3 Reasons God took a Relationship Away from You

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hey everyone caroline roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in today's video i'm gonna be sharing with you guys three reasons why god maybe took a relationship out of your life so if you're interested in watching more then definitely stay tuned [Music] so the first reason why god may have taken a relationship out of your life is if that relationship was toxic and unhealthy god is a good father and he gives good gifts and if he's going to put a relationship in your life it's going to be a relationship that is good for you that is good for your well-being and for your growth and this is not to say that relationships are perfect perfection does not exist we all have areas that we can work on we can all grow but god wants you to be in a relationship and in an environment where you can grow where you can experience his goodness and his love and if you are in a toxic and unhealthy relationship i can tell you right now that that is not god's will for your life so if god allows this breakup to happen if god takes this relationship out of your life it may just be that this relationship was just honestly bad for you and that it was a toxic and unhealthy environment number two the second reason why god may take a relationship out of your life is he has something better for you and he doesn't want you to grow comfortable he doesn't want you to grow content and settle for less than his best i really want to encourage you in this video to wait on god's best for you when we say best we're not saying wait on the perfect person but i believe that god has a best for you he knows the plans he has for you and the bible says that he has plans to prosper you not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future and if god has plans for you to be in a relationship it should be one that is prosperous it should be one that doesn't harm you it should be god's best for you and i feel like many times we settle because we don't feel like we'll find someone better and i've been there and when i was there i was at a place where i didn't know my worth i didn't know my value i didn't know who i was in christ so i was willing to settle for anyone that just showed interest in me that just wanted to be with me but that's not enough god wants you to be with someone who values you who will treat you right who treats you like the precious jewel and daughter of the king son of the king that you are we're not gonna give a baby a million dollars we're not gonna trust a baby to manage and maintain money because babies do not understand the value of money they do not understand how to maintain and manage money and they don't understand the purpose and money or why it is used for right so you wouldn't give a million dollars to a baby to an immature child who lacks understanding and in the same way god sees you as so valuable god sees you as so precious he doesn't just want to give you away to anybody he doesn't just want you to be in a relationship with someone who is immature and with someone who doesn't value you for who you truly are and who doesn't even see the purpose in being with you and that's the beauty about even marriage when i think of marriage marriage has a purpose marriage has an intention so if it is your desire to get married i believe that god has given you that desire and i believe that god is going to send someone who has the same desire who has the same mindset and who has that intention and purpose of marriage down the road and the third reason why god maybe took a relationship away in a certain season of your life is maybe in that time it wasn't time to be in a relationship maybe there were other things that you know you had to focus on whether it was your professional development your education your spiritual growth i believe as the bible says in ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 11 that god makes everything beautiful in its time so you don't have to rush it when it is the right time it'll be beautiful it'll be amazing and the bible says in song of solomon chapter 8 verse 4 that we should not awaken or arouse love before it's time or before it pleases so many of us are frustrated and we're like why is this relationship not working out or why do i keep finding myself in toxic relationships toxic environments and it is just not the time yet maybe you're not ready to be in a relationship and that's okay there is one relationship that everyone is always ready to be in and that is a relationship with god and the bonus is maybe god took that relationship out of your life because it was pulling you away from your relationship with god maybe it was a distraction and maybe you know you idolized that relationship so much that you started to see that person as your guy you started to see that person that you always went to for advice that person that you always went to to cry on their shoulder and you're like god this doesn't seem like it was an unhealthy relationship this person wasn't mean to me this person wasn't hurtful towards me i actually loved this person i actually cared about this person so why would you allow this relationship to end right and then you're confused asking why it didn't work out but god saw that this relationship was hindering your growth even though you may not have seen it this relationship was hindering your growth because the only way that you can fully develop into everything that god calls you to be is through and by knowing him and through him by your relationship with him so if this relationship was pulling you away from god pulling you away from spending time with him pulling you away from reading the bible pulling you away from some of the things that you believe and especially if you are unequally yoked with this person and they don't even share your same beliefs they don't have the same mindset maybe they don't even believe in god then this could be a sure reason why god allowed this relationship to end in your life those are my three reasons and my bonus reason for why god allows a relationship to end or why he ends a relationship in your life if you enjoyed this video leave it a thumbs up and if it's your first time on my channel definitely don't forget to subscribe and i also want to share that this month i am accepting a few new people to work with me so if you guys don't know i am a writer an author and an entrepreneur as well as a business coach so i'm extending the opportunity for some of you guys to work with me so if you're interested in applying then fill out the form to this link the link is caroline.com wwm wwm stands for work with me so visit this link and fill out the form and i would love to see how we can partner together to help you fulfill your purpose and carry out the certain assignments that god has placed on your life so i love you guys so much thank you so much for watching this video and i'll see you next time bye foreign
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 17,930
Rating: 4.9941063 out of 5
Keywords: why did your relationship fail, reasons for a failed relationships, why did God take a relationship away, why did God take her away, why did God take him away, why did God take your boyfriend away, reasons God took girlfriend away, signs God is telling you to breakup, 4 signs God is protecting you from a bad relationship, 5 Reasons God Took A Relationship Away From You, 3 Reasons God took a Relationship Away from You, Reasons God took a Relationship Away from You, karolyne
Id: -kweedyqcEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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