How Waking up at 3AM Drew Me Closer to God

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hey everyone Caroline Roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in today's video I'm gonna be talking about waking up at 3:00 a.m. and how it drew me closer to God so if you're interested in watching more then definitely stay tuned [Music] so I made a video previously on my channel called five ways to spend more time with God and you guys really seem to enjoy that video if you haven't seen it definitely check out this link but in that video I mentioned that I wake up at 3 a.m. in the morning and a lot of you guys commented on that and you were like how why so I'm making this video to share why it's so important to spend time with God early in the morning it doesn't have to be at 3:00 a.m. it could be at any time in the morning that works for you or it could be later on in the day but as long as you're making sure that you're being intentional about setting aside time to spend with God so in this video I just want to share how waking up at 3:00 a.m. really drew me closer to God now I don't know why the Lord will wake me up at 3:00 a.m. as I mentioned in my other video I do not use alarms I am very sensitive like I'm a light sleeper and the Holy Spirit will just wake me up so God will wake me up whenever he wants to wake me up and it changes from season to season in the season currently now that I'm in God has been waking me up at 5 a.m. but when I made the last video and I was waking up at 3 a.m. there were several things going on which I can probably try to guess as to why God woke me up that early I'm number one 3 a.m. is a time of spiritual warfare and I believe that God has called me to be a deliverer a prayer warrior so I believe he was waking me up at 3 a.m. to pray and you know to make sure that I'm covering my home that I'm covering whatever he puts on my heart and 3 a.m. is a very very sensitive time there's a lot of spiritual warfare going on so I think that's one of the reasons why God was having me wake up early in that season another reason why I feel like he was having me wake up that early is because the earlier you wake up the more productive you can be and I was writing like three books at that time at the same time so I was writing three books and there was a lot of spiritual warfare going on so guy will wake me up at 3:00 and I would get to writing and then after I finished writing I'll pray and spend time with him so that is my idea of why he woke me up at 3:00 a.m. and God might wake you up at a different time in the morning you know for different reasons so you have to be prayerful and see what is best for you when is God leaving you to wake up in the morning is it three five seven do whatever works for you but in this video I want to share how waking up at 3 a.m. truly impacted my life so the first thing that I want to share that happened when I was waking up at 3 a.m. is when you wake up early when you wake up when the world is sleeping you can hear God clearer and you can receive more clear and careful instruction for your life if you have a problem you know hearing God and you want to hear his voice better and you guys know I have a lot of videos about hearing God's voice I wrote a book called he told me that helps you to hear God's voice but one of the number-one tips that I always give is to wake up earlier because when you have the distractions of the world when you're stressed out when you're at work when you know you're taking care of things and you're running errands it's harder to hear God's voice but when you wake up and you give God the first part of your day and everything is silence you know you haven't started the day you're not stressed about anything you're not worried about anything you cast your cares at his feet and then you can hear him clearly so that is one way that waking up early in the morning has impacted me so much I've been able to receive clear instruction and direction for my life like I don't start a business unless I know that God wants me to start that business I don't travel anywhere unless I know that that's where God wants me to go I go where God wants me to go and I do what God wants me to do and there is so much safety in that when you are in God's presence you are under the shadow of his wings you are protected you are covered you are safe when you are seeking his face when you were seeking his voice but when we step out of God's presence when we're not really listening to the guiding of the Holy Spirit when we don't really allow him to lead us and guide us into all truth then we're not really in God's safety net and we may be wasting our time chasing things or doing things that we weren't even called to do in the first place so that is one of the number one ways that waking up early has impacted my life so another way that waking up early has impacted my life is it helps me to grow in spiritual discipline some of you guys want to be more disciplined you want to read your Bible more you want to pray more waking up early honey you'll discipline you I think of like worldly organizations that really have to do with discipline for example like the army they have to wake up early to Train they can't just you know sleep all day like waking up early teaches you discipline it teaches you how to create the right habits for your life and you're probably seen like videos on YouTube about you know Habits of Highly successful people and a lot of them wake up early and that helps them to be successful so creating the right habits and becoming disciplined waking up early has really helped to bring a structure into my life and really helped me to become spiritually discipline another thing that wake him early has done in my life is that it's helped me to make God a priority God wants to be God over your life he wants to be number one and whatever you spend most of your money on whatever you spend most your time on that is your God that is your number one so making out a priority saying I want to put you first God in my day I want to set aside a specific time of my day to spend with you it has really helped me to make sure that God is always number one in my life and that I make him a priority and then the last thing that I want to share that has really impact in my life that I love about waking up early is that I get to partner with God I get to work together with God so I know I briefly mentioned that when I wake up early those are the times where I write my books those are the times where you know I'm mapping out my visions in my dreams and it's not just me that is the time when I'm spending with God like my books are written by flesh my books I believe are written through the Spirit of God working through me and it's an opportunity to really partner with God on whatever it is he is calling you to do is he calling you to put on a conference is he calling you to start a nonprofit organization what is God calling you to do and if you wake up early and give God the first part of your day you can truly hear his voice and that is the opportunity for you to partner with him and truly get the most from the Spirit of God is in spending time with him isn't it as presence I don't want to do what I'm called to do by myself I can't carry out my purpose by myself I need to partner with God I need to be empowered by God I am not strong enough I am not capable enough on my own but I know that in Christ I can do all things so waking up early has really helped me to see that verse come into fruition in my life I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength so those are just four ways how waking up early has really impacted and changed my life so if you are determined to do something new for this new year and wake up early and be intentional about it and make it a routine and leave a comment in the comment section I love you guys so much if you enjoyed this video leave it a thumbs up and I also want to say that I am now active on Instagram I've been posting more and I want to make sure that I'm connecting with you guys on all platforms so if you don't follow me on Instagram and follow me on Instagram at Caroline Roberts okay so I hope that you guys have an amazing week and I'll see you in the next youtube video until next time right [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 1,087,839
Rating: 4.9616466 out of 5
Keywords: waking up at 3am, waking up early, waking up early in the morning, getting up early in the morning, morning motivation, early morning motivation, waking up at 5am, how to wake up early, wake up early, how to wake up earlier, how to wake up early in the morning, early morning routine, wake up early morning routine, productive morning routine, waking up at 4am everyday, early morning quiet time routine, christian morning routine, wake up early with me, closer to God
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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