Why should we hire you? BEST ANSWER | Interview Tips

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why should we hire you I will be honest I think this is one of the most loaded questions in an interview it is right up there with what's your greatest weakness but doesn't mean you don't have to answer it if you practice and strategize I promise you can have a great answer to this question that directly relates you to the position and puts you above every other candidate so I'm Cassandra and I help motivated professionals build their careers and businesses through practical tips to help them in their career journey let's get into today's lesson question why should we hire you is a slightly nuanced different version of why are you interested in this position they stand similar they are different questions now if you need help with how to answer why are you interested in this position I did a whole video about it you can find it in the card here and I'll put it in the description box below but now let's get into why should we hire you answering the question why should we hire you is your opportunity to give your unique value proposition to the company yes your unique value proposition mm-hmm so basically you want to show what makes you stand out from other candidates what makes you uniquely qualified for the position this means during your interview prep you need to really research the company the department the position go through and take notes what are they looking for that you think most candidates won't have that you have I mean it's a known fact that very rarely does anybody fit all the qualifications in a job description and there's some that are probably a little more wish list item than others so look for those and if you have them this is where we start it and go okay I'm gonna talk about that so for example I will use myself I work as a career counselor in a college with all students that are looking at communications fields a lot of those wanting go into entertainment and when I looked at the job description for this position they were looking for someone who had career background like had worked in a career center before had a degree in higher education but in the like additional qualities section it said you know would love a background in film television etc now how many people have a master's in higher education and have worked in entertainment before let me tell you very field so I know immediately I am gonna be a highly qualified candidate for this position above others because I have this weird skillset that most people aren't going to have I had my master's in higher education I had worked in a Career Center at a college for a year and oh yeah I worked in television for 10 years so what a weird set of skills to end up bringing but it made me really unique and great for the position so your answer to this question should hit on some of those key qualities they're looking for in a candidate but you should also give that little extra like hey on top of these things here's where I think I can go above and beyond all the other candidates no you don't need to say all the other candidates but think about the ways that you can go above and beyond and share that and it should be based on your skills now I know you might be sitting here going but what if I don't have any unique skills like what if this is kind of the next step in my career and I have the basic qualifications but nothing that makes me unique well this is when we need to share our passion ok this is when you're gonna say I know you are looking for somebody who can do the job and I think my answers on these questions have shown I can do the job but I want you to know it's not that I can just do the job I am passionate about this job and then tell them why people love to just go and I'm really passionate about this job oh wow I believe you know your eyes should light up a little bit you should be giving them clear facts of what makes you passionate so if this is your dream company and they create a magazine tell them how you have read that magazine month since you were 12 like you've got to back it up with why you're passionate about the company or about the position tell them how you love getting into project management and why you think it's good for you or whatever the thing is but give an example and that's really key whether it is passion or unique qualities qualifications you have from the past you have to give examples in either case you can't just say like let's say it's something where you realize the company doesn't really have any social media and you've done social media for the last two years in your last position and you think that's something extra you could bring to this position on top of the qualifications and the job description you're not just gonna say oh yeah I think I'm unique because on top of these things that you want I could also run your social media no you're gonna say well for the last two years I ran the social media at my last company or at my current company and in that time I you know increased our followers by blah blah blah numbers and impressions by such-and-such percentages and I'd be really happy to do that for this company as well on top of the things listed in that job description so an example was given so examples are key promise you okay so to get more interview answer tips feel free to click the playlist right here and if you just need some general interview help click the playlist right here I am Cassandra thank you so much for watching I will see you in the next one
Channel: Cass Thompson Career Advice
Views: 170,760
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Keywords: career tips, cass thompson career, interview tips, interview advice, why should i hire you, why should we hire you, job interview questions and answers, interview questions and answers, interview answers, why should we hire you interview question, why should we hire you best answer, job interview, why should we hire you for this position, interview question why should we hire you, job interview questions, job interview questions and answers 2019, interview questions
Id: of5JSi_Im9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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