3 Mindset Tricks to Calm Interview Anxiety

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interviews can be extremely nerve-wracking so today i want to share with you three mindset tricks you can use to calm and ease your nerves and have an awesome job interview my name is cassandra and i help motivated professionals build their careers and businesses through practical tips to gain career confidence so let's talk all about interview nurse i have a whole video on like practical tangible things you can do to calm interview nerves and i will link to that in the description box below and in an end card but today we gotta talk mindset because as much as there are practical things you can do to sort of like lower the is it dopamine levels i'm not sciencey y'all but there's practical things you can do there's also i really believe mindset things that will help you feel so much calmer and i will be honest two of them are kind of polar opposites pick and choose which of these work for you you know it's not a one size fits all for everybody you've got to pick which ones fit you so the first one i want you to do is to take each answer as if it's the only question they're going to ask you and you need to answer it thoroughly to get hired so this tip i'm i came up with because i've had some clients in mock interviews and like practice interviews sound like they are trying to beat the clock on their answer right i ask a question and they start talking like this and they're like and then there's this next thing in this thing and that and then okay and yeah what they sound like they're rushing against something and i didn't ask you to speed answer i just asked you to answer the question and so i've asked like hey what's going on and they say i'm just trying to get through it this whole thing is so nerve-wracking i just want to get through it and i don't know what you're going to ask next and i don't know how many questions i'm getting asked and like i just want to get through it because of all that they're answering in a very anxious tone and they're not giving full details so this is why i say when you were asked to tell me about yourself pretend get in the mindset that this is the only question you get to answer to show you're good for the job and so you need to answer it as thoroughly as possible now please don't misunderstand me and think that means that you can incorporate all this different information that has nothing to do with the question like if they say why do you want to work here you're not going to name 8 000 qualifications you have and a time you worked with a difficult co-worker and resolved it and what your strengths and weaknesses are like no no no but you're going to thoroughly answer here's why i want to work here here's why i love your culture your mission here's why this is a great next step in my career based off the amazing things i've done before these are all the reasons why i'm a great candidate who wants to work here so just take the question as like this is the only one so that it slows you down and you answer thoroughly other reason this one is helpful is because over and over again the feedback i have to give the most in mock interviews and the issue i see the most in interviews i sit in is that people do not give details to their answers and the details are what help us see like to paint the picture of what you can do and how you can do it for us and so by answering thoroughly you have to give all those details now some of us can get a little lost in the weeds of details right we get overly detailed like i heard somebody talking about it on podcast the other day and this always drives me crazy too that someone will start a story with you and they'll go oh i was talking to janine the other day on tuesday wait was it monday wait maybe it was tues monday and you're like does does the day play into the crux of this story probably not just tell me what you talked to janine about right so same sort of thing don't get overly detailed so to help with this answer thoroughly but practice right find your thorough answer and then practice it and time yourself see if thoro actually took one whole minute instead of rushing to answer everything as fast as possible in 10 seconds or did you go on for like seven minutes and now we gotta look at it and weed through the details and go what details are extraneous what don't we need so practice don't wait till you're in the room to use this tip practice ahead and then when you get in there before each question just go this is the only question i'm getting answered let me do it thoroughly okay next mindset trick you need to go into this thinking this is just a conversation that's hard right because what we tend to do is go oh my gosh this is the only interview i've gotten in months i have to do well with this i have to get this job or oh my gosh this is my dream job i can't believe i'm getting an interview for it please don't screw it up please don't screw it up please don't screw it up or oh my gosh i have to pay my bills i need money so i have to get this job all those things may be true but bringing those thoughts into the interview is not going to help you do well so i want you to whoo take a breath and just go i get to go have a fun conversation with somebody today i get to go talk with somebody about the things i like to do and why i think i'd be a great fit for their company then you're gonna go in with a pleasant attitude then you're gonna go in with a smile and some joy that like this is exciting i get to go talk to these people about something i love about a job i think i'm good at about why i think i'm good for this company and if you're doing this i see a lot of you in the comments that are like well i just need a job i get that you got to figure out why you want this job there's got to be something in there that you're excited about or else we really should look for something else you need to go in thinking i'm just excited to go talk with this other person about things i enjoy doing this takes away a ton of the pressure right it's just a conversation it's not oh my gosh i have to have the most perfect answers ever known to man and if i don't say everything i practice there's no way they're going to hire me i have to go in and make sure i do this perfectly instead we could ease back a little bit right have a little bit more relaxation to it basically we are trying to calm nerves down and make this experience a pleasant one instead of one that you're dreading okay so this last tip is not for everyone i fully admit that but i still think it's valid and you need to decide if this mindset trick will work for you you need to pretend that you're not going to get the job anyways so this is actually an audition trick actors use a lot because a lot of actors say they love acting they hate auditioning auditioning feels like so much pressure you get these 30 seconds in the room if you've ever seen la la land when she auditions that's very real like you go in people aren't even looking at you uh it seems like they don't care it's just and you're like my life is riding on this and it just gets hard so i have a lot of actor friends who have said the easiest thing to do in an audition is to kind of throw it away like i'm not gonna get it anyway so this is just for me i'm just gonna go in and do the best job i can do and just get better at auditioning and i think you can do the same with interviews you can go you know i've heard the rumors that they're gonna hire so and so who sits next door and so this is just to fulfill hr compliances so i'm just gonna use this as practice and give the best interview i can give so that i can get feedback afterwards you know i can figure out what did i do well what didn't i and just go in and do it for myself so it can also take the nerves away because of that approach right now don't do what i said before if this is something that would hit you to the point of uh i don't really care and it just kind of makes you blow off the interview don't do it i had a client who said this approach would not work for her because when she's like ugh i'm not gonna get it anyway what's the point she just kind of doesn't give her best it's swinging the pendulum too far this way so you need to think about would this work for you in terms of just calming nerves of well i'm not going to get it so i'm just going to use this as great practice like some good free practice or would it throw you to the end of who really cares and you've got like a bunch of attitude so think through wouldn't work for you but like i said i think it's gonna work for some of you so i wanted to throw it out there as an option and of course to really combat nerves the thing i think helps more than anything is practicing practicing practicing you cannot walk into an interview having done no practice and think you're gonna do a good job if you've practiced a bunch before it's going to make you feel so much more confident so prepared for the interview in front of you and that is how you'll really calm the nerves now to practice well i have a course feel confident and prepared for your next interview it's a very affordable course you can find it in the description box below i literally walk you step by step through my interview prep and practice process and it has never steered me wrong i know it will work for you too so you can get that below that is it for today thank you so much for watching let me know which mindset trick do you think will work best for you in the comments i read all of them and i will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Cass Thompson Career Advice
Views: 40,987
Rating: 4.963964 out of 5
Keywords: career tips, cass thompson career, interview anxiety, mindset tricks to calm anxiety, interview nerves, job interview, interview tips and techniques, job interview tips, calm interview nerves, how to stay calm in a job interview
Id: nac0ekXBqcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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