How to Be NOT NERVOUS in a Job Interview

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hey everybody Don Georgevich here job interview tools today I want to talk to you about being yourself in a job interview that's right being you being the real authentic you in a job interview have you ever gone on an interview where you just felt nervous and uncomfortable like almost the whole time and then when you got out of the interview you're like wow you know I I did a terrible job they didn't see the real me I didn't get a chance to show them who I was and they got to see some other part of me that I don't even know who that person is well you're not alone that happens to a lot of people you see we go into an interview and we have so much tension and fear about this interview that it changes who we are it changes the way we act and respond to questions it I mean interviews I mean it's not a natural thing interviews are not natural so when we go in there we're in a very unnatural setting trying to be ourselves and you know what we're not we end up screwing that up and the interviewer doesn't get to see who we really are and they're like well you know I don't think this person is right for the job because they didn't get a chance to see the real you and in some cases you start to warm up near the interview maybe after you know 40 or 50 minutes and the interview you start feeling more comfortable you find a groove you start talking about your experiences and you feeling good and then the interview is over so they got to see like the real you for about 10 minutes and but not real you for like you know 40 or 50 minutes so how are they going to make up their mind they're going to make up their mind based on the first 40 minutes and that's the worst part of you and that's probably why you don't get certain jobs that you apply for because interviewers make up their mind right away about whether they like you or not they're not so concerned about the last 10 minutes so what I want to do is I want to teach you in this video how you can be you know on your game you know the whole sixty minutes so they can see the real you from the minute you walk in there and shake their hands so here's how we do that if you think about it go back go back to the last interview you had and think about the groove that you got it when you start a talk in you know and everything was just coming to you and you could you could talk about your experiences you made yourself look great your team look great the company everything you were on your game but yeah how was that why were you on a game in the last ten minutes it's because you started you changed your state you started thinking about all the experiences all the work experiences that you had and the memories that are associated with those so you're thinking back to these past experiences that you did with your colleagues and your friends and and those were good times it's like your your mind is kind of transcending back into a different time a time when you were comfortable a time when you felt like yourself a time when you were the boss not a time when you were in a job interview a time when you were doing what you do a time when you were doing the very best at your chosen career you know whatever that is whether that's web development whether that's accounting whether that's engineering it doesn't really matter but you start talking about your stories and your experiences and in your mind you're going back to that time a time when you were comfortable so how can you be that comfortable how can you start off that way instead of having to work up to that you know what the answer is gonna surprise you it's really not that hard all you have to do before your interview is start preparing for your interview by thinking back of all of your work experiences the best way to do this is get out get out a sheet of paper and start writing down your experiences pick like maybe pick one project that you worked on and write out all the details like break it up break it up into four phases phase one two three four this is what we did in phase one that's what we did in two three four and then just start and this could be a prod you know from years ago or last month it doesn't matter but start rewriting everything that you worked on everything that you did and the more you keep thinking about this the more that's going to keep coming to your mind I keep writing it down writing it down refreshing it and what you're doing is you're transferring all those long-term experiences all that long-term work experience to your short-term memory so your long-term memory is a disaster it stores things in a real haphazard way and it becomes very difficult to pull that information out during the interview which is why you struggle to answer questions so much because you're pulling all this stuff from your long-term memory what you want to do is rewrite those long-term memory work experiences into your short-term memory now they're in the short-term memory your short-term memory is fast it's quick and it can talk about things very quickly without a lot of thought without having to think okay so you're with me so far I mean that makes sense right long-term memory haphazard storage disaster put things in short-term memory quick fast and you can start talking about anything at any given time so when you're in the interview and there's you know there's that extra pressure because there's people in there there's a job on the line you have just thought about all of your long-term work experiences move them over into into your short-term memory and now what you're going to do is when they ask you questions you're gonna be quick you're gonna be quick to answer and when you start thinking about those work experiences you're gonna think about the good times and the fun that you had on those projects that's going to relax you it's going to relax you in the interview and they're going to get to see the real you that's the whole point and don't just do this for one project and we start with one but then maybe pick two or three other projects that that are related to the job that you're applying for and that have a lot of overlapping competencies and skills and things like that rewrite all those projects and and then reread them like you know write you know write them out you know a couple days before the interview and then reread that stuff before you go into the interview and continually reinforce past experiences move them over into that short-term memory and then we could go into that interview it's gonna be so easy to talk about that stuff and you're gonna be able to do it with a smile on your face you're gonna be able to talk about it like I just happened yesterday and you're gonna be able to go on and on and on and you're going to be yourself in the interview you won't be this other person who is afraid to talk or can't think of anything this this will also help it help you when you're in the interview and you know your brain freezes you ever have a brain freeze in the interview and you're like I don't know what to do I don't know what to say well this will eliminate brain freeze totally no more brain freeze if you rewrite all of your past experiences rewrite you get and you're gonna do it I mean you got to do it on paper you can't just sit and think about it you have to put pen to paper and write it out in detail and then after you go through it once go through it again I guarantee you're gonna find more things more things to fill in the blanks and all of this is going to fuel you in the interview and you're just gonna be unstoppable totally unstoppable you're you're gonna be you're gonna be on your best game ever I guarantee it cuz you are just gonna be fire off one two three four five and no matter what they ask you you are going to be able to answer it because you're comfortable you're confident you've already thought about this stuff ahead of time and that's the key that's one of the biggest reasons people fail interviews is because they think they're just gonna go in there and wing it they're like well they're gonna just kind of ask me about things that I've done in my past well you know I'll tell them whatever they want to know well you're doing yourself a great disservice if you don't think about all of these things that you plan to talk about ahead of time you have to think about all of this ahead of time that's why people fail because they don't think about any of this stuff ahead of time they just think they're gonna pull it out of the butt when they go in there and just say whatever the interviewer wants to hear it doesn't work that way because when you were in the interview you have a heightened level of nerves you're more nervous I mean there's a job on the line they maybe you don't have a job right now and you want one and this is the only way to get one now maybe you say you know what I'm not sure what they're gonna ask me well take a look at that job description and see the things that they're looking for and then start thinking about experiences that you have that relate to what they're looking for that's all there is to it you do that you're gonna go so much farther in the interview process I guarantee it I really do so go out there on your next job interview and let them see the real you let them see who you really are and that's the person that you know they're gonna like that's the person they're gonna fall in love with that's the person that they're going to want to make that job offer to not that other person who you don't even know who they are okay let's go out there be you on your next job interview all right my friend good luck and your next interview I will see you next time bye bye if you're ready to ace your next interview then don't leave anything to chance you can't just show up for a job interview and expect to nail it you know that you have to give yourself an advantage so if you'd like to learn more from me than this video then I encourage you to grab a copy of the complete interview answer guide and prepare yourself to answer interview questions the right way inside you're getting like 20 years of interviewing and hiring experience and they'll teach you what you need to say to employers so they want to hire you so if it's been a while since your last job interview or you have an interview today don't spend countless hours figuring out this stuff instead let me take you by the hand and show you how right now when you order your copy from job interview tools com you're supporting my channel my messaging job seekers all over the world and you're getting a book that is all helped over a million people get hired for their number one job you'll also get direct email access where you can ask any questions and get my personal take on your situation so you'll never be alone during your job search and finally if you found this video helpful then give it a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe to my channel so you get notifications every time I release a 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Channel: Don Georgevich
Views: 50,143
Rating: 4.961144 out of 5
Keywords: #jobinterview, #nervousness, job interview questions, job interview help, job interview nervous jitters
Id: gUVzyOJfX7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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