Questions to ask at the End of an Interview | Career Interview Tips

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so you're in a job interview and it comes to the end and the interviewer says so that's all of our questions do you have any questions for us what do you say what do you ask in this video I will share with you what not to do in this situation the types of questions you want to ask and make sure you stay till the end because I will give you the best yet scariest question that you must ask to help you get the job I'm Cassandra Thompson your career consultant and it is time to get down to business so what not to do when they say do you have any questions for us please do not say no you know I think you answered everything for me I think I'm good no you have questions you always have questions and I think a lot of people think oh okay so my question will be yeah I do have a question what's the next step in this process now that's a fine question you can ask it but it shouldn't be your only question also I always recommend coming up with more than those and we'll talk about what they should be because sometimes they answer that before they ask if you have questions so they finish your part of the interview and then they say okay well the next steps in this process are this this and this but before we go do you have any questions for us and if your only question was what are the next steps now you're scrambling going what other questions do a how what am I gonna ask them so you want to have a couple of questions ready alright so the types of questions you want to ask you want to ask questions you genuinely have so when you're preparing for the interview jot down some questions you have what are the concerns you have for this position what do you really want to know but you want to ask questions that are also showing that you are looking to success in this position if you got it so you want to be kind of forward-thinking in your questions questions around the culture of the company people's past successes and challenges in the department all tend to do well for me one question I really like is a culture question like tell me about a typical day in this position or I actually really like what's a typical work week like here because when you ask what the typical day every company the response will be well there's no such thing it's a typical day you're like you're in accounting there's a typical day but I digress I like to ask like oh so what's a week look like around here you'll learn about when team meetings are do they do stand-ups every morning is there happy hour on Fridays if you're one of these tech companies you get all those fun things if you had the accounting coming you maybe not so much but you'll learn about what it's like to work there so it shows that you have interest in what they do but you're also getting information so you can see can I picture myself in this environment then you want to ask questions that show that you are already thinking of what it would take to be successful in this position so those could be a couple of things like what is it that you would like someone in this position to accomplish in the first 90 days or what is the one trait that you see in people that makes them really successful in this position another one I like is how a past employee has been successful in this position that's easy you also might want to ask about challenges it shows that you're not afraid of a challenge as well as okay let me think of how I can problem solve in that challenge now you're not going to give an answer to that but you want to ask them what are some of the challenges you foresee in the next six months this position we'll be working on it shows once again that you are already trying to figure out how am I going to do well here how can I do my best for you and then another popular one is to try and connect with the interviewer a little more while also getting some idea of that culture so what made you choose to work here or what is your favorite part about working for this company or doing working in this department make sure you're not asking questions that you could Google the answer to so I love asking about culture just straight up what's the culture but I ask it about the department not the company because most companies now you can learn about their company culture on their LinkedIn page or on their website but you can't find out about that department so I tend to ask what's the culture of this department light it just kind of helps get a feel for if I could see myself there here's my big trick with this is you want to always have at least three questions in your back pocket that's how I like to say it because you want to have these ready because inevitably one will be answered for you so I try to have one that is success driven one that's culture related and one that's more connecting because inevitably if I only have the culture question I'm gonna sit down and they're gonna say so before we ask you any questions we want to give you a little bit more of a sense of the culture of our company and then they'll go on and on about the culture and I'll be sitting there not listening to them going oh my gosh so is my only question for the end what am I gonna do now I have no questions at the end how am i what am I going to say what's my question and I missed everything so one question will always be answered so I always have a culture future success and a connecting question just in case one of them is already answered then the question you have to ask but it is so scary and this is a question that it takes summer but I promise you it will be worth it based on what we've talked about today is there anything that is leaving you with heavens hesitancy and see I can't even say the word hesitancy with hiring me for the position take a moment think about that that's a hard question to ask because here's the thing they're going to give you an answer sometimes it's not the answer you want to hear sometimes it's something directly related to the position sometimes I've had people be blatantly honest and say well you know you just don't have these skills so we've had stronger candidates okay that kind of sucks however if you get an answer is that bad the beauty of it is you know right away not to be waiting by the phone for their call you can pick yourself right back up and go start interviewing for more jobs go start applying for more positions because you know this one's probably just not it and it's a skill that or an experience that you can't help that you didn't have now they might say well you don't have a lot of experience in this area great this is now your chance to make the argument for why you should get the position anyways this question allows you the opportunity to fight for the drop so they say you haven't had a lot of experience doing XYZ well that is why I'm so excited to work here I love a new challenge and I'm excited to learn about something new and I know I will just hit the ground running because learn something new and different doing something I haven't done before it keeps me going and so I'm excited to learn more about that area to work in it and the other thing that comes to come up is they'll say well you didn't give a great example to blah blah blah a question that they asked earlier and so this gives you a chance to go oh I'm sorry um could I give you another story there's actually another example I could use I actually did this back in college with a job and ended up getting a better position than the one they were going to give me because of my answer it happens I love this question because it gives you a chance to fight for the position normally at the end of the interview there are areas where they're questioning you going okay they seem good overall but I'm not sure about this or I'm not sure about that and not every interviewer asks follow-up questions sometimes they're left wondering those things by asking this you're giving the opportunity to clarify anything that's still leaving them uncertain it also is an awesome opportunity to show that you can handle feedback something that so many people are looking for these days is someone who can take feedback we are living in a feedback culture so you need to be able to handle feedback so this question shows you can do it and then like I said even though it'd be kind of a crappy answer if you get a really distinct mmm you just don't have this experience fight for the position make the argument of why you're great for it but if it seems kind of like nope they're not going with you at least now you have a better idea of where you stand in the candidate pool and it'll help you to just pick yourself up keep moving for the next position so to recap don't say that you have no questions at the end be prepared with three questions including one on culture future success and that feedback question and make sure to ask that feedback question at the end to clarify any uncertainties so you can make a strong argument of why you are a great fit for the position and if you haven't already hit the notification bell and share this video with any of your friends that are also working on their interview prep right now that is it for today thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Cass Thompson Career Advice
Views: 1,427,420
Rating: 4.9409847 out of 5
Keywords: interview questions and answers, questions to ask the interviewer, questions to ask in an interview, questions to ask interviewer at the end of the interview, job interview questions and answers, questions to ask in a job interview, job interview tips, questions to ask at the end of an interview, interview tips, questions to ask interviewer, questions to ask employers during an interview
Id: EbA5rzpSWLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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