a bottle of sleepy al for him I thought she might even let me sit with her with the manager that creep. He took it from me At least it must have been him He was hanging around outside my room upstairs earlier said he was fixing the lights what a bunch of bull Nothing ever gets fixed around here Okay All right Lied nothing to light it with okay Okay Joe Oh Joe's not there anymore, that's strange okay Where is my car? Where's my car? Where's my car the only parking space? Where is my car? Okay, well I am perturbed. I am weirded out bing-bong hello Can I get some service can I get some goddamn service here? Okay weird oh? I can go in here oh Don't trust that at all okay All right, well, that's weird. Oh. Hi. Why oh hi, okay? All right? I don't like that Like that you fixing the lights where did I just go I didn't mean to go in there? Okay it got quiet again Okay Let's go, let's go in the private room Oh Grace Hello oh Whoa? Oh don't get up. Do not get up. Who the hell are you I don't know anything about a stolen car Talk to Terrance. He's the manager. It's not my job. You'll probably find him somewhere else so get out of here already No Hey again. Hey me again. You know my I read your letters. Do you lady all right? Hey me again? Thanks for not telling dad. I've been writing not much. It's changed since I wrote last time I pretty much clean rooms sit around listening to music all day sometimes stuff happens. You get some real freaks around here I found this plan or something under my bed when I was cleaning the room one today Wasn't the grossest thing I found in that drunk lady's room There's probably the weirdest it moved never seen a planet do that before I showed it to Terrence anyone all quiet took it from me And ran off from his office hasn't come out since the old guy's losing his mind ever since his wife disappeared I'll tell you that another time I've been finding him talking to himself wandering around the halls in the middle of the night I wonder what he thinks I'm doing it's been three months now since that piece of shit dumped me by the side of the road Terrence gave me a good deal, so I don't have much to pay for another few weeks And I'll have enough to move to the city. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I get there though I'm actually starting to kind of like this place. Don't ask me why I'll write again soon Hope you aren't still sick Jane so Jane is it I told you to go away fucking people in this place well alright, then see Jane. Sorry. You don't mind if I scoop around Alright, well that what I thought I saw something This games getting to me, which is weird considering. It doesn't seem like all that much on the surface That's pretty good alright, so Terrence have you seen Terrence Special ladies not here alright. Whatever. Maybe one of the other rooms are Oh, the other rooms are open. Oh shit. Oh, oh oh This floor looks like skin. Yeah, well, that's weird Listen man's voice mm-hmm is someone there. I've gotten myself stuck in here somewhere can't find my way out What what do you mean in the intercom versus an air vent it's hopeless. I'm afraid. I should just accept reality Things around here have gotten worse lately so come back and talk to me sometimes. Okay, it takes my mind off the noises Okay, back already. I'd love to talk, but I can't think of anything I'd say right now. Maybe a little later. Oh Okay All right that is fucking bizarre That's so weird That's so weird. Oh, that's so weird. It's just stuck in the wall, okay Sure, let's go with okay It's got to be another room that I can go in if I can go on now And then other ones must have opened up, right? From one. They said something about the lady in room one you had a disgusting plan under her bed No, no, what's with these doors. They're slanted Switch Oh What oh Okay, oh this thing this doesn't seem like an office. Oh, no I See the manager or something weird happening What the fuck? What is happening? I got a key no. I don't I got sloppy out sleepy out not sloppy al All righty, then I'm sure the manager whoa ah That's the plant Okay, well let's just close that Pretend I never saw it Okay, all right. Wow. It's a ship on this sea Lovely all right. I'm out of here. I'm going to get this sleepy out okay. I'm right here now great Okay, let's get the bottle of sleepy all over to this guy so he can impress his fine lady grace my special lady's not here She was here in the corner table had a bottle of sleepy owl for it okay. He took it from me all right Whatever what am I supposed to do for it? Then do I? Put the sleepy owl here there. We go okay, so I need something to light that with too because I'm setting the hill No he was hanging at my room, okay? All right, whatever you say man. Whatever you say if I leave and then come back maybe or do I still need to find something to light it with ah Room nine key, okay, I could pick up that key. I just wasn't able to pick it up right away, okay? I got the room nine key. That's good. Room nine was next to my room I believe Okay, so there's got to be something to light something with over there right or else that'd be stupid and apparently I'm wrong Which is an entirely possible possibility? Lights out, baby Okay, I got a lighter What do I do with the lighter Anything oh, hey cool soap pickle soap can I oh, it's moving? Gross Okay, never mind, then okay. I'll leave what the fuck was that Huh this is like a leech or a slug. Why was it in a medicine cabinet? No, whatever I'll go light the candle, and then I'll go talk to the dude. Maybe he'll have something else to say oh Sure Boinky Oh Okay, hi grace. Hey, oh Yeah, yeah, uh-huh yeah, how's it hanging? How you doing grace? That's my favorite drink? How did you know? I'm grace Someone stole your car huh? Well the good news is that means you can have a drink with me. Maybe not here, though It's a little crowded. We could go up to my room. Here's the key I'm in room 1 It's right above us you haven't been there before right no of course. Sorry ignore me Just meet me there in a little while okay? Oh, and if the manager asked what you're doing don't mention me he has ideas about how people should behave Right all right What do you think about that you think I didn't hear that so you think you're just gonna swoop in on my special lady Right in front of me. Huh who the fuck do you think you are? Well i'ma go up to a room then. That's who the fuck I think I am the guy who was given a key to her room. Haha. I'm sure this isn't gonna Go poorly for me. I'm gonna get laid and that's all there is to it definitely not just a horrible vampire hmm I'm gonna go with the horrible vampire thing. Oh hello I'm sorry to slip a note under your door like this, but why don't we talk anymore that night a few weeks ago? I told you I loved you and you said you loved me too. Now you act like you don't even remember I can't stand seeing you in the bar talking to those other men. They're all just trying to take advantage of you You know I'll keep my distance like you asked, but I don't want you to think I've forgotten about you grace I know you're in some kind of trouble is it Terrence? He's been hanging around outside your room. Maybe that's why you've been so distant Don't worry. I'll keep an eye out, Joe Umm All right *mix of fear and confusion" I fell down? Whoa oh You're a slug now. You're a slug. You're a slug now. You're uh. You're you're uh. Oh, there's a slug here too, okay? Oh oh Oh, you really felt. Oh you felt you fell down. Oh, okay. I'll go in the hole in the What the fuck oh Hi hello, oh never mind you know what bail bail bailing on that Oh bail bail Oh Christian Bale Place you need to put something. He would want you to put well look at that puzzle II need to put there. Oh god I keep getting stuck on the corners. Yeah, hello. Hi oh no oh no. Oh, no oh Oh, oh, okay, you know what never mind Okay, oh, oh, hi Joe. How are you doing Joe? Oh? She's dead why did she do that? Um I don't think she did that it won't be long now. It's coming for me I've been like this my whole I've never knew any other way to be the truth is I just hate it all There's no pain no trauma There's nothing I'd rather be than a quiet drunk Nobody ever really wanted to understand that at least here people never bothered me till you Joe You just won't leave me alone, so I'm not gonna pretend anymore. The only way out is down Oh my god Okay, I got the plant then You know what I don't know Joe. I don't know why she did that but something tells me, I probably give Them does me I got a place this plant over here, all right yay yay for me oh Boy, thank you Oh no Oh boy Hi whoo hey let's go in there oh oh hi, oh hi Hello, everybody my name is markiplier. How are you doing it? Okay? Whoa Wow yeah? I know you're all staring at this house. Here is very lovely knock knock Oh fucking hi hello, this isn't the place for you oh? This is the end of the demo im scared I'm scared of laughing cuz I'm nervous Alright so anyway. Thank you very much for playing Please keep an eye out for the full game will be released later in 2018 that was really something It was really simplistic on its surface, but what it had was intrigue like it had Characters that were fascinating in very short time you got to like understand these characters, and and it really Gave this concept of something like dreadful in this place and That's hard to do when everything's so simplistic so I really applaud the creator this and I really hope to see something cool come out of this later because I would love to play it that was honestly terrifying just cuz it was so disconcerting and the people were just Weirdly made enough that they were terrifying so thank you everybody so much for watching Let me know he thought these games down in the comments below if you want to play any of them like I always do there Are links in the description the that provide links straight to the games themselves so thank you so much and as always I'll see you in the next video BA BYE (Outro starts playing) (Outro starts playing)
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,203,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, scary games, 3 scary games, dora the explorer, dora is dead, lady ice, quit the game to win, lonely things, horror games
Id: YDyG87Ykro8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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